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It was at this moment Brandon Hendrix knew he fucked up.
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JonnyFNC Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-20-2022, 07:26 AM

–Nu-Wave Wrestling training center Hamden Connecticut April 26th 2000.--

The scene opens to a not yet InFamous Jonny C standing in the middle of the ring. His father James is standing next to him holding a kendo stick.

Rob C - I told you what would happen if you lost last night.

Jonny C - Come on Dad it was my first match and to be honest I feel I did really well. I almost won the match. I got shit in and looked damn good doing it. I'm proud of my performance.

Rob C - Jesus Christ Jonny. You didnt almost win. Plus almost means jack shit around here. You take home the win or you embarrass yourself and your family.

Jonny C - Are you serious right now. We aren't even a wrestling family. Our names mean nothing to this world.

Rob C - And they never will if you keep performing like you did last night. No we aren't a wrestling family but we also aren't losers. I'm going to tell you this right now and you better listen closely. If you're not first you're last and we won't have that in this family. From now on if you don't bring home the win you can't come home.

Jonny C - WHAT……..That's insane Dad. You can't be serious right now. I went to that ring last night and gave it my all. I got beaten by a better man. I didn't embarrass myself or you.


Jonny C - I don't do this for money or fame. I wanted to wrestle because I love it and want to be the best.

Rob C - You clearly don't do this to be the best of you would have won last night.


Jonny's father tilts his head and narrows his eyes. He grips the kendo stick till his knuckles turn white. He swings the kendo stick hard into the chest of Jonny. Jonny falls to one knee holding his chest. Rob leans down next to Jonny's ear.

Rob C - Don't you ever raise your voice like that to me again. Not stand the fuck up and grab the top rope.

Jonny C - Yes sir.

Jonny stands up walking to the ropes. He pauses then reluctantly grabs the top rope and looks down at the mat.

Rob C - Take your shirt off.

Jonny doesn't look up but removes one hand from the rope and pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it outside of the ring. He places his hand back onto the top rope. Rob lifts the kendo stick high into the air and brings it down hard across Jonny's back. Jonny yells out and falls to a knee. He doesn't say anything and gets back to his feet still holding the rope.

Rob C - I want you to think of this pain the next time you step into that ring for a match. Remember what happens if you lose. Use this pain and anger you're feeling towards me to fuel your victory. Lord fucking knows you can't do it on your own.

Jonny C - Yes sir I will.

Rob lifts the kendo stick again and brings it down across Jonnys back yet again. This time Jonny falls to both knees but never lets go of the top rope.

Rob C - You're pathetic. I'm ashamed a loser like you came out of my balls. We are a family of all winners then there is you. A full on fucking loser who will never amount to anything.

Jonny C mutters "Let's see how tough you are if I was the one holding the kendo stick old man" under his breath.

Rob C - What the fuck did you just say to me.

Jonny C - Nothing.

Rob C - That's what I thought.

Rob hits Jonny across the back again with the kendo stick. Jonny doesn't make a noise this time. Just gets back up to his feet still gripping the top rope.

Rob C - It's your Birthday Johnathan and we should be out celebrating yet here we are in this run down old warehouse with me teaching you a lesson. This year for your birthday I got you a beating so you will never lose like you did last night again. Trust me this hurts me way more than it hurts you.

Jonny C - Bullshit you have always liked beating on us kids and it being my birthday means nothing to you.

Rob swings the kendo stick hard at the back of Jonnys head. Jonny falls through the ropes landing hard on the outside of the ring.

Rob C - Stay down if you know what's good for you. You don't ever talk to me like that again.

Jonny gets to one knee then grabs the back of his head. He looks at his hand and there is a small amount of blood on it. He stands up, turning to face his father.

Jonny C - Winners never stay down.

Rob C - Then why the hell are you on your feet? You're a loser and you will never be anything more. Although that's the first smart thing you have said all day.

Jonny rolls back into the ring and goes and stands toe to toe with his Father.

Jonny C - I'm going to make a promise to you right now Dad. I vow to become the greatest wrestler to ever set foot into a wrestling ring. I will make you and the family proud.

Rob drops the kendo stick.

Rob C - You're damn right you will. We won't settle for less then the best in the world. You know damn well what I will do to you if you don't follow through on that.

—-----------5 Years Later—--------

Back inside of the Nu-Wave Wrestling training facility. Jonny C storms in throwing a water bottle across the warehouse.

Jonny C - 5 fucking years down the god damn drain. I've worked harder than anyone in wrestling and really made a name for myself then it all comes crashing down in one night.

The door slams closed on the other side of the warehouse. Jonny spins to look and sees his father standing there holding a kendo stick.

Jonny C - Jesus what the fuck are you doing here. I haven't seen you in months and now you decide to show up when I'm at my lowest. Some fucking father you are.

Rob C - Did you think I wouldn't find out that you blew your first opportunity at a world title.

Jonny C - I had certainly hoped so. Look I know what you're going to say so just save it alright. I know I ficked up tonight and made mistakes. Trust me I am going to be harder on myself than you ever will be. So leave it alone and walk away now. I'm not in the mood to deal with you.

Rob C - Now you know I won't do that. You have brought great shame on our family by blowing that match tonight.


Rob C - Yes it means nothing. You have spent 5 years winning but you haven't broken through yet. You're still wrestling in school gyms, church basements, bingo halls, pal centers, and even outside at a flea market. This could have been the match that would have broken you through to the big times. But no, you squandered the opportunity to win the world title in a bullshit company. You need to be the best if you want to work for real money and fame.

Jonny C - I have told you many times I don't do this for money or fame. I do this because I love it. It's all I've ever wanted to do with my life.

Rob C - Then you're a damn fool. Winning, Money and Fame is the only thing that matters in life. A drive to be the best in the world is all you need to attain all those things.

Jonny C - I do have a drive to be the best in the world and one day I will be. Losing in this sport happens to everyone like it or not. What makes a man is when he does lose he gets back up and keeps fighting. It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

Rob C - Save that bullshit Rocky crap for the dumbas fans.

Jonny C - It's the truth Dad. Do you think I'm happy I lost? Of course not, I'm pissed off. But I will use this as a chance to realize where I made mistakes and train harder than ever before to make sure it never happens again.

Rob C - I use this as a teachable moment for you. You remember what happened last time you lost a match?

Jonny C - Look Dad I'm older now and my attitude has changed drastically. I'm not that kid anymore.

Rob C - Once a loser, always a loser. Now get in that ring and grab the ropes.

Rob spins the kendo stick in the air.

Jonny C - No

Rob walks across the training facility getting right into Jonny's face.

Rob C - What the fuck did just say to me boy.

Jonny C - You heard me old man.

Rob C - I'm giving you one more chance to be a man and grab those ropes. You lost and made us all look bad now take this like a fucking man.

Jonny C - I hear you but I'm going to give you one chance to get the fuck out of my face. I told you I'm not that kid anymore Rob.

Rob C - Hmmm. Look who grew a pair of balls.

Rob winds up and swings the kendo stick at Jonnys head but Jonny puts a hand up catching it. Rob's eyes grow wide.

Jonny C - You just made the biggest mistake of your life.

Jonny grabs the kendo stick from his father's hand and proceeds to lay shots into his father. Rob goes down hard as Jonny stands over him raining down kendo stick shots.

Jonny C - My whole entire life you have told me I wasn't good enough. No matter what I did you told me to DO BETTER. When I was 6 and playing baseball and would hit a home run you would ask why I didn't hit 3. In track when I would win my race you would ask why I didn't win by a greater margin. In school I got straight As but that wasn't enough for you was it? You wanted to know why I didn't get an A+. I'm sick and fucking tired of you riding me to be the fucking best. I'm damn good at what I do. One day I will be the face of professional wrestling and everyone will fear my name. I won't be doing it for you though "Dad" I will be doing it to spite you. I work harder than everyone else in this industry and have more of a drive than anyone else. Sure that may be because of you and my upbringing. I've made a life changing decision though, I don't need you. I'm doing this for myself because it's what I love to do.

Jonny throws the kendo stick on top of his bloody father.

Jonny C - Some fucking hard ass big man you are. You just got hit and you're not back on your feet. Looks like I'm more of a man than you are pops. This is my world and you're just living in it. The sooner you realize that the better. I will be the best to ever step into a wrestling ring but you won't be there to take credit. I'm fucking done with you and my so called family. You have done nothing but hold me down. Time to spread my wings and fly alone for once.

Jonny lays a few kicks into his father for good measure then spits on him.

------Jonny C's house New Haven CT, 6:36 AM present day—-----

Jonny is lying in his king size bed under his vintage early 90s Star Wars sheets. He is snoring loudly then suddenly his eyes open and he sits up like a bolt of lightning hit him and he is in a cold sweat. He rubs his eyes to clear the sleep crust away and throws his feet onto the floor. He yawns, running his hands through his hair. He is wearing black under armor basketball shorts and no shirt. He turns his head looking into the mirror.

Jonny C - No matter how much time passes I can't escape my past. I did exactly what I said I was going to do and made myself the face of professional wrestling yet somehow I know my father doesn't see me as a success. I don't care anymore, I've done this all on my own and that isn't going to change now. It's been over 20 years since that all happened and I still have nightmares about them. I don't even talk to my father or family anymore but it all still weighs on me quite heavily. I'm not the same person I was then. I was driven yeah sure but for the wrong reasons. I've done everything I have ever set out to do. I made myself the most talked about wrestler on every single roster I have ever been on. I have won almost every world title I have set out to win. There are a few I didn't win but I chose to not discuss those. I made myself the face of professional wrestling because I am as good as I say I am. I've gotten many nicknames over the years. InFamous, the Battering Ram, the face of wrestling, the grandson of God, Wrestlings devil, and star maker. Granted I gave myself most of those nicknames but still I got them. Yet for some reason as much as I hate to admit it I need to impress my father. I regularly have that same dream about how I was never good enough. I've done more with my life and career than he ever has but God dammit for some reason I need to impress him. We haven't spoken in many many years yet still I feel his presence telling me I'm not good enough.

Jonny stands up out of bed and walks to his bathroom. He turns on the sink and splashes cold water onto his face. He grabs a towel and dries off. He looks into the mirror.

Jonny C - I've been in this business for a really long time now. It's all I know in life. It's not for everyone, that's for damn sure. The travel can really beat you down. Driving from town to town to make shows. Flying from country to country to make bookings. Sometimes traveling forward and ahead In time. Japan is a wild tour to make but it's definitely the most rewarding. It's a crazy life but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm used to it now and couldn't imagine my life without wrestling. I'm getting older yeah but I've not shown any signs of slowing down yet and don't ever plan on it. I will continue to do what I do best until I physically can't anymore. I want to be in the ring every second of every day. It's the only place that I really feel like I'm home. It's where I know I'm at my best at all times. I don't care what fed I'm in or who I'm wrestling, the ring is where I am happiest. I will never stop striving to get better. I retired the greatest talent in IIW history taking his title and making myself the #1 wrestler there. Jake E had my number for years but when my back was against the wall I showed what I was really made of and overcame the odds. I did what everyone said I couldn't. I thrive when people doubt me.

Jonny rubs his eyes one more time. He puts his fist to his chin and uses it to crack his neck. He then does the same to the other side.

Jonny C - I've seen a huge shift in wrestling over the last few years. Being a wrestler used to be about wrestling only. It's not taken on a whole new life. For the last I would say 3 years everyone has gotten really into telling fucking campfire stories. Going on and on about shit that doesn't matter at all. Everyone looked at me and wondered why I didn't do the same. People were begging me to take a peek behind the Jonny C curtain. I never gave anyone that peek through that curtain though. That's mainly because I'm a fucking wrestling. I'm not JK Rowling (thank god) I'm not here to spin some wild fairytale. My job is to wrestle better than anyone ever has. What I did growing up doesn't matter. What I did last weekend doesn't matter. But for some reason everyone what's to see me at my parents funeral, or the funeral of a wife or kids or my fucking pet goldfish. I just don't get it at all but whatever. Do I have a backstory of course I do. Does it haunt me to this day, yeah a bit sure. My parents weren't great people and didn't treat me that great in life but that's all deeply personal. My life story made me who I am today and that's the greatest wrestler in the history of this great sport. That should be more than enough for everyone but apparently it's just not anymore. I have a real issue with opening up and sharing my story but here the fuck we are I guess. Seeing as I am a man of the people, maybe it is time to open myself up just a bit. Maybe it's time to show everyone why I am the way I am. I always thought winning matches and titles was enough but I will play ball. I never want it to be said that Jonny C is a dinosaur who refuses to change with the times. I never told anyone anything about my life because it just doesn't or shouldn't matter. I like my actions in the ring do all my talking.

Jonny walks out of his bathroom and into his closet. He grabs a black shirt off a hanger and puts it on. It's the new Hendrix cry baby bitch shirt available now at Wrestlings Pro Tees. Jonny walks out of his closet through his room and down the stairs into his kitchen. He looks over and sees a manilla envelope with the XWF logo on it. He smiles and laughs a bit to himself. He opens the fridge and grabs a sugar free red bull then walks to the pantry and gets a pop tart. He sits at the table the envelope is on.

Jonny C - Brandon Hendrix what a fucking bitch you turned out to be. I'm going to lay some shit out for you really quick ok. I….AM….BETTER….THAN…..YOU. We all know it man. I will fully admit that you shocked me quite a bit on Mayhem. You came out guns blazing and were far better than I gave you credit for. It still wasn't enough to best me in battle but it was good. Look man we both know this has gotten way out of hand. I'm here for it though. If you want to cry and play games so be it bitch. Just know that I can play them better.

Jonny opens the envelope and pulls out a contract. He begins reading it over. He laughs then places it down on the table.

Jonny C - Well it would appear we have found a neutral fed that will host our rematch. Ok so before I directly address the match I feel I should fill everyone who's watching this in on a few things. You know, set the stage for them a bit in case they don't check Twitter regularly. There is this wrestler named Brandon Hendrix ok. He joined my home fed IIW a little over a year ago or so. And he was absolutely terrible. No one liked him or even cared about him. He lost far more matches than he won. That's neither here nor there though. After a string of losses in the IIW he just couldn't handle it and decided to leave. When you can't hang with the big boys you cry and quit I guess. Then this fucking loser Hendrix decideds to throw his hat in the ring for running the all female brand of IIW known as first class. Well that ended how everyone thought it would. Shows went up late, the results were always in question because no one watched the promos and just made decisions that made zero sense. Again that's here nor there I'm not on that brand but I saw the incompetence. Then when Brando was called out for being a shit GM he fucking snaps and quits the fed all together cause that's what adults do apparently. So to catch everyone up Hendrix couldn't cut it as a wrestler, tried to run a brand and also couldn't hack it. Doesn't everyone see the trend building like I do. Look I know this is long and boring but everyone needs the facts here.

Jonny cracks open his red bull and takes a sip.

Jonny C - So after that whole mess of a situation he went out and joined project underground, a subsidiary of project honor from what I hear. I was there for a bit myself. It's not a great fed at all but it suits someone like Hendrix and his sub par ability. He went out and joined a few other feds as well to try and get his name out there in a big way. Shit that's exactly what I would have done if I was a worthless loser like him. What my sources have told me is that he flopped most places he went. For some reason he seems to think he is some kind of big deal. For the life of me I just can't understand where his Ego comes from. He really hasn't done anything anywhere that amounts to anything at all. Yet he walks around like he is God's gift to professional wrestling. Spoiler alert Henny there is only room for one God's gift and it's me. So basically Hendrix left IIW and floundered around the indy scene for a while trying his best to get better. A noble cause but it didn't do all that much for him or any other fed he has been in. Then for some reason he decides to beg for forgiveness and return to the IIW. Now let me spell this all out. He left and wanted to make a name for himself but failed to do so and came back tail between his legs the same loser he was when he left. So he gets put into the keys to success match and somehow wins the big key. Essentially the match is a 5 way ladder match with 2 keys above the ring. One key is for a mid card title and the other is for a shot at the world title. Anytime he wants to challenge for the title let the boss know and it happens. I'm going to be honest here though even though he won a title match I still didn't know who the fuck he was. I've said before that I don't pay much attention to things that don't involve me.

Jonny opens the pop tarts and takes a bite.

Jonny C - Yeah that's right I don't toast these. Anyone that does it wrong plain and simple.

Jonny takes another bite of his pop tart.

Jonny C - Back to the sad saga known as Hendrix's life. So he now has a key that grants him a match vs ME for my world title any time he wants it. Well any time he wants it and if the bosses allow it. This mother fucker says he finally wants the match after months of having the key and it's granted on a throw away weekly Mayhem. That should tell you all that you need to know about Mr Brandon Fucking Hendrix. He didn't even warrant a good story with me. Just a throw away match that no one will remember on a show that no one will remember. Now we are getting to the juicy part. The stage is now set and from here we are off to the races. Now let me pull the curtain back just a bit and let everyone know how the IIW works. We are given 15 days to build the match before we actually wrestle. We can do interviews, promos, appearances whatever we want to get our match hyped. So of course I start that immediately. Day one when I found out I had a match I filmed a promo. I'm the hardest working fighting champion in this business and that's what I do. So I wait and wait and wait and I just assume Hendrix was so scared that he killed himself. That concerned me a bit so I went around the arena with a hyper realistic drawing of him asking if anyone has seen him. Go figure no one knew where he was at all or had even heard from him. Now I don't think this needs to be stated but this was hands down the biggest match of Hendrix's amazingly lackluster career. Maybe he thinks so highly of himself that he felt he didn't need to work that hard to beat me. Maybe he knows how badly he sucks in the ring and didn't want to show his hand quite yet. Or what I believe to be true is that he was just scared of me. Whatever the real reason is Hendrix fucking ghosted me. I was doing everything in my power to make him show face but nothing worked. Then miraculously a mere hours before we're supposed to go out to that ring for our match Mr. Hendrix finally showed up. He went on and on and on about how everything I said was wrong hes way better than I thought he was he was gonna beat me and take my title because hes not the same person he was before all that normal bullshit. Look I'm gonna fill everyone in right now I've been doing this a really long time and every single person that faces me says the same exact thing. They all say I'm too cocky they all say I don't live in an actual reality based world they all think I make myself seem way better than I actually am then I go on and beat them. Now granted every single thing they say about me is true but come on guys change it up a little bit don't follow the blueprint of all the other losers. There is a reason why I am the face of professional wrestling and to be frank with all of you no one so far has been near my level. Like I said they all say the same thing and I line them up and knock them all down. Hendrix did the exact same thing that everyone else did and the outcome was exactly the same. His cute little manifesto was filled with lies and falsehoods and basically grandstanding about how good he claims to be even though we all know that's not true.

Jonny takes another sip of his red bull.

Jonny C - The talking is all done now we arrive at the match at Monday Night Mayhem. Or as I have taken to calling it the bitch heard round the wrestling world. Before I get to the outcome and nuclear fallout I will address the match itself. Now look Hendrix you definitely surprised me with your in ring ability in the match. Never in a million years would I have ever imagined you being able to last for 59 minutes. You were far greater in the ring than I ever would have imagined you were but that all being said it just wasn't good enough to beat me. You did every single thing within your ability to try to put me away and you just fell short. Look, you lasted way longer than anyone would have thought. You didn't almost beat me but yeah you lasted longer and didn't get beaten nearly as quickly as I would have liked to have ended it. You showed the entire wrestling world what this match meant to you and you went and pulled all the stops out and for that I applaud you. I didn't think you had it in you and I was pleasantly surprised to be given some what of a challenge in that ring. Yet when push came to shove at the end of the match I was the one standing Victorious holding my title high for everyone to see. Every single person except you Hendrix knew what the outcome was going to be. You had a 0.0% chance of beating me but I'll say you lasted longer than anticipated. I would have preferred to end the match way sooner than I did but you took me off my game for a little while there with your ability but don't worry Brandon I won't let that happen again.

Jonny moves the envelope in front of him and looks at the XWF logo on it.

Jonny C - Now this all should have ended as soon as the 3 was counted. We should have moved on to different storylines or feuds and you would have gone back to being irrelevant but you chose a different path. You just couldn't stand that you lost to the superior wrestler that I am. Rather than being a man and marching to the ring and demanding a rematch because you took me the champion to the limit you decided to go and cry on social media. That is where all of this gets wildly interesting. You decided to try and tell the entire world that the deck was stacked against you in the IIW. You claim I have the bosses in my pocket. You claim I have the referee in my pocket. You claim I have the commentary teams and all the producers and everyone in the locker room in my pocket. Man you really think I got far more power than I have around here. I honestly don't know where you're getting any of this from other than you can't stand the fact that you lost clean and are looking for a reason to diminish what I've done. So you took to Twitter and complained about how I'm home grown talent and the IIW is corrupt. That's where I have a big fucking issue. I have spent 16 years in the IIW and it has always been run fair and no one is in anyone else's pocket. For 16 years I have busted my ass and worked my way to the top making myself the most talked about wrestler on this planet. Then you wanna come along and claim that everything I have done was handed to me because I'm a home grown talent. Now I have a real problem with you. Nothing I have ever done in this business has ever been handed to me. I work harder than anyone in this business every single week. I'm the first face you see and I'm the last one to go home after the show ends. I train harder and work my balls off to make sure that I am always at my physical best. Just because you don't take this as seriously as I do doesn't mean you can come in here and start throwing around wild accusations that are completely baseless. You can't handle the fact that you lost fair. Anyone that watched our match with the exception of one person agrees that I won it. But I Don't know what I expected from a little loser bitch like you Hendrix. You needed something to hold on to to make yourself stay relevant for just a little bit longer. So when I saw you crying on Twitter what's the first thing I did? I issued a rematch challenge to you. I didn't run away and hide or cry to my little inner circle of friends, no I brought the fight straight to you which is what you should have done from day one. But we all know you're scared of me Hendrix and you know I'm going to embarrass you again regardless of what you or your little cronies say. You can't hang with me Hendrix. I showed the world that once and now I'm going to take your career from you. I issued that challenge to you because I'm not scared of you and I never will be. I know for a fact that I beat you fair, nothing was corrupt, there was no cheating, I outworked you in that ring. Why the hell would I turn around and issue a rematch to you if I felt we rigged it so I would win. Ask yourself that question bitch. The funny thing is after you cried foul saying that it was corrupt where I was, you issued a challenge to me to take place at your home fed. Do you really think I'm that stupid after seeing the crying game that you put on looking like Nancy Karrigan. My only caveat to our match was it takes place on neutral ground. I want to make sure that there is nothing you can say when I embarrass you in that ring in yet again. You can't cry or say I cheated or say that the match was rigged. I don't know anyone there nor do you. It's a completely even playing field and that's all that matters apparently. Now you won't be able to run and cry and hide like a little bitch when I stand toe to toe with you in that ring, look you in the eyes then absolutely annihilate you. After I absolutely destroy you again your credibility in wrestling is done. Everyone will see that you're nothing more than a glorified cry baby that can't handle losing like a real man. We all lose Hendrix, even me. Shit I've lost way more than I've won but you don't see me sitting here crying about it. I hit the gym and I train my ass off to make sure that I will never make the same mistakes again. That's the biggest difference between you and I Hendrix. I'm a real man and you're just a little girl. I would never act the way you acted after our match last month. I would have marched to that ring and demanded a rematch because I took the champion almost an hour in that ring before losing.

Jonny flips the envelope over and opens it, pulling out a contract.

Jonny C - I have spent well over 20 years in this industry and I have done everything in my power to make myself a formidable opponent for everyone. Never in my career has someone done anything to call me out like you have. The more I talked to people the more they seemed to have a problem with you Hendrix. I think it's high time that you look in the mirror and really evaluate your situation here. No one likes you. Well I'm sure that's not true I'm sure there's a handful of people here that for some reason kiss your ass and think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread even though it's clearly evident that's not the case. Anyone with a good reputation who is a great worker or a multiple time champion doesn't respect you Hendrix. They all view you as a joke just like I do. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt in the beginning and I would have given you a rematch no questions asked but then you went and flushed it all down the toilet. You're getting your rematch I'll give you that but you went about it the wrong way all you did was piss me off. That's not a good thing for you at all. In this business the only thing that matters is my word. I might be a giant asshole sure but you know when you stand in the ring with me everything will be above board and fair. I refuse to allow you to shit on my name the way that you did without actions being taken. I always joke about what the C in my name stands for. I've said it stands for controversy. I've said it stands for cash. I've said it stands for champion so many times, there are a million and one things under the sun. But people have never ever said it stands for corrupt, criminal, cheater, or collusion. I've worked my ass off to make sure that I'm one of the most well respected people in this business and I'm not going to let some fucking piss ant like you come in and destroy all of that with a Twitter comment. You have an issue with me and the outcome of our match you little bitch, you come to me like a man you don't run and hide behind social media like a pussy. You make me absolutely sick Brandon. You got my number, my Twitter, my discord everything we used to chat some you could have come to me and addressed things far differently yet here we fucking are.

Jonny flips through the contract reading all the fine print. He grabs a pen and signs it.

Jonny C - As much as you might believe that I am Brandon I'm not stupid. I know exactly what you're doing right now. You are using my name and my status to elevate yourself. I'm a well respected name in this industry Brandon and your name means absolutely nothing you're trying to take me down and slide yourself into my position. You picked the wrong mother fucker to do that with because I'm not the one. I will stand my ground and fight when someone comes after my reputation. Do you think my ears are not to the ground? I know the reputation you have Brandon. I know 90% of the people in this wrestling business feel that you're a complete joke. There's a reason why you bounce in-and-out of fed's left and right never lasting that long because you aren't that good. Look what happened when I beat you fair and square. I posted 2 promos to your one yet you still felt you did enough to beat me come on man you can't honestly believe that. Even when I didn't put my best promo out there I still did more than enough to beat you because you suck. Then you cried and you made things quite personal and that's not good for you because now I'm going to pull out all the stops to make sure I shove my foot so far up your ass you taste wrestling boot for the next year. Pissing me off was the biggest mistake you'll ever make Brandon. I would have been happy to ride off in the sunset never having to hear your name again but no you just wouldn't let that happen. Now here we are, thinking that you stand a shot in that ring with me even though you don't. I need to take time out of my very busy schedule to handle this. I'm happy to do it though because I can't allow you to run your mouth the way you have been. So please Brandon continue to use me to try to elevate your status. It's all going to come to a crash and burn for you soon enough. This is your 15 minutes and I get you're trying to milk it for all its worth. This is the biggest match you will ever take part in. This is your glass ceiling and deep down even you know that. So have your fun now Henny cause once I beat you again it's all over for you. No one will remember your name after I embarrass you again.

Jonny puts the contract back into the envelope and seals it.

Jonny C - And there it is signed and sealed waiting to be delivered. The biggest match of your career is officially going to happen, that is if you sign on the dotted line and don't just run away and then cry on Twitter. XWF LEAP OF FAITH JONNY C VS BRANDON HENDRIX. Now I read through this contract and I see the little things that you put in there one promo. Come on man are you that scared of me and what I have to say to you that you're only willing to do one. You know I knew that you were an absolute pussy but I figured maybe he'll surprise me yet again but here we are and you haven't done that in any way. You're doing everything in your power to protect yourself and your career because you know that facing me is essentially career suicide for you. You are fast realizing that everything I have ever said about you is 110% true. Even you can't run and hide from this anymore, this has escalated way further than you ever thought it would and now it's in your face and it's going to hurt you way more than it helps you. The only way this would help you in any capacity is if you somehow found a way to beat me. I am here to tell you with certainty you don't have the ability to beat me. There is absolutely no way you will even come close to pinning me to that mat. I made it abundantly clear to you the 1st time we wrestled and I'm gonna make it damn clear to you one more time if you want to beat me you need to kill me. I told you that last time and you'd look your foot off the gas and you didn't go for the killshot and that is going to haunt you for the rest of your life. I am a damn God in the wrestling business and you're nothing more than a little peon that has been exposed time and time again. Your weaknesses are astounding. The fact that you've even been able to last as long as you have makes me upset for the future of this business. I'm sure you thought you'd go cry on Twitter and I wouldn't even acknowledge you because why would I? But the fact that you wanted to go after my credibility means I had to address you and I will keep addressing you until you can't fucking get up ever again. You should have kept my name out of your mouth Brandon. That's one of the biggest mistakes you've made so far. You have somehow found a way to worm your way into my life and be a thorn in my side but I'm gonna show everyone why you're not even worthy of being a mosquito on shit. Jesus Christ Hendrix you've pissed me off more than anyone has in a really long time. I've never wanted to end the career of anyone more than I want to end your career. I wanna show the entire wrestling world how much of a bitch you are and that's exactly what I'm going to do at Leap Of Faith. You only want to do one promo. That's fine. I could beat you with 1 promo with my mouth stitched closed, 1 hand tied behind my back and my eyes blindfolded. All I need is half a promo to do exactly that. As I've said before and I'll say again you don't scare me.

Jonny stands up from his kitchen table. He grabs the envelope and walks it to his mailbox. He drops the contract in the mailbox and closes it. He walks back into his house and takes a seat on the leather lay-z boy recliner in his living room.

Jonny C - Hendrix there is one last this I need to make sure you know. So listen real close ok buddy. You asked for this. Anything that happens to you in that ring at Leap of Faith is because you asked me to do it. Don't get me wrong man I won't feel bad at all but I need you to know this is what you wanted. I barely knew your name before our match then you went and made this insanely fucking personal. You're typical street trash. A worthless punk who has delusional greatness. You're a fucking poser who has over stayed his welcome in the world of wrestling. I am tickled fucking pink that I get to he the one to cause your carefully crafted career to come to an end. Last time all I cared about was beating you and keeping my title but now I want to kill you. I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure that you can't walk away from our match. It's way different this time because you made it personal. I've ended careers before (HI Jake E) and I have no problem doing it again. You have faced me before yes very recently but you're not facing the same version of me. I'm pissed off and ready to fight now. You called me out thinking I wouldn't respond but like Beyonce, Bitch you must not know about me. I'M BEYONCE ALWAYS.

Jonny takes another sip of red bull.

Jonny C - Look Brando I don't know who your inner circle is but you need a new one. Whatever assholes you have telling you that going after me is a good idea really needs to take a step back and look at reality. Unless like everyone in this world they actually hate you and want to see you die. That's truly got to be it. We all know the feeling of impending doom. That feeling where you got hot inside knowing you fucked up and it's all going to backfire on you. Like say when you're a kid and you haven't been doing your homework and getting into trouble. But when they send home notes to be signed by your parents you forge them. Then you find out there is a parent teacher conference and you know everything will come crashing down and your fucked. That's how I know you're feeling right now. You clearly see that you have bitten off far more than you can chew with me. Your mouth wrote a check your ass can't cash man. You came after me thinking for some reason I wouldn't fire back. Well Hendrix bang bang bitch. I can't wait to rip your fucking head off and shit down your neck hole thus ending your wrestling career. Man a world of professional wrestling with no Brandon Hendrix. We are going to have to hold a funeral for you when I'm done. I can see it now.

Jonny puts his head back, closing his eyes and smiling.

—------Thomas L. Neilan & Sons Funeral Homes in New London Connecticut--------

When Jonny opens his eyes again he is standing outside of a funeral home wearing a black suit. He opens the door and walks in. In the front of the room is a casket with the body of Brandon Hendrix in it. There are no flowers alongside the casket, just a large promotional photo of Hendrix. Jonny looks around the room and it's empty. He checks his watch and laughs.

Jonny C - I came late thinking I would just hang in the back and marvel at my handiwork but it would seem that I'm the only one who showed up. Not even this shadow network of friends who said calling me out was a good idea. That's awful Hendrix 'cause even your alleged teal friends don't like you. But it's a funeral and someone needs to talk so I guess I will. Thankfully I thought ahead as I always do and prepared a speech.

Jonny walks to the front of the room and stands next to the casket of Brandon Hendrix. Jonny pulls some note cards out of his jacket pocket.

Jonny C - Hello my name is Jonny C and I'm an Alco……..Hold up that's the wrong speech.

Jonny places the note cards down and pulls another set from his jacket pocket. He clears his throat.

Jonny C - Ladies and Gentlemen we are gathered here……… shit. Let me try that again. I alone am here today to say some words about Mr. Hendrix. They aren't going to be good words but they will be words nonetheless. So let's get this shit over with. Brandon Hendrix, the biggest cry baby in all of professional wrestling is no more. He has ceased to be, bereft of life, he rests in peace, he has kicked the bucket, hopped the twig, bit the dust, snuffed it, breathed his last, and gone to meet the Great Head of Light Entertainment in the sky. And I guess that we’re all thinking how sad it is that a man of such talent, such capability and kindness, of such unusual intelligence should now be so suddenly spirited away before he’d achieved many of the things of which he thought he was capable of…….

Jonny bursts out laughing. He pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipes tears away. He takes a moment to compose himself and clears his throat.

Jonny C - I knew I wasn't going to be able to get through that with a straight face. Moving on Well, I feel that I should say, “Nonsense. Good riddance to him, the freeloading bastard! I hope he fries.” That I belive 100% And the reason I feel I should say this is, because im ImFamous Jonny Fucking C and i say and do whatever the hell I want. If I threw away this glorious opportunity to shock you all on his behalf I could never forgive myself. I could hear him crying in my ear last night as I was writing this:‘All right, Jonny, you’re very proud of being the very first person to ever talk shit during a eulogy. If this service is really just for starters, I want you to be the first person ever at a memorial service to say FUCK YOU. Not one single person came out to pay their respects to you Bradon and that's saying something. Even Hitler has support still. You're more of a whiny little bitch than Hitler man. God you fucking suck Brandon. I will end this with this. No one likes or cares about you in anyway. You are the biggest cry baby I have ever met. You're not on my level and never were regardless of what you may think. The world is a much better place now that your gone. Brandon Hendrix GO FUCK YOURSELF BITCH.

Jonny turns and kicks the casket over. Hendrixs body rolls out of the casket as it falls. Jonny walks over unzipping his pants with his back to the camera and he pisses onto the lifeless body of Hendrix. Jonny zips back up turning back to the camera smiling.

—-----------Back at Jonnys residence in New Haven Connecticut.--------

Jonny opens his eyes again still sitting on his recliner. He is laughing to himself.

Jonny C - Man what a glorious service it would be. Me up there shitting all over the name and legacy of you Hendrix. You talk a lot of shit Brandon and most of it is about shit you don't know about. You brought up a ton of shit in your one single promo last time we faced. A Lot of shit you said made absolutely no sense. I admire your research skills but they are a bit off. You asked how I felt about my son Curtis. You dumb son of a birth I don't feel anything for him. That's plain to see by everyone except you apparently. You asked how I felt returning back to IIW only to lose to Jake. Bitch I've lost to Jake a million times over. You're correct that Jake beat me for the title using my own move. That's not something that bothers me at all. If you did your full research you would have seen that he used his finish 3 times and couldn't put me away. He showed his move sucked so he used my far superior one. He was smart and did what was needed to win something you always fail to do. What happened when Jake beat me you may ask? It went the same as all the other times I lost to him. I lost and got back up trained my ass off and came back stronger than I was before. Something you don't have the ability to do at all. Then you brought up Bam Miller. Yeah he beat me and that's what you wanted to know about. I feel nothing about that parking lot brawl. Yes I lost that match but I beat him before that then I beat him again after it to retain my title. So once again your research was good but not good enough. You only did about half the work you should have done. You see all you did on that last promo of yours was prove that I am more of a man than you. You brought up all my past big losses in the IIW. Funny you say I don't lose because I'm homegrown and I got it all rigged. Yet you spent a good amount of time talking about when I lost. BAM MILLER ISN'T HOME GROWN. All you did was show that I'm better than you. Every time I lost I went back and trained to make sure it didn't happen again. I didn't go to social media and cry like you did. I knew I made mistakes and did everything in my power to make sure they never happened again. Every example of my losing you gave makes no sense because I came back and beat them all. That's what a wrestler does when they lose. You said over and over being a wrestler is all you want to do and that you love it yet your actions don't show that.

Jonny reclines the chair putting his feet up.

Jonny C - Your actions show that you're a spoiled little bitch who takes his ball and goes home when the going gets tough. I used to respect you Brandon not a whole lot but some. I never liked you but I respected you a small amount. That's all out the window now man. Rather than taking your loss like a man you cried. I immediately lost all respect for you. Now I know you don't care about that and honestly why should you. I don't fucking care what you think about me. Outside of calling me a cheater that is. I know what you're going to say about me when you finally come out for a promo. You're going to say the same shit you said last time but put a new little twist on it because now you have a fun little grudge. Well you think you have a fun little grudge but it's not a grudge at all because I beat you fair and square the 1st time. You're going to barge out in front of the camera and tell the whole world how I'm an asshole and how I made sure that everything was stacked against you and all of that bullshit. You did all your research the 1st time and it wasn't good enough to get the job done. You spent a lot of time digging into my past but as I've told you time and time again I'm not the same person that I used to be. Every single time I set foot in that ring I am a different person. I've been doing this for 20 plus years but every single match I learn something new that I need to work on and I make sure I'm better than I was before. I don't remain stagnant, I'm always moving and growing as a performer. Something that I certainly cannot say about you. You can say I'm cocky, you can say I'm not as good as I think I am, in fact you can say anything you want because we all know it's baseless and lies coming from your mouth. You're a scared little puppy dog who outkicked his coverage far too many times now and I'm going to put you down like old yeller. Now I fully don't expect to see you or anything from you until a mere hour before the show itself. Because that's who you are as a person you're a one trick pony Brandon and I exposed that and I will continue to do so until you're no longer in this business. I was right about one thing for sure last time you're not on my level and you showed every single person who watches wrestling that with your antics following our match. Look man I got no issues putting you down again in the middle of that ring but what I really want to know is this time what are you going to say when I do beat you. When I beat you in neutral territory where I don't know anyone what's your story going to be then? We all know it's going to happen you don't possess the power, strength or ability needed to beat me. You took me to the limit last time 59 minutes granted, We all know who wrote that match a little bit one-sided if you ask me but you didn't see me crying about it afterwards. I didn't take to social media and cry like a little baby and complain about the match itself. No I took it like a champion because frankly that's exactly what I am.

Jonny grabs the remote off the table next to him and turns on the office.

Jonny C - I've been told taking this match on my part is a very bad idea. People are all telling me it's a lose lose situation. If I win you're going to find a way to cry and claim I had itnrigged again. Its being said all over the wrestling world that you're just a sore loser that will never be able to accept defeat. You will somehow find a way to spin it yet again to try and make yourself look good. Personally i agree and fully expect to see major waterworks from you again but whatever not like it would be the first time. It's also being said it you somehow manage to find a way or get lucky and beat me it validates everything you said about me and IIW. I'm being called stupid for even entertaining this match. That I do absolutely agree with. I may be stupid for entertaing this and yes if I do lose it makes me and IIW look awful. To that I say FUCK IT. I WONT LOSE TO BRANDON IM TOO FUCKING GOOD. I have nkting but the upmost respect for myself and my abitly and know for a fact that I can and will smoke you in that ring yet again. You called me out and tried to hurt my name and I can't stand for that. I just can't allow that to be said about me. It's a lose lose for me I know this but it something that needs to be done. I've said this is the biggest match of your career and I belive that but it's also fast become the biggest of mine now as well. I can't lose to you or I look like a chump. Yes I've looked like a chump many times in the past but never like this. I took the match clear my name and that's exactly what I'm going to fuckibg do. I can't and won't lose to you Brandon. I am a real true wrestler. I don't need a world title to validate my self like you do. I know how good I am. I'm better than almost every other wrestler out there today including you. Everything I say is backed up in that ring. A wise man once told me it's not bragging if you back it up. So far I don't think anything I've done is bragging cause I back up every fucking thing i have ever said. This is the first time shit has gotten real for you Brando and I bet it's the last. Again I feel there is no way you or your career survives this.

Jonny grabs his red bull from off the table next to him and takes a sip.

Jonny C - I will never sit here and say we are from the same generation Henny. We are very different in that aspect as well. You LOVEEEEEEEE social media, I fucking hate it. Your social media has given me a treasure trove of laughter over the last few weeks. Recently you posted about how the whole fed screwed you. Man you really seem to think you're some kind of big deal. You just can't seem to let this go. Ask yourself a few questions though ok. Why would a whole fed screw you. Isn't it our job to put on an entertaining show for everyone. Isn't our job to sell tickets. If you were truly better then me and would be a bigger draw you would have won. I didn't pay anyone off to make myself look better. My pure unadulterated in ring ability does that on its own. My drive to be the best of all time is why I won. You keep harping on this narrative you have concocted in your head and it's just not fucking true. One of my favorite things you posted is completely contradictory to your own narrative. Denzel Porter, someone who I have zero connection with and who isn't big in IIW, tweeted out asking who is everyone's biggest rival. You commented that winning was your biggest rival. Does every single fed you're in stack the deck against you? Does everyone go with home grown talent? Do you always take to twitter to play the woe is me card? FUCK YOU AND YOUR MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES ASSHOLE. You're trying to buy sympathy because you can't fucking hang. Come on man even you need to see that everything you have said and done thus far is bullshit. Apparently you don't win anywhere. At some point you need to take a good long and hard look at yourself and realize that you alone are the problem. Typical fucking people in this world today always looking to blame someone else. You said it yourself that winning is your rival so maybe this profession just isn't for you man. That's OK, wrestling is brutal and grueling and it's just not for everyone. Especially little whiny bitches. Maybe after I annihilate you at Leap of Faith you look deep down inside yourself and completely reevaluate yourself. Hey man since covid happened they are in desperate need of bus drivers. That would probably suit you well. Maybe not though I wouldn't was a 5th grader to make a grown man cry. Oh yeah I also saw you promoting some charity event you were putting on a few months back. How did that go? I never heard anything about it. I know my son Curtis was on the bill. Did you even have the show or did you flop as a promoter as well as a wrestler? Poor charity probably could have used the help too. Whatever the case may be Henny it wouldn't seen that your social media has helped you at all. If anything it has hurt you far more. Look at this whole situation with you and I. You clearly never expected me to call you on your bullshit. This has escalated far more than you ever thought it would, man I know that. When I called you out on your claims i backed you into a corner that you can't fight your way out of. You are scared of the fall out from this we all know that. Your one of the worst wrestlers to walk this planet and I have put you on a grand stage now to showcase your flaws. As New Found Glory would say "It's all downhill from here " I'm excited to step into that ring with you at Leap Brandon because it's time for you to put up or shut up. In fact I wouldn't be entirely surprised it you fucking no show this because you know what the outcome is.

Jonny puts on the Micheal Scott Fun run episode of the office.

Jonny C - Watch this cold open, Micheal hits Merideth with his car. It makes me laugh every single time. God this show is fucking perfect just like I am. I'm Micheal Scott and Hendrix is D'Angelo Vickers. If you know you know. Once again the time for talking is done. I've said pretty much everything I need to say about you and then some Brandon. At the end of the day all that needs to be stated is I'm not scared of you now and I never will be. You didn't beat me last time and you won't beat me this time. I will be standing in that ring waiting for the opportunity to rip your head off and put this fun little rivalry to bed once and for all. I've said it and I fully understand why you're pushing this with me because you have nothing else. This is the only thing you can hold on to and say you've had a successful career. Beating me would be the biggest thing you will ever do in wrestling. I know that all the fans know that and every single person in any wrestling locker room knows that. I'm a wrestling God and you're a wrestling ant. This is a real David versus Goliath situation if you ask me but this time Goliath wins and winds handily. I don't expect much from you this time Brandon because this time you are way way too far out of your element. You couldn't hang with me when I took it easy on you. You lost to me when I didn't even give it a 100% of my effort but now you pissed me off and I'm going at you guns blazing full force. I'm a bullet that's going to shoot right through your heart Brandon you will never recover from the beating I'm going to give you at Leap of Faith. Again I reiterate that you asked for this. I have no problem delivering this beating to you because it's exactly what you wanted when you took to social media and called me out for being a cheater. I'm a lot of things in this world but a cheater is not one of them. I'm brash, cocky, in your face, abrasive and InFamous but I'm not a cheater. I'm a one man army. I don't have any friends or anyone to stand in my corner and help me. All I've ever needed in this world was just myself. I know this is a weird hill for me to die on seeing as I pride myself in having the worst reputation but I've built that worst reputation. I don't want to be known as someone who needs to cheat to win or take the easy way out. That's not who I am and I will never be that person. I work my ass off every single day to make sure I am one of the if not the best in professional wrestling. It's time for me to show you exactly what a home grown IIW talent can do. The same certainly can not be said about you Brandon and it never will. Ultimately you're just a coward who somehow managed to stay relevant for this long but that all ends at Leap Of Faith.

Jonny winks and blows a kiss to the camera as he settles in to watch the Office. The scene fades to black.
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