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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Madness Character Development RP Board
She-Devil's Night
Author Message
Jason Cashe Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-30-2022, 04:11 PM

It was simple. 

Cashe had left his girlfriend, Josslynn Spencer, steps to take in order to find out what he had gotten her for her birthday. All she had to do was follow the instructions. 

Finally making it into the Hotel Room after a flight from Vegas, she arrived in Detroit. Josslynn looked annoyed. Dropping her bags on the floor, she swings the door shut and no sooner as she walks into the living area, she finds a note, her second in this game Cashe was playing, the first telling her to catch a flight. There was also a dress laid out on the mattress and a pair of shoes to match. 

"I swear this man plays too much.." She says as she snatches up the letter, unfolding it to find her next step in the process. "Get dressed, a car will be there to pick you up at 7 PM. We're going to the club!" She scoffs after reading his words on paper. "The club? When have I ever been the club type?!" She sighs and begins to take off her clothes.

.::One Hour Later::.

"This better be a DAMN good Present!" Josslynn, seated in the backseat of a super fancy Uber, whispers as the driver pulls up to the curb. 

"We're here! Let me get your door.." The Elderly man hurries to get out from behind the wheel. Josslynn started to open her own door but the man was fast for his age and had the door opened for her soon thereafter. "Enjoy the rest of your night!"

"Thanks.." She seemed uncomfortable as she stood on the sidewalk in front of a club called Orchid. At least that's what the flower logo on the building said. "If he tries to buy me a lap dance.. I swear to GAAAWD I'm gonna hurt him while he's on the shitter!"

Almost stomping towards the entrance, the place was packed. The crowd was lined up around the side of the building, waiting to get inside. A man in a black suit hurries to greet Josslynn as she approaches. "Ms. Spencer? Yes, yes, that's you! Please.. Follow me, this way!"

Now if he was trying to lure her AWAY from the club then that's a whole new plot twist but he was holding the door open for her and motioning for her to enter the building. We'll call him the Manager. As she passes him, he gets on a walkie talkie and confirms her arrival. "She's here, the She Devil has arrived!" Josslynn hears what he called her and snaps back at him. 

"She who?" Her aggressive, stabby stabby personality was showing but she was almost being walked/pushed further into the building. It was quieter than you would guess a packed nightclub would be. "What are you up to, Jason?" She tells herself.

The short hallway was filled with framed pictures of what was probably their peak years. 

The Manager skips ahead of her. "Right this way and.." He says as he leans in closer and tells her. "Happy Birthday!" Before stepping to the side and opening the door to the main floor. The noise becomes deafening.

The room opens up as she steps into the area. There were balloons, strobe lights, loud music, noise makers and hollering. Her eyes fell to the center of the floor where a Wrestling Ring was set up. Her lips pucker as she sees her Boyfriend and Host of this shindig, Jason Cashe standing in its center! He twirls his hands like a music conductor and the crowd goes into song!


There were a number of names being said for that last part. 


"Annnnd many moooore on Channel Four!" There is always that ONE person who adds onto the birthday song. He was ignored by all as Cashe, who is wearing a headset, touches a button and his voice comes through the PA.

"Hello my Woo Saah! Tonight is Devil's Night but Welcome to She-Devil's Night!" 

He gets a roar of cheer from the crowd as people make room for Josslynn to head to the ring. Cashe exits through the ropes and meets her at ringside.

"Tonight we celebrate YOU!" Hi.." He gives her a greeting kiss. She isn't sure what to make of any of this. Cashe takes her hand as they walk around a bit. "As it goes, back in the 1930-40s, the trend of Devil's Night began! Kids would get together and torment the neighborhoods. Vandalizing, even burning down property and land alike! It got baaaad people!"

He got a chuckle from a few but most were actually listening. Josslynn had her eyes scanning the scene. It was completely decorated, the bars were filled with shot glasses, single, double and triple shots as bartenders and waitresses filled them up with different spirits. She noticed a whole table full of different cakes, enough to feed the crowd. 

"I asked a few days back what to gift someone who is a gift themselves. This is my gift to you.. She-Devil's Night!" 

Turning to round the ring, Cashe motions over towards a special table. Clearly setup for the Birthday girl but as Josslynn sees the table, she recognizes the faces and people who are sitting at it. Her hands cup over her mouth as she hurries to hug two old folks. 

"Those are her Grandparents! Let's hear it for Mary and Eugene Spencer for making the trip out here!"

As Josslynn greets her table. Among the others there were Astrid, her Photographer and close friend. Kat Jones and Echo Layne, Cashe's Sisters. Alexandria Monroe, Echo's Tag Team Partner. As well as some chick named Isla Dior, Cashe wasn't sure how to say it. They hadn't really met. She was a makeup artist though.

Rolling into the ring, Cashe adjusts the headset and hurries through the rules of the night. "So who wants to see some Wrestling?!" A pop as cheap as they come. He is providing free drinks until Midnight and it's only going on 9. It was still early. Turning to face Josslynn because it was all for her, Cashe runs down the 'card' he has put together.

"We've got a Tag Match that you might NEVER see again between two of the more dominant teams out there today! Not only that though, the Main Event will be something special.. We'll get to that later.."

Waving off the thought to tell all the plot twists of the night. Cashe moves onto some official positions needed for a wrestling match. "For tonight's Tag Match, I will work Commentary with the help of Josslynn.." The look on her face says she never agreed to that. "And my Sister Kat Jones will be the Referee! Kat.." 

The now retired Wrestler and best Brownie Baker in the World, Kat Jones climbs on the apron before ducking between the ropes and joining Cashe in the ring. 

"Now during this match, when I say SHOT.. Everyone needs to grab them a shot glass and take a fucking shot! We're getting FUCKED UP Tonight my friends!" The noise that formed after that announcement was probably the loudest it will get all night. Peak noise already achieved!

"DJ! Spin them Theme Songs! Let's get this started!!" Cashe commands as he aggressively twirls a finger around and the opening bout is about to be underway. 

"All The Good Girls Go to Hell" by Holocene plays and the crowd breaks into dance and cheer as the spotlight falls upon the Birthday Girl's table. There, both Echo Layne and Alexandria Monroe stand up. Josslynn smiles, surprised that they were there to also compete. Both of them give Josslynn a hug as they step away from the table and approach the ring.

Passing by Cashe, Echo shoves him. He tries to kick her back leg but misses as she leaps up onto the ring apron. Alex slides under the ropes. Cashe makes the official introductions. 

"Hailing from Chicago, Illinois and Manhattan, New York respectively. Give it up for Alexandria Monroe and my punk Sister, Echo Layne! Team MADNESS!!"

Both Kat and Echo give Cashe scorned glances as he takes his seat next to Josslynn. "Say Hey to everyone!" Leaning over so her voice would pick up. 


"Ooohhh weee! You can HEAR the excitement in her voice!" He said sarcastically. 

Suddenly the music changes. There weren't gonna be any fancy entrances at this event. There weren't even any guardrails. The fans just kept their distance.. For now.

"Scary Mask" by Poppy begins to play. Josslynn turns to Cashe with her mouth slightly open. She was a fan of both of these teams and Cashe knew it. 

"Introducing the Opponents! Josslynn's other favorite Team out there today.. Vanessa Reckless and Rowen Spencer, no relation. POWER & CHAOS!" 

Through the crowd of people, the members of Power & Chaos push towards the ring. Nessa coming out of the audience at one side, Rowen at the opposite. They both slide into the ring and get to their feet. Team Madness gives them space as Kat Jones stands center of the ring.

"These girls look mean! I bet Nessa practices her growls before brushing her teeth in the mornings!"

The crowd laughed but Josslynn nudged him with her elbow. She was big eyed and focused on the ring. 

"Let's keep it clean! That means no cheating, ECHO!"


Echo yells and he knew she meant it with a K. Rude as fuck, right? He scoffs as Kat gets everyone in order before calling for the bell. There was a bell so Cashe upon the signal from Kat made the noise for a bell. 


Kicking things off was Alexandria Monroe for Team Madness and Nessa Spencer for P&C. They didn't circle each other, there was no hesitation as they walked up and locked up. A test of grappling strength as Alex walks Nessa back against the ropes. Kat steps in to give them 5 before breaking it up, Alex backs up and swings with a wide slap, Nessa ducks and rolls behind Alex with a back grapple. Lifting and turning, Nessa slams Alex to the canvas with a side takedown. Quickly Nessa begins driving elbows into Alex's side. 

One elbow


Three Elbows


Alex tucks and rolls, shoving her feet up under her and bucking from the turtle shell position. Able to get free and scramble to her feet, Alex and Nessa again lock up. Once more, Alex begins to walk Nessa backwards. 

"That Alexandria is strong as fuck! I heard rumors that she can rip a Phonebook in half!"

Pulling Nessa off the ropes, Alexandria lifts and flips her opponent with a Hip Toss. Nessa lands and hurries back to her feet. She races at Alex and plows into her with a forearm that stumbles one half of the MAINSTREAM Tag Champions. Yanking Alex's head back with a handful of hair, Nessa open palm slaps Alex to the chestplate. The sound rings out throughout the club. 

"Oohhh dang! You hear that? Hey.. Hey! Who do you think is gonna win?" Cashe was asking his Co-Commentator, Girlfriend and Birthday Girl, Josslynn Spencer. 

"Shhh.. I'm watching the match." Her response was brief. 

"Shhh? We're on commentary, it's our JOB to do the opposite of Shhh!"

"Then be quieter.." She was zoned in on the action. 

"Hey, you got a booger.." Cashe reaches over and tries to pick Josslynn's nose. She was quick to slap his hand away.

Nessa lifts and drops Alex with an Atomic Drop before knocking her down with a short arm clothesline. Backing up to her own corner, Nessa tags in Rowen. 

"Our first Tag! SHOT!?" The place erupted as shots started being taken and the cheers that came after the shots were like aftershocks! The place was alive! 

Pulling Alex to her feet, Rowen heads back to her corner and tags Nessa back in. Nessa climbs the turnbuckles as Rowen goes to put Alex into a suplex but the Team Madness member drives a knee into Rowen's midsection. Pulling her head down, Alexandria lifts Rowen up into a powerbomb and runs her to the corner where Nessa is perched up top! Nessa falls back and off the top turnbuckle, crashing into the ringside floor as Rowen crashes and bounces off the turnbuckle pads. 

"Daaaaaaamn! See! See! Alex don't play! I bet she'd be a household name if she got into Tough Man Competitions!"

Josslynn turns and gives him a long stare. 

"Sorry, sorry, Tough Woman Competitions!"

Alex grabs Rowen who was no longer the legal competitor in the match. Dragging her to the opposite side of the ring, Alex makes the tag to Echo while keeping hold of Rowen. Setting her up into a Russian Legsweep, Alex grabs hold of Rowen as Echo races across the ring, shooting off the ropes, adding speed as she leaps up into a Bicycle Kick but Rowen side steps, pulling Alex in the way! 


In pain as she rolls out of the ring, Alexandria was holding her face from the kick to the face by Echo. An attempt at one of their finishers went off target as Rowen slipped free. Echo goes to check Alex at the ropes but Rowen grabs Echo from behind in a full nelson. She snaps her up and over, hitting the suplex version of the move that slaps Echo onto her neck and shoulders. 

As Kat shoves at Rowen to exit the ring, Nessa is climbing back up the turnbuckles. Echo on the canvas, unaware of what was coming as Nessa dives off and plants a beautiful Elbow across her chest. Instantly draping across her, hooking the leg. 

Kat drops the the canvas




"First pinfall attempt… SHOT!" Cashe barks out into his headset. "Want one?" Asking Josslynn as a waitress brings him a shot. She shakes her head no, she had no interest in drinking, at least right now. Cashe takes his in a gulp and lets the glass drop to continue commentary. "How successful have these two teams been?"

Scoffing at the idea that he wouldn't already know the answer, Josslynn finally adds something to commentary. She was being a difficult Birthday Girl. "As you SHOULD know.. Team Madness is the current Mainstream Tag Champions! They were also previously Champions in High Roller Wrestling, Echo is also a Television Champion in MC– Oohhh shit!"

After tagging in Rowen, the ladies of Power & Chaos both hit superkicks to the knees of Echo. The Pink Nightmare drops to her knees as it appears P&C were going to steal a move from Team Madness.. However as Echo dropped to her knees, Alexandria flies over her from behind and hits a Crossbody on both Nessa and Rowen!! The audience roars, lifting and spilling drinks in the air to match their cheers! Echo pulls Rowen closer and lays across her, looking for a pin. 


Tw- Kickout. 

"Ha! Do better Sister!" His words got the response of a middle finger from Echo as she gets back to her feet. Stomping away at a downed Rowen, Echo turns and puts some distance between her and her opponent. Rowen, slow to sit up, turns to get to her hands and knees. She shoves to her knees, Echo races at her, launching herself at Rowen, CRACKING her to the face with a Driving Knee! 

"Did I already say Pow, right to the kisser?" Shrugging, Cashe couldn't remember. "POW! RIGHT TO THE KISSAH!" He lowers his voice but adds as if the lesson was needed. "Kiss-aah.. You gotta say the Aaah part or it doesn't count. Not as funny.. That's basic English really.."

Another two count but this one was closer to three than the last. Echo looked to her corner but didn't see Alex. Outside the ring, Alexandria and Nessa were taking turns like it was turn based RPG as they traded slaps, chops and punches. The fans after a few of each started 'Oohhing' with every contact. There was an energy about it. 

Nessa yanks Alex's head down and goes to piledriver her but Alex drops to a knee, lifts and slides Nessa across her shoulders, stands on her feet and immediately topples over sideways, spiking Nessa into the dance floor with a Death Valley Driver! The crowd sucks in air gasping. 

"Sheeee ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 2!"

Josslynn blurted out with laughter."Whaaat?!"

"Blooper reel, Rush Hour? Nevermind.."

Alexandria crawls in under the ropes as Echo pulls Rowen to her feet and into a front standing headlock. As soon as Alex places hands on Rowen, the member of Power & Chaos shoves Echo back, pops up with a Back Elbow that lands flush into Alex's face. The shot sends Alex back against the ropes as Echo shoots forward at Rowen. Dropping a shoulder, Rowen lifts and launches Echo over the ropes with a Shoulder Toss.

Echo flips out of the ring as Nessa stands at ringside. Echo lands in a perfect Hurricanrana position but Nessa snaps her down, slamming Echo HARD into the ringside floor with a Powerbomb! 

"Fuuuuuck! That's a DOUBLE SHOT!!" 

Earlier, it was said that the crowd reaction had already reached its peak. That was a lie. This was the loudest it would get and you could feel it in your feet if you were standing or in the seat you were sitting in! The vibration was an energy felt, not just heard. Shot glasses were raised in the air before the contents were consumed. 

Reaching into the ring, Nessa snatches the legs of Alexandria and pulls them. As Alex face plants into the canvas, Rowen leaps up and drops a knee to the back of Alex's neck. Sitting on her knees after her attack, Rowen rolls Alex over to make the cover. Kat waves off the attempt, Echo was the legal competitor. 

"I'm glad Katnip remembered who was legal.. Maybe it's good I wasn't the Referee while working Commentary."

"You think?"

"Ewww.. Don't get all rude! Hi Mary!" Cashe waves at Josslynn's Grandmother and leans to Joss, forgetting he had a headset on. "Your Grandma likes me!" 

"Yeah but does Grandpa?" Her words caused Cashe to snap a look at Eugene Spencer. The elderly man laughs at the situation. 

Back in the ring.. 

Nessa was struggling to get Echo up and rolled into the ring. If she was the legal wrestler then it was where she needed to go. Rowen grabs her by her hair as she gets rolled under the ropes. Pulling her up to her feet, Echo was nursing her back with a hand. Nessa crawls in as Rowen puts her back to Echo, holding her in a Cutter hold. Nessa leaps up from a sprinters position and jumps into a Cutter as Power & Chaos go for their "REDRUM" with a backwards R.. 

It connects. Rowen scrambles to cover Echo as Kat Jones drops to slap the canvas. 




Nessa is on her feet, waving for Alex to rise. Stalking her as the member of Team Madness gets up and turns around right into a gut kick. Nessa hooks her arm, lifts her up but Alex wiggles and drops back to her feet. She pushes away Nessa, Nessa races forward, Alex lifts her in a Gorilla Press and the crowd goes BONKERS over her showcase of strength! Alex turns and looks to toss Nessa over the ropes but Rowen races past her, springs off the ropes in front of Alex and hits a steller SPEAR with Alex, who still had her arms up with Nessa in a Gorilla Press!

The three of them crash down into a pile on each other. Alex at the bottom of the pile. Kat Jones has had enough! She grabs Nessa off the pile and shoves her to her team's corner. Turning to assist Alex to Team Madness's corner, she doesn't see Nessa re-enter the ring as her and Rowen get Echo up and are quick to execute a Russian Legsweep/Neckbreaker Combination!"


Josslynn's abrupt excitement startled Cashe as he flinched. "Good damn! It was a good move but.. I mean, the neckbreaker needs work. It's aight!"

It was good enough because as Nessa got outside the ropes, Rowen covered Echo as Kat turned around. She dove to the mat and slapped the canvas for the count. 




"Scary Face" again plays as Kat Jones raises the hands of both Nessa Reckless and Rowen Spencer. Cashe stands up and gives them a clapping applause as he makes the outcome official. 

"And your Winners! Power & Chaos aka Mistresses Of Evil aka Dem Bad Guurls aka Reckless Dollz with a Z!" 

Both Nessa and Rowen celebrate briefly before they leave the ring and disappear in the crowd just as they came. Kat stays and helps Echo to her feet as Alexandria joins them. 

"Echo Layne and Alexandria Monroe! Team Madness, give them love!! That's my Sister yo!"

As the ring clears and Kat Jones rejoins the Birthday table. Cashe sighs deeply and makes his way to the ring. Upon entering, he motions towards the bar and soon, a waitress joins him in the ring and gives him a triple shot of tequila. Probably his fourth shot in total, give or take. After the waitress leaves, Cashe lifts his shot glass in the direction of Josslynn. 

"To Josslynn Spencer!" Cashe salutes before taking the shot. Noticing nobody else took a shot, he forgot to say the magic word. "My bad.. Simon says SHOT!" Everyone cheered as more shots were passed around and taken. Cashe toss rolls his shot glass and it rolls off the edge of the apron. 

"Now, the main event.. heh.." He shakes out his hands. "I'm kind of nervous.

"Take it off!" Josslynn hollered out. A good handful of the women in the building whistled and howled at the idea. Kat Jones, who didn't want to see her Brother stripped down, covered her eyes and shook her head in a slow sway. 

"This is NOT that kind of party! Later though, no doubt, I got you!" He broke out a little 'trying to be sexy' slow grind. People laughed. 

Clearing his throat, Cashe needed to get back to the schedule. "So I'm going to need a volunteer!" Instantly, hands went into the air. Nobody even knew what they were volunteering for. Cashe recognized this. "The volunteer will be set on fire.." 

Hands went down. Cashe laughed. 

"Nah.. I have 5 Thousand Dollars for anyone here tonight who can last ten minutes with me or beat me 1-2-3 in this ring. Tax free, under the table. Five large! You can donate it to Charity, say you did but keep it. I don't rightly care if you can last 10 minutes or beat me.. It is yours."

A few hands fell but a handful more raised in the air. Cashe had takers, unknowns and locals mostly. That's kind of what he was looking for, an opportunity for someone else. His way of giving back. Charity if you will.. Heh.. 

It was becoming a feeding frenzy as people started shoving and arguing over who was going to take on the challenge. The crowd was pushing against the ring, overcoming the ringside area altogether as Cashe stood smiling in the ring. 

"Who to choose? So many options!"

"I'LL DO IT!" A voice that stood out over the growling of bickering fans. Cashe looks over the pond of people near the bathrooms. Someone in a hoodie was shoving through the crowd towards the ring. Their head down, the people started making way for the challenger and soon, the hoodie person hopped up on the apron before ducking under the middle rope to enter the ring.

"Heh.. Kind of short. What's your name buddy?" 

Flipping the hood of the hoodie off their head, Cass Baumer stood across from Cashe. There was a pause as Cashe recognized who she was. He even turned to Josslynn and Kat before smiling and turning back to Cass. 

"Cass? Hahaha!" Pointing at her, he looks at the crowd. "This is Cass Baumer. Wrestler, former Journalist and the Mother of my Children.." Turning towards Josslynn, he wanted to be clearer about that last part. "In another Multiverse. Not this Earth. I ain't got NO kids here!"

Cashe was enjoying this. He did invite her, they hung out a week or so ago. Joss even liked Cass but until now, nobody had seen her. She was one of the only people Cashe told of his plans. 

"Why are you out here looking like B Rabbit about to Rap Battle someone tho?"

It got a good chuckle from the audience. Their own bickering had faded as the turn of events were playing out in the ring. Even the DJ played a part in the joke as he played "Lose Yourself" by Eminem and that added to the laughs. Cass didn't laugh or smile. She just stood there with an almost murderous stare in her eyes. Cashe tilted his stare at her as he noticed it. 

"Hold up.." The music cuts off as he takes a step towards her to get a closer look into her eyes. "Do YOU want to… Fight me for 5 Gs?" 

Her eyes adjusted but never left what she was staring a hole through. Him. "Do you need 5 Gs?! This was more of an opportunity for them to make some money.. Here.. If you need it, you can take it!"

Digging into the pocket of his shorts, Cashe pulls out a roll of cash wrapped in a rubber band. He offers it to Cass. "Take it. It's yours.. We don't have to fight."

She snatches it from his hand. Looking at the money and back to him, Cass pops the rubber band and flings the money over her shoulder like a bouquet of flowers and people went nuts to try and collect it. Cashe looked past Cass, watching the people but he was disappointed. That was one way to donate but not how he wanted to do it. Now he was irritated. 

"We're friends Cass so I will let that slide but lemme tell you.. You don't want this fight. Not now, not tonight.."

From his side view, Cashe sees Kat Jones getting back in the ring. She was the appointed Referee but there wasn't yet an official opponent. Cashe looks at Kat and then back to Cass as Cass lays into him with a huge right punch! His headset fell off his head but his stare was big eyed. With more aggression, he moves towards Cass and with accuracy, she clips him in the right knee with a front dropkick! It spins him out and collapses him to the canvas. 

Cass begins stomping at his face and head as he tries to get up. He shoves away a kick attempt and gets to a knee. Cass rockets at him, snatching his head and dropping back with a quick kneeling DDT. 

A random guy at ringside, slides in halfway and grabs the headset that Cashe had. Putting it on, he was clearly on the side of being shit faced drunk. 

"SHOT!" It was also clear that he had a motive to drink more. "Also, can I have some cake?" He looked around, almost unable to keep his balance. "Cake? I want a piece of cake and a shot to wash it down! Heeeeyoooo!"

As he turns to where the table for cake was set up. There was a lady grabbing the very last piece. "No cake? I-I didn't get a piece.." The man was deeply disappointed. "Shots? SHOTS!" He found his happiness as a waitress handed him a shot. 

Josslynn storms over from the Birthday table and takes the headset off of the man's head. He barked out at her but she gave him no attention as she got back to her seat. Setting the headset on the table, it was her Grandfather, Eugene Spencer who picked them up and put them on his head. Just as he seen Cashe wear them. 

"Is this thing on? Hey.. I can hear myself!"

"Grandpa, nooo!" Trying to take it from him, he put his hands up and buzzed her off. 

"Gggaaah! I know how to do it, I'm still hip!"

"Hip? Please Grandpa!" She pleads with him. 

"Who's down with O-P-P? See? I'm Crunk.. Leave me be Jossy!"

"Oh my gawd!"

Cashe takes a toe kick right to the front teeth as he rises from a knee. It stumbles him some as he stands. Cass shoots at him with a Middle kick but Cashe catches it against his side. He moves her foot in front of him, holding it as she hops around on one leg. She fakes going for an Enzigiri but Cashe lifts the leg straight up, flipping Cass up and back into a backflip. She lands on her feet, pops to a stand and is CRACKED to the jaw with Cashe's 'Mark of JASON' Elbow! 

Cass spins and slumps into the canvas. "He knocked the stuffing out of that little person!"

"Grandpa, that's Cass! She's a wrestler as well."

"She might not remember she is after that Elbow from your boyfriend!"

"It's Jason!"

Scoffing, Grandpa Eugene has a stunning reply. "Girl, at my age, I barely remember her name.." Nodding towards his wife, Mary. Josslynn's jaw dropped. 

In the ring, Cashe reaches down to bring Cass up. Cass pulls him down and secures a small package. Kat slides and slaps her hand to make the count. 


Tw- Kickout..

Cashe pops up, Cass a second slower but she ducks a wildly thrown clothesline. Cass strides across the ring, Cashe gives chase. Cass leaps up and springboards off the middle rope, spinning in air and smacking an incoming Cashe to the face with a forearm shot! 

Slipping as she scrambles to her feet, Cass runs and puts her back into a far corner. As Cashe gets up, she races from the corner, rushing at Cashe and jumps up for a Hurricanrana, Cashe shoves her legs off his shoulders, she flips back landing on her hands and knees. She springs up but Cashe shoves her head between his legs, wraps his arms around her waist, lifts her and pencil drop spikes her with a sitdown Piledriver! Cass Baumer bounces and tumbles to the canvas. 

"See that? He piledrove her and they have kids in another Multiverse!" He pauses and asks a question. "What's a Multiverse?"

"Grandpa, are you drinking?" Grabbing his plastic cup, she smelled the contents. 

"Nope. It's Tea.."

"It smells funny.. What kind of tea is this?" As if going to take a sip, Josslynn has the cup taken from her. Grandpa Eugene takes a swig and answers her question. 

"Tea-Keela! Ha! Shhhh! Don't tell Grandma!" 

"She can hear you! Everyone can hear you!!" Josslynn tried to tell him but he knew. Grandma Mary smacks him for embarrassing their Granddaughter. 

"Can they hear this?" 

The sound that was picked up over the PA put a suspect pause on everyone. Josslynn took the headset away. "I can't BELIEVE you just farted!" The headset was turned off. 

Cashe was dying! Now over at the ropes closest to the Birthday Table, he was laughing about the fart, clapping about the fart. Josslynn wasn't laughing as her arms were crossed and she had her pouting lips on display. Turning around, Cashe barely sees Cass flying towards him with a spinning heel kick, he stumbles sideways and take residence in the corner. She throws another middle kick, Cashe catches it again, steps out of the corner, putting her foot into the position to flip her once more but instead flings it down rushing for another 'Mark of JASON' but Cass uses the momentum to flip forward and CRACK! Cass comes down the middle of Cashe's forehead with an overhead heel kick!

He slumps into a seated position. Cass slip scrambles to her feet, hurries across the ring, hitting the ropes, springing off them, she is almost flying back towards Cashe and like something out of Mortal Kombat, she hits a running Superkick to his face! His head snaps back and he falls back over the bottom rope.. 

He began to twitch. It takes a moment for someone to notice. Cass tries to pull him off the rope to pin him. Cashe first grabs his left arm before his hand moves to his chest. She signals for Kat. Being the referee, Kat dives in to check on her Brother. Cass backs away as it just turned serious. 

Trying to roll over, Cashe reached out with his free hand towards Josslynn. Something was wrong..

"I think he's having a heart attack!" The music and even the noise of the crowd died to an almost silence. 

Josslynn shoots up from the table and hurries to the ring, rolling under the ropes, she skates over to him. 

"We're gonna need an Ambulance.." Kat said towards the DJ but strangely enough, the DJ looked away from Kat as if he didn't hear her. "HEY! Someone needs to call 9-1–" Cutting her numbers short, Cashe grunted and started to move around. 

"Jason.. Hey! I need you to talk to me baby.. Come on!"

Slowly, he starts to get up. He needs help and reaches out to both Kat and Josslynn. They help him rise but he falls from their grip, dropping to his hands and knees. Echo Layne comes running out from the back, also concerned for her Brother. They all try to help him to his feet but he doesn't rise. Cashe keeps to a knee as a smile fills his face.

"The fuck is this?" Josslynn looked confused, mad, and had a bunch of different initial reactions she could have went with. 

In his right hand was a box. With his left, he pulls open the top and inside was a ring. On his face was a nervous grin. "So ummm…"

"The fuck is this? Are you joking right now?" Josslynn turns and sees Cass across the ring. "Did you just fake a heart attack?" 

"I have been as annoying as I could be. From the letters, the steps to get you here, the commentary, I was doing everything I could to get on your nerves. I wanted to get your emotions as high as possible in the opposite direction of the emotion that this question might provide you.."

Getting to his feet, Cashe takes out the ring. He lets the box drop to the canvas and slips the ring on her left ring finger. 

"Can I get on your nerves until you unalive me? Will you marr–"

Before he can finalize the proposal, Cass Baumer slides in behind him, hooking him between the legs and pulling him back into a School Boy. She was grabbing the shorts and Kat shrugged before dropping to her knees and slapping the mat. 




Cass Baumer wins! The crowd popped! There was a winner! Cass beat the Open Challenge! Cashe looked surprised as he popped up. Laughing, he slaps the canvas and gets to his feet. Kat Jones slaps him upside the back of his head before Josslynn and everyone else left Cashe in the ring by himself. 

"Is that a maybe?"

Someone yelled 'SHOT' and as if it was said by Cashe himself, the drinks were poured and chugged in a single swig by hundreds in attendance.

[Image: z9f1KQC.jpeg]
[Image: OZdvB4F.png] x1 
[Image: l6KRzu8.png] x1 w/Kido Raion
[Image: jtHw5j1.png] x1
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