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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 RP Board 2021
"Fire hoo-ha."
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09-20-2021, 06:42 AM

[Image: alissa-white-gluz-carnifex.gif]

The sound of a blaze could be heard before anything else; as the imagery fades in, we are met with exactly that: an inferno inside of a gravel pit. It was made into an emblem that the fans sitting at home would instantly recognize, and it was further evidenced in the manner that it didn’t burn with the ordinary orange flame, but rather with the chemical combination, it roared as a blue flame. It came as no surprise that while surveying the location, they would find the one and only Tara Fenix standing with her head held high, cocked slightly to the side, and a smirk that she was known for. She stood where the phoenix wings met facing outward where the camera had gotten closer. Her hands held onto the lapels. Her stance did not falter. She snickered before even muttering one single word, and then licked her lips before finally making her formal introduction.

“It’s about time, isn’t it?” Were the words that escaped; there was a cockiness to her voice; it was one of her qualities. An overbearing confidence. All of the years she spent inside the squared circle would do that. She was well-versed around the world. However, she still did not move a muscle.

“There is something that I have been known to bring to the ring every single time that I step into it. A certain aspect… a greatness that accompanies me. A passion. A fire.” Tara couldn’t help but chuckle as each word danced off her tongue, “A fire that I bring to the ring every time! Let’s not be coy… People know that when I bring my fire hoo-ha anywhere, that they are going to get an inferno that they are going to talk about for YEARS! And so the world asked when I would grace the XWF with my presence… When I would bring that fire to the XWF, when I would bring the fire to the XWF, and guess what? The stars finally aligned: here, I stand.” That same looming confidence was in her voice; she didn’t take her hands away from her jacket but she pivoted on her feet and began pacing back and forth slowly in front of the inferno. “Here, I stand to let the XWF audience see firsthand what it is that I am capable of doing… To find out firsthand that everything you’ve heard about me: the praises, the hype, the reputation, is true. That I do what I say I will. That I’m capable of what I say I am. There are people who look each and every week to see who it is they are going to step into the ring with. There are people each and every week who see the names of people standing against them… The names like Thaddeus Duke. The names like James Raven. The names like Elena DeDraca. They look at these names and they get those butterflies in their stomach, immediately followed by self-doubt, and I--” Tara shrugged, “--don’t get that. I know who they are, I know what they are capable of, but I don’t ever look to see who I’m standing against… and get nervous… Because I know who I am, and I know what I bring. I do not care who it is that stands across the ring from me, or how many there are… One, two, three, four…” Tara scoffed, “You can throw the whole locker room at me, and the only thing you are going to see when the dust settles is me… standing tall, in the center of the ring.”

She stood with her arms held out for several seconds, as if basking in the glory after being victorious in the ring. So many times, for so many years, she has had this stance. She brought her arms down but held her palms up.

“The ring becomes mine. Something I know--” she raises her hand back up and tilts her head back and forth a few times while looking at the back of her hand, “--like the back of my hand. I know everything about it. I know every inch of it. A blank canvas, for me to work my art. And make no mistake: what I create is art. At Relentless, I make my debut at XWF… and my art will earn me a shot at the Anarchy Championship. As much as I don’t fear any name that stands against me, it would be foolish to march in without knowing who stands against you. Bianca McBride, and Elijah Martin.” Tara spoke the words aloud; there was a sting in her voice just from muttering the names.

“Bianca McBride…” Tara snickers, “I’ve seen you a few times, Bianca. I know you from Project: Honor. I remember that we both competed at OCW’s Margarita Mix. This was before I signed with the XWF, so there was a mutual respect between us… When we passed each other in the halls of Project: Honor, a nod. A courtesy. Because we were representing our brand, and I truly, wholeheartedly believe that we could be friends outside of the ring.” She said with a hand over her heart, “But right now…” she shrugs, “You’re just in my way. And--” Tara raised a finger, “--there’s a key difference between us. You think you were born for this because your family has done it. I’ve been doing this while you were still wetting the bed. I didn’t have a history-- I created my history. I created my legacy.”

Tara thought about her next opponent, and scoffed. “Then we have… Elijah Martin. One word comes to my mind about you: unprofessional. Your first match in XWF, and you attack your own partner. That’s shameful. That’s disrespectful. To your partner-- to your opponents-- to the fans. This is your chance, right? This is your chance to shine? I’m sorry, darling, but tough break, kid. I will teach you something about respecting the game. The Age of the Phoenix has arrived at XWF.”

[-] The following 7 users Like Tara's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-20-2021), ALIAS (09-23-2021), Bianca McBride (09-20-2021), Dolly Waters (09-20-2021), JimCaedus (09-20-2021), Marf (09-20-2021), Theo Pryce (09-20-2021)

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