OOC: All matches are 2 RPs with 3k Word Limit, except the Billion Dollar Championship, which will be under Anarchy Rules. You must post 1 cold open RP before the soft deadline (Friday August 21st 11.59pm board time) if you wish to post 2.
Say You Will by Evanescence is heard on the sound system. Talia Areano comes out from behind the curtain wearing a leather jacket. When she gets to the ramp, shower fireworks reign down on her. She walks down the ramp with her hips moving back and forth and she is swinging her arms. She gets on the apron and enters the ring between the ropes. After that, she walks over to the ropes on the right side and stands on the first rope. She then bends over and looks at the fans with a smile on her face. She then gets off the ropes and walks to one side of the ring and waits.
Bloodred Sunrise By Northland hits and the crowd pops as Bianca McBride heads out carrying a table with her to the ring. She marches down while already talking smack to Talia who is watching from the ring. Bianca starts to set up the table just outside the ring but Talia knocks her over with a quick baseball slide. She knocks over the half set up table and then grabs Bianca. McBride shoves her back first into the ring apron though and then rolls her back into the ring. She follows suit as the bell rings to officially start the match.
Talia Areano
- vs -
Bianca McBride Tables Match
Heather: Talia trying to get the jump on Bianca right off the bat.
Pip: Didn’t really work to well...
Heather: Bianca’s strength is definitely going to be a challenge for Talia here.
Pip: Perhaps, but in a tables match anything can and usually will happen!
Bianca goes after Talia but takes a quick kick to the shoulder. Talia rolls away and gets to her feet. The two lock up and test one another’s strength. The smaller Talia starts to get back up but she suddenly twists and takes Bianca down with an arm drag. She pops back up but Talia puts her right back down with a standing drop kick. Bianca rolls out of the ring and slams her fists on the apron in frustration. Talia lines her up then runs over for a suicide dive. She stops short as Bianca ducks. Talia then steps through the ropes and then quickly hops off the middle rope with a stunning moonsault, landing directly onto Bianca and getting a big pop from the crowd.
Heather: What a maneuver by Talia!
Pip: A little bit of Bianca’s green showing as she took her eyes off her opponent.
Talia gets up and heads over to the fallen table. She sets it up on an angle against the steel steps. She turns back to Bianca and gets caught with a forearm to the face. Bianca grabs hold of Talia for a gut wrench suplex but turns so that Talia slams awkwardly into the barrier before the crowd. She roars out in anger while stomping on Talia. The fans don’t like it and let her know while Bianca flips them off and then pulls Talia back up and rolls her into the ring. Bianca reaches under the ring and drags another table out, shoves it into the ring and then turns to the crowd and yells out while they keep on booing.
She starts to enter the ring but Talia had enough time to recover and catches her off guard with a quick DDT. Talia gets up and starts a slow clap as the crowd follows, getting behind her. She runs and bounces off the ropes before coming at Bianca and going for a jump swinging DDT. Except Bianca hangs onto her and stays standing. Then, with an incredible display of strength hauls her up, readjusts and nails a vicious butterfly power bomb that immediately shuts down the crowd.
Heather: And just like that, Bianca stops all of Talia’s momentum!
Pip: Bianca really showing off that raw power.
Heather: And you certainly can’t teach that!
Pip: Calm down, Enzo...
Heather: What?
Bianca gets back up while Talia is stunned on the mat in pain. She taunts Talia before pulling her back up and looking for a German suplex but Talia hooks a leg to block it. She throws a few back elbows into Bianca’s face before turning and wrenching an arm to break free. Bianca reverses the arm wrench and then drills Talia with a short clothesline. She doesn’t let go of Talia’s arm and pulls her right back up for another clothesline followed by one more. Bianca beats her chest and yells out while the crowd boos her once more.
Bianca heads over to the table she brought into the ring and sets it up near the corner. She turns around and watches Talia trying to get back to her feet. She sizes her up and motions for her to turn around. Bianca races at Talia as she turns around. Bianca goes for the big spear but Talia manages to hop over her just in time. Bianca crashes into the turnbuckles and stumbles back in pain. Talia uses the opportunity and grabs hold of Bianca and then hits her with the Slice of Heaven to the delight of the crowd.
Heather: Talia catches her by surprise!
Pip: She still needs to put her through a table though.
Heather: Thanks tips!
Pip: I was just saying!
Talia pulls herself back up and looks at the set up table and back at the fallen Bianca. She drags the bigger woman up and shoves her towards the table. She hits the dazed Bianca a few times with quick forearms while lying her on top of the table. Talia jumps up and hits an elbow drop onto Bianca a few times to keep her down. Talia quickly makes her way up to the top rope. With the crowd cheering her on, Talia turns and leaps off with a moonsault. Bianca rolls off the table and Talia smashes through it by herself as the crowd deflates like a balloon.
Heather: Crash and burn!
Pip: Match isn’t over though! You have to actually put your opponent through a table.
Heather: You mean you can’t sneak a win by putting yourself through a table?
Pip: ....wise ass...
Talia rolls in pain while Bianca gets back to her feet and looks down at her opponent. She walks over and pulls Talia back up to her feet only to drive her back down with a huge exploder suplex. Talia bounces and is laid out while Bianca sits up. She gets up and grabs Talia once more. She pulls her limp body up and then tosses her through the ropes and to the floor. Bianca leaves the ring and grabs hold of Talia. She drags her over to where the table is set up against the steel steps. Bianca hooks Talia and hauls her up for a Banshee’s Wail Number Two but Talia throws a heavy kick to the face to counter.
Bianca loses her grip and Talia turns and catches her with a roundhouse kick. Bianca tries to block it but stumbles to a knee while Talia immediately catches her with a shining wizard. The crowd is getting whipped up into a frenzy at the comeback while Talia pulls herself back to her feet. She beckons for Bianca to rise up and lines her up. Talia runs and goes to spear Bianca through the table but gets caught with a knee at the last second. Talia stumbles back and Bianca stands up and roars at her to bring it. Talia suddenly bursts forward and catches Bianca by surprise with the Solar Shower, driving her through the table for the win!
Winner by putting opponent through table, Talia Areano!!!
Heather: Talia pulls off the impressive win here!
Pip: What a finish!
The camera cuts backstage to Universal Champion Alias standing all staring and stuff into the lens. Jeez, and he criticised Chris Page for running a cliché interview as his final promo? Check out this loon with the steady cam!
ALIAS: It’s been 90 days. 90 days since I did what I had to do. 90 days since I took the world… the universe, not by storm, but by fire. And for 90 days I’ve heard the same old thing en repeat. They tell me that I’m not a true champion. That I took a shortcut to get here. Well, kids, let me show you something!
Behind him, a black curtain hangs from the ceiling. He pulls it back, and steps out onto a platform. The sight of him stepping out into the crowd is shown on the X-Tron, and it sends the entirety of Stanford Stadium into a frenzy. The champion tries to speak over the roar of the crowd.
ALIAS: That right there is 100,000 people who just don’t give a fuck!
He steps back into the backstage area, letting the curtain fall behind him.
ALIAS: And if you look into these baby blues of mine, you’ve got 100,000 and 1. But after tonight… after tonight it’s not going to matter. See tonight, I’m walking into the lion’s den. Oh I know, I know! Chris Page quit B.O.B.! Whatever. I ain’t buying that. But I’m about to prove something tonight. Not about being a champion, no.
I’m about to prove that the fight isn’t over. I came this far!
He pats the Universal Championship.
ALIAS: I survived War Games. I’ve slayed monarchs and deities; but I AM NOT DONE! And that’s what I’m out to show you all. That I will keep on fighting.
Fight forever.
And this…
He rips back the curtain once again. The crowd responds in kind.
ALIAS: This means that the message is spreading. This is what YOU are walking into, Chris Page. You think that I’m stepping into your world, but you don’t get it, man. THEY know the score. THEY know the fight.
And you… you’re about to learn.
Tonight, I’m going to Eat Chris Page.
We dream.
Super conveniently, just as he finishes, shenanigans start to happen!
With a crackle, the hallway lights flicker and dim. He stops in his tracks and darts his eyes around him, clearly suspicious of the world. And his suspicions are confirmed.
A lone source of light shines on a door down the corridor. Leerily, Alias approaches, expecting danger at any moment. He reaches the door unmolested, and from over his shoulder, the camera catches what Alias sees. Etched upon the door, is a name.
Alias sighs as he reaches for the door handle. He reaches and tries to turn it.
The handle’s door doesn’t budge.
ALIAS: The doctor’s office still isn’t open…
This all feels eerily familiar to the Universal Champion. Luckily, he came prepared! Reaching into his video game-like inventory, Alias pulls out…
A BLOWTORCH! Naturally.
With a chuckle, Alias crouches down to one knee, and sparking flames from the torch he gets to work on burning his way through the door. Focusing particularly on the edge of the door next to the door handle, the flames singe the paint back and char the timber, making it easy pickings for Alias to wind up a hefty boot and drive his foot straight through the door and into the doctor’s office.
Except… none of that happens. The door resists the flames.
Alias stands, hands on his hips, with pursed lips and the Universal Championship over his shoulder, as the lights flicker once more. As the camera pans back to the door, it now reads differently.
ALIAS: For fuck’s sake…
And in his exasperation, the camera fades out.
As their music plays, Billy Blankenship pushes his way through the curtain, flanked close behind by Ricky Goldhart and Kyodai Monsuta.
PC: "And it's time for some Tag Team action as the Can-Jap Connection will be taking on the debuting team of Vanta Black & Billy White, also known as Yin/Yang."
HHL: "Yin/Yang hasn't been a team for long, but what they've done on the Indies, so far, has been quite impressive."
PC: "Even if it HAS only been done in front of fifty people a night."
HHL: "Well, they'll certainly have a larger audience tonight."
The Can-Jap Connection makes their way down to the ring, where Ricky slides in under the bottom rope as Kyodai climbs up the stairs. He takes a moment to wipe off his feet before climbing into the ring. Goldhart puts his arms up in the air while Monsuta stands there, menacingly; Billy Blankenship showing them off the entire time.
HHL: "These two are certainly a force to be reckoned with, no doubt about it."
PC: "Billy Blankenship claims they are the future World Tag Team Champions and I don't doubt that for one second."
HHL: "Talk is cheap. They're gonna have to climb the ladder, like everybody else, and a win here tonight would certainly raise their stock a little more."
PC: "Absolutely!"
As Michael Jackson's "Black or White" fills the stadium, the team of Yin/Yang comes out from the back, receiving very little fanfare. Billy West calmly walks down the aisle, focused on proving himself in the big time, while a pumped up, carefree Vanta Black jumps around him in circles.
PC: "You can definitely see the Yin/Yang aspect of the team at play here in the entrance alone."
HHL: "Absolutely, these guys couldn't BE more opposite; but, you know what they say, opposites attract!"
Once they get closer to ringside, Vanta Black takes off and jumps high up into the air, over the top rope, and into the ring. He does a perfect roll forward and pops up on his feet!
PC: "Wow! He didn't even have to use a trampoline for it!!!"
An unimpressed Billy White picks up the trampoline that he apparently DID use to jump and holds it up for the camera, as his partner turns around and throws his hands up.
PC: "Hey, I couldn't even do it with the trampoline!"
HHL: "I'd still love to see you try! I bet it'd look like that scene in Jingle All the Way where Arnold punches the midget!!!"
PC: "................it's little person, Heather. How could you be see insensitive?!?"
HHL: "Years of listening to you."
Billy slides in the ring and joins his partner in a staredown with the Cam-Jap Connection. The referee steps in between them and orders Blankenship to get out of the ring.
HHL: "You gotta know the Connection's manager will play a factor in this one."
PC: "That's what a manager's for! Heather, have you been drinking, again?"
HHL: "Not yet."
Ricky Goldhart offers to start the match for his side, with Kyodai showing no sign of objection. In the opposite corner, neither member of Yin/Yang can agree on their starting man.
PC: "They both want to start their television debut!"
HHL: "Can't say I blame 'em, they might never get an opportunity like this again."
Not wanting to argue anymore, Vanta offers to let Billy have the honor, receiving no sort of thanks for the gesture. Finally, with one member of each team in the ring, the referee is able to call for the bell and get the match underway.
The Can-Jap Connection
(Ricky Goldhart & Kyodai Monsuta)
- vs -
(Vanta Black & Billy White) Tag Team Match
Ricky and Billy circle the ring for a moment, feeling each other out before eventually tying up. Billy starts with a quick advantage, getting his opponent into a Headlock and tossing him down to the mat. They stay like that for a second, until Goldhart wraps his legs around White's head, forcing him to let go. The two of them are quick to their feet, with Ricky taking Billy down with an Arm Drag, followed by a second one, and a third!!! The last one backs White up into his own corner, where his partner mocks him with a fake clap and thumbs up. Billy stands up and slaps his partner's shoulder, motioning for him to "do better" as he angrily climbs out onto the apron.
PC: "A little bit of dissension early on between Yin/Yang."
HHL: "If they're gonna be a team here in XWF, they're gonna have to learn to get along, or they'll be eaten alive!"
Vanta Black happily obliges, climbing in and circling the ring with Ricky. Eventually, the two of them lock-up, with Goldhart gaining control of his opponent with an Arm Wrench. Black winces in pain, but manages to walk them over to the ropes. Rather than grab onto them, though, Vanta hops up onto the top one and jumps back down, Arm Dragging his way out of Goldhart's clutches! Ricky gets back up, only to get taken down by another one, and ANOTHER!!!!! After completing the trifecta, Black turns to his partner, points at him, and yells "THAT'S how it's done!" receiving a round of applause from the audience.
PC: "He should probably save that shit for his opponents!"
HHL: "Eh, a little competition between teammates can be healthy."
PC: "This is more than a little."
A frustrated Goldhart backs into his corner and tags Kyodai Monsuta, causing Vanta to panic a little.
PC: "He said he wanted to face Ricky, didn't seem to have an opinion of Kyodai, though."
HHL: "I think his eyes say it all!"
A worried Black heads towards his corner and attempts to tag his partner, who throws his arms up and shakes his head.
PC: "And Billy's actions say it all!"
HHL: "In their defense, there aren't alot of people who actually WANT to get in the ring with a man of Kyodai's size."
Vanta nods his head at his partner's cowardice before turning and seeing Monsuta already in the ring, opposite him. Kyodai lifts one leg up and stomps it on the mat, nearly shaking the entire arena, before doing the same with the other leg. He then leans forward on his knuckles before charging towards Vanta Black!Luckily for Vanta, he's able to step out of the way at the last second, causing Kyodai to ram his head into the top turnbuckle!!! He turns around, dazed, allowing Black to deliver three vicious Kicks to the side of each of Monsuta's meaty legs!
PC: "He's cutting him down like a tree!"
Upon delivering the final Kick, Kyodai is able to grab hold of Vanta's leg and pull him in close. This allows him to connect with a Side Belly to Belly Suplex in front of a neutral corner, before getting up and climbing to the second rope. He bounces on the rope for a moment, building up momentum to make his finishing maneuver that much more deadly. However, as he jumps off for a Banzai Drop, Billy White is right there on the outside to pull Black under the bottom rope to safety, just as Monsuta's ass crashes against the canvas!
HHL: "Good move by Billy, pulling his partner out of harm's way!"
PC: "The way this match started, I'm kind of surprised he even bothered to!"
HHL: "They may have a rocky partnership, but they've got one thing in common: the will to win."
Vanta thanks his partner before turning around, only to see Ricky Goldhart diving off the apron towards them with a Crossbody! Black manages to duck it, leaving a surprised White to take the entirety of the move.
PC: "I guess he couldn't be bothered to return the favor!"
Vanta picks Ricky up and Irish Whips him into the barricade, before going and checking on his partner. As this is going on, Kyodai pulls the referee towards him, pointing to his ass as if it didn't have enough fat there to cushion the impact. This distraction allows Billy Blakenship to sneak up behind Black and clock him in the back of the head with his loaded tennis racket!!!
HHL: "And here I thought he was gonna play nice!"
PC: "A good manager NEVER plays nice; it's not in their job description!"
Vanta collapses to the floor, but Blankenship is quick to bring him back to his feet and roll him into the ring, where Kyodai lays over him for a pretty lax cover.
FOOT ON THE ROPE!!!!!!!!!!!
HHL: "Great ring awareness by the newcomer!"
PC: "Absolutely! He may be new here, but he ain't new to the business!"
Kyodai brings Black to his feet and drags him over to his corner, where he tags his partner in. Ricky climbs up onto the second rope as Monsuta hits a Backbreaker onto Vanta, holding him in place until Goldhart jumps off for a Diving Elbow Drop. Kyodai heads out onto the apron as Ricky hooks one of Vanta's legs for the cover.
HHL: "Vanta's lucky his partner was there to watch his back!"
PC: "If only he'd do the same for BILLY!"
On the outside, White delivers a flurry of rights to the head of Ricky, prompting his partner to get down off the apron and help him. Billy turns his attention from Goldhart to Monsuta, but it doesn't prevent him from getting dropped with a monstrous Clothesline! Billy Blankenship gets up close and personal with White, causing the referee to look out between the middle and second ropes, scolding him for his involvement. This allows Vanta enough time to get up, run to the opposite side and back, where he does a front flip over the top rope(clearing it completely) onto all THREE members of the Can-Jap Connection!!!!!!
HHL: "That was incredible!"
PC: "It was uncalled for! Poor Billy Blakenship didn't do anything to deserve that!"
HHL: "Are you and me watching the same match?"
PC: "Pretty sure!"
With everyone else out on the floor, Vanta Black hobbles to his feet and rolls Ricky Goldhart into the ring. He then climbs up onto the apron, where he waits for his opponent to get up before springboarding onto the top rope and in Goldhart's direction. Before Vanta can hit anything, though, Ricky is able to connect with a beautiful Dropkick that puts a halt to Black's momentum, dropping him to the mat. An eager Goldhart hooks both of Vanta's legs for another cover.
PC: "Vanta wanted Goldhart and he's gettin' him!"
Ricky brings Black to his feet and goes to Irish Whip him into his team's corner, only for Vanta to reverse it and toss Goldhart into Yin/Yang's corner, instead. Black then rushes towards him and goes for a Splash, which Ricky tries to avoid, but can't because Billy White wraps the tag rope around his throat, holding him in place!
PC: "That's against the rules!"
HHL: "After five seconds!"
Vanta Black tags his partner, who enters the ring and joins him for a double team. They each stand on one side of Ricky before running forward and connecting with a two-person Bulldog! Black exits the ring as Billy hooks one of Goldhart's legs for the cover.
Billy immediately gets back up, bringing Ricky with him, and tags Vanta back in. White lifts Goldhart up for a Vertical Suplex as Black heads to the top rope. Once there, he jumps off and assists his partner in driving Ricky's head into the mat with a Brainbuster! Vanta covers him as Billy heads back to the outside.
PC: "Goldhart showing Vanta he's not the only one with good ring awareness!"
Black brings Ricky back to his corner, where he delivers a couple Mudhole Stomps before tagging Billy back in.
HHL: "You gotta appreciate the quick tags and isolation by Yin/Yang."
PC: "I do?!"
Black climbs up onto the second rope and delivers ten punches to the head while the fans, and referee, count. After his ten punches are up, Vanta hops over the top rope just in time for his partner to climb up and begin his own strikes. However, before he can even reach four, Ricky Goldhart carries him out of the corner and hits a Inverted Atomic Drop in the center of the ring, followed by a Spinning Heel Kick that leaves both men out on the mat.
PC: "If Ricky can tag Kyodai, it could spell disaster for Yin/Yang!"
Goldhart stumbles to his feet and over to Monsuta, tagging him in before grabbing hold of Vanta's leg to prevent him crawling over to his corner. This allows Kyodai to come in and drop a massive Elbow across Black's chest, staying over top of him for a cover.
He stomps Kyodai a couple times, but it doesn't seem to do much as Monsuta is still able to make it to a knee and shove White into the corner. Kyodai gets to his feet and charges in Billy's direction, only for him to move out of the way! Monsuta backs out of the corner, dazed, allowing Black to trip him with his legs as White Clotheslines him to the mat. As this is going on, the ref prevents Ricky Goldhart from entering the ring, much to the crowd's delight!
PC: "More blatant cheating from Yin/Yang!"
HHL: "Nothing wrong with giving your opponents a taste of their own medicine!"
PC: "WHAT medicine?! The Cam-Jap Connection has been nothing short of saints!"
HHL: "Yep, you're clearly NOT watching the same match I am!"
The referee finally turns back to the action, just in time to see Vanta tag Billy in. White approaches Monsuta and, somehow, uses all of his strength to slightly lift him off the ground. This allows Black to run towards the ropes for their finisher........................................ ONLY FOR GOLDHART TO PULL DOWN ON THE TOP ROPE, SENDING HIM TO THE OUTSIDE!!!!!!! Unable to hold Kyodai any longer, Billy White drops him on his feet and gets clobbered with a Clothesline that flattens him out on the mat. He then heads over to Ricky and tags him in, before going back to White as he's getting up. Kyodai nails him with a Superkick that sends him flying backwards into a Backstabber from Goldhart, which he holds in place. This allows Monsuta to run to the ropes and back, connecting with a Leg Drop to Billy that completely knocks the life out of him. Kyodai then stands up and puts his arms in the air as Ricky covers, with Billy Blankenship beating the hell out of Vanta on the outside with his tennis racket.
Winners- The Can-Jap Connection via pinfall
PC: "And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why you're looking at the next XWF Tag Team Champions!"
HHL: "Might wanna give 'em a Trios Title, with all the help Billy gave 'em!"
PC: "The only help a Billy gave them was when White laid his shoulders on the mat for the 3 count!"
HHL: "Keep telling yourself that, Pip."
After the tag team match between the Can-Jap Connection and their opponents comes to a close, the Connection are exiting the ring and regrouping with their manager Billy Blankenship, when...
PC: "Is that someone coming out from under the ring, Heather?"
HHL: "More than one someone, Pip... three or four!"
Indeed, unbeknownst to Blankenship, Monsuta and Goldhart, the Disintigrators, Fabmongous, and Freddy Fabulous have all scamered out from under the ring! Dave Mustang gets in Kyodai's face with a fire extinguisher... and sets it off right in the big sumo's face!
Kyodai Monsuta claws at his face, blinded, and stumbles back... and then Mustang slams the extinguisher right between his eyes, sending him flat on his back.
Meanwhile, Johnny 'Twisted' Steele has shoved Billy Blankenship onto his ass and given him a stomp to the midsection to guarantee he stays down. This gives Freddy Fabulous all the opening he needs to jump onto Blankenship and start hammering him with fists.
Big Preesh and BMI double team Ricky Goldhart, clubbering him with forearms and tossing him hard into the guardrail before each grabbing him by the throat with one hand... lifting him in a DOUBLE GOOZLE and slamming him into the ring apron!
All four wrestlers then turn their attention to Kyodai Monsuta who has struggled back to his feet.
PC: "These men have ill intent!"
HHL: "Gee, ya think?"
Preesh and BMI send punches to Monsuta's forehead, staggering him. Mustang and Steele then follow suit. Monsuta is backed up to the Slovakian Announce Table, and then Preesh, Steele, BMI, and Mustang each grab hold of him... AND THEY LIFT HIM UP!
Kyodai Monsuta is left in a heap, lying among the splinters of the table. Ricky Goldhart is completely out cold as well. Dave Mustang and Johnny Steele pull Billy Blankenship to his feet and hold him still as Big Preesh grabs a mic from ringside and hands it to Freddy Fabulous, who gets right into Billy's face.
Freddy Fabulous: "Billy Blankenship, you no good corn shucking DOG! You and your team didn't deserve that tag team victory against my men at War Games, you didn't earn that spot on the best tag teams list, and you sure as heck didn't earn the paycheck you take home every week! Everybody knows the Disintigrators had COVID at War Games and shouldn't have been in the ring, but they didn't wan to let down their fans! Well, YOU let down their fans instead! And now, I'M taking every bit of what you owe us... RIGHT OUT OF YOUR BUTT! At RELENTLESS... I want YOU versus ME... in a TUXEDO MATCH!"
Fabulous tosses the mic into Blankenship's face and storms off, and the D-Grators toss Billy to the ground. They and Fabmongous follow Freddy to the back while the crowd boos.
"La pistola, chambonea" [/b]
"Salió El Sooooollll"
“The following contest is a Submission Match for the Billion Dollar Championship!! Introducing first, from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico…. Weighing in at 145 lbs!!! Latina Submission Machina!!!!
Green and red pyrotechnics shoot up about five feet in the air on either side of the entrance platform as Latina Submission Machina pops out of the tunnel. The masked wrestler bounces around just outside the tunnel for a moment, her red hair flipping from side to side. She crouches slightly and begins overhead clapping along to the music as she steps forward. Some of the crowd begins to clap along as the luchadora descends down the entrance ramp. The latinx music continues to blast through the speakers as the woman in the green and red wrestling outfit rolls beneath the bottom rope and into the squared circle.
"La pistola, chambonea"
The crowd begins to clap along to the rhythm of the music with greater enthusiasm as Latina Submission Machina performs a modest belly dance in the middle of the ring. Moments later Latina Submission Machina quickly breaks away and starts running the ropes of the ring, testing out the squared circle and getting a feel for it's qualities. Content with it's fitness, the luchadora grabs a hold of the ropes and comes to a controlled halt. She turns to the referee and tells them she's ready to go. The luchadora heads to the corner 7 instructed and begins rolling her shoulders and neck, stretching in preparation for the coming battle.
“And her opponent! From Chicago!!! Weighing in at 326 lbs! He is the XWF Anarchy and the Billion Dollar Champion…. Big Money Oswald!!!!
His music hits, soon the ramp opens up and slowly Oswald begins to rise. His ornate cane planted in the platform, dressed to the nines like always. The crowd starting to chant "MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! " Once he was equal to the stage, he flung open his arms to form a t, letting out a loud roar, before grinning as he steps forward, making his way as he slowly unbuttons his suit jacket, his tie, his dress shirt, and unbuttoning the Billion Dollar Championship belt, handing it, his clothes, and the cane, to one of his servants as it appears as he takes his stance to get ready to face off against his opponent.
Money Oswald hands his Billion Dollar Championship over to the official of the match who displays it for the challenger and the rest of the crowd. Oswald takes his Anarchy Championship belt and holds it one-handed over his head next to the referee.
The official hands over the Billion Dollar Championship belt and Oswald hands over the Anarchy Title to the time keeper who then rings the bell to start the match! Oswald smuggly stands in place as Latina Submission Machina lowers her stance and tries to find an angle to get an advantage over the towering champion.
Pip: “Money Oswald is refusing LSM a corner to cut here. He's definitely got the size and power over her.”
HH: “If she wants to walk out of here with the Billionaire Championship she's going to have to work this monster down, Pip.”
LSM realizes she can't get around Oswald and instead dropkicks him in the knee! The champion manages to check the kick at the last second which weakens the blow. LSM is quickly back to her feet and bounces off the ropes! She jumps into a spinning heel kick, but Oswald catches her mid air! He lifts her higher then lets her go, dropping her from seven feet in the air! LSM hits hard on the mat and has to quickly roll out of the way to avoid a heavy stomp from Oswald.
Pip: “Latina Submission Machina is using her speed advantage to counteract the power of Oswald!”
She rolls to her feet, but Oswald shows a bit of quickness in his step, too, and grapples her around the head. He does nothing fancy and just throws her across the ring where she tumbles into the ropes. Again, she quickly picks herself up and charges Oswald, but takes a big boot to the face in the center of the ring! Oswald slowly circles her, stalking her, as she holds her face. The champion reaches down and pulls LSM up by her hair and moves her to the corner. He pushes her back against the turnbuckle then lifts up his huge boot against the whole side of her head and neck and presses! She struggles and pushes against the big boot while kicking her legs but is unable to break the hold! After several seconds the referee finally jumps in between them and forces Oswald to release her. He gives it a couple more seconds then lets go and LSM falls faceplants on the mat.
Oswald lifts up a foot and stomps down on the center of LSM’s back. She strains from the pain in her back while trying to catch all of the air that left her lungs. She slowly starts crawling away, but is kept in place again with another big boot to the back.
Pip: “Oswald continues to deliver the punishment, folks. He’s going to beat the Latina Submission Machina into submission if he has to.”
The champion lowers down over the challenger and pulls her back into a camel clutch! Oswald’s big hands cover the entirety of LSM’s face as he pulls back with all of his strength nearly folding her in half. The official comes in close to check on LSM, she can’t really move to shake her head or really speak, but through the gurgles and screams it’s clear she’s refusing to give-in!
Getting nowhere with the move, Oswald releases her, stands up, and plants another big boot in the center of her back. He then immediately lifts her up and throws her into a full nelson! He picks her up off the ground as she struggles and again can’t break away from Oswald. She screams out in pain as the referee checks in on her. She shakes her head back and forth vigorously refusing to quit! Oswald walks her around the ring and swings her back and forth like a ragdoll. The official bounces around the ring, continuing to check up on LSM who continues to refuse!
Pip: “Oswald has had all of the offense so far here and is really working the neck and shoulders of his challenger!”
HH: “I believe the champion is going to have to pull a few more tricks out in order to put away the submission machina, Pip!”
LSM worms around enough to start slipping out of the hold. Oswald rushes her to the corner, she lifts her legs and takes a seat on the top turnbuckle. Oswald, not releasing the hold, steps up to the bottom turnbuckle. LSM slips one arm out and starts elbowing the champion across the side of the face until he’s forced back down. He takes a couple of steps back, but doesn’t hesitate to rush back over with a forearm ready to strike! LSM kicks Oswald in the face, which he shakes off! He charges again and takes another kick, which he shakes off! He charges again and this time takes two quick steps to the middle turnbuckle and bear hugs LSM from behind! She stiffens up in the hold before Oswald throws her overhead in a German suplex! They land on the mat, Oswald rolls through, then hits another one into a bridge!
Pip: “The Hand of God!”
Oswald breaks the bridge, throws LSM aside, and sits in the middle of the ring. Breaking the bridge, Oswald throws LSM aside and stays seated in the ring, calculating his next move. He doesn’t take too long before rising back to his feet and bringing LSM with him. He sets her up in the center of the ring for what could be a powerbomb! He lifts her up, then takes a couple of steps towards the ropes….
HH: “Uh, oh! Where’s he taking her?”
Pip: “This doesn’t look good!”
Oswald reaches the ropes with LSM still on his shoulders and as he goes to finish the move and send her to the outside, she hooks her legs around his neck and pulls him with her using a head scissors! She manages to pull Oswald over the top rope and sends him rolling off of the apron and to the floor!
Oswald hit hard on the outside, but with some infused anger, a beet-red face, and adrenaline brings him quickly back to his feet. Meanwhile, LSM springs off the opposite ropes and slides to the outside, hitting Oswald in the torso! It sends him stumbling backward into the barricade where he rests against it. LSM takes advantage and runs across the ring apron, somersaults off, and nails Oswald!
Pip: “It appears LSM is finally gaining some momentum with the little bit of offense she’s got in!”
Oswald has fallen to his side and hasn’t moved as LSM begins to recover. She uses the ring apron to pull her to her feet the rest of the way as she stares down the champion wondering what to do with the big man next. She approaches him and lands a couple of hard kicks to Oswald’s midsection. He fights a couple of them off and starts to muscle his way back to his feet again. LSM takes a leap up onto the ring steps and leaps off hitting Oswald in the head with a dropkick, but it phases him very little. He stumbles away using the barricade to keep his balance while LSM gains her feet again and tries to stay after him.
She jumps back up to the apron in an attempt to take him down with another high risk move… She runs and leaps off again only for Oswald to move out of the way letting her smash into the barricade herself! Oswald sucks some air as he grabs LSM by the hair and easily pushes her back into the ring under the bottom rope. He grabs the top one and pulls himself up onto the apron before taking a big step over it back into the ring. Oswald reaches down to pull the challenger back to her feet, but she rolls away, then does a flip kick to the side of his head! It catches Oswald good as you can see in his eyes that things went blank for a second. She uses more kicks to break Oswald down more, but he still manages to fight through and one knee at a time reaches his feet again!
Pip: “Oswald is absolutely relentless here. It’s taking everything LSM has to keep him off of his feet…”
HH: “Which makes it hard to work at something, doesn’t it? If she’s going to get Money Oswald to give up in this match she’s going to need to break something!”
LSM uses the corner turnbuckles to gain some height before she leaps onto Oswalds back! She applies a choke hold around the big man’s big neck cutting off the blood circulation to his brain! Like a blind giant, Oswald stumbles across the ring lunging and swinging his arms all around! The referee does his best to avoid these shots as he gets in as close as he can to check on the champion!
Pip: “Official Chaz Bobo better watch himself in there! Those tree trunk arms look unforgiving!”
Oswald moves around enough to work the hold loose, he takes LSM and pulls her up onto his shoulders! He ran across the ring looking for a powerslam, but was a bit disoriented from the hold and didn’t realize he was so close to the ropes! The two of them tumble over the top, but Oswald somehow gets caught in them! LSM maneuvers around and locks him in an armbar!! She has it locked in good too!
HH: “Oswald in trouble here! Latina Submission Machina is an expert in submission holds!”
Pip: “A machine, you mean!”
HH: “MachinA!”
The official yells from inside of the ring for LSM to release the hold in the ropes, but she holds it!
Pip: “The official isn’t going to count this whether Oswald gives up or not! LSM has to get out of the ropes!”
HH: “I think she’s going to get out of this what she can first, Pip!”
LSM gives one more really good pull before releasing the hold and dropping to the apron! Oswald wiggles himself out of the ropes and drops to the floor on the outside clutching his arm. LSM drops down and plants another kick to the side of Oswald’s head before lifting him up to his feet… She shoves him hard with all of her strength back onto the apron where he rolls back into the center of the ring, still clutching the arm! LSM then looks around and finds a steel chair beside the time keeper’s booth. She grabs it and tosses it into the ring where it takes a bounce then folds itself up. Oswald has started working himself back up to his feet.
HH: “It looks like Latina Submission Machina is looking to take this a step further, Pip.”
She rolls into the ring and is cut off by the referee, ignoring him she heads straight for the chair. As she picks up the chair, opens it, and sets it down on its legs, Oswald has used the ropes to reach his feet again. She turns to face him, all while the official is still barking in her ear, as she does so Oswald charges her and dives across the ring hitting her with a big shoulder block and knocking her into the corner! He grabs her right away, lifts her up and powerslams her down in the center of the ring! Back to his feet, he turns LSM over to her stomach and lifts her legs up into a very steep Boston crab! Her neck and head are the only thing on the mat as her body contorts in a way that could break someone’s back! She screams out in pain as the referee lies close by, a hand in the air ready to stop the match! LSM continues to scream out loud and fights through! She uses her arms to battle through and lift herself up and push towards the ropes! One attempt seemed successful, but Oswald holds the move even tighter as she responds with an even higher pitched squeal! She does it again and finally inches her way close enough to grab the bottom rope! The referee gets in Oswald’s face, telling him to release, but the champion refuses! LSM is in midair, holding the bottom rope with both hands while Oswald tries pulling her away from it! Like a rubber band, LSM is pulled back and forth with the spring of the rope until she’s forced to let go! But the momentum has sent Oswald stumbling forward where he faceplants into the standing seat of the steel chair! He hits with such force that the chair can’t withstand it and falls apart, but manages to wrap around his skull! LSM manages to spring to her feet, but limps across the ring where Oswald lies with his neck and head tangled in the chair. She hops on his back with both knees, grabs the arm, and cranks it around the back of Oswald!!! He squirms to get out of both the chair and the armbar, but cannot get leverage to do so! He struggles and struggles and LSM pulls even harder back on the arm and is not sitting pressing her knee on the chair that has Oswald nearly strangled! The champion’s moves became slower and more sluggish until he lied still. The referee bumped the arm after asking several times and not getting a response and calls for the bell!!
As a camera opens up backstage, a breeze begins to pick up in the area features, accompanied by whooshing sounds. It gets louder as a rotating light begins to appear and disappear, sweeping across the room. As the infamous time and space traveling ship, Excellence, begins to materialize, those closest scatter, watching in awe as the ship makes her grand arrival. Those by the Kraft food table watch in amazement as Excellence lands noisily on the spot and finally sputters into silence. Moments later, the doors are flung open and a manic-looking Betsy Granger comes running out from inside. Her green eyes are wild and wide as she looks around the area; not spotting the woman she was searching for, she pulls the doors of Excellence shut with a slam and begins to hurry through the halls. She is still drenched in sweat and covered in dirt, the old-fashioned maid uniform ripped and dirty. Her blonde hair is matted and clumped with knots, and the stench coming off of her causes several people she walks by to scrunch their noses in disgust.
She notices none of this, her mind clearly set on the task at hand. As she gets closer to where the locker rooms are located, she begins to pick out notable faces in the crowd… And still, none of them are who she seeks. We spot Vita Valenteen, who had been heavy in her warm-up routine, but the Television Champion pauses and looks mildly sick as Betsy brushes by her. Just up ahead of her is Talia Areano, who gives Betsy a friendly wave when she spots her; in moments, her face twists into a comical confusion when she takes in Betsy’s appearance. Betsy rushes past her blindly, barely missing a collision with Chronic Chris Page and Money Oswald along the way. Still sour over the circumstances of his defeat on Warfare, she hears both men taunting her as she hurries away, but her brain doesn’t put together what they were saying. They would be dealt with at a later time, the issue at hand was much more pressing.
And then, at last, she spots her woman.
Up ahead, Dolly Waters had been taping up her wrists but lifts her head up when she hears her name. Her blue eyes grow wide and confused as she takes in Betsy’s appearance.
"What happened to you, Bets?"
As Betsy draws nearer, Dolly’s nose wrinkles, catching the smells of the dungeon lingering on the Impossible Traveler.
"Ew, seriously, what the heck? Why do you smell like piss and shit?"
"Dolly! Girl, don’t worry about me right now, we-"
"Sorry Betsy, but I can’t stand the smell. I don’t think you realize just how much you reek right now."
Tapping her foot on the ground impatiently, Betsy lets out a frustrated sigh and nods her head. Beckoning for Dolly to follow her, the women make their way back to Excellence, quickly weaving through the same faces Betsy had just bypassed. As she disappears through the doors, Dolly hesitates at them; she had always seen the ship from the outside, perfectly still and silent, but never had Dolly Waters taken her first steps on board. Not at all sure what to expect, Dolly circles the tiny phone booth, taking in the dimensions of the outside, before pausing in front of the doors once again.
"What are you waiting for, Waters? Get on in here and shut the doors behind you!"
Shaking her head clear of indecision, Dolly Waters steps through the doors for the first time. Her eyes widen as she pushes them shut behind her and looks around the massive engine room.
"It’s… Bigger on the inside."
Smiling indulgently, Betsy strips out of her maids uniform as she heads off to a side hatch where a doorway opens. Dolly watches as Betsy disappears bare-assed into another room; she follows her in there, hearing a shower spring to life as she does. Betsy’s ring gear is hung up neatly by the door of the shower and a comfortable chair for Dolly has been set up next to them. With a shrug, Dolly settles into the chair, enjoying the sinking feeling it provided her. Allowing her eyes to slip shut, she lets the silence hang for several minutes before she hears Betsy start humming the Spider-Man theme.
"So talk, Granger. What’s so important that it couldn’t wait until after our match?"
"You saw my promo, right?"
"You mean that gibberish you were going off about, but wouldn’t elaborate on? Yeah, I caught it, what about it?"
"I’m sorry if I was vague, that’s why I wanted to use the mind projection to show you exactly what happened when I was there."
"Mind what?"
A loud sigh floats from the shower as the water is shut off. Dolly listens as Betsy continues to hum the Spider-Man theme as she dries off; a moment later, the Impossible Traveler emerges from the shower, looking a touch more human than she had before. A big, fluffy white towel was wrapped around her body, her wet hair clinging to her shoulders and dripping down her back. She looks at Dolly pensively as she continues.
"Mind projection, it’s how I was able to connect my thoughts to your tv, computer, or whatever device you were using to watch."
"Right, of course."
Betsy nibbles on her lip as she takes the measure of Dolly, ignoring the sarcasm dripping from her words.
"There’s something going on around you, my friend, and it’s dangerous. Dark energy… an actual presence, even… It’s following you. All throughout time and space, and it’s claiming as many variants of you as it can find. It tried taking the one I recently had an encounter with, but because of Alias, it failed…"
"Wait, Alias is in on this too?
"In a sense… I haven’t figured that one out, either. I’m still not positive if it was our Alias or another; I do know that all of them are obnoxiously devoted to their riddles."
"You aren’t making a lick of sense, Granger. If you aren’t going to get to the point, I'll see myself out. I have a match to prepare for."
A quirked eyebrow from Betsy makes Dolly laugh in earnest.
"I didn’t forget who I was facing, just making my point.'
"I’m doing the best I can, Waters. So this Dolly, or Lady Smith as it were, in the 1800s that I just met, she almost killed me because she was being guided by some smoke-demon thing. It’s the first time I’d ever actually seen it in any physical form, but the energy it exuded was familiar. It was feeding off of you, off something trapped inside of you, I think. Whatever it is that you carry, it transcends time and space itself… And it’s putting you in indescribable danger. I thought maybe I was the only one who knew it, but I think Alias knows as well."
Dolly allows silence to fall between them as she chews on Betsy’s words. Knowing the new Anarchy Commish would need a few more minutes, Betsy grabs her ring gear and disappears into the bathroom again to slip it on. When she comes back out, braiding her still wet hair, Dolly had gotten to her feet and was pacing. Spotting Betsy, an oddly serene look crosses her face as she contemplated the impossible woman before her.
"So something is chasing me, or stuck with me, something that is feeding off every version of me it can find? Is it evil?"
"It’s not good, that’s for sure. A ghostly parasite? Doesn’t seem like good news to me. But…"
She steps forward and puts a comforting hand on Dolly’s arm.
"For what it’s worth, you don’t have to figure it out alone. Excellence… She wanted me to know that something was happening to you. My ending up with another version of you was no accident and I have a feeling it's going to happen again… and again… until we figure out what is going on and how to eliminate it. I know you haven’t thought much about my warpath recently-"
Dolly opens her mouth to object, but Betsy waves it off.
"-but the direction is shifting to something beyond the XWF. It's centered here, for whatever reason, but it goes far beyond the ring. Lucky for us… So do I."
With a grin, Betsy squeezes Dolly’s arm before removing her hand. Another round of silence hangs between them as Dolly contemplates what the future might hold. Finally, she looks up at Betsy with a friendly expression and nods slowly.
"I’ve always wondered what was off about me; don’t look so surprised, I wasn’t totally unaware that SOMETHING was happening."
Dolly smirks at Betsy’s surprised face.
"There are a few things that I should probably inform you of before we go any further into this hunt… But for now, they’re going to have to wait."
Checking her watch, Betsy’s eyes grow wide as an amused grin crosses her face.
"It’s about showtime, isn’t it?"
The two women make their way through the ship and exit quickly, heading towards the gorilla position. On the way, Betsy loops her arm through Dolly’s and steers the conversation in a totally different direction.
"So… Just out of curiosity, what are your plans for Relentless…?"
The camera follows their retreating figures for another minute before cutting away to an ad for the aforementioned, upcoming pay-per-view.
PC: "Our next match is sure to be a good one, as two of XWF's baddest bitches square off............... OW!!!!! What'd you do THAT for?!"
HHL: "Calling Dolly and Betsy bitches."
PC: "I meant it with respect!"
HHL: "Sure you did. What next, you gonna call them elegant whores, too?"
PC: "..................no."
The stadium spotlights rush up toward the ceiling and Waters appears under the XTron. She marches to the beat of Ode To Joy, the crowd roaring, her gaze set squarely on the squared circle. She climbs through the ropes and takes the center of the ring. Raising a single fist into the air.
As the opening notes begin, the lights go out, save for a single spotlight on the top of the stage. Betsy comes out, but she’s only a silhouette at this point. Just as the drum strikes it’s second note, Betsy dabs and the lights come back. The song starts from the refrain as Betsy starts dancing down the ramp.
“Sin City’s cold and empty
No one’s around to judge me
I can’t see clearly when your gone-one-one”
Arms out, Betsy begins twirling around wildly, blonde ponytail whipping about with her, as she slaps hands with fans on both sides of the ramp. The chorus hits just as Betsy baseball slides into the ring.
“And I said ooooh, I’m blinded by the lights
I can’t sleep until I feel your touch
And I said ooooh, I’m drowning in the night
Oh, when I’m like this, you’re the one I trust”
As the chorus chimes on, Betsy bounces up and hops up onto every ring corner, pumping her fist and bobing her head in time with the song, getting the fans amped up for the upcoming bout. When she finishes playing up the fans, she starts bouncing in place, preparing mentally for the bout.
The referee checks to make sure both women are ready, patting each of them down for foreign objects, before calling for the bell.
Dolly Waters
- vs -
Betsy Granger Singles Match
the two women immediately begin circling each other. A few more seconds pass by before the two wrestlers charge towards the center of the ring and engage in a classic tie up. Betsy Granger uses that 4-inch and ten-pound advantage over Dolly Waters to twist Dolly’s arm behind her back. Betsy starts pulling up on Dolly’s arm while it’s twisted behind her back in the form of a chicken wing. Dolly grabs her shoulder with her free hand as her facial features twist in pain.
A few more seconds of chickenwing pulling pass by before Dolly Waters taps her shoulder again before swiftly reversing the hold! Before Betsy knows what’s happening it’s HER arm being tugged like a chicken wing!
PC: Quick reversal from Dolly Waters!
HHL: These are two of the best in-ring technicians we have in the XWF, we should expect to see a lot more fine technical maneuvers in this match!
Dolly lets go of Betsy’s arm as she pushes her against the ropes. Betsy bounces back off the ropes towards Dolly before she’s caught in a scoop powerslam! Dolly quickly jumps off Betsy and charges the ropes. As Dolly runs back at the downed Betsy she jumps on her back with a somewhat-diving elbow! Betsy Granger rolls out of the ring after the impact of the blow.
HHL: Dolly is taking the advantage here!
PC: This is going to be back and forth the whole way, both of these wrestlers are superb athletes and determined competitors!
Dolly Waters eyes Betsy Granger as she begins pulling herself to her feet with the assistance of the security barrier separating the fans from the ringside area. Dolly Waters cracks a devilish grin as she charges the ropes once more. As Dolly’s back hits the ropes she’s propelled forward with incredible momentum. With the help of the ropes Dolly Waters starts sprinting towards the ropes closest to Betsy Granger.
PC: What’s Dolly going to do here?!
HHL: I think she’s going airborne!
PC: Now THAT had to hurt!
Dolly’s head cracks against the ringside barrier when Betsy moves at the last second! A few of the fans in the front row start freaking out as blood and bone bits splatter up and land on their face. Dolly’s head appears to be cracked! Blood starts pooling beneath her seemingly unconscious body as Betsy Granger looks down in absolute horror!
HHL: Betsy’s face has gone absolutely pale! She’s horrified by what we’ve seen here!
PC: Well too bad for Dolly, Betsy better make sure to keep the pressure up so she can get the quick victory here!
Betsy Granger looks at Dolly and checks for breath. She doesn’t find anything. She stands up and starts screaming at the referee that Dolly Waters needs help and that this match has to be called. The referee refuses! Betsy continues to argue with the referee as he starts counting the two women out!
PC: Betsy needs to get back in the ring here, just take the easy win by count out!
HHL: Betsy isn’t going to want to win like this though!
PC: A win is a win, Heather!
Betsy starts arguing with the referee to call for medical help as Dolly Waters continues to remain unresponsive following the failed suicide dive. The referee tells her that if she wants Dolly to get medical help, she’s going to have to let the match end by count out! Betsy is frustrated and nearly pulling out her hair. She looks down at Dolly before sighing and rolling into the ring. She glares at the uncaring referee as he continues to count.
Dolly Waters is slowly starting to stir. Betsy yells at her to just stay down so that medical help can arrive. That seems to give Dolly even more energy as she starts struggling to pull herself up by the ringside barrier. Dolly’s bloodied head looks like something like a squashed bottle of ketchup with all the thick redness coating her blonde hair and dripping down onto her clothing.
Dolly’s trying her hardest to pull herself up, but she’s struggling to muster the strenght…..UNTIL THE FRONT-ROW FANS START HELPING HER! Three neckbeards wearing Charlie’s Carnie’s T-shirts help lift Dolly Waters to her feet!
The three men roughly shove Dolly Waters towards the ring!
Te-NO! Dolly Waters body slides into the ring from the momentum of the push!
HHL: Somehow, someway, Dolly made it back into the ring! She’s not going to be counted out, she still wants to fight!
PC: Somehow, someway? She was literally pushed into the ring by the fans! They don’t want it to end like this!
Dolly Waters lay on the ground in the ring, still. As if all the work to get into the ring had taken away what energy she had left. Betsy Granger looks to the referee with concern before gently pinning Dolly Waters.
PC: Betsy’s going to have to get a lot more brutal if she wants to end Dolly Waters!
HHL: She doesn’t want to end Dolly Waters- she just wants to beat her in this match!
PC: It’s not always that simple, Heather! Dolly isn’t the kind of girl to go down without a furious fight!
Betsy Granger sighs as she lifts Dolly Waters up gently before making her eat the mat with an implant DDT! She flips Dolly over and hooks the leg.
3- NO!
The referee slaps the mat but immediately jumps to his feet and tells the bellringer not to end the match- BECAUSE DOLLY’S FOOT WAS ON THE BOTTOM ROPES THE ENTIRE TIME!
Betsy stands up confidently and raises her hand after seeing the referee tap the mat three times. The referee tries to tell her that the match is still going, but Betsy and the crowd both seem to think the match is over!
PC: The referee’s hand may have hit the mat three times, but he didn’t call a pin! He noticed the rope break right before his hand hit the mat for a third time, and he made sure to let the ringside staff know!
HHL: Oh no, Betsy- look behind you!
Dolly Waters is on her hands and knees behind the celebratory Betsy Granger. Blood is dripping down Dolly’s head like hot wax rolling down a candle. Dolly slowly pushes herself to her feet. When Betsy Granger turns around she’s immediately kicked in the gut! When Betsy doubles over the bleeding blonde Dolly Waters immediately makes a beeline to the ropes, dripping crimson the entire way. Dolly jumps off the second rope back towards Betsy just as Granger is returning to a standing position.
As Dolly comes diving back towards Betsy she smacks her with a Springboard European Uppercut!
PC: Betsy needed to take advantage of Dolly when she had the chance! Now it’s too late!
Dolly makes the cover!
HHL: Betsy Granger and Dolly Waters are having a war here!
PC: This isn’t a war, this is absolute SAVAGERY!
Dolly Waters, bruised as she is, immediately jumps right back up to her feet! She seems to have unleashed a second burst of adrenaline. Dolly looks down at Betsy Granger before quickly wrapping her up in a ROLLING WATERS (Rolling YES! Lock)!
HHL: Dolly has the submission locked in!
PC: I wouldn’t want to be Betsy Granger right now!
Betsy immediately starts howling as soon as the Rolling Waters submission is locked in. The referee jumps down to the mat and starts asking Betsy if she wants to submit. Betsy says nothing to the referee- she just screams from the pain. As Dolly cinches the submission deeper she starts bleeding all over Betsy Granger. The referee looks mildly distrubed at the amount of blood falling onto Betsy’s soft skin. It almost looks like some sort of bleeding waterfall.
HHL: This isn’t sanitary, this isn’t sanitary at all!
PC: I think Betsy has a lot more to worry about than being bled on right now!
Betsy Granger continues to yell out in pain as Dolly cranks the submission. Betsy starts crawling towards the ropes, ever so slowly. Dolly Waters is trying to hold the woman back, but Betsy is just simply bigger than her! It takes some time and a whole lot of struggle, but eventually Granger is able to reach out and secure a grip on the bottom rope! The referee calls for Dolly Waters to break the hold and she immediately complies, albeit begrudgingly.
Betsy Granger pulls herself to a standing position with the assistance of the ropes. Dolly Waters sees Betsy rise to her feet and she immediately flings her own body against the opposite ropes. Then, Dolly comes charging straight towards Betsy!
Betsy places her shoulder into Dolly’s waist and uses Dolly’s own momentum to throw her over the top rope!
But Dolly lands on the ringside apron!
Betsy Granger turns around and is immediately greeted with a big right hand from Dolly, but Betsy ducks that too! Betsy hits a quick combination of gut punches that takes all the wind right out of Dolly’s sails! Dolly hunches over the ropes as she grabs her stomach. Betsy doesn’t waste any time before she grabs Dolly Waters and suplexes her back into the ring!
PC: Betsy is turning the momentum around here!
HHL: I don’t know how much blood Dolly can lose before she starts to fade! It may already be happening!
Betsy is up to her feet first, but Dolly Waters isn’t too far behind her! As Dolly approaches Betsy to get some sweet vengeance, she’s hit with a reverse roundhouse kick that sends her collapsing against the nearby ropes! When Dolly comes running back towards Betsy once again she’s hit with an overhead kick that sends her back against the ropes AGAIN!
PC: This is starting to remind me of the Benny "Kid" Paret and Emile Griffith match!
HHL: Shut up, nerd! And just watch the match!
When Dolly comes bouncing off the ropes one more time she’s caught in a snapmare driver that collapses her to the ground!
PC: This might be the end of it right here! I don’t know how much longer Dolly Waters can hold on!
HHL: She put up a great fight here, but she’s bleeding like a stuffed pig! I don’t think she’ll have what it takes to kick out of this one, but that’s not a dig at her!
PC: Dolly’s great….but Betsy may have just been too much for her tonight!
An exhausted Betsy Granger rolls over on top of Dolly Waters and lets the referee begin to count the pinfall.
Betsy can’t believe it. She looks down at the bleeding, bruised, and battered Dolly Waters with shock and dismay. Betsy looks down at Dolly Waters, clearly uncomfortable with what she’s about to do to this woman. Betsy rolls Dolly onto her back. Betsy places both of her knees onto Dolly’s lower back, putting incredible pressure and pain onto Dolly’s body. Betsy grabs a hold of Dolly’s dainty ankles with her right hand while simultaneously grabbing a hold of her bloodcaked chin with the left. Betsy pulls back on Dolly’s body and traps her in an INDIAN DEATHLOCK SURFBOARD! Dolly screams in pain! Betsy rolls to her back while pulling Dolly’s body apart at the seams!
PC: She’s trying to lock in the Tuez les étoiles! This is the first step!
HHL: Dolly needs to get out of this before Betsy is able to transition to a bridging counter!
Dolly starts wailing out wildly with her hands as immense pressure is put on her from the submission hold! One of Dolly’s hands makes it’s way to Betsy Granger’s chest! Dolly pushes down on Betsy’s chest softly while grabbing a hold of her ring attire. Betsy, still on her back while performing the opening stages of her finishing move, doesn’t even realize that the referee has begun to count the pinfall!
Winner - Dolly Waters
PC: "Did Dolly tap out?!"
HHL: "No! The ref counted Betsy's shoulders down!"
A confused Betsy breaks the hold, leaving the referee to raise Dolly's hand.
PC: "Doesn't look like Betsy understands what happened."
HHL: "Dolly pulled one over on her, she'll realize it soon enough."
PC: "It's time for the TV Title Three-Way as the new Champion, Vita Valenteen, defends against XWF veteran, John Black, as well as the impressive newcomer, Rampage."
We see the X-Tron come to life, and we see "John Black" name shot up with the .38 special, and we see him at the stage in a black and white setting as he standing there taking in the mixed reactions. Then he walks down to the ramp, and he gives them some high fives, then he climbs on the steel steps and enters the ring, and he raises his fist in the air as he pounds his chest around the ring as his theme cuts off.
HHL: "JB's watched his T.H.U.G. brethren win Titles in the past, you know he's gotta be itchin' for a taste of gold, himself!"
PC: "Absolutely! Unfortunately, he's got quite a mountain to climb in order to get there in not one, but TWO opponents! Add in the fact one of them is literally the size OF a mountain, and I don't like his chances."
"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits over the PA system as the fans give a mixed reaction. Rampage walks out onto the ramp, his arm in the air as he makes his way down the aisle.
PC: "This is a HUGE opportunity for Rampage, who'll be competing for a Championship in only his second XWF match!"
HHL: "Sometimes it's about being in the right place, at the right time. Management was impressed with his showing against Marf and Hunter Ryan, so they decided to give him a shot!"
PC: "Just goes to show that XWF is full of opportunity!"
Rampage reaches the ring, where he grabs onto the top rope and uses it to pull himself up onto the apron. From there, he steps over it and raises his hand, once more, in an attempt to intimidate JB and the folks in attendance.
As the opening riff of "Hart Attack" roars through the arena the crowd jumps to their feet as Vita runs onto the stage, TV Title around her waist. Vita walks down the stage in a zigzag pattern as she slaps hands and tries her best to get the crowd riled up. At the foot of the ramp, Vita takes off and slides under the ropes to enter the ring. Vita then hops to her feet and strikes her infamous "Arnold pose" to the crowds' delight!
HHL: "She beat Bobby Bourbon for the belt last Savage, but you gotta think she's got an even bigger challenge ahead of her tonight!"
PC: "They say it's easier to win a Title than it is to defend one, and that's certainly gonna be put to the test here in this match!"
Vita unstraps her Championship and hands it to the referee who holds it in the air before presenting it to each competitor. Once all three of them have had the chance to inspect it, the referee takes it over to the timekeeper and calls for the bell.
PC: "And here we go! First fall takes home the Television Championship!"
Much like Rampage's previous match, his opponents look towards each other and agree to team on him first. John Black makes his move, charging towards the giant, only for Vita to leave him out to dry! This allows Rampage to clobber JB with a Weapons of Mass Destruction that sends him tumbling through the ropes, to the outside, as a shocked Valenteen looks on in horror.
HHL: "Did she really expect him to do it alone?!"
PC: "Apparently she did!"
The TV Champion takes a deep breath before rushing in, only to get caught by the throat!
PC: "We could see a new Champion in a matter of moments!!!"
Rather than Slam here down in the ring, though, Rampage lifts her up HIGH above his head, and Chokeslams her over the top rope, out onto the floor!!!!!
HHL: "That was a nasty spill for Vita, she doesn't seem to be moving after that one!!!!"
A cocky Rampage steps over the top rope and joins his opponents on the outside. He immediately goes for the injured Valenteen, dragging her limp body over to the announce table where Pip and Heather immediately get up and back away.
PC: "Don't do it, Rampage, we've still got another match to call after this one!!!"
Not giving a damn what Pip has to say, Rampage hoists VV up for another Chokeslam and drives her through the table, leaving her laying motionless in the debris!
HHL: "If she wasn't done after that first one, she is NOW!"
PC: "I don't know whether to feel worse for her or our table!!!"
HHL: "Really?!"
PC: "It was a nice table!"
EMTs rush out to check on Vita as Rampage shows off for the crowd. All of a sudden, John Black runs up behind him and smacks him in the back with a steel chair!
PC: "Perfectly legal in a Triple Threat Match!"
Rampage stumbles forward a bit as John hits him in the back again, and again!!! He forces Rampage to retreat back into the ring, where JB climbs up onto the apron before ascending the turnbuckles. Once up top, he jumps off with the chair above his head, only for Rampage to catch him by the throat!!!!! Before he can do anything, however, Black kicks him in the nuts and cracks him over the head with another vicious chair shot that topples the giant!
HHL: "This could be it; cover him John!!!"
JB tosses the chair aside and jumps at the chance to pin his downed opponent.
PC: "This guy is almost inhuman!"
HHL: "You might be right! Most people would stay down after ONE chair shot, let alone three!"
PC: "We could very well be looking at the next Television Champion, especially since the medics are preparing to transport Vita to the back!"
We get a shot of the EMTs strapping VV to a gurney, before cutting back inside the ring where JB places the chair over his opponent's face and heads to the corner. He climbs out onto the apron and scales the turnbuckles, once more, all the way to the top. Once there, he dives off for an Elbow Drop................................. only to have the chair tossed up into his face!!!!!!!!
PC: "That had to hurt!"
John Black plummets to the mat, grabbing his head, as Rampage slowly makes it back to his feet. The EMTs wheel the Vita Valenteen to the back as Rampage picks JB up and tosses him across the ring.
PC: "It looks like we're gonna crown a new TV Champion here tonight, as Vita Valenteen is unable to continue after that vicious assault by Rampage!"
HHL: "You hate to see her lose the belt this way, especially after that impressive win a couple weeks ago!"
John Black bounces off the mat and into the corner, a dazed expression on his face. Rampage charges towards him, but Black is able to sidestep him, causing his opponent to collide with the turnbuckle padding. Before John can work up any sort of offense, though, Rampage shakes off the collision and drops JB with a brutal Headbutt. He drops down and hooks one of the T.H.U.G.'s legs for a cover.
HHL: "It's gonna take more than a Headbutt to keep John Black down, especially with the TV Title up for grabs!"
PC: "It's not very often you get an opportunity like this, he knows he has to take advantage of it!"
Rampage brings John to his feet and Whips him to the ropes. On the rebound, he goes for a Big Boot, but JB catches his foot and uses one of his legs to trip Rampage's other one out from under him!
PC: "The giant's down!"
The fans cheer JB on as he grabs onto both of Rampage's legs and tries to turn him over for a Liontamer. Rampage fights it, though, using his power to prevent John from locking in the move. Seeing this, Black decides to flip forward, keeping hold of his opponent's legs while pinning his shoulders to the mat!
HHL: "Ohhhhhhhh, I thought he had him!"
Wanting to keep on his opponent, John Black approaches Rampage's head and sets him up for a Piledriver.
PC: "Could be lookin' for The Underground Noise!"
Using all the strength he can muster, JB manages to pull Rampage backwards, into his head, as the crowd goes ballistic!!!!!!
HHL: "He hit it! We could have a new TV Champion right here!"
John uses all of his body weight to roll Rampage onto his back, before laying overtop of his for the cover.
PC: "Rampage kicks out!"
HHL: "We were THIS close to crowning a new Champion!!!"
PC: "Rampage showin' us it wasn't a mistake for Karen Hunt to put him in this match!"
HHL: "He's been resilient, this far, but he's gonna have to work up some offense if he wants to walk away with the gold!"
John Black stands up and stomps his feet, motioning for Rampage to get up as the crowd gives him their support. Once Rampage gets to a vertical base, JB steps forward and attempts to pick him up onto his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver, but his back gives out before he can fully lift him! Rampage lands on his feet and hammers down on JB's back, dropping him to his knees.
HHL: "He just wasn't strong enough, and it cost him there!"
PC: "I don't know why he thought it was a good idea to try in the FIRST place!"
Rampage delivers a Boot to the face, before running to the ropes. On the way back, he connects with a gigantic Splash to Black, rolling him onto his back and laying across for a cover.
PC: "I'm surprised John could kick out after being flattened like that!"
HHL: "The heart of John Black is bigger than Rampage!"
PC: "Sounds like he needs to see a doctor! An enlarged heart is nothing to mess around with!"
Rampage gets up and puts his boot on JB before walking across him, putting all his weight on John's chest as he does so.
PC: "He could've just crushed John Black's lungs!"
Rampage turns around and does it again, before putting his foot back onto his chest for a confident cover.
HHL: "John Black refuses to quit!"
PC: "He's got more guts than brains!"
Rampage gets up and Whips Black to the ropes, connecting with a Powerslam on the rebound. Rather than cover him, Rampage gets back to his feet and waits for John to do the same, his arm primed and ready to go.
PC: "He could be looking to put JB away with a Chokeslam right here!"
HHL: "If he hits it, that could be all she wrote!"
Rampage waits for John Black to get to his feet, before wrapping his massive hand around his throat. He grabs hold of JB's back and hoists him up in the air, before slamming him down to the mat for a Chokeslam!!! Rampage then gets down to John's level and puts his hands onto his chest for a cover.
PC: "What on EARTH does Rampage gotta do in order to put John Black away?!?"
HHL: "I bet a Weapon of Mass Destruction would help."
Rampage stands up and cocks his hand back, ready to put JB away the moment he gets to his feet. As soon as he does, Rampage puts all of his weight behind a single punch............................................
.................................................only for John Black to duck it! With Rampage off-balance, JB is able to lift him up onto his shoulders and drive him into the mat with a Death Valley Driver!!!!!!!!!!
PC: "Rampage has been BLACKLISTED!!!!!!"
Unfortunately for John, the move took too much out of him and he's unable to cover his opponent.
HHL: "John's giving Rampage too much time to recover!"[/white]
PC: "You try picking up a 400+ pound mammoth and see if you can pin him immediately afterwards!"
As JB starts to stir, the fans turn towards the entryway and get to their feet at the sight of VITA VALENTEEN hobbling her way back down to the ring!!!!!!
[red]HHL: "The TV Champion isn't gonna let them fight over her belt, not if she has anything to say about it!"
PC: "Yeah, but she doesn't appear to be in ANY shape to compete! I'm surprised the doctors cleared her to come out!"
HHL: "They probably didn't, but good luck stopping her!"
A beaten down Valenteen pulls herself up onto the apron and motions for either of the challengers to get up. John Black makes it to his feet first, causing Vita to Springboard onto the top rope and send him flying across the ring with an Eat Defeat!!!!!!!!
HHL: "Vita just hit John Black with her finishing maneuver! The Champion might retain if she can cover him!"
PC: "But, wait! Rampage is right behind her!!!"
VV struggles her way to a vertical base, only to get turned around by a recovered Rampage and knocked out with a Weapons of Mass Destruction!!!!!!!!! He then drops down and lays across her for the cover, with Johb Black nowhere in sight.
Winner and NEW XWF Television Champion- Rampage
PC: "I don't believe it! Rampage is the new TV Champion in only his second match!!!"
HHL: "Vita Valenteen tried her best to come back and defend her belt, and it ended up costing John Black."
The referee grabs the belt and hands it to the new Champion, who hoists it above his head. The size of his hand makes the Title look tiny, in comparison to it's former holder.
PC: "The TV Title's been bouncing around owners, but I think it may have found a more permanent home in Rampage!"
HHL: "You may be right; good luck to anyone looking to take that belt off of his hands!"
Savage cuts to a commercial break with Rampage celebrating in the ring and John Black leaning against the barricade outside it, a disappointed look on his face.
As the show comes back on from commercial breaks, the crowd is worked up in quite the tizzy. Not a good tizzy at that. A very vocal one. Angry. Many voices heradling unclean words only a Sailor would utter. The source of their scorn? Sonya Benson, the anti pro wrestling activist turned pro wrestler against her will, along with her manager Norris and bodyguard Smith.
As the commentating crew lambastes her, the woundingly pretty woman raises the microphone to her perfectly formed lips and rests her face with indifference to the hatred being thrown at her.
Sonya Benson: Okay here is the deal. My recent offers for a trainer, tag partner, and contractors have not been fulfilled. I knew it would be a tough sell but I was confident one million dollars was enough for one of those knuckle draggers in the back to accept. I was wrong. So I am upping the offer to one point five MILLION dollars. I won’t go any higher than that. Don’t be stupid men and women in the back. You’re going to want this money as a fall back for when you inevitably hit the wall and realize all those fond memories in the ring don’t pay your bills anymore, especially your medical bills and your, ahem, “pill” bills.”
She no-sells the crowd's heat and addresses her posture toward the entrance ramp. As though she has some kind of say-so over the folks in the back, Sonya raises a hand and motions for one to come forth as Smith swats away a few hurled drinks aimed at her.
HHL: Sonya Benson! Calling out the XWF roster here on Savage!
PIP: That’s A LOT of money at stake here, and all they gotta do is play ball, Heather!
HHL: Oh my God!
PIP: It’s the Lionheart!
As ‘Sirius’ heats up, Thad’s SWAT team emerges from backstage, the four of them split up, two on each side of the stage. The pyro shoots from the stage toward the ring before bursting into a sparkling gold roaring lion image to a chorus of boos from the capacity crowd.
‘Sirius’ transitions to ‘Anti-You’ as the well-dressed XWF Hart Champion emerges from backstage, the Hart title folded and cradled in his hands. The 24/7 briefcase though, nowhere to be seen.
HHL: These fans here in Athens, giving Thaddeus Duke a piece of their mind!
PIP: And he loves every second of it.
Making his way down the ramp with his SWAT team on his heels, he climbs the steps and into the ring. The music fades out as the SWAT team spreads out, one on each side of the ring, looking out over the fans and protecting their leaders backside.
Miss Benson, Thad begins to another chorus of boos. Tag partner? That’s not gonna work for me. You’re no Doc D’Ville.
Sonya goes to reply, but Thad holds his hand up a moment and she stops herself.
Yeah that’s not really my bag.
I really don’t care about the money. I’m fucking loaded and your money means nothing to me. What I’m interested in doing is training you to be the best in-ring competitor you can possibly be.
He pauses for a beat.
PIP: If you’re gonna learn this business… then there’s very few better than the Hart Champion.
HHL: Like him or not… that’s the truth.
But why, Thad?
I get that question a lot lately, he says with a smile. Fact is these fans hate your guts and they want you to fail. These fans used to make up Duke Nation and we’ve grown estranged from one another so… whatever they hate... I like.
They hate you Sonya, so that means I like you. And if there’s anything I can do right now to fuck these fans in every way imaginable, I’mma do it.
Fuck you first, he pauses, paces a moment, and looks at Sonya. I’ll train you Sonya. I’ll make sure you’re the best you can be and your failures are minimal.
Thad drops the mic and exits the ring. Just as he turns for the ramp while his SWAT team surrounds him, he turns back and grabs the mic again.
And just to warn you… I know its a difficult demand, but keep your hands off the merchandise Sonya. I got a girlfriend.
Thad tosses the mic in the ring and to a chorus of boos from the Universe, he and his SWAT team make their exit. As his music fades out and the crowd is still buzzing, Sonya turns to leave the ring when suddenly…
Marf steps out onto the stage as Sonya stops where she is inside the ring and looks on, slightly confused. The crowd are not happy to see Marf now making his way to the ring with a devilish smirk upon his face. He enters the ring and ignores everyone except Sonya, giving her a smile and friendly nod. She offers the microphone to him and he gratefully accepts while thanking her.
So I couldn’t help but overhear your little conversation with the clearly new and improved Thad. It’s a pretty good proposition. There’s just one minor plot hole I see poking out. Ole Thad is a damn busy guy. He’s the Hart champion for crying out loud! I don’t doubt he can train you well but I do doubt that he can train you often. And that of course brings us to yours truly!
I will admit I am a fan of Thad’s motivations, but I would like to offer something a little different. I’d like to train you myself and bring out the true dark side of yourself. I want to train you to hurt and maim everyone you encounter. I don’t give a shit if they’re a fan favourite or not, I want to teach you how to rip through this damn roster. And if that pisses off some people, well that’s just a delightful bonus.
Marf grins that old familiar smile of his while the fans shower him with booing and some unmentionable taunts. He basks in it, motioning with both hands to keep it coming for a moment.
Coming off War Games, I have some free time and a whole lot of ill will to spread. I simply offer you the chance to learn more than clever rest holds and fancy maneuvers. I want to share with you the knowledge of how much torque is needed in an arm bar to snap a bone. The know-how to best hit the nose for immediate blood flow. Torturous tricks at the cost of some cash, seems like a fair trade, don’t it?
Anyway, that’s my offer, take it or leave it. Oh by the way, I already have a girlfriend so don’t worry about any creepy perv shit on my behalf. I just want to proudly watch you injure someone…
And with that, Marf bursts out laughing and politely hands Sonya the microphone before exiting the ring. He walks backwards and waves to her as he leaves to a chorus of boos. Meanwhile, Sponya retains that same look of confusion, relief, and a slew of over emotions she’s had since Thad came out.
Her manager, Norris, has an “Aha” moment and becomes quite animated. He begins chattering in her ear with urgency and pointing up the ramp where Marf is still walking backwards. Sonya tries to calm him down but Norris becomes more animated, until alas she agrees with whatever he’s so uppity about. Taking the mic to her gorgeous lips, she motions for Marf to stop.
Sonya Benson: Waaaait! Wait! Stop!
Marf stops and inclines an ear toward her.
Sonya Benson: Norris brings up a good point. You’re right, Marf. Thad, at times, will be too busy to train me and I simply can’t have that. So, I’m going to do the best of both worlds! I am hiring BOTH of you to train me!
The crowd goes bonkers with jeers and unkind insults.
Sonya Benson: When Thad is unavailable, you Marf will be there to teach me your ways. Are these acceptable terms?
Marf grins that same grin he did earlier and gives Sonya the simplest of nods - one of agreement. Sonya beams with joy, tears even falling out of her soul windows and racing down her first world cheeks!
HHL: … OH...MY… GOD!
Pip: Thad and Marf just blackened the eyes of professional wrestling! This is a travesty!
The scene ends with Sonya and her entourage hugging it out joyfully in the ring. The feed then cuts to commercial
”Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is scheduled for one fall… and is for the XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP!”
The red hot crowd comes alive with a thunderous ovation.
HHL: This is what we’ve been waiting for!
The lights in the stadium go pitch dark bringing a louder ovation from the crowd.
The cheers from the near 100,000 fans in attendance drastically shifts into louder boos than cheers.
”Introducing first, about to make his way to the ring… he is the challenger, he is “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!”
A single spotlight hits the top of the ramp where a thick smoky haze engulfs the ramp. The crowd reacts with a massive mixed reception as Chris Page is shown sauntering out through the smoke. As he stands at the top of the ramp a pyro display starts to explode all over the stadium.
Pip: Talk about making an entrance!
CCP starts to make the walk down the massively long entrance ramp towards the ring.
HHL: He says tonight is his night to make history by becoming a two-time Universal Champion. He’s waited nearly three months since losing the championship to exercise his rematch for here and now.
Pip: Tonight the title comes back home to Chris Page; period.
Chris Page reaches the ringside area where he walks up the steel steps to the ring apron. Page steps through the ropes where he takes a good long look at the house HE drew with a smirk etched across his face. He removes his ring jacket and drops it down to a ring attendant. The music fades away and the crowd continues to sing along as if it never stopped.
HHL: Page has some supporters in the house.
“And his opponent…”
A feverous murmur ripples around the crowd.
HHL: Feel that energy, Pip!
Pip: They’re so excited for the one true champ!
HHL: Agree or disagree, I’ll give Page one thing, this is a different environment Alias will find himself. He’s used to being in the ring first. Part of his mind games, perhaps?
Pip: They don’t call Chris Page the smartest man in wrestling for nothing.
HHL: Oh stop it!
As the crowd’s anticipation continues to build, some of the lights in the arena cut. Progressively, more and more lights die out until the entire arena is plunged into darkness.
And then…
The fire.
Until silence once more.
The silence is broken not just by the music, but the growing sound of the voices singing along.
“When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be?
Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?
Here's what she said to me!”
Just as the chorus is about to hit, the image of Alias is found in the crowd, pushing his way through with his eyes, as if looking through the darkness, never deviating from where Chris Page stands in the ring.
With the chorus, the entire crowd comes alive.
Que séra, séra!
Whatever will be, will be!
The future's not ours to see!
Que séra, séra!”
Alias continues his push to the ring, while Page paces back and forth.
When I was just a child in school
I asked my teacher what should I try?
Should I paint pictures? Should I sing songs?
This was her wise reply!”
As Alias makes his way to the ground level, the chorus hits once more and the crowd continues to sing Alias to the ring.
“Que séra, séra!
Whatever will be, will be!
The future's not ours to see!
Que séra, séra!”
Standing at the barricade between ringside and the crowd, Alias pauses for a moment, unblinking, staring at Page who simply glares back. Alias leaps over the barrier, clearing it in one smooth movement.
“When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead?
Will there be rainbows, day after day?
Here's what my sweetheart said!”
At the ringside area, Alias doesn’t make his way to the ring. Instead, he climbs on top of the announcer’s desk. From his shoulder, he unsheaths the Universal Championship and holds it in one hand as he extends his arms out to the side. Christ. The Redeemer.
“Que séra, séra!
Whatever will be, will be!
The future's not ours to see!
Que séra, séra!”
The music stops. The fires die. The lights return. But with two warriors locked eyes, the crowd continues to sing.
Que séra, séra!!
Whatever will be, will be!
The future’s not ours to see!
Que séra, séra!”
A moment passes in time. Several more. The referee encourages Alias to the ring. Eventually, he obliges.
The crowd erupts as the referee signals for the opening bell. The ovation splits off into a very distinctive “ALIAS/CCP! ALIAS/CCP, ALIAS/CCP” chants in unison from the massive crowd as both men gaze across the ring from each other from their respective corners.
Pip: It’s absolutely electric inside Sanford Stadium!
Page and Alias each walkout from their corners where they start to circle each other inside the ring. The two men lock up center ring. The jockeying of position is seen before they shove off each other with neither man gaining a firm advantage.
HHL: This is the first time ever meeting between Alias and Chris Page. You have to expect there’s going to be a feeling-out process between both of these two before the gloves come off.”
Pip: This really could come down to who makes that crucial mistake. They are both that good.
HHL: Alias has never been pinned or made to submit. Can Chris Page crack that code tonight?
The crowd continues to chant for both men as they circle each other a second time where they lock up center ring. Page snatches a side headlock only to be backed into the ropes by Alias who flings him across the ring with an irish whip, Page bounces off the far side where he runs over Alias with a running shoulder block sending the Champion down to the mat. Page bounces off the near side while Alias rolls over to his stomach, Page bounces off the ropes jumping over Alias as he bounces off the near side, Alias pops up to his feet where he catches Page with a Hip Toss take over!
Page pops up off the mat where he walks up to Alias and shoves him!
Pip: Tempers might be flaring sooner than we think.
Alias comes back shoving Page!
HHL: The Universal Champion will not be intimidated under any circumstances.
Page balls up his right fist causing Alias to ball up his gloved right hand seeming each man daring the other to throw a shot.
Pip: Page has a wealth of experience at his disposal. He cannot allow his temper to get the better of him. He’s got to wrestle his style of match at his pace.
Page unclinches his fist as does Alias as the two circle each other for the third time before they look to lock up only to see Page ducks down taking a back waist lock before hoisting Alias up in the air before driving him down to the mat. He floats over into a front face lock before paintbrush slapping Alias across the back of the head. A majority of the crowd boos Page while some cheer as he is back to his feet with Alias getting to one knee.
We see Alias step up to his feet where he and Page look to lock up once again yet this time Alias gouges the eyes before he opens up with a series of right hands backing Page up into a neutral corner! Alias fires Page across the ring into the opposite turnbuckles causing Page to bounce off the buckles and into a back body drop from the Champion!
Page rolls out to the floor under the bottom rope as Alias keeps a firm eye on his challenger.
HHL: Alias is one hard nut to crack inside that ring since coming back onto the scene in late October. He has gone nearly a year without being pinned or made to submit. That right there is talent.
The referee lays the count to Page who uses up to the seven count before getting back up on the ring apron and stepping back into the ring. Page and Alias circle each other again before locking up. Page drives Alias back into a neutral corner where he holds him against the buckles exercising the referee’s count. The referee reaches five before forcing his way between Page and Alias giving Page the opportunity to sucker punch Alias in the jaw! The referee quickly gets out of the way as Page comes at Alias with a knife-edge chop across the chest that echoes throughout the Stadium. He lands a second chop across the chest followed by a third before bringing Alias out from the corner with a front waist lock and delivering a release overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
Page is quick to make a cover forcing the champions shoulders to the mat.
Easy kick out from the Universal Champion but Page is right there to take a mount position where he starts hammering down with a series of right hands drawing boos from the crowd as the referee lays the count to CCP.
HHL: Page can exploit the rules like no other.
Page breaks at the four-count as he gets back to his feet where he’s admonished by the referee. Page blows past the referee where he reaches down picking Alias up off the mat. He drives him back into the ropes where he shoots him across the ring. Alias bounces off the near side ducking under a Page clothesline, Alias bounces off the far side, Page spins around where Alias does a baseball slide between Page’s legs where he pops up to his feet delivering a backstabber!
Alias now presses the cover.
Page escapes where Alias takes a mount position before slapping Page repeatedly with the gloved right hand! There’s no count from the referee.
Pip: There’s no closed fist! Alias is slapping Page around!
Alias pops back up after four or five slaps where starts stomping away at Page to a louder ovation with each and every stomp landed. He picks Page up off the mat where he delivers a swinging neck breaker! Alias makes another cover.
Page kicks out of the near fall as Alias locks in a rear chin lock as the referee slides in position asking Page to surrender. He refuses as Alias cranks back on the rear chin lock which forces Page to start working his way back to his feet where he turns into the chin lock where he looks to deliver a Side Suplex, Alias flips over the back of Page landing on his feet, Page turns around where he walks into a CLAW by Alias!
The referee is out of position and as he gets into position Page is able to kick Alias in the groin effectively breaking the hold to loud boos from the crow as Alias falls backward to the mat. The referee is oblivious to what’s transpired as Page comes forward towards Alias where he takes his left hand laying it on the mat before stomping down on top of it! Alias draws his left hand towards his body. Page stomps Alias’s face before laying the left hand back out on the mat where he starts repeatedly stomping down upon it.
Pip: Page is working on the left hand, he’s trying to take away that mandible claw.
Page reaches down, picking Alias up off the mat where he pins the left hand behind the back of Alais before scooping him up and slamming down on the left arm and hand. The booing crowd draws Page’s attention where he throws up both middle fingers garnering louder boos from the crowd. Page turns his attention back towards Alias where he stomps down on the left hand yet again.
Page picks up Alias driving him back into a neutral corner with a shoulder block. He drives repeated shoulders into the midsection of the Universal Champion before lacing him across the chest with another stiff knife edge chop before bringing Alias out towards the center of the ring with a snapmare takeover. Page backs up into a set of buckles before running out where he flips over Alias while snapping his neck forward. Page scurries into a cover hooking the near leg.
Alias escapes the near fall to a huge pop from the crowd as we see Chris Page get back to his feet where he lays the left hand of Alias on the mat and starts stomping down on top of it repeatedly!
HHL: Smart on behalf of CCP to start pinpointing the hands, without the hands you can’t eat them.
Stomp after stomp on the hand before he reaches down picking Alias up off the mat only to be gouged in the eyes by the gloved right hand! Alias lunges at Page taking him down with a Thess Press before biting at his forehead! The crowd erupts as the referee lays the count to Alias who releases his bite at the four count. He gets back to his feet where the official admonishes him which allows Page to roll out to the floor.
Alias doesn’t allow him to take a break as he looks for a baseball slide drop kick under the bottom rope only to have Page side step where he doesn’t see Alias land on his feet out on the floor and when Page turns around he’s met with a boot to the midsection before being planted on the padding surrounding the ring with a DDT!
The crowd is on fire for Alias as he gets back to his feet, picks Page up off the floor before rolling him back into the ring. Alias slides back into the ring where he rolls Page over on to his back making a cover while hooking the near leg.
Page shoots a shoulder up off the mat to a mixed reception from the crowd. Alias starts working his way back up to his feet where he reaches down picking Page up off the mat. He hammers Chris with a right hand, followed by a second and then a third before taking Page back into a neutral corner where we see Alias step up on the middle ropes where he starts hammering down with his gloved right hand! The crowd counts along with each shot and after sixth Alias leans down and bites the forehead of Page!
The referee lays the count to Alias who releases his chompers at the four count before jumping back down to the mat where he brings Page out of the corner and delivers a backbreaker before going right into a cover.
Page kicks out to a mixed reception from the crowd. Alias is back to his feet where he reaches down picking Page up off the mat where he laces him across the chest with an open handed gloved right hand! He fires Page across the ring into the opposite set of buckles. Alias charges in after Page looking for a diving shoulder block, Page side steps Alias which sends the Universal Champion through the top and middle turnbuckles smashing right shoulder first off the ring post with the momentum taking him through the ropes where he spills out to the ring apron before falling down to the floor.
Pip: That could be a huge mistake by the champion!
HHL: In what is arguably the biggest Universal Championship match this year Alias might have just sealed his fate with that one.
Page takes several seconds before seeing the prone position of the Champion clutching at his right shoulder with his left hand. Page drops down to the mat rolling out to the floor where he starts stomping away at Alias before picking him up. He twists the right arm and shoulder behind his back before running him into the ring post.
Alias falls down to the floor as Page slides into the ring before rolling back out to the floor. He picks Alias up where he takes his left hand and slams it into the ring post! He does this a second and then a third time!
Pip: Page is taking the hands away from Alias!
Page hurls Alias back into the ring where he gets back to his feet. Alias clutches at his left wrist as he starts getting back up to his feet. Page comes up from behind latching on to a back waist lock where he delivers a German Suplex, Page rolls through not releasing his grip where he picks himself and Alias up off the mat where he delivers a second German Suplex, again he rolls through picking up Alias where a third and release German Suplex is delivered.
Page rolls out to the ring apron where he uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet before making his way over to the turnbuckles. Page starts to climb up to the top ropes where he looks down at Alias, he’s perched up top where he sets sail with a Diving Headbut! Alias rolls out of the way which sends Page crashing and burning as he lands hard on the canvas!
The crowd pops huge as Alias and Page lay on the mat as the referee is forced to start laying the count to both men.
HHL: We are back to square one as Page makes a huge mistake!
Alias is the first to stir as he reaches his feet at the six count followed by Page, and as Page reaches one knee Alias explodes towards him with a running knee strike! Alias drops down on top of Page with a cover.
Page pops a shoulder up off the mat before the referee’s fatal count of three to a huge gasp from the crowd.
Pip: Alias might have just broken Page’s jaw with that vicious knee strike.
Alias starts to get back to his feet where he starts picking Page up with the right hand and arm. Page reaches up grabbing the injured left hand yanking Alias forward sending him smashing face first off the top turnbuckle that is followed up with a school boy from Page!
Alias kicks out to a loud ovation from the crowd. Page and Alias are both back to their feet with Page driving a boot to the midsection of Alias stopping him in his tracks. Page sets up Alias where he picks up Alias before delivering a Buckle Bomb to the Universal Champion! Alias bounces off the buckles where he staggers out into a JUDAS EFFECT elbow strike! Alias crumbles to the mat with Page executing a cover while hooking the nearest leg.
Alias kicks out to a thunderous ovation from the crowd as Page pops back up to his feet where he jumps in the face of the referee complaining of a slow count as he holds up three fingers barking at the referee to make a faster count. The referee shows him two fingers and inches away from the three count.
While Page argues with the referee we see Alias start moving as begins to work his way back up to his feet. He waits for Page who turns around before rushing towards him where he dives with a flying shoulder block with the left should smashing into Page and sending Chris smashing into the referee which sends the official spilling out to the floor!
Page staggers forward where he walks into a FATALITY!
Page falls back into the ropes where he bounces back forward where he walks into a EAT THE LEFT HAND! The crowd erupts as Alias locks in the Mandible Claw!
Alias locks it firmly in as Chris Page starts to fade as he drops to one knee. The cheers from the crowd immediately shift into boos! We see THEM NO GOOD BASTARDS hit the ring blasting Alias from behind breaking the Eat the Left Hand! They start doubling up on Alias!
Pip: The Bastards are here!
The Bastards pick Alias up off the mat where we see them set up Alias for the RainbowLaserDeathSequence!.... The lights go out! Athens, Georgia explodes!
HHL: What the hell is going on?!?!
The lights come back up where Betsy Granger and Jim Caedus are in the ring! The brawl between four of the twelve that will compete on Warfare erupts! Betsy and Bobby pair off as does Caedus and Thunder Knuckles!
Pip: CAEDUS AND GRANGER aren’t going to let this end with shenanigans!
The fight between Betsy/Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles/Caedus spills out to the floor while in the ring Chris Page is getting back to his feet where he sizes up Alias who is on the mat. Back out on the floor the boos grow louder as the Anarchy Champion Money Oswald comes from the crowd where he blind sides Caedus!
The boos quickly diverted to cheers as DREW ARCHYLE exploded down the ramp towards the ring! He dives in under the bottom ropes where Page rushes towards him with a clothesline attempt, Archyle ducks out of the way and as Page spins around he’s caught with a boot to the midsection before being dropped with the Double Arm DDT! Drew rolls out to the floor where he runs and jumps on the back of Oswald!
In the ring the crowd is getting louder and louder as Alias crawls towards Page where he manages to drape an arm over his chest! The referee is shown pulling himself up using the bottom rope on the other side of the ring. He slowly crawls into the ring under the bottom rope where he begins to make a count!
The referee is dragged out from under the bottom rope by…
The referee is pulled out by Miss Fury. Before the official can see anything he’s decked by Fury! Miss Fury makes her way quickly to the time keepers table where she snatches the Universal Championship! Across the ring on the floor a slew of black shirted security have hit the ringside area as they feverishly separate members of BOB and Apex-Legacy.
Miss Fury slides into the ring with the Universal Championship as Alias is starting to work his way back to his feet. She sizes him up and once he stands she explodes towards him smashing the Universal Championship off Alias’s face! Miss Furry turns towards the entrance ramp where she motions towards the back.
The boos erupt as REFEREE ARI SILVERSTEIN is shown jogging down to the ring! Miss Fury takes Page’s arm, putting it on the chest of Alias! Ari dives into the ring under the bottom rope where he makes a count!
Athens, Georgia is completely livid! Trash starts to be hurled towards the ring as Ari Silverstein picks up the Universal Championship and awards it to Chris Page before he and Miss Fury quickly get Page out of the ring under the bottom rope and out to the floor!
HHL: THAT WASN’T A THREE COUNT! THAT WAS A ONE AND A HALF AT BEST! Chris Page has just stolen the Universal Championship using Apex and Legacy to do it just like Apex and Legacy were responsible for the events that lead up to Page losing the title to begin with!
Page has a smirk on his face as he joins Them No Good Bastards and Ozzy at the foot of the ramp with a horde of black security that now separates the members of Apex and Legacy from being able to get to Page or BOB. Chris raises up the Universal Championship for all to see gaining even louder boos from the crowd.
” We did it!”
Page and Miss Fury kiss before Ari Silverstein raises Page’s arm in the air one last time. Alias has gotten to both knees where he just shakes his head in sheer disgust while watching Page, Miss Fury, Them No Good Bastards, Ozzy and Ari Silversteen walking backward up the ramp. Alias is joined in the ring by Archyle, Caedus and Betsy Granger who offer apologies for their roles in this rouse.
HHL: This is the single biggest screwjob I think I have ever seen. Chris Page is leaving Savage Saturday Night as a Two Time Universal Champion taking it away like a thief in the night.
Pyro begins to explode in the skies above Sanford Stadium as the celebration continues for Chris Page and BOB.
Pip: I can’t believe Page pulled it off!
Athens erupts as the principal owner of the XWF Vinnie Lane: emerges out to the top of the ramp with a microphone in hand as he raises it to his lips. His music abruptly cuts as he starts to address the situation at hand.
Vinnie Lane: You great fans in Athens are going to have to excuse me for my unadvertised appearance in such a totally rad campus like you have here at the University of Georgia.
The crowd erupts as Chris and BOB have now turned around and faced Vinnie Lane.
Vinnie Lane: As the principal owner of the XWF I have sat back and watched A LOT of this BOB nonsense but the one thing I will not do is let the biggest championship in this federation change hands on account of what we’ve just witnessed.
The crowd starts to quiet down as Vinnie continues.
Vinnie Lane: So here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to get rid of BOB… we’re going to get rid of Apex… we’re going to get rid of Betsy Granger… we’re going to RESTART this Universal Championship match and if ANYONE else decides they want to stick their nose in this business; they can kiss the position on the XWF Roster goodbye. Oh, and Page, should you refuse to get back in that ring and finish this thing… don’t worry about showing up at Relentless, or Warfare for that matter because you’re fired.
Page is absolutely livid on the ramp. Even more security and police officers emerge out behind Vinnie Lane as they walk past him towards the members of BOB while the security members at ringside slide into the ring where they surround Betsy, Caedus and Drew. The members of Apex-Legacy put up no fight as they exit the ring and are taken out through the crowd while Chris Page is forced to look on as Them No Good Bastards, Miss Fury and Ozzy are taken back up the ramp.
Chris’s attention is firmly on Vinnie Lane with a look that could kill.
Vinnie Lane: Um, the ring is that way.
Alias rolls out to the floor as the crowd roars loudly. He comes up the ramp spinning Page around where he unloads with gloved right hands before snatching Page by the hair causing him to drop the Universal Championship.
HHL: Thank God for Vinnie Lane showing up and restoring some order because nobody wanted to see the title change hands like that.
Alias reaches ringside with Page where he hurls him back into the ring! The original official is back in the mix and as soon as Alias slides into the ring he calls for the bell to restart this Universal Championship match!
Page gets to his feet as does Alias who explodes towards Page taking him down with a double leg takedown where he takes a mount against and starts slapping Page across the face before blatantly choking Page with both hands across the throat! The official starts to lay the count to Alias who breaks away at four. He stands back up to his feet where he calls for a second EAT THE LEFT HAND!
Pip: I don’t believe what I am seeing! Vinnie Lane is on a power trip as he’s forced this match to restart and now here we are with Alias looking to cram that left hand down the throat of Chris Page for a second time tonight!
The crowd is on fire for Alias as we see Page starting to work his way back up to a vertical base while we see Alias come forward with a left handed Mandible Claw!
Suddenly Page starts BITING the fingers on the left hand of Alias as they are crammed in his mouth! He drives Alias back into a neutral corner with a shoulder block before breaking his grip on Alias’s fingers. Page hoists Alias up to the top turnbuckle before decking him in the jaw. Chris steps up to the middle ropes where he locks in a front face lock. Chris steps up to the top rope where he delivers a thunderous Superplex!
Pip: Somehow Page is still alive and has found himself in prime position to win the Universal Title twice in the same night!
Page crawls towards Alias where he makes the cover.
Alias kicks out to a thunderous ovation from the crowd! Page rolls off the chest of Alias where he picks him up off the mat. Page drives him back into a neutral corner where he laces him across the chest with a knife edge chop echoing throughout the stadium. He laces him across the chest a second time followed by a third before he backs out towards the center of the ring only to immediately charge forward with a burst of speed only to have Alias throw up his right boot connecting to the jaw of Page staggering him backwards while spinning him in the process.
Alias hops up on the middle rope and then steps up to the top turnbuckle where he leaps off with a top rope bulldog driving Page face first down into the mat drawing a thunderous ovation from the crowd! Alias makes the cover! The crowd counts along with the count.
Page pops his right shoulder up off the mat before the final count from the referee!
HHL: So, so close for Alias!
Alias now rolls off Page as he starts to get back up to a vertical base. The crowd is solidly behind the Universal Champion as he points down at his challenger on the mat. Alias reaches down picking Page up only to have Page counter with an Inside Cradle!
Alias kicks out to a massive gasp from the crowd! Alias beats Page to his feet and as Page stands Alias comes forward looking for EAT THE LEFT HAND that Page ducks, Alias spins around where he’s planted with a boot to the midsection. Page positions Alias head between his legs where he picks him up before planting him with a Piledriver spiking Alias head first into the mat. Page makes a cover hooking the near leg.
Alias kicks out again! The crowd is on fire as you can hear the ovation in Atlanta! Chris Page reaches both knees with a look of shock in his eyes before he shakes his head and steps up to his feet. He reaches down, picking Alias up off the mat. Page drives Alias back into the ropes where he shoots him across the ring with an irish whip, Alias bounces off the ropes and into the signature Spinbuster Slam from Page!
Pip: The prelude to the end of the road for Alias!
Page works his way back to his feet where he signals for the Page Plant to massive boos from the crowd. Page seemingly stalks Alias who rolls over to his chest and starts to push himself back up to his feet and as he stands Page comes forward with a boot to the midsection doubling Alias over! Chris underhooks the arms where he effectively delivers the Angel’s Wings.
The crowd is in a state of shock as Chris rolls Alias over making a cover as he hooks the nearest leg!
Page gets back to his feet where he is completely beside himself! He throws three fingers up in the face of the referee. Alias rolls over to his chest where he’s shown messing with the right glove. Page turns his attention back to Alias where he makes his way over picking him up off the mat. Page positions Alias for a SECOND Page Plant! Alias spins out while catching Page with EAT THE RIGHT HAND!
Pip: The charred right hand of Alias is down the throat of Chris Page!
Alias took the glove off allowing him to cram the burnt right hand down the throat of Page as the crowd erupts with a massive ovation! The referee is in position as he asks Page to surrender! Page refuses but he starts to fade as he drops down to one knee! The crowd gets louder and louder as Page continues to fade as he drops down to both knees!
The referee asks Page to surrender but as he tries to shake off the referee he loses consciousness as Alias takes him down with his shoulders on the mat.
HHL: Alias has just slain Chris Page!
The crowd erupts as Alias releases the right-handed mandible claw as he is awarded the Universal Championship while on both knees. He clutches the Universal Championship close to his chest before getting to one knee, and finally standing back up where his arm is raised in victory.
Pip: The unbeaten streak continues after the intervention of Vinnie Lane, but the end result tonight is Alias is still the XWF Universal Champion!
Page is shown rolling out to the floor under the bottom rope as Alias takes center stage in Athens, Georgia. The crowd is on fire as Alias points towards a Relentless sign while holding up the XWF Universal Championship.
Special Thanks To:
Big D
"Chronic" Chris Page
Charlie Nickles
Freddy Fabulous
ooc......wait.....is Alias now a 2x universal champion, or what? lol. Great show! Congrats to all the new champs and all the old-new champ combos! Jesus what a jampacked savage.
Reigning, Defending,Bloodletting
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XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
Oswald is in the back, rubbing his throat, moving his arm around and around. He looks at the camera and speaks in a raspy voice
"Good job. It's good to see someone that gives a fuck about my title. See someone who is willing to fight and claim it. Machina, defend it well. I set down the rules which are legally binding. If you don't comply, the title is mine again. Understood? Defend it well. Do me proud. You have a month before I decide to call for my rematch. Then you have 2 months to schedule that match."
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(08-28-2021, 09:37 PM)Charlie Nickles Said: ooc......wait.....is Alias now a 2x universal champion, or what? lol. Great show! Congrats to all the new champs and all the old-new champ combos! Jesus what a jampacked savage.
Negative- with a match restart it’s picked up where it is left off from. Alias’s reign is uninterrupted
Chris Page
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Incredible work Alias. It was a lot of fun to do this with you. Big congrats on the win!
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
The following 4 users Like Chris Page's post:4 users Like Chris Page's post ALIAS (08-29-2021), Dolly Waters (08-29-2021), JimCaedus (08-29-2021), Mark Flynn (08-29-2021)
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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