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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "CCPE Cannabis Cup 2022" RP Board
(H)I(GH)G Live Q and A
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UndeniableAshC Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-08-2022, 07:37 PM

Is this a dumb idea?

Maybe, but whatever.

Deep breath.

Head tilted, a woman in a black bunny facemask and a Zion Wrestling tee stares down the lens of a recording tablet. She lifts the mask off and sticks out her tongue. It’s none other than Ashlynn Cassidy. She waves as the viewing audience of a few thousand start to flood in and go up in numbers.

Hiii!” Ashlynn waves, body tilting slightly, she catches herself before falling over.

Ashlynn tries not to flinch as she spots a makeup-less GOAT Serena Riot from behind the camera facepalming. Ashlynn gives her head a shake as a way of refocusing herself.

ANYWAYS, I thought it’d be different, be fun if I did a little Q&A with the Cannabis Cup coming up. Thank you to everyone who submitted stuff from when I tweeted about it. I collected some and saved them. The brilliant, the GOAT, the best friend Serena Riot has them and she’ll be asking them. That’s gonna be the other voice you hear. Say hey Serena!

Hey, internet…” Serena sighs, her hand reaching and fingers fluttering in front of the camera as a hello.

Now with that out of the way, welcome to…A.C.’s C.C.P.E. C.C. Q and A!” Ash pauses, hoping that all came out right. She readjusts as she sits cross-legged on her mattress and claps excitedly. Serena begins looking through the little deck of flashcards with questions on them. Just as Serena is about to start, Ashlynn pipes up.

First off, YES, on brand and with the theme, I AM indeed stoned as I do this! Sorry, NOW take it away GOAT!

Serena shakes her head off camera.

What can folks that have never seen you wrestle expect from you in-ring? What’s your style?

Well, I would never go into a match without the intent to win it. I may not come right out of the gate aggressive, I don’t have a problem with taking my time. Kimberly Pain, with a name like that? I don’t expect to leave the Velvet Rabbit without bruises or anything. She WILL hurt me, but I can take it. My heart has brought me this far and it will get me a W in the end. Outrun, outlast, outsmart, out-heart.” Ash pauses, seemingly to make a mental note.

Write that one down later! New catchphrase!

She continues, “Don’t let this questionable decision of a high IG live fool you if this is your first impression of me. I’m in fun mode now, not in fight mode. Watch me fight, THAT is the impression that’ll stick with you.” Ashlynn glances over toward Serena for the next one.

You used to work for FIGHT!NYC before it went on a break, and I don’t think you’ve been back until now. Does it mean anything to you that you’re coming back?

FIGHT! NYC, NYC in general has a very special place in my heart. I have worked for other companies, I continue working other places. When I went into FIGHT! I didn't expect much but it turned out to be a huge blessing for me. In New York, I blew up, I opened some eyes and made my name. I got to help grow my fanbase, and the fanbase of Zion Wrestling. New York is where I found out that I didn’t have to just stick in one company, in one place. New York showed me that I could go out into the wrestling landscape and not fall flat on my face. Undeniable isn’t just some word to me, it was a goal of mine to prove to the world that I am one of the best wrestlers in the world. I’m not going around seeking validation from fans that I am anymore, I KNOW that I am undeniable. Out of the ring? Behind the curtain? I met some amazing talents and friends that I have today that I wouldn’t have if it wasn't for New York City, like Michelle Riggs, the Ramseys, or Ricky and Jennie. I owe New York City and their fans a lot. So on July 22nd? When I get to see them again, I’m going to give them a great match. They, and Kim are going to get everything I’ve got. I owe that much. I love New York City. I hope they still, or will again, love me back.

Ashlynn sees Serena’s eyebrows wiggle and a grin on her face. “Will you guest at The Rabbit again?

Yes.” Ashlynn answers, with full confidence. “I can’t let all those bunny costumes go to waste can I?” The Undeniable picks up the mask from earlier and plays catch with it a bit. “The things you buy when you’re high, am I right?

How did your best friend Serena get so cool?

The two share a glance and laugh, no flashcard required for that one.

I don’t know? Serena’s just a riot and mystery all in one. Or maybe it’s all those Oreos she eats? Either way, I adore her, like A LOT and she won me over with how freaking badass she is. She’s the GOAT for a reason.

Back to the cards.

I just saw the schedule, it looks like you’re going on first. Any pressure? How are you dealing with it?

Ashlynn seems to take a second to think about this one. She glances at her tee before looking back up into the camera.
Now, I don’t know if I mentioned this but I work for Zion Wrestling. Maybe you’ve already heard of it, if not, you will by June 22nd. If you have, it was probably in part due to me. There? I was the FIRST EVER Zion Champion. Like I said, I was able to walk into FIGHT, into New York as Zion Champion and put eyes on me and on Zion Wrestling. It’s in part thanks to me and my talent that Zion has survived and continues to grow. I know what it’s like to serve as the foundation of something. I’m used to lay the first brick. So at the Cannabis Cup? When Kim and I kick off the event, we have to set the tone. I promise all of you, the tone is… GREAT FUCKING WRESTLING AND A GREAT FUCKING TIME. We can’t have a show built around cannabis and have any low points can we? NOPE!

Ashlynn begins ro sway a bit, the room spinning a little. Serena stamps her foot, startling the blonde back into focusing.

“Quickfire round: Faded Five, you ready?” Serena asks, a serious tone of voice and matching expression behind the camera.

Ashlynn puts on a focused face before nodding slowly.

Go-to stoner flick?

Office Space!” The immediate reaction on her faceimplies that this was untrue, rather the first stoner movie she thought of.

I was not ready.

Worst place you’ve been stoned?

Church, for a bet. I wasn’t caught, SPLAT should call me.” Ashlynn grins proudly.

Wake and bake or light at night?

Yes. Both. Sometimes you need a morning pickup and sometimes you need random late night philosophy talks y’know?

You have the munchies; your snack is…?


Serena claps her hands, visibly startling Cassidy. “I KNEW IT! Jack couldn’t have reached my Oreo stash. You DEFINITELY owe me like five boxes.

Viewers can see Ashlynn pull an innocent face while Serena glares at her.

Okay, okay. Final question! Is it the C or S that is silent in the word scent?

Ashlynn thinks for a moment, perplexed. She ultimately ends up unsure and eventually zoning out. Serena walks over and snaps her fingers in front of her friend’s face.

Thanks everyone for joining me, Ashlynn Cassidy, for A.C.’s C.C.P.E. C.C. Q and A! I’ll see you all at the Rabbit on July 22nd! I’m off to get Oreos. Kimmy, gimme your best! We’re gonna kick off the Cup on a real high note. The Cup event is gonna be a blast and that’s UNDENIABLE!

With the blow of a kiss, Ashlynn ends the stream.
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