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Bulk Logan Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-19-2023, 04:37 PM

[Image: BULKSPWP.jpg]

The unmistakably BULKY figure of the 'Bulkster', Bulk Logan can be seen standing in a glitzy gym (like in Rocky II), surrounded by a sea of young women half his age (sorta like Rocky II), each one vying for his attention under the disco ball (I think like Rocky II? It's been a minute...) 

"Look around, brother! The Bulkster's living the high life! Soaking in the love of all these beautiful Bulkamaniacs! But you know what's really on my mind, dude? The fact that the Judge still can't seem to make up his mind on what he has to say about our upcoming match, jack!"

One of the women hands Bulk a sparkling drink. He takes a sip and continues, "It's like you're in a courtroom of confusion, brother! I think the Judge's got a case of cold feet, dude. Probably staring at that big yellow streak running down Dolly Waters' spine and wondering if his runs further!"

A lady in a red dress giggles and pipes in, "Maybe he needs a 'jury of his peers' to help him out!" Bulk winks at her appreciatively.

"That's right, sister!" Bulk exclaims while pointing to her. "But let me tell you, even if the Judge gathered every Misfit peer he had, brother, they'd all unanimously decide on one thing thing to be true, dudes: the Bulkster's gonna take that TV Championship shot right out of his grimy little paws, brother, and then I'm gonna rise right back up to where I was before, dude! Television Champion! As far as the Judge's verdict against the Bulkster!? GUILTY!! Damn right, dudes! Guilty of being the most electrifying force in all of wrestling!"

"Now Judge, you can hide behind your gavel, your robe, and to the very last minute, dude! But when it comes to YOUR judgment day at Relentless, you're gonna be begging the Bulkster for a recess, brother!"

Gesturing to the sea of women around him, he chuckles, "And while you're out there trying to figure out your closing statements, the Bulkster's here, surrounded by beauty, ready to reclaim his throne as the king of TV! The XWF Television Championship? I've never held it brother, but it's got my name written all over it, dude!"

Bulk flexes his muscles, eliciting cheers from the crowd of girls around him. "So, Judge, dude, grab your gabble, dust off that robe, prepare your best defenses, and get ready for a trial like no other. Because when Bulkamania runs wild in that ring, the only sentence you'll be getting is a lifetime of regret!"

Raising his glass high, Bulk Logan toasts to the crowd and the camera, "To the future TV Champion, and to the downfall of 'The Judge' before he could pass his first criminal verdict!"

"Whatcha gonna do, brother, when the Bulkster and all of TV come crashing down on YOOOOOOOOU?!"

Fade to hype card!

- vs -
- vs -
Standard Triple Threat
Winner receives a TV Title Shot
[Image: MOSHED-2023-9-19-20-32-19.gif]
Bulk continues to enjoy the ladies company, but now that the camera's are off, their interest in HIM seems to be waning... 
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AntonyTheJerk Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

09-19-2023, 05:43 PM


The camera fades in to the Misfits Communication Room to show the Misfits Manager, Antony the Jerk standing in front of it.

"This message goes out to the impatient Bulk Logan, who I am pretty certain doesn't know the rules just yet. That's okay. He's only new.

"My client doesn't really have to convey a promo until he's ready to. And it'll be his last promo. You've had two already, so you have nothing more to give, hence being part of the rules. Whereas my client has the one remaining promo. He's choosing his time when to drop that promo, it'll be any day now Bulk, and trust me when I say, he's ready for you. He's just taking his time like he's allowed. Whether you like it or not, it's just the way things are done around here. He's not running away from you, he's just biding his time.

"But hey I didn't have to come on here and say all of that, but I thought why not mention the rules to the newbie."

And with that the feed was cut off.
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Bulk Logan Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-20-2023, 05:37 AM

The morning light pierces through the gyms windows, casting warm morning rays over the scattered remnants of last night's party. Empty glasses, stray articles of clothing, and...


In the center of the room, face down on the floor, the enormous figure of Bulk Logan stirs, groaning with a heavy hangover. His bandana hangs half off of his head and his bright yellow trunks are the only other thing covering his enormous BULKY frame. 

His bloodshot eyes squint and blink, struggling to adjust to the bright light.

When a sudden crash breaks the silence and rouses Bulk to his feet, and he squints to find a broken window with a DVD taped to a brick lying amidst the shards of glass. Cautiously, he reaches for the disc, pops it into a nearby player, and watches the message unfold.

(09-19-2023, 05:43 PM)AntonyTheJerk Said: MISFITS COMMUNICATION ROOM

The camera fades in to the Misfits Communication Room to show the Misfits Manager, Antony the Jerk standing in front of it.

"...Yakety Yak..."

And with that the feed was cut off.

Spotting a busted up (from the party last night, dude!) XWF CamBot on the floor, the Bulkster grabs it, giving it a few firm smacks to jolt it back to life. 

The CamBot's lights flicker, stabilizing, and its camera lens focuses directly on Bulk.

"Antony, you little punk. You think throwing bricks and DVDs is going to intimidate the Bulkster, brother? You're sorely mistaken, dude!"

"As for your precious 'rules'? Bulk Logan doesn’t need rules, brother. All I need is a ring, an opponent, and an audience to see me put them down!"

"As for your client biding his time? We both know what that means. It means he's scared, dude. It means every night he goes to bed, he's seeing the Bulkster in his nightmares. Knowing that his 'judgements' are nothing compared to the power I hold RIGHT HERE, BROTHER!" Bulk points to the palm of his right hand.

With a series of deep breathes to steady both his rising anger and hangover-induced nausea, he continues, "So, tell your client this. When he's done hiding behind you, your fancy communication room, and your cowardly communication tactics, the Bulkster will be at Relentless, waiting. And that promo? That better be the best dang promo of his life, because after that, there won't be much left of his career to talk about, BROTHER!"

With that, Bulk smacks the CamBot one more time for emphasis, sending it into a brief frenzy before the feed cuts out.
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Bulk Logan Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-21-2023, 12:12 PM

In a haze of fury, Bulk smacks the previously broken XWF CamBot and the robot's camera eye flickers to life with a low whirr.

"You've got some nerve, Judge!" Bulk growls, his eyes burning with intensity. "Think you can just spout off without the Bulkster having the last word? Think again, dude!"

Bulk flips his phone to the camera with a preloaded promo clip from his first piece, 'Running Wild'.

Quote:"It's been 14 loooong years since the Bulkster graced the ring with his presence, and trust me, dude, the wrestling world has felt that void. But now, I'm back, brother! And I ain't just here to play. I'm here to show everyone why Bulkamania was, is, and always will be the pinnacle of professional wrestling!"

"I said that, dude! Graced THE ring! NOT graced the XWF! Judges are expected to be attentive, dude! How can you make a judgement when you don't even understand the facts, brother!?"

Bulk shakes his head in disappointment.

"Think that's the only misjudgement from 'the Judge'? It's not, dudes! Not only did he double down, but he then went on to say this!"

Quote:"I will stick with one of my earlier guilty verdicts of him being guilty of lying because that's what he is best at.  He told us that he had been a member of the XWF 10 years or so back, I told him I found the proof that he didn't and all he could come back with was that he didn't mention it was the XWF but some other wrestling company.    Bulk that is still lying.  And that you were a champion of that company.  I find that hard to fathom.  Somehow I do.  Because of all the lies you blurt out of your fat mouth.

"Now, far be it from the Bulkster to point out that a lack of evidence isn't evidence. Bulk's been out of the business for 14 years, dude, and the XWF archives only date back to 2012. You do the math, brother!"

"Point still stands, the Bulkster never once claimed to had stepped foot inside of an XWF ring prior to this weekend. I was simply speaking to the fans that followed the Bulkster back in his WPW days, dude! A company that you've judged to be nonexistent!"

Bulk flips it phone into horizontal view and flashes the internet archived WPW main page to the Cambot. 

[Image: WPW.jpg]

"The Bulkster might not have been in the XWF, dude, but he still rubbed shoulders with the legends, brother! Though if I remember correctly, Double D pulled every dirty trick in the book to secure that victory, dude! Now it's 2023, and the world see's who had the REAL staying power, brother! And now that I'm back, jack, I have to watch as the Judge is out here passing down judgements and handing out sentences, all the while he can't even keep his facts straight!? And those Terry Bollea yearbook photos? They're not the smoking gun you thought they were, brother! McMahon hired the guy BECAUSE he had shared a resemblance to the one and only Bulkster!"

"Now, if it's mind games that you think you're playing, brother, then you're wasting your time, dude! If you think I'm gonna sit back and let you swindle me out of a win the same way you swindled your way through the bar exam, think again, Judge!"

"The Bulkster's preparing to drop the biggest leg drop in wrestling history right on your big fat empty head! Whatcha gonna do when Bulkamania and the truth come running wild over you and your clown court, brother?!"
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