In the frost-kissed parking lot of Santa's Workshop in North Pole, New York.
Fans bundled up in holiday attire buzz with excitement beneath twinkling Christmas lights. A festive air of anticipation swirls amidst the snowflakes, signaling the onset of an extraordinary night...
The crowd, full of Christmas cheer and wrestling enthusiasm, holds aloft signs that shimmer in the wintry night:
"Centurion Is My Grandma's Favorite Wrestler!"
"Roger's Rabid Revenge!"
"Welcome Back, Madison Dyson!"
"Sean Parker: A New Era Begins!"
"JGL= Necromancer Nonsense!"
"Mr. OZ: The Powerhouse!"
TODD: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a very special edition of ANARCHY, coming to you from the magical Santa's Workshop!"
BAMA T: "Todd, this is no ordinary ANARCHY. It's a Christmas spectacle, baby! We've got Centurion, our Anarchy champion, who's not too happy with Jett Sterling for setting up his first title defense in a match as unpredictable as tonight’s main event."
TODD: "That's right, Bama. Centurion views tonight's title defense as a misstep by Jett, but Sterling is responding to the champion's own critique – ANARCHY needs fresh talent, and boy, are we getting it tonight!"
BAMA T: "Absolutely! We've got Sean Parker making his in-ring debut right here on ANARCHY. A lot of eyes are on him to see what kind of impact he'll make."
TODD: "And talk about surprises, Madison Dyson makes a shocking return to the company. The crowd's already buzzing about what that could mean for the landscape of ANARCHY! Especially if she wins tonight!"
BAMA T: "Then there's Mr. Oz and Y'ALREADY KNOW WHO, both eyeing Centurion's championship. It's a lineup that's all set to bring chaos, excitement, and maybe even a few Christmas miracles! But, Todd, let's not forget the high stakes in our opening contest, baby."
TODD: "You're right, Bama. Tonight, the battle between Roger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt isn't just about settling scores. Levitt, with his flair for the dramatic, is aiming to assert his dominance in the most unusual way – through his mastery of the dark arts."
BAMA T: "And on the other side, Roger's here to thwart Levitt's ominous plans, armed with a mystical warhammer and driven by a noble cause to save the world from what he sees as a dark and dangerous threat."
TODD: "It's a struggle between the bizarre and the brave, and it's next!."
- vs -
The ringside area plunges into darkness as an ominous organ begins to play. Foreboding chants, sounding like children speaking in tongues, float over top of the organ's chords and rising from a pit of fire is none other than Hollywood actor (that bitch) Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Half of JGL's face is hidden by the black robe he wears, the tail of which is carried by two henchmen wearing macabre devil masks. The trio stalk to the ring, JGL's hands held to the sky allowing all to bask in his evil glory. Stopping at the stairs into the ring, he waits for his henchmen to rush ahead of him and hold open the ropes for him to climb through. Once inside the ring, the lights rise and JGL raises his hands to the sky once more. His henchmen fall in behind him, one passing him a microphone in the process.
JGL: Ni hao, you sluts! It is I, master necromancer, Hollywood man of sex, and budding ornithologist, Joseph Gordon-Levitt! Today is a glorious day! For I will engage in combat for your entertainment, but mostly, so that I can once and for all be rid of that pest Roger and have a clear path to taking over the world. What delicious irony that this battle should take place tonight, when the Anarchy championship is on the line against the whole world. The very world I will be enslaving! Mwahahaha! You cannot stop me!
A clear chant of “RO-GER! RO-GER! RO-GER!” breaks out in the crowd. JGL scoffs.
JGL: Your hero cannot stop me either! For I have his pet rabbit at my whim! Bring forth the animal!
From the back, a cage begins to roll down to the ring seemingly being pushed along by nothing. Maybe magic?
Roger's pet rabbit Elmer sits within, chewing some lettuce all chill and shit. Rabbits are sweet.
JGL: This rabbit is a symbol of all of your futures! When my wicked awesome plan to take over the world is complete, your lives will be in metaphorical cages too! This is such a clever, high brow metaphor. I am a genius! Mwahahaha! Now… there is one final order of business before this battle should begin. You two…!
JGL points at the commentary table.
JGL: Your services will not be needed. For my henchmen will provide the kind of insight into tonight's BATTLE TO THE DEATH that the two of you could only dream of! Henchmen…! Reveal thyselves!
The two henchmen take off their masks revealing…
George Clooney and…
John Wayne?
JGL: Behold! My apprentice necromancer, fellow Hollywood man of sex, and weekend drunk, George Clooney! And my finest necromanced creation: the resurrected John Wayne. Henchmen… assume your positions.
John Wayne, who might be a zombie, threatens Todd and Bama T who quickly clear out not wanting to get into a fight and also kind of not wanting to be a part of whatever clusterfuck is about to happen.
JGL: Now without further ado… bring forth the sacrifice!
A pause gives way to those same “RO-GER!” chants before suddenly…
The entire North Pole erupts as Roger comes out onto the stage swinging a gigantic warhammer! Pyro explodes and the novice wrestler doesn't even get scared. Roger is all business, with only two things on his mind: Freeing Elmer and bludgeoning (that bitch) Joseph Gordon-Levitt to death!
He goes for the first thing first, rushing straight to the rabbit's cage and trying to unlock it.
CLOONEY: What a cheap move, this match hasn't even started!
JGL shoots a frickin’ lightning bolt or something at Roger and the bell rings I guess. The lightning narrowly kissers Roger's beautiful hair but the threat is enough to cause him to duck away, unable to free Elmer in time.
CLOONEY: Get him, boss! Show that cheat why the city of angels is so much better than foggy london.
Indeed that's apparently also another thing these two are fighting over so obviously the stakes are super high and whatnot. JGL shoots another lightning bolt and Roger ducks away.
JGL: Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Roger has to think hard about his plan. Suddenly he remembers the old Pokémon games he used to play as a youngin of about 55 minutes ago and he remembers that ground types are immune to electric attacks and so he pulls out some ground chilli pepper (perhaps being a little bit confused), opens the container, and throws it into the air just as another lightning bolt tried to strike him.
Inexplicably, it works! The lightning dissipates!
CLOONEY: It has no effect.
Seeing an opening, Roger dusts himself with ground chilli pepper and begins his charge towards (that bitch) JGL! Lightning bolt after lightning bolt ricochet of his gangly frame as he gallops like a four-legged horse but all the legs are different sizes towards his nemesis.
Roger slides into the ring! Warhammer at the ready! He swings!
JGL teleports up into the rafters!
ROGER: Oi that's not fair, mate, come down here do i can have a wallop of you good and proper.
JGL: Haha, you fool! Can't see you are no match for my awesome might! Now behold! Skeletons!
Right on cue skeletons start forcing their way out of the earth. They charge at Roger like a horde of, well, skeletons. He yelps in obvious terror but not quite as terror-affected as he would have been a few months ago because of all the work he has put in at being brave.
One of the skeletons turns towards George Clooney a bit taken a back by his random zeal for genital cannibalism. But that was the last mistake the skeleton would ever make because Roger shatters him into a million pieces with his warhammer. He swings it wildly like a lunatic, taking out skeleton after skeleton until JGL has finally had enough and summons a full-blown dragon into the ring!
Somewhere, Todd and Bama T agree that leaving ringside was a very good idea.
Suddenly, “Who Let The Dogs Out?” hits again and… a frumpy old woman comes out onto the stage? She's super pasty. Like, so pasty you can tell that she is English.
CLOONEY: Oh my Satan! It's Roger's Mum!
ROGER: Mummy…?
JGL: Mommy…?
The two stare at each other, unsure what just happened.
ROGER'S MUM: Stop it! Stop it, boys! Joseph, my dear master necromancer, please… put your dragon away.
With a snap of his fingers, JGL complies and the dragon disappears into dust.
ROGER'S MUM: I cannot bear this any longer. It's time to tell you both the truth. Joseph… Roger… you are brothers.
ROGER: No way Jose! That is a wicked whore who could not be my brother if we were born of the same mum!
ROGER'S MUM: That's umm… that's how brothers work. And I birthed you both.
JGL: But… but… he's a ginger!
ROGER: And he's a grotesque bitch!
ROGER'S MUM: Even so. You see… I have another secret… there are more siblings. Every Christmas since I was 18 years old I make sex with one lucky man and over the next 9 months I carry his child to term, then hand him back.
ROGER: Like… a Christmas surrogate mother?
ROGER'S MUM: Yes. But with full penetration.
JGL: But mommy… does this mean there are more of us?
ROGER'S MUM: It means there are 50 of you. 25 named Roger, and 25 named Joseph.
ROGER: And what about this year? Are you going to sex another man up on Christmas Day? What about daddy?
Roger's Mum explodes into a rain of confetti.
ROGER: What magic is this?! What did you do?!
He points an accusatory finger at (that bitch) Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
JGL: My magic is too dark for sparkles like that!
CLOONEY: That's a good point.
Roger thought so too, stroking his chin.
JGL: I fear, my ginger brother, that our mother is… dead.
ROGER: Noooooooooooo!
The heroic Roger falls to his knees in anguish. JGL drops from the rafters and places a reassuringly evil hand on his shoulder.
JGL: My brother, I feel your pain. Let me ease it. Today we have lost a mother, but we have gained each other. And there are 48 more of us out there! Let me declare my plan to take over humanity is now forfeit. I have a new plan!
He raises Roger to his feet.
JGL: I will unite our family! I will avenge our mother! But I can only do it… with you by my side.
He offers a hand.
Roger sobs.
ROGER: Today I lost my mother, but… I also lost an enemy. And gained a brother. With our powers combined, there is nothing we cannot do.
The crowd cheers. Or maybe?
George Clooney cries.
CLOONEY: It's beautiful. John…?
He turns to his broadcast partner John Wayne.
CLOONEY: Anything to add?
WAYNE: [something racist]
CLOONEY: Ah yes, that's why we haven't let you say anything else. You know you were resurrected by the Dark Arts, right?
John Wayne promptly re-kills himself, sending himself straight back to hell. Clooney just shrugs.
In the ring, Roger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt embrace.
CLOONEY: Umm… I guess that's all? Yeah… I don't know. Let's just got to a break and the other guys will be here when you get back.
WINNER: Umm… the children who won't be enslaved?
Todd and Bama T cautiously return to their commentary positions.
TODD: "Well... that was certainly something I never thought I'd witness in a wrestling ring."
BAMA T: "I'm not sure what we just saw, Todd, but it sure was... unique. Roger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, brothers? And the sudden, explosive – literally – exit of Roger's Mum? This is a twist no one could have seen coming, baby!"
TODD: "Absolutely, Bama. It started as a match and turned into a family reunion, complete with necromancy, confetti, and a dash of existential crisis. Poor Roger!"
BAMA T: "But the action don't stop there, baby! It's time to shift our focus to the main event of the evening, the X-MAS XTREME ELIMINATION MATCH. Centurion defends his title against a lineup that's as unpredictable as the match we just witnessed."
TODD: "That's right, and after what we've just experienced, ANYTHING could happen in this elimination match.
The ring is set up in the parking lot, surrounded by a sea of eager fans, their breath visible in the crisp, chilly air.
"Wild Thing" blares through the speakers!
Centurion strides confidently towards the ring. The Anarchy Championship resting on his shoulder as he acknowledges the roaring crowd.
TODD: "Here he comes, folks, the Anarchy Champion himself, Centurion! You can feel the intensity radiating off him as he prepares to defend his title in the OPEN X-MAS XTREME ELIMINATION CHALLENGE!"
BAMA T: "That's right, baby. Centurion's got that champion's aura, but tonight, he's up against THE ENTIRE WORLD, BABY! Anything can happen, and I mean anything!"
Centurion enters the ring, ready for battle.
But instead of his opponents' music, another tune starts to play -
A random 50's rock hit!
The crowd's excitement turns to curiosity as Anarchy General Manager, Jett Sterling, makes his way to the ring.
TODD: "Wait a minute, that's not one of Centurion's opponents. Is it!?"
BAMA T: "Looks like Jett's got something up his sleeve, baby. And from the look on Centurion's face, he's none too pleased about this interruption."
Centurion watches with a mix of annoyance and intrigue as Jett Sterling, oozing his usual charismatic flair, enters the ring and grabs a microphone. The music fades, and the crowd quiets down, eager to hear what the GM has to say.
JETT STERLING: "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I know you're all excited to see Centurion defend his title in the X-MAS XTREME ELIMINATION CHALLENGE, and believe me, so am I. But, I've got a little twist for you all tonight!"
TODD: "A twist? What does Jett have in mind? This is already one of the most unpredictable matches in ANARCHY history!"
BAMA T: "Jett Sterling is full of surprises, baby. And when he says he's got a twist, you best believe it's going to shake things up!"
The crowd murmurs with anticipation, and even Centurion seems to be reluctantly curious about what Jett Sterling has to announce.
JETT STERLING: "Centurion, you've made quite the impact claiming the Anarchy Championship, but your first title defense won't be a straightforward one. Nope, we're doing things a little differently. Tonight, your opponents won't be coming to this ring. Instead, you'll be going to them – right into the heart of Santa's Workshop!"
The crowd erupts with excitement, while Centurion, standing in the ring, looks visibly taken aback by this unforeseen challenge.
JETT STERLING: "That's right! You'll face a series of challenges inside the workshop, against opponents we've announced and some surprises too."
TODD: "This is extraordinary! Centurion's first title defense is turning into an adventure through Santa's Workshop!"
BAMA T: "Talk about a trial by fire, baby!"
JETT STERLING: "Centurion, I didn't disagree with your assessment that Anarchy was lacking challengers. So, I fixed it. Now, it's time for you to step up. Prove that you're the man to lead Anarchy into its next generation, or fail and let someone else be that person. Go get 'em, tiger!"
With those final words, Jett Sterling gives Centurion a playful pat on the butt and exits the ring, leaving Centurion to digest the monumental task ahead of him.
TODD: "Well, folks, Centurion's championship reign is about to be tested in a way we've never seen before, in a quest through Santa's Workshop!"
BAMA T: "This is what being a champion in ANARCHY is all about, baby. Facing the unexpected and coming out on top. Centurion's journey starts now, and we're all here to witness it!"
Centurion exits the ring and approaches the main gate of Santa's Workshop.
Centurion cautiously enters the park. The twinkling lights and festive cheer give way to a sense of impending action. He passes by a carousel, eerily still in the night, and a hall of mirrors reflecting his cautious movements.
Suddenly, from the shadows of the Winter Wonderland Maze, Mr. Oz emerges.
The crowd, watching from monitors in the distance, erupt into cheers as the first challenge for Centurion begins.
TODD: "And here we go! Centurion's first challenger is Mr. Oz!"
BAMA T: "Mr. Oz is like a tank, baby! This man doesn’t just wrestle, he bulldozes through his opponents. Centurion's got his work cut out for him!"
Centurion, quick on his feet, launches into action with a Standing Dropkick, but Mr. Oz barely flinches. He responds with a crushing Clothesline, sending Centurion reeling back.
They move through the workshop, their fight taking them past an Ice Slide, where Centurion attempts to use the environment to his advantage. He leaps from the top, aiming a Bloody Symphony at Mr. Oz, but the powerhouse counters with a mighty Double A Spinebuster onto the frozen ground.
TODD: "Centurion is using every bit of his skill to take on the might of Mr. Oz. This is a battle of strategy versus strength!"
BAMA T: "And look at them go, baby! They're fighting through Santa's Workshop like it's their own personal battleground!"
The fight intensifies near the Candy Cane Lane, with Centurion executing a swift Saito Suplex, momentarily stunning Mr. Oz. Seizing the opportunity, Centurion unleashes a V Trigger, but Mr. Oz powers through, catching Centurion in a Bear Hug, ragdolling the champion with his overwhelming strength.
TODD: "Centurion is really being put to the test here. Mr. Oz's power is almost inhuman!"
The festive lights of Santa's Workshop flicker ominously. The crowd, watching intently from monitors, gasps as a new figure appears on the scene.
"Ken's Theme" by ToxicxEternity blasts through the speakers, heralding the arrival of Sean Parker.
TODD: "And here comes Sean Parker! Known for his high-flying moves and technical prowess, he's about to shake things up!"
BAMA T: "Sean Parker is a dynamo in that ring, and he's here to prove he's got what it takes to be at the top!"
Centurion, seeing an opportunity, uses the distraction to his advantage. He quickly gains his footing and launches a Saito Suplex on Mr. Oz, stunning the giant. Sean Parker, seizing the moment, executes a breathtaking "Leap of Faith" – a 1080 Twisting Corkscrew Senton, landing on Mr. Oz with precision and force.
TODD: "Incredible!"
BAMA T: "That's what I'm talking about, baby! High risk, high reward!"
Sean Parker jumps to his feet, his eyes locking with Centurion's. Without a word, an unspoken challenge passes between them, and they launch into a high-octane brawl. Sean, agile and swift, strikes with a series of martial arts kicks and punches, while Centurion counters with his technical prowess.
TODD: "Look at this, folks! Sean Parker and Centurion, two of the best in ANARCHY, going toe-to-toe. This is a clash we didn't know we needed!"
BAMA T: "This is what ANARCHY is all about, baby! Two top-tier athletes pushing each other to the limits!"
Their battle takes them near the Gingerbread House. Centurion lands a Smart Bomb, but Sean quickly recovers, retaliating with a Raidenrana, snapping Centurion down with incredible speed.
Just as their fight reaches its peak, the recovering Mr. Oz charges at both men. With a thunderous roar, he crashes into them, sending all three flying through the wall of the Gingerbread House in a shower of festive debris.
TODD: "Holy smokes! Mr. Oz just turned this fight into a demolition derby!"
BAMA T: "That's gotta hurt, baby! All three men are down, but who's gonna get up first?"
As dust and gingerbread crumbs settle, Mr. Oz is the first to rise from the rubble. Just as he regains his footing, two new challengers bursts onto the scene –
Dick Drizzle and Loady Potty Diaper, each eager to make their mark.
TODD: "Looks like the challengers are coming out of the woodwork now! Here come Dick Drizzle and Loady Potty Diaper, trying to seize their moment!"
BAMA T: "But Mr. Oz is on his feet, baby, and he's not just going to roll over for anyone!"
Dick Drizzle and Loady Potty Diaper, with a rush of adrenaline, charge at Mr. Oz in a bold attempt to take down the giant. However, Mr. Oz, barely phased by their attack, reacts with lightning speed. In a display of sheer dominance, he grabs them both by the necks.
TODD: "Oh no, this doesn't look good for Drizzle and Diaper!"
With a roar of power, Mr. Oz lifts both men high into the air and delivers a devastating double chokeslam, sending them crashing to the ground with earth shattering force.
BAMA T: "Double chokeslam! Mr. Oz is on a rampage, baby!"
Without missing a beat, Mr. Oz slides his palms to their chests and covers both challengers for the pin. The referee rushes over and counts it out.
TODD: "And there's the count! Mr. Oz has just eliminated Dick Drizzle and Loady Potty Diaper from this Xtreme Elimination Challenge!"
BAMA T: "Two down, but this battle is far from over, and only Jett knows how many challengers there even are! Centurion's title defense is turning out to be a warzone!"
As Mr. Oz stands up, the focus shifts back to Centurion and Sean Parker, who are still down.
As Mr. Oz stands towering over the fallen Dick Drizzle and Loady Potty Diaper, a new challenger makes her presence known.
The energizing rhythm of "King of the World" by Porcelain and the Tramps resonates through the air, heralding the entrance of Madison Dyson. With confident strides and a swaying of her dreadlocks, Madison approaches the scene, her focus locked on Centurion. A wicked glint shines in her eye as she brandishes a candy cane striped sledgehammer, a menacing sight for any opponent.
TODD: "Here comes Madison Dyson, and she's got her sights set on Centurion!"
As she nears the action, Madison begins trash-talking, directly targeting Centurion, who is still recovering from the earlier chaos. She waves the sledgehammer menacingly, making it abundantly clear to Centurion and everyone watching that her intention is to use the weapon to break his knees.
BAMA T: "Madison's not just here for a title, baby. She's here to maim! That sledgehammer could spell disaster for Centurion!"
Mr. Oz recognizes the immediate threat Madison poses to the champion. Instead of intervening, he watches warily, understanding the strategic advantage of letting these two fierce competitors clash.
Without a moment's delay, Madison Dyson swings her sledgehammer at Mr. Oz's knee. The sudden strike catches the towering Mr. Oz completely off-guard, and he crumples to the ground in a mix of shock and pain. Seizing this opportunity, Madison quickly sets up for her devastating Kiss-The-Curb Stomp.
TODD: "Madison Dyson is not holding back! That was a targeted strike, and now she's setting up for something big!"
With a ruthless glint in her eye, Madison positions Mr. Oz's head just right, ensuring he's in the perfect spot. She then delivers the Kiss-The-Curb Stomp with brutal efficiency, smashing Mr. Oz's teeth against the hard ground of Santa's Workshop.
BAMA T: "Ooh, that's gotta hurt, baby! Madison Dyson just laid out Mr. Oz with her Kiss-The-Curb Stomp! That's one way to take down a giant!"
Madison glares around the workshop and steps away from Mr. Oz when she notices Centurion and Sean Parker, having recovered from their earlier encounter, back on their feet, staring back at her with caution.
TODD: "Centurion and Sean Parker are back in the game, and with Madison Dyson now in the mix, this title defense is anyone's game!"
BAMA T: "That's the beauty of ANARCHY, baby! You never know what's going to happen next!"
The X-MAS XTREME ELIMINATION CHALLENGE continues to escalate as three NEW challengers emerge!
First up is Big Preesh, strutting onto the scene. His size alone is enough to turn heads.
TODD: "Look at the size of Big Preesh! He's a walking mountain, baby!"
BAMA T: "And he's got the attitude to match, Todd. He's here to make a statement, that's for sure."
Big Preesh moves with surprising agility for his size, heading straight for the heart of the action. His eyes are fixed on Centurion, Sean Parker, and Madison Dyson.
As Big Preesh makes his entrance, another formidable figure appears from the opposite side of the park.
It's Herschel Kiss, the towering powerhouse known as "Big Puddin'."
TODD: "And there's Herschel Kiss, the man known as 'Big Puddin'! He's as formidable as they come!"
BAMA T: "HE sure is big, ain't he, Todd!"
Herschel moves with a purpose, his eyes scanning the battlefield for the perfect opportunity to strike.
Finally, adding to the chaos is the unique and unpredictable Mini Morbid.
Despite his small stature. The crowd can't help but be drawn to this unusual competitor.
TODD: "And here comes Mini Morbid! Don't let his size fool you, this man is a powerhouse in his own right!"
BAMA T: "Absolutely, Todd! Mini Morbid might be small, but he's fierce, and he's here to prove that size isn't everything on ANARCHY!"
With all three challengers now on the scene, Big Preesh, Herschel Kiss, and Mini Morbid move in, each picking their target and engaging in fierce combat across the park.
Big Preesh confronts Madison Dyson. Herschel Kiss squares off against Sean Parker. Meanwhile, Mini Morbid takes the fight to Centurion.
TODD: "We've got battles breaking out all over Santa's Workshop! This is what ANARCHY is all about!"
BAMA T: "Every competitor is bringing their A-game, baby! This is going to be one for the history books!"
Big Preesh locks his gaze on Madison and the candy cane-striped sledgehammer that she wields. With swift and decisive action, he snatches the sledgehammer away, leaving her momentarily stunned. Big Preesh hurls the sledgehammer onto a nearby roof, effectively taking it out of play.
TODD: "Big Preesh just neutralized that sledgehammer! Madison Dyson's gonna have to find a new strategy!"
BAMA T: "Big Preesh ain't playing around, baby!"
Meanwhile, Herschel Kiss and Sean Parker are locked in a colossal battle. Sean darts around Herschel, using his speed to his advantage, but Herschel's sheer size and strength make him an immovable object.
TODD: "Herschel Kiss is like a wall, but Sean Parker is chipping away with his quick moves!"
BAMA T: "Whoa, look at Mini Morbid! He's like a wild animal up there!"
Mini Morbid jumps onto Centurion's shoulders, clawing at his eyes. Centurion, momentarily blinded, stumbles around the workshop, crashing into various obstacles. Despite his size and strength, he struggles to get a grip on the tenacious Mini Morbid.
TODD: "Centurion's in trouble here! He can't see, and Mini Morbid is relentless!"
Big Preesh and Madison Dyson find themselves near the Rudolph Express roller coaster, one of the many whimsical attractions of Santa's Workshop.
TODD: "Looks like Big Preesh and Madison Dyson are taking their fight to the Rudolph Express!"
BAMA T: "That's a roller coaster, Todd! This could get wild... uh-er!"
Big Preesh lifts Madison Dyson effortlessly, slamming her into one of the carts of the roller coaster. Without missing a beat, Big Preesh climbs into the cart, straddling Madison and begins unleashing a barrage of heavy punches.
TODD: "Big Preesh is dominating right now, but Madison Dyson is tough as nails. She's not going down easily!"
As the roller coaster suddenly lurches forward, Big Preesh continues his assault, unaware of the upcoming hazard. The ride gains speed, racing along the track with the two combatants locked in battle.
BAMA T: "They better watch out, baby! That roller coaster is picking up speed!"
As they approach a sharp turn, a warning sign flashes by, reading: "Remain Seated!" Big Preesh, caught up in his attack, fails to see the sign and smashes his head against it. The force of the collision stuns him, causing him to reel back in pain.
TODD: "Oh no! Big Preesh didn't see that sign coming!"
Madison Dyson, despite the blows she's taken, musters her strength and fights back. With a surge of adrenaline, she flips Big Preesh off her, gaining the upper hand.
BAMA T: "Madison Dyson turns the tables!"
The crowd watches in awe as the roller coaster, with Big Preesh and Madison Dyson still fighting atop it, disappears into a tunnel, leaving the outcome of their battle uncertain.
TODD: "What a turn of events! This match is full of surprises, and it's far from over!"
BAMA T: "You said it, Todd! On ANARCHY, anything can happen, and usually does!"
Across the park, Sean Parker and Herschel Kiss's battle continues. Sean manages to create some distance between him and the towering Herschel by climbing his way up the framing of Santa's Snow Slide. Herschel loses his footing and tumbles down. With Herschel momentarily disoriented, Sean sees his opportunity. He quickly repositions, ready to unleash his trademark move.
BAMA T: "Sean Parker's going high-risk! This could be the moment he's been waiting for!"
With precision and grace, Sean launches himself from nearly 30 feet, executing the “Highway to Hyrule” - a Shooting Star Press that seamlessly transitions into a devastating double knee stomp. He lands squarely on Herschel Kiss, how crumples under the impact.
TODD: "What an incredible move! Sean Parker's 'Highway to Hyrule' could be the end for Big Puddin'!"
The referee quickly slides in for the count as Sean hooks Herschel's leg.
As the Rudolph Express roller coaster emerges from the dark tunnel, Madison Dyson has managed to pin Big Preesh for the count.
TODD: "And here they come out of the tunnel! What's this? Madison Dyson has Big Preesh pinned down!"
BAMA T: "I can't believe it, baby! Madison Dyson turned the tables on Big Preesh!"
The roller coaster screeches to a halt, and the referee, who has been following the action closely, slides into position beside the coaster cart. He begins the count as Madison Dyson holds Big Preesh down with all her might.
TODD: "There's the count! Madison Dyson has eliminated Big Preesh!"
BAMA T: "Madison Dyson continues to prove why she's a force to be reckoned with. Taking down Big Preesh is no small feat, baby!"
As the crowd erupts into cheers and jeers, Madison Dyson triumphantly gets off Big Preesh and steps out of the cart. She raises her arms, basking in the glory of her victory, as Big Preesh lies defeated.
TODD: "What an incredible turn of events! Madison Dyson is still in this thing, and she's looking stronger than ever!"
BAMA T: "You got that right, Todd. Madison Dyson is proving she's not just a talker, she's a real contender for the Anarchy Championship!"
The battle between Centurion and Mini Morbid intensifies, with Morbid demonstrating his quick strikes. Centurion, however, uses his experience to counter. Spotting an opening, Centurion grabs Mini Morbid and sets him up for his signature move.
TODD: "Looks like Centurion's setting up for the 1000 Mile Slam!"
Centurion lifts Mini Morbid high above his head and then slams him down to the ground with incredible force.
BAMA T: "There it is! The 1000 Mile Slam! That's got to be it for Mini Morbid!"
Centurion quickly covers Mini Morbid for the pinfall, and the referee slides into position to count.
TODD: "And with that, Centurion eliminates Mini Morbid! The champion is holding his ground in this chaotic battle!"
Centurion stands up, regaining his composure, the crowd erupts in cheers outside. He looks around, ready for the next challenge.
TODD: "Centurion is standing tall, but this match is far from over. We still have Madison Dyson and Sean Parker roaming the grounds, and who knows who else is out there!"
BAMA T: "Wait, who's this now?!"
A wildly energetic figure bursts onto the scene. It's YKW, radiating an almost comical level of confidence and positivity.
His entrance theme blasts through the speakers, and YKW engages the crowd with his infectious energy, rapping and interacting with the fans. However, the crowd seems perplexed, unsure of who he is despite his insistent attitude that everyone should recognize him.
TODD: "It's... uh, Y-K-W, ladies and gentlemen! He's certainly got a presence, I'll give him that."
BAMA T: "This guy's like a walking party, baby! But does he have what it takes to take down the champ?"
As YKW makes his way towards the action, Centurion watches him approach. YKW's entrance is so over-the-top and oddball that it momentarily distracts Centurion, allowing YKW to capitalize on the moment of surprise.
YKW charges at Centurion with a Thez Press, launching a rapid series of 10 Count Punches right in front of the Winter Wonderland Maze. Centurion stumbles away, trying to gather his bearings as YKW maintains his energetic assault.
TODD: "YKW charges Centurion! The champ wasn't ready for that!"
Maintaining his momentum, YKW leaps off a decorative sleigh, landing a precise Broski Boot on Centurion, who's still trying to find his rhythm.
TODD: "YKW is using Santa's Workshop to his advantage! He's turning this park into his own personal playground!"
BAMA T: "Centurion's tough, but he's gotta adapt quick to YKW's style if he wants to stay on top, baby!"
As YKW continues his assault on Centurion, the camera pans to another part of Santa's Workshop, where Sean Parker is seen moving with purpose, his eyes scanning the festive landscape. He's searching for Centurion, ready to continue their showdown.
TODD: "Looks like Sean Parker is on a mission to find Centurion."
Sean cautiously navigates through the Candy Cane Forest. However, unbeknownst to him, Madison Dyson is lurking nearby, her eyes fixed on her unsuspecting target.
Madison, with a stealthy approach, readies herself for an ambush. Just as Sean passes a large, decorated Christmas tree, Madison leaps put, catching him off-guard with a flying clothesline that sends him tumbling to the snow-covered ground.
TODD: "It's an ambush! Madison Dyson just took Sean Parker by surprise!"
BAMA T: "Madison's playing it smart, baby! She's picking her moments and striking when least expected!"
Sean tries to recover quickly, but Madison relentlessly continues her attack. She uses her environment to her advantage, slamming Sean's head into a nearby candy cane pole, further disorienting him.
TODD: "Madison Dyson is relentless! She's using everything in Santa's Workshop to keep Sean Parker down!"
BAMA T: "This is what ANARCHY is all about, baby. You gotta be ready for anything!"
Sean, dazed but not defeated, begins to fight back. He blocks a punch from Madison and counters with a swift kick to her midsection, creating some much-needed space.
TODD: "Sean Parker isn't out of this yet! He's fighting back with everything he's got!"
BAMA T: "That's the spirit, baby! Never give up!"
As Sean Parker regains his footing, he shakes off the daze from Madison Dyson's ambush. The two circle each other amidst the twinkling lights of Santa's Workshop, each waiting for an opening.
TODD: "Sean Parker and Madison Dyson are sizing each other up, folks. This is going to be a clash to remember!"
BAMA T: "Both of these competitors are top notch, Todd. They're not going to give an inch!"
Madison makes the first move, lunging at Sean with a series of quick strikes. However, Sean, with his impressive agility, manages to evade and counter each blow. He finds his rhythm, matching Madison's ferocity with his own.
TODD: "Look at Sean Parker go! He's turned the tables on Madison Dyson!"
BAMA T: "That's the agility of Sean Parker, baby! He's like lightning in that ring – or, uh, in this case, Santa's Workshop!"
Sean spots an opportunity. He feints a left jab, causing Madison to instinctively block, leaving her head exposed. Seizing the moment, Sean executes the “Blade of Miquella” - a deadly Skull Kick, spinning with precision and connecting squarely with Madison's head.
TODD: "What a move! The 'Blade of Miquella'! Sean Parker might have just knocked Madison Dyson out cold!"
Sean quickly covers Madison for the pin, the referee sliding into position.
With a roar of fury, Mr. Oz pulls Sean off Madison, denying him the pinfall. The sheer force of Mr. Oz's intervention sends Sean flying across the workshop.
TODD: "Mr. Oz is back, and he's unfinished business with Madison Dyson!"
BAMA T: "This is personal for Mr. Oz, Todd. He wants to be the one to take Madison out of this match!"
Mr. Oz then turns his attention to Madison, who is still recovering from the devastating kick. He lifts her effortlessly, ready to exact his revenge.
TODD: "Things are looking dire for Madison Dyson! Mr. Oz is a man on a mission!"
As Mr. Oz prepares to unleash his fury on Madison Dyson, Centurion, having fought off YKW's surprise attack, rushes back into the fray. He targets Mr. Oz, intercepting him with a swift and powerful shoulder block to the injured knee.
TODD: "Centurion's back in action! He's going after Mr. Oz!"
BAMA T: "The champ's showing why he's the top dog in ANARCHY, baby!"
Centurion sets him up for the Fabula Nova Crystallis. With a tremendous effort, Centurion lifts the giant Mr. Oz and slams him down with a devastating impact.
TODD: "Fabula Nova Crystallis! Centurion just laid out Mr. Oz with the Fabula Nova Crystallis!"
BAMA T: "That's some power by the Anarchy Champion, baby! Centurion's proving he's not to be taken lightly!"
With Mr. Oz taken care of, Centurion quickly turns his attention to Sean Parker, who is watching cautiously, ready to engage. The two warriors lock eyes, acknowledging the challenge ahead. Meanwhile, Madison Dyson, taking advantage of the momentary distraction, seizing the opportunity, drapes an arm over Mr. Oz, pinning him. The referee quickly positions for the count.
Centurion faces off against Sean Parker. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as each wrestler counters the other's moves. However, Sean's speed proves to be a deciding factor as he begins to gain the upper hand.
TODD: "Sean Parker's got Centurion on the ropes!"
Sean executes a stunning "Hellheim Hellfire" (Twisting Northern Lights Bomb) on Centurion, sending the champion crashing to the ground with force.
BAMA T: "Hellheim Hellfire! Sean Parker might have just ensured a new champion tonight, baby!"
Just as Sean prepares to capitalize on his impressive maneuver, the unexpected happens. YKW, who has been lurking in the shadows, suddenly delivers a devastating "Y'ALREADY KNEW HOW THIS WOULD END" - a perfectly executed Sweet Chin Music (Superkick) that connects squarely with Sean Parker's jaw. Sean collapses to the ground, completely caught off guard by the sudden assault.
BAMA T: "YKW with the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere! Sean Parker is down!"
The crowd gasps in shock as YKW quickly covers Sean Parker for the pin.
TODD: "Sean Parker is still in this! A last-moment kickout!"
As the crowd erupts in disbelief, YKW, visibly frustrated, readies himself for another Sweet Chin Music.
BAMA T: "YKW is lining up for another one!"
But before YKW can execute his move, Madison Dyson, who's been stealthily lying in wait, springs into action. With a giant candy cane in hand, she hooks YKW from behind, pulling him away from Sean Parker at the last second.
TODD: "It's Madison Dyson with the save! Where did she come from with that giant candy cane?"
The impact of the candy cane sends YKW staggering forward, off-balance and disoriented. Madison wastes no time, capitalizing on the moment. She swings the candy cane again, this time with more force, catching YKW across the face.
Madison Dyson tackles YKW to the ground, gouging at his eyes. YKW struggles to defend himself, but Madison's attack is ruthless.
TODD: "Madison Dyson is showing no mercy! She's in full control now!"
Seizing her moment, Madison quickly transitions her assault into a perfectly executed "Miss Feel Good" - an Arm Trap Neckbreaker. Without hesitation, she covers him for the pin.
Exhausted, Madison Dyson lies on the ground, catching her breath and watching Centurion and Sean Parker, who are once again engaged in a fierce lockup.
TODD: "Madison Dyson has just eliminated YKW! And now it's down to Centurion, Sean Parker, and Madison Dyson!"
BAMA T: "Are we SURE this is all of 'em, baby!?"
Centurion, with a burst of strength, lifts Sean Parker for the 1000 Mile Slam. But Sean, showcasing his agility and quick thinking, slips out of Centurion's grasp at the last second and turns it into a “Raidenrana” (Snap Poisonrana), spiking Centurion headfirst into the ground.
BAMA T: "Incredible counter by Sean Parker! He just turned the tables on Centurion!"
With Centurion stunned, Sean quickly goes for the cover, hoping to secure a decisive victory.
TODD: "And Centurion kicks out at two! This match is still going!"
The crowd erupts in a mix of cheers and disbelief. Sean Parker, frustrated but undeterred, gets back to his feet, planning his next move. Centurion, showing the resilience that has defined his career, slowly begins to rise, ready to continue the battle.
BAMA T: "What a showdown this is! Any one of these competitors could walk out as the Anarchy Champion!"
As Sean Parker prepares for his next move, Madison Dyson suddenly lunges at him from behind. With a forceful shove, she knocks Sean Parker out of the way, clearing her path to Centurion.
TODD: "Madison Dyson with a surprise attack on Sean Parker! She's not done yet!"
In a swift motion, she grabs Centurion and executes a Cross Slam that sends Centurion crashing to the ground with immense force.
TODD: "Dead Bitch Walkin'!"
BAMA T: "This must be it for Centurion, Todd! We might be looking at our new Anarchy Champion, baby!"
Madison covers Centurion for the pin, the referee quickly sliding into position.
TODD: "Centurion is eliminated! Holy shit, Centurion is eliminated! Madison Dyson has just ensured we're getting a new Anarchy Champion tonight!"
The crowd is in an uproar as Madison Dyson stands up, a mix of exhaustion and triumph on her face. She takes a moment to regain her composure, knowing that only one obstacle remains between her and the Anarchy Championship - Sean Parker.
BAMA T: "It's down to Madison Dyson and Sean Parker! Who's going to take home the gold?"
Madison Dyson and Sean Parker, both weary from the grueling match, lock eyes. A silent understanding passes between them - this final confrontation will determine the new Anarchy Champion.
Madison surprises Sean with a sudden flurry of open-hand slaps and follows up with a step-up enzuigiri, knocking Sean to the ground. She quickly goes for the pin, and the referee slides into position to count!
TODD: "Madison Dyson thought she had it there! But Sean Parker is not giving up that easily!"
Sean, rallying back, executes a series of highflying moves. A spectacular Moonsault followed by a Sky Twister Press leaves Madison reeling. He covers her, but Madison definitely kicks out at two, much to the crowd's amazement.
Madison lands a devastating "Dead Bitch Walkin'"-Cross Slam on Sean. The crowd gasps as she hooks his leg for the pin.
TODD: "Unbelievable! Sean Parker just kicked out at 2.999999999 seconds!"
BAMA T: "Madison thought she had it, baby!"
Frustrated and determined to finish the match, Madison pulls Sean back to his feet. But Sean, summoning every bit of strength he has left, strikes Madison in the midsection, halting her momentum.
TODD: "Sean Parker is fighting back! He's not done yet!"
Sean Parker mounts a comeback. He leads Madison towards one of the park rides, using the environment to his advantage.
TODD: "What is Sean planning here?"
Madison Dyson, despite being on the defensive, refuses to back down. But Sean's tactical use of the environment keeps him one step ahead.
The fight takes them near a towering Christmas themed structure. Sean climbs up, dragging Madison with him.
TODD: "They're up high! This is dangerous territory!"
Sean sets up Madison for his “Howl of the Sniper Wolf” - a Jumping Twisting Tombstone Piledriver.
With a swift motion, he leaps, twists, and drives Madison headfirst into the ground from their elevated position.
Sean quickly covers Madison for the pin.
BAMA T: "Howl of the Sniper Wolf from up high! That's got to be it, baby!"
The referee rushes to make the count.
TODD: "Sean Parker does it! We have a new Anarchy Champion!"
The crowd erupts in cheers. Sean Parker, visibly exhausted but triumphant, is handed the Anarchy Championship. He clutches it tightly, a symbol of his victory in one of the most intense and dramatic matches in ANARCHY history.
BAMA T: "Sean Parker showed incredible skill and determination tonight. A well-deserved victory for the new Anarchy Champion! And before we go, I wanna say Merry Christmas to all our fans out there! Keep the spirit alive, baby!"
TODD: "Bama, remember, we've got a diverse audience celebrating all sorts of holidays this season. So, from all of us here at ANARCHY, Happy Holidays to everyone, no matter what you're celebrating!"
BAMA T: "You're right, Todd. Happy Holidays to everyone! Stay safe and enjoy the festivities!"
TODD: "That's it for tonight's thrilling ANARCHY action. We can't wait to see you all again. Take care, and Happy Holidays!"
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