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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2023 RP Board
The Winds of Change are blowing through the XWF
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Mastermind Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-29-2023, 02:54 PM

"It's been a long road,
getting from there to here.

It's been a long time,
but my time is finally near.

And I can feel the change
in the wind right now.

Nothing's in my way,
And they're not gonna hold
me down no more, no
they're not going to hold me

'Lyrics to: Faith of my heart
By Russel Watson'

it has been a long road to get from the last time that I held the Xtreme title until now.  4 years ago to be exact.  2019.  Before all hell broke loose in the world in 2020, and everything that went with it.    It has certainly been a long time, but the time to reach for the stars and grab that title that I love so much again, has finally drawn near.

And once I have done that, win the title back, I will be the wind of change that is dreadfully needed to take the x-treme title to new heights after Mark Flynn's strong defense with it.  His time is over.

Nothing is going to be in my way, and that includes Mark Flynn and Reggie Estrada.  They won't hold me down, because I won't let them hold me down, and I  will fight my hardest to get my hands back on the X-treme Title,

"Cause I've got
faith of the heart,
I'm going where my
heart will take me,

I've got faith to
believe. I can do

I've got strength of the
soul.  And no one's gonna
bend or break me.

I can reach any star.
I've got faith, faith of the heart."

'Lyrics to: Faith of my heart
By Russel Watson'

And you want to know how I can win the x-treme title back?  Because I've got faith that I can get it back.  Deep down inside me my heart says I can beat Mark Flynn and Reggie Estrada to win back the title that I have held 3 times before.  I can believe I can do anything to win it back. 

I have strength of my inner self that I can win, and so I believe no one is going to break me, or bend my will, they can try but they won't be able to.

If I have to, if I am lying on my back, beaten to a pulp, I will reach up and reach to the skies to get more energy, to get my faith back that I can.  Then I will draw inspiration from within.

"It's been a long night.
Trying to find my way.

Been through the darkness.  Now I
finally have my day.

And I will see my
dream come alive the
last.  I will touch the sky.

And they're not gonna hold
me down no more, no they're
not gonna change my mind.

Cause I've got:
Faith of the heart."

'Lyrics to: Faith of my heart
By Russel Watson'

The days and nights have been long, since I last held that x-treme title.  The days and nights have been long, as I stumble through time without that title, without the thing that means so much to me.  I've been through the darkness, now I finally feel that i will have my day in court, it's called the ring, and it's at Leap of Faith 2023 that I reclaim the x-treme title.

And then I will hold it up to the sky and show the stars that my dream has returned, fully alive.  Estrada and Flynn will not hold me down, no longer will they torment me.  They aren't going to change my mind of quitting or receiving the 3 count, because I have the one thing the strongest out of the three of us.  Faith.  My Faith of the heart, is the strongest and it will prevail, and I will prevail.

"I'm going where my
heart will take me.

I've got faith to
believe I can do

I've got strength of the
soul. And no one's gonna
bend or break me.

I can reach any star.
I've got faith, faith of the

I've known the wind so cold.
I've seen the darkest days.

But now the winds I feel,
are only the winds of change.

I've been through the
fire, and I've been
through the rain.

But I'll be fine.
I've got faith of the heart.
And I'm going where my
heart will take me.

I've got faith to believe.
I can do anything.
I've got strength of the soul,
and no ones gonna bend
or break me.

I can reach any star.
I've got the faith.
The faith of the Heart."

'Lyrics to: Faith of my heart
By Russel Watson'

My heart is leading me back to the x-treme title.  I want it for a fourth time.  Because I know I have the faith to win it for that elusive 4th time.  Knowing that I have the faith, I know I can do anything.

I have felt the winds that are cold, that has kept this place down for so long, I've been through my darkest days, but now I feel that the winds they are a blowing, and with that comes change.  Times will be a changing.

I've been through hell and back, the fires of hell, and I've often felt like I've been drowning in the sea of the XWF.  But come Leap of Faith I will reach for the stars, and I will reach for that x-treme title, and find the strength within me, within my soul, within my hear to pull me back to the surface and beyond, to touch the x-treme title, and win it back.    No one and I mean no one is going to bend or break me.

Because I fully believe I have the faith within me, to win.  The faith of my heart.


The camera fades in on top of the Eifle Tower, showing Mastermind sitting down watching the people below walking around doing their own thing.    He knows the camera is on him but he isn't looking at it.  But he speaks.

[i]"Can you all feel the breeze?  It's really strong up here on top of the Eiffle Tower.  It's almost as strong as fully blown gale.  It feels like the gales mean change.    Winds are change are flowing through the air.    You see in 48 hours time is the Leap of Faith Pay Per View.    And I'm in the match to fight for the X-treme Title.  That title means so much to me because I've held it 3 times before.    I very much want it to be a 4th time.  And I truly believe that it'll take an enormous effort to pry it away from Mark Flynn.  But you all want to know something?"

Mastermind turns around and looks at the camera.


Mastermind settles himself down to let his fans and those watching digest what he has just said.

"I have belief, I have faith, and I have knowledge, to become the x-treme champion for a 4th time.  I know Reggie Estrada and Mark Flynn do not have the belief in me, that I can make a difference, but I can assure them that I can make a difference and I will.

"Reggie Estrade seems to have few words for me in his first promo for this PPV, that's okay.  It means he certainly does not know much about me, so he'll say what ever he can say to make it sound worthwhile.    I've got news for him.  It was lacking with substance, and grit.  It gave nothing much away than to say he knows nothing at all.  He wants to shed some blood.  So be it.  It'll be his blood at the end of the night will be shed, because he will be all bloodied and beaten, but I will be the one to be holding the x-treme title up.

"You want to make me suffer Reggie?  Try it out and see where you get.  You are not on any level, I am above you, just like I am above you at the top of the Eiffle Tower.  You are somewhere around Paris getting ready for the Leap of Faith Pay Per View, and you've already been outed, as I've gotten on top of you litterallly,"

Mastermind smirks his infamous smirk.  Then he turns serious again.

"I won't take you lightly though Reggie, but are a non factor in this match.  My main concern is you Mark Flynn.  You will say or do anything to keep a hold of that title because the reason we all know now is just to reach the bloody stip that once you've held the title for so long you earn a Briefcase.  Is that all you are after?  The prestige of the Belt and keeping it is what you should be after, not a bloody Briefcase.  We all know you can win a title at any given time.  The idea of doing it is with a briefcase is its just a waste of time, and a waste of a briefcase.  I'd rather keep the X-treme title.

"To me that shows disrespect.  Disrespect fof the title, for the lineage, and for everyone else who has been trying to win it for the first time in like ever.  You want to use it to get the briefcase, and then toss it aside like it means nothing.  I know you feel nothing for it, because it shows.  You are a disrespectul son of a bitch.    Come Sunday, come tomorrow that disrespect will make you lose the title.  I'm ready to take it away from you.

"You talk about my t-shirts.  You think it's funny, but thank you for showing some of them.  Thank you for advertising them.  Just thank you for even thinking that you are on the same level as me.  Because you showed my t-shirts in your promo Mark, means that  deep down inside In am well and truly in your head, and that you don't know what to do about it, henche showing my t-shirts and blabbing on about things that no one really cares about because you didn't come up with yourself, you copied.  You are a famous copy cat Mark Flynn.  And I've just proved it.

"You think I haven't changed in 10 years since I started in the XWF?  I've changed very much and I will show you that when I take that title you care very little about and hang it over you once the bell sounds to end the match.  Then you won't get anywhere near to that precious little briefcase stip that you want so much,"

Mastermind stands up and walks over to the side of the Eiffle Tower and looks down to the ground.  He turns back and looks at the camera, as he casually steps over the railings.

"Winds of change are blowing towards Leap of Faith, Reggie, Mark, and it means change.  The change is a change of x-treme champion.  It's been a wild road with Mark as champion.  He won it in some xtraordinary way from my stable mate Kris.  Pulled out some crap story, and won the title.  Kris is still fuming.  I am still fuming.  And I will use the winds of change to make sure that you lose the one that you wish to take,  It's not keeping the xtreme, it's wanting to take the briefcase.

"I won't let you have it Mark.  I won't let Reggie stop you.  Because I'm going to take it myself.  Then keep a hold of it for as long as possible.  I have faith that I can beat you Mark.    I know it, I know you know it, and I know Reggie knows it.  It's been far too long between drinks for me.    I have the strength to do it.    I will reach the stars and I will believe in my faith to take you out.  The time is coming Mark.  The time is coming Reggie.    Believe it or not.  I'll see you at Leap of Faith guys.  I'll be the one taking the leap, and using my faith within me, to believe I can become the next X-treme Champion,"

Mastermind starts grinning, and then starts cackling, as he hears the security guards finally take notice of him being over the railings, and as they are yelling at him in French, Mastermind takes one big long step, and jumps.  The camera quickly moves to the railings and tries to find Mastermind.  But he is nowhere to be seen.

Overall - 62 Wins 104 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 2 Wins 2 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 2 Wins 2 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Television Champion - 129 Days (Just the 4th TV Champion to break 100 days, and now 4th on the all time list)
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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