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Game Girl Offline

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-09-2022, 07:30 PM Star  ( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️) -->

OOC: The following RP was inspired by Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. With writing and dialogue so forced and annoying that I wanted to try and do a better job simply out of spite.


Within the tower walls of Princess' Palace, in a wall made of large stone, stands a boy at a great oak table. He's decorated in regal armour, adorned with many medals from heroic and dedicated service. He scratches his hair, a burning orange wild mess as his eyes dart back and forth from the map laid in front of him. A sigh exits his mouth.

"Sup loser?"

Game Girl enters, more refreshed and with two fleshy arms carrying an apple in each hand. She throws one towards Game Boy who catches it, his eyes not leaving the table. GG sits down looking at him as she takes a bite.

"Whatcha dooooin~?"

She singsongs. GB wipes his hand across his face and looks to her, a finger pointed at the map.

"Mordekaiser has been expanding his domain and Princess is worried about it, you see this place marked in blue?"

GG leans over the table and looks to the map before giving a nod as she chomps heartedly on the apple.

"That was the size of his domain last month. Now, you see the red?"

GG's eyes dart down to the wide gap of blue and red, enough space to fit her splayed hand. She doesn't have time to answer as Game Boy smacks a fist down.

"If he keeps going the city will be under his control in a week."

Game Girl gulps down her food.

"You wanna send me in? I know he's tough but I could take him."

"Would be the simple option but even though Mordekaiser is an evil undead lich, he somehow has diplomatic power too! If we strike first, we're the bad guys... Man, I feel like I'm in a Sebastian Duke promo..."

GG breaths a laugh before leaning against the table.

"If he's expanding, surely he's done something wrong, right? He's taking Princess' property."

"That's the thing, he's not! All this land isn't technically owned by anyone, it's just forests and plains. The only place he's took over that I know has people there is The Grove. And when I say people I mean like four spooky witches."

"That's nice I guess? Bet they'd enjoy the company."

Game Boy gives out a laugh before falling into a sigh.

"Just wish things were simple again, us beating up bad guys. No army stuff or Princess' rules. Just you and me against the wicked world."

"Well." Game Girl flicks up the apple and catches it. "You had to ruin that with your new job role, General."

"I just wanted to help out more. Didn't expect this stress."

GG thinks for a moment.

"How about I just ask him what he's doing?"


"Like, just go and ask him. No fighting or spy stuff. Just ask him, plain and simple."

"It can't be that easy... Right?"

"I mean... It could be."

Game Boy looks down at the map again, his drawings of formations for defence and attack, marking of terrain and territory before looking back up to GG.

"Huh. Maybe you're on to something... Yeah, I'll just go ask him what he's up to."


"How is everyone doing today?"

"I'm well, thank you for asking."

"Erm, I'm in a match against Jenny Myst this week on Savage! Which is cooooool."

"I honestly don't have much to say about Jenny, mostly because when you give clowns too much attention they tend to keep acting like buffoons and end up being more sad than funny. Look at Charlie Nickles for example. All I want to say is this."

"I had a singles match for the first time in a long time and I came out on top. Goth was tough but I'm tougher, like a hero needs to be."

"At War Games, I helped my team get the victory they deserved. I helped NKWC achieve his goal to be the sole survivor while Jenny couldn't even make it to the real fight at the end. Instead of helping her teammates, she leaned on them and they fell away like crutches."

"Jenny is a loud, abrasive, multi-coloured clown."

"And nobody is laughing."

"But even worse, she's an egomaniac who needs a reality check... A reality check from a video game character... There's a lot to unpack here. Anyway, I'm gonna beat her up!"

"Real simple, just bop her in the noggin a good few times."

"See you Saturday, scrublord!"

The setting sun reflects in the goggles covering Game Girl's eyes as her cerulean hair flows in the wind whilst surfing through the air on Nimbus cutting through clouds leaving wisps of white fluff trailing from her. As the sky turns a purple hue static crackles on her robotic arm. GG jolts her arm, inspecting it, her metallic fingers curling in rhythm before seizing up as lightning, the shade of night, erupts from her arm and shoots across the sky in a wild, unpredictable pattern and striking nimbus. Like a biplane being shot down, Nimbus rattles in the air before chugging and going into a nose dive towards the tall pines becoming larger and larger as Game Girl goes down, her arms gripping Nimbus trying to pull the magical cloud upwards to no avail as a panicked scream exits her mouth before splinters of leaves and branches smash against her body. GG shields her face and is knocked from Nimbus who lifts up from the weight loss and goes into a tailspin, sailing far away from Game Girl's falling body which crashes down into the long grass underneath the shade of the pines. A pained groan comes from her as she lays still.

". . . Ow. . ."

GG slowly opens her eyes and looks up to the evening sky peering through the branches before a pine cone hits her on the forehead. GG growls to herself before sitting up and looking around at her surroundings as a mist begins to creep in.

"... "Where the heck am I?"

The Shaded Woods

Game Girl moves around the area, heading towards a clearing. GG spins around while walking and cups her hands to the sides of her mouth.


Her yell echoes around her fading into dark as the sun disappears behind the trees. GG pouts, placing her hands on her hips and chews her cheek. She makes a series of motions until a screen pops into existence, she navigates the screen down to fast travels and with a rhythmic chime she pops out of existence. The mist crawls across the ground where she stood in the clearing, the moonlight beaming down as the clouds clear above and with a pop back Game Girl appears again sat on the ground as if her head hit a ceiling. GG quickly spins her head around as she stands back up, an eyebrow raised as her eyes narrow.


A shrill voice cackles from behind her. GG turns her robotic arm forward, ready to fire as a skeleton wearing a crown made of reeds and wearing long tattered purple robes exposing the fiends ribs and decayed arms. The creature leans in looking down on Game Girl from atop a boulder with eyes blacker than the abyss. Game Girl rolls her eyes.

"Can't cheat your way out of this one, LAME GIRL!"

GG lets out a sigh as she relaxes her arm.

"Ribb-Cage? What the heck, dude!"

"That's KING Ribb-Cage to you, MEAT CLOWN! And since you're trapped here, I am going to finally exact my RIB-VENGE! Now hit my theme music!"

As music plays from all around played by ghostly figures that rise from the ground, King Ribb-Cage stands proudly tapping his foot. Game Girl looks around, although the music is bopping, she doesn't really seem all too thrilled about the current situation and raises her hands up high as ball of light expands in her palms and explodes into a brilliant shine! The ghosts dissipate with a ghoulish howl and Ribb-Cage grows angry.

"What's the big idea! You ought TIBIA shamed of yourself for ruining my SKELE-TON of SKELE-FUN! If I had eyes I'd be blind then I'd really have a BONE TO PICK! Muhahahaha!"

Ribb-Cage rattles in laughter as Game Girl bends her head back with a loud sigh before snapping back to meet Ribb-Cage, her eyes looking tired as bags begin to form underneath them.

"Oh my Nirva will you please stop! Where's Mordekaiser? He was a nightmare too but at least he could be bargained with, and he didn't have your stupid puns."

"That old BAG OF BONES?! I overthrew him!"

"You overthrew him?"

Ribb-Cage nods smugly.

"You overthrew Mordekaiser? King of the Darned? High Lord of Death? The Elder Lich? The Master of the Abyss? That Mordekaiser. You overthrew him? You?"

"Well don't sound so surprised, geez."

"How did you even manage that?"

"MYAH! So glad you asked! I always knew he was a SPINELESS clod! So I sought aid from the Witches of the Grove who showed me the power of The Myst! With a 'Y!'"

"Oh, like the game?"

"Spelled like the cult classic video game Myst, yes."

"Did you have to find them the red and blue pages?"

"No one knows what you're referencing you giant nerd! Anyhow, I bottled The Myst and brought it here, which spread throughout the land trapping all the souls Mordekaiser tried to send to The Abyss and I harnessed their energy for myself! Powering my Pun Magick to the maximum! I used my diabolical power to make Mordekaiser grow weary and drained his energy until he returned to BONEDUST!"

"That last one was barely a pun! Are you even trying?"

Ribb-Cage mocks GG, his bony hands flapping like sock puppets.

"ArE yOu EvEn TrYiNg??? ... That's what you sound like. I don't need to be overly HUMERUS for you Game Girl! Just know my magick is working and soon you'll fall to the same fate as that NUMBSKULL! no BONES about it!!!"

Game Girl feels that one in her chest and she groans in cringed pain.

"I do have one more question, Ribb-Cage. When I knock you back in your grave will that start the Selenitic Age?"

"Grr! No one played Myst you HIP-STER! Take this! MYAH!"

Ribb-Cage charges energy in his hand and hurls a ball of green fire towards Game Girl who throws herself forward, dodging the attack as it flies past and ignites the ground behind her. GG rolls to her feet and takes aim with her robotic arm and readies it to fire, but dark electricity runs through the arm and her attack fizzles. Ribb-Cage looked worried for a split second but bursts into wicked laughter; he falls into the ground, his robe flying out into a plume of purple before reappearing with three clones of himself around GG. Our hero's eyes widen as the Ribb-Cages strike her simultaneously with a punch wrapped in energy!

GG groans in pain as they fall into the ground again and a sole Ribb-Cage jumps back out of the dirt and high into the sky waving his hands and producing corrupted runes that form in front of him. Glowing green chains appear from his palms and lash out at Game Girl! GG runs, one of the chains whipping her and searing her flesh as the others miss but barely. She dodges, ducks and weaves towards the treeline and hides behind a pine tree. The chains stop as Ribb-Cage laughs once more.

"Muhahahaha!!! Are you for real!? I truly thought the famous Game Girl would have THICKER SKIN! This is the hero who defeated the mighty General Big Bad!? The one who fought back The Corruption!? Nooo... This is the fraud who sent her best friend to his doom, yes?"

Game Girl sneers, she clutches her fist as she moves around any cover she can find as Ribb-Cage stalks her from the clearing.

"The one who caused so much death and destruction... You know, he called out your name?"

GG's heart pounds in her chest as she moves to Ribb-Cage's side.

"I hate to have a total tonal shift, really want to keep my Pun Magick growing but I was there SHAME GIRL. I was there when Mordekaiser tore Game Boy's soul from his body!"

Energy bursts from GG's feet as flies from the brush and surprises Ribb-Cage with a powerful knee strike! Ribb-Cage is flung through the air and crashes through the ruins of a mausoleum.

"ACK! Right in the COCCYX!"

"Shut up! For the love of Nirva, shut the HECK UP!"

Game Girl concentrates her aura and the rubble where Ribb-Cage lay begins to glow in blue energy before being blasted upward with GG's Power Geyser! Stones fly into the air along with her enemy and as the beam of energy dissipates, the rubble hangs in the air for a moment before crashing back into the dirt. Game Girl pants as she looks more tired and paler. The Myst growing thicker, almost clinging to her fibre. Ribb-Cage standing behind her leans in close to her ear.

"I think you got him."

Game Girl growls and turns around into a punch but Ribb-Cage stops her robotic fist with a light grasp.

"I must say, I'm disappointed. I didn't expect it'd be this easy to put you SIX FEET UNDER!"

"Ugh, has The Myst made you more unbearable and obnoxious? I don't remember you being this annoying."

"Everyone tried to ignore me but with The Myst I can force myself to be in everyone's RADIUS! . . . Radius is this bone I'm about to break in your forearm here."

Ribb-Cage twists his grasps as GG sweats, the metal of the robotic arm strains and a crack opens up. As soon as the slightest splinter of metal pings from the arm the immediate area is bathed in a dark pulse of electricity which spread around the area in an explosion of energy, turning the night into day. As the light fades, The Myst evaporates. Game Girl and Ribb-Cage stand, stuck in the same pose as before. Ribb-Cage's jaw drops as Game Girl breathes heavily, her pupils like pinpricks as they move erratically, a drop of blood coming from her nose.

Ribb-Cage looks between GG's eyes and her arm and tries to move his hand to break the arm but nothing. Game Girl lets out a shocked breath as Ribb-Cage keeps trying over and over before giving out a nervous laugh.

"Hey c'mon GG! It was just a goof! I'm a prankster, you can take a joke right? ... Right?"

GG smiles.

"Wanna try that apology again? I don't think your heart was in it."

And with that terrible pun, Game Girl uppercuts Ribb-Cage's head from his body that sails through the air at high velocity. Ribb-Cage's body stays there for a second before flopping onto the ground in front of GG.

Game Girl huffs and looks around at the retreating mist and the dying grass around her, then she looks to her arms, the tiny crack, like a cancerous mole piercing her vision with a dark crackle. She places her hand over the arm and looks to an encroaching whoosh as Nimbus flies towards her. GG gives a smile, placing a hand on the magical cloud.

"Hey buddy, glad to see you're okay."

GG hops onto Nimbus with a groan and takes another look at the other with a sombre expression. GG strokes the cloud with her callous hand.

"C'mon, let's go home."

And with that, Game Girl flies upwards on top of Nimbus as they race into the distance as we hang on the stars.

[Image: mAmAfiJ.png]

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