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XWF Presents: Snow Job White Out
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-29-2023, 09:06 PM

01 - 29 - 23



- vs -

- vs -
Standard Tag

- vs -
Special Guest Refs - John Black & Centurion
Anarchy Roster Lumberjack Match

- vs -
- vs -
TLC Tornado Tag

- vs -

- vs -
Champion's Advantage - Ned Kaye gets to name the stipulation in his FIRST promo!

- vs -
- vs -
Parking Lot Brawl

- vs -

Special Guest Ref - Olmec
Xtreme - Optimal Path Match
An updated version of the Aggro-Crag structure from Bad Medicine. This one comes equipped with  treacherous booby traps and controls. Such as a rock slide or boulders. Additionally one side of the mountain goes flat at random intervals which will send the climber all the way to the bottom. The Universal title rests at the top, the first man to grab the title wins.

“You Know My Name” bellows out as the arena cheers loudly for the arrival of Unified Television Champion, Ned Kaye! The spotlights follow him as he walks out onto and down the ramp, a serious demeanor apparent on his person with every step as the audience of Green Bay serenades him. The Television Title is secured confidently around his waist, each spotlight reflected in its golden glow.

HHL: “A surprise appearance here to kick off this show! Ned doesn’t often come out here unprompted, but we know that this match later tonight is incredibly important to him. He and Page have quite the history in this company despite only facing each other in the ring twice.”

PIP: “I don’t know exactly what Ned is out here to try and prove. Sure, he’s a fine champion, but he’s no CCP. If you ask me, Kaye is basically begging for Chris to make him look like a schmuck tonight.”

HHL: “Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t ask you, Pip.”

Kaye reaches for a microphone as he hoists himself up on the ring apron, giving it a few taps to make sure it’s working before waiting for the crowd in Wisconsin to settle down. He glances back to the ramp, his expression intense as the words finally escape him.

“Every new era in professional wrestling is marked with a moment.”

“Be it Raion Kido defying the odds against ALIAS, the forming of The Prophecy, or when Robert Main kicked Chris Page out of this company for good!”

The crowd gives a somewhat mixed response, garnering large cheers, yet a few boos from Page-diehards. Regardless, Kaye settles the noise with a hand, motioning for some quiet.

“But it was never that simple, was it? Chris Page is a lot of things, but easy to shake off is not one of them and like a cockroach, he crawled his way back into this company and into my sights. He has a big show set up where he and his vanity organization get together and who does he target? Raion Kido. My friend and ally. It’s a tale as old as time, it seems. Chris Page and targeting those closest to me. But tonight that ends. Tonight, Chris, you don’t get to maneuver around me, you are pointed right in my path and I am going to run over you. Not for the belt, not for the prestige of victory, but for everything you have done and every wicked scheme you plan. Let it be known now and forever: tonight won’t be a new era for the XWF, but it will be a new one for Ned Kaye: the era in which I exercised the last strings of vile influence you have had over my life and loved ones! That is what I am bringing tonight! That is my promise to all of you!”

The crowd begins to chant as Ned's words intensify.


"Chris Page thinks he can beat me tonight! It's some of the only thinking he actually does! He thinks he has me pegged for an overambitious rookie out of his element! But I know I have him outclassed! I know I have him beat! I know all of your mind games, Chris, so how about we cut the shit and you come out right here, right now? Or do I need to tweet something at you to get your attention?"

The lights start to flicker throughout Lambeau Field before going completely dark which naturally sparks an incredible reaction from the crowd.

The countdown clock ticks down to zero and as the music of the Terminator music kicks in, a spotlight hits the top of the ramp where Chris Page stands looking down at the ring with a smirk on his face as he simply shakes his head from right to left. Page, already in his gear reaches inside his jacket and procures a microphone conveniently placed, ya know… this IS Professional Wrestling and you always have to be prepared.

The music slowly starts to fade as Chris raises the microphone to his lips and starts to speak while slowly walking the massive landing pad to get to the ring.

CHRIS PAGE: This is cute and all, buuuuuut amateur hour is over, Mr. Kaye.

The crowd is more neutral to the response from Chris as he then continues.

CHRIS PAGE: Here’s a rule you should have learned back in promo school all those years ago which CLEARLY failed you. It’s super simple, and goes a little something like this… Just because something sounds good in your head doesn’t mean it should escape your lips. Target Raion Kido? Are you fucking serious? Who targeted Raion? It sure as shit wasn’t me, he got challenged to a match, he accepted, and he got beat CLEAN and CLEAR in the middle of the ring inside CCPE Arena by who? Oh yeah, ME!

Chris is nearing the halfway point when he then states.

CHRIS PAGE: I’m sorry Ned, not everything is about you. Smacking around Kido at CCPE vs The World was all me, slapping around Robert Main and playing him for a fucking fool wasn’t Thunder Knuckles; it was Chris Page… where was Ned Kaye when Robert Main was getting the crap kicked out of him on a daily? Where was Ned Kaye when Robert Main reformed whatever fucking group that lasted three months? Because you sure as shit wasn’t having his back yet you want to invoke his name here and now while pretending you gave a shit.

Now the crowd starts to turn as Chris is nearing the ring.

CHRIS PAGE: Your own vanity in all of this is priceless, Mr. Kaye. I don’t know who you think you are if I’m being honest. You’ve built this delusional fantasy that YOU are important within MY world when the truth is, you’ve always been the whining charity case that can’t hang in the Main Event scene! You can continue to parade around with that strap of gold, it’s truly the only thing that is giving you any real relevancy because you’ve just shown that cutting a promo damn sure isn’t your strong suit.

Chris starts to walk up the steel steps.

CHRIS PAGE: I didn’t come out here because you called me out. I came out here to SAVE the opening of this show because you’ve clearly shit the bed on such a simple task.

Chris now reaches the ring apron and steps through the ropes as now he and Ned Kaye are within spitting distance of each other.

CHRIS PAGE: If it wasn’t bad enough that I have to carry you in a match tonight I’ve got to save you from yourself so you don’t continue making an ass out of yourself. So, what it Ned? What is SOOOOOOOOO important that you thought today of all days was the day to put on your big girl panties?

Ned gives him a smile, lifting the microphone to his lips once more.

Chris, if you wanted to save this show, you would’ve done me and the fans a favor and stayed gone.”

The crowd erupts with Ned’s statement as he laughs under his breath with them. Chris quickly retorts

CHRIS PAGE: I tried, but your boss continued to book me. Go ask him why I’m here.

“You know, and that’s something I’ll ask Theo directly very shortly, but there’s a more pressing matter here and that’s why I’m out here to begin with. That question you’re just dying to know. Well, I’ll tell you, Chris: this is my moment. This whole show is. The show that will be the defining example of when your big name energy got revealed for the advertising campaign it is and always has been. You talk about Theo like he’s some man who tells me to jump and I go yipping trying to please him because that’s what you think an employee should be. It’s why you could never get Jason. Shit, you’ll come out here and call me whiny when it was you throwing shit over not having your ring kissed enough.”

Chris yawns, exaggerating it for effect as Ned stares daggers into him.

“Of course. That’s the Chris Page I know. A man who babbles about respect without showing it to anyone he can’t immediately get something from. A man who disrespects this ring inside and out! Someone who’s always finding a game or some underhanded tactic or a bat to swing at a man’s head because he’s afraid in a fair fight he just can’t stack up! I’ve been watching you my whole life Chris and it is the same damn story everywhere you go: a good wrestler who will always be a shit man because it might pay a dollar more!”

Chris lowers his head and places his left hand across the bridge of his nose. He lets out a deep sigh before raising his head back up and addressing Ned.

CHRIS PAGE: I mean, just when I thought you couldn’t say anything dumber than your opening bit you have even managed to surprise me. Ya know, I’m glad we’re having this little chat because I’ll take it as a way to enlighten you, little guy. Jason Cashe? Do you really think I’m sweating his decision LAST YEAR to have Theo rep him? Nah, I have a laundry list of TALENTED performers attached to CCPE.

Chris takes a second and then continues.

CHRIS PAGE: I’m sorry, I haven’t been stuck “in the void” of the XWF… but let’s talk about respect. You’re one THOUSAND percent correct, I have zero respect for this federation, and truth be told you’re lucky I don’t whip out my Johnson and take a piss in the center of this ring; RESPECT! Let’s talk about respect when the figurehead of this company can’t even muster up a single positive thing to say about a guy THAT CARRIED HIS BRAND for TWO YEARS! Respect? That same fuckboy that tries to downplay me, my accomplishments, the sacrifices I made for HIS company when nobody else would! You don’t know the first goddamn thing about respect, or lack thereof because YOU have never been a top guy in this profession.

The tension starts to build in the confines of Lambeau Field between Page and Kaye.

CHRIS PAGE: Do I respect this company? Fuck no, and for a guy that in the month of January knocked down Matt Knox, again. Knocked down Finn Wheelan, knocked down your own XWF Poster Boy just a mere week ago to defending tag straps within the Entity. What the fuck have you done? Beat Ring Master?

Chris gives Ned a golf clap.

CHRIS PAGE: Respect is EARNED, and regardless if you, Theo, some stupid Saga that will tank faster than Apex wants to admit it or not… I’ve EARNED it. It’s not my fault that I left the XWF in the rearview and became a bigger draw for it, I can’t help it that the only top-tier talent that has bothered to stick around this dump is Mark Flynn and Peter Vaughn, and I can’t help that your boss is the single biggest hypocrite walking the face of the planet. The difference between you and me; my eyes have always been open while you continue to be a blind sheep.

Chris lowers the microphone as Ned steps right to Page drawing a massive ovation from the crowd. Chris and Ned start exchanging words off the microphone as they go head to head, neither giving an inch.

“Know Your Enemy” by Rage Against The Machine hits the stadium speakers and out from the back steps Theo Pryce, flanked by Raion Kido and Jason Cashe. The group do not walk down the entry way instead they choose to stay up by the entrance leaving Page and Ned in the ring.

”Hey Chris how you doing? Still riding high after that whoopin CCPE put on “The World” I bet you are. I sure would be. That was honestly a bludgeoning which just confirmed for me and everyone else out there that CCPE has gotten out of hand. You may have very well had a fantastic idea at CCPE’s inception but it’s morphed into something else. Something bigger and darker and it needs to be stopped and we are going to be the ones that do it. I told you a few weeks back that I recognized that in order for this to succeed we would need to expand, we would need to try and grow to combat the impressive numbers that CCPE boasts.”

Chris cuts off Theo.

CHRIS PAGE: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Chris blows Theo a kiss.

”To borrow a page from your book, “whatever helps you sleep at night Chris.” As I was saying, Trilogy needed to expand, it needed to evolve, Saga is what has been born and we are going to start that expansion right now. I know you think Ned is below your station. He’s going to prove you wrong later tonight but that’s later. You just beat Raion and you and Bam beat Cashe and I a few weeks back. You’re riding a hot streak and were I you I’d be pretty confident in my chances going forward but you see Chris the thing about me is that well…none of that matters. What’s done is done. I don’t believe in eulogizing the past. I believe in learning from it. And who better to add to SAGA than someone who pinned you just a few short weeks ago someone you can’t just thumb your nose at. Ladies and Gentlemen, the newest member of SAGA…

The lights go out…

The sounds of music and a snorting bull fill the arena as smoke rises from the stage. The lights return to the arena and Buster Gloves rises from the floor of the stage as the words "BUSTER GLOVES" play on the tron. "Burn", as played by Stabbing Westward, plays as blue and white lasers bounce around the arena.The fans rise to their feet in a roar of approval as Buster Gloves emerges from the back wearing a black shirt with a gold SAGA logo across the chest. He takes a few steps forward, basking in the adulation the fans are raining down on him before taking a step back to join the rest of his newfound faction mates.

In the ring Ned walks past Chris Page throwing an intentional shoulder into Page knocking him out of the way with a slick smirk on his face as he exits the ring and starts to make his way back up the ramp joining the rest of The Saga. Chris simply shakes his head, shrugs his shoulders and raises the microphone.

CHRIS PAGE: Well if this isn’t all cute. You kids do realize you’re playing a game that you won’t win? I could have TEN guys here with one phone call, and if that’s the game you want to play then I say game on.

Snow Job goes to commercial.

HHL: Well fans of the XWF Universe that was one heck of a way to open the first pay per view of 2023 with the reveal that Buster Gloves has joined Theo Pryce's SAGA in it's war against CCPE. I wonder how Chris Page will respond?

PIP: By kicking Ned Kaye's teeth in and taking the TV title from him and then waving it in Theo's face. Obviously."

HHL: I don't think there's anything obvious about it Pip but either way we are now ready for opening match of the night. XWF Madness Star Jacki O'Lantern will take on former tag team champion John Madison Jr.

John Madison Jr makes his way to ring.

"Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett plays and out comes Jacki O'Lantern from behind the curtain to thunderous cheers from the crowd. She walks down the ramp and looks toward the crowd, noticing some signs in support of her, as she points to them and gives them a nod before ascending up the stairs and underneath the bottom rope where she enters the ring. She taunts the crowd, which generates more of a reaction from them before focusing her eyes on the stage as her music dies.

- vs -


Madison and O’Lantern circle in the ring, neither pulling their eyes away from each other. The fans are at a fevered pitch which really hypes up O’Lantern. The fans alternate between the two as they chant, ‘Let’s go Madison’, ‘Lets go O’Lantern.’

HHL: Seems that there’s a pretty equal divide between those supporting O’Lantern and those supporting Madison as this match begins!

PIP: I’m pretty sure that the same people are chanting both names.

Madison and O’Lantern meet in the middle of the ring in a collar and elbow tie up. The much larger Madison quickly controls O’Lantern and pushes her all the way back into the corner and releases, per the ref’s instructions. He keeps his hands up but that only seems to encourage O’Lantern to come back out of the corner and slam an elbow into Madison’s midsection, sending him backward. From there the two immediately start trading lefts and rights much to the delight of the crowd!

PIP: O’Lantern is no match for Madison’s size and power

HHL: Madison takes control!

Madison cinches up O’Lantern and whips her over with a vertical suplex. O’Lantern hits hard and the mat trembles as Madison rises back up and plays it up for the fans. Madison backs up and hits the ropes and uses the momentum to drive an elbow down into O’Lantern. O’Lantern rolls over kicking her feet in pain.

HHL: The much larger Madison is dominating right now!

PIP: That delayed vertical of Madison’s is something else!

Madison backs up to the ropes and climbs to the second turnbuckle and leaps off attempting an elbow drop but O’Lantern moves suddenly and Madison crashes to the mat. Madison rolls to get back to his feet and O’Lantern catches him with a spinning backfist which staggers him.

HHL: Madison’s staggered, O’Lantern is stepping forward!

O’Lantern drives a boot into Madison’s midsection and pulls him in for a DDT, but when she pulls, he goes nowhere. Madison stands up and catches her over his shoulder and stomps around the ring looking to slam her, but she whips her legs with the slam attempt and drives Madison down hard with the DDT!

HHL: Madison head first into the mat!

PIP: O’Lantern smashed Madison’s head like a pumpkin!

O’Lantern leaps onto Madison and locks in an octopus stretch! Madison fights it, but despite the size differential, she’s able to lock it in. Madison refuses to give up as the referee checks the hold.

PIP: Oh my, if Madison taps out here, it will shock the wrestling world.

HHL: Looks like he’s fighting back!

Madison gets loose enough to get his feet underneath him and captures O’Lantern and stands all the way up and slams her down with something like a modified samoan drop!

HHL: That move was ugly, but it was effective!

Madison floats over and goes for the pin! The referee gets in position!




Madison grabs O’Lantern and pulls her up with him. The fans holler as he starts laying jabs and chops into her chest and neck. She stumbles back into the ropes and staggers forward into yet another chop. She falls to her knees and Madison breaks to the ropes behind him and comes back and drops O’Lantern with a low clothesline. He comes back up to his feet and points to the corner. The fans cheer.

HHL: Is Madison thinking Moonsault here?

PIP: O’Lantern is about to become a pumpkin pie!

Madison climbs the turnbuckles and hesitates for only a moment before leaping from the top turnbuckle. He soars through the air and just as he comes around in his flip, O’Lantern gets her legs up and he lands abruptly over her knees. Madison crashes to the mat holding his midsection.

PIP: Crash and burn!

HHL: But it’s definitely the best outcome for Jacki.

PIP: What is she planning now?

HHL: It looks like she’s going for the Black Cat Crossing!

Jacki has Madison to his feet and she’s awkwardly trying to set up the much larger Madison for her take on the taco driver. Once she tries to go for the lift, Madison turns and grabs her by the throat and slams her down with a choke slam. Both opponents are down for a moment before Madison starts to stir.

HHL: O’Lantern looks like she’s out of it.

O’Lantern slumps over, not looking too hot as Madison rises to his feet and goes straight for her legs. The fans cheer as he goes for his patented figure four ‘Maddy Lock.’

HHL: If he can get this locked in, that could be it for O’Lantern!

PIP: He’s about to end this match!

Madison locks it in and now Jacki O’Lantern is writhing in pain as she fights off the urge to tap out to the painful submission move. Madison gets his hands underneath him and pushes up, putting more torque on the hold.

PIP: This is ugly! Will she tap?

HHL: It looks like she’s fighting with everything she’s got to keep from tapping out!

O’Lantern sits up and starts punching away at Madison’s knees, but he puts more torque on the hold and it makes her reel in pain. The referee checks on her but she refuses to give up. O’Lantern gets her hands beneath her and tries to roll over, but Madison forces her back.

HHL: This really does not look good for Jacki O’Lantern.

PIP: She should tap, she’s risking permanent injury here!

HHL: She might just be considering it!

O’Lantern’s hand is hovering over the mat and she’s strongly considering tapping out to save her further agony, but suddenly she makes a fist and starts to work herself into a frenzy, she uses every bit of strength she has inside and forces Madison over, thus putting all of the torque of the move on him! He quickly releases the hold.

HHL: Where is she getting this energy from?!

PIP: She’s digging down deep and they’re both back to their feet!

The two meet in the middle of the ring and they’re trading lefts and rights. Madison is reeling as O’Lantern backs up and comes back off the ropes and drops him with a discus clothesline. Madison tries to get back up, but she grounds him with a double knee drop. She goes for the pin!




PIP: Madison isn’t going to go out that easily!

HHL: O’Lantern might be looking for something big here!

Madison slowly rises to his feet, not realizing that he’s being stalked by O’Lantern. He turns around and she doubles him over with a boot to the gut and sets him up for her trademark gotch style piledriver. She struggles to pull him up, but once she does, she drives him down hard to the mat.

HHL: No Fucks Given! She’s landed it!

PIP: Watch your language, there are kids watching!

O’Lantern is hurt and exhausted and takes some time to get up and float over for the pin attempt.





HHL: Madison just gets a shoulder up!

PIP: I thought it was all over there!

Without missing a beat, O’Lantern grimaces in frustration and very deliberately pulls Madison back to his feet and drives him back down to the mat with another ‘No Fucks Given’ gotch style piledriver. The fans go wild as she doesn’t seem done there.

HHL: She definitely doesn’t want him to kick out here!

PIP: You can say that again!

She pulls him back up and drops him with a sickening thud with a third ‘No Fucks Given’ piledriver and it puts Madison out completely. O’Lantern goes for the pin!





As Jacki O’Lantern celebrates and leaves the ring and as she’s walking up the entrance ramp staff approach the ring and check on Madison who is still out of it.

HHL: Looks like they’re bringing out a stretcher. Madison’s really out in there right now.

PIP: Jacki made quite the statement there with the way she took control of the match at the end there.

Madison is carted out of the ring and put onto a stretcher and wheeled up the ramp into the backstage area.

The lights dim as multiple spotlights rotate throughout the arena. As "Leaving Dionysus" begins to play, the spotlights all point to the stage, illuminating a velvet red curtain. At the moment the guitars begin to play, the curtain is drawn open, revealing the imposing figure of Dionysus, holding a Thyrsus in his right hand and a shield on his left arm. He clashes the staff against his shield to rouse the crowd to clap with him, then roars, raising the Thyrsus above his head.

You never had the right,
Removing me from paradise.
Your path removed the light,
Rendering me colour-blind.

But now I’ll speak,
Since I’ve become my own again,
And now I’ll leave,
Since I’ve become my own, again.

"Making his way to the ring, from Minneapolis MN, weighing in at 270 lbs; he is the Lord of the Vine, DIONYSUS!"

Dionysus sets the Thyrsus and shield next to the ring apron and rolls inside, running to one of the turnbuckles and climbing up to rally the crowd behind him. He then hops down and limbers up, awaiting his opponent.

There's a short sputter and hiss as a needle touches down on a record. Shortly after that the sound of "Weight of the World" by Battle Tapes starts to blare out of the PA system. It's rough and scratchy, like a bad girl's muff, but it gets the fans up off their asses as Blondie steps out from the entrance.

Oh yeah, he's wearing those sunglasses he makes look so good and his hair, oh my word his hair. It’s as blonde as his name and the rest of him; he’s etched and glistening, just like you’d expect out of a Greek God.

He makes his way down towards the ring as the fans hoot and holler.

Blondie slides into the ring and pops up to his feet. Check it - Life or death - he’s ready to go. The fans are excited to find out whether he’s going to win or get demolished. The sunglasses come off and that hair, that blonde hair whips in the wind as he bangs his head to that sweet-sweet Battle Tapes roaring out of the speakers..

That's right, he's built like he's etched out of stone and has just the right amount of chest hair. His smile, oh my, it's a devilish one. Those eyes? You wanna get some. Male or female; he's got you questioning some things.

The music stops and Blondie goes to his corner, ready to kill or get killed.

The Deathsurround" by Butcher Babies starts over the loud speakers and Geri Vayden makes her way to the ring.

People begin to bang on drums as they play his entrance music. It seems as if Oswald has literally paid for an entire orchestra, just to play him to the ring. After the first round of singing ends and the drums start off once more, Oz starts to walk to the ring, dressed in a large white cloak covering his body. However, instead of entering the ring first, he waits. He stands there near the ring floor next to the edge of the ramp. He slowly pulls off the cloak, folds it and then places it on the edge of the ring, next to one of the posts before climbing onto the apron and over the top rope where he goes to his corner, sitting down as he waits for the bell.

- vs -
Standard Tag

HHL: Looks like Dionysus and Blondie are discussing who is going to start this match. Can you believe they’re calling themselves Chardonnay?

PIP: And on the other side of the ring, it looks pretty clear that Oswald is going to start this thing off.

Dionysus looks like he’s going to start things off for his team.


As soon as the bell rings, Oswald charges across the ring and lunges at Dionysus who steps out of the way just in the nick of time. Oswald turns around and shows his teeth. Dionysus checks his six and sees Geri Vayden looking not so interested. Dionysus turns just in time to see Oswald throwing a punch. Dionysus dodges the shot and returns fire, but Oswald is also able to dodge the punch. With that exchange the two circle and Dionysus puts both hands up, enticing Oswald.

HHL: Looks like he’s calling for the greco roman knuckle lock!

PIP: Sure, I like the 80s, why not?

Oswald accepts the gesture and the two tie up and vie for control of the knuckle lock. Oswald looks like he has control, but Dionysus manages to gain control of the hold and in his frustration, Oswald throws a big boot to Dionysus’ midsection and follows that up with a double axe handle to his back as he doubles over. He then rams a knee into his opponent’s head, staggering him.

HHL: Oswald is a giant in there.

PIP: Dionysus isn’t a small man either!

Oswald scoops up Dionysus and slams him down hard to the mat and points at Blondie who definitely wants into the ring. Oswald drives a boot down, but Dionysus sees it coming and rolls out of the way, all Oswald gets for his trouble is a jammed knee. Dionysus scrambles to his feet and catches another knee to the midsection and shortly after that, he’s rammed between the second and top turnbuckle, shoulder first.

HHL: Brutal! That’s skin against steel!

PIP: You could easily separate a shoulder that way!

Dionysus reels backwards out of the corner and turns around right into a clothesline from Oswald that floors him. Blondie tries to enter the ring, but he’s confronted by the referee. Given the distraction, Oswald pulls up Dionysus and gives him a good old fashioned eye rake and slings him into his team’s corner. He follows Dionysus in with a big time shoulder tackle. Oswald tags in Geri Vayden.

The referee finally gets his head back in the game and turns his attention back to Dionysus just in time to see Vayden and Oswald both stomp Dionysus into the mat in the corner. Oswald leaves the ring and Vayden bounds to the opposite ropes and comes back looking for a baseball slide which Dionysus rolls away from, sending Vayden into the steel ringpost ribs first. She’s bent awkwardly and yelps in pain.

HHL: Doesn’t look like Vayden is going to be able to capitalize on the momentum gained by Oswald out there!

PIP: Yeah there’s something about that steel that doesn’t pair well with the human body.

Dionysus moves towards his corner as Oswald looks on, frustrated. As Dionysus tags in Blondie, Oswald reaches down low and tags himself in by slapping Vayden on the back. Oswald steps into the ring over the top ring rope right as Blondie rushes in and connects with a leaping knee strike to Oswald’s head.

HHL: Right out of the gate, Blondie lands what he calls the ‘Provocateur’ on Oswald!

PIP: And the momentum carries him all the way out of the ring!

Oswald crashes down onto the floor beside the ring and Blondie wastes no time climbing right to the top turnbuckle and he leaps off with a suicide dive right as Oswald rises to his feet. The two men crash to the floor below as Vayden finally gets back to her feet and grabs hold of the tag rope. Both Vayden and Dionysus are calling to their tag team partners as they stir. Blondie is the first one up, but Oswald surprises him and slams him face first into the unforgiving ring apron. Blondie’s knocked senseless by the move as he’s rolled into the ring beneath the bottom ring rope.

HHL: Oswald is back in firm control of this match!

PIP: I mean, look at him, how couldn’t he be?

Blondie’s bleeding from the forehead, but it doesn’t seem to bother anyone as Oswald pulls him up by his hair and slings him into the far ropes and on the way back, Oswald connects with a thunderous spinebuster!

HHL: That’s that spine on the pine action!

PIP: Blondie is broken, first match in and he’s already broken!

Oswald falls on Blondie, looking for the cover.



Blondie gets the shoulder up quickly, but it only pleases Oswald as he once again pulls him up and whips Blondie over with not one, not two…

HHL: Three! Four!

PIP: Five and six German Suplexes! Oh my goodness!

Blondie flops to the mat a right bloody mess as Oswald rises to his feet and stares at Dionysus who stares defiantly right back at him. Oswald steps on Blondie’s chest and tells the referee to count. The referee hits the mat with the count.




Up comes Blondie’s shoulder and this time, he attacks Oswald’s ankle and surprises Oswald by bringing him down to the mat. Blondie floats over and leaps up to tag in Dionysus. Dionysus roars into the ring like a man possessed and damages Oswald with a series of boxing combinations ending in a right hook that sends Oswald back to the mat.

HHL: That’s Dionysus’ patented ‘Brut Force’ combination there!

PIP: He’s got Oswald rocked here!

Dionysus, knowing he needs to slow things down, pulls up Oswald’s legs and rolls him over, forcing him into a painful Boston Crab. Oswald struggles in pain and anger, reaching for the ropes. Vayden, meanwhile, is leaning out as far as she can in an attempt to tag in. Blondie isn’t even on the opposite ring apron, he’s down on the floor beside the ring mainly just bleeding.

HHL: Could we see Oswald tap here?!

PIP: Wilder things have happened, Dionysus has that crab in deep!

Oswald pushes up out of the hold, but Dionysus regains leverage and drags him further away from the ring ropes. Oswald is in big time trouble now, but Vayden, ever the opportunist, enters the ring and kicks Dionysus in the head, breaking up the hold. The referee argues with Vayden while Dionysus turns around just in time to receive a bone chilling low blow from Oswald. Both men are now grounded as a bloodied Blondie looks up from behind the ring apron. His eyes are like silver dollar coins shining from behind a curtain of blood.

HHL: What an exchange!

PIP: And the ref didn’t see the low blow, so no one’s the wiser!

Oswald is the first to recover and he grabs Dionysus up by his hair and sets him up for a suplex. He wrenches Dionysus up and holds him there for a moment. He does one squat, then another, before bringing Dionysus crashing down to the mat. Oswald sits up and looks pretty pleased with himself. He gets up and grabs Dionysus by his hair and drags him over into his corner and tags Vayden in.

Before Vayden can think, Oswald hoists her up and bodyslams her into Dionysus, then steps out of the ring.

HHL: Innovative offense there by Oswald.

PIP: That’s one way of putting it, I don’t think Dionysus or Vayden got anything good out of that exchange.

Blondie is back up onto the ring apron and he’s reaching out for Dionysus like his life depends on it. Dionysus, surprisingly, looks the least worse for wear as he crawls and then jumps to make the tag to Blondie. Blondie, with more red in his hair than blonde, jumps into the ring and grabs Vayden and slings her into the corner and demands Oswald tag himself in.

HHL: Doesn’t look like Blondie is really interested in Vayden right now.

PIP: And it looks like Oswald is going to oblige him!

Blondie blitzes Oswald again, but this time it’s a bicycle kick that only staggers Oswald. Blondie rushes back to the ropes and bounds off of them again, this time hitting a leg lariat that drops Oswald to the mat. Blondie rushes to the corner and climbs up and leaps off of the top rope with a moonsault that craters Oswald. Blondie hooks the leg!




It’s not just a kickout - Oswald pushes so hard that Blondie lands in a standing position. Oswald sits up and gets back to his feet and now the two are trading blows in the center of the ring, but Oswald gets the best of Blondie and gets him into a headlock and pounds away at Blondie’s damaged forehead, making him bleed that much more.

HHL: Blondie is in big trouble in there!

PIP: This is grotesque, someone needs to throw in a towel!

Oswald takes a few big steps forward and drives Blondie down with a bulldog takedown, but keeps him in the headlock. He grinds away at Blondie’s head and neck and yells at the referee to check him. Blondie looks like he’s out of it as the referee checks his hand. Before the ref can drop the hand though, Blondie busts out the shaka sign, signaling that he’s still ok. Oswald’s face is a mix of surprise, shock, and anger as Blondie slips his head out of the headlock and pops up.

PIP: The blood lubricated the hold enough for Blondie to get out of there.

HHL: That’s thinking with his head!

Oswald rises and he’s not looking too happy. Blondie walks backwards into his own corner and looks over at a rested Dionysus and offers his hand. Dionysus casually tags in and enters the ring. Oswald turns and tags in Vayden just as Dionysus whips Blondie out of their corner, sending him crashing into Oswald with a high impact one legged drop kick!

HHL: Stickin’ it! With an assist from Dionysus!

Both Blondie and Oswald spill over the ropes to the outside as Vayden charges Dionysus in the ring. Dionysus ducks her lariat attempt and lets her crash into the turnbuckle behind him. He turns around and carries her back out of the corner with a hip toss. She crashes to the mat favoring her back. Outside the ring, Blondie and Oswald are now trading blows. Oswald is also busted open as both men are now wearing crimson masks. Oswald manages to ground Blondie, but as he turns around to look back into the ring, He’s met by a flying Geri Vayden, as Dionysus just threw her out of the ring like a bag of hammers, right into Oswald. Both Vayden and Oswald hit the ground hard.

HHL: Oswald and Vayden are down, and the referee is giving Dionysus an earful for using Vayden as a weapon there!

PIP: I thought it was pretty effective.

Blondie is back to his feet as he pulls up Vayden and rolls her into the ring. Blondie makes his way back to his corner and climbs up onto the ring apron. Dionysus tags Blondie in and Dionysus pulls Vayden to her feet and sets her up for what looks like a powerbomb. Blondie climbs the turnbuckles and just as Dionysus raises Vayden up into an elevated powerbomb right as Blondie leaps off the top rope and lands a wicked leg lariat on Vayden! Dionysus uses the momentum to drive Vayden to the mat hard, finishing the powerbomb!

HHL: What a move!

PIP: They’re calling that the Cor Vitri!

HHL: And that means?

PIP: I don’t know, but it sounds cool?

Blondie goes for the pin as Oswald stands up outside of the ring!




Oswald isn’t able to get into the ring in time to break up the pin!


HHL: What a match!

PIP: And what a finish!

We cut backstage to the locker room of Chris Page where we find Kat Jones with Chris and we join them in midconversation as Chris has his eyes on a monitor that is not streaming the XWF’s Snow Job, instead it’s streaming OCW’s Decadence as the match graphic for Thunder Knuckles vs PIC for the OCW Title is seen on the screen.

CHRIS PAGE: Do you know when you’re inside someone’s head?

Chris asks Kat.

KAT JONES: When they try to do what you’ve done.

CHRIS PAGE: Exactly.

Chris then states.

CHRIS PAGE: Take Theo Pryce and his bosom buddies as an example. Look at their actions already tonight as they bring this “Saga” to the forefront and they look like a bunch of rejects from a Backstreet Boys tryout.

KAT JONES: I get it the humor of it all but you do know you’re outgunned if that’s the case? If they’re looking to make a statement tonight at your expense.

Chris immediately responds.

CHRIS PAGE: But am I, really?

Chris asks.

CHRIS PAGE: We have Peter, Mark, Holden, and Bam here tonight but it’s never been about numbers. I’m not going to lie, I am wondering if I’m paranoid about all of this.

Kat pulls out her cell phone and starts sending out a mass message.

CHRIS PAGE: What are you doing?

KAT JONES: Sending a mass message to all of CCPE saying that if they’re in the area they need to get here.

Chris simply shakes his head.


CHRIS PAGE: You don’t think Theo is smart enough to see that coming? If they’re not under contract he can keep them out. We are on their turf playing by their rules. It doesn’t matter how you slice this piece of the pie they have us by the nuts.

Kat sends the message out to CCPE members.

KAT JONES: It’s not going to stop me from trying. If it's a fight they want it’s a fight they’re going to get.

The scene transitions to a shot of the broadcast booth.

HHL: Looks like Chris Page is on top of things and already calling in the troops to make sure that CCPE is protected here tonight in their matches.

PIP: Page is right, it may not be about the numbers but CCPE has them, here, there and everywhere. I can't wait to see Theo Pryce get embarrassed by Page on his own show.

HHL: That's one of your bosses Pip. You realize that right?

PIP: So what?

HHL: Well ok then. And now we are ready for our first title match of the night so. The Anarchy Title which means Pip and I get to take a little break while Vinnie Lane and Bama T call the next match.

- vs -
Special Guest Refs - John Black & Centurion
Anarchy Roster Lumberjack Match

Vinnie Lane: "Bama, welcome to SNOW JOB! A winter WARZONE of frigid violence!!"

Bama: "Dang, baby, that sounds like my ex wife at the holidays!!"

Vinnie Lane: "Which one, dude?!"

Bama: "Two and four. Sometimes three!"

Vinnie Lane: "Rough! But I’m stoked to be here with you and Sassafras for another Anarchy Championship clash! We’ve got Tommy Wish defending… can you believe it… DEFENDING the gold against Ruby, the FORMER champion!!"

Bama: "This is a doozy, Vinnie! Two guest refs, a ring surrounded by the entire Anarchy roster… and a match Ruby never in a million years thought she’d be in a couple weeks ago!"

The members of the Anarchy roster file out and surround the ring. We see Sid Grey, Aphriya Adler, Cletus, Lord Raab, Latina Submission Machina, and others as they all take a spot at ringside wearing their official XWF Snow Job ‘23 tee shirts.

After that, Centurion’s music hits the PA system and the crowd pops for the XWF Legend!

Cent walks out in a tight referee shirt with the sleeves cut off. Probably Ruby’s idea, she really  digs his old man arms.

The icon makes his way into the ring and stands in the center, waving to fans but doing his best not to make things about him too much or seeming too biased in any way.

Vinnie Lane: "Good Guy Cent always does the right thing… you know I grew up idolizing the guy!!"

Bama: "Ain’t you older than him?!"

John Black comes out next, and it is PRETTY OBVIOUS he has no problem making things about him, as he hits the ramp running and hollering his own name to the crowd, like Mike Jones but JOHN BLAAAAAACK!

Also, he wears a Tommy Wish shirt, and has his long sleeved referee shirt tied around his waist. Kinda obvious who he’s rooting for… oh, and would you look at that? He stops to slap a high five on one of the Anarchy lumberjacks… Reggie Estrada! That guy is a member of THUGs! Come on, now!

Vinnie Lane: "Well it looks pretty obvious where JB’s priorities are… but remember, if either one of these refs interfere with the competitors in any way, their partner will LOSE the gold!"

Bama: "Yep, it might behoove JB here to be a bit more subtle!"

Ruby's chart topping music hits the sound system in the arena, and the crowd is on their feet after just one note.

About a hundred identical Ruby impersonators all dressed in head to toe replica Banana-Lime costumes file out from the back and get into a formation, then start a perfectly synchronized flash mob dance to the music!

After a few awesome minutes of dancing, the mob points up above the Tron… and there’s Ruby holding onto some zip line handles!

Ruby zip lines all the way down from the top of the arena and into the ring and then hops into her best super hero pose as the crowd goes nuts for her and green and yellow sparklers go off from the corners of the ring!

Vinnie Lane: "What an entrance! You know, Ruby has a whole team of folks tht come up with these things for each title match! She never disappoints!"

Bama: "I can zip line in here if I needed to Vinnie, I just don’t wanna show off, you know? Besides, Sassy here is afraid of heights!"

Sassafras yaps.

It shows Tommy in the shadows in a corridor somewhere on the AnarchoTron in a hoodie, then it fades back into the arena where the lights flicker and the camera sees him coming down to the ring in his jacket hoodie, with him waving a Kendo Stick around him while holding the Anarchy Title at his side.

Then he nods his head to the beat, and he gives some fans some dap as he walks down to the ramp, then he slides into the ring and gets on the turnbuckle and poses to the crowd with the stick and the belt in the air. Then he comes down from there, and stands on the corner leaning on the corner as his theme fades off, and he hands the gold away to his partner and official for the evening, JB..

Vinnie Lane: "Tommy Wish looks ready to rumble as always, Bama… looks like being at the top hasn’t changed him one iota!"

Bama: "Rich or poor, Tommy is always gonna wear the same ugly ass clothes!"

Black holds the Anarchy Title up for both competitors to view, then for the crowd, before giving it off to a Centurion, who holds it up again and then gives it to a tech at ringside..

Cent then calls for the bell!


Ruby stands in the middle of the ring with her hand outstretched for a shake… and Tommy gives it to her!

Surprisingly, the man doesn’t pull any shenanigans or anything, he just shakes her hand and then backs up with his dukes up.

Ruby matches him, but she goes into a southpaw stance. This seems to keep Tommy off balance enough that she’s able to take lead in this pugilistic dance for the time being. Even with Wish having some surprisingly quick jabs and his lightness on his feet, Ruby is able to lower his guard with shots to the sides and shoulders - his arms weaken and his hands droop, and Ruby pops him right between the peepers with a jab that crosses his eyes! POW! She literally says “pow” out loud as she hits him, and Wish flops onto his back, then rolls out of the ring!

The lumberjacks start to move towards Tommy, but Reggie gets there first and helps his buddy up. He dusts him off and helps him roll back into the ring as the two referees have already gotten to a five count, matching each other’s cadence.

Vinnie Lane: "It helps to have a lumberjack in your pocket!"

Bama: "Hey, Reggie Estrada has been on Anarchy before, Vinnie, he’s still got a active contract, he’s allowed to be here. No one said the lumberjacks had to be neutral!"

Vinnie Lane: "I guess that’s true…"

Tommy blows a kiss to Gina Van Zyl, who is out there jawing with Sidney Grey already. Gina seems flattered and acts like she’s going to catch the blown kiss, but Sidney snatches the imaginary smacker right out from in front of her! Sid throws it on the ground and starts stomping on it!

Ruby is AGHAST at the display of rudeness at ringside, and she starts to admonish Sidney from inside the ring! Tommy rolls her up from behind, and John Black starts a REALLY fast count!



Centurion caught JB’s hand before the third slap!

Centurion recognized the fast count and wouldn’t let JB get away with it!

Vinnie Lane: "Now Bama, this is exactly why we have two officials in there tonight… they’re there to keep each other honest!"

Bama: "And that was HONESTLY the fastest count I ever seen, Vinnie! Good work by Centurion!"

Centurion wags a finger in Black’s face and starts to lecture him on the importance of playing fair and following the rules. You can see why Ruby loves this man!

Speaking of Ruby, Tommy has her locked in a nasty looking inverted Full Nelson, and he flips the flipper over into a powerbomb, sitting out into a pin!

Centurion himself handles the count this time, showing JB what a PROPER cadence looks like…



Ruby kicks out!

Cent makes sure JB saw it, and JB nods his head, saying he gets it. He even pulls the ref shirt off from around his wait and puts it on! It looks like John Black is gonna call this thing right down the middle from here on out!

Vinnie Lane: "Well well well! Now we can settle in and see these two go at it fair and square!"


Ruby reverses a Tommy Wish lariat into an arm-whip that sends the champ sailing across the ring. She then grabs his hand and looks to go a little LUCHA as she cartwheels over his arm and then clambers up the ropes - but Wish smartly runs toward her as she’s on top and he knocks her out of the ring!

Luckily Sidney Grey is right there to break Ruby’s fall… BUT SHE DOESN’T!!!

Ruby hits the concrete HARD as Sid Grey laughs so hard over it she snorts.This gets GVZ riled up all over again, and she’s right back in Sidney’s face… GREY SMACKS THE TASTE OUT OF HER LIPS!

Van Zyl is sent stumbling into Adler, and Adler didn’t much like getting shoved that way so she takes a swing at GVZ… GVZ ducks! Adler lays Sid Grey out with a wicked right hand! She hit her so hard that her shoe came off and smacked HGH in the head!

Now HGH is pissed about the shoe, and he mixes it up with Adler, and things are devolving into a full brawl around the ring!

Ruby’s managed to pull herself up and rolled back into the ring, but she looks like she hit her head pretty good… she barely got back in there before the combined count of eight!

Wish wants the HIDEYAFACE but Ruby hits a desperation RUBY CUTTER from outta nowhere! Ruby catches her breath for a second and then drapes an arm over the chest of Tommy Wish!



Cent goes for a third slap but JB catches HIS hand! Centurion jumps up angrily but JB just points to the bottom rope, where Wish has draped his foot.

Centurion reluctantly agrees that the count should have been stopped, and he lets Ruby know what happened. The B-L Blur nods in agreement and pulls herself back to her feet, still trying to shake her head clear.

Vinnie Lane: "I can’t believe it, Bama! JB just followed the rules down to a T, and he rightfully pointed out that Wish had his foot on the ropes!"

Bama: "The truth will set you free, Vinnie Lane!"

Ruby heads to the top rope, but Wish is up before Ruby can even turn all the way around…

Tommy hits an inverted superplex, landing Ruby on her front from off the top!

Wish grabs Ruby, and he’s got her in the FETISH LOCK!!!

Vinnie Lane: "Tommy’s got Ruby caught in that mean-looking ankle crank! Ruby is in serious trouble here!"

Bama: "The man has an uncanny familiarity with the anatomy of feet, Vinnie… no one makes a foot hold hurt as much as Thomas Fitzgerald Wish! I took a stab at his middle name… it fits!"

Ruby scratches and crawls across the ring floor to get to the ropes… but Reggie Estrada pulls the bottom rope out and away from the challenger, making it so she can’t reach it!

Wait a second…

John Black makes Tommy break the hold anyway, and he starts admonishing Reggie! JB is telling him Tommy can do it legit, without any thug tactics!

Estrada can’t believe what he’s hearing, and he throws his hands up in the air and actually leaves the arena floor! He has no interest in a straight up match!

Meanwhile, the other lumberjacks keep on having a scrum outside the ring, having completely abandoned any appearance of serving a purpose to the match.

JB tries to hop out of the ring and follow Reggie, trying to talk a little sense into him… and someone cracks JB in the back of the dome! It looks like it was an errant shot from HGH, not an intentional attack, but the effect is the same nonetheless - JB is face down on the floor!

Centurion is left to officiate on his own, and after Ruby rumps Tommy out over the top with a back drop, which gets completely ignored at this point by the absentee lumberjacks, Rubes hits the TOPE CON HERO!

Ruby tosses Tommy back into the ring and springboards off the top… SUPER DEAR-O PUNCH!!! Wish is dropped, and Ruby hooks both legs…




Cent stops his hand barely a millimeter off the mat, and Ruby can’t believe it! She’s asking if Cent is sure, and Cent just sheepishly nods… Wish broke the pinfall at the last humanly possible moment!

Vinnie Lane: "What a match, Bama! I mean, not the lumberjack stuff… that’s been a friggin’ disaster… but Tommy and Ruby have been AWESOME!"

Bama: "I agree… hey look out Vinnie, what the heck is Missus Grey doing up on the apron?!"

It looks like Sidney is setting herself up to leap from the apron onto Gina down on the floor, but Ruby runs the ropes just then and the backs of the two ladies’ heads collide!

Sid is sent tumbling down off the ring grabbing at her cranium, and Ruby is dropped to one knee from the hard shot to the skull!


Tommy Wish got every bit of that DDT, and he rolls Ruby over onto her back and stares Centy right in the eyes as Centurion starts a count, audibly saying “C’mon Rubes, kick out, baby…”





It’s all over! Tommy Wish has retained the Anarchy Title over the greatest champion in Blue Brand History!

Winner by Pinfall and STILL Anarchy Champion - Tommy Wish


Centurion hangs his head as JB finally manages to come to his senses and rolls back into the ring. Black gets the Anarchy belt for Tommy and hands it to his partner, the two of them celebrating the big win as Centurion just looks like he’s hating life right now.

Ruby runs her hand through Cent’s hair and assures him that it’s all okay, but the man looks like he just had to put his pet dog down or something.

Vinnie Lane: "What an incredible championship bout we just saw! I still can’t believe it Ruby is one of the all time greats of Anarchy, and Tommy Wish got a clean three count from HER OWN BOYFRIEND!"

Bama: "Bet Roxy would have you castrated if you done anything like that!"

Vinnie Lane: "Dude for REAL!"

Bama: "Stick around people, there’s plenty more Snow Job to see… and I got me a feeling that we ain’t seen the last of Sid Grey and Ruby at odds!"

"If You Want Blood (You've Got It)" by AC/DC blasts over the loud speakers and 'The Xtreme Alliance' of Michael Graves & Barney Green make their way to the ring.

Sarah Lacklan & Angie Vaughn make their way to the ring.

"Since I'm a bastard," by This Grey City starts blaring on the sound system and Charlie Nickles and Dolly Waters make their way to the ring.

- vs -
- vs -
TLC Tornado Tag

Ladders and tables have been set up surrounding the ring. All competitors are in their respective corners.

HHL: A star-studded match we got here, a returning Sarah Lacklan with former Tag Champion Angie Vaughn. The genetic nightmare that is Gravy with the veteran Barney Green. And our Tag Champs, Charlie Nickles one of the greatest TV Champions of all time with the well-decorated Dolly Waters with a list of accomplishments too long to name here and now.

PIP: It's pretty badass not gonna lie but you have to admit target number one has to be Sarah Lacklan, eliminated Gravy at Warfare and won Jimson's birthday, defeated Charlie Nickles in one of her defences as the Universal Championship, her and Dolly Waters have that mean girls relationship going on and Barney Green! ... Well, Barney Green is here!

HHL: If I remember correctly, Lacklan has defeated Barney before in Anarchy.

PIP: ... The fuck is Anarchy?


And true to what Pip Collins said, Gravy, Green, Nickles and Waters immediately focus on Lacklan and Angie, forcing them into the corner while the 4 others beat down on them with clubs and forearms. Gravy powers in and grabs her arms onto Lacklan and forces her out of the corner with a big irish whip while Waters and Nickles lay the boots into Vaughn. Lacklan comes in on the rebound from the ropes and Gravy drops her with a flapjack as Green comes in and squashes Lacklan with a running senton! Lacklan is left reeling briefly before Gravy picks her up by the hair and screams in her face before laying a heavy slap across her jaw. Meanwhile in the corner; Nickles gets a big knee to Angie's stomach and doubles her over before going for an early Devil Hook Drop! But Angie manages to slip out of the hold and pushes Nickles' back before being blindsided by Waters with a shotgun dropkick and sends her through the ropes to the outside!

Angie is crumpled into a heap outside but manages to get herself up but keeps low to assess the situation before running head-on. In the ring, Dolly barks at Nickles to get the ladder while she approaches Green and hits the one-eyed monster with an ebow and knocking him aside before tripping him up with a nasty kick to the thigh! Gravy meanwhile is locked up with Lacklan, the smaller woman getting trapped in a key lock as a heavy knee hits her sternum but manages to slip loose and jumps back snapping Gravy's head back with a pele kick!

Waters tries to keep Barney down with a soccer kick but Green goes low and shocks Waters with a pop-up spinebuster! Seeing Lacklan on the advantage against his partner with a series of strikes before wringing Gravy's arm, Green rushes in but is blocked by Angie Vaughn! A running chop block dropping Green back down but he rolls to his feet to meet The Vaughnemous one!

An attempted forearm from Green is ducked by Angie who sends Green to the apron with a bicycle kick to the spine! Green lands neck first on the bottom rope; Lacklan shouts to Angie while trapping Gravy in an arm lock and throws her weight to the side!

Angie with a backhand chop!

Lacklan follows up with a snap kick to the back of Gravy's knees!

Vaughn then with a roundhouse stumbles the bigger woman! Vaughn hits the ropes and lands a sick kick! At the same time Lacklan nails a kick into the back of Gravy's head and she drops to the mat!

Nickles is back in the ring, the ladder in his grasp and Dolly gets back up to run the ladder with Charlie into The #CoolKids bowling them both over; Nickles sets up the ladder in the center of the ring and tells Dolly to keep them down; Waters with nasty stomps on Vaughn and Lacklan's ankles! Green is back up however and as Dolly turns to stop him she is dropped with a nasty clothesline! Nickles is almost at the top of the ladder but Barney Green makes his way up too who stops Charlie with a forearm but Nickles returns with a strike of his own! Green almost falls back but Nickles grabs his throat and pulls Green in for a headbutt! Then smashes Barney's head against the ladder! Before hooking his arm and grabbing Green's waist and pulls him up high!

The crowd go wild as Nickles suspends Green vertically in the air!

HHL: Oh shit! Charlie's gonna kill him!"

PIP: Charlie's gonna kill himself! He has the sloppiest vertical suplex in the XWF!

Pip is once again proved right as Charlie falls with Barney into the STEUBENVILLE SCREWDRIVER off the top of the ladder! Both men crashing to the canavs! Green seems out for the count landing hard onto his head while Nickles kicks his legs in agony holding his tailbone!

Gravy looks over her partner and drags him to the apron to make sure he isn't dead.

Lacklan stumbles to her feet first and helps Vaughn to her feet; both taking it easy on their ankles as they stand. Dolly looks between the two and to Charlie, who is now taking a breather in the corner, and a grimace comes over Waters who goes for a double clothesline to #CoolKids but the attempt is ducked under by both and Dolly turns into two incoming boots which knock her to the ground!

Sarah steadies the ladder as Vaughn steps up the ladder.

PIP: Makes sense for Vaughn to grab the titles, she has the height advantage being 5 foot ELEVEN BAYYYYYY BEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

But Gravy is still in this fight and is very clearly pissed! She rushes the ropes and on the rebound shoulder tackles the ladder! Angie teeters and begins to fall with the ladder and topples over onto Sarah Lacklan!

Angie falls and lands hard onto the mat! Lacklan keeps the now-shut ladder up but Gravy stomps up the ladder while Lacklan is buckling under the weight and jumps high into the air before coming back down with all her weight and crushing Lacklan under the ladder!

The crowd go wild as Lacklan is down and Gravy seizes in pain from the steel ladder hitting her back.

HHL: All our competitors are down at the moment and seem to be catching their breath but the crowd isn't letting go, trying to rouse each fighter!

Dolly Waters is the first up shaking the cobwebs; followed by Angie Vaughn. Barney Green has rolled to the outside and is resting against the second ladder while Charlie Nickles is limping on the outside and sets up a table in front the commentator's table. Barney collapse the ladder and slides it into the ring but before he can enter, Charlie blindsides him with a club to the back and sends him flying into the barricade before going into a sprint and nailing Green with a clothesline and the two fall into the crowd! Green gets up immediately and the two begin to brawl in the audience!

HHL: Where the hell are they going!?

PIP: Looks like Charlie wants some payback on Green for his broken ass.

HHL: That was Charlie's fault!

Gravy is back up but takes a moment outside the ring as Dolly Waters and Angie Vaughn square off. The two appear very evenly matched, each strike blocked and countered as the two try and go for an opening on one another but Vaugh gets the advantage with a backhand chop to Dolly's throat sending her reeling! Vaughn goes for a running boot but Dolly drops low and gets a drop-toe hold onto Vaughn and sends her face first into the ladder that Barney slid in!

Vaughn is busted open as she hold her face, her body seizing in agony. Waters sucks in air and grabs the ladder while Vaughn is laying on top of it and angles into the center of the ring before going to the top rope and leaping off!


The diving frontsault legdrop lands perfectly onto Angie Vaughn and Dolly bounces high into the air, reeling as she caught some of the ladder herself.

Dolly stumbles up but is quickly sent back down as Gravy runs in with a steel chair and take her head off with a nasty chairshot!

Gravy tosses the chair down and lifts up the ladder that crushed Lacklan and sets it back up into the center but as he is setting it up Lacklan, out of nowhere, grabs her arm through the steps of the ladder and drops down quickly!


Gravy is in pain on the ground, clutching her arm and Lacklan immediately checks on her partner, taking her off the ladder and trying to snap her back to reality. Meanwhile; Barney and Charlie's brawl has circled around as Green is punched over the barricade behind the commentator's table almost bowling over Heather and Pip!

PIP: JESUS FUCK! That scared the shit out of me!

Charlie breathing heavily drunkenly steps over the barricade and pushes the commentators out of the way as he strips the booth and starts to climb with Barney in tow. The two now on top of the commentator's table, Charlie knees Green in the groin and sets up for a powerbomb as he faces the table he set up earlier!

But Green won't go up!

Charlie abandons the attempt clutching his lower back and Green takes advantage with an Intelligent Diversion!

Nickles hacks and coughs and Green tries to get Nickles into a suplex but Charlie manages to fight back! Both men get into a collar tie-up and throw one another into the table in front of them!

The crowd go wild and the table explodes into splinters and both men lie motionless in the debris!

Meanwhile on the inside Gravy is starting to get back up with an arm down; Angie is taking a moment in the corner as Sarah takes Waters hand and places it in between the ladder before smashing her boot down and crushing Waters' fingers! She lets out a shrill scream of pain as she rolls on the ground. Lacklan's eyes meet Gravy who is on her knees and runs into a sprint, Gravy tries to get her arms up to block the incoming strike but can only get one up and Sarah nails him with...


A beautiful shining wizard knocks Gravy on her back, Lacklan gets to a knee from the roar of the crowd but Dolly rushes in with a roar!


Dolly hits her own shining wizard and Lacklan is down!

As Waters is on her hand and knees she looks left and only sees the boot of Angie Vaughn!


The crowd pop huge from the soccer kick and Angie Vaughn falls over Dolly's now prone body grabbing her shin from the impact to the skull.

Angie Vaughn begins to climb the ladder to the crowd going insane, a limp with every step!

She gets past halfway!

Gets to the top!

A fingertip touches the belts!


He snatches Angie off the ladder!

Dodges a wild swipe!



The double-arm DDT keeps Angie down and Charlie gets to his feet clutching his back still and begins to climb!

As he gets halfway, Gravy is back up too!

He plucks Nickles from the steps and...


And Nickles is down!!!

PIP: Holy shit did everyones special meters fill up at the same time!?

And now is Gravy's turn to climb the ladder who forces herself up and gets to the top!

He grabs a belt!

The crowd pop huge!


Gravy looks wild-eyed at Sarah and throws a punch!

It's ducked and countered by a forearm!

Gravy stumbles and teeters but regains her balance before breathing in deeply and spewing BLACK MIST!!!

But Lacklan drops down and covers her eyes in time!

Gravy takes advantage and gets both hands on the belt!!!



Gravy claws at her eyes and falls back crashing to the mat!!!

Lacklan wipes her mouth but Dolly Waters wastes no time, taking her turn to climb the ladder!

Lacklan gets her hands on the belt and begins to unhook the straps but Dolly quickly stops her with a strike!

Lacklan goes to counter but Waters is filled with rage, she gets a handful of Lacklan's hair and smashes her head against the ladder; Lacklan's body goes limp briefly and Dolly drags Lacklan's body forward!

HHL: Wait... No she isn't?

Dolly Waters steps up and gets Lacklan's head in between her legs and grabs Lacklan's waist looking for PIKE COUNTY PLUNGE!!!


Dolly lifts!

But Lacklan's foot hooks the rung of the ladder!

The ladder teeters and Dolly's grip loosens!

Lacklan manages to slip out as Dolly regains her footing!

The two manage to stay on, Dolly barely managing to keep her feet steady.

She places both hands on the ladder to steady herself and looks up!



A direct hit and Dolly falls way down onto the canvas!!!




HHL: And just like that the short reign of Charlie Nickles and Dolly Waters has come to the end at the hands of Angie Vaughn and former Uni Champ Sarah Lacklan!

PIP: Horseshit.

HHL: Oh not but hey Pip you do you. With their win earlier tonight Blondie and Dionysus are the #1 contenders to the new champs. Hopefully we get that match sooner rather than later.

The arena lights turn gold as the intro of “Soldier Dream” by ROOT FIVE hits the PA.

ANNOUNCER: “And now, standing tall at 6'0" and weighing in at 227 lbs., from Osaka, Japan, “The Lion”... RAIOOOOOOOOOOON… KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”

Raion Kido appears on stage, letting out a lion’s roar.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Mezasu kiboo no iro wa
Kedakai hodo utsukushii…”

Raion spreads his arms and breaks into a bird run towards the ring, slapping the fans’ hands along the way. He slides into the ring on his belly and springs into his feet.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Tsubasa wa ten wo kakeru
Erabareta moushigo no you niiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

Facing the camera, Raion throws a one-two punch forward, his final pose as the music dies down.


(The sound of banjo picking begins to play over the PA)

Woke up early this morning
As I looked around my world be crumblin' down
What I saw, I couldn't believe, Who are you?
What might I be? Oh, the things you do

("Mad Dog" Mark Wright comes barreling through the entrance way. Chugging a can of beer. He stops at the top of the entrance way, and smashes the can on his head. Mad Dog throws the smashed can into the crowd and then pulls his jacket off throwing it down and runs down the entrance way and slides under the bottom rope into the ring.)

- vs -

The bell rings and the match is finally underway.

PIP:  "I predict this is going to be a very good match,"

HEATHER: "It promises to be gigiantic.  Raion Kido is on a roll at the moment, he has stepped back a few times, but it looks like he decided to make another move upwards, where as Mad Dog Mark Wright, just wants to make a name for himself, by going after what some believe to be a future Universal Champion, for the second time.

Kido walks to the center of the ring, and stands his ground, while Mad Dog Mark Wright stomps away in his corner acting well like a mad dog.  He starts frothing at the mouth, and starts walking towards Kido.  Kido just stands his ground. 

Mad Dog soon comes face to face with Kido who is still holding his ground, most others wouldn't, and Mad Dog, snarls in his

No reaction.

Mad Dog snarls again.

Again No reaction.

Mad Dog turns around and shakes his head, then just as quickly he turns back around and tries to punch Kido in his face but Kido blocks him, and then just stands there, as though he is taunting Mad Dog.

Mad Dog seems shaken up that Kido expected the punch.  He tries a Headbutt, but Kido dodges, effortlessly.  And still stands in the middle of the ring, without seemingly breaking any sweet.

This is making Mad Dog more furious. He takes a couple of steps back and decides on what to do next.

PIP: "Does it occur to you Heather, that Raion Kido is just toying with Mad Dog?"

HEATHER: "That's what it looks like. This could go either way,"

Mad Dog takes a few more steps back.  Then runs towards Kido and tries to hit him with a Running Knee. But Raion Kido steps aside and uses Mad Dog own momentum, by whipping him towards the ropes. Mad Dog rebounds off of the ropes and comes running back at Kido and Kido hits him with a standing LARIAT.

Down goes Mad Dog and the crowd goes wild.  Kido looks down at Mad Dog, and then out of nowhere roars like a Lion.  He bends down and tries to grab Mad Dog by the hair, but to his horror Mad Dog sits up, and grabs him and pulls his head down, and he bites him on his ear.  Kido struggles to get loose, but he does, and stumbles backwards grabbing his right ear, and looking shell shocked.

Mad Dog jumps to his feet, and runs at Kido and hits him with a RUNNING KNEE which connects and Kido goes down.

PIP: "What a start to the match this has been.  Topsy turvey,"

HEATHER: "It's great.  It means Raion Kido isn't getting his own way, because we both know how strong he is,"

Mad Dog looks down at Kido, struggling on the canvas.  Mad Dog pulls Kido up by the hair, and places him in a HEADLOCK, and he delivers several NOGGIES which makes the crowd laugh as Kido seems to be using his feet to try and disapate not only the pain, but his anger.

Mad Dog then whips him into the corner, and Kido hits the corner hard, but tries to turn around, and is met by a MOUNTAINEER LARIAT from Mad Dog.  This sends him back into the corner, and his back hits the corner post hard.

Mad Dog is still on Kido, like a rapid dog that he sometimes wants the world to see.  He grabs Kido, places him into a hold, and delivers a APPALACAHAN SUPLEX a.k.a GERMAN SUPLEX.  Kido is down on the canvas in pain.

Mad Dog snarls like a dog, and climbs to the middle rope.  He thinks about climbing to the top rope, but shakes his head and decides against it.  He's not ready yet.  He jumps and hits Kido with a MIDDLE ROPE ELBOW DROP.

Kido looks to be in all sorts of trouble.    He looks to have met his match this time.  And he might not have any answer for this.  That's until Mad Dog who gets up, looks down at Kido and decides Kido is enough pain already and he's only moments away for finally succumbing, that he turns around and walks to the middle of the ring, and turns around yelling like a Mad Dog that he is, totally taking his attention off of Raion Kido.

PIP:  "What the hell is he doing?  He has Raion Kido right where he wants him?  He has him lining up for a rear loss."

HEATHER: "Well you are right, he has taken his eyes off of the prize.  That's only going to get him in trouble if he isn't careful."

Mad Dog stops playing to the crowd when he hears a bit of yahoo's from the crowd behind him.  He turns but it's too late.  Somehow Kido hits him with a SHOTGUN DROP KICK.  The force of this sends Mad Dog stumbling backwards towards the ropes, and his momentum has him going over the top rope to the floor below.  The crowd goes wild.

Kido sinks to his knees and tries to recover quickly.  Or faster than Mad Dog.  But to no good.  Mad Dog is seen getting to his knees and look under the bottom rope from the apron.  He tries to stand.  But Kido is up within a few milliseconds, and runs towards the ropes and suddenly jumps and uses his legs to slide, and he hits Mad Dog, and Mad Dog goes stumbling backwards into the safety rails.  Hurting his back badly.

Kido quickly rolls out of the ring, and stalks Mad Dog.  The referee starts the 10 count.




Kido runs and hits Mad Dog in the stomach with a high knee, and then hits him again and again with several high knees.




Kido grabs Mad Dog, and sends him running chest first into the ring apron, and air can be heard going out of Mad Dog, as he slinks to the mat.


Kido grabs Mad Dog again, and rolls him into the ring.


Kido slides in under the ropes breaking the 10 count.  He walks up to the downed Mad Dog, and grabs him by the arm.  ARM BAR.    Mad Dog grabs his arm in pain.  Kido grabs his arm again a second time.  He does a Second ARM BAR.  Mad Dog cries out in pain.

HEATHER:  "This match has changed big time.  Raion Kido now has full control.  It won't be long now, we all know what he is like when he gets on a roll."

Kido grabs Mad Dog by the hair, and pulls him to his feet.  He hits Mad Dog with his own GERMAN SUPLEX, and goes for a cover.


Kick out.

PIP: That's not going to do it, but it seems like Kido is the one who's now toying with Mad Dog,"

Kido gets up, and pulls Mad Dog to his feet, and hits him in the stomach with a huge punch.  Mad Dog bends over in more pain.  Kido whips Mad Dog into the corner, and follows up, and just us Mad Dog turns and his back hits the corner, Kido hits him with a DISCUS CLOTHESLINE.  Down goes Mad Dog.

Kido looks down at Mad Dog, and spits down at him.  It's like he's had enough.  He grabs Mad Dog by the hair, and pulls him to his feet, and places him on top of the corner rope.  He climbs up.

PIP:  "He's not going to attempt to do this move?"

HEATHER: "I betcha he is,"

Kido takes his time by not only positioning himself, but Mad Dog into the right position, and then he executes the SUPERPLEX.  Both hit the ground of the ring hard, but Mad Dog hits even harder.    Kido quickily covers him.



Kick out.

It's like Mad Dog won't give up quite easily, like all Dogs, they don't stay down for long.

Raion gets up and takes a few steps back and contemplates on his next move.  Suddenly he knows what he is going to do, because a smirk crosses his face.  He steps forward, and helps Mad Dog to his feet.  Mad Dog tries to lash out with a punch but it's weak and doesn't connect.  Raion walks backwards and Mad Dog is unsteady on his feet.

Suddenly Raion yells out "ROLLING THUNDER" and runs at Mad Dog, and hits him with his ROLLING THUNDER move.  Aka Running Lariat.  Down goes Mad Dog. 

Kido really wants to end this now, but he knows Mad Dog isn't going to give up too easily, and so he pulls Mad Dog over to the corner, and places him up on the top rope again.  He gets himself into position.  Mad Dog tries to push Kido off but is too weak.  He knows the end is coming but he's not going to give up.

Kido is set, and he yells "ROLLING CRASH" and he executes the move.  A Top Rope release into a German Suplex.  Mad Dog hits the canvas hard.  Kido once again goes for the cover.



2 and a half.........

Kick out.

Once again Mad Dog won't stay down or out, proving to be like an old dog.

Again Raion Kido gets to his feet, and this time he looks frustrated.    But he needs to get rid of that feeling because Mad Dog is only one move away from being finished off completely.  While he's kicking out, he's not making any more veil attempts of a come back.

Kido moves back over to Mad Dog, and helps him to his feet.    He walks back a few steps.  Mad Dog is just hanging there, looking like he wants to collapse.  He tries to swing a few punches but they are weak.

Just then Kido yells out "LIGHTNING BOLT,"  Kido runs at Mad Dog, and hits him with a real heavy Heart Punch.  This makes Mad Dog stand up straight, like he's been snapped out of a daze, he looks at Kido in the eyes, and then he drops backwards to the ground.  It's been like he has been hit by lightning.

Kido smiles and makes the cover.

HEATHER: "That move stops everyone in their tracks, classic Raion Kido,"





We are backstage, somewhere deep down in the boiler room, where we find Goth seated in a corner while shaking his head and talking to himself.

GOTH:I have to win that title, or else she will not leave me… she will continue to torment me… I….

He snaps his head to the other side as his eyes widens as if seeing someone, the camera turns towards he same direction but sees nobody.

GOTH: How did you find me!!!!

He immediately puts his hands in front of his face, screaming for whomever it is to leave him alone as he is shuddering in fear.

GOTH:You had promised me to leave me alone tonight, this is not fair. How can I concentrate on the title match if you keep interrupting me.

Goth is apparently refrring to the ghost persona that has been haunting him, we see him scream in agony as he waves his hands away, pushing the camera crew away from him as that leads them to hurry towards the door of the boiler room when they suddenly see a figure standing there before walking off.

“The following contest is a THIRTY MINUTE IRONMAN MATCH for the XWF Television Championship…”

The lights inside Lambeau Field go dark bringing an ovation from the crowd…

“Introducing first, he represents CCPE and is a former XWF Universal Champion, “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!

The countdown clock ticks down to zero as it fades into the theme from Terminator 2. Strobe lights start flickering throughout the entire stadium as a thick white haze of smoke floods out from the entrance. Walking through the haze and out to the top of the ramp with KAT JONES at his side is the man himself, “Chronic” Chris Page.

The crowd is split with its reception.

Chris and Kat start to make the long walk down the ramp. Kat is seen talking to Chris while they walk past screaming fans all dying for his attention. Chris and Kat finally reach the foot of the long entrance ramp. Chris removes his ring jacket and hands it over to Kat before he makes his way up the steel steps to the ring apron. Chris looks out across the sold-out crowd, he climbs up on the middle turnbuckle throwing both arms out to the side garnering by far the LOUDEST reception of the evening.

Chris climbs down to the ring apron and steps through the ropes.

“And his opponent…”

“About to make his way to the ring, he is representing the SAGA and IS the reigning, defending XWF Television Champion, NED KAYE!”

The arena flashes white as spotlights from around the venue converge at the entrance room as "You Know My Name" begins playing bombastically. As the lyrics start, Ned Kaye stands at the point where the spotlights merge to thunderous applause. He lifts his fist up in the air, awaiting the crowd to do the same before rushing down to the ring, serenaded by blue hues that light up the ramp following his steps. The lights above the stadium darken in their blue color as Ned gets closer to the ring, little bits of ember adorning the X-Tron and ramp, orange breaking up the blue. He leaps over the ropes into the ring before looking down, breathing the moment in, and pointing out at the crowd, ready to fight just with their energy alone. Jumping a bit from the adrenaline, he makes his way to his corner as he prepares for the bell.

PC: This is one of the ones we’ve been waiting for.

The referee has the Television Championship where he raises it high in the air before turning and walking over to Chris Page where he shows him the title. Chris snatches it from him where he raises it in the air drawing more boos than cheers. Chris looks directly at Ned and tosses the title on the mat. The crowd roars louder with boos as the referee shakes his head before picking up the title and passing it to the ring attendant. He calls for the bell!

- vs -
Match Ned chose here


Page and Ned walk out from their corner and out to the center of the ring where Page looks down at Ned and starts talking smack. Ned shows zero sign of backing down as he steps right up to Page who shoves him backward several feet. Ned charges toward Page who counters with a drop toe hold driving Ned into the mat, Page is back up and Ned quickly gets to all fours and is caught with an Oklahoma Roll that stacks Kaye’s shoulders to the mat!





Page is quickly back to his feet as Ned is to both knees with a look of complete shock on his face while Kat applauds Page from his corner. Chris has a slick smirk on his face as he looks at Ned and crotch chops him!

HHL: Just thirty seconds in and Chris Page has gone up on Ned Kaye! And naturally follows it up with sheer disrespect!

PC: Who would have thought that it this would start off like this!?!?!

The crowd is equally as stunned as we see Ned step back up to his feet. Chris calls for a microphone. He reaches through the ropes taking the mic and addresses Ned.

CHRIS PAGE: It’s taking candy from a baby.

The crowd boos as Chris turns to hand the microphone back to the attendant, Ned rushes up behind rolling Page up with a School Boy!




Page escapes with a kick out to a gasp from the crowd which pivots into boos as Page slides out to the floor. The referee starts to count Chris out while Ned paces back and forth across the center of the ring.

PIP: You have to know Chris is going to dictate the pace because as it stands now time is on his side.

HHL: It makes you wonder if what Chris had to say to Ned tonight kicking off this program if it got inside Ned’s head?

Chris starts spouting off at ringside fans, he flips off one specifically before turning back toward the ring at the referee’s six count. Page climbs back up on the ring apron and steps back through the ropes effectively breaking the count. Ned immediately comes at Page who leans his upper body through the top and middle rope which causes the referee to have to step in between Page and Ned. The crowd completely turns on Page who is clearly amused by it all. Ned is backed away and Chris leans back into the ring. Chris comes off the ropes and he and Ned start circling each other. They look to lock up but Page cuts off Kaye with a boot to the gut doubling him over. Page clubs Kaye across the back raises Ned up and chops him across the chest echoing throughout Lambeau Field. Page hammers Kaye with a hard right hand rocking the TV champion back into the ropes. Chris brings Ned off the ropes rocking him with a European Uppercut sending Ned bouncing off the ropes with a stiff forearm to the jaw! Page comes back with a knee across the midsection and takes Ned back into the ropes, Chris fires Kaye across the ring, Ned bounces off the far side duck a lariat from Page, and gains a full head of steam as he bounces off the nearside and when Page spins around Ned lands a spinning heel kick to a pop from the crowd! Ned pops back up to his feet where he quickly lands a leaping double stomp into the sternum of CCP!

Ned drops down into a cover.




Page escapes with a kick out!

PC: Ned has the upper hand, but how long can he keep it?

Kay is back up where he stomps down on Page’s sternum several times and picks him up where he lands a side Russian leg sweep and floats over into the cover.




Page escapes with another kick out as Ned transitions into a rear chin lock.


The referee is in position asking Page to surrender, but Page refuses while Ned cranks back on the head and chin while driving a knee into the middle spine of Page.

HHL: Ned has plenty of time, he’s not having to rush with twenty-five minutes on the clock and trailing by one fall.

Page starts working his way up to one knee while Ned maintains the rear chin lock, Page turns into the chin lock where he looks for a Side Suplex, Ned flips over Page landing on the mat behind him and when Page spins around Ned snatches a side headlock and snaps Page over to the mat forcing his shoulders down to the mat!




Page counters and breaks the count with a head scissors, Ned works up to his knees where he flips over Page yanking his legs and stacking his shoulders on the mat,




Page bridges up to his feet and turns inward and counters Ned with a backslide.




Ned escapes! He beats Page to his feet where he looks for a spinning back fist, Chris ducks and takes a back waist lock peeling off a German Release Suplex! Page pops back up to his feet taunting Ned as he screams down at him “YOU’RE OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE”. Page reaches down snatching Ned up by the hair and drives him back into a set of buckles. Page laces Ned with another chop across the chest echoing throughout the stadium.

PIP: Ned’s chest is starting to turn a bright red with the heavy-handed chops from Chris Page.

Page shoots Ned across the ring and into the opposite buckles. Chris charges in after Ned who throws up a right boot to the jaw to CCP who eats it flush and is pulled into a front face lock! Kaye steps up to the middle ropes where he comes off with a Troopers Tribute Tornado DDT spiking the challenger into the canvass! The crowd roars for Kaye who hurries into the cover with a side press and a hook of the inside leg!




Page pops a shoulder off the mat!

HHL: Ned has to keep up the high-energy offense and keep Page on the defense.

Ned steps back up to his feet. He reaches down picking Page up where he locks a front face lock, he hoists Page up in the air landing a vertical suplex that Ned floats over into a cover on!




Page pops a shoulder once again.

PC: Ned is consistently looking to catch that pinfall. The pugnaciousness of it all.

Ned gets back to his feet. He picks Page up and decks him with a forearm to the jaw, Ned follows up with a boot to the right knee cap knocking Page down to one knee where he follows up with a step-up enzuigiri to the temple of Chris Page! Ned rolls out to the ring apron under the bottom rope and gets back to his feet. The crowd roars loudly as Ned starts climbing up to the top turnbuckle.

HHL: Ned is going high-risk!

Kat Jones pounds on the apron feverishly trying to get Page’s attention while Ned is now up on the top rope. Ned looks down at Page before leaping off the top rope with a Shooting Star Press! Page draws up his knees sending them into the sternum of Kaye upon his landing! Page quickly transitions into an inside cradle!




Ned escapes!


Chris Page starts working his way back to his feet and he’s followed by Kaye who clutches his midsection. Chris looks for a Mafia Kick to the face, Ned sidesteps Page and takes a back waist lock, and snaps off a German Suplex with a bridge!




Page kicks out of the near fall as the crowd is on fire.

PC: Every minute that ticks away is a minute closer to the TV title slipping away from Ned. What’s going to happen if Page leaves with the title? Can you imagine the shitstorm that will follow?

HHL: It certainly wouldn’t be the best thing for our company.

Ned is the first to a vertical base where he picks Page up and scoops him up for a slam. Kaye takes Page back into a corner and ties him to the tree of woe! Ned lays in several kicks to the gut and ribs of Page before backing out toward the center of the ring and rushing forward with a baseball slide dropkick to the face!

Page tumbles down to the mat with Ned once again making a cover.




There is a massive gasp as Page kicks out again!

PC: Do you think frustration might be setting in with Ned and all these near falls?

HHL: I think if Ned knew anything about Chris Page he knows that it’s going to take a lot to keep him down.

Ned starts to work his way back to his feet where he sizes up Page who rolls over to his chest and begins to push himself up off the mat. Ned takes off across the ring where he looks for the Lethal Injection with him doing the front handspring into the ropes, bouncing back and looks for the cutter to finish it off only when he leaps back toward Page it’s Chris who counters with Ned in midair with a leaping backstabber! The crowd roars with the move as both Page and Ned are down. The referee starts to lay the standing ten count to both men. Kaye and Page lay on the mat while the count continues. It’s at the six-count that Page starts to stir and it’s the eight-count where he is back to his feet. Page backs up into a neutral corner where he climbs up on the middle turnbuckle while in the ring Ned is now negotiating himself back to a vertical base, and as he stands Page leaps off the middle rope with a Blockbuster!

Chris makes the front press with a hook of the outside leg.




The crowd roars with Ned kicking out of the near fall.

PC: Another near fall, if Ned goes down two falls to none it’s going to be a safe bet that we’re crowning a new champion.

Chris gets to his feet and stomps down at Kaye’s chest and face. Chris picks Ned up off the mat where he locks in a front face lock and hooks up his right leg of Kaye. Page hoists Ned up in the air and drives him down into the mat with a Hangman’s DDT! Chris opts not to cover and starts getting back to his feet and points up in the air signaling he’s heading up top. Chris steps out to the ring apron and starts scaling the turnbuckles.

Chris reaches the top turnbuckle.

He leaps off the top rope delivering a diving headbutt that’s on target! Chris makes the cover on Kaye.




The crowd explodes again as Ned shoots a shoulder up off the mat! Page quickly gets to both knees holding up three fingers but only getting two from the referee. Chris flips off the official before stepping back up to his feet. Chris reaches down snatching Ned up off the mat where he paintbrush slaps him across the face. Page lands a second paintbrush slap across the face before driving Ned back into the ropes where he shoots him across the ring with an Irish Whip, Ned bounces off the farside ducking another lariat attempt, Ned hits the COFFIN NAILS, a Lethal Injection that blows the roof off Lambeau Field!

Ned crawls into the cover.




Page drapes his right foot across the bottom rope in the eye view of the referee stopping the count to a collective gasp from the crowd. The referee points at the foot on the rope as Ned gets to both knees, crushed at the near fall.


HHL: We are at the halfway point of this 30-minute Iron Man match with the Television Championship on the line. Kaye is chasing Page who has one fall to none.

Ned steps out to the ring apron and sizes up Page who rolls toward the center of the ring. Chris starts to negotiate his way back up to a vertical base. Ned springboards off the top rope looking for a flying forearm smash! Chris leaps up in the air and brings Ned down into a Code Breaker from out of nowhere!

Chris makes the cover.




Ned refuses to stay down and kicks out to another massive ovation from the crowd. Chris gets back up to his feet where he calls for the Judas Effect.

PC: If Page hits the Judas Effect he’s going up two to zero!

Chris taunts Ned as he starts getting himself back up to his feet. Page comes forward with the Judas Effect! Ned ducks and counters with a School Boy rollup!





The crowd erupts as Ned ties up the contest!

HHL: We are tied at one fall a piece!

Page has a look of utter shock etched across his face as he gets back to his feet challenging the count from the referee while forgetting about Ned! Page shoves the official! The official comes back and shoves Page sending him around where Ned lands a Superkick! Page is sent bouncing off the ropes and into a boot to the midsection doubling over Page! Ned bounces off the ropes and lands a Bicycle Kick across the back of his neck of Page!

Kaye rolls over Chris and makes the cover hooking the near leg.




Page kicks out. Ned immediately starts working his way back up to his feet. He picks up Page rocking him with a right hand. Ned drives Page back into a neutral corner and lays several shoulder blocks to the midsection of Page. Ned finally hoists up Page to a seated position onto the top turnbuckle. Ned steps up to the middle turnbuckle, he locks a front face lock and steps up the top rope and picks Page up to a standing position. Suddenly Page lands a series of headbuts to Ned as they teeter on the top rope! Ned balances himself and then leaps up looking to snap Page off the top rope with a Hurrincanrana!

Page counters into a sit-out powerbomb off the top rope!

The crowd pops loudly as both men crash down to the mat!


HHL: We are coming into the home stretch knotted at one fall a piece!

PC: Both Kaye and Page are down! The referee is laying the count to both men!

Chris rolls over at the four count managing to drape and arm across the chest of Kaye.




Lambeau Field erupts with the loudest reaction of the contest as Ned Kaye pops his left shoulder off the mat moments away from the fatal count of three! Kat Jones rallies Page from his corner as Chris starts to get back to one knee and then steps up to a vertical base. Page picks Ned up off the mat and locks in a front waist lock before walking back toward a neutral corner where he snaps off a release overhead belly to belly suplex into the turnbuckles! Ned crumbles down to the mat.

Page yanks him out of the corner making another cover.




Another kick out from the Television Champion!

HHL: Now it’s the Champion that is refusing to stay down! Is Page getting frustrated at this point?

Chris cuts his eyes at the referee who shows him two fingers. He steps back up to his feet where he reaches down picking Ned up off the mat. Page takes a back waist lock and looks for a German Release Suplex, Ned backflips and lands on his feet! Page gets to one knee when he eats a V-Trigger from Kaye!

PC: Notorious Knee!

The momentum sends Page rolling under the bottom rope and out to the floor while Ned scurries toward a cover but fails to score it. Ned slides out to the floor where Kat Jones is near Page rooting him on. She backs away as Ned draws in and picks Page up off the floor and hurls him back into the ring.

Kay slides into the ring after the challenger and gets to his feet using the ropes.

He picks Page up and looks for a Springboard Sliced bread attempt only to have Page latch on to the ropes and sends Kaye crashing down to the mat. Ned rolls over clutching his back and starts making his way back up to his feet where he turns around and walks into the JUDAS EFFECT elbow strike dropping Kaye where he stands like a ton of bricks!

Page collapses down on top of Kaye with a cover.




Green Bay roars loudly with the kick out from Kaye! The ovation shifts into a “THIS IS AWESOME” chant directed toward the ring.

PC: This is an unbelievable performance being put on by both Ned Kaye and Chris Page, like em’, love em’, or hate em’ you can’t deny that we are witnessing a classic!

Chris starts to slowly get back to his feet where he finally calls for the Page Plant!


There is a huge split reaction from the sold out crowd as we see Ned slowly rolling up to his chest and begin to push himself up off the mat where he reaches his feet! Page comes forward driving a boot to the midsection doubling Ned over! Chris sets him up but before he can underhook the arms Ned snatches both legs out from under Page with a double leg takedown and flips over Chris while hanging onto the legs stacking CCP’s shoulders to the mat!





The crowd roars at the shocking pinfall!


Ned gets to his feet followed closely by Page! Kaye ducks a running Lariat attempt from Page that sends Chris bouncing off the ropes and a Superkick attempt from Kaye! Chris ducks and counters with a Electric Chair that drives Kaye violently into the mat! Page quickly makes the cover!




Kaye pops a shoulder off the mat to a thunderous ovation! Chris continue to press the pace as he gets back to his feet and immediately heads into a neutral corner and with the referee checking on Kaye we see Chris removing the top turnbuckling padding exposing the the buckle.

PC: Page took off the turnbuckle cover exposing the steel!

Chris turns around and Ned is reaching one knee. Chris comes forward with a double ax handle but walks into a gut punch from Kaye! Ned lands a second and then a third, he gets to his feet and blocks a right hand from Page, he counters with a right hand, followed by a second and then a third as he backs Page up into the corner with the exposed buckle!

HHL: Ned just has to hold on for two more minutes and he’s going to retain the title!

Ned comes into the corner stomping away at the midsection of Page before he starts hammering away with right hands! The referee starts laying the count to Kaye as he continues to fire off with right hands. Ned breaks at the four count from the official before coming back forward and unloading with more right hands! The crowd is on fire for Kaye as he steps up on the middle turnbuckle and starts hammering down with a series of right hands! The referee is laying the count to Ned who lands six solid shots before hopping off the middle rope and down to the ring. Ned is admonished by the referee but it doesn’t stop him from blowing past and looking for a stinger splash!

Page drops out of the way sending Ned splashing the exposed turnbuckle!

Ned staggers backward and spins around into a boot to the midsection followed by the HIGH TIMES Flip Piledriver! Page makes the cover hooking the legs back!





PC: Page tied it up in the bottom of the ninth!

Page rolls off Kaye before immediately making another cover!




Ned escapes! The crowd explodes! Page is back up to his feet where he reaches down to pick Ned up and Ned counters with an Inside Cradle!




Page escapes with a kick out to a pop from the crowd just as the time expires!


Ned and Page are slow to get back to their feet with the war that has just been waged. The referee has the TV Title and awards it to Ned to a mixed reception, more boos than cheers.

PC: This match can’t end like this! A draw? A freaking draw!

HHL: And the fans aren’t having it either.

Ned calls the referee over and tells him something before handing him the TV Title. The referee comes back across the ring where he communicates with Chris Page. There is some brief back and forth until the referee heads over toward the ropes and motions for the ring announcer who comes forward.

There is a verbal exchange off microphone while the referee hands him the Television Championship.

”Ladies and Gentleman if I could have your attention please.”

The rowdy crowd starts to calm down.

”The referee has informed me that Ned Kaye has elected for this match to continue and Chris Page has verbally agreed. THIS MATCH WILL CONTINUE!”

Lambeau Feild erupts to the point the stadium rumbles. Page and Ned stare across the ring from each other after the thirty minute battle. The referee calls for the bell.


PC: We are going to continue until we have one more fall! Let’s go!

Chris Page and Ned Kaye meet in the middle and instantly start throwing right hands! Page gets the better of the exchange as before driving a knee into the midsection of the Champion, he snatches him by the head and looks to drive him into the exposed buckle! Ned puts on the brakes! He drives elbows into the side of Page and counters the positioning! Ned looks to drive Page face first into the buckles!

Page blocks with his right boot on the middle buckle.

He gouges Ned in the eyes to gain the advantage and brings him out from the corner with a Northern Light Suplex holding the bridge!




Kick out by Kaye!

HHL: Ned Kaye is putting on a lifetime performance tonight at Snow Job: Whiteout.

Page starts choking Ned with both hands across the throat! The referee lays the count to Page who breaks the hold at the four count. CCP is admonished by the referee but he doesn’t listen as he goes back to the choke with both hands across the throat. The referee lays the count to Page a second time and much like the first he breaks at the four count.

The referee admonishes Page once again as he starts to get back to his feet.

Chris calls for the Page Plant that garners some boos from the crowd. Ned starts to roll over to his chest and push himself up off the mat and back to a vertical base where he turns into Page who drives a boot to the midsection, Page underhooks the arms only to have Ned spin out of the Page Plant and deliver a Pele kick to the temple of Page!

PC: Another counter to the Page Plant from Kaye!

Ned comes up behind Page where he takes him up in a torture rack position, he looks for the EGO DEATH that Page counters with a gouge to the eyes. Page slides down the back of Kaye, Page shoves Ned into the ropes, he bounces off the ropes where Page looks for a Spinbuster Slam! Ned counters into a sunset flip stacking Page’s shoulders to the mat.




Page escapes with a kickout! Ned beats Page to his feet with Page getting up off the mat.

Ned catches Page with a scoop and a slam followed by a leaping double foot stomp down into Page’s sternum! The crowd is on fire for Ned as he reaches down to pick up Chris Page but as he picks Page up we see Chris snatch a double leg takedown! Page holds onto the legs of Kaye and catapults him toward the corner with the exposed buckle!

Kay lands on the middle robes on his feet and stops himself from hitting the exposed buckle!

Ned leaps back looking for a springboard cross body block! Page takes a step back and boots Ned in the gut as he’s in midair, Ned lands on his feet doubled over for Page to underhook the arms and deliver the PAGE PLANT! Chris rolls Ned over making the cover hooking the inside leg.





HHL: It’s over! Page has dethroned Ned Kaye.

PC: What an incredible battle going nearly forty minutes.

Page is awarded the XWF Television Championship via Kat Jones who has entered the ring. She helps Page to his feet where she awards him the title and raises his arm in the air. Chris looks at the title and laughs to himself before hoisting it up for all to see.

HHL: Fresh off his CCPE vs The World victory over Raion Kido, Chris Page has continued his domination over Saga win over Ned Kaye, taking the Television Title from him.

PIP: Like I said, Theo Pryce and his boys are no match for Chris Page.

Page and Ned stare across from each other knowing they’ve just gone through an epic battle. Chris motions for Kat (handing her the title if won) to back away. Chris walks out toward the center of the ring extending his hand out to Ned.

HHL: Chris Page is extending his hand to Ned after an awesome battle.

PC: It’s almost like Ned earned Page’s respect.

Ned looks at the hand of Page from the corner. He glances into the eyes of Chris who is seen saying something to Ned but it isn’t picked up on the microphones on the cameras. Ned starts to walk out toward the center of the ring. He’s seen saying something to Page, Page speaks back. Ned looks down at the hand a second time and back up to Page.

Ned reluctantly shakes the hand of Chris Page.

Chris suddenly kicks Ned in the nuts to massive boos from the crowd. Page piefaces Ned throwing him down to the mat. Page grabs the TV Title and sizes Ned up as he starts to get back to his feet. Page explodes toward Ned where drives the title belt into the skull of Kaye leaving him laying in the center of the ring.

HHL: I knew it!

Chris motions toward the back and immediately Holden Ross, Bam Miller, Peter Vaughn, and Mark Flynn storm out from the back! Before they can hit the ring Buster Gloves, Raion Kido, Jason Cashe, and Theo Pryce give chase after them! Miller hits the ring where he and Page stomp away at Ned but out on the floor Kido and Flynn pair off, Vaughn and Buster pair off, Holden and Cashe are trading blows leaving Theo to hit the ring! Ned rolls out to the floor.


Flynn and Kido spill out into the crowd on one side of the ring while on the other Vaughn and Buster brawl out onto Lambeau Field! Holden Ross and Jason Cashe brawl back up the ramp while in the ring Theo Pryce finds himself in the ring with both Bam Miller and Chris Page.

HHL: This is NOT where Pryce wants to find himself!

Page dispatches Bam who charges at Theo who is backing up toward the ropes and sends Bam over the top rope and out to the ring apron. Bam lands on his feet, Theo swings at Bam who leans back while holding onto the ropes causing Theo to miss but before Bam can capitalize Ned pulls him off the apron and they start brawling at ringside.

Page comes up behind Pryce kicking him in the nuts!

Theo drops to his knees, Kat Jones who has been out on the floor slides a chair into the ring. Page delivers a straight kick to the face of Pryce knocking him backward down to the mat. Cameras split into the crowd where security has separated the fights with Kido and Flynn and Vaughn and Buster forcing them through side tunnels on the floor.

Holden and Cashe brawl back through the curtain.

Back in the ring Chris picks up the steel chair. The crowd is all over Page who holds up the chair by the leg in his left hand and flips off the crowd with his right. Trash starts to be hurled toward the ring while Page seemingly stalks Theo who is pushing himself up off the mat. Chris comes out of the corner swinging the chair and smashing it so hard over the head of Pryce the seat dents around Pryce’s head!

Theo’s busted wide open with the vile nature of a chair shot.

PC: Somebody has to stop this!

Chris tosses the busted chair down on the mat and calls for a second one. Kat gets a second chair and slides it into the ring. Chris reaches down picks up the chair and he makes his way over to Theo. He drops to his knees and starts hammering down into the open wound! The crowd is going nuts with boos directed at the ring with more trash being hurled. Chris takes the chair and puts Theo’s head between it.

HHL: Page is going to break Theo’s neck!

Page backs himself up into a neutral corner. He hops up on the middle rope.  Page stands up on the ropes, ready to make his leap.

PC:  Don’t do it Chris!

The lights at Lambeau Field flicker before going out.

HHL:  We are blanketed here in Green Bay with absolute darkness!

PC:  It’s like 15 degrees, Heather!  We could all use a blanket!

Near the tron, two golden eyes are seen almost glowing against the darkness.  Who or what they belong to is unknown.  Seconds later, the being lets out a snarl as their eyes come closer.  A gold colored spotlight ignites, illuminating the beast of a male African lion as he belts out a loud roar.

HHL:  This is not the first time Green Bay has popped for a lion!

PC:  But its few and far between!

The tron is filled with a logo as ‘My Name Is Human’ strikes up at Lambeau.

[Image: lionheart.png]



The Green Bay chapter of the XWF Universe roars in approval as the OG theme of the Lionheart strikes up.  The entrance way, ramp and ring area are all showered in that old familiar gold lighting as Thaddeus Duke emerges from backstage to a gigantic pop from the crowd.

HHL:  Thaddeus Duke!

PC:  Correction!  CCPE client Thaddeus Duke!

As Thad starts making his way toward the ring, his lion trails behind him.  In the ring, Chris Page jumps off the turnbuckles to the mat.  Reluctantly deciding against trying to break the neck of Theo Pryce for the time being.

Thad climbs the ring steps, leaving his lion pacing the arena floor.  He pauses at the top and peers over his shoulder like he has hundreds of times before.  Again, Green Bay pops.  He barks an order to the lion and the beast pads himself away from the ramp and sits quietly.

Thaddeus then steps through the ropes.  The house lighting returns as ‘My Name Is Human’ fades out.

HHL:  I have no idea what we’re seeing, Pip!

PC:  Neither do I!  What I do know is that Thaddeus Duke was Chris Page’s very first signing for CCPE and their history just within the confines of the XWF is unrivaled!

HHL:  Added to that, he also just happens to be the nephew of Theo Pryce!

Thad and Page stare across the ring at each other for an uncomfortably long time with neither man making a move.  Finally, Thad advances toward the spot where his uncle is laying and Chris Page takes a step back.

HHL:  Since the moment Thaddeus stepped through that curtain, Chris Page has had his eyes locked on him!

Thad stands over Theo before bending down to remove the chair wrapped around his head and neck.  Standing upright, Thad steps off of Theo.  He and Chris Page come face to face.

PC:  A shiver just went up my spine and it’s not from the cold!

HHL:  These two men…  I don’t even have to say it.  Everyone knows.

Reaching into his hoodie pocket, Thad pulls out what looks like a slip of paper.

PC:  What is that?

Page and Thad both look down at what the Lionheart is holding.

HHL:  That’s a check!

Thad slaps the check against Page’s chest.  Reluctantly, CCP takes the check and backs up a step.  Chris Page then backs up to the ropes and exits the ring.

PC:  I think Thaddeus just bought out his CCPE contract!

HHL:  His wife’s name was on that check too!

Chris Page and Kat Jones start to make their exit as inside the ring, Thaddeus Duke is helping up his beaten and battered uncle Theo Pryce.  The crowd pops huge as Thad removes his hoodie tossing it into the crowd, revealing a SAGA t-shirt beneath it.

Thad and Theo exchange a bro shake in the middle of the ring.  The ever-emotional Thaddeus Duke pulls him into a hug whether he wanted it or not.

HHL:  What a moment for the XWF Universe!  The Lionheart is back home where he belongs and has joined Theo Pryce’s SAGA!

Jenny Myst, Isaiah King, and Goth are already outside waiting in their own marked off areas, for the match to officially begin.

- vs -
- vs -
Parking Lot Brawl

Pip: Already a fantastic evening here for the greatest professional wrestling organization in the world, but Heather…'s about to get better!

Heather: And bloodier.

Pip: The first of two main events is about to start and these three have no love lost for each other, let me tell ya!

The scene cuts to the freezing cold parking lot outside of Lambeau Field. There is a collection of fans gathered around, chanting, cheering, and of course, drinking.

Isaiah King rolls up in a tricked up pick up, and gets out as music blares. It cuts when he shuts the door. He looks around with narrowed eyes as his other two opponents don’t seem to have arrived. He leans up against his truck, a smirk on his face.

Pip: So……has Goth and the Champ not gotten the memo that the match is outside? Or?

Just as he finishes that thought, the man at the street food cart turns around. Its Goth. He exits the street food car and makes a bee line for King. Isaiah notices this, and side steps at the last moment. He bounces Goth’s face off the hood of the truck, and the big man stumbles away.

Pip: Well, here we go. I guess we’re underway. So…..No Myst? Is this a non-title match then?

Heather: How many times have we seen this? She’s around somewhere. She’s picking her spot.

King grabs Goth by the hair and walks him over toward the truck again, tossing him against the door. He fires off a series of well-places punches, and the big man puts his arms up in front of his face to cover up. King switches to body shots, and Goth has to then adjust to that. The bigger man, desperate to get the quick striker away from him, uses a burst of stength to whip King against the barricade that blocks the cluster of fans. He hits it back first, wincing. You can see the breath of both competitors as Goth makes his way toward King. Just then he stops in his tracks.

A girl in the crowd, all bundled up to brave the elements. Makes her way to the front of the steel barricade. King is getting up, holding his back, when suddenly the girl reaches over the barricade and puts what looks like a lead pipe pressed to his neck, pulling him back to the barricade.
Pip: Whoever that woman is, she’s choking the life out of Isaiah King! Sercurity! Someone!

Heather: It’s anything goes out here, Pip. Oh boy, look! I told you

She lets go, and King drops to the cold ground holding his neck, coughing. The woman takes the winter hat off, and the big puffy coat.


She hops the barricade and signals to Goth, asking him to help her. He tilts his head, but walks over. They both lift up King and Jenny laughs, slapping him hard. He spins into the arms of Goth!

DDT onto the pavement!

King flops like a fish out of water as Jenny is beaming! Her plan worked! Her top threat is out of the match early! She points to Goth, yelling at him. ”PICK HIM BACK UP! Goth picks him up and locks King’s arms, holding him in place.

Pip: Why the hell is Goth, who has made his displeasure with Myst well known in recent weeks, working WITH her here? What the hell is this!

Heather: He’s not a dumb man, Pip. He knows the chances of winning one on one are much better than if all three are active! It’s business, its strategy!

Pip: It’s disgusting.

She slaps King again. He drops to one knee. “Get up! Get him up!”. He lifts him. She slaps him again. Goth tosses him down, a snarl on his face. His eyes are filled with pure hatred. Jenny smiles, slapping Goth on the chest.

His head snaps in her direction.

Pip: Uh oh.

Jenny backs away, telling Goth she was just telling him good job. It was a joke. Come on now.

He steps towards her. She kicks him in the upper thigh and he buckles a little. She goes to run away, and he grabs a handful of blonde and pink locks. Her eyes go wide as now Goth has a smile on his face. He tosses her into King’s truck, back first. She bounces off, and he boots her hard in the face. She’s flat on her back as he smugly pins the champ, lifting a leg.



Jenny gets a shoulder up.

Goth smirks, he knows he can inflict more punishment on her now that she’s down. He picks her up by the hair again, and lifts her to her feet. He is going to lift her for a hard suplex onto the concrete when King comes out of nowhere, drop-kicking Goth in the back. He falls into Jenny, who stumbles back and lands on her butt. Goth loses his footing and stumbles forward, falling onto the ground face first. King, shaking off the initial surprise attack from Jenny, has a nasty look in his eyes. He snarls at Jenny, and looks over at Goth. Both are getting to their feet, and he steps back into a fighting stance, fists up.

Jenny yells to Goth “get him!”. He looks at her, shaking his head. She yells again. ”GET HIM, you big oaf! . She slaps his chest again, this time not in celebration. He shoves her, and she falls back on her butt again. Goth looks at King. ”Shall we?”

King nods, and both approach the Queen of X-Treme, whose face tells it all. She knows she in for a world of hurt.

Heather: Myst’s arrogance may have gotten the best of her here. Goth isn’t going to be her whipping boy!

She gets up and takes off, running towards the other side of the parking lot towards a cluster of cars. Both men give chase. The crowd runs with them behind the barricade.

Jenny, much faster than Goth and slightly faster than King, slides down in cover behind a nearby vehicle. King overruns the position, not stopping quick enough. Jenny pops up when he turns around, poking him in the eyes. He recoils and she round-house kicks him in the face. Goth catches up to them now and goes to grab Jenny, but she slides behind him and kicks him in the back of the knee, taking him to one knee, before bulldogging him onto the asphalt. Jenny, breathing heavily and looking rather relieved, takes a moment to assess the situation. King is back to his feet, and Jenny notices. He grabs her by the arm when she hauls off for a strike, and slams her hand off the trunk of the car. Jenny yells out, grabbing her wrist. King elbows her in the face, knocking her back against the car, and grabs her throat. He bends her back, pressing her upper back against the trunk of the sedan. He has a rage in his eye.

Pip: A different side of Isaiah King here. He is getting some retribution for that sneak attack early in the match! He is choking the life out of the champ!

Jenny is flailing, trying to push King off. He has a look we haven’t seen before in his eye, as he pushes her down harder. Her face is turning as pink as her hair. She is starting to fade, eyes wide. She makes two desperate punches to the side of the head of King, but he isn’t relenting. Just before Jenny fades, Goth clubs King in the back of the neck. He breaks the hold. Jenny rolls off the trunk coughing, as Goth goes to work on King. He uppercuts the former TV champ, sending him stumbling to the ground with nothing to grab onto a break his fall. Goth grabs the mirror on the sedan, ripping it off the chassie. King pops up, and Goth swings, connecting with the side of King’s head. The glass from the mirror breaks as King slumps.

Goth pins.



—-King gets a shoulder up at the last moment. Goth shoves his head down hard against the asphault, and pins again.



King kicks out.

Jenny, who is behind the action, has popped the trunk of a nearby car. The trunk is chocked full of assorted weapons, obviously planted there.

Heather: Always a step ahead is the Queen.

Jenny pulls a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat out of the trunk. Goth is on top of King as the two wrestle on the asphalt. Jenny brings the bat down across the back of Goth. He winces and arches up. Jenny brings it to the side of his head and he crumbles. Jenny turns towards King, modifed bat in hand. She has a wicked smile on her face.

Pip: She is going to cave King’s face in here, and enjoy every second of it!

She swings, King moves. The bat connects with the ground, and breaks. The barbed wire end is hanging on the end of the bat. Jenny takes a second to look at the bat, and King takes advantage. He kicks her in the midsection, which backs her off. She swings the broken bat at him again, and he moves. Goth is up to one knee.

Jenny makes her way back to the car with the weapons. King follows. Goth has blood gushing from his head, and the back of his shirt is ripped and bleeding. Jenny rummages through the tunk as Goth makes his way over to the sedan as well. King grabs Jenny shoving her INTO the truck of the sedan and shutting the door. Goth and King exchange blows next to the car. Back and forth, back and forth.

Heather: It’s down to two, at least for the time being! Quick thinking by King and Jenny’s locked in the trunk!

The two continue to battle outside the car as we hear pounding coming from inside. Every time one of them hits the car as they rumble around, it shakes the trunk full of sharp objects. Jenny is getting sliced up in there!

Goth hits a spinebuster on the hood of the car, and King rolls off. Goth looks to the trunk. He grins. He jumps into Isaiah’s truck and makes a beeline towards the sedan!

King stood up, but jumps out of the way at the last second.

The truck SLAMS INTO THE TRUNK OF THE CAR, folding it in.

OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH from the crowd.


King’s eyes are wide, staring in awe of what he just saw. Goth gets out, surveying the damage.

King shakes it off, shrugs, and goes after goth. He hits a European Uppercut on Goth. He stumbles back. EMT’s rush out towards the car.

Heather: They may stop this match, Pip. Forget the rules, this is life or death here.

They rush to the car as King and Goth continue to battle. The EMT’s stop short however, when they notice Myst SITTING IN THE PASSENGER SEAT.


Pip: She must have come crawling through that crawl space between the seats!

Jenny starts the engine with King and Goth ON THE HOOD. They were exchanging punches on the hood of the car and both wobble, trying to stay upright. Jenny has a blank look on her face as she drives the car into the tunnel, crashing into a retaining wall! Both of them fly off, hitting the wall! The airbags deploy in the vehicle. All three are down.

Pip: I’ve never seen anything like this before.

After what feels like an hour (but really only a couple minutes), both Goth and King begin to stir. King is bleeding now as well. The door opens as glass crunches and twisted metal creaks. She stumbles out of the car, bleeding from her lip and a cut above her eye. Myst appears to be limping a little, as well.

She grabs a camera, shoving the camera man down. Goth is up to one knee, and she bounces the camera off of his head, knocking him back to the floor. King is nowhere to be found suddenly. Jenny picks Goth up, he’s wobbly. She fires a hard shot to his head and whips him into the wall. Going to meet him there, she begins body blows. He fires a few shots back at him which backs her up onto a platform.


Jenny begins to lift off of the ground.


She looks over the edge as she gets higher and higher and higher. He stops the lift with Myst 20 feet in the air! She has nowhere to go!

Pip: One of these two is going to win the X-Title and Jenny can’t do anything but watch from above!

Goth, whose back on his feet, charges at King.

King, in survival mode, hits his trademark.

Guillotine of Destruction!!!!!

The  jumping DDT transitioning into a body scissor guillotine!


Pip: It's over! It's Over! We have a new champion! PINNN HIMMMM!!!

Landing on the cement took something out of King, too, whose wincing, holding his back.


Just then, Elijah Martin comes from behind the vending machines.

Pip: Damnit. Myst’s henchman! He’s going for the forklift!

Before he gets to the forklift, however, King notices.


The superman punch connects! Martin is down!

Myst is frantic on the platform of the forklift!

King, stumbling a bit, turns back around.

Goth is up, and goes for the big boot!

King ducks!


Another superman punch!

King wobbles, but falls on the cover!!!!

Pip: That's it! That's it! We have a new champion!!!!!!!!!! COUNT HIM!!!!!

He falls on top of Goth.






King is down! Myst rolls off, holding her back. She’s in a great deal of pain.

Pip: I don’t believe it. Jenny said she would do anything to keep this belt….she just jumped from 20 feet in the air on top of two grown men, on concrete!

The Green Bay crowd is chanting HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!

King got the brunt of it, and he’s down on the concrete. Goth, somehow, manages to get up AGAIN! He is groaning and breathing heavily, leaning face down on the hood of the wrecked car. Myst gets up, her body feeling the effects of the jump. She grabs Goths head and bounces it off the hood. She jumps up on the hood, pulling him up with her. Goth stands up, the two wobble on damaged metal.

Goth throws a well placed elbow to her nose. Myst grabs her face, blood running from her nose as well now. Goth swings again, but Jenny ducks. She knees him in them midsection and gets him into position.

Pip: No! No, she’s not gonna do this!

She has him bent backwards, face up…….

She kisses him on the forehead with a bloody smooch, as it runs from her mouth.


The glass cracks and spiders, dipping under his weight. Myst collapses on top.





Pip: She did it, Heather. Holy shit, she did it! But look at the carnage! Goth is down, King is down, Martin is down and Myst is worse for wear!

Heather: This match wasn’t pretty but in the end the most x-treme won. Hats off to Myst but this could have been anyone’s contest. What a rollercoaster!

The ref hands a bleeding Myst the belt. Tears running down, mixing with the blood, she clutches it to her chest as she rolls off the car and onto the concrete. She scoots up against the wall and puts her face into the title, leaving blood marks on the silver. Medical staff rush the scene as Snow Job goes to commercial.

The lights in the arena go out, causing the usual hysteria from the crowd. After a few seconds, Peter Vaughn's face appears on the big tron, darkly smirking down at the fans.

"This Time... It's Different."

After Vaughn finishes speaking, he begins to laugh. His laughter carries on as the Tron video overtakes his image, beginning with "This Time It's Different" by Evans Blue. Sparks begin to erupt around the stage, showering nearby fans who feel like they're a little too close to the action. As the fireworks die down, two figures appear through the smoke and haze. Peter Vaughn walks forward first, followed by Chronic Chris Page stays behind him, smiling at the reaction Vaughn is getting. They stop at the top of the ramp, surveying the hatred from the crowd. From Vaughn's reaction, you'd think they were chanting his name, as he walks down the aisle with a cocky smile, with Page right behind him. The two make their way into the ring, heading into a corner to discuss some last-minute strategy.

'Eleanor Rigby' by the Beatles hits the loud speakers and Mark Flynn comes out in a dazzling blue robe. Across the back, it says "King of the Midcarders". He has no expression and makes no eye contact with his opponent. When the bell rings, he shifts gear and a snarl comes across his face

- vs -
Special Guest Ref - Olmec
Xtreme - Optimal Path Match

A helicopter with a spotlight circles around the snow blanketed Lambeau Field. We’re given an aerial view of the stadium, and the most psychotic fans in the world who have the field packed to capacity in the midst of this massive blizzard that’s falling from the skies.

There’s a rumble, something like an earthquake. And on the completely white field, where the wrestling ring has already been removed in anticipation for tonight’s main event, a long streak, like a line, from endzone to endzone becomes visible. The earth shakes, as the field begins to pull apart.

The field opens up, and rising to the surface level from below is a massive structure.

The Super Aggro Crag

[Image: tumblr_mvpm60eO0t1ro8ysbo1_500.gif]

And at the top of this fiendish structure… a giant Olmec Head, with glowing red eyes.

As the platform containing the Super Aggro Crag settles in, we’re brought to the commentary desk,

PC: Ladies and gentlemen… the moment you’ve all been waiting for… the Main Event of the evening. It’s Peter Vaughn. It’s Mark Flynn. It’s the SUPER Aggro-Crag. It’s for the Universal Championship… and it’s happening, right now.

Mark Flynn and Peter Vaughn each rode up from under the field on the Aggro-Crag platform and are now standing about twenty feet away from the base of the mountain. The only thing between them and the beginning of their ascent towards the Universal Championship is…


Flynn and Vaughn glare at one another, before they both dart towards the moat, where rows of hanging stone pillars are acting as bridges. Vaughn is fast, and the oldest looking 29 year old man in the world has nearly reached the first stone pillar.

But unbeknownst to him, Mark Flynn made a b-line, not towards Aggro-Crag, but towards Vaughn himself, and levels him from behind with a nasty chop block. Right at the edge of the moat, Flynn and Vaugh begin rolling around in the frigid snow that continues falling. Flynn tries locking in an arm bar, but Vaughn has overpowered him, and has mounted his back, rubbing his face in the now the way he would any unlucky opponent on the mat.
Flynn groans out, his face turning red, and amazingly breaks free, rolling onto his back where he puts up his paws in defense. Swatting away a series of attempted hammer punches from Vaughn. Flynn thrusts his lower body, sending Peter off balance, where Flynn is able to flip him over. He rakes the eyes of the challenger, then returns to a vertical base where he uses his hands to starts shoveling snow onto Vaughn. A stomp to the crotch keeps Vaughn down as Flynn steps over him now and prepares to leap out onto the first stone pillar.

PC: This unconventional championship defense has started out about as unconventional as one could imagine, Heather

HHL: That’s Mark Flynn’s game, Pip. He might be one of the best to ever grace a wrestling ring, but if he can take advantages away from the common structures of wrestling, get into his opponents head, that’s where he’s most dangerous.

Flynn has leaped out now to the second swinging stone pillar, balancing his feet after each landing as the ominous molton cheddar jack bubbles down below. The heat from the cheese momentarily offsetting the cold from the blizzard. Flynn leaps across four more pillars in similar fashion before landing at the base of the Aggro-Crag.

The eyes of Olmec light up.


Flynn awaits the question…





Peter Vaughn answers just as he lands from crossing the moat.


Flynn shoots daggers of incredulity at Vaughn as the challenger shrugs his shoulders,

What? I saw it on the website…

A particular path on Aggro-Crag becomes illuminated with a glowing blue light,


Flynn stomps his foot, as Vaughn takes off laughing toward the much gentler path to the Universal Championship.

As Flynn begins scaling the jagged edges of the mountain, Vaughn on the other hand is strolling up a flat incline. Whistling along the way, and pulling a coin from his pocket and flipping it… it’s easy street for Vaughn, and he couldn’t be happier.

Peter Vaughn is more than halfway up the mountain, and things are looking bleak for the champion. It seems with every pull up on Aggro-Crag, he’s getting smoke blown in his face, or nearly slipping on the jagged edges that have been slickened by the snow fall. Flynn is struggling, he’s losing his grip, and is about to plummet along the sharp edges back to the bottom of the mountain. But something catches his eye, a random level sticking out of the side of Aggro-Crag. It’s several feet away, and to pull it, he will have to do it mid-leap from the tiny ledge he’s standing on, which will most certainly cause his fall.

But Flynn is willing to take that risk.

He leaps and catches the lever, hanging on for dear life. It pulls down, and there’s a rumble at the top of Aggro-Crag.

Dozens of boulders begin rolling down the easy-street path toward Peter Vaughn. To avoid being smashed to death by their massive weight, Vaughn has no choice but to leap off the path, as he brutally tumbles down the side of the mountain. He tumbles and twists and turns, bashing his body on the way down. When he staggers up to his feet, he’s standing at the base of the mountain, and now the easy path is blocked by the series of boulders.

Vaughn’s beaten, bloodied and bruised, his janitor uniform torn all to hell. From behind he hears a foot dragging through the snow. It’s Flynn! He too took the fall after pulling the lever, and is in rough shape. He swings at the challenger with a wild haymaker, but it’s dodged. Vaughn clamps a hand dooen onto Flynn’s shoulder as the two men spin around. Flynn is hunched over and tries sending a punch to Vaughn’s gut, but there’s too much separation. Vaughn throws one of Flynn’s arms over his shoulder, releasing the claw grip. He goes for a duplex, but Flynn stops him with an inside leg.

Vaugh again goes to lift Flynn, but again he’s stopped with his leg being hooked over. A frustrated and stiff knee to Flynn pushes the champion down to his rear. Vaugh moves in, to grab the now kneeling Flynn’s head for a snap DDT.


He grabs a handful of snow from the ground and stuffs it in the front of Vaughn’s tights. The challenger hops and hoots and hollers, grabbing for his goods. But before he can recover, Flynn has bulldogged the challenger, face first into the snow. Slowly, but surely, Flynn works his way back up to a vertical base. Sending a few kicks to the ribs of Vaughn for good measure, before he starts scaling the side of Aggro-Crag again.

Nearly halfway to the top now, Flynn is in the driver's seat. He lifts an arm up and grabs another edge, only this time, he feels something different. Something slithery.

It’s a snake! And it’s sliding up Flynn’s bicep right towards his face!


Flynn shrieks and flings his arm back. Little did he know, Vaughn was hot on his tail, but that’s not necessarily a good thing now, as Flynn’s frantic arm swings back and cracks Vaughn right in the chops, as this snake slithers around the challenger's throat.

Flynn kicks at Vaughn, but he evades, seemingly unaffected by the ravenous reptile that’s squeezing tight around his throat. Shocked by Vaughn’s determination, Flynn’s eyes bulge from his head, as he turns back and continues to make his ascent. With Vaughn still not far behind,

As Flynn and Vaughn press towards the top of the Aggrocrag, both weary and exhausted from everything that has happened so far, from behind the very peak, a massive figure appears, almost indistinguishable in the whiteout conditions.

HHL: What, what is this?

Who is that?

Flynn and Vaughn both pause, trying to grasp what is going on. The figure steps forward, and as expected, it’s someone in head to toe winter gear!

This, who is that? They’re not supposed to be up there!

This is spitting on the integrity of the Universal Championship itself!

The figure approaches the Universal Championship and lifts it up, looking at it. Their head looks at it, then back downward towards both Vaughn and Flynn. They reach up, and grab the edge of their ski mask, doffing it.

[Image: 170px-Will_Ferrell_Deauville_2014.jpg]

Pity, this toy is worth more in my hands than either of yours.

Bobby Bourbon smiles down at Flynn and Vaughn, who look incensed.

You know, since this is legit the second pay-per-view supercard I’ve appeared on tonight. I do owe you both a debt of gratitude; you have both made being King around here so much more important! Heh, well, I’ll let you two keep playing out someone’s goofy Nickelodeon wet dream, and seriously, Double Dare was way better than this shit, but I guess springing for an a-lister like Mark Summers is just beyond the brass these days, and given it’s you two, second best is good enough.

Bobby places the Universal Championship Belt back where he found it.

Oop, don’t let me upstage you! Put on your best show, boys, and the people will still wanna see mine more! Later!

Bobby waves, and in pressing a button, we see he’s igniting the very Jetpack he wore at Leap of Faith 2021! He soars off, leaving one message.

Packers suck! Go Vikings!

PC: Has the reigning GrandHighPooBOB of the XWF just called his shot for the Universal Championship?

Flynn shakes off the distraction, and scurries over toward the universal Championship, sitting on a pillar next to the OLMEC HEAD REFEREE.

He slips in the snow a bit, allowing Peter to catch up, but he slips, and the two slide and fall together, crashing right into the OLMEC HEAD. It’s jaw opens. And now both men have tumbled into his mouth. It’s eyes begin to glow and the jaw begins moving. Bothe Flynn and Vaugh stick an arm up, using all of their combined might to keep the OLMEC’S mouth pried open. But the weight is becoming too much. The great pressure is overcoming Flynn and Vaughn’s strength, and soon, they’re about to be eaten alive!

But not so fast! Vaugh has a free arm and starts nailing Flynn in the nose, over and over again. Blood spews everywhere, and Flynn is forced to fall back in the OLMEC’S mouth, just in time for Vaughn to leap out for his escape. The mouth closes. Crushing Flynn under the weight…


HHL: What a horrifying sight! And now, Peter Vaughn is going to walk away the Universal Champion!

Vaughn limps toward the pillar holding the Universal Championship. He grabs the belt!



A great red light begins piercing through the side of the Olmec’s head, creating an exit! As the massive piece of stone falls from the side of the Olmec, we see Mark Flynn holding a…

PC: Oh jesus, effin’ Christ. Is that a lightsaber?

Flynn is wielding a red gowling sword that was apparently the Olmec’s eye.

Flynn hollers out and swings the sword at Vaughn’s head, nearly decapitating the challenger. Vaughn rolls behind Flynn and into the Olmec head, where he produces, from the other eye, the other lightsaber.

The two men begin dueling on top of the mountain. The snow is falling heavier and heavier.

The two lock blades in an X form right in front of the Universal Championship belt. But Vaughn’s length and strength is starting to get the better of Flynn. He blasts Flynn’s guard with his lightsaber, knocking the champion off balance, AND SWINGS A PERFECT SWIPE AT FLYNN’S LEGS!




They blast through the universal Championship pillar!

Both men drop their swords!!!

And both men begin to fall from the mountain!!!

Only Mark Flynn manages to snag the Universal Championship! He clutches it dearly to his chest as he falls down the mountain!

Winner and STILL Universal Champion- Mark Flynn

HHL: Incredible main event here tonight. Peter Vaughn absolutely gave everything but Mark Flynn was just a little bit better on this night.

PIP: The reign of Flynn continues. Absolutely no one can stop this guy. Not Peter Vaughn. Not Raion Kido. No one.

[red]HHL: You only named two people. That's hardly everyone.

PIP: What do you want from me Heather? I'm lazy and I'm hungry.

HHL: Well folks that's all for tonight's first Pay Per View of 2023. We'll see you in two weeks for Weekend Warfare and the first round of the March Madness Tournament.

Thank you to everyone sent in segments and RP'd.

Special Thanks To The Match Writers:

Jenny Myst
Chris Page
Dolly Waters
Vinnie Lane
Atticus Gold

And last by not least...

Yo momma



[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (01-30-2023), Atara Raven (01-29-2023), Atticus Gold (01-29-2023), Dolly Waters (01-29-2023), Jenny Myst (01-29-2023), Jim "the Jim" Jimson (01-29-2023), Lacklan (01-29-2023), Mark Flynn (01-29-2023), Mr. Oz (01-29-2023), Ned Kaye (01-30-2023), Prince Adeyemi (01-30-2023), Raion Kido (01-30-2023), Thaddeus Duke (01-30-2023), Vagabond (01-29-2023)
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (01-30-2023)
Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-29-2023, 09:47 PM

[Image: ZCS2oz1.gif]
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Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

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01-29-2023, 09:50 PM

This is far from over.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-30-2023, 08:17 AM

Fuck Madness and fuck that match! Take the fucking third wheel out of this bullshit and the story tells differently! Far from over indeed, Barn-O!
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