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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy RP Board
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PlaceMarker Burn In Hell
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Mr. Oz Online
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-10-2024, 09:43 PM

Oz growled low as he looked at his match for yet again, a title opportunity

"AGAIN!? A-FUCKING-GAIN!? I am getting tired of being screwed over. I win a triple threat, beating the man that now holds the title that should RIGHTFULLY be mine! I wasn't the one who ate that pin. Screw that.

On the 29th Anarchy, I won that triple threat for a future title shot. There was no idea that the new Anarchy belt was on the line until the go home Anarchy before the PPV.

The powers that be, they don't allow me to choose the titles I want to go after. Constantly fucking me over.

Do you know how many times I have won title shot opportunities and how many were actually given to me? Too many to count. Yet I have to go through hoops once more. I may not fully respect Centurion, but both he and I are too prestigious to be in battle royales. We're too well known of a name to fight amongst the muck!"

Oz began to slam his head into a wall, hard, time and time again to the point the brickwork was bloodied and beginning to crack. Oz growled as he pulled his bloodied head away

"There's one man that should never have been in this match: Cadryn. He ate a pin at the PPV. He was the reason why John is the champion. He should be put SO FAR IN THE BACK OF THE LINE!~"

He slammed his head to put an exclamation point on each word


He let out a primal roar of hatred at Cadryn being allowed to sniff a title opportunity

"Nobody gives a fuck about the goddamn NOBODIES surrounding me and Centurion! NOBODY! NOBODY FUCKING CARES!"

He picked up a pipe wrench and began to break apart the wall he had began to crack into using his skull.

Once the wall was knocked down, Oz stalked his way out and into the world beyond it, lifting his head up, grinning wide as if there was nothing but anger and not a single ounce of mercy within him, making his stare seem to be the coldest one a person could receive, and the Cheshire Cat like grin made Oz look like he was truly out of his mind, as if he would kill, not because it felt good, but because someone mentioned the Snickers 'you're not you when you're hungry' slogan.

He walked out into the streets of Chicago, his forehead busted wide open, his hair matted with blood and sweat as he looked around, droplets of his life force falling onto pavement. His movements seemed... off, as if the big man learned how to pop and lock it. Fingers curled in seemingly different positions as he steps out onto the road and soon the loud screech of tires scraping against the blacktop. With a honk of the car, the driver popped his head out of the open window, and yelled out


As if seemingly to snap his own neck in order to get himself to see the man yelling at him. Within a few seconds, Oz has seemingly snatched the man by not his throat, not by the roots of his hair, no, instead the man's jaw was all that was left of the head. In Oz's hands, a jawless head, with the last electronic signals left in his brain, the eyes looked at Oz, who then spiked the man's skull into the ground, smashing it and bits of brain matter to fly out across the street. Screams echo up and down the street as people start leaving their cars and running away in fear.

"Nothing... how about you?"

His bloodied hand went to his ear as if trying to hear better,

"Silent. That's what I fucking thought."

Oz chuckled as he walked away, coated in blood and the camera begins to die, but before it can, Oswald says the following:

"You. All. Asked. For. This..."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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