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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Fire and Ice 2022 PPV RP Boards
The Icelandic Spirits Part I
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"Venom" Xavier Lux Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

01-21-2022, 10:39 PM

For the third straight time the Aurora Borealis grace us with their beauty, dancing in their mostly green color, this time over the location of the Fire & Ice pay-per-view: Reykjavik. It’s nighttime, but the temperature is not that bad at all, a ‘high’ 38 degrees with no wind chill. For most, that is a very tolerable temperature but in case you didn’t know, Xavier Lux is from Los Angeles, grew up in Miami, and so dealing with the cold is something he has never really had to do. I mean sure he has travelled to cold places in the United States, but in his run in the XWF he has gone from The North Pole, to Greenland to now Iceland. As far as wrestling loops go, can’t get any crazier, or colder than that, but he is enjoying travelling internationally for wrestling again; so, he takes the good with the bad which if we’re honest, isn’t bad at all. For example, he’s already flown to Iceland and is doing one of the ‘absolute must’ when you visit this country: spending the day in at least one ‘sundlaug’.

A sundlaug is a naturally heated swimming pool, usually outdoors so you can get the nice hot and cold effect, or Fire & Ice if you will, to stay on brand with this pay-per-view. Steam rises from the thermal waters of the Blue Lagoon, one of Iceland’s most famous attractions and the perfect place to come and chill before a big match, or right after. At least, this is Xavier’s way of thinking as he slowly enters the geothermal heated waters with nothing but a pair of black trunks on. Xavier is looking for alone time to reflect in the two big matches he has coming up in the next two weeks, a title match in TPW and his pay-per-view debut here in XWF. He decides to walk around first, to get use to the water temperature and once he feels comfortable enough, he launches into a full swim around the lagoon. Once he returns, he goes close to the spot where he went in and then gets to a seated position, the water coming up to just above his chest. He cups some of the hot water in his hands and drops it over his shaved head, steam quickly emitting from his head and soothing it. He does it a few more times before finding a spot to relax on and then stretches his arms out on the wall of the pool, tilts his head back; resting it on one of the many lava-made stones surrounding the whole lagoon. He is enjoying the silence until he hears the familiar buzzing sound of the wrestling drones that are the latest craze in XWF, following their superstars all over the place so the fans can get a glimpse at their life and hear what they have to say, should they feel like talking. Xavier takes a deep breath, open his eyes and looks at the drone hovering right across from him. He takes another deep breath and closes his eyes again.

You guys have taken this whole paparazzi thing to a whole new level. I thought starting a TikTok channel would be more than enough, but clearly it isn’t.

The drone remains, and once Xavier realizes that it will not go away without him giving it something, he opens his eyes and tilts his head forward.

OK Fine, just give me a minute.

He stands and then dives forward, going for another lap, saying hi to a few other tourists enjoying themselves. You know, Xavier is supposed to be a ‘bad guy’, teaming himself with one of, if not the most hated group at the moment in The Exiles. But that’s inside the arena and the ring, outside of it, he’s a pretty chill guy… No pun intended. Once he returns, he takes a seat at the edge of the pool, and grabs a nearby towel, wiping his face. Once he has collected his thoughts, he looks at the drone and begins.

I know most of you do not put much weight on my debut match vs. Tommy Gunn.

As the head of security, can he really be considered competition and therefor a trusted measuring stick for who I am as a wrestler and new competitor here in XWF?

Probably not.

Fair enough.

But this past Saturday I took down Calypso, a guy who has been a staple in this promotion for a while and someone who I didn’t know was a former Television champion. Now that one is a legit title but honestly, I was so caught up with his ‘seven federweight title reigns’ bullshit that I missed it, but maybe now that I’ve beaten a former champion, you can start putting some respect on my name. That win gives you a better idea of what I bring to the table, even if it was but a small sample of what I can do.

But if that’s still not good enough, then that’s cool. Watch what I do next at the Fire & Ice pay-per-view vs. Raion Kido.

That’s right, I don’t know how often it happens with the ‘new guys’, but in just my third match here I have been given a chance to showcase my talents at the pay per view level.

Then again, I am facing someone completely new to the promotion, a fresh new import from Japan who is replacing Adi Gold.

So maybe I shouldn’t feel so damn special.

Facing Adi Gold would have been great, I know who she is and the circles she hangs with, so that would have been a nice high-profile match to have open the show. Oh well, what are you going to do? It wasn’t in the stars but that is something my ‘replacement opponent’ seems to be very much into. I happened to glance at that rumor section and saw what he had to say, very mystical that guy is. Into the stars, signs, the celestial sphere, and all that shit. I guess I was ‘given a sign’ but honestly, I have never bother with it, I have never bothered to look at the stars to tell me what to make of my life or for them to tell me what the future will bring and all of that. I just keep my feet firmly on the ground and make my own path that way, constellations be dammed.

But I do agree with one thing he said, we are what we make of ourselves and what I hope to make of myself, what I am well on my way to doing is, being an XWF star.

Look, I’m not going to discredit Raion Kido because of what he is into, or just because he’s new to not only XWF but the US, though technically we are fighting in Europe… Is Iceland considered Europe? Who knows, who cares, the point is Raion and I have been task with what I consider to be a true honor: open the night and set the tone for what’s to come for the rest of the show. I don’t know about Raion, but I am all about setting the tone and I will do whatever I can to set that damn arena on fire like the title says and let the rest of the roster fight in the ashes. I hope Raion is willing to do the same and I truly, truly feel sorry for the match that will follow ours. I am looking to set the bar so high that the crowd will have not choice but to have to take a bathroom break right after, because it will be all downhill from there, yes, it’s going to be that good. So, to whoever is on that second match on the card, sucks to be you.

XWF is asking me to deliver, and I will.

Will Raion Kido deliver with me? He better.

Xavier walks out of the pool and the drone flies off, happy with the footage it has gotten for HQ. Xavier is quickly greeted by one of the resort’s staff who swaps his towel out for a fluffy robe and some slippers. He quickly puts it on, starting to feel the cold.

How is your stay going so far Mr. Lux?

It’s going well, but you know, I was looking for something a little more private so I can fully relax and clear my mind. Are there any small, private sund-, uh, sund-

Sundlaugs? Yes of course, as one of our VIP guests you have access to them. Follow me please.

Alright cool.

She leads him down a path behind the blue lagoon, where the rock formations grow taller and darker. They go down a set of steps and she tells him to grab on to the rail as it can get quite slippery. Once they reach the bottom after what feels like forever, they reach some small caves that are lit only by torches. They go inside one of them and sure enough, there is a small geothermal pool, likely about ten feet in radius, that bluish color of the water lighting the cave up and steam emitting from it. There is a massage table next to it, some lounge chairs, a cart with all kinds of beverages and ingredients to make beverages to the guests’ liking.

Ah yes, this is more like it.

Please make yourself at home.

How long can I stay here?

As long as you’d like.

Excellent, please set up a wake-up call for next Thursday morning. Ha, just kidding.

Would you like me to make you something to drink? A cocktail perhaps to help you relax.

Yes, that would be excellent, thank you.

My pleasure.

Xavier takes off the robe and tosses it on the message table and then gets inside the pool while the staff starts to make him a drink. What grabs your attention is the containers she uses to make him the cocktail. At first, sure she grabs a liquor that looks like whiskey, but then she grabs a bottle in the shape of a vulture, opens it and drops a little bit of a white liquid into Xavier’s cup. She then grabs another bottle in the shape of a bull, a third that appears to be an old man and then lastly, a dragon. Each liquid that comes from each bottle being a different color and causing a different reaction once it is mixed with the others. She stirs it really good, and smoke and sparks emit from it; she then walks over with it and kneels by Xavier’s head and hands it to him.

Here you are.

Thanks, what is it? Smells strong.

It’s a cocktail that is native to Reykjavik, it’s mostly Brennivin, our signature liquor here in Iceland but it is mixed with some other spirits that will help you reach that ultimate relaxation you so desperately seek.

I mean, I wouldn’t say desperately-

Drink, you will like it, trust me...

Xavier is reluctant, having just met this woman not 10 minutes ago, but I mean, she wouldn’t poison the guests, right? Why was that thought even crossing his mind anyway? He decides to take sip.

Oh wow, that is not bad at all.

See? I will come back to check on you in 45 minutes. Enjoy.

He thanks her and takes another sip, not letting the smoke or small sparks bother him at all. Makes you wonder if he can even see them. After a few sips, Xavier seems to get thirstier and simply chugs it down until there is no more.

Damn that is some good stuff, now I kind of wish she would have made more before she left…

He yawns.

Oh well, she’ll be back soon, she can make me another then.

He yawns again and then closes his eyes, then, out of nowhere, whether he realizes it or not, he begins to talk about Raion again.

You know one thing that I find very interesting about XWF is that in their application they ask you to list what you think your weakness are. I remember I kept mine very vague and simple, after all, why give my opponents any insight on what my weakness are right? I mean what did I say? Something along the lines of not being a fan of slow pace matches, mat wrestling, don’t like to be grounded… Something like that right? Right… But you Raion, you went into full detail on what three of your weakness are. You mentioned intelligence, your temper and the one that grabbed me the most, speed. Look I’m not an asshole and I am not a joker, I’m no Thunder Knuckles so I won’t sit here in this delicious pool or warm water cracking jokes about you being an idiot or not being ring smart of any of that. I mean you said it yourself, you’re not stupid but that goes without saying. You have chosen to come to XWF, and more importantly, they have chosen you. That’s not stupid, but I can’t say I agree with you when you that finding any kind of advantage on your opponent is dishonorable. I know you are from Japan, but I’m sure you have heard the expression “you play to win the game”. Well I don’t have to tell you that in wrestling, you wrestle to win the match and you only do that by being better than your opponent and how you are better is by exploiting those advantages and I my friend have an advantage over you.

Your weakness is my strength.

He yawns again, and tilts his head back, resting his head on the rocks again.

No, it’s not your temper either, as I have a pretty bad temper myself when provoked and like you, I tend to make bad decisions when I lose my cool.

But speed is your weakness and I’m all about speed; I am one of the fastest wrestlers out there, highflyer? Sure, but I don’t need to leave my feet to be fast. I’m all about fast paced matches, I am all about getting in there, getting shit done and getting out. Am I looking to run circles around you? Yes. Am looking to hit you from every way possible? Absolutely. I know me talking about this is, in a way, helping you prepare for our matches as you’re probably thinking to yourself: ‘no problem, I can just ground him, keep him down and I will win the match.’ Many have tried to do that, very few have succeeded, and my first two opponents so far haven’t even come close here in XWF.

I know you consider yourself a lion Raion, but you better start thinking like a cheetah if you want to beat me.

He yawns one last time, sighs deeply and then his body goes limp, sinking fully into the thermal pool, completely out of sight. The water suddenly begins to stir, then starts to spin slowly. The spin picks up speed until it is at a full whirlpool and soon water overflows out of it onto the floor… Water flows rapidly now, and quickly rising even above the pool level. Even though there is a door to the cave, the water is too much, and before you know it the cave is now under that glowing bluish water and as we are submerged, we see Xavier Lux, sinking in the water, which now seems endless, with his eyes still closed. Suddenly he begins to jerk, his body twitching, a perfectly normal reaction of the brain sending signals to the whole body that they are drowning, and they should probably wake up. Xavier’s eyes open wide, and he begins to scream, but obviously he can’t and this only causes water to quickly go into his mouth. He grabs his throat, clearly choking but now realizing what is going on begins to swim upwards. It takes him a good while, but he manages to emerge, inhaling as much as air as he can through his mouth while struggling to stay afloat. It takes him a few minutes to compose himself, both in his breathing and his swimming but once he does, he sees that he is no longer in a thermal pool but the vast sea. He looks every which way, and only towards the north he sees land.

He begins to swim over in what feels like forever.

He eventually reaches the shore though, crawling his way on the black sands of this unknown land he now finds himself in. He collapses, still struggling to breathe, and manages to flip over, laying flat on his back, looking up at the thundering skies, no northern lights in sight. A large white bird flies by, but he pays it no mind, probably a seagull. What does catch his eye is the next flying animal he sees, a large gray dragon. That causes him to quickly sit up and do a double take. He then feels hot air on the back of his neck, as if something large was breeding on him. He turns his head to see a huge black bull staring right at him. He stumbles towards the beach, trying to get away from the bull and manages to get to his feet only to see a giant old man standing behind the bull, looking like a titan version of father time. The large bird he saw at first lands nearby, and he realizes that is no seagull, but a vicious looking vulture. The gray dragon also lands, standing tall above the three other figures. It spread its wings and lets out a loud roar that causes Xavier to fall further backwards into the water… He gathers himself and looks back at the four creatures looking back at him and he can’t help but wonder just…

What the fuck was in that drink?!

To be continued…

Word count: 3000 via

[Image: XavierLux2023.png]

0-4 in PPVs
0-3 in Title Shots

Before XWF: 
3x NLW World Heavyweight Champion
1x OCW World Heavyweight Champion
2x GCWA Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion
2x NLW Path of Destiny Champion
1x OCW Paradigm Champion
NLW Hall of Fame
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Peter Vaughn (01-23-2022), Raion Kido (01-23-2022), Theo Pryce (01-22-2022)

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