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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Predation: reckless abandonment meets obsessive observation
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Prince Adeyemi Offline
The Lonely King
TITLE - Universal Champion

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

02-24-2023, 10:33 PM


[Image: 519895170lion-gif-animation-13.gif]

Isaiah’s chest rises from his bed, drawing the largest gulp of air you can imagine. The top of his head and the top half of his face is fully bandaged up, rendering his world black. Something clipped to his nose, making the air he inhaled disconcertingly clean.  His nose feels off and breathing in throughout sent jolts of pain through his head. Not that his nerve endings weren’t already working on overdrive.

It hurt everywhere.

His head throbbed from the overstimulation of his broken and battered body jerking awake, and the half-broken man. His blind eyes felt like Dolly’s disgusting swamp fingers were still stabbing into them. There was a ringing in his ear that felt like he’d just been clocked by a championship boxer.

No bueno at all.

But with his world in darkness and his nerves on fire – something else within him started to bubble to life. The shadows of lights and the various stimuli started to manifest into shapes and sounds. At first it was overwhelming. He’d go to call out to someone, anyone, but his throat only croaked out air.

As he tried to move his arms and legs, he felt that he couldn’t. Not like they were tied down or restrained, he just simply… Couldn’t.

Through the shadows of his blindness appears what looks like… eyes? A chilling sound follows that makes his struggle cease.

“Not doing so hot, aye… Iz?”

The words were unintimidating, but the voice was cold yet familiar.

“I ain’t seen ya this beat up since Ol’ Jeremiah kicked your head in.”

Isaiah winces through his bandages as the voice reminds him of day in what feels like a distant past. The memory sharpens the Isaiah’s mental vision, giving the floating eyes a face. A hollowed, hungry… face.

[Image: whomst-hannibal.gif]

“Leaving the court comes with a price, unless you’re pretty… remember?”

Swallowing painfully, Isaiah manages to croak out a few words.

“You’re dead.”

The face cracks into a dark smile.

“Looks like you’ll soon be too if you keep going like this.”

The face was disgusting, and thankfully? It shifts between light and dark. He tries to close his eyes, only to feel like an idiot. There was no getting rid of this apparition.

“You is a damn fool, boy. There’s no getting rid of me… You need me.”

“Fuck you.”

“You always have, I made lil ol’ spineless Isaiah into an animal, into a lion. A King.”

“I’ve done just fine s-“

“Can you even say King anymore?”

Isaiah shoots as much of a glare as you can with a bandaged-up face.

“You’re nothing without me. Couldn’t make it in the streets with the Court, couldn’t make it as a pro in the ring. Yeah yeah they gave you a lil glory with a couple of punks, but at the end of the day…”

“I’m back bandaged in bed.”

“That’s righ’, you ain’t done shit since you left me.”

“You died.”

“You quit on me.”

“You’re still dead.”

“Ya’ need ya coach.”

“I need a break.”

“You need me to set you free.”

“I need a reset.”

“Look at me.”



[Image: hannibal.gif]

Isaiah was stuck in bed for a few days after his brutal match against Dolly. His doctors told him he should wear some shades until his eyes recovered. It had taken Chae a tremendous amount of work to even get the battered wrestler approved for the match but Isaiah insisted – he needed to fight.

Something had clicked within Isaiah, not that Chae and Ezekiel noticed. He’d begun to spend hours replaying and rewatching his past matches, the matches of not just his next opponents but every member of the roster - over and over again as his body began to piece itself back together.

He didn’t say much either, at least to his friends, but occasionally, seemed to be having entire conversations with himself. Soul searching, they chalked it up to.

One thing Isaiah had made absolutely clear was that he wanted a match, and he wanted it to include as many people as he could.

When he’d finally woke up, he charged Chae to sort it out with Theo, not responding to her concerns about him returning to the ring so soon. He didn’t respond until he heard the words “It’s done, you’ve got a tag match, that’s three people for you to watch.”.

“Wonderful, who’s in it?”

“Theo tried, but really all we have are the first-round losers.” She winced as she got the words out of her mouth, a reminder of his loss never came off well for Isaiah.

“That seems appropriate, I’ve gotten enough glamorous shots and not delivered. The bottom seems… Appropriate.” His voice was clear and calm.

“They’re pairing you up with the big guy Vagabond, and you’re facing the vets Calypso and-“

“Barney Green.” He cuts her off as begun to stretch against his lips.


“That’s wonderful, I’ve watched that maniac for years. Not really my style, but he sure knew how to put on a show. Thanks Chae.”

Isaiah walks away from his girlfriend without another word, and she knows better than to pursue him. Her shoulders droop as she watches the broken love of her life walk back toward his room.

Every time he closed his eyes, Pops was right back there. At first, he tried hard to keep his eyes open, pop some pills, and drink more water – but every time he closed his eyes, Pops was right back there.

It had been years since Isaiah had seen him, not since the original Kings Court had broken up. Not since he’d fought and lost to Jeremiah, not since… Pops had died. Yet the man’s face was clear as day, and still struck a nauseating fear into Isaiah’s heart.

“You won’t say it because you’re a weak bitch, that’s fine – but until you see that you’re nothing without some help… Without MY help, you’ll just be another forgettable black kid from the streets.”

Isaiah’s fists tightened, his nails driving into his palm.

“I’ve made my name.” He croaked it out with little conviction.

“Yeah sure, as the king of the dumpster fires. Boy, you shot faster than a virgin at his first strip club. 1, 2, up and out. Now you’re just limp and deflated - a mess that needs cleanin’.” Even in his head Pops was a vile-mouthed menace.

“A bump in the road.”

“A road to what, the top? Son, you ain’t even close to being on their level. You don’t have what it takes… Yet.”

“I just need to try harder-.”

“Look in the mirror.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Do ya see your weakness… Or do you see your strength.”

“…I don’t want to.”

“Do you see you, or me? Do you feel the hunger, does it howl inside? Does it scream for you to-“


Pops’ face twitched with a new feeling, it made Isaiah sick.

[Image: fc2cf81fee1cc044c0feb0b92a259241.gif]

Once Isaiah felt back in fighting shape, he took his team down to San Antonia, it was time to meet his tag team opponent, a man he’d spent hours catching up on. If Isaiah had his stubborn way, he’d have liked to face them in a fatal four-way, victory over two with some help doesn’t sound quite as nice as a victory over three on his own.

But he knew he needed some help.

Vagabond seemed felt like a grizzled veteran, as new as he was to the federation. He’d been fighting since Isaiah’s fists were still too small for the gloves the King’s Court gym had loaned him. A man with a sound head on a pair of shoulders, a reliable partner, and a stable banister to lean on.

A little too stable to face the eccentricities of Calypso and Barney Green.

”Whaddya do when you’re fighting a bunch of unpredictable crazies, boy.”

”You stop predicting.”

”You gotta hunt-”

”-On instinct.”

”Look, you're limitless when you follow me. Controlled crazy.”

Isaiah’s mouth twitches, he couldn’t refute that. He didn’t feel himself, but himself was very much a loser. Whatever he felt like right now, it was different, and different was better than same old loser.

He’d given Vagabond a call last week before being rudely cut off, he thought he’d at least help out with the promotional efforts, maybe suss out Vagabond’s character over the phone before meeting him in person. If Vagabond was going to be the stability into their team, Isaiah was going to lean into the advice and let loose.

Reckless abandonment.

”Tsk tsk, whaddya get when obsessive observation meets animal instinct….”

Pop’s voice had a tinge of that coaching seriousness in it.


”Good boy.”

Isaiah can’t resist the tingle of… Pride? He shakes it off, walking into a gym he’d found out Vagabond was training at. Slipping in through the side door, he made as little noise as he could, settling by the corner and watching his soon-to-be tag partner sparring in the ring.

Calypso, Barney - I’ve watched you two for years. You’ve spent a decent chunk of the best years of your life entertaining the masses, putting your bodies on the line - some more than others.

Don’t get me wrong Barney, you’re still a disgusting piece of trailer park trash, but you’re OUR disgusting piece of trailer park trash.

Hearing of your return last week, definitely piqued my interest.

You were a constant here when this place was bursting with dominant talent. People who devoted their time to THIS company, who went all-in on making the XWF the number one wrestling company.

I mean sure, you weren’t one of those dominant talents - but at least you were here, partner.”

Isaiah tips an imaginary hat, while his eyes stay glued on Vagabond.

” I’ve watched you two for years, fighting the greats, challenging for titles, each on your own journey to grasp glory. On behalf of the fans, it’s been such a joy, really.

Every success story needs it’s losers' grief.

Every road to glory is built on hundreds of dreams smashed to gravel.

Every match needs someone to take the fall, the pin, the tap-out.

I’ve watched you two for years be just that - and I thank you for taking another for my development's sake. “

Isaiah’s mouth curls into a snarl, flashing his canines - his eyes still unwavering.

”I’ve watched you two for years - and its time for my observation to come to fruition.

I know how you move, I know how you think… Or how little thinking you do.

Calypso, you dive into self-pity. Nothing ever goes right for you. Yet any time you get a glimpse of glory, it's you that shits on your own party. Did you really let Vaughn take you out twice with the same damn move? Right between the legs? If you’d watched, and you’d learnt, you’d have broken his arms before he tried again.

And Barney, without your weapons and your bloodshed you’re really just another sandbag in that ring. A delight when it comes to the bloodlust, but a bore when any real wrestling needs to be done. You’re going to try and squeeze out a victory some way or another, but look at the big man go in the ring - he’s too focused to be caught off guard by you, and I’m too fast for ya brain-damaged ass to touch.

My eyes are bloody, and my retinas sting - but I’ve been watching you two and this Saturday I will hunt you both like the prey that you are.

Feed for those of us that are better.

I’ll fatten myself up on you both, nourish myself on your expired flesh before that little prick Dolly gets what’s coming to her.

I’ve watched you both for years, but you’ve never seen Isaiah King like this before.

I thank you both for your service, it’s time you became practice prey for this lion cub, this heir apparent.”

[Image: lion-protector.gif]

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