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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy 08/17
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-18-2023, 05:34 PM

08 - 17 - 2023
[Image: BbV3NBt.png]



- vs -

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- vs -
Special Guest Referee: Sidney Grey
Sidney may RP to state her intentions in the match

Fade in to a serene beach in Boca Raton. 

The gentle waves crash on the shore, and the palm trees sway lightly with the breeze. Just as the tranquility is setting in...


The serenity is shattered as the dazzling pyro for XWF Anarchy lights up the night sky, turning the beach into an explosive spectacle. From every corner of Boca Raton, Floridians and tourists alike look up to witness this thrilling event.

Flying at high speeds, XWF CamBots weave through the audience at the Eleanor R. Baldwin Arena, capturing fan signs held proudly:






Finally, the drones focus on the announce desk where our commentators are ready for action.

GATOR: "Tonight, XWF, brace yourselves! We've got the technological marvel, ChadGPT, against a seasoned fighter with a pedigree that speaks for itself, John Black!"

TODD: "And don't forget Roger squaring off against Latina Submission Machina! That's going to be one for the books."

GATOR: "Dick Powers versus HGH! That one's gonna be, dare I say it, HARD-hitting!"

TODD: "Oh, come on, Gator! Do you have to make it sound like that?"

Gator: "My prediction? HGH takes a right, proper, pounding!"

TODD: "Alright, alright, Gator! And of course, the match that everyone's talking about: the reigning Anarchy Champion, Edward, defending his title against Molly Barnes. With Sidney Grey serving as the special guest referee!"

GATOR: "Grey's got a vested interest in that match, Todd! She'll be facing the winner at Relentless."

TODD: "Well, good thing that she'll get to scope both potential champions up close tonight! Let’s kick things off in style and get to the ring!"

An unfamiliar theme song plays out across the arena’s PA system as the show starts. The fans look around in bewilderment, asking each other who’s theme this is, but no one seems to know. That’s when HGH and LSM finally pop out onto the entrance ramp, each with a mic already in hand! The two are greeted with a mixed chorus of boos and cheers, but the boos grow far louder once HGH begins telling fans to stick their chants up their you know whats.

GATOR: “Latina Submission Machina and Harmon Grayson Hayes! These two were part of a devastating attack on Sidney Grey the last Anarchy, one I’m sure she won’t soon forget!”

TODD: “Latina Submission Machina made a surprise return last Anarchy and wound up short against Sidney Grey, and then there was a vicious attack that left the whole audience stunned! The THUGS, HGH, and LSM all appeared unified as one- but wait, where are the Thugs now?”

GATOR: “Who cares, LSM and HGH are finally in the ring! Maybe they’ll tell us what’s going on around here, because no one is responding to my DMs on Slack, even though I’ve made it mandatory around here!”

TODD: “Since when?”

GATOR: “Since now!”

LSM and HGH continue to not respond to Gator’s slack messages, except now they’re both standing in the center of the ring waiting for the audience to quiet down. Eventually the crowd relents, and that’s when LSM puts the microphone up to her lips.

LSM: “I-”

Only to be rudley cut off by HGH!

HGH: “I got this. Week in and week out  it's the same shit every single show. Let's put HGH in the ring with people that don't belong in the same ring as me. Now, I see there's an Anarchy title match tonight, yeah I know and I'm not in it. That's fine, that's just fine, because I don't care who wins this damn match tonight. Whoever wins tonight, be warned I AM COMING FOR YOU! But more importantly I WILL reclaim what is rightfully mine. This is MY show everybody here is here to see me. Everyone at home, love me or hate me you're tuned in to see me. I.. I mean we, we are the God damned reason you fucking people tune in. Oh, and if I don't get what I want. If I don't get my shot at MY belt, well then, Sidney Grey, she was only the first, don't give me what I want, and she definitely won't be the last.

LSM: “But don’t think we’re going into this battle alone. It will take more than 2 incredibly gifted and immaculately conceived athletes to dominate this company on behalf of the Anarchy brand. I came back because I was embarrassed to see the state of things, with cheap skanks like Sidney Grey and literal mentally disabled people like EDWARD headlining our show. It’s time for real serious change around here, it’s time for THE END!

That’s when we see three armed individuals moving through the crowd, carrying a variety of hardcore weapons. It’s the THUGS! Tommy Wish, Reggie Estrada, and John Black. The three of them slide into the ring, clearly armed and ready for combat.

TODD: “Wait a minute isn’t JB the first match in tonight’s card against War Criminal? Why is he out here supporting Machina and HGH?”

GATOR: “Well… who cares, so longs they do the right thing I guess”

Tommy was sitting on the Corner Raven style with a Kendo Stick, and Reggie was sitting on the top rope with a chair on his neck. Then we see JB who was holding a Steel Pipe on his hand, then he looks around the ring to hear mixed jeers from the crowd. Then JB gets a mic from the outside, and taps onto it to speak.

JB: “Now, now… I'm kinda surprised that we have all decided to come into the ring as one. I thought we’d be going out solo due to how the card is laid out. But you know what, that doesn't matter at all. I am glad to say that I am standing in the ring with my friends, joining alongside this somewhat crusade on the company from within. I never envisioned it being a reality at all.”

Then Reggie gets handed the mic from JB.

Reggie: “Well, hey mi casa su casa towards Machina and HGH. They are welcomed anytime to the THUGS party whenever they feel like. I honestly just think that, when we jumped the shit outta that botox’ed up old wrinkly bitch named Sidney….my mind started to race!”

HGH:"Yeah, did you feel that energy though? All that power knowing you had her fate in your hands?"

Reggie: “Oh Si HGH, ¡Quería que esa perra gritara pidiendo ayuda!”

JB gets the mic back from Reggie, who had a smirk on his face. Then he handed the mic to Tommy who was banging his head onto the middle buckle.

Tommy: “YOU SEE PEOPLE, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE END… YOU MESS WITH THE END OF YOUR CAREER! AHHH….. But seriously, I have no shame for what I've done to those who I had hurt in the past, including my former flame Sidney Grey. Ahh!!!...”

Tommy tosses the mic back to JB, as the crow just ended up booing them for reasons.

TODD: “I guess JB did lead the thugs into THE END. I fear that if they do join forces, they will disrupt the program!”

GATOR: “So what Todd, I like seeing shit hitting the fan mate. Thank god I don’t wrestle any more, because I sure don’t want to know what they are capable of.”

HGH:"It's like this people. I've warned you all, I told you The End was coming and no one believed me. I told you all, first there was Conquest, then War, then Famine and finally there came Death. I could stand here and tell you that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making you think he didn't exist. That was a lie. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making you think his SON didn't exist!"

BOOOOOOS are erupting in the arena, as all three members of THUGS were applauding him for what he just said out there. Then the crowd saw JB tapping him and Machina on the back, then he looked towards the crowd, deliberately facing his back to the hardcam as he speaks.

JB: “NOW THAT’S HOW YOU CUT A SPEECH! Even thought i didn’t fuck with HGH in the past, but now I feel like I can give him props for his words.”

JB: “HGH, and Machina you have the THUGS balls and our words like if we were in Scarface. I know it will be a rocky foundation, but I do know that we will make them all feel tha pain.”

HGH:" Ladies and Gentleman what you see gathered in this ring before you. Well, we are the present, the future, but most importantly we are The END!"

HGH:"Show me what's beyond my eyes."

All five members raise each other's hand then all but JB exit the ring but stay at ringside. HGH grabs a chair and sets down as the others stand around him at ringside.

TODD: Well, folks. Our opening match promises to be a great one! We’ve got John Black, fresh off his and the THUGS joining forces with LSM and HGH last Anarchy… Against the returning automaton wrestler, ChadGPT!

GATOR: Returning? Where did he go?

TODD: If he’s anything like a roomba, I imagine he got caught in a corner then shut himself off for a while. Either way, word is that he’s here now!

The X-Tron whirs to life! "John Black" gets shot onto the screen with the .38 special! The screen goes black-and-white. At the top of the ramp, John Black stands tall, taking in the negative reactions.

TODD: The XWF Universe making their feelings known toward JB! A lot of fans feel betrayed that the THUGS, the XWF’s long-time outsiders, would throw in with LSM and HGH.

GATOR: You wanna talk betrayal, Todd? How about the fact that the Gemini belts were stripped off the THUGS with no opportunity to defend them? Of course, the THUGS would rebel and throw in with other powerful people. Those in charge have overlooked them!

TODD: …Mister Gator, Sir, I didn’t even know you watched Madness.

GATOR: Of course I don’t! That’s BESIDE THE POINT!

John Black walks down to the ramp, sneering at some of the disapproving fans, then he climbs on the steel steps and enters the ring, and he raises his fist in the air as he pounds his chest around the ring as his theme cuts off.

“Styx” by Mister Roboto fills the stad-



Static on the screen.

TODD: What is going on?!?

Suddenly, an image pops on screen…

[Image: north-korea.gif]


TODD: No way!

Bursting from the black curtain under the X-Tron…

It’s… It’s



Has he gotten taller?

TODD: Unbelievable! After a year gone, we’re seeing the return of the North Korean War Criminal! Who would’ve seen it coming, Mister Gator?

GATOR: Anyone who bothered to look at the special effect on his Yu-Gi-Oh card, Tood.

NKWC walks, each step immaculately flawless, to the tune of the North Korean National Anthem. In his hands, he wields a ceremonial sword. HIs body is… all-black. Including his hands. He looks like a cyborg. But, on his shoulders, he wears his trademark military jacket.

Flanking NK on both sides, a wondrous orchestra of True Koreans trumpet out the most beautiful melody any man could ever hear: The DPRK National Anthem.

Two cadets walk several paces after him wielding the glorious flag of True Korea, wavering majestically overhead, leading the way to a brighter future for all mankind. Wherever he is, the True Leader of the Free World, Kim Jong Un sheds a single of tear of pride for the Greatest Warrior on the Planet, aside from himself.

…Honestly? The fans really don’t know how to feel about it.

TODD: Pretty obvious the fans already don’t like JB… But, I think they’re perturbed at the idea of cheering for a North Korean just to spite JB.

GATOR: Oh, boo hoo. Americans… This isn’t a damn McDonalds, with combo numbers 1 through 99. There are two choices on the menu! PICK ONE!

NKWC sheds off the jacket of his military uniform and walks up the steps into the ring. NK’s cadets catch the jacket and, without letting it or the flag hit the ground and touching filthy North American soil, quietly scurry back up the ramp.

TODD: Well, as exciting-slash-horrifying as this return is… This match is scheduled on the card as ChadGPT - vs - John Black… I have to imagine the official will have a few questions for why the War Criminal is here…

GATOR: And where is ChadGPT, dammit! I want to see if he has calculator inputs so I can spell 8008135!

Indeed, the referee walks up to question the War Criminal and ask about the whereabouts of Chad GPT…

NK grins, reaching into his back pocket…

…And he retrieves!

TODD: GASP! Did that wily War Criminal bring a weapon!?!

…A certificate of authenticity!

TODD: …Oh.

GATOR: No! Go ahead, Todd! Maybe he’s about to give the referee a nasty papercut!

TODD: …I just thought…

NK shows the certificate. The official looks it up-and-down, perplexedly.

TODD: What’s going on here, Mister Gator?

GATOR: I believe the War Criminal brought a cerificate of authenticity, claiming that he is, in fact, ChadGPT.

TODD: What? Impossible! There’s no way the official will acc-

The official shrugs and points to the timekeeper.


TODD: …Oh.

GATOR: Rough day for you, huh, Todd?

- vs -

Black charges forward with a head full of steam! The official almost have to dive out of the way!

John Black catches the War Criminal with a RIGHT HAND to the ribcage!

NK’s feet don’t shift backwards an inch. He looks Black in the eyes and grins insidiously!

TODD: This is new! When we last saw NK, he was a… wilier wrestler! He didn’t rely on his strength so much as his cunning to win matches!

GATOR: He was a WIMP, Todd. But this new and improved model? Has some GUSTO to it!

Black’s teeth grit… He shakes his knuckles! Apparently that blow actually hurt his fist more than it did NK’s stomach.

”An admirable opening salvo, Comrade Black! However…

NK reels back his skull…


WHAM! With incredible torque, NK launches his face forward and HEADBUTTS JB, dropping him to the mat right quick!

Black hits the ground, dazed and confused, as NK scoops into a cover…


Tw-NO! JB may have been caught off-guard by that blow, but there’s no way you could beat an 11-year vet of the XWF with one move and win.

TODD: Incredible toughness on display here by John Black! A lesser man would’ve been KNOCKED OUT by that headbutt!

NK looks up at the official, who holds up one finger. He shrugs, still marvelling in his cybernetic body… He springs up to his feet and lunges forward to pry JB off the ground…

But JB kicks NK right in the heel! Surprisingly, the North Korean War Machine drops to one knee! The War Criminal eyes his failing ankle, stunned!

TODD: Whoa! Incredible shot by JB, taking down the automaton socialist to one leg! Lucky?

GATOR: Not a chance, Todd! JB clearly did his homework on robots and their weaknesses! You ever see that video of the Honda robot trying to climb stairs!

Quote:[Image: NiceWeightyCricket-size_restricted.gif]

GATOR: A robot’s biggest weaknesses is its ankles, Todd! That and extra large data sets! If JB pulls out a database with a reference depth of six degrees or greater, this fight is already over!

Black, sensing a window of opportunity, sprints forward, springs off the ropes and… CATCHES the War Machine with a running boot to the back of the skull! The War Machine somersaults pinafully and lands neckfirst down onto the ropes!

Black, not letting up the offense for a second, rushes to the ropes, driving his foot down on the back of NK’s head, choking him against the middle rope! The War Criminal’s hand seize and search for freedom!

TODD: …Does that robot even have lungs?

GATOR: Breathing is almost entirely psychological, Todd! Did you know if you told a honeybee it didn’t have lungs, it would suffocate?

The official scrambles forward to count, threatening JB with disqualification!

THR-JB backs off NK, breaking the hold… NK falls to the mat, hands on his throat, trying to regain his breath.

The official gets in JB’s face to remind him who’s calling the shots around h-

JB SHOVES THE OFFICIAL WITH BOTH HANDS! The official goes ass-over-tea-kettle, as the arena rains down boos on John Black!

TODD: Hey! C’mon, JB! The official is just doing his job!

JB winds up like he was thinking of following up that shove with smacking the taste out of the official’s match… But out of the corner of his eye, he sees NK stagger back to his cybernetic legs!

JB quickly stutter-steps backwards toward the ropes! He sprints forward looking for a Clothesline from He-

NK catches JB under the armpits with both hands! Amazingly, the War Machine hoists the near-300 pound wrestler a good three feet in the air…


JB’s back hits the mat… He survived that headbutt, but he looks shellshocked after that strike!

NK circles the fallen THUG, possibly signalling for the end here!

The crowd cheers… Then feels really weird about cheering!

TODD: It seems NK is using ChadGPT’s natural-good-guy-programming to convince the crowd to cheer for him! Eventhough, they clearly have mixed feelings about him! It’s apparently difficult to resist!

NK stands before JB, stomping his right foot… Again! Again!

The crowd claps along! They find it impossible not to join in!

Slowly, JB… rises to his feet… Blinking… It’s possible he doesn’t know where he is after that MONSTROUS uppercut!

NK spins JB toward himself and locks him in a front-facelock!

TODD: Oh dear! The War Criminal is going for the North Korean Nuclear Arms Test! He would go for this almost every match and he’d only hit it on very small opponents! And with JB being 290 pounds, I don’t th-

EFFORTLESSLY, NK hoists JB into the air into vertical suplex position!

GATOR: How does it feel to be wrong… ALL THE TIME, Todd?

…NK circles around the ring with JB held… The crowd leaps to their feet cheering!




John Black looks devastated!

NK hooks the leg!

The official drops to count!




WINNER: North Korean War Criminal

The orchestra marches back down the ramp! The cadets hold bouquets of flowers, which they adorn around the War Criminal’s throat!

The crowd…


TODD: …I’m starting to get concerned, Mister Gator. This American crowd seems to be in LOVE with the War Criminal.

NK waves, shaking his fists left and right like a conquering hero, as the cadets wrap a wreath of flowers around his neck.

The crowd responds with a standing ovation… Some members of the crowd look around in disbelief as the War Criminal gets this reaction… Then, they look down and realize they’re standing and applauding.

TODD: Well… the War Criminal wins his first match back… But the real question is… Can the XWF put a stop to the North Korean’s reign of terror… Now that he has cybernetic CHARISMA?!?

- vs -

As "Who Let The Dogs Out" hits the speakers, fans instantly join in. The spotlights meet on the ramp, revealing Roger jamming out to his theme.

GATOR: Here's Roger, always bringing the energy!

TODD: And the classic tunes, Gator!

A sudden burst of pyro goes off at the top of the stage. Roger, clearly startled, jumps in surprise, looking around wide-eyed.

GATOR: Whoa! That pyro sure caught Roger off guard!

TODD: Looks like our tech team is having a laugh tonight!

Regaining his composure, Roger continues down the ramp, occasionally pointing to fans and singing along. Upon reaching the ring, he climbs in, still a bit jumpy but smiling and ready for action.

As soon as LSM's theme music hits the speakers the lights go dim as the crowd starts cheering for their favorita luchadora. As the bass bumps through the arena the crowd chants along to the slightly modified music. A spectacle of green and red pyrotechnics shoot up twenty five feet in the air from their base on the entrance platform. A complimentary arrangement of pyro shoots up through the four turnbuckles of the ring.


A green, a red, and a white spotlight shine down from the rafters, randomly perusing through the rambunctious crowd as they await their X-treme Champion. After a few seconds all three of the spotlights are directed towards the entrance tunnel.

Who's this?

Latina Submission Machina pops out onto the illuminated entrance ramp alongside an additional burst of multicolor fireworks. The crowd pops hard for the champion as she holds the belt up high over her head.


Announcer: Weighing 145 pounds and standing at 5 foot seven inches tall, fighting out of Ciudad Juárez, she is your reigning XWF X-treme Champion....she is LATINA SUBMISSION MACHINA!

The luchadora bounces around just outside the tunnel before holding the X-treme championship belt up at eye level and staring into its center plate with a satisfied smirk. LSM flips her hair to the side before she tosses the belt atop her shoulder. With a big belt on one shoulder and a big chip on the other, LSM starts walking down the ramp amidst thunderous applause. The multi-colored spotlights follow LSM every step of the way. The champion briefly pauses to give out a few high fives and to take a few courtesy photos with the front-row fans.

When she finally hits the squared circle Latina Submission Machina slides beneath the bottom rope and into the ring. LSM hands her championship belt over to the referee for safekeeping before she starts pumping up the crowd to cheer louder. Moments later Latina Submission Machina quickly breaks away and starts running the ropes of the ring, testing out the squared circle and getting a feel for it's qualities. Once she's content with it's fitness, the luchadora grabs a hold of the ropes and comes to a controlled halt. She turns to the referee and tells them she's ready to go. The luchadora heads to the corner as instructed and begins reveling in the applause of her fans as she blows many kisses out to the crowd.


The bell rings as Roger and LSM begin circling each other cautiously. Roger feints forward, trying to initiate a collar-and-elbow tie-up. LSM, nimble and quick, ducks and hits Roger with a swift dropkick, sending him tumbling back.

Getting back on his feet with a chuckle, Roger gives LSM an approving nod. LSM dashes towards him. Roger anticipates and attempts a clothesline, but LSM ducks and bounces off the ropes, hitting him with a spinning gut kick!

GATOR: LSM's agility on full display here!

TODD: Never count Roger out, Gator. I hear he's full of surprises!

Roger slowly gets back up, only to be met with a series of fierce shin kicks from LSM. Roger finds himself pushed back to the corner. LSM charges towards him, but Roger showcases his athleticism by leaping over her, catching LSM in a roll-up pin!


LSM kicks out!

Roger, not letting up, tries to grab LSM for something that looks similar to a suplex. LSM wriggles out and attempts a hurricanrana.

Roger, seemingly out of instinct more than experience, counters, lifting LSM into a powerbomb position.

GATOR: Look at that! Roger's got her up, but does he know what to do next?!

TODD: He might've bitten off more than he can chew here, Gator!

LSM reacts quickly. She delivers a rapid-fire series of punches to Roger's forehead. The blows cause Roger to wobble, his grip on LSM loosening.0 She flips over Roger, transitioning from a sunset flip into a tight Japanese Necktie submission.

GATOR: From a sunset flip to a Japanese Necktie! LSM's technical prowess is unmatched!

TODD: Roger's in a tough spot! He needs to reach those ropes fast!

Roger, desperate to escape the wrenching pain of the submission, uses his remaining strength to inch towards the bottom rope. His fingertips brush against it before he manages to grasp it firmly. The referee sees this and immediately calls for LSM to break the hold.

Todd: LSM releases, but the damage to Roger's neck might have already been done!

Both competitors scramble to their feet, but LSM has the upper hand. She launches a few sharp kicks to Roger's legs, further destabilizing him. Seeing an opening, LSM darts towards the ropes to gain momentum, but Roger lunges at her. LSM, quick on her feet, sidesteps causing Roger to crash into the turnbuckle. As Roger stumbles back from the impact, LSM spins him around and locks in another submission, this time targeting his arm. But before she can cinch it in fully, Roger counters with a swift elbow to her face, freeing himself.

LSM, looking slightly dazed, slowly rises. Roger tries to capitalize, going for a running knee strike. LSM dodges just in time, causing Roger to be momentarily off-balance. LSM seizes the opportunity, locking Roger into an armbar submission. The crowd roars, as Roger's face contorts in pain.

GATOR: That's why they call her the Submission Machina!

TODD: Roger's in a bad spot this time! Will he tap?

Gritting his teeth, Roger manages to lift LSM while still in the armbar and slams her against the turnbuckle. LSM releases the hold from the impact, and Roger takes a moment to shake off the pain. He then lunges at LSM, but she counters with a sling blade! LSM, sensing an opportunity, climbs the top turnbuckle and prepares to launch.

She flies off the top rope, aiming for a frog splash. But Roger rolls out of the way! LSM crashes onto the mat with a thud, and the crowd gasps at the impact. Roger, seizing the moment, springs to his feet. He takes a few running steps, then slides across LSM with the heels of his wrestling boots, scraping against her. The crowd's reaction is mixed, as LSM winces in pain.
GATOR: Skidding LSM? Roger's showing no mercy! That's gotta hurt!

TODD: That was a smart move! Roger saw an opportunity and took it!

Roger, sensing his moment to shine, begins to pull out a series of maneuvers.

First, he steps to the left, then immediately shifts to the right.
He dashes forward and then moonwalks backward.

Without missing a beat, he then smoothly glides diagonally forward and a bit to the left, as if dodging an imaginary opponent. Changing direction, he dashes diagonal forward to the right. The crowd watches on in amusement.

Roger then shifts diagonally backward and a bit to the left, followed by a repeat in the same direction, which confuses the audience for a second. He quickly drops down into a crouch, as if preparing for a big move. But instead of diving into an attack, he springs straight up!

Albeit with a touch of reluctance as if he's resisting a move he dislikes.

Just when LSM is trying to figure out Roger's antics, he takes to the sky, leaping high and driving a huge elbow into her chest. The entire arena echoes with the impact as Roger goes for the pin.



But LSM kicks out!

Roger bends down, attempting to pull LSM up off the mat. However, the fiery luchadora isn't having any of it. She throws a few sharp jabs to Roger's midsection, causing him to momentarily release his grip.

The two grapple in the center of the ring, neither willing to give an inch. They trade a series of punches and chops, the slapping sounds echoing throughout the arena. LSM, managing to duck one of Roger's right hooks, sees her window of opportunity.

LSM nails Roger square in the jaw with her signature move, the ¡Súper Patada! Roger's eyes roll to the back of his head as his legs wobble, the sudden superkick catching him completely off guard.

GATOR: ¡Súper Patada! Outta nowhere! That's that Latina FLAIR!

TODD: Roger didn’t see that coming! LSM's got him on the ropes!

Before Roger can even fall to the canvas, LSM grabs him, locking in a tight grip. With impressive speed, she begins to roll him around the mat with the Gator Roll maneuver.

TODD: LSM has Roger trapped in a Gator Roll!
GATOR: Hey, she's stealing my signature moves! If she starts telling bad jokes next, I want royalties!

As they approach the center of the ring, LSM seamlessly transitions the roll into a quick pin, trapping Roger's shoulders to the mat.

The referee drops down to count.





After the referee raises LSM's hand her music begins playing triumphantly. The esteemed luchadora heads to the ropes, but instead of leaving the ring she calls for a microphone. She receives the mic from a ringside assistant just as Roger begins pulling himself back to his feet with the help of the turnbuckle pads.

LSM: "Dionysus, I hope you're paying close attention, because this just a sneak preview of what I will do to YOUR ARM on Warfare!"

LSM drops the microphone as she approaches a bruised and barely standing Roger. The man extends his right hand with the utmost sportsmanship.  LSM accepts his hand, but instead of shaking it she uses it to pull him in close for an armbar! LSM cinches the armbar in as she drops to her back, completely cranking on Roger's right shoulder as he taps the mat furiously! The referee tries to pull LSM off but it's no use, she's determined to make her point!

Eventually, LSM relents- but only after Roger has fallen unconscious from the excruciating pain. The audience is a mixture of boos and cheers as LSM walks back up the entrance ramp looking just as angry as ever!

Dick Powers is starting in the ring, flirting with literally everyone nearby.

HGH bursts from the entranceway with the intensity of Stone Cold in his prime.

GATOR: HGH looks focused.

TODD: And Dick looks erect.

He is! No idea why.

- vs -


Dick walks to the center of the extending a hand but HGH swats it away and immediately gives a swift kick into Dick's dick which makes a boiiiing sound as Dick crumples to the mat; HGH catches Dick before he falls and hooks an arm around his head and drops him with a nasty DDT before spinning over Powers' prone body and forcing him up before whipping him against the ropes and checking him with a rough chop to the throat which knocks Dick on his ass.

GATOR: HGH just playing with Dick!

Todd tries to hold a laugh as both commentators snicker under their breath.

HGH grabs a handful of Dick's hair and signals here's going to end things!


The hammerlock DDT lands and HGH transitions neatly into a fujiwara, before the ref even gets to one knee Powers is already tapping furiously!


- vs -
[stip]Special Guest Referee: Sidney Grey

Molly Barnes walks down the entrance ramp as her music plays across the PA system. The crowd pops hard for the #1 contender, and the camera pans around showing the crowd showing multiple fans in her shirts and holding her signs. She shakes a few hands as she makes her way down to the ring, eventually sliding underneath the bottom rope before hopping atop a turnbuckle post and raising her arms confidently. The crowd goes nuts for her!

GATOR: "It looks like Molly is becoming a star on Thursday nights! Just listen to the reaction the #1 contender has gotten her tonight!"

TODD: "Molly has always been a fan favorite, but her huge main event win on last Anarchy has certainly catapulted her to the top here on Thursday nights! But will she have what it takes to dethrone the reigning champion?"

GATOR: "These fans are dying to see the answer for themselves!"


GATOR: "It looks EDWARD has even more ape friends! I thought Oswald had killed them all!"

TODD: "Where there's an Anarchy champion, there's willing apes! Or whatever the old saying is, Gator. But wait, it looks like the referee is having a complete bitch fit about the apes!"

GATOR: "Oh yeah...Sidney doesn't like stinky poop covered animals, so no wonder she doesn't like EDWARD or his apes!"

Sidney Grey, our special referee all decked out in a striped official's shirt, forces all the assembled apes to leave the ring and head back through the gorilla position.

GATOR: "Now the apes are heading back through the gorilla position!"

TODD: "Apes, Gorilla. Yeah that does make sense, I see Sidney's argument here! That is where they should belong, linguistically speaking!"

EDWARD begrudgingly hands the title over to Sidney Grey, who looks longingly down at it. EDWARD says something to Sidney that causes her to snap back at him. She tells him to go wait in her corner while she continues eyeing the precious Anarchy championship she once held. Molly Barnes looks at all this drama unfold from her tranquil side of the ring.

TODD: "Do you think Sidney Grey is going to have any issue calling this match right down the middle?"

GATOR: "Of course not! I would NEVER put an Anarchy champion in a position like that!.....unless I thought it would be funny, of course!"

Sidney Grey holds up the championship belt so all the fans in attendance can see what this prized fight is all about. The camera zooms in on the glorious title belt, paying special attention to the nameplate which currently reads EDWARD. Eventually, the camera pans back out as Sidney Grey relucltantly hands the title belt over to the ringside assistant.

TODD: "I think every wrestler in that ring thinks the Anarchy championship belongs around THEIR waist!"


The bell rings and EDWARD charges out of his corner like a mad monkey who's all hopped up on Mountain Dew! He tries to splash Molly while she's still in her corner, but the smaller woman rolls out of the way just in time. EDWARD turns back around and tries to deliver a stiff punch followed by a stomp, but Molly successfully dodges both once more. Molly backs up into what was once EDWARD's original corner, grabbing hold of both ropes behind her as the Anarchy champion starts walking towards her.

GATOR: "EDWARD is definitely coming out more aggressive here tonight!"

TODD: "Molly is just waiting for her shot, she's going to pick the perfect opportunity to deal her damage! EDWARD is a foot taller than her and has at least 100 pounds of weight on her- she can't afford to get into a phonebooth brawl with him! She needs to have a strategy in there, and I think she just might!"

EDWARD pounds his chest before speeding up and sprinting towards Molly. EDWARD charges in and tries to spear Molly, but she lifts herself up into the air with the assistance of the ropes! That causes EDWARD to slam his shoulder straight into the turnbuckle. A sickening 'cracking' sound is heard echoing throughout the arena before EDWARD backs away, holding his bruised shoulder and wincing in pain. That's when Molly climbs to the top rope, playing to the crowd for a few moments before she leaps into the air towards EDWARD!

TODD: "This is a rare move for Molly! She doesn't leave her feet often, but she's clearly been practicing for this one! She came with tricks up her sleeve tonight!"


GATOR: "Was that her strategy, Todd?!?! To get kicked in the face in mid-air?!"

TODD: "Well, I don't think THAT part went according to plan, Gator!"

Molly rolls around on the ground holding her nose. When she removes her hands, you can see that her nose is completely fucked. Bloody cartilage pokes through both sides of her nose, and her hands are now covered in the sticky goo. Molly yells in frustration before picking herself up to her feet and charging right back towards EDWARD!

TODD: "But Molly won't let something like a broken nose stop her from winning the Anarchy championship!"

GATOR: "Jesus she looks busted now!"

Molly charges at EDWARD and decides to lock up with the big man. EDWARD has the advantage at first, but the pain in his right shoulder soon causes him to lose focus and lose ground! Molly is able to push EDWARD back a few steps before she delivers a devastating knee to his liver in this modified muay thai clinch! Then she delivers another! And another! And ANOTHER! Four knees to the liver cause EDWARD to drop his guard and keel over in pain. That's when Molly bounces off the opposite ropes and charges him once more. Once again Molly leaves her feet, but this time it's for a dropkick that lands like a missile drone strike. Her two feet slam into EDWARD's head with such force that the bigger man is literally forced to fly between the ropes, landing roughly outside the ring.

TODD: "Molly has taken back the momentum in this match!"

Sidney Grey chuckles as EDWARD flies out between the ropes. When Molly rises to her feet Sidney Grey goes to offer her a high-five, but then she takes the high-five offer back when she sees how fucked up Molly's nose looks! This pisses Molly off, causing Molly to say some nasty things to Sidney before finally remembering the purpose of this match! Molly walks over to the side of the ring and slides under the bottom rope, looking to make quick work of EDWARD....if she could find him!

GATOR: "Molly wasted time fooling around with Sidney in the ring, she lost track of her real target!"

That's when the audience sees EDWARD sliding out from beneath the ring on the opposite side of the ring. EDWARD sneaks back into the ring while Molly is looking around outside for him. The crowd is about to pop, until EDWARD puts a finger up to his lips and asks them to be quiet.

TODD: "Molly doesn't even realize EDWARD is in the ring!"

GATOR: But he's not going to be in the ring for long, look!"

EDWARD hits the ropes before charging forward and diving over the top with a SUICIDE DIVE! The big man flattens Molly Barnes like an ant, causing a tremendous pop throughout the arena! EDWARD then climbs right back to his feet and grabs Molly by her hair. He slides the much smaller woman under the bottom rope and back into the ring, but only after smacking her face against the ringside apron a couple of times!

TODD: "It's a good thing Molly is a fighter, because I don't think she'll be able to model after all the damage EDWARD's done to her face tonight!"

GATOR: "Well, she could still do foot stuff like Steve Sayors, right?"

EDWARD follows Molly into the ring, where Sidney Grey is standing in the corner looking less than impressed. EDWARD rolls Molly over onto her back and covers her, but Sidney Grey takes her sweet damn time counting the pin! Eventually after eliciting a chorus of boos from the crowd, Sidney Grey begins to make the count.




TODD: "That was one of the slowest counts I've seen in some time!"

GATOR: "And I don't think EDWARD appreciated it very much!"

EDWARD screams at Sidney Grey to do a better job, which elicits nothing but laughter from her. EDWARD sneers right at Sidney Grey as he picks Molly Barnes up and puts her in a suplex, holding her high for an inordinate amount of time! EDWARD shows off his tremendous strength as he continues staring Sidney in the eye and holding Molly way up high!

GATOR: "I think EDWARD is making a point to Sidney Grey right now!"

TODD: "Believe it or not, EDWARD might just be the strongest wrestler on the Anarchy roster!"

GATOR: "But Molly might be the SHIFTIEST! Look at her go!"

Sure enough, as Molly comes back to she starts wriggling and squirming. She kicks her legs out, trying to make the hold harder for EDWARD before she brings a savage knee down right on his temple! EDWARD screams as he's forced to let go of the suplex, and EDWARD's even been busted open by the big knee!

TODD: "Molly delivers with another big knee tonight! That'll teach EDWARD to be a show-off!"

Molly hits the mat but pops right back up as EDWARD is still holding his bleeding forehead and wincing in pain. Sidney Grey laughs at EDWARD as Molly kicks him in the stomach, causing him to keel forward. Then, Molly puts EDWARD into a suplex of her own! Three suplexes, to be exact, as Molly Barnes hits her signature Three Mates (Three Amigo's)!

GATOR: "And now Molly is showing EDWARD what a real suplex is!"

TODD: "Molly is going to make EDWARD pay for the disrespect and the broken nose!"

After the third suplex both Molly and EDWARD lay on the mat, completely gassed. Sidney screams at Molly to make the cover, and eventually Molly works up the energy to crawl atop the champion for a pin. Sidney Grey immediately hits the mat to make the count.




GATOR: "The Champion may be down, but he's not out! Not yet!"

TODD: "And I'm not sure how much energy Molly has left! She's given it all in this match, but what do you do when your all isn't enough!"

GATOR: "Molly has to dig down and give even more! This is the main event, for the BIG KAHONA! The Anarchy Championship! Neither wrestler wants to leave here without the gold!"

Molly sighs softly before slowly pushing herself back up to her feet. She rubs her broken nose, causing a smear of blood to stretch across her face. Molly shakes her head, throwing sweat out of hair and all across the ring- including some into Sidney Grey's mouth! This causes Sidney Grey to scream uncontrollably at Molly, and push her into a corner! The referee demands an explanation from Molly about why her sweat was in her mouth, but Molly is too gassed to deal with this bullshit! Molly pushes Sidney out of the way...but she didn't know that EDWARD was waiting right there for her!

GATOR: "Sidney Grey keeps ruining Molly's momentum when she's not even trying!"

TODD: "No wonder Sidney has no friends!"

EDWARD delivers a big boot to the gut followed by a devastating right hook that sends Molly against the ropes like a ragdoll. She comes back to EDWARD before she's slammed to the mat with a big scoop powerslam that shakes the ring, causing Sidney Grey to lose her footing!

TODD: "Sidney looks a little wobbly on her feet out there, doesn't she?"

GATOR: "Sidney doesn't have a drinking problem, you just have a not-drinking problem!"

EDWARD pops up to his feet to a big pop from the crowd. Sidney Grey uses the ropes to steady herself back up to her feet as she looks down at Molly, who's body looks bruised and battered. That's when EDWARD smirks before climbing to the top rope of a turnbuckle. EDWARD makes eye contact with Sidney and mumbles some tribal shit-talk to her before he leaves his feet for the SAVAGE ELBOW!

GATOR: "EDWARD's flying elbow connects!"

TODD: "Sidney isn't going to like counting this!"

EDWARD's elbow lands right on Molly's face as he covers her for the pin. Sidney groans to herself before dropping down to the mat and counting the fall.





Sidney Grey, looking visibly annoyed as she reluctantly grabs the Anarchy Championship belt from the ringside assistant and hands it over to EDWARD. He holds it up high, roaring in victory, the crowd echoing his roar.

GATOR: "EDWARD retains the Anarchy Championship!"

TODD: "That was a brutal match, Gator! Both competitors gave it their all, but in the end, the Strongest Warrior stands tall!"

Molly Barnes slowly picks herself up from the canvas with the support of the ropes. She looks over at EDWARD with a mix of respect and frustration in her eyes. The crowd shows their appreciation for her performance, clapping and chanting her name. She salutes the crowd and limps to the back.

Sidney Grey, however, is far from done. She steps up to EDWARD, gets in his face, and begins to berate him. The audience jeers at her, throwing insults her way. The champion, though, doesn't take kindly to this, and shoves Sidney back, much to the crowd's delight.

TODD: "EDWARD has had enough of Sidney's antics!"

GATOR: "She might be the special referee, but that doesn't give her the right to disrespect the champion!"

Sidney Grey stumbles back, her eyes now locked on EDWARD. She clenches her fists and appears ready to fight, but instead, she turns around and exits the ring. The crowd taunts her as she walks away, her eyes still locked on EDWARD, who continues to celebrate with his Anarchy Championship in the ring.

TODD: "EDWARD may have retained the championship tonight, but he's got Sidney Grey to contend with at Relentless."

GATOR: "Absolutely, Todd! Don't miss any of the action next-next Thursday on Anarchy!"

As the camera pans across the excited crowd, the show comes to a close with EDWARD standing tall and victorious with the Anarchy Championship firmly in his grasp.



And of course big thanks to everyone who RPed!!!

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