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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "CCPE Cannabis Cup 2022" RP Board
Brittani gets real
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BrittaniHelms Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-08-2022, 06:38 PM

[Image: abfc1acd97a5f6f3df90e824f9705a09.gif]

Ever since I said what was on my mind a couple of weeks ago and with my main promotions season coming to an end, I am itching to get back in the ring after the humiliating loss I took. My mind has been racing and my mind is on the killing mode right now. I am ready to pounce and ready to go out there and put my name on the map. I am sick and tired of playing nice and sick and fucking tired of being walked over.

I will admit something, my opponent and I shot hard on each other, but when I speak my mind, I don’t hold back and then I let my words to the talking in the ring. Winning this cup means a lot more to me. More than anything.

Even if I have to die trying….

Setting: Las Vegas, Nevada
Date: June 19th, 2022

The scene starts with Brittani Helms coming in the back after her match against Drew Rogers. Drew Rogers has once again cheated to win and got the Carter Corporation involved in this. Brittani picks up something and THROWS it at the wall. She is not happy about this because she had the win in the bag before that happened.

Brittani Helms: This is one hundred percent fucking bullshit!

Brittani grabs something and tosses it against the wall. It shatters into pieces with everyone here wondering what that was.

Brittani Helms: Every fucking time that I want to go out there and prove myself, it’s going backwards and not forwards. How am I supposed to go forwards with this fucking bullshit going on STILL?!

Brittani grabs something again and throws it against the wall. Suddenly, someone grabs it from her as she turns around. It happens to be Kieran Quinn, the co-general manager of Five Boroughs Wrestling.

Kieran Quinn: And I don’t think throwing stuff around would solve that, Brittani.

Brittani shakes her head and looks at Kieran.

Brittani Helms: I am sorry. All this bullshit with the Carter Cooperation is getting on my last nerve. How is that I am supposed to go into the Cannabis Cup with my dignity on the line and the company with them ALWAYS trying to fuck me over?!? Can that be answered?

Kieran shakes his head and looks at Brittani.

Kieran Quinn: Look, I know that you’re very upset with everything that has been happening with them lately, but the Cannabis Cup is a totally different thing. I get it, Candice Carter could be the rudest and arrogant person, kind of like Drew Rogers, but at least she is not going off the rim like he goes ALL THE DAMN TIME.

He keeps his eyes on her.

Kieran Quinn: I know you want to erase what happened regarding the Steinbrenner Cup and coming up third. You have a lot on your plate. Throwing stuff is not going to cut it. Hell, when I started wrestling - you can ask Meagan about this. I was thrown into sharks and would always lose.

She eyes him and raises an eyebrow.

Brittani Helms: You mean you were not as good as everyone says you turned out to be?

Kieran Quinn: This was before CKP, and I started wrestling when I was nineteen years old. When I wrestled, I would lose. Hell, I didn’t even have my first win until I turned twenty years old and you know where that win came from?
Brittani shakes her head.

Kieran Quinn: That win came from a tournament I was in before I would ultimately lose in the semifinals. I learned from that mistake, trained harder and busted my ass. That would ultimately land me in America where I trained with Jamey Caresalle and got where I am right now. If it could happen to me, this could happen to you.

Kieran eyes her with a serious look on her face.

Kieran Quinn: I’ve seen what Justin York said about you and I am going to be honest, I did not like ANYTHING he said about the company or about you. Five Boroughs Wrestling, despite us being crazy as Meagan would say, is one of the places that everyone needs to look out for. We are not a company that’s going to be taken lightly. That’s why we are about to go four seasons strong. Now as for him? I surely do not like the fact that he called you those names and everyone knows that it’s none of their damn business what you do behind closed doors. The fans always got to be nosy with what Melanie and I do…

Brittani rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

Brittani Helms: How the hell you keep calm is besides me because if that was me, I would tell them to go fuck themselves.

Kieran chuckles at the statement.

Kieran Quinn: And that’s what you need to tell Justin – to go fuck himself by saying that in the ring. You need to show the world WHY 5BW is the place that has the best fighters out there and you need to show everyone WHY Brittani Helms is the DC Savage. As Jamey would say, you need to smash all the fuckers in the head before you get what you want. It happened to him, it happened to me, and smashing people in the head will happen to you.

Kieran smiles.

Brittani Helms: You are right. I need to do that. Justin York is going to regret everything that’s been said and everyone in this bracket needs to watch their backs. I am not going to let THIS LOSS stop me from what I want to accomplish. It’s time to show the world who exactly….

She eyes him.

Brittani Helms: The fuck I am.

Brittani walks away to cool down into her locker room as Kieran folds his arms. He then grabs a broom and starts cleaning the mess up. Brittani is back in the locker room and sits down, thinking of what Kieran said before in the meantime. Brittani rocks back and forth before closing her eyes.

Scene: Washington, DC
Date: July 8th, 2022

Brittani Helms: Justin York, I am going to address this one time ONLY for you and it seems like you can’t get this through your head. Calling me names and degrading me, isn’t going to get you the fuck far in this tournament. It looks like you still haven’t learned a goddamn thing, but you will see.

Brittani comes out of nowhere as soon as she said that. We see a trash can that’s in front of her. Brittani puts a red can down, before going down in a shoe box that’s next to her. She picks it up before dumping the stuff in. She then drops lighter fuel before picking up can and dropping it. A fire happens with Brittani stepping back.

Brittani Helms: I am sure everyone is wondering why I dropped all of that in? Have you heard of burning the past and going forward from your past? That’s what I exactly did and there is a story behind that. You see, I am not supposed to be here in wrestling and in general. I am supposed to be in jail.

She eyes the fire.

Brittani Helms: That’s right, I didn’t have the best life as everyone in the tournament and in my bracket has. When I look at this bracket, I see a lot of successful names on here from the likes of Thunder Knuckles, Betsy Granger, Crystal Zdunich, Jason Cashe and many other names that I see, and then there is me, Brittani Helms.

She shakes her head.

Brittani Helms: What is the first thing you think about when you think of Brittani Helms? A guest for the Velvet Rabbit, A protester against that dickhead Father Cheney, a runner up in the Unlucky 16 tournament where Mary Ellen Harrison won that and would eventually become the Multiunversial Champion. That’s what you think about Brittani Helms, not the false statements you heard from my opponent by him calling me a “failure and embarrassment to wrestling”. Most of you are probably wondering what championships I’ve held and didn’t think that I held any. Let me put this to rest.

She is the CKP Diamonds Champion.

Brittani Helms: I am a former CKP Diamonds Champion. I won it off Sabrina Baker, who is the current 5BW FIGHT Champion, and yes, this is my only championship that I won in my career. Yeah, I know what people are going to say. I am not good enough to win this and that I shouldn’t be in this. I’ve already got people telling me to leave wrestling, but I don’t plan on leaving because this whole thing… is now personal to me….

She eyes the fire.

Brittani Helms: The reason why this is personal to me is I am sick and fucking tired of being walked over and being told I am not good enough. Everyone in my bracket has either been ranked or won everything they got. I am not going to deny the fact that all of you deserved it from hard work and dedication in the craft, but I want to win this more than ANYTHING!

She eyes the fire.

Brittani Helms: And I know I am going to get flak from certain people in Five Boroughs Wrestling, especially a certain “side”. This is MORE important than winning a championship in the company right now. I need to not only prove to everyone in Five Boroughs Wrestling, but the whole entire world that Brittani Helms is a legitimate name and not some one company woman that’s going to be held back BY ANY MEANS!
She has tears coming down her face.

Brittani Helms: I WILL got as far as I could with the icing on the cake being me winning this whole entire tournament and erasing the Steinbrenner Cup Experience away from me the last time I took part and THEN I will be in the same sentence with the likes of Mary Ellen Harrison and Veronica Rachelle, who just won her first World Championship a couple of days ago. Also, I am sick and tired of pleasing everyone and being a nice person. NO MORE OF this AT ALL!

Brittani eyes the fire.

Brittani Helms: 32 names are in this, but one will be the clear winner of this. I am not going to stop until I get what I want and that’s becoming the first Cannabis Cup winner! Then everyone who thought the little poor girl from the hardest parts of Washington, DC wouldn’t make it this far because she had to become a dancer to survive, would stop talking and finally give me the respect I deserve when they acknowledge me as the winner!

Brittani walks away from the fire. We got to a deep thought that’s going on in Brittani’s head right now.

In Brittani’s head
Justin York will regret everything that he has said. Does he know that calling me a “slut” is one of the worst things he could ever say? My sex life is MY SEX LIFE. I am not going around and mentioning this cake asses fuckdowns he has with his wife. Though, this is out the window. Justin is on the side that nobody wants to be on and that is my shit list where you will get your ass handed to you and left for dead. I also must take Kieran’s advice from a couple of weeks ago. I am not only doing this for Five Boroughs Wrestling – I am doing this for myself to show the world what the DC Savage can do. I have to take away the wrongs and make it a right. The Cannabis cup is the most important cup of my career with people vying to become the first and I REALLY want to be the first winner. I will go out there and give it my all and if I lose……..

Well, we will get to that when the time comes….

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