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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Warfare 07/31/13
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-01-2013, 01:55 PM

[Image: w-ps1_zpsa1cfb188.png]

The cameras start off filming the outside of an old, broken down, warehouse. The warehouse is pretty much vacant , except for all the exposed wiring, trash and full thriving population of rodents; who are not afraid to charge at the camera men and seem quite territorial. A thick cloud of smoke is always present and with it carries the distinct odor of burning tar and raw sewage. Navigating through; the smoke, rats and large, sporadic puddles of water next to exposed wiring is tricky, but the camera crew manages to do it and soon makes it to a row of - several, large, industrial elevators, that are set up to only travel down. Where they lead...surely must be, the pits of hell....

or some might just call it, "The War Room!" Yes, the official home of XWF Wednesday Warfare. Where else would you go to fulfill your thirst for blood and filth?

Upon safely exiting the elevators; some two hundred feet - below the surface, the cameras pick up a large underground arena. The area is jam packed with over three thousand fans and it begs the question - how did they all get down here safely and unscathed?

The arena itself radiates with a flux of energy; last week it was described as a cross between a fight club and a drug cartel. However, this week, the Warfare team have added a pinch of class to the setup. The ring is still a bit larger than your standard wrestling ring, but at least it now has an apron to hide all the litter under the ring. The lighting inside the building has improved somewhat as well. Last week, the talent complained that there wasn't enough lighting, and that they couldn't see where they were going! This week, Giovanni Ferrari and John Madison have pulled out all the stops and changed out some of the light bulbs.

To one side of the ring sits; a massive, steel door that appears to open up to some sort of chute, leading even further down. Whatever waits even lower than this dark underbelly of a fighting arena, must surely be the foul pits of Hades. Yet strangely enough, a huge neon set of lights brandish this chute as "The Winners' Ride" - clever name for a trap, or an actual ride of delight for winners? Only time will reveal that answer!

To the opposite side of this curious, yet horrific chute, stands the main entrance ramp that all the entertainers emerge from. Just a plain steal ramp that leads out a large set of balck drapes, surrounded by a mass of florescent light tubes and search lights. Thick patches of duct tape and loose cables, hang about in a clear display of a master electrician's handy work. High above the entrance is a huge screen that now brandishes the Warfare logo, but also serves a purpose of showcasing important video footage, as well as performer's musical interludes that announce their arrival.

But wait-- Giovanni Ferrari and John Madison have added yet another special feature to the War Room!

Above the entry way is now a special box; a sky box of some sort. It's constructed out of random scraps of metal, where John Madison and Giovanni Ferrari sit inside of. This gives the two General Managers a wide view of the War Room. We go to them now in that skybox which towers above the entrance stage as they have their microphones turned on.


Giovanni Ferrari: "Welcome to another edition of Wednesday Warfare, live from San Diego, California! I am General Manager Giovanni Ferrari and this is my assistant General Manager, King John Madison."

We only see John Madison's backside as he's in the process of removing some kind of mask. Once he finally does, he quickly spins around to face the cameras and talks as if nothing happened.

John Madison: "Hola-- I mean-- Hey! Wow, Gio, I've been looking forward to tonight all week long."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Why, because you shoved Sebastian Duke into the number one spot of the gauntlet?"

John Madison: "Oh come on, Gio. You're acting as though that was a bias decision. Sebastian Duke is clearly the top dog out of those ten men-- he's the only one who's a former US Champion! Makes sense to me why I did what I did."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Well, you always have a reason for everything you do, don't you John?"

John Madison: "Yeah, and speaking of which, what was your reason for putting fuckin' Peter Gilmour as number ten? Did you lose your mind last week or something?"

Giovanni Ferrari: "Not at all, Johnny. Peter has worked hard all year so why shouldn't I reward the young man's dedication?"

John Madison: "BECAUSE HE'S FAT!"

Giovanni Ferrari: "Oh God. Let's just get to the other matches on the card..."

John Madison: "Hell yeah, it's the X-Treme Gauntlet. A gauntlet where we will find out who is X-Treme enough to face Stevie Tyler. My money is on RusselMania, did you see what that kid did last week?"

Giovanni Ferrari: "Ah yes, I believe he held his own gauntlet, correct?"

John Madison: "That's right, he beat guys like King Kong Bundy and The Bushwhackers. King Kong Bundy is a former WrestleMania headliner."

Giovanni Ferrari: "We'll see if that training helped out Russel any. He's got nine other wrestlers in that match with him. Let's go to the ring now!"

X-Treme Title #1 Contender
Order of entry:
Ricky Desmond
- vs -
Jack Kronus
- vs -
Guy Toadie
- vs -
- vs -
Christine Nash
- vs -
Adam Rollins
- vs -
- vs -
Salman Van Dam
- vs -
Peter Lake
- vs -
Andrew Morrison
X-Treme Rules Gauntlet Match

From London, England it's Ricky Desmond!

From Sheffield, UK it's "The Phantom" Jack Kronus!

The XWF Officials, have decided to abruptly revoke the X-treme Rules stipulation for this gauntlet. No one knows; why, this was randomly decided, but surely it won't take away from the entertainment of this gauntlet.


The bell rings and starts this first match of the X-treme Guantlet off with a bang! Both Ricky Desmond and Jack Kronus, seem eager and ready to rip each other to shreds! Both men begin this match with one thing in mind, to destroy each other and move on to the next man, until that sweet prize of facing the X-treme champ is reached. Tonight is going to be brutal and no amount of pain, will be spared. As cameras turn toward Ricky and Jack, while fans squeal in their seats and this gauntlet begins!

Jack and Ricky dive towards each other, matching each other blow for blow! Kronus eventually catching Desmond with an Uppercut, followed by a Leg Sweep! Ricky hits the canvas, but is quick to his feet, delivering an immediate Shoulder Knock that leads into a Missile Drop Kick! Kronus drops to the canvas and Ricky pounces, delivering a series of Mounted Punches!

Jack Kronus' head is rocked back and forth by the ferocity combined with the velocity, of Desmond's punches. In a desperate attempt Kronus shoots up a knee and catches Desmond, right in the stones! Desmond instantly drops to the side and rolls back and forth, in the ring as Jack slowly rises to his feet. Jack shakes his head about in an effort to regain his balance as he staggers off to the ropes, kicking Desmond in the head as he passes Ricky.

From there Jack gingerly pulls himself upwards on the ropes and climbs them till he reaches the top. As Jack sways unsteadily on the ropes, he glares down at Ricky Desmond and spits. The spit hits Desmond in the face with pin point accuracy....more specifically, it lands right in Ricky's left eye. Ricky curses and Jack Kronus leaps from the ropes! Kronus gets Desmond with a Body Slam! Dead on and perfectly delivered! Kronus then covers Ricky for the pin!



Kickout by Ricky Desmond!

Desmond shoves Jack off of him as he rises to his feet and flies right into action! Striking Jack with a Flying Double Axe Handle and a Double Knee Gut Buster! Kronus falls to the canvas and Desmond proceeds to savagely stomp on Jack's face, while he's down! Grabbing the ropes and using them as leverage as Desmond, really puts all his force into each stomp. Desmond really drives down his foot, until a loud CRUNCH - is heard and Kronus' nose, is shattered! Blood squirts everywhere as Desmond decides to take it to the ropes himself.

Ricky climbs up to the top turnbuckle and gazes out like he's not really looking at anything, more like he's looking through everything. Past and through, all that lays out in front of him. Desmond smirks and then dives off the top turnbuckle, hitting Kronus with a Diving Headbutt. It's hit with full on contact to Kronus face and already brutally broken nose!

Ricky rises to his feet and pulls Kronus from the canvas, delivering a Sit-Down Spine Buster and covering for the pin!




Winner: Ricky Desmond!


Kronus slowly rolls out of the ring as Ricky stands and waits for his next opponent. Ricky's eyes glistening, in anticipation and his face plastered, in an he's hungry for destruction.

From Shreveport, Louisiana it's Guy Toadie!


Guy Toadie slides into the ring and narrowly misses getting taken down immediately from a Clothesline from Ricky Desmond! Toadie dodged out of the way and Desmond soars past and collides into the ropes. Guy then spins Ricky around and slaps Ricky in the face before catching Ricky with an Elbow Smash and a Dropkick!

Desmond spills backwards from the Dropkick and Toadie, gets to work stomping on Desmond, while Desmond is down. Ricky shields his face as Toadie really works Ricky over! Toadie switches things up finally by landing a Fist Drop, to Ricky's face, Guy yanks Ricky from the canvas and quickly send Ricky back down, by delivering an impressive Shining Wizard!

Toadie runs off to the ropes and gradually mounts them. Desmond rolls about on the canvas as Toadie, takes to the air! Toadie flies into the formation of a magnificently executed Moonsault!

It does not connect!

Ricky rolls out of the way and Toadie, smashes into the canvas! Toadie's Moonsault hit nothing, but canvas! Ricky gingerly climbs to his feet and sways a bit as he tries to regain his balance. Toadies slowly starts to climb to his feet when...


Desmond gets Toadie with a Roundhouse Kick to the face!

Toadie drops and Ricky gets Toadie with Elbow Drop, followed by a quick roll up pin!



Kickout by Guy Toadie!

Desmond screams in fury as he wrenches Guy off the canvas, flings Toadie towards the ropes and immediately hits Guy, with the Million Dollar Bill (Clothesline from Hell)! Desmond then charges to the ropes and uses them to bounce off of and fly back to deliver a Flying Elbow Drop! Ricky covers for the pin!




Winner: Ricky Desmond


Guy Toadies crawls out of the ring as Ricky Desmond lifts himself up to a standing position. Ricky is sweaty and exhausted, but glaring in rabid anticipation for the next opponent.

From The California Valley it's Russell Mania!


Russell Mania saunters up to the ring, brandishing a smile and a wave to all he passes. Russell skips up the steps to the ring apron enthusiastically and dips below the ropes as he makes his way into the ring. Desmond stares holes through Russell as Russell swaggers into the middle of the ring, carrying himself with that suave careless strut, that could only come from someone who's lived their life, as Russell Mania had. His demeanor screamed smooth and his eyes gleamed with the determination of a fierce warrior. Russell was slick, cool and definitely living in the wrong decade. That was okay though, because that aged and out dated demeanor, seemed to fit him perfectly. It was his charm and tonight it was also very clearly - Desmond's annoyance.

Russell smiled at Ricky Desmond and gave a wink as Desmond let out a frustrated growl and charged for Mania. Ricky came at Mania with full force, swinging a left hook, followed by a right jab and Mania deflected each blow, with expertise and cunning agility. It was like Russell could see each move, before it happened and knew just when to reach up and block it. Yet Ricky had that will to not give up and his British wiles to back him up and decided in a split second, he would need to break the flow of things with a little improvisational foul play. So Desmond switched it up and as Mania was blocking a punch to his face, Desmond also kneed Mania in the nuts.

Mania goes down!

Mania falls to his knees and Desmond cracks Mania in the bridge of Mania's nose, with his knee. Russell's right hand flies up to his nose as he clutches his wounded balls with his left and Desmond takes this opportunity, to catch Russell with a Scissors Kick to his head, which takes Mania down to the canvas and then Ricky, switches it up and pulls off a Crippler Crossface!

Desmond wrenches the hold and Russell yells in agony! Desmond is desperate to win! He needs this win, like a junkie needs his next fix! He'll do anything to get it! The audience is on their feet popping with excitement as Ricky yanks the hold back and lets out a growl in fury. Mania struggles, but it's clear he is in a lot of pain. Mania's hand surges out and it looks as though he may tap. It looks like he'll succumb, to Ricky Desmond's crossface....


Russell Mania pushes forward, with a burst of energy and strength that powered his hand straight for the ropes. Desmond eyes open wide as he lets out a wail in disbelief and Russell Mania, breaks the hold. After the ref separates the men, Russell takes on a new swing of things. He seems more aggressive and looks as he knows the nature, of Ricky Desmond. Russell Mania doesn't waste another moment and quickly catches Desmond, with a Right Hook and several chops to Desmond's chest. From there he gets Ricky with a knee to the ribs and a European Upper Cut! Desmond drops and Russell begins to deliver a bit of Mudhole Stomping to Ricky, as Ricky rolls around on the canvas, trying to avoid what's happening.

Mania shakes his head and rips Desmond from the canvas. A smirk plastered on that groovy cat's face, as he hits Desmond with The Russell Mania Moment (Inverted Stomp Facebuster)!

Russell Mania covers Ricky Desmond for the pin!




Winner: Russell Mania!


Shaken and visibly very upset about the loss, Desmond needs to be shown out of the ring by the ref as he swears and shakes with anger! Russell Mania simply laughs and waves at Ricky, as Ricky leaves and then turns to face his next challenge.

From Sanford, North Carolina it's The Twisted Angel Christine Nash!


Christine walks up to the ring, eyeing Russell with disgust as he blows here a kiss and stares at her, like he's literally eye raping her. This causes Christine to look like she just may lose her lunch, right here in the War Room, in front of everyone! Still that girl's a trooper and she slides in the ring, appearing ready to fight; no matter how revolting, she finds her opponent to be.

Russell smiles patiently as he watches Christine, climb to her feet and he attempts to reach out and grab her hand, in order to kiss it. Nash rolls hers eyes at this gesture and immediately clocks Mania, with a stiff right hand to the jaw. Mania grins and rubs his face as Christine follows that up, with a Roundhouse kick to the side of Mania's face and sturdy Spinning Backfist to his nose. This causes blood to trickle from Mania's nose as Christine laughs and catches Mania, with a Heart Punch and a Leg Sweep that sends Mania to the canvas!

However, Mania reaches out and grabs onto Nash's leg, yanking The Twisted Angel down with him. Nash lands right on top of Russell Mania! Russell grins and raises his eyebrow suggestively as he grabs the sides of Nash's face and kisses her!

Nash explodes with fury as she rips her head away and proceeds to slap the shit out of Russell Mania! When Mania laughs through this, Nash checks him with a brutal Headbutt! Blood pours out of Mania's nose as Nash chuckles and climbs to her feet, making sure to stomp Mania in already bruised nuts. That's when Nash also decides to take off towards the ropes and shoots up them, like she was shot out of a cannon.

Christine stands atop the ropes and looks out at her intended target, who is still on the canvas. She smirks as a truly twisted look, crosses her face and then she takes flight! Christine hits Mania with a impressive Hurricanrana! Rising quickly she then delivers a Standing Moonsault!

The crowd goes nuts and Nash covers for the pin!



Kickout by Russell Mania!

Russell shoots up into a quick sitting position, that causes Nash to tumble backwards. He then climbs to his feet and proceeds to grab Nash up by her hair. Russell dips down to one knee and tosses Nash over it, following this action by spanking her! The crowd goes wild for this clear chauvinistic display of disrespect as Nash thrashes about, trying to break free from Russell grasp...but to no avail.

After a few good, stiff handed, smacks to Nash's behind, Russell rises to a standing position and pulls Nash close as he delivers The Moustache Ride (RKO)!

Mania covers for the pin!




Winner: Russell Mania


Christina Nash exits the ring and Russell blows her a kiss farewell. Russell then switches his gaze towards the entrance and awaits the next participant.

From Berea, Kentucky it's Adam Rollins!


Adam Rollins marches to the ring and dives in. Rollins takes the super aggressive approach, very quickly and manages to catch Russell, with a couple fast punches to the jaw. Rollins also lays some chops to Mania's chest and a knee to Mania's gut, before Mania gets the upper hand and catches Rollins with a Headbutt! Russell still bleeding nose gets blood all over Rollins' face as Russell proceeds to deliver a European Upper Cut, followed by a Standing Dropkick! Rollins falls to the canvas and Russell hits Rollins, with a few stomps before walking over towards the ropes.

Mania climbs the ropes and when he reaches the top rope, he leaps and hits Adam with a Diving Headbutt! Mania then covers Rollins for the pin!




Winner: Russell Mania


Russell gets up and Adam Rollins exits the ring. Russell stares out waiting for the next contender.

From Rome, Italy it's Salvator!


Salvator enters the ring and Russell Mania and Salvator immediately lock up. They evenly match blows back and forth and counter each other with each move that's performed. Salvator catching Mania, with a left hook and a right jab. Mania delivering a forearm smash and some chops to Salvator's chest. Salvator gets in a couple knees to Mania's gut and several punches to Mania's kidneys. Mania then fires back with an uppercut and a few chops to Salvator's throat! Salvator stumbles back and appears to gag, but lunges forward raking his fingers into Mania's eyes! Russell howls in pain as his hands fly to his face. Russell's nose is still gushing blood and now, he's been blinded by Salvator!

Salvator grabs Russell by the head and proceed to deliver a critical Headbutt, that cause even more blood to flow from Russell's nose! Salvator then grabs onto Russell, delivering a Bear Hug followed by a Scoop Slam! Russell lays on the canvas and looks a bit dazed, with blood pouring from his face and his eyes all red and puffy. Salvator shows no remorse for Mania's condition, as he walks over to the ropes and ascends them quickly.

Salvator stands on the tops rope, like the king of the mountain and soars off like a bird taking flight. The crowd gasps in awe as Salvator hits Russell, with a Frog Splash and then pulls Mania from the canvas to deliver a Backbreaker!

Salvator covers for the pin!



Kickout by Russell Mania!

Salvator gets up as Russell pulls himself up to a standing position. Russell is sweaty, bleeding and his eyes are beet red, but he's still standing! Russell grins at Salvator and plants a mean right hook to Salvator's jaw. Salvator's head rocks back and Russell grabs Salvator by the throat catching Salvator with a Chokeslam! Russel Mania then slips around Salvator and pulls him up to Immediately place Salvator into a Sleeper Hold. Salvator's eyes begin droop and he begins to slump over.

But wait...

Foot on the rope!

How'd that happen?

The hold is broken, before it really had a chance to begin!

Russell stands up and pulls a groggy looking Salvator, with him. Russell tosses Salvator towards the ropes and Salvator hits them and comes flying right into a Beautiful Disaster! Russell proceeds to follow that move up with delivering, The Russell Mania Moment (Inverted Stomp Facebuster)!

Russell covers Salvator for the pin!




Winner: Russell Mania!


Salvator, slowly shifts out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp. At the top of the ramp Ultimate Mystery is seen watching Salvator climb the ramp. For a moment the two exchange looks and it's uncertain, if these two will begin exchanging blows. However, the tense moment is soon broken up, by loud music and the next participant.

From Multan,Pakistan it's Salman Van Dam!


Salman slides into the ring and right into an onslaught of punches to the head and chest, from Russell Mania! Mania catches Salman, with several elbows to the face and a few knees to the ribs, stomach, and gut. Salman doesn't seem to be able to get one shot in edgewise and Russell is dominating the hell out of him!

Catching SVD with a Triple Standing Elbow Drop and following those by yanking Salman up from the canvas, only to immediately hit him with a PerfectPlex! It's clear Russell made this man his bitch tonight! Russell then pulls SVD into The California Valley Roll (Rolling Boston Crab)!

SVD doesn't last another second and taps! Salman Van Dam taps out!

Winner: Russell Mania!


Salman Van Dam staggers out of the ring, tripping all the way back up the ramp and Russell can't help but laugh! It appears that easy win has re-energized Russell and he seems to be more full of pep, and vigor! XWF officials finally indicate that the X-treme rules stipulation for this gauntlet, are finally allowed to take effect for these last two matches.

From Detroit, Michigan it's Peter Lake!


Peter Lake strolls down the ramp and approaching the ring, with mild hesitation. Sizing up Russell Mania and deciding, what his first move should be. Shrugging and cracking his neck, Peter decides to just climb right on in and go straight into action. Russell catching Peter, with a backhand to Peter's face that sends a small amount of blood out of Peter's mouth and down his chin.

Peter spits a mouthful of blood off to the side and wipes his mouth. Before Peter can attempt to retaliate though, Russell delivers a jab to Peter's nose and a punch to Peter's gut. Peter doubles over and Russell knees Peter in the face. Peter's body lurches up from the blow and he is right in line for, a Headbutt from Russell. Peter staggers back and Russell plants a Roundhouse Kick to Peter's head and then sends Peter to the canvas with a Leg Sweep! Peter crashes to the canvas and the crowd screams in excitement!

Mania gets Lake with some Mudhole Stomping, before he hits Lake with an Elbow Drop! Yanking Lake up from the canvas, Mania delivers a PerfectPlex and then covers for the pin!



Kickout by Peter Lake!

Peter Lake shoves Russell Mania off and gets to his feet. However, Russell quickly flies into action and lands a few kicks to Lake's ribs and a punch to Lakes throat. This causes Lake to start gagging and leaves him open for some chops to the chest and a Clothesline, that almost takes Peter's head clean off! Peter drops and Russell covers for the pin!



Kickout by Peter Lake!

This guy won't stay down!

Peter Lake pushes Russell off of him and this time lunges forward catching Russell, by surprise with a Spear! Russel flies back and Peter hits Mania with a Mongolian Chop! Lake follows this up with a Step-up Enzuigiri. Mania is down on the canvas and Lake takes this brief momentum in his favor, rips Mania from the canvas and hits him with GTS – Go To Sleep!

Peter Lake covers for the pin!



Kickout by Russell Mania!

Russell and Peter slowly climb to their feet. Both men looking a bit torn down, but Russell clearly looking to be the worst. Russell has battled valiantly through contender, after contender and he certainly appears to be feeling the effects. Russell pushing himself to the limits and delivering a Standing Dropkick, that sends Lake stumbling back. Mania then rushes forward and hits Lake with a few blows, to the head and a couple knees to the gut. Peter returns fire with some well placed kicks, to Mania's sides and drops down to deliver a Leg Sweep, that causes Russell to fall to the canvas. Peter Lake drops to hit Mania with a Knee Drop to the face, but Mania rolls out of the way. While Peter is on his knees Mania throws his foot forward and catches Peter, in the jaw. Peter's head swings back and Mania plants another foot, into Lake's head. Lake falls back and Russell pulls himself off the canvas.

Russell sways around and staggers as he yanks Peter Lake, from the canvas. Mania wraps his arms around Lake and prepares to deliver The Moustache Ride (RKO). However, Peter Lake squirms and struggles though, and manages to break out of the move before it's even placed properly. Peter then elbows Russell in the head! From there Lake hits Russell with GTS – Go To Sleep! Peter Lake covers for the pin!




Peter Lake wins!


The fans are on their feet and they're screaming in exhilaration! Peter Lake pulled off that win after a grueling battle with Russell Mania! Both men tore each other apart and both men deserve to be noted for their performance. Peter Lake wipes the sweat from his brow as Russell Mania gradually rolls from the ring and makes his way up the ramp. The final man is about to make his way out and Peter Lake catches his breath as he awaits that man's arrival.

From Houston, Texas it's "The Tornado" Andrew Morrison!


Andrew Morrison's eyes are locked onto Peter Lake's form as he makes his way to the ring. Morrison knows that the X-treme rules option has finally taken effect and unlike Russell and Lake, he plans on taking full advantage. Morrison walks over to the edge of the ring and reaches under the ring, where he finds a baseball bat covered in barb wire. Morrison smiles deviously, as he swings the bat around and enters the ring.

Peter Lake looks at Morrison and stares wearily at the barb wire covered bat. Morrison does not hesitate, to begin swinging that bat at Peter Lake either. Peter ducks and dodges several aggressive swings in his direction. Although each time Peter avoids getting hit, it makes Morrison angrier. Finally Morrison straight up charges at Lake with the bat and rams it straight into, Peter's chest!

Peter falls and Morrison swings the bat down, catching Lake with it a second time! The bat collides with Lake's body with a sickeningly, wet sounding thud. Andrew rakes the bat across Peter's body, tearing his flesh apart through his clothing! Peter screams, flying up in a desperate motion and punches Andrew right in the nuts! Andrew drops the bat and plummets to his knees.

Bleeding everywhere, Peter Lake climbs to his feet and grabs the barb wire covered bat. Lake swings it wildly over his head and then smashes it right into the side of Morrison's head! A large gash is formed on Morrison's face and Morrison bellows in agony. Peter Lake then tosses the bat aside and plants both his feet into Morrison's face, as he delivers a Dropkick that sends Morrison - to the canvas!

Peter Lake delivers a couple stomps to Morrison's stomach and chest, before planting a Fist Drop to Morrison's bloody face! Peter Lake then takes off towards the ropes, climbs them, and leaps into a Diving Elbow Drop! Unfortunately, Morrison rolls out of the way just in time and the only thing that feels Lake's Diving Elbow Drop, is a trail of blood and the canvas.

Morrison crawls across the ring and uses the ropes, to hoist himself up to a standing position. Morrison then grabs the ring bell and takes off towards Peter Lake. Morrison slams the bell into Lake's head as Lake began rising to his feet. Lake grabs the side of his head as Morrison goes to deliver another shot, from that ring bell. Morrison hand comes down....

...and Peter catches it!

Lake catches Morrison by the wrist and yanks Morrison to the canvas, using the momentum of Morrison falling to lift himself up. Lake then hits Morrison with a Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam. Lake covers for the pin!

Morrison's shoulder is up, before the count begins!

Peter Lake rises and rips Morrison off the canvas. Lake Headbutts Morrison and delivers a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker! Lake isn't finished though. He tear Morrison from the canvas, yet again...and hits Morrison with GTS – Go To Sleep!

Lake covers for the pin!





Peter Lake won the gauntlet and will go on to face the X-treme champ Stevie Tyler!

Winner(s): Peter Lake

We shift back over to Giovanni Ferrari and John Madison. Giovanni Ferrari had been watching the match closely while John Madison's attention is divided between the match and a Spanish-to-English dictionary that he's reading. He quickly puts the book away as he notices the cameras focusing in.

Giovanni Ferrari: "What an exciting match that was, wouldn't you say, John?"

John Madison: "Si-- YES, yes. Very. I think the right Peter won tonight. I'm absolutely certain that Gilmour should not walk away victorious now."

Giovanni Ferrari: "You sound like you're worried about Peter Gilmour coming in last tonight, John. You think he'll win?"

John Madison: "No..."

John's answer doesn't sound very confident as he bows his head and has a slight twitch. He seems nervous.

Giovanni Ferrari: "I think it will be alright, buddy. Let's just go to ringside for the next match."

United States Title #1 Contender
Order of entry:
Sebastian Duke
- vs -
Mr. Natural
- vs -
Matt Ward
- vs -
Alexandra Callaway
- vs -
- vs -
Chris Legend
- vs -
Jason E. Smith
- vs -
Tony Santos
- vs -
Death Merchant
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Gauntlet Match

"Making his way to the ring, the Angel of Darkness and former United States Champion, Sebastian Duke!"

Mr. Natural stands in the ring waiting as Sebastian Duke begins to make his entrance.

Sebastian Duke and Mr. Natural go toe-to-toe in the center of the ring. Mr. Natural nails Duke with a kick and some punches to the face. Natural runs off the ropes and tries to clothesline Duke but it hardly moves Duke. Natural bounces off the rope again for another clothesline; same result. Natural then goes for a third attempt at knocking the big man down but he's caught across the throat by an uppercut from Duke!

Duke then throws Natural through the air with a choke slam and pins him.




(+energy for squash)


Matt Ward runs out to the ring next.

Ward fires off some punches into the face of Duke. His are actually more powerful and cause Duke to stumble back-first into the corner. Ward delivers some chops into the chest of Duke. With Duke slouched in the corner, Ward comes running after him and hits him in the face with a running heel kick. Duke falls flat on his face as Ward stomps him to the ground.

Ward keeps Duke on the ground with some impact moves as he delivers a series of elbow drops to the back of Duke. Ward throws Duke into the ropes and smacks into him with a running forearm. Ward hits the Spin Cycle (springboard moonsault) and pins Duke.



Duke kicks out of the trademark maneuver.

Ward begins to size up Duke for his finisher, the Darkness Effect (RKO). Duke turns around and nearly walks into it, but he counters with a SOUL SHOT! (clothesline from hell) to Ward! That sudden burst of strength from Duke came out of nowhere. Duke pins Ward.




(-10 energy from minor victory.)


Up next is Alexandra Callaway!

Callaway goes right after Duke with a blatant choke! The referee nearly disqualifies Callaway as she sinks her claws into the throat of Sebastian Duke. After slapping Duke around a bit, she twists his arm and ascends to the top rope. She gives him the Old School (arm twist into a rope walk chop). Callaway throws Duke into the ropes and nails him in the face with a spin kick. She pins him right after.



Duke kicks out!

Callaway makes her way to the top rope again. Duke recovers just in time to have Callaway dive into him with a flying cross body! Duke falls on his back with Callaway on top of him for the pin.



Duke kicks out.

Callaway drags Duke to the corner, and hits the split leg moonsault. She tries to pin him again.



Kick out.

Callaway goes to work on Duke with some repeated elbow strikes to the back of the head. She runs off the ropes and catches Duke with a wheel kick to the chin. Callaway follows up with a running senton and pins Duke.



Kick out!

Callaway hits Duke with a running drop kick. She plants him in the center with a running bulldog and pins him again.



Kick out!

Callaway takes Duke by the hair and rams him face-first into the turnbuckle five times. She then hops over the top rope and drops Duke neck-first over the top rope with a guillotine. Callaway slowly makes her way to the top rope. She goes for a Senton Bomb, but Duke rolls out of the way just in the nick of time.

Duke and Callaway get up at the same time. Callaway kicks Duke in the side, and Duke returns fire with a stiff uppercut. Callaway goes for another kick, but Duke catches her leg! Duke then whips her across the ring with a spine buster! Duke follows that up with the Pandora's Box (Hell's Gate). Callaway shows no interest in tapping out, but she just isn't strong enough to move the massive body of Sebastian Duke. She eventually fades away as the referee awards Duke the win by knock out.

Alexandra Callaway is eliminated by knock out.

(-25 from victory)


Mystica runs out to the ring next to challenge Sebastain Duke.

Duke hasn't had much time to recover, and Mystica exploits this to his advantage. Mystica kicks away the legs of Duke. Surely if he can take out the legs then that will slow the big man down. Despite Mystica's attacks, Duke still manages to make it to his feet. However, Mystica brings him right back down with a running chop block. Mystica grabs Duke by the ankle of the hurt leg and begins to kick down into the knee. Mystica is relentless with those kicks. He then lands on top of the hurt area with an elbow drop.

Mystica mentioned during the week how he just wanted to hurt Duke tonight, and it looks like that might just happen. Mystica slips under the ropes like a snake with Duke ankle in his hand. He takes Duke's hurt leg and smashes it against the metal ring post! Duke yells out in pain as he watches his leg getting bashed two more times against the ring post by Mystica.

Mystica pulls Duke out of the ring and goes to give him a DDT, but Duke pushes forward, ramming his shoulder into Mystica and slamming him back-first into the ring post.

Duke delivers an uppercut to Mystica and then tosses him in the ring. Duke runs at Mystica for the Soul Shot, but Mystica counters with a drop toe hold. Mystica steps over Duke's back, grabs him by the legs, and applies the Boston crab in the center of the ring!

Duke is i a bad way as he looks in all directions and discovers that there is no rope nearby. Duke expends a lot of energy but manages to free himself after catching a rope break.

Mystica pulls Duke up to his feet with a headlock. Mystica runs off the ropes and hits Duke in the face with a flying knee strike! Duke doesn't fall down though; he only falls to one knee. Mystica puts him all the way down though with a super kick! Mystica pins Duke.



Kick out!

Mystica throws Duke into the corner. He delivers some chops into the chest of Duke, and then sits him on the top rope. Mystica goes up top with Duke. Mystica has Duke set up for a superplex. He goes to launch Duke off the top rope for the super plex, but Duke nails Mystica with an uppercut, knocking him down to he canvas.

Duke then flies off the top rope for a flying clothesline on Mystica! Duke pins Mystica.



Kick out!

Duke wraps his fingers around the throat of Mystica and pulls him up to his feet. He's about to give Mystica the choke slam, but Mystica kicks Duke between the legs!

Duke immediately drops to his knees following the low blow. Mystica turns to the referee but it's too late-- the referee is already calling for the bell. He's disqualifying Mystica over an intentional low blow.

Mystica has been disqualified.

Duke is trying to get back up so he can continue in the gauntlet but Mystica runs back in the ring. Mystica is carrying a metallic object that's shaped like a cross. He takes that cross and smashes Duke over the head with it! Duke flops to the mat following the attack. The referee disarms Mystica and calls in security to take Mystica away.

We get a shot of Sebastian Duke. He's on the mat with blood dripping from his head following the attack from Mystica.

(-30 from hard victory)


Chris Legend runs out now.

Legend is anxious as he sees Duke laying on the mat still. Legend goes for a pin attempt!



3/No! Duke gets his shoulder up just in time. So close.

Legend can't believe it. He picks Duke up and gives him a jumping DDT in the middle of the ring, and pins him again.



Kick out!

Legend becomes more frustrated as he begins to stomp Duke into the mat. Legend waits for Duke to sit up so he can deliver the Legends Never Die (super kick), but that turns out to be a mistake as Duke catches the foot of Legend and pulls him into a fireman's carry. Although Duke has the upper hand, he is still weakened as fatigue sets in. The weapon attack from Mystica isn't helping Duke's chances either. Duke scoops up Legend for a slam, but Legend lands on his feet behind Duke, and gives him a running bulldog! Legend with the pin.



Kick out!

Legend pulls Duke out of the ring and drags him over the rusted metal entrance ramp. Jeez, you'd think Madison and Giovanni would put more money into their stage setup. Regardless, this is sure to do some damage as Legend gets Duke in position for a big move. Legend goes for a Diamond Cutter on Duke, but Duke pushes him off and Legend hits the ramp back-first!

Duke then grabs a hold of Legend by the throat! He throws Legend up into the air and choke slams him... THROUGH THE RUSTED OLD ENTRANCE RAMP!

Holy shit, Sebastian Duke just cut a hole in that shitty-ass ramp with a choke slam on Legend. Maybe the Warfare GM will put more money into his set next time.

Sebastian Duke rolls into the ring as the referee begins his count.











Chris Legend has been counted out!

(-10 from minor victory)


Duke is on his ass as he tries to control the bleeding in his head. That doesn't stop Jason E Smith from running out as the next entrant in this match.

Smith wastes no time with Duke. He kicks Duke in the head where that cut is. Smith then throws Duke into the corner and crashes into him with a Stinger Splash. Duke remains slouched in the corner, so Smith follows with a corner clothesline. Smith pulls Duke out of the corner with a spine buster and pins him.



Kick out!

Smith, still fresh, throws Duke onto his shoulders like he weighs nothing and throws him into the center of the ring with a death valley driver. Smith pins Duke again.



Kick out.

Smith goes to the top rope. He leaps through the air for a diving knee drop onto the wound of Duke, but Duke moves out of the way!

Smith land violently on his knee as he holds it in the center of the ring.

Duke takes Smith down with a clothesline, but Smith shoots right back up to his feet. Duke backs Smith into the ropes with some punches.

Duke throws Smith with an Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Smith smacks back-first into the corner and ricochets off of it into a Bossman Slam from Duke! Duke rolls his forearm over the chest of Smith.



Smith kicks out!

Duke and Smith recover at the same time. Smith runs after Duke, but Duke gets his foot up and delivers a big boot to the face of Smith! Smith uses the ropes to hoist himself back up as he staggers back into the corner. That turns out to be a poor position for Smith though as Duke comes running in with a clothesline in the corner. Duke then pulls Smith into the center of the ring and gives him a stiff shot to the throat.

Smith holds his throat, gasping for air. Upon turning to face Duke, he's met with a Soul Shot (Clothesline from Hell)! Duke rolls Smith over into the Pandora's Box! (Hell's Gate). Smith tries to break free, but he cannot lift the near 300 pounder off the mat. Smith taps out before he's seriously injured.

Jason E Smith has been eliminated by submission.

(-15 from victory)


Tony Santos charges in for the kill and takes Duke down into a cross armbar submission! Right off the bat, Santos has a lethal submission hold locked in. Duke even seems to be caught off by this strategy as he tries to push Santos off with his free arm.

Duke slowly recovers to his feet, lifting Santos in the process. Duke picks Santos up and drops him to the mat, effectively releasing himself from the cross armbar. Santos runs off the ropes and spins Duke across the ring with a flying head scissors. Santos then launches himself onto the top rope and dives into Duke with a cross body. Santos picks Duke back up and gives him some backhand chops. He then throws Duke into the ropes. Tony goes for a back body drop on Duke, but Duke instead punts him in the chest.

Duke shoves Tony between his legs and lifts him up for a powerbomb, but Tony reverses it into a hurricanrana! Santos then positions himself over Duke for some mounted punches!

Santos takes Duke by the legs and attempts the Santos Stretch (Sharp Shooter), but Duke kicks Santos away. Duke recovers and takes Santos down with a big boot. Santos kicks right back up to his feet but Duke takes him back to the mat with a powerslam.

Duke stands over Santos, blood covering his face, as he reaches down to grab Santos by the throat. Duke throws Santos into the air for a chokeslam but wait---

Some masked man runs into the ring wearing generic lucha libre tights.

Jim Ross: "By Gawd, it's that masked man we heard from yesterday who goes by the name of Juan Madison!"

Wayne Witasick: "I didn't know he was debuting tonight!"

"Juan" Madison goes after Sebastian Duke, but Duke catches him by the throat as well. Duke pushes Tony away as he looks to put all his efforts into taking care of "Juan" Madison. Duke holds Juan Madison by the throat as Juan shouts, "NO! NO! AMIGO!" Duke throws Juan six feet into the air and drops him with a choke slam! Duke then kicks Madison out of the ring.

Jim Ross: "Sebastian Duke just deported Juan Madison from the wrestling ring!"

Wayne Witasick: "Stop that, JR! XWF is an equal opportunity organization."

Duke yells something down at Juan Madison, but then he turns around and is hit by an enzuigiri from Tony Santos! Tony climbs up to the top rope and jumps onto Duke with the Tony Award (Shooting Star Press) Tony pins Duke.




(-10 minor victory)


Tony Santos has just earned himself a big win in defeating Sebastian Duke as Death Merchant is on his way down to the ring.

Santos and Merchant lock up in the ring. Santos is still pretty fresh into this match as he only had to endure a couple of minutes with Sebastian Duke. Merchant throws some chops into Tony's chest, and then gives him a gut wrench suplex. Merchant takes Tony down with a running drop kick and then pins him.



Kick out!

Merchant works over Tony with some kicks and punches. He throws Tony into the ropes and snatches him up with a sleeper. Tony flails his arms around as he struggles to breath. Tony eventually breaks out of the sleeper by reversing it into a jaw breaker. Santos climbs to the top rope. He dives after Merchant, but Merchant catches him and gives him a shoulder breaker. Merchant pins Tony.



Kick out!

Merchant throws Tony into the ropes and catches him with a swinging neck breaker. He then runs off the ropes and gives Tony a knee drop. Merchant pins Tony.



Kick out!

Merchant pulls Tony up to his feet with a chin lock applied.

Merchant takes Tony down with a snap suplex. Merchant spins Tony up to his feet and gives him a second snap suplex. Merchant then boots Tony in the stomach and gives him a piledriver! Merchant pins Tony, this has to be it.



3/NO! Tony got his foot on the bottom rope just in time.

Merchant punches the ring mat and forces Tony up into a sleeper hold. Again, Tony counters out of this with a jaw breaker.

Tony runs off the ropes and tries to hit Merchant with a running enzuigiri but Merchant ducks his head. Merchant jumps on Tony's back again with another sleeper hold. Tony fights his way out of it with some elbow strikes to Merchant. Tony goes behind Merchant and breaks free completely with a back suplex.

Tony sets up Merchant for a Russian legsweep, but Merchant devastates Tony with a back elbow strike. Merchant locks in a full nelson on Tony. Tony is trapped, but not for long. He kicks with his feet off of the turnbuckle in order to maneuver himself out of the full nelson, and takes Merchant over with a northern light suplex. Tony bridges for a pin attempt!



Merchant kicks out.

Tony goes to the top rope. It might be Tony Award time...

Tony is about to leap, but Merchant moves out of the way. Tony catches the movement from Merchant just in time and jumps down to his feet rather than going for the SSP. Tony then runs through Merchant with a leg lariat. Tony goes to the top rope again, and this time he hits the Final Destination (Senton Bomb) on Merchant!

Tony covers Merchant.



3! Tony moves on to the final match.


(-20 victory)


This is it; who will move on to face Eli James IV for the Unites States Title?!

Peter Gilmour comes running down the aisle to take his place in the final spot.

The crowd is on their feet as Peter overwhelms Tony Santos with a combination of punches from Peter in the corner! Peter didn't even take the time to remove his t-shirt, he's just going straight to work. More punches from Peter. Peter then shoots his elbow across the side of Tony's face, and throws him across the ring with a hip toss.

Gilmour lets out a roar as he Santos recovers. Santos throws a punch at Gilmour, but Gilmour ducks it and takes Santos down with a back suplex. Peter then runs off the ropes and gives Santos a leg drop.

Peter pins Santos.



Kick out!

Peter throws Santos into the ropes. He goes to hit Santos with a Samoan drop, but Santos lands on his feet behind Gilmour and delivers a heel kick to the back of Peter's head. Gilmour stumbles into the ropes and hangs with his chest over the second rope. Santos runs and drives his pelvis down onto the back of Peter, squashing him chest-first on the second rope. Santos then goes to choke Peter on the second rope before the referee breaks it up.

Santos throws Peter into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline, but Peter reverses it into a belly-to-belly suplex! Peter runs off the ropes and lands another leg drop on Santos!

Peter waits for Santos to get up on his hands and knees, and he takes him out with a Yakuza kick!

Peter pounds his chest as he lets out another roar!

Peter tries to pick Santos up but Santos throws a right hand into the gut of Peter Gilmour.

Santos runs off the ropes and goes for a head scissors takedown, but Peter reverses it into a tombstone pile driver! Peter quickly lays on top of Santos for the pin.



3///nnnnoooo! Santos got his shoulder up just in time.

Peter can't believe that Santos kicked out of a tombstone.

Peter snaps on a headlock as he transitions into his next big move.

He pulls Santos up to his feet and throws him into the corner with an Irish whip. Peter mudhole stomps Santos in the corner like his life depends on it. The referee has to literally pull Peter off of Santos.

We get a close up of Santos and see that he's bleeding from is mouth after that vicious stomping.

Peter takes Santos out with a clothesline as Santos stepped out of the corner.

Peter then drops Santos with a falcon arrow and pins him.



Kick out!

Gilmour goes right back to work with the rear chin lock on Santos. He throws Santos into the ropes and this time he pulls off the Samoan drop. Peter spins up to his feet and signals for his next big move... THE DEATH STRIKE.

Peter waits for Santos to recover to his feet. Once Santos is up, Peter boots him in the stomach and lifts him up for an attempted Death Strike (under hook pile driver), but Santos maneuvers his body so that he rolls over Peter's shoulder and plants his feet behind him on the mat. Santos ten gives Peter a falling neck breaker. Both men are down now.

The referee's count reaches 8 as both men make it to their feet.

Peter throws a punch to the face of Santos. Santos responds with a chop to Peter's chest. Peter kicks Santos, and pulls him in for another attempt at the Death Strike, but Santos takes Peter's feet out from under him and goes for the Santos Stretch! Tony turns Peter over and has that deadly sharp shooter locked in!

Peter is in a world of pain, but he eventually breaks free by his own strength and takes Santos down with an Olympic slam. Peter hooks the leg of Santos.



Kick out!

Peter throws Santos into the ropes. Santos ducks a swing by Peter Gilmour. Santos then continues running and hits a springboard cross body on Peter for the pin.



Peter pushes Santos off.

Peter and Santos recover in unison. Santos throws a knee strike to the sternum of Peter. He then runs off the ropes to hit a big move, but Peter ducks down and gives him a back body drop out of the ring!

Peter follows up with a baseball slide to the face of Tony.

Peter then Irish whips Tony into the guard rail.

With Santos down next to the guard rail, Peter measures him up for his next move. Peter charges at Santos and hits him with a Yakuza kick into the guard rail!

Peter grabs Santos and rolls him into the ring.

But wait...

at that moment Eli James, Mystica, Elisha, Luca Arzegotti and... "Juan" Madison make their way down the ramp!

They come up on Peter, but Peter defends himself, successfully punching off all five men. Juan Madison goes for his equalizer, the cattle prod, and goes to zap Peter with it-- but a hand reaches out and grabs the wrist of Juan Madison!

It's Sebastian Duke!

Duke drops Luca, Mystica, Elisha, Eli, and Juan with uppercuts.

Meanwhile, Peter goes back in the ring and pins Santos.



Kick out!

Peter looks aggravated as he sees Eli, Juan, Mystica, and Elisha ganging up on Duke on the outside. Griffin MacAlister eventually makes his way down, but it's still 5 on 2. Juan Madison is zapping Griffin and Duke non-stop with the cattle prod while the other three men beat down Griffin and Duke.

Peter sees that he has no other choice...

Peter runs off the ropes and DIVES OVER THE TOP ROPE to the outside onto all five men! Holy shit, the big man can fly!

The crowd erupts after having witnessed Peter dive over the top rope onto The Black Circle and Congregation members.

Peter yells down at the fallen Black Circle and Congregation members.

He doesn't realize it but Tony is right behind him on the apron!

Peter turns around, and Tony hits an Asai moonsault on Gilmour!

Tony slips back into the ring as the referee begins his count.







Peter gets up...



Peter steps up on the apron...

He's about to get back in the ring when Mystica grabs him by the ankle. Peter kicks Mystica away but that turns out to be just enough of a distraction as Santos catches Peter in the jaw with a running forearm strike. Santos then pulls Peter into the ring with a brain buster! Santos pins Peter.



Kick out!

Santos slaps the mat as he grows more frustrated.

Santos climbs to the top rope. It could be Tony Award time...

But Gilmour recovers to his feet and punches Tony in the stomach. Gilmour then climbs to the top rope with Tony still perched up there.

At that moment, Elisha steps up to the apron and distracts the referee...

Meanwhile, we see that Juan Madison handed off the cattle prod to Mystica! Mystica runs up behind Peter Gilmour, and zaps him in the groin with the cattle prod! Holy shit!

Peter holds his nutsack in agony as Santos holds Peter on the top rope.

With both men on the top rope, Santos executes a sunset flip over Gilmour, and powerbombs him off the top rope!

Santos shoots himself up to the top rope...

TONY AWARD! (Shooting Star Press)

Tony pins Gilmour.



Has The Congregation just robbed Peter Gilmour!?


It's over!

Tony Santos has won the gauntlet! He is the new number one contender for the United States Championship.

Winner(s):Tony Santos

Tony sees that business is about to pick up so he gets out of dodge while celebrating all the way up the ramp.

At that moment, The Brotherhood and The Congregation and Black Circle begin to brawl! Gilmour, Griffin, and Duke are outnumbered but standing their ground against Madison, Eli, Elisha, Mystica, and Luca.

Gilmour knocks Madison out of the ring with a clothesline and then throws Eli James IV out with him.

Duke gives Mystica a choke slam and Griffin MacAlister gives Elisha a DDT!

Mystica and Elisha get the hell out of the ring as the three members of The Brotherhood stand tall.

Champion vs. Champion Non-Title
Eli James IV
- vs -
Stevie Tyler
Standard Singles Match
If Stevie Tyler wins, he is added to the United States Title Match!

Somethings up with Eli...

The camera shows Eli James IV, walking back and forth down the backstage corridor of the war room, getting himself ready for his match. A shuffling noise from a pile of nearby industrial equipment causes him to look over, but not seeing anything he shrugs and makes his way out of camera view. As he leaves movement can be seen in the darkness again and a deep, croaking laugh rings down the hall.

"Making his way to the ring, the United States Champion, Eli James IV!

"From Greenville, South Carolina, the X-Treme Champion, Stevie Tyler!

Eli and Stevie lock up with Eli getting the immediate advantage locking Eli into a head lock and backing him into the turn-buckle. Stevie flips it around though and unloads a couple of cross body chops until the referee separates the two men. Stevie turns to look at the ref but then turns into a knee in the mid-section by Eli who then clubs away at Stevie's back wearing him down. Stevie drops to his knees as Eli grabs him by the arm and locks in an arm bar on the mat.

After a few moments Stevie slowly reaches his feet, as the crowd chants 'Stevie' repeatedly. Stevie then elbows his way out of the arm bar and flips Eli over his shoulder before kicking Eli in the spine. He runs off the ropes and drops an elbow on his floored opponent. Eli rolls out of the way though and Stevie hits the mat. Eli rolls out of the ring, Stevie gives chase. Eli slides back into the ring and turns as Stevie follows him but is repeatedly stomped as he tries to get to his feet. Then Eli runs off the ropes and nails Stevie with a clothesline.

Eli goes for a cover.



Kick out at two! Eli begins to unload multiple stomps. He pulls Stevie up to his feet and throws him head first into the turn buckle. He then lifts Stevie up and hits him with a scoop slam. Eli runs off the ropes and goes for a leg drop, and hits it. He goes for another cover.



Kick out again by Stevie who is taking a beating so far in this match!

Eli begins to get frustrated. He lifts Stevie up to his feet and whips him into the corner. Eli runs across the ring going for a clothesline but Stevie does a forward roll to avoid the hit. Eli turns and receives an arm drag to the mat, Stevie nervously goes for a quick cover.


Kick out at 1 by Eli.

Stevie waits for Eli to reach his feet and goes for a drop kick that Eli ducks, and then hits a high impact Russian leg sweep. Eli quickly jumps into the cover.



Kick out again by Stevie. Eli goes for a Boston crab now but Stevie rolls to his side and kicks out of it. The two begin to exchange punches in the centre of the ring, Eli gets the advantage, he Irish whips Stevie but Stevie bounces onto the middle rope and flies back with a springboard elbow. Both men remain on the mat for a while but Stevie gets to his feet runs off the ropes and hits a baseball slide, sending Eli to the outside. Stevie runs off the opposite ropes and goes flying through the ropes but Eli dodges it and sends Stevie straight into the barricade. Stevie struggles to his feet and Eli hits a reverse DDT. Eli climbs back in to the ring and turns,raising his hands in the air.





Eli still taunting to the crowd, and turns but Stevie has disappeared. The referee stops the count as suddenly Gary crawls out from under the ring. Stevie is suddenly larger in weight and height. Eli is not happy as he tells the referee to check under the ring. As the ref does so Stevie is no where to be seen so we must assume that Stevie did in fact complete his transformation into Gary!

Gary slides into the ring, Eli backs off for a moment before turning and going for a cheap shot but Gary grabs Eli by the neck and hits Eli with a choke slam!

He scrambles into the cover.




3! NO! Kick out by Eli! Just in time.

He shows resilience to stay in the match up. Gary gets angry and he lifts Eli up by the throat and goes for another choke slam, but this time Eli reverses it, landing on his feet behind Gary and taking him out from behind with a forearm to the back of the head. He tries to lock in a Texas clover leaf but Gary kicks his legs, using his strength to send Eli to the mat.

Eli rolls out of the ring to get some space between him and the monster in the ring. Gary waits in the ring, Eli leaps onto the ring apron and his a shoulder to the gut. He climbs into the ring and rolls Gary up quickly but Gary immediately kicks out.

Both men reach their feet! Gary goes for the choke slam! But no, small package pin by Eli.



Gary kicks out!

Gary and Eli recover at the same time.

Gary grabs Eli by the throat. He me has Eli in position for a chokeslam...

but in comes Mystica and Elisha!

Gary gives Mystica a big boot and throws Elisha out of the ring with one hand!

The monster goes after Mystica again. He pulls Mystica up to his feet by his throat and holds him in the air...

but wait, Eli James IV hits Gary with a low blow!

Gary drops Mystica and Eli rolls up Gary...




Eli James IV has beaten the monster!

Winner(s): Eli James IV

Following the match, Eli James IV, Mystica, and Elisha continue to beat down Gary...

but wait, out comes Griffin MacAlister and Sebastian Duke!

Duke chokeslams Elisha out of the ring, and Griffin tosses Mystica out.

Stevie's monster Gary recovers and gives Eli James a choke slam!

The Congregation has been taken out by The Brotherhood with the help of Stevie Tyler and "Gary."

Griffin and Duke pick up the Tag Team Titles that Mystica and Elisha dropped during the brawl. Griffin and Duke hold the titles up as if to signify that their will be new champions next week! Griffin and Duke throw the titles back down to their holders as Eli, Elisha, and Mystica retreat.

At that moment, we get a preview of next week's show

Giovanni Ferari: "Next week...

Eli James IV defends the United States Title against Tony Santos.

Mystica and Elish defend the Tag Team Titles against Griffin MacAlister and Sebastian Duke! If Duke and MacAlister lose then they must join The Congregation!

And Stevie Tyler defends the X-Treme Title against Peter Lake! Of course, this match does take place under X-Treme Rules.

Hey, Madison, do you have any other matches you want to announce?"

John Madison: "Peter Gilmour isn't getting a title shot of any kind, right?"

Giovanni Ferrari: "Well, no..."

John Madison: "Good, then I'm happy!"

Giovanni Ferrari "*sigh* Right... Well then, tune in next week for those three big matches plus more. You can find out the full card later tonight on! See you next--"

Just then, Giovanni is interrupted as the small box that he and John Madison are sitting in above the entrance tunnel is invaded by Peter Gilmour! What the hell!

Peter grabs John Madison by the neck and throws him out of the sky box and down to the entrance stage! The stage floor breaks open as Madison's body falls through it! Holy shit! That tower structure that overlooks the stage has to be a good 20 feet off of the ground!

Giovanni Ferrari falls on his ass as he looks up at Peter Gilmour, shocked!

Peter Gilmour looks down from the sky box above the entrance tunnel which he hurled Madison off of. Madison is nowhere to be seen as he lies somewhere in the hole in the center of the stage.

Just then Luca, Arzegotti runs through the curtain and approaches the hole in the stage that Peter Gilmour caused when he threw John Madison off of the mini sky box. Luca looks down the hole at John Madison. Luca then looks up at Gilmour who's laughing wickedly in the sky box that now contains only him and Giovanni Ferrari. After Luca sees the condition that King Madison is in, he closes his fists, and lets out an enraged shout towards the sky...


The show ends with Luca Arzegotti kneeling next to the hole that contains Madison, shouting at Gilmour, while Gilmour remains locked in a trance.

Credit: Satellite (x-treme gauntlet), Desmond (main event)
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[-] The following 9 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
(08-01-2013), Andrew Aldway (08-01-2013), Andrew Morrison (08-04-2013), DeathMerchant (08-01-2013), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (08-01-2013), Jessie-ica Diaz (08-01-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-01-2013), Ricky Desmond (08-03-2013), Tony Santos (08-01-2013)
Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-01-2013, 02:15 PM

Hey, It's Christine... Not Christina guys!

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-01-2013, 02:21 PM

That's my bad, yo. Sorry!
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-01-2013, 02:29 PM

-Fixed both errors.
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Peter Lake Offline
Fortune Favors the Bold

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

08-01-2013, 02:32 PM

"You're exactly right. The right Peter did win tonight."

[Image: 2lly81s_zps8d4dbaa6.jpg]
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-01-2013, 03:31 PM

Good results you guys.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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RussellMania Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

08-01-2013, 04:40 PM

Good results!
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DeathMerchant Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

08-01-2013, 05:57 PM

Awesome job on the results!

[Image: HLane.jpg]
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Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-01-2013, 06:43 PM

Thanks guys. Good show.

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-01-2013, 07:10 PM

Hell of a match, Peter Lake..hopefully down the road, we can go again cuz I promise you, the result would be different (smirks)

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-01-2013, 07:48 PM

pissed off i got screwed out of the win by the cockgregation and the black circle jerks.. BUT I LOVED THE ENDING!!!

I sense something evil happening next week on Madness and Warfare.. just saying

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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08-02-2013, 05:32 AM

(08-01-2013, 07:48 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: pissed off i got screwed out of the win by the cockgregation and the black circle jerks.. BUT I LOVED THE ENDING!!!

I sense something evil happening next week on Madness and Warfare.. just saying

Oh, sweetie Petey, this is what happens when you stick your hand in so many cookie jars (literally and figuratively). Oh, and don't get me wrong, I would've finished you off with or without your little frienemies getting involved.

Have fun with Luca, Gilmour!

September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-02-2013, 06:40 AM

lets be honest tony ur rp's this week were subpar while me. Duke and Callaway brought it!

just sayin.. u got lucky.. but good luck jobbing to eli

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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08-02-2013, 07:00 AM

(08-02-2013, 06:40 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: lets be honest tony ur rp's this week were subpar while me. Duke and Callaway brought it!

just sayin.. u got lucky.. but good luck jobbing to eli

Aw, that's cute coming from Mr. Delusional himself, the man who sees himself as a chick magnet worthy of the likes of Scarlet Johansson, let alone taking the time to actually talk about it. I guess a few too many shots to the head will lead you to believe your skills are superior and that hanging with dead people is a smart life choice. Keep up the good work, champ. I'll see you in a week with a belt that matters around my waist.

September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-02-2013, 10:15 AM

yeah ur going to lose to eli..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Mister Mystery 17 31707 1 Offline
Eat shit and rot in Hell

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08-02-2013, 10:20 AM

:BIG POPPA 17 31707 1:
Peter Gilmour was robbed!

[Image: oqhyzp.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Mister Mystery 17 31707 1's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-02-2013)
Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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08-02-2013, 10:25 AM

(08-02-2013, 10:15 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: yeah ur going to lose to eli..

Whoa! Your incredibly biting and unique comebacks continually floor me! The power of your insults has literally left me rolling on the floor... laughing.

Give up this game, Gilmour. I'll tear you apart each and every time.

September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-02-2013, 10:57 AM

u just got lucky cuz the black circle jerks and the cockgregation did u a favor.. eli knows his prophecy is a lie and my prophecy WILL come true.. that is me and the brotherhood will end both factions!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-03-2013, 04:40 AM

Hey I lost and you don't hear me complaining... Grow up boy.

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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Tony Santos (08-03-2013)
RussellMania Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

08-03-2013, 10:50 AM

And you tasted delicious, Christine.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes RussellMania's post:
Unknown Soldier (08-03-2013)
Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-04-2013, 03:53 AM

Your lucky my knee didn't meet your jewels!

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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