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10-03-2023, 05:21 PM

Ricky Rodriguez

[Image: mobileRESEM111986sammy-guevara.jpg]

Wrestler's Real Name: Ricky Rodriguez.

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: 25/September 28th 1998

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 215lbs.

Hometown: Chino Hills, California

Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?): Face

Pic Base: Sammy Guevara

Backstory/Important Character Details:

The first and only child born to his parents. For the longest time, the two were told they weren't able to have children and after many attempts, they eventually took in a neighborhood boy, taking care of him as if he was their own.

It was maybe a year or two later before Ricky was born, a total surprise to all three of them. But even still, they never treated Bobby any differently and he went into more of a guardian role over the growing Ricky.

This carried on throughout school, Bobby always there to make sure Ricky stayed out of trouble. And for the most part, it worked perfectly. Ricky went through school without a hitch, really good grades, excelling in Track and Field. The path Ricky was on, you couldn't ask for a better one. It was safe.

But sometimes being safe isn't always the best option. Growing up, Ricky was always a huge fan of wrestling. The outrageous looks, the outlandish personalities, the athleticism. He spent many sleepless nights admiring the business as a whole, wanting to be a part of that world and when he was able, Ricky got in touch with a local trainer.

Even with that, there was only so much Ricky could learn balancing school, track, and wrestling training all at once. So, it was time to make a decision. With his parents' support promised, no matter what he chose, Ricky decided to take the ultimate risk, to leave everything behind and take that chance. Only time will tell if it pays off.

Strengths: Agility, Resilience, Adaptability.

Weaknesses: Naivety, Morality, Emotional/Easily Read.

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version):

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing):

The arena lights dimmed down, flashing red and green lights illuminating the area as the pulsating sounds of Disco Inferno(DJ Logy Remix) by The Tramps filled the air with those pulsating beats. Focus fell on the entrance ramp as two scantily dressed females, The RickRod Inferno Girls, stepped out onto the stage, their faces covered by intricately designed carnival styled masks. Their bodies moved in tune with the music, a noticeable synchronicity between the two. They motioned towards the middle as Ricky Rodriguez emerged from the back onto the stage.

Looking back and forth between the two, Ricky was all smiles, that hyped up energy radiating off of him as he danced along with them. The crowd was feeding off of them as the trio danced their way down the ramp, slapping hands with the cheering fans on either side of them. Once they reached the bottom, the Inferno Girls made their way to the ringside area. One standing on either side of the ring as they climbed up onto the apron, continuing their dance.

Ricky bounced back and forth from foot to foot, hyping himself up that much more. Bright green cheetah print boots and red boy shorts, revealing a good amount of bottom ass cleavage made up his attire. He bolted forward, sliding in under the bottom set of ropes as he bounced up to his feet. Running forward, he stopped directly behind the first, his arms extended outwards. Turning around, he ran up behind the other as well, arms thrown out just the same.

They dropped off of the apron as Ricky made his way to the middle of the ring, he bounced around, clearly feeling hyped beyond measure as he awaited the task at hand.

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?): High Flyer/Arm Targeting.

10 or More Standard Moves:

Leaping Calf Kick.
Multiple Arm Drags.
Arm Wrench Combinations(Leg Drop, Shoulderblock, etc etc)
Sit-Out Jawbreaker.
Falling Reverse DDT.
Pele Kick.
Superkick to the Shoulder.
Launching opponent shoulder first into the turnbuckles.
Standing Moonsault.
Headscissors Takedown.
Step-Over Takedown.
Hangman's Neckbreaker.
Arm Twisting Facebuster.
Tornado DDT(Diving and Seated).
Various Dives to the outside.
Arm Guillotine.
Second Rope Calf Kick.
Second Rope Armbreaker DDT.
Shooting Star Press.
High Angle Crossbody.
Frog Splash.
Diving Leg Drop.

Trademark Move Name(s):

Spinning Roundhouse Kick.
Armbreaker DDT.
Second Rope Wheel Kick.

Finishing Move Name(s):

Spirit Evolution: Running Stomp to the face of a seated opponent.
To The Top: Springboard Cutter.
Real Style: Reverse Fireman's Carry up and over into a raising knee.
Reflection: Rings of Saturn.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:

Coast to Coast with a chair.

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?): Ricky, himself, always gonna follow the rules, good guy shit. But the Inferno Girls, they're quick to interfere or distract on his behalf.

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