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07-15-2023, 04:52 PM


[Image: 3114898231553183087-jpg.png]

Wrestler's Real Name: Penelope Plimmswood

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: 25, 8/16/98

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 135

Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas

Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?): Heel (Neutral Evil)

Pic Base: Julia Hart (House of Black ver.)

Backstory/Important Character Details:

Penelope's gimmick is very much of the supernatural variety. Shortly following her graduation from Jan VanDer Roost's Squire's Academy, Penelope was signed to Mainstream Wrestling. Early on during her time there she was stalked and harassed by Eli Buchanan and his Immortal Atrocities stable. Following a particularly brutal match was in fact the complete removal of her soul. She no longer has apathy, or remorse for her actions. She also has a higher pain threshold as a result, which fuels her own bloodlust in the ring. Penelope, while she knows what's right and wrong, no longer cares or takes notice. She has a very want-take-have mindset which dictates her actions. As part of the Immortal Atrocities, she's linked closely with The Hotel California as her soul is now a prisoner therein. She dabbles in witchcraft and necromancy and acts as a sort of honeypot for the Hotel, enticing more unsuspecting souls to walk through its doors.

Strengths: Her pain tolerance is abnormally high due to her soul no longer residing in her body. She can be deceptively strong which can take her opponents by surprise. She will do whatever it takes to make sure she walks out the victor.  

Weaknesses: She's not comfortable on ladders and tends to stay away from the top rope. While she can be methodical in the ring, she can get frustrated and lose her focus and her temper. She is also only 3 years into her career, so she may be susceptible to wily veterans or those with more experience. 

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version):

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing): 

The lights in the building all go out, save for the ones directly around the entryway from the back which swaps to a glowing red. You hear the sounds of a lone female voice which sings acapella.

Ohh Death…Ohh Deeeaaaath…Ohh Death
Won't you spare me over another year.

The red light begins to slowly pulsate to the drop beat as the song continues with the male vocals coming back. A small layer of fog begins to form at the top of the ramp.

Oh what is this that I can't see?
With ice cold hands taking hold of me

The lights all around the arena slowly begin to pulse as well. The song continues, causing one area of the building to turn red after another.

When God is gone, and the Devil takes hold
Who'll have mercy on your soul? Ohh Death

Penelope walks out from behind the curtain, pausing at the top of the aisleway. She looks out at the people in the building to a chorus of boos. She grins beneath the wide brim of her hat in her devilish way as she surveys the crowd.

"Making her way to the ring, by way of the Hotel California...she is...Penelope!"

Penelope, carrying a dead flower in her hands, plucks the black, withered petals off the flower one at a time as she walks and lets them fall to the floor. This leaves a bizarre trail behind her as she walka down the ramp.

Ohh Death, Ohh Death

She drops the naked step on the floor before at the end of the aisleway. She slides into the ring under the bottom rope. She crawls to the middle of the ring, before sitting back on her haunches. 

No weath, No ruin, No silver, No gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul
Well I am Death, non can excel
I'll open the door to Heaven or Hell

She looks up, and spits out a cloud of fine black mist before she lets out an ear splitting shriek. 

Ohh Death…Ohh Death
My name is Death, and the End is Here…

Penelope turns and gestures towards the crowd maniacally as the lights come back up to normal. She gets to her feet, slowly removing her hat and shawl, and makes her way to one of the corners as she waits on her opponent.

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?): The foundation of Penelope's in ring style is a catch wrestling/Lucha hybrid. She has a sound technical approach and uses her speed and quickness to elude bigger opponents. While not a power wrestler, she has deceptive strength and can surprise opponents if the opportunity presents itself. Recently she has begun incorporating more striking into her repertoire, adopting a far more aggressive approach when she wrestles. Her newly adopted mantra of "By Any Means Necessary" translates to her in-ring exploits and fuels her decision making. 

10 or More Standard Moves:

Running Senton Splash
Hesitation Dropkick (to downed opponent in corner)
Rollthrough German Suplex
Powerbomb (performed out of the corner on men)
Multiple Running European Uppercuts
Satellite DDT
Running Hurricanrana
Wheelbarrow Facebuster
Ripcord Knee Strike
Low Front Dropkick (on seated opponent)
Shining Wizard
Facewash (to downed opponent in corner)
Running Knee Lift / Neckbreaker combo
Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker
Scorpion Kick
Fisherman's Suplex

Trademark Move Name(s):

Leucotomy - Kamigoye Knee Strike; generally performed on a kneeling opponent using their arms to pull her opponent's body into the strike adding more velocity. She can use a running variation if the opportunity presents itself although it's not as effective.

Sudden Death - Second rope springboard into a Reverse DDT. She can sometimes transition this into the Fade to Black.

Fade to Black - Dragon Sleeper; Can be used with or without a body scissors depending on her opponent.

Black Mist - Not really a move per say, Penelope has the ability to conjure up black Mist which she will spit in her opponents face if and when the need arises. This can be after a match as part of an attack, or during a match to gain control, it can even be used during segments.

Finishing Move Name(s): The Lament Configuration 

Description(s): Scissored Armbar Crossface; can sometimes be used after the Luecotomy for added insult if she's in a particularly foul mood. However the TLC is Penelope's go to finishing maneuver.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Penelope hasn't been in enough "hardcore" or extreme style matches to really have go to spots. She would eagerly use flaming objects, thumbstacks, and barbwire tho lol

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?): I've always envisioned Penelope in an Undertaker style vein. Not so much early Taker where he no sold every move, but in the way he just wouldn't stay down and kept coming back. She isnt above breaking the rules to win but she won't actively look to do so each and every match. She also wouldn't ever stop doing something do to the possible safety concerns of an opponent lol
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Thaddeus Duke (07-15-2023)

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