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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Embers of Resurgence
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Christian_Andrews Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-11-2023, 04:40 PM

"Out of difficulties grow miracles."
- Jean de La Bruyère

Thursday Morning

The sky was still cloaked in the deep hues of night, stars twinkling like distant diamonds against the velvety backdrop. The crisp early morning air carried a sense of anticipation as it swirled around Christian Andrews' residence. The Miami humidity allowed no soul to forget they were in Florida as it lathered the ground with a small fog. The neighborhood was quiet, save for the rhythmic sound of footsteps approaching the front door. Jason stood before the door, his knuckles rapping against it with a purposeful urgency. As the echoes of his knocks faded, he shifted from foot to foot, glancing around the dimly lit street. The weight of the early hour was palpable, a sense of determination driving him to ensure Christian was ready for the journey ahead.

Just as Jason was about to knock again, a rustling sound from behind him drew his attention. He turned, and his heart leapt into his throat. Christian, clad in workout attire, emerged from the shadows of the early morning, his breath forming a misty cloud in the chilly air. The corners of Christian's lips curled into a mischievous smile as he saw the startled expression on Jason's face.

"Couldn't wait to see if I overslept, huh?" 

Christian quipped, his voice laced with amusement. Jason's initial shock turned into an exasperated sigh.

"Man, you need to warn a guy before you go sneaking up like that."

"Consider it your morning adrenaline boost."

As the two friends shared a brief laugh, Jason's tone grew more serious.

"Well, you better be awake because we've got an early flight to catch."

Christian nodded, his energy instantly shifting to focus.

"Trust me, I'm ready to go. Just need to shower and I'll be good to hit the road."

"Good, because the plane won't wait for us," Jason shot back quickly.

As Christian headed inside to get ready, the sound of running water could be heard from the bathroom. Jason took a seat on the porch steps, glancing at his phone absentmindedly. It was just as he was about to check the time that the phone started ringing. He frowned at the unknown number, but something nudged at him to answer it. With a curious look, he swiped to answer.

"Hello?" Jason answered, his voice cautious.

"Ah, Mr. Andrews, I'm glad I caught you,"

A voice on the other end spoke with a tone of urgency.

Jason's eyebrows shot up, realization dawning. He looked around the porch, his mind racing. Christian's manager? He thought quickly, connecting the dots.

"Yes, this is... uh, his manager."

"I'm calling from XWF Management. We just wanted to confirm that Mr. Andrews is on schedule for the press conference in Seattle this evening." the voice continued, not bothered by the change in recipient.

Jason glanced toward the bathroom where the shower was still running.

"Yes, yes, of course. He'll be there without a doubt."

"Great to hear. We're expecting a lot of media attention, so please ensure he's prepared for any questions that may come his way."

Jason leaned back, his shoulders tensing slightly.

"Absolutely, he'll be ready. You can count on it."

"Thank you for the assurance. We'll see you both in Seattle then."

With a nod, Jason ended the call, his heart racing a bit from the unexpected conversation. It was clear that he had been mistaken for Christian's manager, but he figured he could have a little fun with it. Besides, Christian would probably find it amusing. Just as he was about to pocket the phone, the sound of the shower shutting off reached his ears. Moments later, Christian emerged from the house, towel draped over his shoulders. He arched an eyebrow at Jason's phone conversation, a mixture of confusion and curiosity in his eyes.

"Who was that?"

Jason gave a nonchalant shrug, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

"Oh, just some fans checking if you're ready for the press conference later."

Christian's expression shifted from confusion to bemusement.

"Fans? Really?"

"Yeah, they must've mistaken me for your manager or something."

"Well, I hope you assured them I'll be on my A-game."

"Of course," Jason replied with a wink.

"I told them you'd be ready for whatever questions they throw your way."

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Maybe just a little," Jason admitted.

With a chuckle, Christian headed inside to finish getting ready, leaving Jason to his playful antics. As they gathered their bags and suitcases, Christian couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The journey to Seattle was about to begin, and he was ready to step into the spotlight once again, prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Together, they locked up the house and headed toward Jason's car, the quiet neighborhood beginning to stir with the promise of a new day. The early morning light cast a golden hue over the landscape as they set off, their destination clear in their minds – a press conference that would mark the next step in Christian's journey of return to the XWF ring.

Thursday Evening

[Image: 090309.jpg?d=780x585]

The press conference room in Seattle buzzed with a mix of excitement and anticipation. Reporters from various media outlets had gathered to hear from Christian Andrews, the returning wrestler whose presence had stirred ripples of intrigue within the wrestling world. The stage was set, the backdrop adorned with the XWF logo and championship belts. As Christian took his place at the podium, the room fell into a hushed silence. Cameras clicked, and the air was charged with a palpable energy as Christian scanned the audience, his eyes locking onto familiar faces and curious expressions. He cleared his throat, his gaze settling on the sea of reporters before him.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Christian began, his voice carrying a commanding yet inviting tone.

"Thank you for being here today. It's an honor to stand before you, not only as a wrestler but as someone who's part of this incredible world of professional wrestling."

A forest of hands shot up, each reporter eager to ask their question. Christian gestured to a reporter in the front row, inviting him to begin.

"Christian, it's been five years since you last competed in the XWF ring. What motivated your return, and what are your thoughts on facing Corey Smith for the Universal Championship?" the reporter inquired.

Christian's gaze settled on the reporter, his expression a mix of reflection and determination.

"The journey back to the XWF wasn't just about me. It was about embracing a legacy that I left behind, a legacy I needed to reclaim. As for Corey Smith and the Universal Championship, let me be clear – the title isn't my primary focus. It's not about winning a belt, but about teaching Corey an invaluable lesson. It's about giving him the confidence to embrace who he is, for better or worse. The Universal Championship, well that's just a bonus."

Another reporter chimed in, curiosity evident in their voice.

"You're set to face Corey Smith in a Cage Match at Weekend Warfare. What can we expect from this match, and what message do you aim to convey?"

Christian's gaze was unwavering as he addressed the question.

"The Cage Match is a battleground where the truth can't be hidden. What I aim to show Corey is that wrestling is more than just winning and losing. It's about embracing the journey, the experiences, and the lessons. This match will test his limits, challenge his mindset, and ultimately, give him the opportunity to step out with a newfound understanding of himself. He is locking himself inside of a cage to avoid the enemies out there, like Flynn and Bourbon, but what he doesn't realize is who he locked himself IN the cage with. Underestimation, and overconfidence will be his downfall, but hopefully as he gets exposed, the lesson to him will be clear."

A reporter raised her hand, seeking to dig deeper.

"What message do you have for Corey Smith right now, who might be watching this press conference?"

Christian's lips curled into a confident smile.

"Corey, if you're watching, then hear this – you're welcome."

With that succinct response, Christian backed away from the microphone, leaving the reporters with a mixture of intrigue and anticipation. As he stepped away from the podium, Jason approached, signaling that no more questions would be entertained at this time. Jason turned and walked over to Christian back behind the scenes, their camaraderie evident in their interactions. Jason leaned in, his voice low but eager.

"How are you feeling, big man? Ready for this?"

Christian's laughter was laced with determination.

"Jason, I'm not just ready. I'm focused, I'm driven, and I'm determined to reclaim my legacy. More importantly, I'm here to remind everyone, especially Corey, of who I am – El Duende que Camina, the Catalyst of both professional wrestling and Corey's career. As someone that has seen the layout of the XWF, I may be the worst person Corey could have locked himself in a steel cage with, and come Warfare, he will find that out the hard way."

Jason nodded, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"You've got this, Christian. I know I speak on behalf of most of the fans out there when I say this, I can't wait!"

As they walked out of the backstage area toward the exit, Christian's thoughts were a whirlwind of anticipation and purpose. The press conference was just the beginning, a glimpse into the storm that was brewing. Corey Smith and the Cage Match awaited, and Christian was prepared to make an impact that would echo far beyond the ring. Weekend Warfare, was just the beginning.

Friday Evening

In the midst of Seattle's bustling atmosphere, the anticipation of an eventful night hung in the air like a charged current. It wasn't just any evening; it was a night when both the XWF and DEFY wrestling universes were converging in a symphony of energy and competition. In the private training area, the room seemed to pulse with the combined efforts of Christian Andrews, KC Navarro, and Titus Alexander. Each drop of sweat that hit the mat was a testament to the dedication and preparation that resonated throughout the space. Amid the focused intensity, Christian paused his training regimen to offer words of encouragement to KC and Titus.

"You guys are on the verge of something big tonight. DEFY's about to witness your greatness, just like the XWF's about to witness Corey and me stepping into that Cage Match."

KC nodded with a determined glint in his eye.

"We're ready for this, Christian. We've trained hard."

Titus echoed the sentiment.

"We're grateful for your guidance, Christian. Let's show them what we're made of."

The trio emerged from the ring, the canvas damp beneath their feet from their exertions. KC and Titus began the process of drying themselves off with towels, their movements almost synchronized as they wiped away the sweat that clung to their skin. The training session had been intense, as it needed to be, a blend of physical exertion and mental focus that had left them all focused and energized. As the room settled into stillness, Christian's attention shifted back to Jason, who had steadfastly remained by his side throughout the rigorous training session. The sound of the trio's breaths mingled with the soft creaking of the ropes, reflected as a testament to the effort they had poured into their individual and mutual preparation.

Unlacing their boots alongside Christian, the trio engaged in playful banter, their laughter filling the air as they shared inside jokes and exchanged stories. Christian's lips curved into a faint smile as he listened to their camaraderie, appreciating the bonds that had formed within the confines of the training area. Yet, even in the midst of their laughter, Christian's mind was already drifting forward, focused on the challenge that awaited him. His fingers deftly worked the laces of his boots, his movements methodical and deliberate. The sensation of the laces slipping free felt like a subtle release of tension, a preparation for the battle that loomed ahead. The weight of the upcoming match pressed upon him, a blend of anticipation and determination. The laces of his boots came undone one by one, each movement a reminder of the steps he had taken, the challenges he had faced, and the growth he had achieved. As the final lace was loosened, Christian's fingers rested on the edge of his boots, his gaze distant and contemplative. The fire of purpose burned within him, a reminder of his mission, his identity, and the legacy he was poised to reclaim. The laces of his boots lay loose in his hands, a symbol of his readiness, his preparation, and his unyielding resolve.

In that moment, as the room pulsed with life and energy, Emily Thompson appeared as KC Navarro and Titus Alexander took their leave, and behind Emily was Steve Sayors, the XWF Interviewer and the XWF Camera Crew. Christian's gaze held the fire of determination despite the interruption.

"Tomorrow's the big day, Jason. Our journey of return, of redemption, it's all coming to a head."

Jason's confident smile matched his friend's determination.

"You're more than ready for this, Christian. You've shown that."

Christian's expression grew solemn, a mixture of determination and empathy etching his features while finally nodding toward Steve and Emily over in the corner, his first acknowledgement of them since they entered.

"Yeah, but it's not just about the match anymore. It's about something deeper."

Christian's expression brightened as he welcomed them.

"Steve, it's good to see you again. Thanks Em for grabbing them at such short notice" Christian greeted, Emily smiling and nodding her own approval.

Steve grinned. "You're right, Christian. It's great to have you back."

The camera crew set up, and Steve took his position, ready for the impromptu promo Christian was about to deliver. Christian turned his gaze toward the camera, his intensity magnified as he began his promo directed at Corey Smith.

"Corey, I can't help but feel for you. In the span of just two weeks, you've lost your home to the fire that may or may not have been at the hands of TK. And tomorrow night, you're on the verge of losing that Universal Championship due to me."

Christian's voice carried a mix of sympathy and conviction. His eyes locked onto the camera lens, as Christian continued.

"But there's something else, Corey. Something you're losing to your own internal demons, the struggles you're wrestling with every day. It's a battle of identity, of finding your place in this world.. and you seem to be losing yours."

He paused, the weight of his words settling into the room.

"Seattle knows about loss and rebirth. They remember the inferno that burned up this city. But they also remember how Seattle was rebuilt right on top of the old one, stronger, bolder. Corey, Weekend Warfare will be your inferno, your trial by fire. A fire that burns even hotter than the very one that consumed your house. But on the other side of that, there's a chance for you to emerge stronger, to solidify your identity, to rise from the ashes."

His gaze bore into the camera, his words ringing with a blend of challenge and hope.

"I've said it before, Corey – this isn't just about winning or losing. This is about teaching you something that goes beyond the confines of the wrestling ring. It's about showing you that there's more to wrestling, to life, than just holding onto a title. It's about teaching you to hold onto yourself, to your identity. I'm not your enemy, Corey. I'm here to guide you, to help you discover who you really are. And in the process, I'll do what I must, because I'll be walking out of that match with the Universal Championship."

A pause hung in the air before Christian concluded, his gaze unwavering.

"But remember, Corey. This isn't a farewell; it's an awakening. I hope you're watching, because tomorrow, you have a chance to step out of the flames, a different man."

With those final words, the weight of Christian's message settled, leaving an atmosphere of both challenge and understanding. He turned away from the camera, his thoughts deep, his focus unwavering. As the camera crew and Steve wrapped up their work, and Emily took her leave with them, Jason approached Christian.

"Christian, a bunch of the XWF stars are getting together for a dinner. You in?"

Christian shook his head with a warm smile.

"Thanks, Jason, but I have one more thing to do."

With a nod of understanding, Jason left the training area, leaving Christian alone with his thoughts. Christian walked over to a small storage spot next to the main area, and his eyes rested on a small part of a cage. His fingers ran over the steel of an old cage door, a symbol of his past battles. He smiled as he felt the cold steel against his skin.

"It's been a while, old friend," Christian murmured, the memories flooding back.

The steel beneath his touch felt like a connection to his own history, a reminder of the challenges he had overcome.

In that moment, with the echoes of his promo still resonating, Christian knew that he was standing on the precipice of change, ready to step into the inferno and emerge on the other side transformed. As he ran his hands over the steel, a sense of familiarity and readiness washed over him. He was exactly where he needed to be, prepared to face the fire with an unwavering resolve. The scene faded out, leaving Christian in the quiet intensity of the training area, his focus and determination stronger than ever before.

[Image: The-Beautiful-Mind-Of-A-Hero-Why-Dean-Wi...ADHD_1.png]

.:: Win / Draw / Loss ::.
4 / 0 / 0

- 1x IWF X-Treme Champion

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