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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Cross-Promotional Event Boards » Cross-Promotional RP Board
Behind The Scenes - A Regular Day In The Life
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Peter Vaughn Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-18-2023, 12:45 PM

~The camera comes on in focus, locking onto what appears to be a digital watch. We can see the display is on, showing us that it's 5:59am. A second later, it switches to 6:00am, and the watch begins to vibrate, setting off its alarm. A hand appears, as the camera zooms out, disabling the alarm. Peter Vaughn sits up in bed, letting out a short yawn, before pushing the thin sheets off of him... revealing the coverall pajamas he's got on. He stands up, quickly making the bed, not wanting to leave a mess behind. That's just not his way. There's a knock at the door, catching his attention.~

Vaughn: I'm up, Sadie. I'll be down in a little bit. Thanks for checking... like always.

~There's a murmur from the other side, muffled, before the lady walks off. Vaughn, meanwhile is stepping into the bathroom, shedding his pajamas along the way. For censor's sake, we then have a brief cutaway...~

~... before we jump to Vaughn wiping off the mirror in front of him, now dressed in his normal outfit, looking cleaned up. He quickly runs a comb through his hair, doing the final touches, before turning and heading out the door. We rejoin him coming down the stairs, taking them two at a time just for the challenge of it. He reaches the first floor of the ranch house, quickly hurrying into the kitchen, where we can see the home chef of the ranch, Cassidy, hard at work making a meal.~

Vaughn: Good morning, Cassidy. What do you have for us this time? Are we going to Berlin? Tokyo?

Cassidy: Morning, sir. We're actually going to the Dominican Republic for this meal. It's called Los Tres Golpes.

Vaughn: That's... quite a name. Is it a big breakfast?

Cassidy: Oh, no, sir. It means "The Three Hits". You have sunny-side-up eggs, fried salami, queso frito, and mangu.

Vaughn: ... That's four things, Cassidy. Why isn't it called Los Quatro Golpes?

Cassidy: I don't think they count the mangu, sir. It's plantains, after all.

Vaughn: Well, as always, I trust you, chef.

~Cassidy puts together a plate for Vaughn, handing it over, and he heads over to the dining area, where multiple large tables are set up to accommodate the ranch hands. Right now, there's only Sadie, his best cowherder, who smiles at him. As usual, Vaughn doesn't notice any implications behind the smile.~

Vaughn: Morning, Sadie. Everything good from last night?

Sadie: The ranch is still standing, if that's what you mean.

~Sadie only has a bagel in front of her, eating light this morning, and she wrinkles her nose at Vaughn's plate as he digs in.~

Sadie: You know, most ranchers just have cooks who set up an assembly line of bacons & eggs in the morning. Normal food.

Vaughn: As you've probably noticed by now, I'm not like most ranchers. Besides, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

~Vaughn munches away, quickly clearing up his plate, showing how good the food is... to him, at least.~

Sadie: So as far as I know, everything's normal today. We aren't expecting any deliveries from overseas, right?

Vaughn: Unfortunately not. My deal for those Savanna goats fell through. So I'll have to keep looking.

Sadie: You KNOW we don't really need any more animals, right? We're pretty much set at the moment, with all the exotic ones you've brought in lately.

Vaughn: We have a ton of acreage left, I'm sure we can find room for them.

~Vaughn, finished, stands back up, grabbing his plate. He quickly scoops up Sadie's plate as well, carrying both over to the dispenser area so they can be washed. Usually, this isn't a problem, as people know Vaughn will lose his temper if he comes back to a pile of unwashed dishes later in the day. He walks back over to where Sadie is waiting, with a clipboard in hand.~

Sadie: Are you planning to head out and do some work today?

Vaughn: Maybe later. I need to get in a workout in first, to keep preparing for my Grand Awakening match with Xavier Lux. I also have to make an appearance at an indy event later. I promised Aaron I'd put in an appearance, make him look good.

Sadie: Okay, well, before you go, can I get you to sign this?

Vaughn: Depends on what it is.

Sadie: It's a requisition form to allow us to hire two new ranch hands. We've got the space available, and we've had a few interviews, so I just need your authorization to hire them.

Vaughn: I don't know why, Sadie. You basically run this ranch, after all. I trust in you completely.

~Vaughn takes the clipboard, quickly signing his John Hancock to it, not noticing the blush that's come into Sadie's cheeks from the compliment. He hands it back, nodding to her as they step into what appears to be a library. But Vaughn quickly pushes a button, revealing the 'secret' entrance: two poles are shown for sliding down to the gym he had built in the basement.~

Sadie: I still say that was a waste of money. And why two poles?

Vaughn: You never know. Batman had Robin. I might have a sidekick someday, a guy who I can train up as my heir apparent.

Sadie: You might also have a lady with you eventually....

Vaughn: I suppose so. See you later!

~Vaughn quickly slides down the pole, as Sadie just ruefully shakes her head and walks off.~

Nothing like putting the work in, is there, Xavier?

You've definitely been doing that lately, haven't you? You finally hit gold again, going wild in IIW, and I gotta say, X... I'm proud of you. That may seem strange, coming from the man who challenged you to a grudge match at Grand Awakening, but it's still the truth. After all, once an Exile, always an Exile, boyo.

Honestly, that's the reason I challenged you, X. You finally got back on your feet, making us a worthy contest once again.

I haven't forgotten our early wars, Xavier, back in OCW. You managed to walk away with the OCW World Title, while I was building myself up after years of being nothing. I saw you as the ultimate challenge. As I gained victory over victory, holding onto the OCW Craze Title, I knew, without a doubt, that I would be the one to eventually take you down and rule the wrestling universe.

And then... you lost to Outcast.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm still proud of my victory over Outcast to become the OCW World Champion, even if it didn't last long before the Purge went down. But in some ways... it was still a disappointment, because the man I had built up as the man to beat had fallen. Maybe, if Marcus hadn't lost his mind after that, you and I would have faced off for the belt. But it wasn't meant to be.

And after that, well, the options of fighting each other faded. You joined up with the Exiles, led by yours truly, and we became allies. But you didn't seem to have the fire you once did. You struggled through your difficulties in the XWF, among others, while I soared to the very top of the company. I went on to win five more world championships after we left OCW. You? You just seemed... defeated. I couldn't challenge you, because then people would say I just "wanted an easy win".

You and I both know this wouldn't have been the case, but perception is everything in wrestling.

But now, X... now you're a champion again. You made yourself a name that other wrestlers might fear. And suddenly, the opportunity arose, for us to finally go at it, one on one, and decide the greatest among us. The chance was there to right the wrongs of the Purge between us, giving fans the match they were dying to see, even if they didn't realize it.

I couldn't be more excited to finally be facing the Xavier Lux I dreamed about fighting years ago.

I wonder, is the feeling the same for you? Or are you feeling trepidation? Fear? Concern that I might send you packing with a defeat on your way out the door, rather than on top? Because I guarantee to you, X, I'm not going to be holding back. I want this victory, badly, for my List of the Vanquished. I want to be able to say I took down Lux at his best, using everything I've got in my arsenal to defeat him.

Yes, my arsenal does include tranquilizer guns, but I don't see those being used.

No, X, I want to beat you with my bare hands... as well as my boots, my shoulders, and whatever else I have to hit you with. There needs to be no doubt in anyone's mind what a great match this is, and, in the end, after you've taken the Plunge and been pinned 1-2-3... I want that standing ovation for both of us.

Because we deserve it.

Because we put the work in.

~The picture returns as we find ourselves inside the vaunted Vaughn workout facility, where he spared no expense. Well, other than that there's only one of each piece of equipment, since Vaughn rarely lets anyone else use his facility. Right now, he's doing hanging sit-ups, with his legs hanging from moon boots locked in above. As he continues to lift himself upwards, building up his strength, there's suddenly a beeping sound. Vaughn stops for a second, pressing a button on his watch. A screen across from him suddenly comes on, showing Aaron Warthog standing there, looking bewildered.~

Vaughn: Hey, Aaron. What's up?

Warthog: Ah don't... Ah think Ah'm having technical diff-culties. You ain't supposed to be reversed, are ya?

~Warthog can be seen, trying to turn his phone upside down, but, of course, all modern phones will just correct the video, so that won't work. Vaughn smirks, before releasing his legs and doing a quick flip to the floor.~

Vaughn: That better?

Warthog: Oh! Yeah, that fixed it!

Vaughn: So what's going on? Checking up on me?

~Warthog again looks confused, scratching at his hair for a moment.~

Warthog: Ah was callin' to see when youse was gonna get here, Pete! Ah really could use your support, although if yer busy...

Vaughn: No, Aaron. I told you I'd be there, if only for old time's sake. I just have to finish working out, get cleaned up, and then I'll be on my way. I'll be there in plenty of time for us to talk about tonight's show.

Warthog: Tonight? Did you say... tonight?

~Now it's Vaughn's turn to look perplexed, as he notes the worried look on Warthog's face.~

Vaughn: Aaron... you said it was an evening show, didn't you?

Warthog: Uhhh....

Vaughn: What time does the show actually start?

Warthog: Well, it's a, uhh, they call it a mat-in-ee show, Ah don't know why...

Vaughn: Aaron.... WHAT TIME??

Warthog: Ummm... about 10 minutes ago, by Mah watch...

Vaughn: ... Shazbot...

~Without another word, Vaughn starts heading for the door, hopping as he works to extract himself from the heavy moon boots he was using for extra weight. Warthog watches him go, then looks back at the gym.~

Warthog: Ah wish Ah had a place like this...

~We cut away again, even as Vaughn continues to scramble for the door.~

No good deed goes unpunished. This probably explains why I don't do good deeds very often.

Some would say I'm doing a good thing by pushing you into this match, X. You defeat me at Grand Awakening, why, that's a victory you can rejoice about the rest of your life. Trust me, it worked for Veronica Strader-Cain. She still won't shut up about her win.

So will you seize that opportunity, X? Are you going to come at me with everything you've got, or are you going to hold back out of 'friendship'? Something tells me I don't need to worry about that. I hope I'm right, because if you come at me thinking this is going to be a simple 'scrimmage', I'll wipe your face across the canvas until it's blood red.

That'd be the ultimate insult to me, X, and I won't stand for it.

I want you to be going for the jugular, because that's what I'm going to be doing. After all, this could be your last match... or I could MAKE it your last match. I guess we'll see how I'm feeling that day, and if I'm wanting to make a serious impression at this event. All I ask is that you come in thinking the same. If you have a shot to break my arm, well, you'd be a fool to let that opportunity slip away.

If I can handicap you in any way, I'm going to take it.

And let's face it, X, you're already handicapped in that I'm better in every category over you. I'm no fatso like the Big Bifford. I'm speed personified in there. I'm no "hopeless dreamer" like Zybala. I'm an in-ring strategist capable of implementing three plans at once. And I'm certainly no "upstanding" guy like your old tag-team partner, Marcus Ka'Derrion. I'll take any advantage to win.

By the way, if Zombie Marcus does decide to show up? I'll have a shotgun nearby to put him out of his misery, something you should have already done.

Mercy is for the weak, but leaving a zombie alive as your partner is idiotic.

All-in-all, X, the way it comes down to it, you're just going to have to find a way to increase your strengths to take me down... and I'm not talking about 'enhancements'. I mean that fighting heart of yours, the one that went into a coma for a while before resurrecting recently. If you've still got that heart... then I've got the fight of my life on my hands.

And if you don't... you're quickly going to take the Plunge and be Exiled forever, boyo.

~The video comes up on what appears to be a half-full arena, where the action is already underway. We can see Aaron Warthog in the middle of the aisle, fighting valiantly against three heavy-set thugs who are swinging away. Behind them, we can see another man laying in the debris of a freshly-demolished table. The announcers can be heard, echoing through the arena.~

Announcer #1: This is really turning into a slaughter, as Warthog has no friends left in PCW!!

Announcer #2: We need security out here fast! The Paper Mafia is going to destroy him!

~Warthog falls to a knee, with two men grabbing hold of his arms. The third man, clearly the leader, grabs a steel chair, hefting it up. But suddenly, there's the sound of a truck horn blaring, shocking everyone.~

Announcer #1: What the hell??

Announcer #2: JESUS!! CLEAR THE AISLE!!!

~A shiny truck suddenly comes flying around the entryway, skidding dangerously close to where the fans are sitting. They all breathe a heavy sigh of relief as the truck rights itself, heading straight at the wrestlers!! The Paper Mafia scrambles away, leaving Warthog to get hit... except that the truck stops right in front of him.~

Announcer #1: Wait, that truck.... is that Gabriella?

Announcer #2: The hell are you talking about??

Announcer #1: I think it is... and that means that the driver... has to be Peter Vaughn!!

~The driver-side window rolls down, with Peter Vaughn lifting himself through it, standing up. The crowd, not expecting to see such an accomplished wrestler here, roars, even as the Paper Mafia tries to regroup. The leader points at Vaughn, with his thugs stepping forward. Vaughn smirks... then produces his tranquilizer gun, firing a dart at the leader! He only avoids it due to pulling a startled thug in front of him, with that thug taking the hit and quickly collapsing to the ground!! Vaughn then hops out, tossing the gun away, but pulling a barbed-wire broomstick out with him!~

Announcer #1: It's about to get real!!!

Announcer #2: Geez, this is so unfair to the Mafia, they weren't ready!!

~The second thug stupidly rushes Vaughn, who quickly slams the barbed wire into his stomach!! The man howls, even as Vaughn yanks the broomstick free, then hammers it across the man's back, shattering it!! He falls, but Vaughn's disarmed, so the grinning leader charges at him. But Vaughn ducks under the shot, then pulls out a bottle of Windex from his pocket!! He sprays it right into the Don's eyes, causing him to scream in pain and fury! Seconds later, he's down, courtesy of the Keyholder!! Vaughn stands up, checking for anyone else, as the crowd chants for him.~

Announcer #1: Vaughn has saved his old buddy Warthog here tonight!

Announcer #2: Using every illegal maneuver in the book!

~Vaughn steps over to Warthog, checking on him and helping him up. Warthog nods to him, as Vaughn lifts Warthog's hand in the air to a large wave of cheers... before Vaughn then grabs onto Warthog, delivering the Revenged!!!! The cheers quickly turn to boos, as Vaughn stands over the fallen Warthog, leaning over to yell at him!~

Announcer #1: What the hell was that about??

Announcer #2: I think he said "That's for giving me the wrong time"... well, Vaughn is nothing if not unpredictable...

~With the crowd completely turned on him, Vaughn still gives them a salute before heading back to his beloved truck. He hops in, quickly putting it into reverse and departing from the arena, as we quickly fade out.~

It's all about respect now, X.

Show me that you respect me, and come at me with everything.

Or my Revenge will be much, much worse.

I'll only settle for your best, Xavier. Nothing else will do.

See you on the battlefield.

[Image: mechanicposter.jpg]

CWF Paramount Champion
GCWA Hardcore Champion
Outsiders Champion (x3)
OCW Craze Champion
OCW World Champion
TPW International Champion (First-Ever) (x2)
PW Valor World Heavyweight Champion
XWF Universal Champion
Level Up Game Genie Winner
XWF Supercontinental Champion
WGWF West Coast Rumble Winner
WGWF World Heavyweight Champion
SCW (Sin City) Roulette Champion
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