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XWF Presents: March Madness IV (2022)
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-27-2022, 09:21 PM




- vs -

Falls Count Anywhere
2 RPs/No Word Limit

- vs -

Standard Singles Match
Savage Rules

- vs -

Standard Singles Match
Savage Rules

- vs -

Standard Tag Team Match
1 RPs/No Word Limit

- vs -

Chris Page will be at ring side for both of his clients
Falls Count Anywhere
1RP/3K Word Limit

- vs -

Standard Singles
1RP/3K Word Limit


- vs -
ELIJAH MARTIN © w. "Chronic" Chris Page

Submission Match
Anarchy Rules


- vs -

Standard Charlie Nickles Can Name Any Specific Stips In His First Promo
Savage Rules


- vs -

Standard Singles Match
Warfare Rules


"Double Trouble"
- vs -

Standard Tag Team Match
Savage Rules


- vs -

Xtreme Rules
Warfare Rules

- vs -

Standard Singles Match


- vs -
w/"Chronic" Chris Page

Ascent To Madness Match
Champs Advantage

HHL: Hello everyone and welcome to Tokyo Japan. Joining me as always is Pip Collins and after weeks of speculation Pip, we can now confirm that the contract of Thaddeus Duke is running out and as of this moment, has no plans to re-sign.

PIP: I can’t say I agree with his decision, but it’s his to make. Not ours, and certainly not the fans.

HHL: You know, there was a chance Thad was gonna miss this pay per view because he couldn’t line up an opponent.

PIP: That’s true, and in steps Ricky Rodriguez to make sure Duke Nation gets their Lionheart.

HHL: That’s right, and opening up the action tonight at March Madness, LIVE from the hallowed ground that is the Tokyo Dome, Ricky Rodriguez goes one on one with Thaddeus Duke in what is sure to be a fast paced...

Ladies and Gentlemen… please welcome ‘CHRRRRONIC’ CHRRIIIS PAAAAGE!

Chris Page starts to make his way toward ringside with his IIW Tag Team Championship slung over his shoulder to a roar from the Japanese crowd.

HHL: Warfare General Manager and CEO of CCP Enterprises, Chris Page! Set to join us here for this bout!

PIP: It should be interesting to note that not only does Page’s agency represent both Ricky and Thad, but Chris and Thad answered an open challenge for the IIW Tag Team Championships and this past Monday night in England, won their bout against Russell Wayne and Curtis in Manchester.

Chris Page takes his seat at commentary, placing his tag team title on the table in front of him.

HHL: Welcome Chris Page!

CCP: Heather, Pip… Lookin’ forward to this one.

PIP: Team Friendship had no idea what they were getting into Chris!

CCP: No, they did not.

HHL: Congratulations are in order for you and Thaddeus Duke in claiming those straps!

CCP: There was never any doubt, but tonight isn’t about the IIW tag belts, it’s about a mega star in the Lionheart, going one on one with a young up and comer in this sport in Ricky Rodriguez.

The opening contest at March Madness… is a Falls Count Anywhere match set for ONE FALL!

As Ricky Rodriguez’s music plays, he starts his slow stroll toward the ring.

CCP: Soak it in my man! Enjoy yourself!

Introducing first, now residing in New York City. Weighing 1 hundred 90 pounds...

HHL: 55,000 plus have filled the Tokyo Dome tonight!


PIP: Has he ever performed in front of this many people, Chris?

CCP: I don’t know the answer to that question, but XWF pay per view is the Super Bowl every two months Pip.

Ricky spends a few seconds at ringside receiving words of advice and support from his wife Jennie (Fenix) Rodriguez and Roberta ‘Berta’ Williams who sit in the front row.

HHL: A little moral support from wife to husband!

PIP: And the house mom!

Ricky enters the ring, basking in the glow of the adoring thousands among the Japanese chapter of the XWF universe. He paces the ring as his music fades out, keeping his eyes trained on the entrance way. Soon, the lights in the arena go out and the Lionheart logo appears on the X-Tron to a boisterous pop from the Universe.

And his opponent...

HHL: Always with the theatrics!

PIP: That’s what it is to be a consummate showman, Heather!

CCP: He is a showman, but he’s also very cerebral. You learn that as his opponent. You learn that as his friend. His entrances are always designed to get into his opponents head one last time before the bell!

As the Rains of Castamere plays, Lauren ‘Sahara’ Duke and young Frankie emerge from the darkness on horseback on the entrance stage, from stage left and stage right respectively.

HHL: We’re getting a royal entrance from the Illuminatus Royal Family!

CCP: They’re also a royal family in professional wrestling, Heather. The McMahon’s, the Von Erich’s, the Hart’s...

PIP: And the Duke’s! Wrestling has many royal families, and the Duke’s, love ‘em or hate ‘em, are one of them!

About 70 seconds into the Rains of Castamere, with Lauren and Frankie Duke stopped on their horses on stage, the war drums begin to pound away as Thaddeus Duke emerges on horseback splitting in the middle between his wife and oldest son.

From New York City… weight 2 hundred 17 pounds...

He stops front and center for a few moments, then the trio proceeds toward the ring on horseback to a rousing ovation from Tokyo.


At ringside, Thad dismounts and aids his wife from her horse. Turning toward Frankie, he lifts him out of the saddle and puts him on the ring apron. Frankie enters the ring as Lauren and Thad head up the ring steps. Frankie hops the ropes, displaying Thad’s IIW Tag Team title. After a few moments, Thad’s entrance gear is removed as Frankie and Lauren join Jennie Rodriguez in the front row.

HHL: The official has signaled for the bell and March Madness Four is officially under way!

PIP: Both men to the center in a little bit of a stare down, Heather!

CCP: There’s nothing but love and respect between these two worthwhile competitors!

- vs -

Falls Count Anywhere
2 RPs/No Word Limit

In the ring, Thad reaches his hand out for a friendly shake. Ricky goes to grab his hand, but Thad pulls his hand away, running it through his hair with a little bit of a strut. Rodriguez smiles a bit, nodding in acknowledgment of Thad’s little rib.

Circling each other for a brief moment, the two tie it up in the center. Using his height and weight advantage, Thad backs Ricky into a corner. They attempt a clean break before Thad sends a knee into the midsection of Ricky Rodriguez. Grabbing a hold of his arm, Thad sends Ricky to the far side corner. Ricky though reverses, sending Thad toward the vacant corner. Ricky chases after him and as Thaddeus nears the corner, he steps up the turnbuckles and back flips over Ricky. Ricky stops his forward momentum, avoiding crashing chest first into the turnbuckles.

Thad lands on his feet behind Rodriguez and immediately locks in a rear waist lock on him before sending him up and over with a release German suplex. Ricky though, lands on his feet as Thad quickly gets back to his. Ricky advances toward Thad but Thad quickly takes him to the mat with a head lock take down. Ricky though, grabs Thad in a headscissor and Thad kips up out of it and back to his feet. Ricky kips up, too.

Both men stare at each other across the ring bringing applause from the Universe.

HHL: This has been a fast paced exchange and we’re back to square one!

PIP: Makes you wonder if Ricky was right and Thad was overlooking him!

CCP: Thaddeus Duke is a consummate professional, Pip. He never overlooks anyone. That said, Ricky Rodriguez is a very capable athlete who is just starting to put it all together.

This should be a fun one right up until the bell.

The two friends lock horns again in the middle of the ring. Thad tries to use his height and weight advantage again but Ricky plants his feet and uses his upper body strength to thwart Thad’s advantage. The two jockey for position and end up in the turnbuckles with Thad backed into the corner.

The two men separate cleanly and Ricky backs off a few steps. Thad reacts quickly and advances forward but Ricky telegraphs, sending a hard knee into his midsection, doubling him over. Thad swats at Ricky, but Rodriguez side flips over Thad to the other side. The Lionheart gets vertical in a flash and turns to see Ricky staring back at him with a wink and a smile. Thad smiles and laughs a little bit before applauding his friend.

HHL: Stole that play right out of Thad’s own playbook!

Circling each other for a moment, the two lock horns one more time. Almost immediately, Rick transitions to a side headlock. Thad backs him up toe the ropes trying to shove him off, but Ricky puts on the brakes, keeping the headlock locked in. One more time, Thad tries to back him up against the ropes and shove him off but this time, Ricky swings Thad over to the mat with a take down.

Quickly, Thad uses his legs to trap Ricky in a head scissor. With Thad’s ankle tucked under his chin, Ricky can’t kip up out of it. Instead he twists and turn, flipping over back first on top of Thad.



HHL: Great core strength from Thad!

Thad bridges up and out of the pin attempt, only to spin Ricky into a backslide pin attempt of his own.



HHL: Rodriguez kicks out!

PIP: Both of these men are lightning fast!

CCP: Ricky eats a dropkick from Thad!

Thad up first, sends a dropkick to the rising Ricky Rodriguez and Ricky tumbles through the ropes to the arena floor. On the floor, Ricky starts to get to his feet as inside the ring, Thad runs to the far side ropes. After the rebound, he dives through the ropes, hitting Rodriguez with a suicide dive!

HHL: Separation at last!

PIP: Thad’s in control right now, but its unlikely it’ll stay that way.

CCP: Only good things can come out of this match for Ricky Rodriguez. He doesn’t have the experience that Thad does. Thad’s legacy is etched in stone, win or lose. Facing a man of his caliber can only help Ricky as he moves forward in his own career… win or lose!

Out on the floor, Thad gets back to his feet and grabs Ricky by his hair, pulling him to his. Thad then drives Ricky back first into the security railing, causing Rodriguez to wince in pain. Thad then turns and drives him back first into the ring apron, before spinning him again and planting him on the floor mat with a belly to belly suplex.

Initially, Thad starts to crawl over to cover him but thinks better of it. Instead, he looks to the time keeper and pulls him off of his steel chair. Taking that chair, Thad folds it up and returns his attention to Ricky. On his hands and knees, Ricky has his back exposed and Thad takes full advantage, bringing the steel chair down across it, sending Ricky collapsing to the floor and trying to crawl out of harms way.

Thad only let’s him get a few steps away before he takes the blunt edge of the chair and drives it down into Ricky’s ankle. Rodriguez yelps out in pain as he tries to clutch his ankle, but Thad drives the chair down again, this time to the inside of Ricky’s knee.

HHL: We’ve seen this before guys!

PIP: The methodical destruction of an opponent!

CCP: It’s more than just that. One thing Thad has done the entire time he and Ricky have known each other, is try to bring the edginess out of him. Few things will piss a man off more than getting hit with objects.

Thad yells at Ricky to ‘get up.’ Rodriguez struggles to his feet near the ramp, but Thad cracks the chair across his back, dropping him right back to his knees. Thad tosses the chair up the ramp some before gripping Ricky in a front face lock. Lifting him to his feet, Thad quickly sends Ricky to the steel ramp with a snap suplex.

Snapping his hip and rolling over with Ricky still in his grasp, Thad fights back to his feet and delivers another snap suplex to Rodriguez. He snaps his hips a third time, bring Ricky to his feet and completing the third of the Three Amigo’s triple snap suplexes, this time, purposely or not, sending Ricky down onto the chair about midway up the ramp.

Thad hooks his leg.



HHL: Rodriguez kicks out and this match will continue!

PIP: Ricky is reeling at the moment! He needs some separation and he needs it badly!

CCP: Thad’s experience is winning out right now, but Ricky’s got a lot of heart. He’s not done yet.

After the kickout, Thad rolls to his feet and drops down to the floor beside the stage. He grabs a folded up table and slides it onto the stage before hopping back up. He quickly sets up the table and returns his attention to Ricky who has made it to his hands and knees.

As Ricky gets vertical, he sends a kick to Thad’s midsection, but Thad catches his boot. Ricky tries for an enziguri kick, but Thad ducks and Ricky lands back on his foot with Thad still clutching the other. This time, Ricky tries a back kick and once again Thad ducks and we’re back to square one. Thad though, yanks Ricky’s leg toward him and sends him up and over with a capture suplex, driving him hard into the stage. Ricky rolls too far and spills off the stage to the exposed concrete below the stage.

Back to his feet, Thad looks down at Ricky sprawled out on the concrete below. He backs up several steps and charges toward the edge before leaping into the air and delivering a shooting star press to Ricky Rodriguez.

HHL: Mother of all Bombs!

The referee acts quickly by climbing down a ladder to the floor to make the count.



PIP: He kicked out!

CCP: No one ever said Ricky Rodriguez didn’t have the will to do it!

HHL: One wonders, had the referee been in position would that have been three!?

CCP: Moot point. It wasn’t so it isn’t.

PIP: Such is the risk in a match like this.

Thad gets back to his feet and is clearly winded from the impact moments ago. Concrete has no give like a ring does. Bending down, he grabs Ricky by his hair and pulls him to his feet. Pulling him with him, Thad climbs back to the stage and lays flat on his back.

With Ricky sort of out on his feet, he rolls himself onto the ramp as Thad starts to will himself back to a vertical base. Clutching his ribs, he starts to make his way back to Ricky and starts to pull him to his feet. Ricky though, has the chair from earlier and drives it into Thad’s ailing ribs.

CCP: That’s how you do it!

Thad spins away clutching his ribs even tighter as Ricky uses the chair to aid himself vertical. He takes a breath and with the chair in hand he swings it, crashing it against Thaddeus Duke’s back. Thad arches his back and falls to his knees as Ricky makes his way toward the front.


Ricky swings the chair a third time, this time hitting Thad in his face and Thad falls to his back on the stage as Ricky goes for a cover.



HHL: And a kickout from the Lionheart!

PIP: What a matchup so far to kick off March Madness!

CCP: These two kids ought to be giving everyone a newfound hope for the future of this business.

Momentarily dejected, Ricky wills himself back to his feet, but feels momentum on his side. He kicks the chair further onto the stage and bends down, grabbing Thad by his hair before pulling him to his feet. Pulling Thad with him, Ricky places his head between his legs then lifts Thad up before planting him head first into the steel chair with a pile driver.

HHL: Oh that might do it!

PIP: We’re about to find out!

Ricky hooks the leg.



HHL: Thad kicks out!

PIP: And Ricky can’t believe it!

CCP: True grit, guys. True grit. As long as I’ve known Thaddeus Duke, what I’ve learned is that you have to make his body quit. His heart and his mind just won’t let him.

HHL: What about Ricky?

CCP: He’s not quite to that point yet. He’s a stellar athlete. An incredibly gifted performer. But he lacks the mental prowess that when he does finally develop that part of his game, is gonna make him just as tough a mother fucker to beat as Thad is.

Ricky struggles back to his feet and pulls Thad to his right along with him before sending him back first with a snap suplex. Ricky, feeling the adrenaline now, starts to will himself back to his feet quickly as he reaches down for the ladder that the official used earlier to climb up and down. With the ladder in hand, Thad is almost upright and vertical. Ricky charges forward with the ladder nailing Thad square in his forehead, causing Thad to stumble backward onto the table he set up earlier.

HHL: These fans have been firmly behind both of these men since the start but right now, they’re willing Ricky Rodriguez on!

PIP: Where the hell is he going?

CCP: To the top!

With Thad laying on the table, Ricky starts to climb the rigging of the X-Tron. As he reaches the screen, he perches himself a moment before steadying himself. He rushes forward a few steps and leaps…




HHL: Ricky Rodriguez!

PIP: That was a 630 Splash through Thad AND the table!

CCP: This might do it!

The referee moves into position for the three count.





PIP: Incredible resilience from the Lionheart!

CCP: Resilience has been his calling card for a long time, Pip!

Making his way out of the rubble of the busted up table, Ricky Rodriguez gets to his feet. He starts toward the ring then decides to bring Thad with him. Pulling him from the rubble, Rick gets him to his feet. Starting down the ramp Ricky gives him a shove and Thad somersaults once and rolls down several feet of the length of the ramp.

Ricky grabs the ladder as he stalks Thad from behind. With Thad on his hands and knees, Ricky brings the ladder down across Thad’s back. Tossing the ladder down toward the ring, Ricky then pulls Thad to his feet and tosses him in the ring. Rather than rolling himself in too, he climbs to the apron and then makes his way to the top turnbuckle, perching himself there as Thad gets to his feet in the ring.

Just as Thad gets upright, Ricky leaps from the top rope and drills Thaddeus with a missile dropkick. Ricky crashes hard on the mat but still goes for a cover.




HHL: Thaddeus Duke kicks out and this match will continue!

PIP: Incredible!

Ricky is beside himself that it still wasn’t enough to out Thad away. He climbs to his feet and drags Thad to his feet before sending him into the corner. Ricky charges in after him, but at the last second, Thad gets a knee up and Ricky collides with it. Rodriguez staggers backward and spins away as Thad advances out of the corner. Ricky turns to find him but Thad lifts him up, spins, and plants him on the mat.

CCP: Double A spine buster!

HHL: Both Duke and Rodriguez are down!

PIP: Thad gets the separation he needs, but can he capitalize!?

No sooner does Pip utter the question and Thaddeus Duke kips up back to his feet and peels of toward the corner. As quick as he can he steps to the apron and climbs to the top rope. Measuring for distance a moment, Thad leaps, sending a Savage elbow into the chest of his friend Ricky Rodriguez before hooking the leg.




HHL: Rodriguez kicks out!

PIP: And now Thad can’t believe it!

Thad struggles back to his feet and races toward the corner.

CCP: Watch out Ricky!

Thad starts revving up his leg as Ricky struggles to get to his feet. As Ricky turns, Thad burst from the corner with a Heat Seeker attempt. Ricky sees it coming though and catches Thad’s foot. He spins him around then spins himself, delivering a spinning roundhouse kick to the temple of the Lionheart.

Thad falls flat on his back and looks starry eyed up at the lights as Ricky quickly recovers and hooks the leg.




HHL: Thad kicks out!

PIP: That was the nearest fall yet!

CCP: Don’t let it get into your head, Ricky. You just about got him right where you need him.

Ricky shakes the dejection from his head as he wills himself back to his feet. The fans are behind him too as he steps between the ropes to the apron. Thad meanwhile is using the ropes to get back to his feet. He stumbles a bit and turns.

Ricky leaps to the top rope, using it as a spring board…






PIP: And he got all of it!

CCP: Thad with the hook of the leg!





HHL: What a match to kick off March Madness!

PIP: It was close throughout and back and forth!

CCP: That fucking kick, I swear...

Winner - Thaddeus Duke

As Thad’s music plays, he makes it to his knees, exhausted from the match he and Ricky just put on. At ringside, security let’s the family pass and into the ring. Still on his knees, Thad welcomes Frankie with open arms and a great big hug.

HHL: Heart warming scene here in Tokyo!

After a few moments and a short chat between father and son, Thad gets to his feet and he and Ricky’s wife Jennie help Ricky back to his feet. After a short chat between the two competitors, they embrace. Then Lauren, Jennie, Frankie and even Berta Williams embrace both competitors.

PIP: One big happy family after all!

CCP: Everything is sorta big to you though, isn’t it?

PIP: Dammit Page!

The fanbase of Professional Wrestling is often also the biggest critics of the sport. You can find limp dick opinions as well as informed ones from a viable source. Often it's the former but still, even celebrities are often fans of the squared circle. So from around the world, a few celebrities and regular joes alike were asked about March Madness 4.

Reporter: "What match are you most looking forward to?"

Appearing on screen was Dennis Rodman. He looked perplexed at the Reporter.

Rodman: "I am good friends with the Supreme Leader, or as I call him, Kim. So I have to go with Mark Flynn and the North Korean War Criminal, Tag Titles! I've always preferred team sports.."

Reporter: "From the Worm himself! Back to you at the Tokyo Dome!!"

HHL: "And we're ready for the first match in the Final Four!! Up first, we've got Raion Kido facing off against, former champion, Thunder Knuckles!"

PIP: "By the end of tonight, we'll have a NEW King or Queen of the XWF!"

wenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them. Once Thunder Knuckles is down to the ring he rolls under the bottom rope and in one movement he pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as his fist goes up, counterfeit xbux with Thunder Knuckles' face on them fall onto the crowd.

The arena lights turn gold as the intro of “Soldier Dream” by ROOT FIVE hits the PA.

Raion Kido appears on stage, letting out a lion’s roar.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Mezasu kiboo no iro wa
Kedakai hodo utsukushii…”

Raion spreads his arms and breaks into a bird run towards the ring, slapping the fans’ hands along the way. He slides into the ring on his belly and springs into his feet.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Tsubasa wa ten wo kakeru
Erabareta moushigo no you niiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

Facing the camera, Raion throws a one-two punch forward, his final pose as the music dies down.

- vs -

Standard Singles Match
Savage Rules

Each opponent stays in their respective corners, TK with his back against the turnbuckle and Kido hopping back and forth in a ready position. The referee signals for the bell and here we go!


Kido begins circling the center of the ring and TK pushes off the ropes and follows. Kido makes a move for TK's leg, but TK switches his stance, not allowing Kido to take the leg. TK slicks back his hair and winks at Kido who shoots in again, but is once more denied by the elusive TK!

Kido steps back and retraces his moves before TK ushers him on to tie up which Kido obliges! They lock up in the center of the ring and TK immediately takes the advantage! He wraps a big arm around Kido's head then works him into the corner where he throws him against the turnbuckle! TK holds the top rope and lands a kick to the midsection of Kido then another THEN ANOTHER! Grabbing his opponent by the wrist, TK Irish whips him across the ring where Kido bounces off the corner turnbuckle and is met with TK in the middle…. Kido ducks a big clothesline and fires back a big super kick that catches TK under the jaw that sends him stumbling back! He circles around where Kido hops on his shoulders and spins TK around with a tornado DDT! TK grabs his head and has enough left to quickly roll out of the ring to catch his bearings!

HHL: "My goodness! This Tokyo crowd is going absolutely wild for Raion Kido, right now!"

PIP: "They're just being biased, Heather!"

TK circles the ring while Kido stays focused within. As TK hopes on the apron with a knee before entering, Kido threatens as he approaches him not giving him the chance to enter safely, so TK backs down to a barrage of boo's from the crowd. He stretches and takes another walk around the ring as Kido continues to change his stance in the ring to face him. The referee has begun his count-out and is already up to a count of four as TK takes another corner ringside. He goes for the steps and reaches the apron as Kido again moves in being stopped by the referee as TK yells out.

PIP: "Yeah! Let him get in the ring, ref! C'mon!"

TK hops through the ropes and takes his place in the opposite corner where Kido is pushed back to by the referee.

HHL: "It looks like Thunder Knuckles gets a do-over."

The two circle the center of the ring again with a snide TK and an angry, annoyed looking Raion Kido.

PIP: "Hey, he's a no good bastard, Heather. What did you expect? Look! He's inside Raion Kido's head already! And the match just started!"

HHL: " I don't know what you're seeing, Pip, but I'm seeing a focused, determined Raion Kido, right now."

TK looks to want to tie up again. He moves in, but Kido ducks under and grabs TK from behind around the waist. He lifts him up, but TK pulls his weight and Kido is unable to execute a move. TK presses back and slams Kido into the corner turnbuckle which breaks the hold! TK backs off as Kido catches his breath then immediately runs and slams two knees into his opponent's chest!

HHL: "Oh no! That's 260 pounds plowed straight into the chest of Raion Kido!"

PIP: "And down he goes!"

Kido crumbles face down to the mat and Thunder Knuckles drops down to his knees and turns Kido over….



Kido get a shoulder up! TK stays on the offense and lifts Kido to his feet to pick him up onto his right shoulder. He carries him over to the corner and sets him up in a tree of woe! He lands one kick, but Kido quickly fights back and lands a kick straight to TK's nose sending him backwards allowing Kido to release himself and come down on his feet. TK rushes in, but Kido quickly evades causing TK to slam into the turnbuckle! As he bounces off, Kido rolls him up!



THUNDER KNUCKLES ROLLS THROUGH!! Caught off guard, TK lunges forward and plants Kido on his back with a strong lariat then takes a moment to catch his breath and plan out his attack. Kido slowly rises to his feet while the crowd begins getting behind him as TK circles around him. TK kicks Kido in the back and sends him back, face first, into the mat then grabs his ankle and twists it around! Kido shrieks out in agony and reaches for the ropes across the ring as the referee checks in on him.

HHL: "Thunder Knuckles applying the submission now! And Raion Kido is a long way from the ropes!"

PIP: "Oh, no worries yet, Heather! Ol' TK is just loosening Kido up for the Thunder Strike!"

TK continues to grind at the ankle as the crowd claps and cheers along as Kido continues to stretch closer and closer the ropes to safety…. Until TK drops a leg down across his and pulls the move even tighter! Kido shrieks out again and buries his face in the mat! The referee checks close as TK directs him to, but Kido is seen shaking his head back and forth… NO!

HHL: "He's not loosening the ankle up, Pip… He's trying to tear it off!"

Kido begins pushing himself up with his arms and manages to twist his body around to his back which releases the pressure from his ankle and he rolls backwards away from TK! He rolls to his feet and finds the corner where he limps in place as TK comes to his feet as well. TK rushes to the corner, but Kido rolls out of the way… TK doesn't slam into the corner, he catches himself on the ropes! He looks back to see Kido turning towards him and nails him with his own super kick! Kido's eyes roll into the back of his head and as Kido falls TK catches him with a running knee!!!

PIP: "Ohhh! Kido's clock just got cleaned…. TWICE!"

TK falls on top of Kido and pulls the leg tight!!





TK stands up and celebrates as the referee's hand hit the mat for the third time!!! But wait, Kido's foot was on the bottom rope! THe referee is calling it off! He chases after TK and pulls at him to show him and TK doesn't like the sound of it at all!

PIP: "You've gotta be kidding me! That's poppycock ref!!!"

HHL: "You saw it yourself, Pip! Kido's foot made it onto the bottom rope before the referee made his three count! The match goes on!"

An enraged TK goes right back after Kido who is still trying to get to his feet with help from the same rope that saved him a few moments ago. TK moves in and kicks Kido in the side of the head and it sends him stumbling outside the apron, barely holding on. TK takes off and springs off the opposite ropes and baseball slides towards Kido… but at the last moment Kido lifts himself up from the apron with the second rope by his arms and feet and TK slides under him to the outside.

HHL: "Slick move!"

TK lands on his feet, but he's still in shock that he missed. Meanwhile, Kido lands on his feet and attempts to kick TK across the head, but TK ducks and clotheslines Kido's single leg causing him to crash down onto the apron! TK grabs Kido by the hair and drags him along to the other corner where Kido drops down onto his feet only for his face to get slammed into the ring post! Kido bounces off of it, but TK quickly grabs him and throws him into the barricade where he bounces off and lies motionless on the floor. The referee has begun his count in the ring.

TK now grabs Kido's leg and drags him back over to the ring steps where he rests the leg on the bottom step. The Tokyo crowd begins booing TK even louder now, but he takes it all in begs for more as he slams a foot down onto the ankle and foot of Raion Kido!

HHL: "OUCH! NOT ON THE STEEL! He's going to break his leg!"

PIP: "All pregame for the finale, Heather! TK's Thunderstrike is going to literally blow this guys leg apart when it hits! It's going to be amazing!"

Thunder Knuckles continues the punishment with one stomp after another adding more to the already intense animosity he's getting from the crowd. The referee now pokes his head out between the ring ropes insisting TK brings the fight back into the ring after he's reached the count of five! And now six! TK waves off the officials demands, but reluctantly pulls Kido back to his feet and slides him back into the ring. Kido holds his ankle as much damage has been done to it. TK crawls up on the apron and straight to the top rope where he lines up his opponent and takes a dive!

HHL: "Here comes a big elbow!"

It lands directly onto the chest of Kido and Thunder Knuckles stays for a cover….



Another kick out from Kido!

HHL: "The fight in this guy is crazy!"

TK can't believe it… He shakes his head and expresses his disapproval to the referee, but doesn't let up on Kido. He grabs him by the head and pulls him back up to Irish whip him into the ropes… but Kido hangs on and reverses! TK takes a bounce and Kido drops down as TK runs over him and takes another bounce. Kido gimps over and takes his own bounce off the opposite ropes and catches TK with a sling blade!

HHL: "That finally slowed the no good bastard down!"

PIP: "Heather!"

HHL: "What?! That's what he is!"

Kido tries to use the hype from the crowd to build up some momentum. As TK steps up to one knee, Kido takes another bounce off the ropes and meets TK's head with his own with a big battering ram! TK falls limp by the edge of the ring, as he goes to roll out again Kido grabs him by the foot and drags him towards the center of the ring…. TK manages to fight him off with a kick, but Kido stays on him and lands a leaping sentan bomb onto the midsection of the bastard! Kido leaps up and lets out a lion's roar as he holds his fists tight and charges up his ki!!!!

PIP: "What the hell is he doing?"

TK slowly gains his feet as Kido waits only a few feet away… Just before TK looks up Kido shouts again:


Kido charges in and attacks TK with blow after blow, but TK manages to pick up a couple of blocks and counters one of the strikes knocking Kido off guard…. TK then attacks the already injured ankle that he gave the business earlier and nearly knocks Kido off of his feet…. TK lifts him up and slams him down with an Alabama Slam!!!! The no good bastard slaps the mat as he now feels the momentum surging through his veins!!!

HHL: "The barrage of fists that is Lightning Plasma has been blocked by the no good bastard!!! This could be his opportunity, Pip!!"

TK twirls his arm and finger around his head Jake "the Snake" style signaling for the end as he picks up Kido's already injured ankle and stuffs it under his arm!!!

PIP: "This is it!!! Thunder versus Lightning!!! The Thunderstrike!!!!!!"

Kido manages to worm his way out of the hold and rolls forward and up to his feet hobbling on one leg!!!


Kido shouts again and attacks TK with another barrage of fists all over his body knocking TK back into the corner…..

Kido hobbles back to the center of the ring as TK slowly emerges from the corner……


Kido tries to run, but his leg fails him which gives TK an opening!!!!

Kido aims for the heart but TK ducks the move and takes a bounce off the ropes!!!!!

Kido dodges a lariat from TK as the bastard takes another unexpected bounce off the ropes through his momentum…….. He comes back and………

Kido leaps in the air and uses TK's momentum against him!!!!!!


Heather mimics the Japanese native as the Tokyo crowd explodes as if an actual lightning strike happened in the ring!!!!

TK falls flat to his back and Kido falls on top of him……..




HHL: "It's over!!! Kido advances to the finals!!! Kido has a chance to be KING!!!"

PIP: "No!!!! TK had him!!!"

HHL: "Thunder Knuckles certainly gave it to Kido this round, Pip… I'm not sure how well he's going to be able to perform in the finals later tonight with that bummed ankle of his… Whoever he'll be facing… Whether it be Jenny Myst or the other half of the No Good Bastards… They will surely have the advantage…."

PIP: "Well, hopefully TK did Bobby Bourbon the favor and not Jenny Myst!!!"

HHL: "I'm sure, regardless of circumstances, when TK comes to he'd think the same thing…"

Raion Kido can barely support himself on the injured ankle as the referee lifts his arm up in victory in the center of the ring.


Jenny Myst walks out to a mixed reaction from the audience as her entrance music blares throughout the arena.

Pip: “Jenny Myst certainly hasn’t endeared herself to the fans during her comeback, but her results speak for themselves!”

HHL: “Jenny Myst has shown she’s willing to play low down and dirty to get what she wants, so Bobby Bourbon might just have his hands full tonight!”

Pip: “Bobby Bourbon has never pinned Jenny Myst, Heather, and I think Jenny Myst is planning to keep it that way!”

The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.

As Warlord blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Bobby Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Bobby climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison.


HHL: “The fans have definitely picked a side in this one!”

Pip: “I’m pretty sure I still see some emo teens with Jenny Myst signs up in the balcony! There are some fans in her corner still!”

- vs -

Standard Singles Match
Savage Rules

When the match starts Jenny Myst immediately charges at Bobby Bourbon- only to slide between his legs when he reaches out to grab her! Jenny Myst pops up to her feet behind Bourbon before kicking him in the back of the knee! Bourbon grimaces and buckles slightly before turning around a launching a big right haymaker towards Jenny’s face…which she ducks! Unbeknownst to the referee, Jenny Myst slaps Bobby’s groin as she slides out of his reach once again!

Pip: “Jenny Myst isn’t wasting any time pulling the dirty tricks out tonight!”

HHL: “I think it’s safe to say we all saw this kind of strategy coming from Jenny.”

Bobby Bourbon groans as he reaches for his ballsack. Jenny Myst uses his agony as an opportunity to sweep the big man’s legs out from underneath him! Jenny Myst then sprints towards the opposites ropes and bounces off of them! Jenny comes running full speed at Bobby Bourbon- before she leaves her feet for a running double knee drop!


Jenny’s knees slam against the mat! She immediately begins rolling around the ring in pain, clutching her knees. Bobby Bourbon grins like a dog from outside the ring. The referee goes to start the count, but Bobby waves it off and slides in the ring before the ref can even get to one.

Pip: “Jenny Myst is in a compromised position here!”

HHL: “This is not where you want to be when you’re fighting Bobby Bourbon!”

Jenny Myst notices that Bobby is walking towards her and she struggles to get up to her feet. Jenny thinks she still has some time before Bourbon gets to her, but Bourbon’s long arms reach out and rake Jenny Myst’s eyes anyways! Jenny screams before walking backwards into the turnbuckle!

HHL: “Bobby plays dirty, too!”

Pip: “The more dirt Jenny throws, the more dirt she’s going to receive from that big bastard!”

Bobby Bourbon pushes Jenny Myst fully into the turnbuckle before he begins slapping her exposed sternum with knife chops. The crowd begins counting along to the knife chops, as does the referee!








Bobby Bourbon holds his hand out for another chop as he waits for the audience’s reaction. Jenny’s chest has visibly reddened, which is no surprise as she squirmed like a madwoman immediately after every chop. As Bobby Bourbon continues to play to the audience, Jenny gathers her bearings. A pissed off Myst reaches up towards Bourbon’s face and rakes his eyes as he’s staring out at the audience! After his eyeballs are scratched Bourbon immediately brings his hands to his face as he backs away from the corner. The referee yells at Jenny for the maneuver, but she completely ignores his derision.

Pip: “Bobby Bourbon got caught playing to the crowd!”

HHL: “Jenny paid him back for that eye rake! I have a feeling this match is going to follow only the loosest interpretation of the XWF standard ruleset!”

Pip: “This is a March Madness semifinals match, the referee really doesn’t have a choice but to let them fight it out so long as no one crosses a major line! The crowd would eat the referee up if he ended a semifinals match over a few eyerakes and long holds!”

HHL: “Jenny Myst has already hit Bourbon with a low-blow!”

Pip: “Well…the ref didn’t see that!”

As the commentators bicker, Jenny Myst lifts herself up to the top rope, keeping her back to the turnbuckle the entire time. Myst perches herself up on the top rope in the corner as she waits for Bourbon to turn back around. When he does, Jenny Myst launches herself into the air!

It’s a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown from off the top rope! Jenny Myst follows it through into an inside cradle once the pair hit the ground! The referee is stunned by the show of athleticism, so it takes him far too long to actually start counting the pin! But eventually he does!




Pip: “The referee didn’t do Jenny any favors there! That one was CLOSE!”

HHL: “Jenny is showing us that she’s going to pull out all the stops to win this tournament!”

Jenny Myst doesn’t waste any time arguing with the referee, instead she bounces right up to her feet and goes towards the ropes! Just as Bourbon has risen to his knees Jenny is bouncing off the ropes and sprinting right for him! Bourbon sees her coming, but he’s not able to do anything before she takes the big man back to the ground with a modified bulldog headlock! Jenny Myst quickly releases the headlock and gets back to her feet. Bourbon tries to get up, too, but again he’s much slower than his smaller opponent!

Jenny Myst bounces off the ropes. Just as Bourbon reaches his feet Jenny Myst leaves her feet- for a running dropkick! Jenny’s boots connect to Bourbon’s jaw and send him back to the mat! Myst quickly crawls on top of Bobby for the cover, and this time the referee is right on the count!




Bourbon literally CHUCKS Jenny Myst off of him! She lands yards away, on the other side of the ring!

Pip: “What a show of sheer strength from Bobby Bourbon!”

HHL: “He still has a lot of fight left in him, Pip, and I bet he’s looking to unload some of it onto Jenny!”

Bobby Bourbon quickly turns over onto his stomach before lifting himself to his feet. This time Jenny Myst is slower on the uptake, and Bourbon begins speed walking over to her before she’s back up!

Bourbon’s speed of advancement steadily begins to increase- until he’s in a full blown sprint! Jenny Myst rises up just to be brought down harshly with a running clothesline! The massive force of the big man’s clothesline forces Jenny’s body to do a 180 flip in the air before she drops!


Pip: “Jenny Myst wanted a fight against Bourbon- it looks like she’s got one!”

Bourbon doesn’t waste any time before following up the clothesline with a flurry of kicks to Jenny’s midsection, chest, and face. Jenny Myst is rolling around on the ground trying to defend herself- until she realizes how close to the ropes she is! Jenny Myst desperately reaches out and grabs the ropes while Bourbon continues to assault her with repeated kicks!

The referee screams at Bourbon that he needs to break for the rope. Bourbon kicks Jenny one more time before walking backwards and allowing his opponent the chance to rise.

Pip: “He couldn’t resist getting an extra one in, could he?”

HHL: “Of course not.”

As Jenny Myst uses the ropes to pull herself up to her feet it is clear that Bobby Bourbon’s repeated boots did a real number to her. Her nose is bleeding, her eyelid looks to be fucked up, and her midsection is literally black and blue in some places. Still, Jenny Myst just wipes the blood from her nose before stepping away from the ropes and calling for Bourbon to come and play!

Pip: “It looks like Jenny is ready for some more!”

HHL: “She’s crazy, Pip!”

Bourbon chuckles to himself as Jenny Myst rubs her blood on her wrestling attire. Jenny Myst takes a few steps towards Bourbon before shouting out insults about his muscles and power. Jenny Myst prodding holds out her hands, as if she were challenging Bourbon to some sort of contest of strength.

HHL: “Just what is Jenny doing here? Bourbon is obviously stronger than her.”

Pip: “This could be a trick!”

Bourbon takes a singular step towards Jenny before looking over the crowd for the audience’s reaction to the challenge. The crowd vehemently tells Bourbon NOT to participate…so he doesn’t! Insead, Bourbon takes another step towards Jenny just to kick her in the gut, forcing her to keel over in pain!

Pip: “Bourbon wasn’t going to be fooled by that one!”

Bobby Bourbon grabs Jenny Myst by her wrestling gear before sliding her head between his thighs! The crowd goes wild, they’re expecting a big time move! Bobby Bourbon does a few theatrics to the crowd before reaching back down to grab Jenny…but before he can move to the next stage of them move, Jenny grabs Bourbon’s ankle and takes it out from under him! Bourbon falls to his back as Jenny Myst holds him by the ankle!

HHL: “Too much showboating from Bourbon! It came back to haunt him again!”

Pip: “But imagine how cool it WOULD have been if he had BobbyBombed her right there! Bourbon plays to the crowd, and that’s why they love him despite his bad boy persona!”

Jenny Myst holds Bourbon’s ankle to the side before letting go and elbow dropping her downed opponent’s thigh! Jenny Myst rolls away from Bourbon as the big man rubs the interior of his thigh in agony from the blow.

Jenny Myst rolls up to her feet and quickly surveys the damage done so far to Bobby. Jenny Myst crouches down as she Bourbon slowly starts to get to his feet. When Bourbon finally gets up and about, Myst launches towards him! Jenny launches herself into the air as if trying to perform a Thesz Press, but Bourbon catches her and slams her down to the mat with a scoop powerslam! Bourbon immediately hooks the leg after the slam and the ref gets to couning!




Jenny Myst shoots her arm up just in time! Bourbon breaks the pin attempt and gets back up to his feet.

Pip: “We have had multiple nearfalls already tonight! I’m starting to think this match could go either way!”

HHL: “While Bobby has the advantage right now, Jenny Myst still has a lot of gas left in the tank!’

Bobby picks Jenny Myst up and gets her in position for a vertical suplex. Bobby Bourbon successfully lifts Jenny up into the air, but as soon as Jenny reaches her apex she begins bringing her knee down upon Bourbon’s forehead! The repeated knees to the forehead, however, don’t stop the big man from dropping Jenny with the suplex anyways! The entire ring literally shakes as Jenny and Bobby both collapse to the mat at the exact same time.

Both competitors lay mostly still in the ring after the big suplex from Bobby Bourbon. After taking longer than he should have to regain his energy, Bobby Bourbon rolls over and crawls on top of Jenny Myst. He hooks her leg and waits for the referee to count the pinfall.





Pip: “She always said she was the Queen of the XWF- this is her chance to prove it, and she won’t go gently into that good night no matter who she’s against!”

Bobby Bourbon rolls off of Jenny Myst, clearly somewhat worn out from the intense semifinal match. The crowd is chanting firmly behind Bobby Bourbon, even as Jenny Myst now begins to pull herself towards the ropes. Bobby Bourbon rises to a standing position as Jenny links her arms in the ropes and begins pulling herself up a great deal slower than Bobby.

Bourbon stares down Jenny Myst then begins wiping his feet on the mat like a raging bull. Myst has no fear, however, as she simply wipes some blood away from her lips while locking eyes with Bobby Bourbon. Jenny Myst and Bobby Bourbon both charge straight at each other! Bobby Bourbon goes for another clothesline, but Jenny Myst ducks it! Bobby Bourbon turns around and stands still as he watches Jenny duck beneath his arm and bounce back off a set of ropes.

As Jenny Myst runs back into Bobby Bourbon the big man catches her and lifts her up into the air with a Richter Spike (Fisherman’s Falcon Arrow)! Jenny Myst is brought down with the fisherman’s suplex and the impact shakes the entire ring! Japanese Tsunami warnings begin to blur throughout the arena as Jenny lays still in the ring! The crowd gets a bit spooked as Bourbon hangs on for the pin after his trademark move!





The stadium spotlights rush up toward the ceiling and Waters appears under the XTron. She marches to the beat of Ode To Joy, the crowd roaring, her gaze set squarely on the squared circle. She climbs through the ropes and takes the center of the ring. Raising a single fist into the air.

Dolly's partner R.L. Edgar makes his way to the ring and joins his partner in the corner as they await their opponents.

As the song starts Rampage and his partner Ringmaster make their way down to the ring. Once Rampage reaches the ring apron he steps over the top rope and just stands in the middle of the ring starting down his opponents as Ringmaster plays to the crowd a little bit while the four competitors await the matches opening bell.

- vs -

Standard Tag Team Match
1 RPs/No Word Limit

Rampage starts things off for his team opposite the smaller Dolly Waters. They circle each other before R.L. makes a blind tag to Dolly, he steps into the ring while Dolly; not too happy, exits to the apron. R.L walks right up to Rampage and slaps him in the face!

PIP: I don’t know if that’s the best stance.

Rampage swings at RL who evades as he charges and bounces off the near side, he bounces off the ropes, Rampage spins around as Edgar leaps with a flying cross-body block only to be caught by Rampage who delivers a massive body slam!

Rampage bounces off the ropes dropping a huge elbow across the chest of Edgar. He makes the cover.




Edgar kicks out. Rampage gets back to his feet where he picks up Edgar and hurls him back into the his corner where the Ringmaster tags in. He enters the ring where he brings Edgar out with a snap mare take over where he locks in a Dragon Sleeper!

The referee slides into position asking Edgar to surrender.

HHL: This is our first look at the Ringmaster.

Dolly enters the ring blasting the Ringmaster from behind breaking the Dragon Sleeper hold. She’s back out to the ring apron as we see Ringmaster get to his feet where his attention is drawn towards Dolly.

He turns his attention back towards Edgar where he looks to pick him up off the mat and is met with a jaw breaker.

Edgar does a forward roll towards his corner where Dolly tags into the match. She springboards off the top rope with a Missile Dropkick to the Ringmaster taking him down to the mat. She quickly makes the cover.




The Ringmaster escapes with a kick out as Dolly transitions into a rear chin lock. The referee starts asking Ringmaster to surrender, he refuses as he starts to work his way back up to his feet. He takes Dolly back into the ropes where he shoots her across the ring, Dolly bounces off the nearside where she ducks under a lariat attempt. She puts on the breaks, Ringmaster spins around where Dolly looks for a Superkick!

Ringmaster catches her foot!

He pulls Dolly into a T-Bone Suplex! Ringmaster gets back to his feet where he makes the tag back to Rampage! Rampage steps over the top rope back into the ring where walks over towards Dolly and steps on her!

PIP: When you’re as big as a house you can use any and all to your advantage.

Rampage reaches down picking Dolly up. He drives her back into a neutral corner before hurling her across the ring into the opposite set of buckles. Rampage starts to charge across the ring where he looks for an avalanche splash!

Dolly sidesteps the big man sending him sternum first into the buckles!

Dolly makes the tag back to Edgar! RL scales the turnbuckles where he comes off the top rope with a flying shoulder block to Rampage which knocks the monster back into the ropes! Edgar is back to his feet where he looks to shoot Rampage across the ring, Rampage reverses and it’s Edgar who bounces off the ropes into a huge boot to the face that sends him crashing down to the mat.

Rampage bounces off the ropes where the Ringmaster makes the tag!

Rampage drops a huge leg drop across the throat of Edgar as the Ringmaster re-enters the ring as Rampage rolls out to the floor.

HHL: What does the Ringmaster have in mind!?!

He waits and stalks Edgar who starts to push himself back up to his feet where he spins around and walks into a Vertical Powerslam!

PIP: He calls that the Slam of Fury!

Rampage comes around the ring yanking Dolly off the apron while the Ringmaster makes the cover hooking the near leg.





HHL: Talk about an upset! Rampage and The Ringmaster are victorious over Dolly Waters and R.L. Edgar.

Rampage rolls back into the ring where he gets back to his feet joining the Ringmaster as their arms are raised in victory.

The lights in the building start to flicker, matching the opening riffs and drums of Disturbed's 'The Infection'. After the intro, a brief pyro explosion goes off in the entrance and as lyrics of the song begin, Xavier Lux steps out from behind the smoke left by the pyro. He stands there sporting his finest black and green gear, looking around at the XWF crowd most of whom boo him loudly after his recent actions. He shakes his head in disappointment and instead focuses on those that do cheer loudly, and even try to fight the boos with a brief “Venom! Venom!” chant. He smirks before making his way down the ramp, keeping his focus on the ring. Once he gets to ringside, he hops on the apron, wiping his boots showing his respect to the canvas where he is about to practice his craft. He then gets inside and makes his way to the corner, climbs to the second turnbuckle and again just looks around at the crowd who is now giving him a mix reaction. He acknowledges a fan here and there who is showing him support before hopping down from the ring; he checks in with the ref and then gets ready for the match as his music dies down.

One of the XWF's newest superstars Mac Bane appears from the back to the delight of the crowd. Mac enters the ring and looks over at Lux. The two come to the center of the ring and bump fists showing the mutual respect between two CCPE clients as they await the opening bell.

- vs -

Chris Page will be at ring side for both of his clients
Falls Count Anywhere

Mac and Lux are in the ring as the bell has sounded when suddenly there’s a response from the crowd as Chris Page walks out to the top of the ramp, with no music. He starts to walk towards the ring.

PIP: It looks like we are once again going to be joined by CCP.

Chris reaches ringside where he walks around the ring towards the announcer's table. He takes the vacant seat next to Pip.

HHL: Welcome back to the broadcast table, Chris. Should we just have you on commentary the rest of the night?

CHRIS PAGE: Yeah if you want some entertainment value. I can’t help that I have a plethora of talent under the CCPE umbrella, but this one is on Theo Pryce as he selected Mac’s opponent and thought he could drive a wedge between members of CCPE when in reality this is what we thrive on. We claim to be the best of the best regardless of who our opponents are… even if it’s each other.

Mac and Lux walk out towards the center of the ring where they share a handshake before circling each other where they lock up in the center of the ring. They jockey for positioning before Mac uses his size to muscle Lux back into the ropes. The referee calls for and receives a clean break from Mac as he backs out towards the center of the ring.

Lux is next to come off the ropes as he and Mac circle each other a second time before locking up. They jockey for positioning once again before Mac starts to take Lux back towards a neutral corner but before he drives him into the buckles Lux reverses the positioning and it’s Mac that is sent back into the corner. The official calls for and is given a second clean break as Lux backs out towards the center of the ring while Mac nods his head.

PIP: Is this the first time these two have ever hooked up inside the ring?

CHRIS PAGE: To the best of my knowledge this is in fact the first meeting between Bane and Lux, so a feeling-out process is fully underway.

Mac comes out from the corner where he and Lux circle each other a third time before locking up once again. This time Lux immediately snatches a side headlock where he cranks on Mac’s head before being taken back into the ropes by Mac. He shoots Lux across the ring with an Irish Whip, Lux bounces off the ropes ducking under a Bane lariat, Lux bounces off the near side where he takes Bane down with a shoulder block takedown. Lux bounces off the ropes, Mac rolls over to his chest as Lux bounces off the near side, he leaps over Mac, Mac quickly gets back to his feet as Lux bounces off the far side looking for a flying cross-body block!

Bane catches Lux in midair!

He deposits him with a fallaway slam as he quickly makes a cover.




Lux escapes the near-fall while we see Mac immediately snatch a rear chin lock. The referee slides into position checking for a choke before asking Lux to surrender. Lux refuses as he starts working his way back up to a vertical base where he is able to turn into the chin lock and effectively counter with a side suplex to Max Bane!

Lux floats over into a full mount position as he starts reigning down with forearm strikes!

HHL: It didn’t take Lux long to start reigning down with some forearm shots!

CCP: Well duh, both men want to walk out with the win. Did you expect them not to go balls to the wall? Lux and Mac are two highly motivated individuals. I do want to point out the forearm versus a closed fist.

Lux lands five forearms before stepping back up to his feet where he picks up Mac where he drives him back into a neutral corner. He laces him across the chest with a knife-edge chop before shooting him across the ring into the opposite set of buckles. Lux charges full steam ahead across the ring where Bane throws a reverse elbow to the jaw rocking Lux back out towards the center of the ring.

Bane comes out from the corner where he scoops up Lux and slams him down to the mat.

Mac follows up with an elbow drop across the sternum where he presses the cover.




Lux escapes the pin attempt with a kick out. Mac gets back to his feet where he picks Lux up. He nails him with a series of forearm smash before driving a boot into the midsection where Mac takes a front face lock and snaps off a suplex! He floats over into another cover.




Lux escapes the second cover with a kick out.

PIP: Another kick out from Lux.

Mac steps back up to his feet where he picks Lux up. Mac takes him back into the ropes where he shoots him across the ring, Lux bounces off the ropes as Bane sets himself for a back body drop. Lux puts on the breaks and counters with an inside cradle!




Mac escapes with a kick out as both men are quickly back to their feet where Mac swings with a right hand that’s blocked by Lux who counters with a forearm shot. Mac swings with a second right, and again it’s blocked, countered with a forearm shot. Lux follows up with a backbreaker! He executes another cover!




Mac escapes with another kick out.

CHRIS PAGE: Both Lux and Mac Bane are two cornerstones of CCPE, thus far they’re showing you exactly why.

Lux gets to his feet where he picks Mac up. He shoots him into a neutral corner where he charges in after him with a running European Uppercut! He backs out towards the center of the ring where he rushes in after him with a second running European Uppercut! Lux backs out towards the center of the ring before charging full steam ahead only this time Mac comes out from the corner with a front waist lock before delivering a release overhead belly-to-belly throw sending Lux crashing into the buckles before falling down to the canvass!

Mac yanks Lux out towards the center of the ring making a quick cover hooking a near leg.




Lux shoots a shoulder up off the mat.

HHL: Mac just turned the tables with that suplex into the turnbuckles on Lux.

PIP: Can Mac take full advantage?

Mac takes a mount on Lux where he starts firing down with his forearm smashes to the jaw of his own. He lands four shots before stepping up to his feet. Mac reaches down picking Lux up off the mat where he lands a gut-wrench sit-out Powerbomb! Bane makes another cover!




Lux kicks out to a gasp from the crowd! Mac glances towards the referee who shows him two fingers before he steps back up to his feet. Mac stomps down on the chest and ribs of Lux before he reaches down picking him up off the mat.

Mac sets Lux up for a DDT only to have Lux counter with a Northern Light Suplex with a bridge!




Mac kicks out to a gasp from the crowd.

CHRIS PAGE: Sweet counter by Lux which nearly secured a victory over the SCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Lux is the first to his feet. He reaches down picking Mac up where he delivers a swinging neckbreaker! Lux in the first back to his feet where he’s followed by Mac Bane, Lux bounces off the ropes delivering a low dropkick to the left knee of Mac Bane!

PIP: Lux got the bad knee of Mac Bane!

Mac hits the canvass clutching at the left knee as we see Lux kick things into a different gear as he starts stomping away at the left knee cap of Mac Bane! He snatches the left leg before driving a series of elbows into the knee cap before locking in a kneebar submission! The referee is in perfect positioning as he starts to ask Mac to surrender.

HHL: I do know that over his career Mac Bane has had four different surgeries on his left knee which Lux might have gotten the same scouting report.

CHRIS PAGE: Lux isn’t doing anything wrong here. When you step into the ring you have to know it’s not ballet. Mac is the reigning SCW World Champion, do you think it’s the first time that knee’s been attacked? Hardly, yet a very smart move by Lux to open the door for an advantage.

Mac refuses to surrender. The referee asks him a second time which is refused as Lux cranks back on the kneebar submission. Mac is forced to start inching himself towards the ropes while the referee continues to ask him to surrender. Finally, Mac is close enough to the ropes that he is able to take hold of the bottom rope which forces the referee to call for the break.

Lux breaks when asked as we see Mac roll out to the floor.

Mac starts working out his left knee while in the ring Lux bounces off the farside gaining a full head of steam as he leaps through the top and middle rope with a Suicide Dive onto Mac Bane taking both men down! Lux pops back up to his feet! Lux reaches down picking Mac up where he hurls him back into the ring. Lux climbs up on the ring apron where he starts climbing up to the top rope!

HHL: Lux is looking to fly!

Lux sizes up Mac before he sets sail with a flying elbow drop! Mac rolls out of the way sending Lux crashing and burning down into the canvass!

PIP: Mac saw it coming!

Mac pushes himself up to one knee before stepping up to his feet where he’s followed by Lux! Bane drives a boot to the midsection where he plants Lux with a Double Arm DDT! Mac rolls Lux over making the cover hooking the near leg.




Lux kicks out!

HHL: It’s going to take a little bit more if you’re going to knock off Lux.

Mac starts to work his way back to his feet where he has a slight limp to the left knee. He reaches down picking Lux back up off the mat where he lands a hard open-handed chop across the chest echoing throughout the Tokyo Dome while staggering Lux backward.

Mac comes forward with a second open-handed chop that sends Lux back into a neutral corner. Mac lands a series of reverse elbows to the temple of Lux before he brings him out towards the center of the ring as he plants him with a Rock Bottom!

Mac makes the cover!




Another kick out from Lux!

CHRIS PAGE: We’re what, ten minutes into this and neither Mac nor Lux are showing any signs of slowing down.

Mac Bane calls for a roaring elbow as he gets back to his feet. He starts to measure Lux who is using the ropes to help pull himself to his feet. Lux slowly starts to spin around as Mac looks to smash his jaw with a roaring elbow! Lux ducks before countering with a chop block to the backside of the left knee!

Lux grabs the left leg of Mac as he rolls out to the floor and drags him towards the nearest ring post! Lux smashes Mac’s left knee into the post before setting him up and locking in a Figure Four around the ring post! The referee starts laying the count to Lux who releases the hold at the four-count. He falls to the floor before finding his way back to his feet. Lux slides back into the ring yanking Mac Bane out from the corner where he takes the left leg and locks in a Single Leg Boston Crab!

PIP: Lux is looking to do some damage to that left knee!

HHL: He found the opening.

The referee slides into position asking Mac to surrender! Mac Bane refuses to give it up as Lux sits further back on the single-leg crab. Mac starts to inch his way towards the ropes as the referee continues to ask him to surrender, and he again refuses.

CHRIS PAGE: I love this smashmouth, in your face pace both Lux and Bane are cutting here tonight. They’re showing the world exactly why they are CCPE.

Mac inches closer to the ropes where he’s able to reach out and take ahold of the bottom rope! The referee calls for the break which he’s given by Lux. Xavier is the first back to his feet where he reaches down picking Mac up. He drives him back into a neutral corner where he lays in several shoulder blocks to the midsection before hoisting Mac up to a seated position on the top turnbuckle.

Lux hammers Mac with a forearm to the jaw before stepping up to the middle rope. He locks in a front face lock where he looks to deliver a superplex! Mac latches on to the top rope with his free hand blocking the attempt. He counters with right hands to the ribs before breaking free with a headbutt across the nose before shoving Lux backward off the middle ropes where he crashes down to the mat below! Mac stands up on the middle ropes and as Lux starts to push himself back up to his feet Mac leaps off the middle ropes with a Code Breaker!

Both men lay on the mat as the referee begins executing the standing ten-count to both men.

He reaches five before Mac Bane starts to stir as he rolls over making the cover on Lux!




Lux pops a shoulder up off the mat to a gasp from the crowd!

PIP: Mac Bane was so close to securing the win.

Bane begins to work his way back up to his feet. He limps heavier on his left leg as he reaches down to pick up Lux. Mac takes Lux as he double under hooks the arms before delivering a butterfly suplex! The momentum sends Mac back into the ropes.

Lux rolls over to his chest where he starts pushing himself back up to his feet which allows Mac Bane to come off the ropes with a running boot to the face of Lux rocking him back several feet and allowing Mac to deliver the Roaring Elbow!

CHRIS PAGE: He calls that Tornado Ally, a trademark move by the SCW World Champion!

Lux hits the mat with Mac falling down on top of him!




Lux kicks out eyelashes away from the fatal three count being made.

HHL: Lux refusing to lose as he pops that left shoulder up off the mat!

PIP: This is turning into yet another instant classic put on by members of CCPE.

CHRIS PAGE: One day a lot of you will wake up and realize that I have a mind for not only the business but the talent that occupies it. Thad and Ricky started it off tonight, it’s continuing here with Mac and Lux. These guys are the present, and the future of our industry alongside names like Peter Vaughn, Sebastian Everett Bryce, Sahara or Joe Montouri, and even Elijah Martin. What this should do is serve as a fuck you to anyone that doubted the vision of CCPE. You’ll learn.

Mac gets to one knee before stepping up to a vertical base. He lightly kicks the left knee before making his way over to Lux. He reaches down picking him up off the mat where he rocks him with a forearm shot, followed immediately with a knife-edge chop across Lux’s chest. Mac takes Lux back into the ropes where he hurls him across the ring, Lux bounces off the near side where he ducks under a lariat attempt.

Lux puts on the breaks where he catches Mac with a Pele Kick to the temple dropping Mac to one knee! Lux follows up with a step-up enziguiri knocking Mac down to the mat with Lux quickly looking to make the cover!




Mac pops a shoulder off the mat! The crowd comes to a solid ovation towards both competitors inside the ring while Lux rolls off the cover before starting to make his way back up to his feet. As Lux reaches his feet we see Mac start getting to a seated position only to eat a penalty kick to the chin from Lux!

Mac falls back to the mat with Lux making the cover.




Mac escapes with another kick out as the crowd gets louder and louder for both men. Lux gets back to his feet, he reaches down picking Mac up where he laces him across the chest with a stiff knife-edge chop before firing Mac into a set of buckles.

Lux charges in after him delivering a running dropkick to the chin and face!

HHL: The Toxin is on the money by Lux!

Mac staggers out from the corner, dazed as Lux pops back up to his feet where he hoists up Mac into a fireman’s carry! Before Lux can go further Mac slips down his back delivering a Backstabber!

Mac clutches at the left knee as it took most of the weight of Lux!

Bane starts to make his way back up to his feet where he reaches down picking Lux up off the mat. He locks in a front-face lock! Mac hoists up Lux in the air where he delivers a Jackhammer! Mac Bane has the cover!




Lux kicks out!!

CHRIS PAGE: This match continues! Jesus, you talk about one hell of a battle!

PIP: There’s no denying that both Lux and Bane are leaving it all in the ring!

The Japanese fans quiet back down as Mac rolls out to the ring apron. He starts to size up Lux who begins to work his way back up to his feet. Mac looks for a Buckshot Lariat that Lux ducks out of the way of sending Mac bouncing off the ropes and into a low dropkick to the left knee!

Lux rolls out to the ring apron where he uses the ropes to assist him getting to his feet where he immediately starts to climb the turnbuckles to the top rope. He looks down at Mac before leaping off the top rope with a frog splash crashing down on top of Bane! He makes the cover with a hook of the left leg!




Mac Bane pops his right shoulder off the mat to a massive gasp from the crowd which quiets back down as Lux cuts his eyes towards the referee who simply shows him two fingers. Lux. dejected holds out three fingers as he steps back up to his feet. He reaches down picking up Mac Bane where he nails him with an open-hand chop across the chest which echoes throughout the Tokoyo Dome!

Mac fires right back with a knife-edge chop across the chest of Lux equally as echoing!

Lux screams out as he lands a stiffer open-handed chop as he tries to cave in the sternum of Mac Bane which garners a cheer! Mac absorbs the blow as he comes back with a knife-edge chop across the chest of Lux to another pop from the crowd. Lux absorbs the shot as he comes back with a kick to the side of the left knee which drops Mac down to one knee! Lux bounces off the ropes as he gains a full head of steam only to run into Mac Bane and a spinbuster slam!

Mac floats over into the cover!




Lux with ANOTHER kickout!

CHRIS PAGE: This is goddamn incredible!

There’s a show of respect from the Japanese crowd as Mac now cuts his eyes towards the referee as he is looking for the fatal three count.

CHRIS PAGE: Let me tell you what you’re seeing between these two rockstars. Theo Pryce expected a Falls Count Anywhere Stipulation would be enough to entice either Lux or Mac to take things to the extreme; no sir, we elected to show the world exactly what these two athletes bring to the table. Can’t nobody tell me they aren’t lighting it up here in the house of the rising sun!

Mac Bane rolls out to the ring apron where he quickly pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes, he sizes up Lux who is finding his way back to a vertical base where Mac lands the Buckshot Lariat! He makes the cover on Lux hooking the near leg.





PIP: You talk about one hell of a battle between two premiere athletes today!

HHL: Listen to this crowd!

The Japanese crowd show respect with a standing ovation for Mac Bane and Lux.

CHRIS PAGE:: It’s been real, it’s been fun… but I gots ta go.

With that Chris Page removes his headset where he exits the announcer's table applauding Mac and Lux as Mac has his arm raised in victory. Page climbs up on the ring apron where he enters the ring as both he and Mac assist Lux back to his feet where Chris Page raises both of their arms up in the air to the delight of the Japanese crowd.

PIP: I don’t know if we’re going to beat that ladies and gentlemen. Lux and Mac Bane just delivered an instant classic.

The show fades to commercial.

Winner - Mac Bane

Again, the reporters covering the event were scattered in different locations. Getting questions answered by fans and celebrities alike.

Reporter: "Who do you think will win the Main Event?"

Fan at Wrestling Convention: "Vaughn was a janitor, his mop is dry. He can't beat Alias.. No way! New Champ!"

A man rushes up from behind and slaps the commenting fan upside the head.

Fan #2: "It's Custodian, dick! Show some respect!"

The reporter smiles, looks into the camera and nods.

Reporter: "There you have it! From one fan's perspective, we will see a new Champion crowned! Back to you guys!"

The feed returns to the Tokyo Dome after a brief advertisement for X-Branded boxer briefs. The fans are eagerly awaiting the next contest.

Pip: Welcome back to March Madness! We have one more contest on our “undercard” before we head into the championship matches and March Madness finals.

HHLTongueip, I’m glad you used those quotations when saying “undercard”, because this first portion of March Madness has been explosive! With the finals to crown King of the XWF set, and every championship this company has to offer on the line up next- we still have what should be one more killer match to set the pace!

Pip: And here comes one half of that match now! The Calvary!

As the music kicks up, The Calvary can be spotted in the corner of the arena with his chest puffed out. He flies down to the ring before slowly descending onto a turnbuckle where he gives out a mighty bellow. He pounds his chest before stepping down into the ring and cracking his knuckles.

HHL: Whoa, Pip! Here comes Vita, she has a different look on her face tonight. Like she’s about to tear through her competition. The Calvary might be hoping to have some calvary of his own if he plans to pull off the upset here tonight.

As the opening riff of "Bloody Tear" tore through the arena the crowd jumped to their feet! Vita makes her way down to the ring, slapping hands with her fans along the way. Vita then slides into the ring and postures for the crowd as her music dies down.

- vs -

Standard Singles
1RP/3K Word Limit

The referee separates Vita and Calvary as the two were jawing at one another in the center of the ring. Vita nods her head and turns back toward her corner, but as she does, Calvary grabs ahold of the back of her hair and slams her down to the mat.


Pip: Cheap or not, Heather, you’ve gotta love the game plan here!

Vita’s head whiplashes from the canvass and her fast twists in agony while she immediately grabs for the back of her neck. The ref is standing up in Calvary's face who has his arms in the air, promising to the ref that he had nothing to do with Vita falling. The ref looks annoyed and calls for the bell.

Calvary pounces on the ailing Vita, throwing a series of heavy punches to her face. Vita does her best to absorb the blows with her forearms, but most of the punches are landing flush, one direct hit even striking her across the bridge of her nose and splitting her open.

The fans gasp as Calvary pulls a dazed Vita up by the hair, blood spewing from her nostrils. He whips her into the ropes, and hits the ropes opposite, running at a full sprint.



Midway through the rebound from the ropes, a smile creeps onto Vita’s face, she easily leapfrogs Calvary’s spear attempt. The two hit the ropes again, and on the rebound this time- Vita flips and smashes Calvary neckfirst on the canvas with a wheelbarrow driver!

HHL: What an impressive recovery there by Vita!

Pip: As effortless as Vita made that look, you have to wonder, Heather - was Vita playing possum with Calvary?

HHL: Well, she is technically nocturnal now, right?

Pip: Undead I think? Who knows.

Vita pops to her feet and throws her arms open for the Tokyo crowd who shower her with applause and flashing cameras.

Calvary staggers up to his feet, but he’s immediately met with a series of knife edge chops that push him into the corner. Vita mounts him and while playing to the crowd puts



Vita moves out of the way as Cavalry wobbles away from the corner. She sneaks behind him, the crowd going wild as she climbs the top rope and dives off!


Vita slams Calvary face first into the mat, but neglects making the cover just yet.

Pip: Vita could easily win the match here! Now she’s just showboating!

HHL: Seems more like a little bit of payback for that cheap shot from Calvary at the beginning of the match. And plus, Vita needs to be sure that Calvary is FULLY out before making the cover.

Pip:Oh hush, Heather! YOU’RE just making a cover for Vita. I don’t think this guy realizes what day it is anymore.

Vita stalks to the outside of the ropes and begins leading the crowd in a series of claps. Vita nad the crowd clap in unison as Calvary once more struggles to his feet. The clapping picks up from the weird Tokyo crowd and Vita springs up onto the ropes, diving forward and…


The springboard dropkick is vicious and blasts Calvary right in the mouth. Teeth fly. Children scream. Tommy Wish becomes aroused somewhere. And Vita Valneteen falls onto Calvary for the cover!




Winner - Vita Valenteen

Suddenly, a smaller ring is lowered from the rafters on wires until it eventually sets down in the middle of the regular ring. On the aprons of the smaller ring are banners reading 95 LIVE!

As the small ring settles and ring techs remove the wires, new XWF Minis General Manager Quentin Quinn arrives from the ramp along with a referee of equal size. The two men enter the large ring and then climb into the smaller one as Quentin brings a mic to his mouth.


The crowd cheers. Of course they love it. This show is almost as big as Thad Duke’s enormous wang.

"I am so happy to hear that. But now, let’s make it even BIGGER and even BETTER! By having the first XWF Minis Championship match on pay per view in over seven years! So give it up for the official Minis Division Chief Referee ... Tater McGillicutty!"

Tater waves to the crowd as Quentin Quinn smiles. Tater then enters the ring and shakes Quinn’s hand, and Quinn resumes his speech.

"Now... are you ready for some MINIS ACTION!?"

The crowd pops mildly, unsure of what to think. Quinn then points to the ramp.

"First, the challenger… weighing 40 pounds even... from San Diego, California... PEBBLES!"

Pebbles rushes out from the back like a ball of energy, slapping hands and excitedly jumping up and down with a huge grin on her face. She rolls into the big ring and then springboards into the smaller one, standing on top of the turnbuckles with her hands outstretched as the crowd gets behind her quickly.

"And her opponent… weighing an impossible amount… from the peaks of the Mini Morbidonian Mountains… the Diminutive Despot… the Lord of the Lilliputians… the Oompaloompan Oligarch… YOUR XWF MINIS CHAMPION… MINI… FUCKING… MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORBID!”

The arena lights turn to DEEP BLOOD RED as an Eastern Orthodox Antipope emerges from the back, consecrating the entrance ramp. A young virginal girl is brought out and stands beside the cleric, and then Mini Morbid steps out next to her. The two are married, adding to Mini’s total harem of intact wives.

Mini Morbid then climbs onto and is carried out from the back on a rickshaw pulled by eunuchs. They arrive at the ring and Mini adjudicates the eunuchs as guilty, then sends them back to Mini Morbidonia to be executed in the traditional manner.

Mini Morbid hands the Minis Championship to Tater, screaming at him to ensure nothing bad happens to it.

ding! ding! ding!!!

Tater calls for the bell and Mini Morbid roars with RAW TESTOSTERONE!

Pebbles is fast and keeps the god-champion at a distance, and Mini Morbid is soon caught with a hurricanrana that leaves him dangling on the bottom rope! It sets Pebbles up perfectly for the 1/619th! Mini Morbid is sent rolling and Pebbles leaps onto him!



Mini Morbid powers out!

Mini Morbid takes over with a thumb to the eye, and then a back rake! Pebbles is thrown to the ground with a vicious spear, and then gets straddled by the champion. Mini Morbid beats her senseless with rights and lefts, and then he stands up and motions to the crowd that it’s all over!

Mini Morbid drags Pebbles to the top turnbuckle and sets her up for SATAN’S FALL!


Pebbles wriggles loose and somehow sends Mini Morbid to the mat with a superplex! She kept her feet hooked under the top rope, though, and is able to easily stay up top by doing a sit up… PINBALL WIZARD!!! Pebbles executes the 900 degree splash and stays on top of Mini Morbid to make the cover! We’re going to have a new champion!!!




ding! ding! ding!!!

Tater McGillicutty calls for the bell but the damage is done… Pebbles is blinded by the fire!

Winner by DQ - Pebbles

Quentin Quinn grabs a mic at ringside.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match is Pebbles… but as titles do NOT change hands by way of disqualification… STILL XWF MINIS CHAMPION - MINI MORBID!!!”

Then, horrifically, THE KNIGHTMARES emerge from under the ring!


The Knightmares show up and grab Pebbles, and Mini Morbid starts barking orders at them!

The four demonic minis drag Pebbles by her arms and legs back up the ramp to where the Antipope and his clerics await at the top of the ramp…

[Image: JtDBUjmEz4DGtZZEQdbxrc.jpg]

Mini Morbid has Pebbles stood up across the aisle from him…


After blessing the union, the Antipope and his clerics vanish behind the curtain. Mini Morbid grabs Pebbles and pulls her with him into the backstage area as well!

As soon as LSM's theme music hits the speakers the crowd starts cheering for their favorita luchadora. As the bass bumps through the arena the crowd chants along to the music. A spectacle of green and red pyrotechnics shoot up twenty five feet from the entrance platform. A complimentary arrangement of pyro shoots up through the four turnbuckles of the ring.

Who's this?

Latina Submission Machina pops out onto the entrance ramp alongside an additional burst of pyrotechnic fireworks. The crowd pops hard for the 24/7 freestyle champion as she holds the belt up high over her head.

Mach-ina Mach-ina!

The masked luchadora bounces around just outside the tunnel for a moment before flinging the championship belt over her shoulder. She flings her red hair to the side as she starts walking down the ramp. She gives out a few high fives and exchanges a few courtesies with some of the front-row fans on her way down to the ring. The crowd begins to clap along to the beat of the theme music as LSM nears the squared circle.

Latina Submission Machina slides beneath the ropes to great applause from the crowd. LSM hands her championship belt over to the referee for safekeeping before she starts pumping up the crowd to cheer louder. Moments later Latina Submission Machina quickly breaks away and starts running the ropes of the ring, testing out the squared circle and getting a feel for it's qualities. Content with it's fitness, the luchadora grabs a hold of the ropes and comes to a controlled halt. She turns to the referee and tells them she's ready to go. The luchadora heads to the corner as instructed and begins reveling in the applause of her fans.

The lights on the entrance way go dark as "Blueprint 2" by Jay-Z begins... as the song reaches the 21-second mark and the beat drops, an explosion is heard and the stage lighting comes back up, revealing Elijah Martin standing at the top of the entrance way. After about ten seconds of standing still to take in the crowd in the arena, Martin casually makes his way to the ring, yelling some random things at the crowd on the way.

He walks around to the hard cam side of the ring and hops onto the apron towards the end of the first verse of the song. When the song transitions into the chorus with the beat drop at the 1:25 mark, Martin raises both arms in the air and yells "I'M THE KING, MOTHAFUCKAS!" After a couple of seconds taking in the mix of cheers and boos, Martin steps into the ring and just paces around a couple of times before stopping at his corner and taking an ass bump to sit against the bottom turnbuckle.


- vs -

Submission Match
Anarchy Rules


LSM and Elijah Martin meet in the middle of the ring and surprisingly, it’s La Machina who is the more aggressive one. She shoves Martin back and hits a spin kick to his abdomen before hopping onto him for a Canadian Destroyer! Martin is smart enough to stagger backward while she has his neck straddled, though, and LSM ends up getting back dropped over the ropes and spills onto the apron.

Vinnie Lane: “Bama take a look at these two athletes! Both of these guys have held the Anarchy strap, and both of them have had incredibly impressive careers here in the XWF in a relatively short amount of time!”

Bama: “You ain’t wrong about that, boss man! This right here is two young representatives of the FUTURE! But only one of ‘em’s leaving here tonight as Anarchy Cham-PEEN!”

Martin hits the ropes on LSM’s side and sends her crashing into the guardrail at ringside. He then bounces to the other side, runs over at top speed, and leaps over the top rope with a somersault plancha! He collides with La Machina and they both hit the concrete floor hard.

Bama: “Change of pace for Elijah Martin! He ain’t a high flyer but he sure caught LSM off guard by pretending to be one!”

Martin gets to his feet slowly and LSM does a moment later as well. LSM tries to throw a punch but gets it blocked, and Martin sends a knee into her belly to fold her in half. Martin shoves LSM front first against the edge of the apron with a thud, leaving her bent over the top of the apron. He then climbs up the steps and takes a running start for a leg drop… and misses!

LSM simply fell back and away from the apron and let Martin crash onto it tailbone first. LSM then grabs Martin by the ankles and pulls him off the ring, and he hits the floor with a thunk. LSM hooks his legs and leans back… catapulting him into the stairs! She follows up with a dropkick from behind while he’s still against the steel steps, smashing him in between her boots and the unforgiving metal.

La Machina rolls Elijah Martin back into the ring and then climbs onto the apron. She slingshots over onto him in a senton, but the champion gets his knees up in time! Martin grabs LSM in a rear naked choke after rattling her spine with his knees, and she flails about wildly until she manages to grab onto the bottom rope with both of her feet, causing a break.

When the two stand up once more, LSM is quickly sent crashing to the canvas once more with a strong clothesline that nearly knocks the face paint right off of her. Elijah Martin wastes no time laying the boots to his downed challenger, but LSM grabs one of his feet after he stomps her and she holds onto a deep heel hook! Elijah Martin is left hopping in pain with his face twisted in agony as LSM gets to her feet behind him… and she gets dropped again when he spins into a reverse enzuigiri kick!

Vinnie Lane: “What agility from Martin! He’s not really known for his quickness or his educated feet, but he showed both off right there dude!”

Bama: “Sure did Vinnie! That’s exactly why Elijah Martin has held that gold for this long, because the man can adapt!”

Just as Bama finishes his sentence though, LSM snares Martin back down to her level with a drop toe hold, and then she slithers onto him and applies a crossface, really wrenching him back. Martin hovers a hand over the mat and grits his teeth, but rather than tapping out he instead hooks his fingers inside the arm of LSM to relieve some of the pressure on his head and neck.

LSM abandons the submission attempt and instead hops into a double foot stomp on Martin’s back, driving him face first into the canvas. She scrambles up to the top and gets ready to leap off, but Martin surprises her by jumping to his feet and racing up the corner to meet her at the top! Martin bashes her in the face with a headbutt, and then hooks her by the head… PROLOGUE FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!

Bama: “Good GAWD boss! He got all of that one!”

Vinnie Lane: “He sure did Bammer! La Machina is lucky she can still feel her arms and legs!”

Elijah Martin knows he has to score a tapout to win, and he steps over LSM’s back, drapes her arms over his knees, and pulls backward in a nasty camel clutch!

LSM wails in pain but refuses to give in, and Martin ups the ante by grabbing her by the nose and fish hooking her lip. He wrenches her head back and forth this way and the referee scolds him, forcing him to let go for using dirty tactics.

Elijah Martin gets into the ref’s face for breaking things up, and he pounds his chest at the official while sharing a few choice words with him. He turns to see LAM standing again and he throws a big right hand… LSM catches him! She pulls him down with a falling armbreaker that looks like it detaches the champion’s arm from its socket! In a flash, she’s shifted her position until she has Martin in an armbar, and Martin is left kicking his feet and shouting until he’s red in the face!

Vinnie Lane: “That arm looks hyperextended, Bama, I wouldn’t be shocked if the champ comes out of this match with some serious soft tissue damage!”

Martin is clearly hurting but he manages to get his wits about him and he rolls through the pain until he has the pressure off of his elbow. He looks like he’s going to free himself but LSM adjusts on the spot and wraps her legs around into a short-arm scissors!

Martin’s face is practically purple from the pain and pressure, but he plants his feet and yanks La Machina off the mat, then plows her right back down in a desperation sitout powerbomb that’s good enough to knock her loose as well as knock the oxygen right out of her lungs.

Elijah Martin flexes his arm trying to get the hinge set in his elbow again and he makes his way to where LSM is still trying to pull some air into her body. She rolls onto her front and Martin pounces, grabbing her leg and draping her over his shoulders, he yoinks her off of the mat into a stretch muffler!

Bama: “That’s a dang painful hold right there Vinnie, as tough as LSM is this might be more than she can handle!”

Martin pushes the hold as much as he can but his arm is still clearly compromised and it results in LSM being able to escape. The torque was effective, though, and it looks like LSM is having trouble walking after the hold.

She rushes Martin and he scoops her into a snap spinebuster! Martin then sits LSM up and runs the ropes behind her, then drills home the DEATH BY FOREARM!!!

La Machina ducks it!

LSM bowed herself forward and Martin flew over her head, and LSM pounces into a Fujiwara armbar on Elijah’s bum wing!

Martin is clearly in a lot of pain but once again he grins and bears it and refuses to give away his championship. LSM either tires out or recognizes that she’s going to so she releases her grip and jumps up, jamming a big stomp onto Martin’s arm.

Vinnie Lane: “LSM decided to give a little goodbye kiss on Elijah’s arm after she let go!”

As Elijah Martin remains on the mat he starts fishing around in his waistband, slipping a set of knuckles onto his fingers. LSM is none the wiser and when she attempts to add a lump to Martin’s head with a question mark kick, Martin is able to block it with his sore arm and plant a brass-assisted punch to LSM’s gut!

La Machina just about chucks up her breakfast from the blow and Elijah wisely tosses the knuckles down before the official can catch a glimpse. He slaps an abdominal stretch onto LSM and really gives it all he’s got to try and twist her into two pieces.

Even with his elbow swelling to double its size Martin is able to plant a few good shots into LSM’s exposed ribs while still cranking the ab stretcher.

Bama: “Vinnie you see what I see? Miss Latina has almost got her fingers on that there set of knuckles Elijah tossed!”

Vinnie Lane: “You’re right Bama! Actually… she DOES have her fingers on it!”

LSM grabs the knuckles with the tips of her fingers and manages to pull them up and onto her own hand. With a grunt, gives all she’s got and spins a back fist into the occipital region of Elijah’s skull, cracking those knuckles into his cerebellum!

Martin topples to the mat with his eyes rolling into the top of his head and La Machina wastes no time in grabbing him by the head and pulling him backward into a dragon sleeper, grapevining her legs around his torso!

The official checks on Martin but doesn’t even have to lift his arm to see that the champion is completely out cold… he calls for the bell!!!

Winner and NEW Anarchy Champion - Latina Submission Machina

Vinnie Lane: “I can’t believe it Bama! We have a new Anarchy Champion!”

Bama: “Somethin’ tells me that Elijah Martin ain’t gonna walk away from this without a rematch, Vinnie… and I can’t WAIT to see it!”

"Ruby" by Kaiser Chiefs plays over the PA system as the fans begin to cheer. All of a sudden, Ruby emerges from behind the curtain wearing a black and white striped shirt, causing the fans to get even louder.

PIP: "Since when do referee's get their own entrances?"

HHL: "When they're special, Pip."

PIP: "Yeah, and what's so special about Ruby?........... other than the fact she's gonna call this one in Centurion's favor!"

HHL: "Not true at all! Everybody knows Ruby's as clean as they come, the only thing she's gonna be doing for Cent' is holding the mic, just like she will for Charlie."

PIP(skeptical): "We'll see!"

Ruby heads down the aisle, giving a few fans fives, before sliding in the ring and taking her place as the official.

Centurion's theme fills the arena, receiving a positive reaction from the audience. He walks out onto the ramp and takes a moment to soak in the energy of the love crowd before making his way down the aisle.

HHL: "You gotta wonder what's going through Centurion's mind right now."

PIP: "Probably thanking Charlie for being dumb enough to pick Ruby, of all people, to ref this match!"

HHL: "Doubtful."

Cent' makes it to ringside, where he heads towards the steps and walks up them onto the apron. From there, he climbs in the ring and walks past Ruby on his way to the corner.

As his music plays, Charlie Nickles pushes his way through the curtain, TV Title slung over his shoulder as he heads down the aisle.

HHL: "And here comes the man responsible for not only making this an I Quit Match, but making Ruby the referee, as well."

PIP: "I understand trying to get inside your opponent's head, but I think Charlie made a mistake here. If Ruby wanted to, she could make this a Handicap Match in a heartbeat!"

HHL: "Not only do I believe Ruby wouldn't do that, I don't even think Centurion would WANT her to!"

PIP: "We'll find out once the bell rings!"

Charlie makes his way to ringside, where he rolls into the ring and gets up in Centurion's face with the TV Title. Like any official would, Ruby steps in between them and forces Nickles to back off.

PIP: "See, I told you! Ruby's protecting Cent'!!!"

HHL: "She's keeping the competitors away from each other until the match starts!"

Eager to get the match going, Charlie throws his Championship at Ruby, who almost doesn't catch it, before holding it up for all the world to see. She then walks it over to the time keeper and calls for the bell as Charlie Nickles charges at Centurion!



- vs -

Standard Charlie Nickles Can Name Any Specific Stips In His First Promo
Savage Rules

Before the Champion can hit the challenger, Centurion steps out of the way and traps Charlie in the corner with a flurry of Punches. He then whips Nickles towards the opposite corner, where he bounces off the turnbuckles and drops Cent' with a Clothesline! Charlie takes a moment to taunt Ruby before dropping down and straight up choking Centurion, while also demanding the ref to grab a mic.

PIP: "Charlie's trying to end this one right out the gate!"

A reluctant Ruby holds the microphone in front of her partner's mouth, but all we hear are gurgling noises. Charlie continues to squeeze his opponent's larynx, all the while screaming for him to quit.

HHL: "We're not even a minute in and, already, this one's becoming hard to watch!"

Eventually, Charlie gets fed up of his opponent's resiliency and lets go. He then waits for Centurion to get up before delivering a couple shots to the body, setting him up for a Devil Hook Drop. Before he can hit it, though, Centurion counters it with an Angle Slam that propels Nickles across the ring!!!

PIP: "Thousand.................."

HHL: "Mile......................"

PIP(simultaneously): "SLAM!!!"

HHL(simultaneously): "SLAM!!!"

The momentum from the move causes Charlie to roll under the bottom rope, outside the ring.

HHL: "Unfortunately for Cent', that move's more likely to knock Charlie out than it is to make him quit!"

Centurion climbs through the ropes and brings Nickles to his feet as Ruby follows them out. Cent' goes to toss Charlie into the steel steps, but the Champion reverses and throws him into them, instead! Charlie then picks Centurion up and drops him, face first, over the top step before showing off for the booing crowd. He orders Ruby to check on his opponent before having a change of heart and pushing her away.

HHL: "Charlie better watch it!"

PIP: "Charlie?! More like Ruby!!!"

HHL: "He told her to do it!"

PIP: "And he changed his mind!"

Charlie bends down and scoops Cent' up into a Powerslam but, instead of slamming him on the floor, he instead rams him, spine first, into the ring post and THEN slams him!!!

HHL: "Centurion's taking a beating! If Charlie keeps this up, I don't know how much longer this one'll last."

Charlie disappears out of frame as a concerned Ruby asks Cent' if he wants to give up. He has just enough time to give a resounding "No" before having a handful of wires wrapped around his throat!

PIP: "Charlie Nickles is trying to kill Centurion and there's nothing Ruby can do about it!"

Centurion gasps for air as Ruby holds the microphone out, only to receive more disturbing sounds similar to that of a dying cat.

HHL: "Cent's turning purple!"

PIP: "If he doesn't quit now, he's gonna lose alot more than a match!"

JUST as it looks like Centurion might pass out, he ducks under Charlie's arm and Saito Suplexes him, neck first, into the barricade!!!!!!!!

PIP: "Charlie Nickles may have a broken neck!"

Ruby rushes over to the Champion and shoves the mic in his face, causing him to knock it out of her hand with an angry swipe of the wrist. Both men lay there motionless for a solid 30 seconds before Charlie starts rolling away from the challenger. Shortly after, Centurion also begins showing signs of life, slowly working his way to his feet with help from the very barricade that dropped his opponent just moments before.

HHL: "I can't believe either one of them can stand after the way this one's started!"

They both make it to their feet at about the same time, with Centurion just a step ahead of Charlie. This allows him to rush at his opponent and connect with a Busaiku Knee that puts the TV Champion back down!

PIP: "Bloody Symphony!"

HHL: "Doesn't look like Centurion can capitalize, though!"

The move takes alot out of the challenger, forcing him to take more time than he'd like to get back up. Once he does, he rolls Charlie back into the ring and slides in behind him.

HHL: "This is exactly where Cent' needs the match to be!"

PIP: "Absolutely! He's never going to beat Charlie in a brawl but, if he can keep it in the ring, he'll have a MUCH better shot!"

Ruby follows them in as Centurion brings Charlie to a vertical base and drags him over to a corner, where he proceeds to smash the Television Champion's face against the top turnbuckle. From there, he goes to Irish Whip Nickles to the opposite side, only to have it reversed! Cent's back crashes into the corner, but he manages to move just in time to avoid a Big Splash from the Nickleman. This causes him to smash his face into the turnbuckle, once more, allowing Centurion to sneak up behind him with another 1,000 Mile Slam! However, before he can hit it, Charlie shifts his weight in mid-air, forcing Centurion to drop him! This allows Charlie to connect with a Devil Hook Drop that sends a hush over the crowd!!!!!!

PIP: "That's it, Charlie wins!"

HHL: "I didn't hear Centurion quit, Pip."

PIP: "He doesn't HAVE to, Heather, we already know he's done!"

Nickles motions for Ruby to call it, who instead goes over to Centurion and puts the mic to his mouth. Fortunately for the former World Champion, that last move knocked him out cold, preventing him from saying anything at all! Ruby signals for the match to continue, sending the TV Champion into a frenzy!

HHL: "I don't know what Charlie's problem is, he CHOSE these rules, now he has to live with 'em!"

PIP: "I think Centurion's dreaming about quitting, ring the bell!"

HHL: "Not a chance, Pip."

An irate Charlie Nickles snatches the mic from Ruby and shoves it in his opponent's face. When he doesn't respond, Charlie begins hammering away at Cent's forehead with it, sending feedback echoing throughout the arena. Once he's finished, Charlie throws it at the guest referee and holds a bloody Centurion up for all the world to see.

PIP: "Centurion's at risk of serious injury if Ruby doesn't call it!"

HHL: "She can't end the match until someone's uttered the words 'I Quit, Pip!"

Charlie takes a moment to calm down before seemingly coming up with a brilliant idea. He heads over to Centurion's legs and wraps both his feet between each of his arms and body, before proceeding to flip him over into a Walls of Jericho!

PIP: "Fall of Rome! Charlie's got Centurion's own submission move locked in!"

HHL: "We've seen Charlie steal people's finishers before and tonight is no different!"

PIP: "You gotta admit, it's a helluva way to make your opponent give up!"

The TV Champion leans back, applying pressure on the challenger's lower back. The move breathes new life into it's original owner, causing him to push himself up as blood trickles down his face. The fans get behind Centurion as he struggles to fight out of a move he knows better than anybody.

PIP: "Charlie's gonna break Centurion's back!!!"

Cent' continues to fight, slipping his legs out of his opponent's clutches while, at the same time, gaining control of his. This allows Centurion to not only escape Charlie's version of his signature move, but also lock in his own!!!!!

HHL: "Fall of Rome! Centurion's got the Fall of Rome locked in tight!!!"

Charlie screams as his opponent applies the same amount of pressure on HIS lower back, as he did them. Ruby puts the microphone in front of him, only to receive an earful of obscenities for her trouble. This causes a fired up Centurion to pull even harder, forcing the TV Champion to find some way to escape! All he can do is pull himself, and Centurion, towards the ropes. It takes him a minute, but Charlie eventually DOES make it to the bottom rope.................. except it doesn't force a break!

PIP: "It's No Disqualifications! Charlie's gonna have to do more than grab the rope in order to escape!"

With nowhere else to go, the TV Champion begins pulling himself under the bottom rope using the side of the ring. Despite this, Centurion refuses to let go, leaving Nickles hanging off the apron in the Fall of Rome. While in this position, Charlie lifts up the ring skirt and begins searching underneath for anything that might help him escape. He eventually comes back up with a trash can lid, which he swings behind him in an attempt to hit Centurion. Luckily for him, it connects, but it doesn't phase his opponent as much as he'd like, so he does it again. This second shot rattles Cent' a bit more, but he STILL doesn't let go of the hold! In one last, desperate attempt to break free, Charlie swings a third time, wracking Centurion in the back of the head, causing him to collapse to the mat!!!

PIP: "You have to think Charlie was about to give up had he not connected with that shot!"

HHL: "They say the third time's the charm, and that certainly was the case for the TV Champion there!"

Both men lay on the mat, trying to regain what little energy they can manage. Centurion slowly begins to crawl as Charlie Nickles rolls out of the ring, where his body makes a gigantic *THUD* as he hits the floor. From there, he reaches under the ring and pulls out a bag of something, which he holds up while lying on the floor. He eventually manages to stumble to his feet, using the apron to hold himself up, as a freshly vertical Centurion heads in his direction. The challenger reaches out from between the ropes, only for the Champion to clock him with whatever's inside the bag! The blow sends Cent' falling backwards, allowing Charlie to climb back in and reveal the contents of said bag.

PIP: "Thumbtacks, who'd have thought?"

HHL: "I think everyone in the building knew what was inside."

Nickles drops a few that he pulls out with his hand onto the canvas before turning the bag upside down and emptying the rest of it. He bends over to spread them out, allowing Centurion to hurry to his feet and connect with a V-Trigger that sends Charlie flying through the ropes, back to the outside!

HHL: "Centurion didn't want ANYTHING to do with those thumbtacks!"

PIP: "Can you blame him?! Those things can pierce an eyeball!"

Centurion drops to a knee for a moment, before heading over and reaching back through the ropes for Charlie as he's getting up. Nickles fights back with a couple Elbows to the Face before pulling sent Cent' out of the ring in Suplex position. The TV Champion drags the challenger over to the barricade where he delivers a vicious Vertical Suplex that causes Cent's knee to crash HARD against the top of the barrier!

PIP: "Centurion's not gonna be able to walk after that one!"

HHL: "It might be time for him to quit and live to fight another day."

Charlie Nickles gets up and heads back for the ring, where he pulls a table out from underneath to a mixed reaction. He begins setting it up as Centurion continues to lay, motionless, on the floor behind him. Once he sets it up, he heads back over to Cent' and picks him up for a BIG Sidewalk Slam. Unfortunately for him, Centurion uses the momentum from the lift to fully flip around, land on his feet, and connect with a Standing Dropkick that propels Charlie towards the table. He manages to stop short of it and turn around just in time to see Centurion running towards him. This allows Nickles just enough time to flip his opponent over his shoulders, sending the challenger through the table behind him!!!!!!!!

HHL: "I don't know how much more of this Centurion's body can take!"

PIP "He might die before ever getting the chance to give up!"

Nickles orders Ruby to come back out to check on her partner, which she does, but not before remind the TV Champion who's in charge. He doesn't seem to care, motioning for her to do her job, forcing her to turn around and hold the mic out. A dazed Centurion shoves Ruby out of the way, causing her to shrug at Charlie and motion for the match to continue, irritating the Nickleman.

HHL: "You can tell this situation's starting to frustrate the Champion."

PIP: "Ironic because he asked for this!"

Charlie grabs hold of Centurion and rolls him in the ring. Nickles follows him and gets up, before turning and looking at the thumbtacks he introduced, but hasn't gotten to use yet.

PIP: "If Charlie can drop Cent' onto those tacks, his frustrations may be over!"

The TV Champion brings the challenger to a vertical base as Ruby rejoins them inside the ring. Charlie goes to pick Centurion up, only to have a handful of tacks smashed into his face by the challenger.

PIP: "Centurion just used Charlie's face as a pincushion! "

HHL: "And he's not done, either!"

Blood trickles down Charlie's face as he stumbles around, trying to pull them out of his forehead. This allows Centurion to walk up behind him and 1,000 Mile Slam the Champion onto the rest of the tacks!!!!!!!

HHL: "The fans love it!"

PIP: "Looks like Ruby does, too; I told you she was crooked!"

Ruby cracks a slight smile, but quickly wipes it away in order to do her job. She holds the mic up to Charlie, who manages to call her a bitch between groans. Centurion repays him by smacking across the mouth before rolling back outside the ring. He makes no effort to stop himself from plopping against the ground, which makes it easier for him to search under the ring. Eventually, he comes back up with a handful of barbed wire, receiving a shocked reaction from the audience.

PIP: "Usually this is more of Charlie's thing!"

HHL: "Not tonight! Charlie's made this one personal, and Centurion's looking to make him pay!"

Centurion slides back in with it, only to be met with a Forearm from the TV Champion. Another one causes the challenger to drop the razor Wire, allowing Charlie to pick it up and slap it across Centurion's back. Cent' hurries away from him, but ends up backing himself into a corner. Charlie wraps the wire around his fist and lays in a carrage to Centurion that makes even Ruby want to call the match, but she doesn't.

HHL: "This is getting ugly."

PIP: "Yet Centurion STILL refuses to quit!"

With Cent' barely able to hold himself up, Charlie begins to wrap the wire around his opponent's arms, essentially binding him in the corner!

HHL: "Cent' can't escape!"

PIP: "He's at Charlie's mercy!"

Nickles rolls out of the ring and steals a chair from a fan in the front row, before proceeding to roll back in and confront Centurion with it.

HHL: "I don't like where this is going........"

PIP: "He's about to smash Cent's head in!"

Rather than hit Centurion with the chair, Charlie instead turns and cracks RUBY with it, receiving an immeasurable amount of heart for it!

PIP: "Charlie just laid out the referee.......... his referee!"

HHL: "But why?"

Nickles grabs hold of the microphone and holds it to his mouth.

"Quit, Cent! Quit or I'll end her career!!!"

Centurion tries to break free as Charlie holds the microphone out. He turns away from it, while continuing to escape................. to no avail!

"If that's the way you want it, so be it!"

Nickles tosses the mic aside and turns his attention to Ruby. He lifts the chair high above his head but, before he can bring it down across her head, Centurion's voice catches his ear.

"Fine, FINE! I Quit, I QUIT!"

A hopeful Charlie turns and picks up the mic, walking back to Cent'.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I said 'I QUIT!' Now leave her alone!"

Winner and STILL XWF Televison Champion, CHARLIE NICKLES

PIP: "Centurion quit!"

HHL: "But not without reason, he did it to save Ruby!"

PIP: "Whatever the case, Charlie Nickles is still the TV Champion."

Charlie pats an irate Centurion on the head before climbing out and taking his Title from the time keeper. As he heads up the ramp, Ruby comes to and helps untangle Centurion. The two of them glare at Charlie, who happily holds his belt in the air before disappearing to the back.

The arena is pitch black and the melancholy opening tunes to “Identity” begin. But as the song starts to pick up in intensity, down in the entry way, you see a Jericho-esque light up jacket glow brilliantly. Then, twin explosions emit from either side of the ramp and the lights turn on in a swirling red and blue pattern that throb in sync with the beats of the song. Corey comes down the ramp, the jacket now flashing intermittent heart and lightning bolt patterns. On the 'Tron you see images of Corey/Lux pulling off fantastic moves, intercut with blur effects on Corey's face that obscure his features in an eerie way.

Corey gets on the ring apron, throwing his arms over the top rope as the jacket keeps flashing. He looks pumped as hell, and starts pointing out at the fans before rushing to the top rope, surveying the crowd from on high, before dropping down to the canvas and handing off his jacket. He paces the ring now, waiting for the match to begin as the music and lighting effects wind down.

HHL: The Supercontinental Champion seems focused…but also a little tired.

Pip: That’s right, DoubleH-L. He handpicked his challenger for March Madness, but that challenger has been silent these past few weeks. But that’s about to change!








The lights in the Tokyo Dome turn into an explosion of pinks, purples, greens, rainbows, unicorns on fire, lucky charms, rivers of sugar, and mountains of Meow Mix Ocean Explosion tuna treats as the fans turn towards the entrance ramp.

HHL: Sure is taking Angie Vaughn to come out from the back…

Pip: I bet her manager is just giving her an extra long pep talk.

The crowd begins to grow listless as Angie’s theme song continues without her coming out. After a few more seconds, the lights come back up and the music fades out. In the ring, Corey is sharing a few words with the referee.

HHL: The champion doesn’t look happy.

Pip: He doesn’t exactly look mad either, H. Just…tired?

After a few more words, the referee taps into his headset.








But again, no one comes out.

HHL: Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m sorry to say, but we are getting word that Angie isn’t here tonight.

Pip: Maybe she missed her plane?

HHL: I don’t know, but-


- vs -

Standard Singles Match
Warfare Rules



In the ring, the referee has begun to count.

HHL: Well, unless Angie magically appears, this match is going to be ruled a countout.

Pip: Maybe she can borrow one of the time-travel and space-bending machines about half of our competitors seem to own and still make it?










Winner by Count Out: Corey Smith

The referee holds up Corey’s arm, but the Supercontinental Champion doesn’t look happy.

HHL: Well, that’s that, ladies and gentlemen. Corey Smith retains the Supercontinental Championship tonight at March Madness. But up next! We’ll see the Tag Team Championships defended as the Omegas challenge Mark Flynn And North Korean War Criminal.

Pip: There’s the time-and-space machines Angie needed!

HHL: All right. We’re moving into our tag-team division main event!

PIP: Get ready for a mudhole stomp of a title defense, folks.

HHL: Wow. Way to be an impartial commentator, Pip.

PIP: TWENTY-FOUR SECONDS, Heather. That’s all I’m gonna say.

”The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And it is for the XWF Tag Team Championships!

"Legend" hits the P.A. system and the lights dim, save for a lone, golden spotlight centered on the stage. A thin layer of fog floats across the stage, and Jay Omega struts out to the top of the ramp. For a moment, he poses at the top, on the right side of the stage… Then checks why no one is on his left…

He checks behind the curtain, then drags out by the arm, a second Jay Omega. Stay-At-Home-Dad Omega has his phone in his hand, waving good night to his kids… Finally, he puts the phone away and waves.

On their way to the ring! At a combined weight of 452 pounds! Jay Omega and ‘Stay-at-Home-Dad’ Jay Omega! “DOUBLE TROUBLE”!

HHL: Double Trouble! It took a few months for the XWF to wrap their heads around the idea of a solo act working up the ladder of the tag team division! But Double Trouble has stampeded through every other XWF tag-team and marched their way into #1 contender status in a dominant fashion!

PIP: Then they lost to Flynn and NK in TWENTY-FOUR seconds!

HHL: I thought you said that’s all you were gonna say.

PIP: I CHANGED MY MIND! It’s worth saying twice! Flynn and NK took out Double Trouble in TWENTY-FOUR Seconds!

HHL: Now, you’ve said it three times.

PIP: Well, I’ll make it four times. FLYNN AN-*click*


HHL: I’d like to take this brief moment where I can get a word in edgewise to remind our viewers that Double Trouble remains undefeated in 2-on-2 tag matches. That Flynn and NK had to blitz their opponents and create chaos immediately to sneak a win. That Double Trouble and Flynn & NK were only half of the competitors in that match. And that Double Trouble physically evened the score backstage right after that match, making the tag champs look very foolish, as they retreated from a very one-sided beatdown.

*fffiiiiiizzzzzz* *click*

PIP: NEVER touch my soundboard again, Heather.

Their egos briefly sated, they casually make their way down the ramp, crisscrossing back and forth to slap hands with fans. At ringside, Original Flavour Jay hops up onto the apron then vaults over the ropes, while Stay-At-Home Dad Omega more cautiously steps up the stairs and slips through the middle ropes. The Omegas climb the turnbuckles and pose for the crowd amidst a flickering strobe effect from thousands of cameraphone flashbulbs, then simultaneously backflip off the turnbuckles and high-five in the middle of the ring.

”And their opponents…”

Strings chirp as the X-Tron whirs to life. From the curtain bursts Mark Flynn in his trademark bomber jacket… Quickly slipping through the curtain to his side in his military fatigues with both belts on his shoulders, the North Korean War Criminal. Trailing behind them is Flynn’s agent, ‘Chronic’ Chris Page.

”At a combined weight of 385 pounds! They are your XWF Tag Team Champions! Mark Flynn and the North Korean War Criminal!”

Flynn stays at the top of the ramp, before turning his back on the crowd. He spins and spreads his arms. The camera pans downwards across his jacket’s message: “KING of the Midcarders”.

As the camera travels downwards, we see CCP leaning below Flynn’s shoulder to point out the CCP Enterprises logo beneath the title.

Finally, on the ramp itself, NK crawls between Flynn’s legs holding both the tag titles and delivering an American thumbs up.

HHL: Flynn and NK, the reigning tag team champions. They are in for a doozy of a fight here, Pip.

PIP: Twenty-four sec-

HHL: It’s worth acknowledging that Double Trouble has been exclusively fighting tag-team matches the last few Warfares. Meanwhile, Flynn has been appearing at special crossover shows with Thad and Corey… And then losing a singles match to Alias.

PIP: A hell of a match! An incredible performance from Mark Flynn!

HHL: But a loss, Pip! And it’s important to remember that a surprise loss against Impossible Entity during Flynn and NK’s first tag title reign set them on course to part with their belts. History may repeat itself here tonight!

PIP: Or Flynn and NK might break their last speed record! Get ready for another dominant defense in 23 seconds or less!

NK forward-rolls down the ramp from between Flynn’s legs. Flynn and Page continue to roll around ringside, opting to take the far corner of the ring…

Flynn takes off his robe and hands it off to Page. Ontop of the piled robe, NK deposits both the tag title belts. Page takes this pile of effects and deposits it beside the timekeeper’s table.

Flynn and NK in unison hop up to the apron.

The official calls both teams to send their starting man to the center of the ring.

OG Omega offers to play rock-paper-scissors to see who goes first… Instead Stay-At-Home-Dad Omega offers OG the chance, since it’s important to take turns.

HHL: Stay-At-Home-Dad Omega taking this opportunity to demonstrate to our young viewers at home that sharing is caring.

PIP: Fuckin’ square.

OG Omega and Flynn meet in the center of the ring.

The official delivers a few commands and then calls for the bell!

[Image: ZXlldrK.png]

- vs -
Standard Tag-Team Match

The second the bell rings, Flynn wraps his arm around OG’s head and drives his face into a knee lift!

PIP: Here we go! Shades of Warfare!

Flynn goes for rake across the eyes, but Omega paws off the right hand… Only for Flynn to lean in with a headbutt!

OG Omega backs up dazed into the ropes, at which point, Flynn drags him into a swinging neckbreaker!

Flynn calls out! ”JAILHOUSE BLITZ!”

The moment Flynn calls that out, NK leaps over the top rope and sprints across the ring, delivering a running dropkick… It grazes Stay-at-Home-Dad Omega, who drops to his feet outside! NK remains in the ring, looking to block Stay-At-Home-Dad from re-entering the ring…

PIP: I’ve got my eye on the stopwatch! We’re at 14… 15…

Flynn rips Omega off the mat… And secures him into a front facelock! Looking for The End already!

Omega is up! Flynn goes to deliver the cutter…

But OG reverses, landing on his feet… Then hits a standing dropkick that drives Flynn to the mat…

NK turns around… And eats a standing dropkick of his own!

NK full-on backward flops out of the ring…

Omega comes up looking to pepper on more offense, but as Flynn comes up, he stutters backward and rolls outside the ring…

Stay-at-Home-Dad Omega slides back into the ring as Flynn and NK regroup on the announcer’s side of the ring, for a quick team huddle!

Stay-at-Home nods at OG as the tag champs talk strategy outside the ring… They both hit the ropes running… The tag champs play dumb as the challengers run…

WOOOSH, Flynn grabs and NK and pulls himself and his partner back behind the corner. He points and laughs as the challengers put on the brakes just before they go for the suicide dive…

The crowd boos as Flynn and NK tauntingly tap their foreheads, basking in their clever move…

PIP: Genius! Playing possum! The greatest tag team in XWF History!

While they bask in their cleverness, OG puts his back to the corner and nods at Stay-at-Home! Stay-at-Home hits the opposite corner and runs…

OG springs Stay-at-Home up and over the corner turnbuckle! The tag champs watch mesmerized by this aerial tandem onslaught!

And the flying Stay-At-Home-Dad hits a flying double stomp on both the faces of the tag champs!

HHL: OH MY GOD! I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life! That was out of this world!

PIP:...Fine, ok, that was pretty cool.

The tag champs are devastated outside the ring. Stay-at-Home grabs Flynn by the back of the neck, scooping him off the outside and into the ring! NK meanwhile, looks down for the count outside the ring!

HHL: We might see a record broken, but NOT against Double Trouble! The tag champs are looking very vulnerable right now, in a 2-on-1 powerplay!

Flynn rolls back in the ring, walking directly into OG Omega, still the legal man. The dazed Flynn takes a wild swing, OG ducks! And as Flynn spins, OG scoops him up and DUMPS HIM ONTO HIS BACK! ECHOING, NASTY SPINEBUSTER SLAM!

Stay-At-Home returns to the apron as OG rolls into the cover… The official counts…



Flynn barely reaches his leg onto the bottom rope…

Omega scoops Flynn by the neck off the ground and hucks him into the corner… Where Stay-At-Home catches Flynn with a boot to the back of the head! Flynn looks winded… As OG sprints into a stinger splash in the corner! As Flynn woozily comes out of the ring, Stay-At-Home tags OG… OG wraps up Flynn and hucks him over his head behind him! Release Northern Lights Suplex!

HHL: That was Breath-taking!

PIP: Breath-taking!?! This is not right! Mark Flynn is having to defend the tag titles by himself?

HHL You mean like Flynn keeps alluding to having done this whole time in his promos?

PIP: …

As OG gets back up… Stay-at-Home-Dad climbs up to the top rope! He jumps! Macho Elbow in the center of the ring!

HHL: This has gotta be it! New Tag Team Champions!

Stay-at-Home-Dad slips into the cover! The official counts!



THRE-NO! Flynn barely rolls his opposite shoulder off the ground! At the last possible moment!

HHL: OHHHHH SO CLOSE! We were a millisecond away from new tag team champs!

PIP: Which is the same as not close at all! Flynn and NK still reign!

HHL: Admittedly great move by Flynn. Stay-at-Home clearly a little rusty after taking so much time outside the ring to be a parent, didn’t quite apply enough weight to hold both of Flynn’s shoulders to the mat. Otherwise, that would have been three for sure!

PIP: Woulda, shoulda, coulda!

Knowing how important it is to stay on top of this rare opening, OG steps back into the ring…

Meanwhile outside the ring, Chris Page smacks Flynn’s totalitarian tag partner in the back of the head… NK is finally crawling to his knees…

PIP: There we go! The reinforcements are on their way!

NK crawls…

Under the apron. Under the ring.

HHL: Looks like a strategic retreat from the War Criminal.

PIP: …

Flynn slowly, severely dazed, crawls back to his feet…

HHL: Flynn is looking loopy out there! He might be seeing Double of each Omega! Quadruple Trouble!

Flynn stumbles forward into a SUPERKICK from OG…

Flynn stumbles back, spinning into SPINNING HEEL KICK from Stay-at-Home-Dad!

Flynn flops to the mat near the ropes…

Double Trouble taunts together, signaling for the end!

Double Trouble turns to finish the job… Just as a hand yanks Flynn from under the ring and tugs him outside…

Flynn’s limp body is then dragged under the apron, beneath the ring…

The official looks to chastise their manager. But Page only shrugs like ‘What do you want ME to do?’

Double Trouble continues to bask in the applause and adulation of the XWF Universe…

Until the official starts a 10-count!

HHL: A count-out victory is NOT what Double Trouble wants! The title will not change hands on a countout!

Double Trouble briefly discuss their options while the official counts to 3… When he gets to 5, the challengers roll outside the ring, restarting the count…

Double Trouble gets on opposite ends of the ring… They both give each other a thumbs up…

They lift the apron!

They don’t see anything…

Meanwhile on the near side of the ring, away from both Omegas, NK crawls with a semi-conscious Flynn from under the ring to the outside of the ring!

HHL: That rascal NK is buying valuable recovery time for Mark Flynn!

As Double Trouble continues looking under the ring… The official counts to 6… Just as NK pushes Flynn back inside the ring…

And the official restarts at 1! Double Trouble hears that and looks back inside! Just as NK steps back onto the apron and tagging out the lying-on-his-face Mark Flynn!

PIP: NK seems eager to avenge his wounded tag partner, Mark Flynn

HHL: Possibly not the wisest move… NK is definitely the lesser half of the tag champs…

Double Trouble returns to their corner, with Stay-at-Home-Dad still the legal man…

NK seems content to meet in the center of the ring, offering a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Stay-At-Home-Dad obliges.

The two begin to grapple for control… And almost immediately, NK drops one shoulder and hucks Stay-At-Home-Dad across the ring with an arm drag!

NK kips back up to his feet immediately!

”Haha! Yes! Yes! I am the greatest!”

As he toots his own horn, he doesn’t notice Stay-at-Home-Dad quickly get back to his feet… NK turns around…

Into an arm drag of his own!

NK quickly scrambled back up… into another arm drag takedown!

NK, slightly dazed from being tossed about, dizzily clambers back to a vertical base… Only to be hoisted onto the shoulders of Stay-At-Home-Dad…

Stay-At-Home-Dad… begins to spin!

HHHL: It’s an old-fashioned airplane spin! A favorite of 80s wrestling fans and children playing with their fathers!

Two spins!

Three spins!

Four spins!

The totalitarian attempts to close his fist and maintain his sense of gravity… But eventually his body seems to ragdoll! His arms stretch as his sense of equilibrium vanishes.

Five spins!

Six spins!

Seven spins!

Flynn, lying on his front on the apron, finally recovers to the point that he can use the turnbuckle to work his way up to one knee.

Eight spins!

Nine spins!

Stay-at-Home-Dad, now very dizzy himself… drops NK to his feet… Stay-at-Home-Dad woozily falls backwards toward the ropes, leaning on them for support. NK full-on flops face-forward, holding his stomach.

HHL: Ooof, looks like the War Criminal might have an upset stomach after that one…

The War Criminal, shaking off the streaky vision in his eyes, rises groggily to his feet… But Stay-At-Home-Dad is already ontop of him! He heaves the War Criminal into the air, locking in a bear hug!

The War Criminal cries out in pain, as Stay-At-Home-Dad exerts a squeezing pressure onto his spine… He also burps, which eases some of the nausea…

HHL: Stay-at-Home-Dad clearly familiar with how to burp a big baby like the War Criminal. So far, this match, we’ve seen Double Trouble exert a dominant level of control!

The official asks NK if he’d like to surrender… NK shakes his head now… But Stay-At-Home-Dad squeezes harder and harder…

Flynn slips through the ropes and into the ring.

OG Omega indicates to Stay-at-Home-Dad to look out… Stay-at-Home-Dad, while holding the bearhug, turns around…

INTO A RUNNING DROPKICK from Mark Flynn! Stay-at-Home-Dad rolls backwards disoriented, NK lands flat on his back center of the ring!

PIP: There we go! The tag champs staying alive!

HHL: Flynn is not the legal man, Pip! He has no business interfering in the match like this!

PIP: He does when it’s his LIFE on the line! When the Optimal Path is being questioned by non-believers like you, Heather!

Flynn drags NK back to the corner and tags him on the back, all-the-while the official admonishes Flynn for his rule-bending…

Stay-at-Home-Dad rolls back into his corner, where OG Omega leans down and tags him out, leaping over the top rope!

The two legal men meet in the center of the ring!

Flynn tags him with a right hand across the jaw!

OG retorts with a forearm to the face!

Flynn fires back with a loud chop across the chest!

OG rotates… hitting Flynn with a spinning backfist, that topples Flynn back towards the ropes…

But Flynn hits the ropes and connects with a running knee to OG’s skull!

OG Omega drops to the mat and Flynn crawls into a cover…


Stay-at-Home-Dad crawls out of the corner!


THRE- Stay-at-Home dives with an elbow to break up the count!

HHL: There’s nothing like the spirit of a man who may never get another shot in the ring again! Flynn would respect that! He’s mentioned he fights with that spirit every time he’s in the ring!

PIP: Shuddup, Heather! Stay-at-Home-Dad wants to be a hero! He should play one in pretend land with his kid’s action figures!

Flynn lies on the mat, still having taken a ton of punishment, including that elbow drop to the face! He calls out…


NK kips back up to his feet and once again looks to attack Stay-at-Home-Dad! …But the second Stay-at-Home-Dad reels back a fist to defend himself, NK curdles up, covering his face defensively!

PIP: Not NK’s face! That’s his best feature!

HHL: Not sure if that’s true. I only know his personality is his worst one.

NK jogs backwards toward the ropes with Stay-at-Home-Dad in hot pursuit!

Once NK gets to the ropes though, he bends backwards, pulling the top rope down with him! Stay-at-Home-Dad keeps going and topples over the top rope to the outside!

Stay-at-Home-Dad lands on his feet… But NK is already out on the apron… He runs across it…

And delivers a huge SHOTGUN DROPKICK across the chin of Stay-at-Home-Dad!

While the official admonishes both non-legal men for battling outside the ring, Flynn and OG Omega both work their way to their feet… where Flynn delivers that eye rake, blinding Omega!

He calls to his corner, ”TWENTY SECOND DRILL!”

NK immediately scampers up the steps back to his corner, grabbing the tag rope…

Flynn irish-whips OG HARD into the corner. Flynn tucks his head under Omega’s shoulder, while NK tags Flynn’s back!

Flynn delivers a huge Release Northern Lights Suplex! Omega is DUMPED center of the ring as NK scampers up the top rope!

NK salutes, imagining his Glorious Leader in the sky above him, congratulating him for his accomplishments in the name of True Korea! And he leaps!

GUILLOTINE LEG DROP across the throat of OG Omega!

HHL: Hey! The tag champs stole that combo off Double Trouble! It was just a leg drop instead of an elbow!

PIP: Did Double Trouble COPYRIGHT a northern-lights-suplex-aerial-assault-tandem-maneuver?!?

HHL: …

PIP: Didn’t think so!

Outside the ring, Stay-at-Home-Dad gathers his bearings and tries to slide back into the ring!

But Flynn slides on the mat and blocks Stay-at-Home-Dad’s sliding entrance with his whole body!

NK hooks the leg! The official counts!


Stay-At-Home-Dad tries to crawl over Flynn to break up the pin!


But Flynn wraps him in a waistlock just inches away…

OG Omega throws up a shoulder!



Immediately after the count, Flynn releases the waistlock and scampers under the bottom rope!

NK immediately slides out to the ramp, pumping his fist!


Page scoops up the belts, still tucked inside of Flynn’s robe, and walks around the rim of the ring!

HHL: Sigh. An incredible effort from Double Trouble. They took it to the tag champs with the stiffest, possibly most viable offense we’ve ever seen taken to Flynn and NK since they’ve formed their partnership. However…

PIP: HOWEVER, HEATHER! That just goes to prove how incredible that the tag champs truly are! Anybody can go into a match like this and outplan their challengers! Which Flynn and NK attempted to do! But Double Trouble through dumb luck…

HHL: Through skill and solid effort.

THROUGH DUMB LUCK, Disrupted the champs' blitzkrieg offense and took MOMENTARY control! But truly talented tag-teams can adapt! True tag-teams can roll with the punches! And despite, what I would call, an OVER-performance by Double Trouble, Flynn and NK withstood through their offense, waited for just one vulnerability, one single opening, then TOOK IT… And defended their titles in dominant fashion!

Page meets Flynn and NK at the bottom of the ramp and hands off the belts, which the tag champs lift into the air!

HHL: …Hey, Pip, I notice your stopwatch is still going. How long was the match?

PIP: …Eight minutes and 34 seconds…

HHL: What was that? Speak a little louder?

PIP: Shuddup, Heather! My point remains that the current record is TWO wins for Flynn and NK, ZERO wins for Double Trouble!

HHL: Well, I can't argue with that, Pip. Flynn and NK might not be my favorite tag-team, but they walk out of March Madness STILL the XWF Tag-Team champions!

PIP: You mean, YOUR XWF Tag Team Champions!

HHL: ...Sure.

PIP: Say it. Say they're YOUR XWF Tag Team champions.

HHL: ...Sigh.

The Omegas remain in the ring, OG Omega seated and Stay-at-Home-Dad kneeling beside him, licking their wounds and conferring with each other on the mat.

Flynn and NK hold up the tag belts, back-stepping up the ramp, looking very much like they’ve taken a stiff beating but with the championships still in their possession! Page points emphatically like ‘Yeah, these two are YOUR tag team champions!’ which earns a chorus of boos from those in attendance.

Steve Sayors is adjusting the headset over his male-pattern baldness, just as the camera flicks on.

”Good evening, XWF Universe! This is XWF Correspondent Steve Sayors! I’m just behind the curtain, hoping to get a quick post-match word with the XWF Tag Team Champions, Mark Flynn and the North Korean War Criminal, fresh off their title defense against Double Trouble. A strong, if-much-less-dominant-defen-”

”HAHA! Did you see me? Obtaining the deciding fall! Awash in glory! Do you think the Glorious Leader saw? Haha, of course he did!”

NK marches, full of vim and vigor, despite some clear facial bruising taken on the chin, clearly energized by scoring the winning fall for his team.

Flynn comes in looking out of breath but recovering after spending a healthy chunk of the match taking a 2-on-1 beating…

Page walks in behind the two, then his alarm chirps, reminding him of his next CCPE obligation, Peter Vaughn and The Uni Title match. He pats Flynn on the back, then heads down a hallway.

”Yes, hello, congratulations on your successful title defense, boys! If I could ask, what was your strat-”

NK snatches the microphone and yanks Steve Sayors forward toward him.

”Come, Steve Sayors! Bask in the glow of True Korea! I AM INVINCIBLE!”

Flynn reaches up and yanks the microphone out of both Steve and NK’s hands… Then flicks his fingers for Sayors to back up a foot. Sayors takes the hint.

”Another tag-team springs up from the ground, only to get KNOCKED back to Earth by the greatest tag-team in XWF history… Mark Flynn and North Korean War Criminal.”

NK punctuates that comment by holding up the belt on his shoulder and laughing triumphantly.

”Most impressive. What do you attribute your recent good fortune to?”

NK leans over the microphone. ”A strict diet and scheduled exercise. Remember, True Korean children, eat only what you need to surv-”

Flynn yanks the microphone away. ”I don’t believe in fortune, Steve. I don’t believe in LUCK. I believe in the Optimal Path. And the Optimal Path has carried us to undefeated records over Them No Good Bastards, Double Trouble, the Can-Am Connection… Hell, we SHOULD have an undefeated record over APEX, but we’ll have to settle for our accomplishment of EVICTING them from the XWF!”

”You seem very confident that you’re firmly at the top of the tag-team division.”

Flynn looks very coldly at Steve. A chill runs down Sayors’ spine.

”Seem confident, Sayors? WE ARE confident. We just definitively beat Double Trouble, the previously undefeated #1 contenders for the Tag-Team Titles... For the second time in two weeks. Let me ask you: Who would you stack next against Flynn and NK? The T.H.U.G.S.? The Disintigrators? Centrubion? Any of those fake tag-teams on Madness that don’t even cut promos? Let me explain to you why Madness’ Gemini belts were set-up… Let me explain to you why Sarah Lacklan is talking about setting up ANARCHY-exclusive Tag-Team Championships…”

NK leans over the microphone again, ”Because it seems like a unique opportunity to diversify content on new XWF bran-”

Flynn snatches it further away from NK’s face. ”Because Flynn & NK have so thoroughly dispatched XWF’s Tag-Team Division… The other teams would rather fight for silver and bronze between each other on the B and C show… and let us sit on our throne of gold unbothered and unchallenged.”

Flynn lifts his belt…

”Theo Pryce… My old friend, SO-CALLED… When NK and I declared our intentions as a tag-team, he tried to scrub us out on DAY ONE with the greatest tag-teams in company history. Them No Good Bastards… He tried to cheat us with a rigged fight against APEX. Well, GUESS WHAT, THEO? We beat the best, and now you’ve just got the rest. Throw the Tik-Tok twins at us and we’ll take them down like Twitter did Vine. Throw in Two Broke Chicks and we’ll leave them BROKEN… Send us the MAGA boys, we’ll make it clear that to us, their lives don’t matter.”

Finally, NK notices that Flynn is raising his belt and raises his belt to join him.

”There is no team of men, women, children, non-binary, animal, plant, vegetable, robot, android, cyborg, alien, LIZARDMEN… that can stand against the team of Mark Flynn…”

Flynn clinks his belt against NK’s. NK chuckles.

”And the North Korean War Criminal.”

The entire stadium goes black as the song begins. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye.

PIP: "That's not The Chameleon!"

HHL: "That's right, Pip, The Chameleon has shed his skin, so to speak, revealing himself to be none other than Notorious Ned Kaye!"

PIP: "If you ask me, he shouldn't be allowed to compete in this match since it was originally The CHAMELEON who was booked to face Marf for the Xtreme Championship!"

HHL: "But........... he IS The Chameleon."

PIP: "Not anymore!"

Ned stops for a moment, calming himself in front of the clamoring crowd. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.

HHL: "Ned had the wrestling world buzzing as The Chameleon, will he be able to continue to live up to the hype as himself, now?"

PIP: "If his previous run as The Notorious One is anything to go off of, probably not!"

"Lights in the Sky" hits as the fans begin to boo. Marf makes his way out onto the stage, looking around at the audience and shaking his head in disgust. He marches to the ring while the crowd continues to boo and insult him. Marf rolls into the ring and goes to a corner, climbing up and then flipping off the crowd for more heat.

HHL(sarcastically): "As usual, Marf shows the crowd just how much he appreciates them."

PIP(totally serious): "Too bad they won't give him the same respect!"

Both Marf and Ned stand across from each other, with the Xtreme Champion handing his belt to the referee. He holds it up in the air before taking it over to the time keeper and calling for the bell.



- vs -

Xtreme Rules
Warfare Rules

PIP: "As the Title suggests, this will be an Xtreme Rules Match, with the wrestler who scores the first fall walking away as Champion."

As soon as the bell rings, Marf AND Ned retreat to the outside, where they search under the ring for a weapon. Both men come up with a chair at nearly the exact same time and back in the ring. They hurry to their feet and simultaneously swing, causing the chairs to come into contact with each other and fly out of the competitors' hands!

HHL: "Those chairs acted as both sword AND shield!"

PIP(fake cough): "Nerd!"

We hear the sound of Heather slapping Pip as Marf swings at Ned Kaye, who catches the Punch and uses it to Irish Whip him. Marf reverses, sending his opponent to the ropes and back as he holds up a Big Boot. The Notorious One manages to stop short and catch his foot, before throwing it towards the mat. The momentum causes Marf to bend forward, allowing Ned to lift him up for a Pumphandle Slam. Unfortunately for him, Marf manages to slip out behind him and pick up one of the chairs from before, cracking Kaye HARD in the face with it!!!!! This shot drops the challenger, allowing the Champion to hook both legs for a cover.




Marf immediately gets to his feet and sets up for a Canadian Destroyer.

PIP: "The Sway! Marf's looking to end it already!"

Before he can hit it, Ned tosses Marf over his shoulders and picks up the chair that his opponent used on him just moments before. Marf gets back up, only to be put back DOWN with a vicious chair shot from the challenger!!!!!! The Notorious One follows it up with a cover, hooking both legs just as Marf had.




HHL: "As with Ned's Chameleon matches from before, these two seem to be on the same level."

PIP: "Most sports consider competing at someone's level a bad thing but, with The former Chameleon, it's actually an ADVANTAGE!"

Kaye brings Marf to a vertical base, where he delivers a Headbutt that backs the Xtreme Champion into a corner. He then Irish Whips the Champion to the other side and charges close behind him. Marf catches his opponent with an Elbow, backing him towards the center of the ring. He then rushes forward, only for Ned to catch him with a Powerslam into a pin!




PIP: "It seems some of The Chameleon's influence is still there, as Ned's been using Marf's moves thus far!"

HHL: "I'm sure it takes a bit of a transition to go from constantly using other people's moves, to using your own; especially since he's been doing it for months!"

Ned, still playing into that old aspect more, picks his opponent up and connects with a Fall Away Slam that sends the Xtreme Champion rolling out onto the apron. He tries to get up, but The Notorious One comes over and, not only brings him to his feet, but up in a Suplex. Marf fights back, shifting his weight so that Ned has to place him back on the side of the ring. Marf holds on, allowing him to lift Ned up and Brain Buster him off the apron, onto the floor!!!!!!!!!

HHL: "Marf might've just ended it right there!"

PIP: "He's got an arm draped over The challenger, we're about to find out!"



SHOULDER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PIP: "And Ned has other plans!"

Marf rolls over to the side of the ring and lifts up the skirt. He finds a table and pulls it out before proceeding to set it up as Ned Kaye slowly starts to stir.

HHL: "Marf may be making a mistake giving Ned all this time!"

Marf gets the table set up before turning back to his opponent, who greets him with a right, followed by another one. Ned then goes to lift Marf up for a Scoop Slam, but the Xtreme Champion slips out of his grasp, onto the apron. He then reaches down and brings Ned up onto it, too, where he attempts to Bearhug him. The Notorious One fights back, hammering away at Marf until he's forced to let go and back away. After a moment, he turns around and nearly loses his head to a Big Boot that flips him in the air before crashing, lifelessly, onto the apron!

HHL: "Marf's not even gonna remember this match after that boot!"

PIP: "The way this one's going, that may be a blessing!"

Ned looks at the table his opponent set up, before dragging Marf to his feet and getting into position to Bearhug him off the apron. However, before he can, the Xtreme Champion reverses it and instead drops him off the side of the ring, through the table as the fans go crazy!!!!!!!!!!

HHL: "Marf landed on top of him, this could be it!"




PIP: "That was close!"

HHL: "Ned's just as resilient as Marf which, after what we've seen so far, is saying aLOT!"

Marf shakes the cobwebs out before getting to a vertical base, bringing his opponent with him. Suddenly, Ned breaks free and hits Marf with a Headscissors from out of nowhere, sending his opponent,, face first,, into the steel steps behind him!!!!!!!!!

HHL: "There's the classic Ned we love!"

PIP: "Love's a strong word, Heather, more like tolerate."

The challenger lays next to the Champion, unable to follow the big move up with a pin. After what seems like an eternity, The Notorious One is finally able to roll over and drape a single arm across his opponent's chest.



SHOULDER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HHL: "The longer this match goes on, the more impressed I am with both these competitors. They're showing us exactly why they're here, competing for the second biggest prize in our sport."

PIP: "If it wasn't Ned, I'd be okay with either one of them walking away with the Xtreme Title at this point!"

HHL: "I know I certainly would!"

The Notorious One struggles to his feet but, once he gets there, he grabs hold of Marf and rolls him into the ring. Ned then climbs up onto the apron and waits for his opponent to get up.

PIP: "He could be looking for The Disciplinary Action!"

Once Marf gets up, Ned pulls on the top rope and uses the momentum to cartwheel over. He attempts to wrap his legs around his opponent's neck, but Marf takes a step back, causing Kaye to land on his feet and bend forward. This allows Marf to run forward and connect with a Canadian Destroyer that causes the entire arena to gasp!!!!!!!!!!

PIP: "The Sway! Marf hit The Sway!!!"

Ned's head bounces off the mat, sending his body flying into ropes before plummeting to the canvas. Marf rolls Kaye over and hooks a leg for the pin.





HHL: "Ned kicks out!"

PIP: "Are you kidding?! Marf took out THREE opponents with that move at Fire & Ice!"

Marf slams the mat and yells at the ref, who holds up a two, only to receive an unflattering 'one' from the Xtreme Champion. After essentially telling the referee to fuck off, Marf brings Ned to a vertical base and prepares to deliver The Echoslide.

HHL: "I'd be shocked if Ned kicks out of this!"

Before Marf can lift his opponent up, Ned grabs hold of HIS leg and hits the Champion with his own move!!!!!!!

PIP: "Is The Chameleon gonna pull through for Ned one last time?!"




PIP: "Nope!"

HHL: "I think Ned's gonna have to fully revert back to his old self it he's wants to win this one!"

PIP: "Sounds like a good way to lose to me!"

Ned rolls out onto the apron, heads to the corner closest to Marf, and begins ascending the turnbuckles.

HHL: "Ned could be looking to end it here with the Ego Crusher!"

PIP: "Looks like he heard you, Heather!"

Kaye waits for Marf to get up before diving at him for a Headscissors................................ only for the Champ to roll into it and transition into a surprise pin!!!!!!!!!




HHL: "Ned Kaye's Title hopes are still alive!"

Marf hurries to his feet and attempts to set Ned up for The Sway, only for the Notorious One to crawl through his legs! Kaye then pops to his feet and catches Marf with a V-Trigger that sends the Xtreme Champion flying forward towards the ropes! Marf lands, throat first, over the top rope, causing him to grab at it in pain as he falls to the mat.

PIP: "Marf's coughing up blood!"

With his opponent writhing in pain, Ned Kaye rushes out onto the apron and motions for Marf to get up. Once he does, still clutching at his injured larynx, Ned pulls on the top rope and uses the momentum to cartwheel over, wrapping his legs around Marf's neck for a Headscissors as the crowd goes crazy!

HHL: "T.D.A.!!!"

But Ned isn't done, as he heads back out onto the apron, where he climbs to the top rope and waits for Marf to stumble back in his direction. From there, The Notorious One jumps off and catches the Xtreme Champion with a Hurricanranna, which he transitions into a Headscissors submission hold!!!!!!!!!!!

HHL: "Ned's got the Ego Crusher locked in!"

PIP: "Poor Marf, I don't think his neck can handle much more!"

Ned applies pressure as Marf flails around in a desperate attempt to escape. The fans cheer The Notorious One on as he does everything he can to keep the Xtreme Champion from escaping. After much struggle, Marf is left with no choice but to tap out, sending the entire arena into a frenzy!!!!!!

Winner and NEW XWF Xtreme Champion, "NOTORIOUS" NED KAYE

HHL: "He did it! Ned Kaye is the new Xtreme Champion!"

PIP: "If you told me a week ago that Ned Kaye would be leaving March Madness with the Xtreme Championship, I would've NEVER believed it!"

HHL: "Well, believe it, Pip, Ned is back and better than ever!"

Ned Kaye celebrates with the Title as the fans give him a standing ovation, happy to have the Notorious One back in their lives.

HHL: And now we have gotten to the first of tonight's two main events. The finals of this year's March Madness Tournament!

The arena lights turn gold as the intro of “Soldier Dream” by ROOT FIVE hits the PA.

Raion Kido appears on stage, letting out a lion’s roar.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Mezasu kiboo no iro wa
Kedakai hodo utsukushii…”

Raion spreads his arms and breaks into a bird run towards the ring, slapping the fans’ hands along the way. He slides into the ring on his belly and springs into his feet.

HHL: Kido has a noticeable limp in his step. No doubt a direct result of the work Thunder Knuckles put into it during their earlier match.

Pip: I think TK was doing his buddy Bobby a favor by softening Kido up for his fellow Bastard.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Tsubasa wa ten wo kakeru
Erabareta moushigo no you niiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

Facing the camera, Raion throws a one-two punch forward, his final pose as the music dies down.

The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.

As Warlord blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Bobby Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Bobby climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison.


- vs -

Standard Singles Match

HHL: "It's time fans!! It's at least ONE of the moments everyone has been waiting for…. The March Madness Finals!"

PIP: "After the Elite 8… After the Final Four… After watching all of those that have fallen leading up to this point… I'm definitely ready to name Bobby Bourbon the NEW KING OF THE XWF!!!"

HHL: "Don't get ahead of yourself, Pip… Raion Kido has brought the fight in every match that he's had here in the XWF… And I can only imagine that this one, perhaps his biggest match yet, will be no different!"

PIP: "Alright, alright… Kido IS on another level… but Bobby Bourbon has been in and won the big one before… He knows what it takes!"

HHL: "I'll give you that, Bobby Bourbon definitely has the experience to back up his words this week… but you just can't count out Raion Kido, Pip!"

Kido remains in his position in the corner, still nursing the injured leg from earlier that he suffered in his match against Thunder Knuckles. Bob towers in his own corner and cracks his knuckles with a smirk on his face.

HHL: "As disappointed as Bobby Bourbon may be that his partner isn't staring at him from across the ring, I'm sure he appreciates the fact that TK gave Kido the business a couple of hours ago…"

PIP: "Partners in and out of action together, Heather! That's what being a bastard is all about!"

HHL: "Is it?"


The referee signals for the bell and the March Madness final match is underway! Bourbon takes his time walking to the center of the ring as Kido watches and carefully changes his stance to be ready for a charge from his opponent.

Bourbon moves in and attempts to grapple Kido, but Kido quickly rolls out of the way and back to his feet to the side. He attacks with a kick to the back of Bobby's leg which makes both men wince in pain! Bobby holds his hamstring while Kido used his bum leg to support him and limps away backwards. Bobby turns around and rushes in a little quicker, trapping Kido against the ropes and Irish whips him across the ring. Kido barely gets across the ring before he falls to the mat, unable to run on the injured leg. Bobby laughs out loud and takes two giant steps before leaping in the air and dropping a big sentan splash onto the spine of Kido that flattens him!

HHL: "OUCH! That's almost three hundred pounds crashing down on you, Pip!"

PIP: "On me?"

HHL: "Not on you… On Kido!"

PIP: "That's what I thought! With an easy early advantage like this, Bourbon's already got this in the bag!"

Bobby rolls to his feet and applies a double underhook to Kido before lifting him easily into the air and holds him before flipping him over with a suplex! Kido takes a couple of bounces off the mat before huddling in the corner where he stays to gain his bearings… Bobby doesn't let up as he charges the corner and slams in like a locomotive squashing Kido against the bottom two turnbuckles! He folds up in the corner and Bobby continues the punishment by grabbing him by the hair on the back of his head and dragging him out. He brings Kido to his feet, where Kido continues to struggle to keep his footing… Bobby brings him out to the center of the ring where he holds him up and then lifts him high into the air in a vertical suplex…..

HHL: "Look at the strength of Bobby Bourbon here…"

PIP: "And all of that blood rushing to Kido's head!"

Several seconds go by before Bobby falls back and slams Kido down to the mat! He rolls around and rests an arm over the fallen Kido for the cover….

HHL: "Bourbon looking to end this early!"

PIP: "Bobby's getting the crown!"



Kido kicks out after two!

Bobby scoffs at what he thought was a slow count and crawls back to his feet. Kido stirs a bit, but only until Bobby lifts one of his size 15's up and slams it down in the center of his back! Bobby grabs Kido by the back of his pants and shoulder and tosses him through the middle ropes to the outside of the ring where he clears the apron and lands hard on the floor. Bobby turns to the Japanese crowd and embraces them as they try booing him out of the arena!

HHL: "Bobby Bourbon has done some work in Japan, has he not, Pip?"

PIP: "What? Can't you tell? This place loves BOB and the Bastards!"

The boos turn to motivational cheers for the fallen Raion Kido on the outside who has started to climb up the ring steps. He rests on the top one and grabs the middle rope to keep him balanced. Bobby exits the ring over the top rope, steps down off the apron, and makes his way over to his opponent. He reaches to grab Kido again, but Kido pulls Bobby in and slams his face off of the ring post! Bourbon falls back and faces the barricade as Kido lifts himself up to his feet… He crosses the apron while Bobby is still wiping the ring post off his face and leaps off nailing Bobby with a flying lariat! It hits Bobby perfectly and the two men crash down to the floor!

HHL: "Here's the fight we were talking about in Kido, Pip! Once this kid finds momentum there's nothing stopping him!"

PIP: "Oh, come on, Heather! You just told me not to get ahead of MYself… Bobby's only playing possum… All it takes is one move to put Kido out of this! Look at him! How many big moves could he possibly have left with that leg?!"

Kido is the first to his feet and comes face to face with a referee shouting "FIVE!" right in his face then yells at him to get back into the ring. Kido does such, then rolls back out to reset the count to much approval of the Tokyo Dome crowd! Kido lands a stiff kick, with his good leg, to the side of the head of Bobby then grabs him by the hair to pull him to his feet. Kido pushes the bastard against the barricade and delivers a hard chop to the chest of the big man! Followed by another…. THEN ANOTHER!!! Red welts can be seen across Bobby's chest as he manages to stumble away, but Kido is right behind him and grabs him! He uses the stumbling momentum of Bobby to turn him and slam him into the ring steps where Bobby's own leg takes the most damage as he flips over them and back to the floor.


Kido shouts out with a lion roar and the crowd explodes!


HHL: "Kido is finding himself again! Bobby Bourbon could be in trouble!"

Kido steps up onto the steps and drops down onto the back of Bourbon's head with an elbow knocking him back down from his hands and knees! Kido keeps the momentum by grabbing Bobby around the head and forcing him back under the bottom rope where he rolls toward the center of the ring.

HHL: "Bobby Bourbon is stunned, ladies and gentlemen! Kido looks to continue the punishment as he ascends to the top rope!"

PIP: "Yeah… but he's struggling to get up there, Heather! TK's early work on that ankle will be Raion Kido's downfall! He could barely pull off the victory earlier
… there's no way he's healed up enough to win it all now!"

HHL: "Maybe he got the Mr. Miyagi treatment backstage??"

PIP: "Oh, come on! That was very racially insensitive, Heather!"


PIP: "That's more like it! Break his leg, Bobby!! Finish what Thunder Knuckles started!!"

HHL: "NOT what I meant…"

Kido slowly, but surely, makes it to the top turnbuckle… but in the meantime Bourbon has managed to stir back to his feet. As he looks up and finally notices Kido, he's already airborne and flying towards him… before impact Bobby is able to grab Kido by his head with two hands…. He picks him back up into the air and slams him down keeping the hold intact!!

HHL: "Phrenology Claw!!! Bobby looking to get Kido to tap!! He's holding it tight in the middle of the ring!! Kido has nowhere to go!!"

Kido fights to break the move but Bobby's hands are like vice grips around his head! He struggles as the official checks his status…. Kido can't shake his head but he shouts out, "NOOOOO!!!!"

Kido slowly starts to fade as the Tokyo crowd begins to get restless and clap in unison to build up Kido's momentum meter back up!!! Kido begins pumping his fists in sync with the crowd and slowly works his way up to a knee…. Bobby applies more pressure to the move, but it does no good!! Kido manages to fight through to his feet then screams put again sending an invisible ki blast out as he stands straight up sending the no good bastard flying backwards in the air several feet to his back!!!

HHL: "WOW!!!"

PIP: "What the hell was that?!"

A stunned Bobby flops around on the mat and clumsily rises to his feet…. Where Kido was waiting….


Kido shouts at the top of his lungs and lunges after Bobby!!! Blow after blow nails Bobby as he's unable to block the speed from Raion Kido's attack!! Punches to the face, chest, abdomen, arms all connect as Bobby is sent flailing into the corner where Kido doesn't let up!!! As Bourbon takes the punishment, he begins to fall into the turnbuckle, but Kido pulls him out of the corner by the back of the head where he is bent down, Kido hops up to the second turnbuckle with his good leg and leaps off while holding Bobby still and lands a fame asser!!! Bobby pancakes on the ground and Kido flips him over for a cover, straddling him and pulling a single leg!!!!


Kido counts with the Tokyo crowd!!!!





HHL: "WOW!!! We were talking about the fight in Kido, Pip…. But let's not forget the fight in Bobby Bourbon, as well!"

Kido is pushed off from Bobby and is immediately on his feet… He attempts to pull Bobby up, but the no good bastard resists and keeps one knee down on the mat. Kido reacts with a hard forearm smash on the back of Bobby Bourbon followed quickly by another… a third attempt is made, but Bobby stands up lifting Kido with him and slams him down with a Somoa drop!!! Kido is flattened!! Bobby on his feet now, paces around the ring looking for some hype from the crowd…. Which he actually does receive in the form of, "This is awesome!" chants!! Kido, now also at his feet, takes shelter in the corner as the two of them share a staredown. Bobby bull rushes into the corner only for Kido to lift both legs with the support of the ropes catching Bobby with a double boot to the face!! Bobby bounces back towards the center and tries blinking the twirling stars out of his sights!! Kido suffered from his quick offense, too, as his bad leg buckled from the rush from Bobby!!! Kido limps out of the corner, bracing his leg……

But powers up again!!!!! He screams at the top of his lungs……



PIP: "Shake it off, Bobby!!!!"

HHL: "This is the dreaded, deadly heart-punch that eliminated Bobby's partner from the Final Four!!! Will Bobby Bourbon fall victim, as well?!?!"

Kido lines up his shot……..

Rushing in after a couple of steps his leg fails him!!

Bobby steps forward and pops Kido up i. the air…….

PIP: "Dino Exincter!!!!"

But Kido counters midway and takes Bourbon down with a bulldog!!!! Kido pushes himself back to his feet!!!

HHL: "A sense of discouragement seems to be coming down on Raion Kido…. The injured leg he suffered earlier in the night is once again keeping Kido from gaining the momentum for his final blow!!! But… it didn't stop him last round!!!!"

Kido seems to remember that, too, as he pulls Bobby back to his feet and Irish whips him across the ring……




Bourbon takes a bounce off the ropes and in two and a half heavy steps he meets Kido in the center!!!!!

Kido leaps in the air and aims his shot straight into Bobby's heart!!!!!

But wait!!!!

Bobby catches Kido midair before he can extend with the punch and tosses him even higher……..

He catches Kido and…………


Bourbon slams Kido down with an insane amount of force!!!!

Kido lands on the back of his head and rolls backwards on the canvas!!!!


Bobby falls onto Kido and pulls hard on the leg!!!!!





HHL: I don't get on my knees for anyone Pip.

PIP: That's not what I heard. But anyway all Hail KING BOBBY!!!

The crowd is stunned as Bobby crushed the dreams of thousands of Japanese fans in the crowd who still applaud at the amazing showdown they have witnessed!!! Bobby holds his arms up high in celebration as he is announced the winner!!!!!


As the XWF comes back from a commercial break we see Alias sitting cross-legged in the ring as he awaits his opponent.

The lights in the arena go out, causing the usual hysteria from the crowd. After a few seconds, Peter Vaughn's face appears on the big tron, darkly smirking down at the fans.

"This Time... It's Different."

After Vaughn finishes speaking, he begins to laugh. His laughter carries on as the Tron video overtakes his image, beginning with "This Time It's Different" by Evans Blue. Sparks begin to erupt around the stage, showering nearby fans who feel like they're a little too close to the action. As the fireworks die down, two figures appear through the smoke and haze. Peter Vaughn walks forward first, wearing his dark blue gear, with the XWF Universal Championship wrapped around his waist. Chronic Chris Page stays behind him, smiling at the reaction Vaughn is getting. They stop at the top of the ramp, surveying the hatred from the crowd. From Vaughn's reaction, you'd think they were chanting his name, as he walks down the aisle with a cocky smile, with Page right behind him. The two make their way into the ring, heading into a corner to discuss some last-minute strategy.


- vs -
w/"Chronic" Chris Page

Ascent To Madness Match
Champs Advantage

The opening bell sounds…

[Image: Triple.Cage_-600x338.jpg]

The crowd inside the Tokoyo Dome starts to quiet down as Peter Vaughn and Alias start to circle each other inside the ring.

PIP: For the first time that I can remember we have a Triple Cage Main Event. Both men start at the bottom and have to work their way up into Cage Two where a host of weapons are waiting, you fight up into Cage Three where the match ends when someone grabs the XWF Universal Title suspended in the third cage!

HHL: It’s go time!

Chris Page shouts some last-minute instruction towards Vaughn as he and Alias lock up in the center ring. Alias uses his size and weight advantage to muscle Vaughn around the ring before driving him back into a set of buckles. Alias pulls away with a smirk on his face. Peter walks out from the corner where they circle each other once again, they look to lock up where Vaughn slips in a thumb to the eye drawing some boos as he opens up with a series of right hands backing Alias up into the ropes, he rushes forward to with a Lariat attempt that sees Alias low bridge the top rope sending Vaughn spilling over the top rope and out to the floor!

Alias drops down to the mat where he rolls out to the floor. He stomps away at Vaughn on the floor before picking him up where he takes him by the face where he looks to drive him into the Cage! Vaughn put on the breaks using his right boot, he counters by smashing Alias face-first off the Cage! Vaughn begins to grate Alias face across the mesh of the steel before smashing Alias face-first off the cage a second time!

Alias is then sent crashing right shoulder first into the ring steps!

PIP: It didn’t take them long to spill out to the floor. Keep in mind it’s all legal.

Vaughn wastes no time in going underneath the ring where he pulls out a Kendo Stick. Alias is getting back to a vertical base where he’s met with a shot to the gut with the Kendo Stick doubling over the challenger. Vaughn tosses the Kendo Stick into the ring.

Vaughn turns his attention back towards Alias who lunges at Peter snatching him by the throat where he starts to bite at the forehead of the Universal Champion! Alias takes Vaughn down with a double leg takedown on the floor. He mounts Vaughn where he hammers down with right hand after right hand! He starts choking Vaughn with both hands across the throat for several seconds before he releases. Alias steps up to his feet. He takes Vaughn by both legs before catapulting him into the Cage!

Vaughn bounces off the cage falling back down to the floor while we see Alias back to a vertical base. He tosses back the ring apron where he reaches under the ring and retrieves…


Alias ignites the blowtorch as he then points it towards Vaughn shooting the flames out towards him! Peter evades as he crawls quickly around the side of the ring with Alias in pursuit! Vaughn reaches his feet where he comes around the ring rolling back into the ring under the bottom rope. Alias slides in after Vaughn who stomps away at his back causing the handheld blowtorch to go out.

Peter picks Alias up off the mat where he hits a sit-out jawbreaker!

Vaughn snatches the kendo stick where he starts whacking the challenger with vicious shots across the back of his challenger! Vaughn lands six shots before tossing the kendo stick to the mat. He drops down and rolls out to the floor where he reaches under the ring pulling out a Ladder. Vaughn slides the Ladder into the ring where he slides back into the ring after it. He reaches his feet, picking up the Ladder and positioning it under the trap door that leads up into the second steel cage.

Vaughn starts to climb the ladder while in the ring Alias starts to use the Ladder to help get back to his feet.

Vaughn nears the top of the Ladder where he starts reaching for the trap door when his attention diverts down towards the ring as Alias starts shaking the Ladder. Vaughn gazes down at the challenger who waves at him before shoving the Ladder over sending the Universal Champion sailing over the top rope and smashing into the side of the cage before sliding down the cage hitting the floor!

HHL: That was one hell of a fall!

Chris Page comes around the outside of the cage as he rallies Vaughn with the Cage separating them. Alias rolls out to the floor where he starts choking Vaughn with his boot across his throat while Alias now eyes down Page. He stops choking Vaughn, picking him up off the mat and hurling him back into the ring. Alias slides into the ring getting back to his feet. He grabs the Ladder off the top rope. He folds it up before resting against a set of turnbuckles.

Alias picks Vaughn up off the mat where he hurls him towards the Ladder causing Vaughn to crash back first off the ladder where he staggers forward and into a backbreaker by Alias! Alias steps up to his feet where he walks over to the ladder and sends it falling down on top of Vaughn. Alias bounces off the ropes where he delivers a back senton crashing down onto the ladder driving it into the chest of the Universal Champion!

Alias works his way back up to his feet where he reaches down picking up the Ladder! He sets the Ladder up underneath the closed trapped door that leads up to Cage Two. Alias starts to climb the Ladder while in the ring we see the Universal Champion using the ropes to help negotiate his way back up to his feet! Alias reaches the top of the Ladder where he starts to reach up towards the trap door to unlock it.

The crowd responds as the trapped door is unlocked by the challenger!

Alias reaches through the when suddenly Peter Vaughn snatches the Ladder out from underneath Alias leaving the challenger hanging from the trapped door opening! Vaughn folds up the Ladder using it as a javelin into the ribs of the Challenger causing him to free-fall down the mat!

PIP: Vaughn might have just saved this thing because Alias had such a jump that nothing would have stopped him from getting up into the third cage where you see the Universal Championship hanging.

HHL: If I’m the champion I’m trying to scale that Ladder now and get up to that Championship.

Vaughn lays the Ladder on the mat before picking up Alias. He delivers a sling blade onto the Ladder sending the sounds of the body on metal echoing throughout the Tokoyo Dome! Peter Vaughn starts getting back to his feet. He picks Alias up off the mat where he quickly locks in a front face lock, hoists him up in the air, and delivers a Falcon Arrow onto the Ladder! Page screams out more instruction to Vaughn as the Universal Champion gets back to his feet. He picks up the Ladder and places it underneath the now opened trap door leading up to Cage Two. Peter looks out across the crowd giving them a wave before he starts to climb up the Ladder.

Alias starts working his way back up to his feet as we see Vaughn nearing the top of the Ladder. He turns his head seeing his challenger getting back to his feet. Vaughn has a moment to either try and climb up into the second cage or take out his challenger. Vaughn spins around where he sizes up Alias, he leaps off the top rung off the Ladder with a Flying Cross Body Block!

Alias sidesteps Peter as he crashes down to the mat!

Vaughn pushes himself up to all fours as Alias takes a rear-naked choke on the Universal Champion!

HHL: Alias is taking advantage! If he can choke him out he’s going to have an easy passage up to the second cage!

Alias synched in the rear-naked choke on the Universal Champion as we slowly start to see Peter Vaughn start to fade! The referee sits back watching as Peter passes out! Alias releases the rear-naked choke as he starts to get back to his feet. His eyes shift towards the ladder where he makes his way over and starts to climb up the ladder!

PIP: Alias has a clear path to the second cage!

Alias reaches the midway point when we see CCP screaming out towards Vaughn trying to get him lucid but there’s not a lot he can do from outside of the cage. Alias nears the top of the Ladder as Vaughn starts to stir. There’s a pop from the crowd as Alias reaches the top of the Ladder where he climbs up through the open trap door.

Peter Vaughn slowly starts pushing himself up off the mat as above him Alias starts to get to his feet, more unstable than below. Vaughn finally reaches his feet and is forced to give chase up after Alias who is in the second cage. There are chairs and tables as well as a smaller Ladder. Alias goes right after the smaller ladder and sets it up where starts to climb up towards the trap door that will lead into the third Cage.

Peter Vaughn reaches the trap door where he climbs up into the second cage while Alias unlocks the trap door and starts climbing up into the third cage! Vaughn climbs up into the second cage as Alias is climbing up into the third cage, Vaughn manages to kick the smaller ladder over, grabs the ankles of Alias pulling him back down into the second cage.

Vaughn takes Alias and drives him face-first into the Cage before he starts raking his face across the mesh of the Cage! Vaughn smashes him headfirst into the Cage a second time before snatching a chair. Alias spins around and is jabbed in the midsection of the challenger doubling him over! Vaughn smashes the chair across the back of Alias dropping him face-first on the cage floor of the second cage!

HHL: This one is wild and equally as crazy! It’s a pick em’!

PIP: You have to think whoever reaches that third cage if they can get there solo all they have to do is reach up and grab that Universal Title.

Peter shifts his attention to one of the tables. He opens the legs of the table where he starts to flip it over. Vaughn turns his attention back towards Alias where he picks him up, Vaughn looks to drive Alias face-first off the table! Alias puts on the breaks with his hands and elbows Vaughn in the ribs where he’s able to reverse the positioning and it’s the challenger who bounces the Champion face-first off the table!

Alias drives Vaughn into the table a second time.

He rolls Vaughn onto the table before turning his attention towards the smaller ladder. He leans it against the side of the Cage where he starts to climb up the ladder as he faces Vaughn!

HHL: Alias could be looking to set up that opportunity to get to the third cage!

Alias nears the top of the six-footer.

Alias leaps off the Ladder with a diving elbow drop that sees Vaughn roll off the tabletop and the challenger crashing through the table! Vaughn crawls towards Alias where he starts to choke away at Alias with both hands across the throat of the challenger.

Vaughn releases his choke on Alias as he turns his attention towards the six-foot ladder. Vaughn places it across the chest of Alias as he then takes a steel chair and starts smashing the Ladder into the chest and sternum of the challenger! The sounds of steel crashing into steel echo throughout the Tokyo Dome with the crowd gasping with each shot from the reigning Universal Champion!

PIP: That’s one way to clear your path to the Championship in the third cage! Vaughn is unrelenting!

HHL: One thing we know about the challenger is his ability to take an incredibly high threshold of pain but to dish it out as well. Alias is an enigma of sorts.

Finally, Vaughn tosses the chair to the side as he retrieves the Ladder from the chest, and the body of Alias as he sets it up under the door that leads up to his Championship! Peter starts to climb the ladder while Alias starts to stir. Vaughn reaches the top of the ladder as Alias starts climbing up after him!

Vaughn climbs up through the trap door, he starts to stand up.

PIP: All Vaughn’s got to do is retrieve his title!

The Champion reaches up touching his championship when the challenger comes up through the trap door yanking the champion's ankles out from under him where he then pulls him back down through the trap door back down into Cage Two! Alias takes Vaughn and smashes him face-first into the side of the cage as he now starts to rake his face across the mesh of the steel!

Vaughn’s opened up by the challenger as he continues to rake his face across the mesh of the steel! He brings Vaughn off the Cage where he hits a swinging neckbreaker!

HHL: Who would have thought we’d see a wrestling move fifteen or sixteen feet above the ring!

PIP: It just happened.

Alias grabs another table and props it to a corner inside Cage Two before turning his attention back towards Peter Vaughn! Alias reaches down picking Vaughn up where he smashes him face-first off the Cage again! Vaughn drops down to the trap door where he starts to escape Cage Two down to the twelve-foot Ladder! Alias reaches down snatching Vaughn by the head which allows him to go into his uniform where he throws baby powder into the eyes of Alias!

The challenger is blinded in Cage Two as the Universal Champion climbs back up inside Cage Two where his challenger is taking blind swings. Vaughn grabs a chair holding it up as Alias takes a swing connecting with the chair! He clutches at his right hand as Vaughn tattoos Alias in the cranium with a vicious chair shot busting him wide open!

HHL: Both men are now wearing the wounds of war!

PIP: If they both weren’t bleeding when this one ended I would have been disappointed.

Peter points towards the Table that Alias has set up. He tosses the chair down on the chainlink floor of Cage Two before picking Alias up off the cage. He takes him towards the table where he drives his headfirst into the table before putting his back against the table. Vaughn backs across the cage where he charges for a spear!

Alias sidesteps the Universal Champion sending him crashing through the table!

The champion and challenger are both down as there’s nothing anyone can do but look on. The first man to start moving is Alias. He rolls over towards Vaughn where he starts grinding his face across the mesh of the chainlink floor of Cage Two!

He stops grinding Vaughn’s face into the cage as he starts to get back to his feet. His attention diverts towards the six-foot ladder that’s fallen over amidst the unstable nature of Cage Two. Alias sets it up under the trap door to Cage Three as he starts to climb to a pop from the Japanese crowd.

HHL: Alias is making a play for the Championship!

PIP: He’s got a chance!

Alias climbs up the six-foot ladder where he starts to climb up into Cage Three. Vaughn pushes himself up to a vertical base where he starts to scale up the ladder after Alias! Alias enters the third cage and starts getting to a vertical base! The crowd responds as he reaches up towards the Universal Championship, his hands grab ahold of the gold but before he can pull it down Peter Vaughn is there with a low blow!

HHL: Vaughn just saved his title!

Alias staggers before falling onto Vaugh who occupies the trap door! His weight on top of Vaughn sends both men crashing down into Cage Two where the chainlink bottom of the cage nearly gives way under the gravity and weight of both men!

PIP: They’re in the danger zone for sure!

Both men are down! The fans look on in awe as we see both Alias and Vaughn start to work their way back up to their feet! Both men’s faces are crimson masks as they reach their feet with Alias lunging with Eat the Left Hand!

Vaughn ducks and hits the REVENGED!

Peter Vaughn starts to crawl towards the Ladder that’s set up under the trap door to Cage Three! He starts to slowly pull himself up to a standing position using the rungs of the ladder. The Universal Champion is ascending up the Ladder towards the trap door of Cage Three.

The challenger begins to stir.

The champion nears the top of the ladder where he starts exerting his energy to pull himself up through the trap door and into the third cage.

HHL: Vaughn’s going to retain!

The chase is on for the challenger as he wills himself up the ladder after Vaughn who pulls himself up into the third cage. He starts getting to a vertical base underneath the Universal Championship where he reaches up taking ahold of the title. He starts to pull but it is not unfastened!

Vaughn starts to unfasten the championship when from out of nowhere the challenger crams his left hand down his throat!


The challenger overpowers the Champion as Vaughn succumbs to the Eat the Left Hand! It’s Alias who stands up underneath the Universal Championship where he unfastens the title and retrieves it!


The lights in the Tokyo Dome suddenly cut off, enshrouding the ring in darkness. The crowd starts to go wild, because they’re pretty sure something big is about to happen.

Pip: Hold on folks, it looks like we may be having technical failures here!

HHL: I don’t think so, Pip! The Champion had better watch out, because I think someone with nefarious intent may have cut the lights!

Phosphorescent green smoke begins to rise up from all four turnbuckles of the ring. Alias looks at the green smoke suspiciously as he backs into the center of the ring- but the phosphorescent smoke just keeps coming and coming.

Pip: That green smoke is glowing in the darkness!

HHL: It’s phosphorescent!

As the green smoke begins to completely enshroud the ring a red spotlight is turned on from the rafters. The spotlight seems to be in a pattern of some sort, but it’s moving through the wild crowd so quickly that it’s hard to see exactly what it’s supposed to be.

Pip: Someone’s shining that spotlight down from the rafters!

HHL: A red spotlight and green smoke?! What the hell is going on here?!

The red spotlight is quickly turned off as green smoke ceases to pour out from the ring posts.

Then the red spotlight suddenly shines on the green smoke right in the middle of the ring where Alias is standing. The word ‘M I N E’ appears in red lettering over the champion and his belt.

Pip: “Someone is trying to play mind games with the champion!”

HHL: “I think I know of someone who likes to play mind games…”

The X-tron suddenly comes to life as the red spotlight shuts off. A video begins playing across the screen.

The lights flip back on after the video ends and we see all five of the known members of BOB step out onto the entrance ramp one by one, with The Nickleman himself coming out first. Thunder Knuckles, Oswald, Bobby Bourbon, and Barney Green all flank Charlie Nickles as he stares daggers into the ring. All five men look worse for wear after their battles tonight.

HHL: It was a mixed bag for the Bastards here tonight. Highlighted by Rob winning the March Madness tournament to become the new King of the XWF.

Pip: Yeah but Thunder Knuckles lost to that Kido fella and Charlie's narrowly escaped a loss at the hands of that old fart Centurion.

The Brotherhood of Bastards stand around Charlie Nickles. Then, Barney Green starts to walk forward.Alias beckons for the bastards to bring it on and come to the ring! Charlie Nickles calls Barney back, much to Barney’s chagrin. Alias looks none too pleased with that decision.

Pip: “Charlie Nickles is playing his patented mind games right now! He thinks he’s been owed a shot at the universal championship for a long time, and it seems he’s about to make that everybody’s problem!”

HHL: “Charlie should just go down and attack [the champion] if he wants to act so tough! What he’s doing now isn’t anything more than spooky theater!”

Just as everyone’s eyes are on the five bastards at the top of the entrance ramp, another bastard hops out from the crowd and over the guard barrier! He’s wearing a BOB t-shirt and a black ski mask! As the mystery bastard hops over the barricade we see that he has a BRIEFCASE in his hands! We also see multiple security personnel rushing over his way, but they’re too slow because he’s already sliding into the ring behind the champion!

HHL: “Oh my God he he has a briefcase! Are there any active briefcases floating around?! Is Alias being cashed in one right now?!”

Pip: “Don’t get worked up, Heather! That’s just what Charlie wants, he’s trying to play mind games with EVERYONE all the time!”

The champion hears someone sliding into the ring behind him. His eyes go wide and he turns around just in time to get a metal briefcase shot to the face! The champion, already worn out from their main event match, collapses to the ground after the assault!

HHL: “But Pip, this is almost EXACTLY how Alias lost his universal championship last time! If there’s a briefcase floating around out there from years ago, this could be the shortest universal championship reign in history!”

Pip: “Snap out of it, Heather! Charlie’s just playing his mind games, can’t you see?! He has the universal championship firmly in his sights now, there’s no way he’d help someone else cash in!”

The crowd boos like crazy as the admittedly small man stands over the downed champion. The masked man unclips his briefcase and allows it to fall open. Dozens and dozens of pinecones as well as a severed dolphin fin fall out from the open case. The contents of the bastard’s briefcase get scattered all over the champion’s body. Charlie and the BOB members are going absolutely nuts at the top of the entrance ramp. They’re all laughing and elbowing each other racouously!

HHL: “Wait, this isn’t a cash in at all!”[/red[

Pip: “I told you, Heather!”

[red]HHL: “So who the hell is this and what are they doing?!”

The unknown bastard takes his ski mask off……..


He takes his t-shirt off and throws that and his ski mask into the crowd! The new t-shirt Jimson is wearing clearly reads ‘DDS IS BOB’. The crowd has a mixed reaction, with some booing like and some cheering like hell!



Jim Jimson can’t celebrate in the ring for long, however, as the security guards chasing him finally slide in beneath the bottom rope! Jim Jimson looks panicked as he sees the big burly men coming towards him, so he immediately slides out of the ring and starts running up the entrance ramp towards the other members of BOB! The boys at the top of the ramp excitedly and energetically welcome Jim Jimson into the fold while they mock the universal champion from the top of the ramp!

The security guards follow Jim Jimson and leave the ring themselves. While the bastards mock and taunt the pursuing security guards, Alias begins to move towards the ropes where he begins pulling himself back up to his feet.

HHL: “Those bastards may have gotten one over on the champion tonight, but he’s not going to let Charlie get off scot-free for orchestrating this!”

Pip: “That’s what Charlie’s counting on, Heather! He wants the universal champion’s eyes on him!”

HHL: “I think Charlie has the eyes of the whole XWF universe now! Those bastards ruined the end of our pay per view! We’re sorry folks, but we’re out of time! Try to have a good night after that!”




Special Thanks To:
Dolly Waters
Thad Duke
Charlie Nickles
Mark Flynn
Sarah Lacklan
The GM's

And all of you sexy RPers!

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-28-2022, 01:10 AM

What a god damned pay per view. My favorite part was the Ned Kaye reveal, hands down, and that's saying something given how great the card was! Perfect mix of titles changing hands and titles staying on waists, imo, putting some fresh faces in places is always cool. Congrats King Bobby, of course! I think it's safe to say everyone in the march madness tournament gave it all they got, and Bourbon came out on top- that's why he's the King.

10/10 would read again and again and again

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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[-] The following 4 users Like Charlie Nickles's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-28-2022), Marf (03-28-2022), Ned Kaye (03-28-2022), Thaddeus Duke (03-28-2022)
Jim "the Jim" Jimson Offline
The man, the myth, the legend, the pin

XWF FanBase:
Not Over

(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

03-28-2022, 03:05 AM

What a wicky wacky turn of events these are. Bob Bobson?!?!?!?!!

Awe well... the abyss yearns me to it every second I am out of its clutches

7x Heavymetalweight champin
1x Federweight champion

XWF record

Universal record 13-24  

The relatives of Jim Jimson
Jimmy Jimson
Jim Johnson
James Jimson
J. Jonah Jimson
Jimmy Jimmy
Jimbo Jimson
Jimbo Baggins
Jackenhoffer Jiminez
Jimmy Jimmerson
Jim Jimbo
James (Jim) J. Jimson
Jim Jimseruno
Jim Jackstiener
Jimmy Jim
Jim of the Nine Eastern Stars of Terrafourn
Jim Jaghofferson
Jim "James 'Jim' Jimson" Jimson
Jimmy Jimbo Jimbob
Pinecone Jimson
Jimdick Jagoffboy
James Jimson
Jim Jimpin
John Jameson
Jim McJimbiongbong
Jim Jimjimjimjimjimjimjimjim
Big Daddy Meat Jimson
Tiny Daddy Meat Jimson
Jim Jopson
Jimbo Jimmy Jam
Jimbo Jimsmith (formerly a Doctor)
Jim Jimmy the Jim Jimmerson
Jim Jimpegmyassrawohbabyohbabyohbaby
Jimmy Jim Jimmer Jimbosen Jiminez the dolphin rapper
Jim Jim Jim Jimson Son Son
Jim Jon Un
Tangy Tangerine
Animal Jim
Jimbo Jimson Chang
Jimbo Jimson the Chang
Jimbo Jimson Jang


You wanna see my cool new banner


Here it is
[Image: tJUYYdT.jpg]

What... you don't like it

Well I tried my best you fucking piece of shit you don't have to make fun of it you little bitch

You thought something was down here huh. Well, you must be pretty dumb. Maybe you should go check-up in the text for the pins

During all Business Enquires please refer to Mr. Jimson as "Small Daddy Meat Jimson" to assure business professionalism.

oh wait

they got rid of the Heavymetalweight championship because appartenly they hate fun at XWF headquaters smh shaking my head rn
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[-] The following 8 users Like Jim "the Jim" Jimson's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-28-2022), Charlie Nickles (03-28-2022), Corey Smith (03-28-2022), Marf (03-28-2022), Ned Kaye (03-28-2022), Thaddeus Duke (03-28-2022), Theo Pryce (03-28-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (03-29-2022)
Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-28-2022, 10:11 AM

[Image: 6N7CKW2.gif]

Phew! Thank god that is over! It sucks I burned all my toys though. Psssht, I kept Dollface (don't tell the others), and now Charlie said I can have his toy.........

Oh Charlieeeeeee.......

We did so good against big bad Centy, I think we were a swell team! have something for meeeeeee.

OOOOOO I LOVE getting gifts! What is it?

Wait, wait, don't tell me!

Is it a puppy?!

Puppies are delicious! Please let it be a puppy!

Maybe on Savage you can stop by Visitation Hours and we can talk about our little agreement?




[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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[-] The following 4 users Like Jenny Myst's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-28-2022), Ash Q (03-30-2022), Charlie Nickles (03-28-2022), Vita Frickin Valenteen (03-28-2022)
Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-28-2022, 09:41 PM

I set em' up and I knock em' down. Respect my Goldi, all hail King BOB, and eat your goddamned Cheerios. Bend that knee or we'll bend you over.

Let's shoot the breeze, Jenzies. See you soon.

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Charlie Nickles's post:
Thunder Knuckles™ (03-28-2022)

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