04-01-2022, 11:50 AM
HIIIIIII-iiiiiiii! We are BACK after our SECOND round/set/bunch/pod/flock of matches in the Plump Pigeon Tournament #Sar1ClassAXLY, and here's where we currently stand:
S Block:
Vita: 4 Points
Generic Heel: 2 Points
Ruby: 2 Points
Calvary: 2 Points
Oswald: 2 Points
Tommy: 0 Points
L Block:
Cashe: 4 Points
Boots: 4 Points
Centurion: 2 Points
HGH: 2 Points
Raab: 0 Points
Dolly: 0 Points
Still too early to talk about who's "leading" or anything, but we ARE seeing some interesting stories developing. And for peeps who don't know: A LOT of the ability to win tournaments is understanding WHAT these "stories" MEAN. An injury in one match leads to aggravation in another, and so on. For instance, Short McShortface starts WAY behind since he has to absorb Barndoor's loss, right? And Dolly coming into this tournament with a pre-existing injury severely damages her ability to gain momentum. Let's see what's shaking this week!
Rubes vs. GH - Battle of the Stench! As has been discussed many many MANY times, Smelly Ruby, who we recently learned gets her particular brand of stench from that bunion on her foot (#LongTermStorytelling, #Continiuty), is SUPER smelly! But she's nowhere NEAR as smelly as XWF Anarchy's own Gelatinous Cube (#pleasedon'tsuemewizardsofthecoast), the Generic Heel. Spoiler Alert: After my rundown of the card, I'm going to make their match the first-ever Shower Match, wherein the first person to properly bathe gets the Plump Pigeon Points.
Winner: Ruby by, like, a hair, because it will take her slightly less time to shower than GH's bulk
#HotBoi vs. Footmania - CalCal had an impressive one-hit KO against the aforementioned Gelatinous Cube (#pleasedon'tsuemewizardsofthecoast), while Wish lost a close one with Shortstuff. Part of me REALLY wants to just be like, dude, Cal just got destroyed at March Madness and probs has, like, zero intention of doing or being anything special this week, but a certain someone will probs get all kinds of Moody McMoodface if I bet against her #HotBoi this week. Sorry, Tommy!
Winner: Cal...because SOMEONE is giving me dirty looks
Shorty-O vs. Vita Vampeteen - Last week, the smallest member on the roster got 2 points, but I'm kinda-sorta putting that on the idea that this was his axl first match in the tournament. Meanwhile, Miss Vampsalot continued her surge of recent greatness by putting down the OTHER person who I consider a #TopSeed in Ruby. Gee, I wonder what has occurred RECENTLY in Vita's life, what force of influence has RECENTLY found it's way into her ear, to cause her to have so much success lately? HMMMMMMMMM. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Winner: Vamperella
(Still)Old Weirdo vs. Letters - ngl, this is one of those matchups that I'm not too pumped about. BUT! Vinnifred Annabelle Lane forced me to include current Anarchy peeps that I otherwise wouldn't have thought about, so is what it is. That being said, while HGH is proving to be inconsolably MEH, the old, weird, gross, creepy-as-flame dude from MAGA who is...I think...their manager? Adviser? Something like that...well...he's won twice! Even slipped by Ruby's flesh dong. Go fig!
Winner: The Old Weirdo
That scab janitor (legit, Petey-V, make sure he's not part of your guild, mang) vs. The Castinator - How my conversation SHOULD have gone with Dolly a few weeks ago:
Me: Dolly! My ward! My mini-me! I totes want you to be in my tournament that I conned Vinnie into letting me run. You game, yeah?
Dolly: Oh Sarah, whom I adore and worship, the truly great hero of our times that ALL little girls of the world, totes including Vita Valenteen, should look up to and pattern their lives after, I cannot! Lo! I am injured!
Me: Oh noes! Your leg is busted! And while your heart is filled with desire to prove yourself to both you and me, your body clearly cannot withstand a tournament.
Dolly: But I wish to, my greatest hero! I wish to push myself!
Me: Nah, I cannot let you risk permanent injury for the sake of my happiness. Whilst it would have truly been heart-warming to see my greatest student fight for the honor of being the first ever Plump Pigeon Tournament Winner, to see you hoist that trophy, earn that Anarchy Championship Match at Insert Poorly-Named Pay-Per-View Event Here, and bathe in all the glorious and thus far unnamed rewards coming, I fully understand your situation and appreciate your honesty.
Dolly: Does thou feel anger or disappointment with me?
Me: Nary a smidge, Dear Dolly! Come! Let us eat angelfood cake stuffed with sugared strawberries and topped with clotted cream.
Dolly: I loves you ever so much and am eternally thankful for being taken under your majestic wings.
Winner: ...sigh...
The Face of Four Corners vs. the Face of Viagra - While I question his overall capability (he DID used to tag with Sativa once upon a time!), there is no questioning Cashe's success thus far in the tournament. Only three of the twelve participants have been able to go 2-0, and it seems that those who sleep on him end up getting that much much MUCH smaller check at the Loser's Window. But! I expect Centy to rebound after a couple of bad matches and get himself into contention for my tournament. After all, any OTHER match he's had recently in any OTHER fed for any OTHER accolade fully and utterly pales in comparison to mine! Focus time, buddy!
Winner: My (4th-place) BFF's favorite bedroom aid!
Welp, that's it for this week. Tune in next Thursday and keep your Eyes On Anarchy!
