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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » War Games 2021 PPV Board
Baby, We Were Born To Touch the Sky
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Lycana Offline
The Dark Vixen of Violence

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-24-2021, 09:03 PM


Dark eyes loom like fathomless voids, defiance radiating from their depths, captured ever so clearly by the photographer. Clearly disinterested expression shows how he feels about whatever was going on. Not one to do what was expected of him. Reactionary in the moment. Exterior unassuming, easy to look beyond. A mistake. Under that, a mutinous soul. A turbulent current raging wildly under the guise of calm seas, ready to sweep the unsuspecting out, drowning them within its raging depths. She admittedly did not know all that much about him, she had little experience, such things limited to passing sightings during her stint in the Left Hand, and his venture into the 24/7 hallway. His teammate, Tommy Wish, left MUCH to be desired... but did that reflect on this man? She supposed she couldn’t paint him in the same colors, and would lend him the same amount of loyalty she was giving the rest of Estrada’s Angels. He had already stepped forward and begun to prove himself to them... and soon enough, to the rest of the XWF.


“How divine. How utterly fucking divine this is turning out? When I wandered in and decided to sign up for War Games, I had no idea how things would end up playing... but damn, I am so glad I took the chance. Any time I have the opportunity to get my hands on any of the members of BOB, it’s an amazing day in my book. And not only is it just one or two of them, I possibly get to dance with FOUR of the dumb fucks... and I can’t wait. Watching the teams get drafted, it seemed pretty damn inevitable to me with the number of BOBs in there, a team would be formed. I don’t think anybody was truly surprised that it happened, just the WHO and HOW things ended up. Doesn’t even matter... it truly just makes it all the sweeter for me. They already had targets on their backs, and now? My team is focused... ready to take aim and cut right fucking through their worthless carcasses. Especially Them No Good Bastards.

Ah Bourbs and TK.

Are you boys ready for another hellacious match with yours truly?

Are you two ready to try and play the we know what she's going to say game that all of BOB does? Taking a piece from their OMG-No-We-Have-No-Leader-He-Just-Orders-Us-Around-Like-One-But-Totally-Not-The-Leader Page’s book... as he shits on others for doing the same thing. C’mon now my sweet little brainless twats, you should know by now that all you two ever do is say the saaammmme damn shit, or try and copy paste what anybody else has recently said, especially when it comes to me. You both lack anything remotely resembling originality.

Bourbon and his bargain basement rhyme game that sounds like a fucking kindergartener is spazzing out trying to sing some shitty ass Kidz Bop version of rap. Stop... just fucking stop. Sultan of smack? Not even a little love tap. You pulled out the old watching paint dry shit last time we faced off and that just screams washed up and ready for retirement. You’ve sunk down to the very depths of pathetic promos, and I feel nothing but pity as you keep right on going thinking that you actually have any fucking TALENT in that department. If you just shut your damn mouth and gave up the ridiculous rhyming regiment, you might actually be tolerable... but I don’t think I will have to worry about it too much longer. I might actually feel a little bit of sympathy for you Bourbs. You’ve got a very focused Betsy Granger coming for your ass, and I can attest... that is not somewhere you want to be. The woman is devious, perhaps just as much as I am... and nothing will please me more than to watch her roll you across the ring like the fucking overinflated beachball you are. I hope your cock is shriveling knowing that this time... this time she's not coming alone. You can’t get away being the sniveling fucking coward playing the numbers game this time. I will be right there by her side, guarding her back against any one of your little Brotherhood of Balless buddies who want to step their asses up.

Like you Thunder Knuckles... you pathetic fuckwit.

You have been a goddamn pain in my ass for ages now... Doing what you do best... Running. Your mouth AND running away every time I call your ass out looking for a match. What’s the matter Princess Mullet? The thought of facing me one on one make your balls contract up so much they fill the empty space where your brain is supposed to reside? Ooooh but Lycana, I'm only doing TAG MATCHES right now... just totally ignore the fact that my partners been doing some singles, because I want to hide the fact that I need him to hold my hand through all this shit and cannot do it on my own. Let's just sweep that right under the rug, ok? My, what a pretty color you are TK... Can we call it Cowardly Cocksucking Canary? It matches the puddle forming at your feet. I guess that’s par for the course with your little group huh? You aren’t the only one I’ve been calling out since before Mayday... Fury sure turns into Fear when she hears her name pass by my lips with the request for a match added on there... but I’ll get to your other nonexistent leader in a little bit. You and I, we’ve always had a little something special going on, wouldn’t you say? The never-ending desire to slit the other from gullet to groin... You better be counting your lucky stars TK, that you have not one, not two, but three people to huddle behind when Lycana fucking hits that ring... one day though, your fucking luck will run out and Vinnie or Theo will give me you one on one... Until then, at least I get a taste of something else I’ve been after for months...”

Glittering turquoise waters of the most exotic sort, stretching far out into the horizon, luring one in with sultry promise... Thickly fringed with sooty lashes, bringing the remarkable hue into sharp relief against their inky surround. A mane of chestnut, tumbling about, framing a face that could bring anyone breathing to their knees with a single glance of that piercing gaze. Curvaceous frame gave thought to labeling her just a fancy piece of arm candy, but it hid a spine made of titanium, and determination carved from steel. She was not a fan of the sun kissed fatale, and had not been from the moment she had crossed paths with her. A level a distrust ran its heavy hand along their current situation, hovering constantly over them. She would not put it past this one to spin around and strike out at her own, like a sinuous serpent trying to save its own hide... but that was something she had to lay to the side, for the foundation of the team to stay strong. This one went after what she wanted, with hot blooded passion... and she had made a desire to win crystal clear.


“You know that I have been after you since your departure from the Left Hand, Fury... and you sunk down into silence. Our paths barely crossed when it came to that battle royal. After that? When you escorted Page down for his loss to me. I have never forgotten. I have never given up the desire to get you in that ring... and while this might not be anywhere near what I wanted... it’s a taste. It’s a damn step closer than I have been. I see the group of you like a buffet... tasty treats to sample after standing behind the #FUCKBOB movement, waiting for my opportunity to devour each and every one of you whole. I didn’t start off too bad, did I? My first offering was your own darling Page... I was never one to start small and work my way up, no. And now that I knocked him off his fucking tracks, putting an end to his however many month win streak (shit, even HE doesn’t know... it changes every time he opens his mouth)… Now I can work my way DOWN the totem pole of the shitstains you like to call elite. I suppose that would mean YOU should be the next target for me huh? You can’t run from me forever Fury, nor can you run from getting your ass handed to you at War Games... You can try and hide behind the Bastards all you want, it won’t stop Estrada’s Angels from destroying all of you... You and your two goons.”

Steel kissed with tones of blue shimmer with both ice and fire, promising all and nothing at the same time. Nobody knew which one you might encounter. What side might be enticed to appear. Would you be frozen solid from chilled tones, or burned to ashes from a scorching? Riotous sapphire locks rain down her back, as untamable as her soul. Uncontainable. A feral smile curving up cherry kissed lips. A bold and wild exterior hiding something far more dangerous within. What did she bring to this little potluck of a team? A never say day attitude and loyalty in spades. She didn’t inspire much trust to be sure, but she would remain steadfast in her duties for as long as they were running together. She had been chosen, and she would prove that she was a wise choice. The little matter of their opponents made it all the sweeter. She would guard their backs, teeth bared against all who would seek to lay a finger on her team.


“Oh damn... Sorry Ozzy, I almost forgot about you. Pretty easy to do most of the time considering you are just a walking afterthought. How is that participation trophy that you are so proud of, that nobody else really gives a shit about? It's pretty cute though... you get to walk around with something shiny and act like you fit in... awww. Adorbs. What exactly do you bring to the table for this little adventure? Well... you’re a body. That is about as much use as anybody would have gotten out of you. You notice that you weren’t even a top pick from your own little faction? It’s because you aren’t worth it Oz. You were a nobody before... started to show some fire... annnnnnd faded out to a barely there whisp of fucking smoke, seen only if one squints really hard. You’re just blindly following along, being used as a human shield and you are okay with it, because your sugar babies... I mean friends... stroke your ego every so often and tell you how amazing you are. Meanwhile, you weren’t even IN BOB Elite to begin with.... when you were a member for far longer than Andre Dixon. You have great taste there buddy... Don’t worry though, we will save you a large amount of humiliation and just put you out first... Come on down little lamb... the wolf is ready for you.”

Sparkling emeralds in a face somehow screaming with animation despite being a mere piece of paper. Stubbornness and intelligence flare within that gemstone backdrop, some of the very things that had drawn her into the web of this jaunty spirit. Molten gold streams about her head like a halo, crowing her an angel... but she knew better. This one had a darkly shadowed side that lurked in its bubbly host. Obsidian desires covered by the most delicate of glistening gossamer. An untapped power. The will to go through anything and everyone who decided to block the path... something they both shared. They had had their confrontations... she herself had brought that wicked side out on more than one occasion, had reveled in it. Had come back for more. Felt her curiosity, forever unsated, each time they met... never wholly fulfilled. And now? Now she stood by her side, unwavering in support of her ideas, of all the efforts she had put forward thus forth. This one had a method to her madness. Plucky. An unshakeable resolve. A spirit made of pure tenacity.


“ know.”

“What?” she shakes herself free from her thoughts, taking her eyes off the pictures on the wall to turn towards the owner of the voice. “I said, it isn’t impossible you know.” Marf replies from his position in the doorway, leaning against the frame as he eyeballs Lycana’s War Games set up. “Despite being a bit... all over the place.” He shifts, moving to a standing position as he walks towards her, settling large hands on her tense shoulders, giving them a soft squeeze, being careful in deference to her multitude of bruises and cuts from her adventures at Disneyland.

“No, you’re right. It’s not. It’s going to be very interesting though.” She reaches up, settling her hands on top of his, leaning back into the warm wall of his chest as she returns to studying each one of her team in turn. “I’m sure you know where my concern lies.”

“I do.” he rumbles agreeably, leaving it at that. “But at least you get to get your hands on BOB.”

One corner of her mouth tilts upwards, followed swiftly by the other until a pleased grin fills her face.
“The cherry on top of... all this crazy.” They both fall quiet, not having all that much to say, knowing full well there were strong odds of them coming up against one another once again if they made it by the first round of matches. Neither of them would back down, and both would give it their all to beat the other. And they both knew it. It was the name of the game they had decided to play, and depending on where the dice landed, would decide their fates. Before she can go any farther, Marf’s phone rings. He pulls it out, frowning at the face of it. “Who the fuck?”

Their eyes meet, as her shrug is met with his answering one as he hits a button on the phone. He inclines his head and she nods, letting his hand slide from beneath hers as he steps back and exits the room to speak with the unknown caller. With a soft sigh she strolls across the room. She had not asked him where he had disappeared off to... she was sure it would come out in time... but for now... she stops, staring at the poster for Estrada’s Angels. There was work to be done.

“I expected more whips and chains.” another voice from the doorway, this one's dulcet tone filled with a heavy dose of sarcasm. Lycana turns with a grin, letting her eyes skim the actual Goddess herself. “Oh, don’t worry Atara, those are down in the dungeon. I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.” An eyeroll is the response she gets as Atty steps out of the way, allowing Betsy and Reggie to enter. Reg nods approvingly as he approaches, studying the layout Lycana had pinned up. “We going to be working with some of your pack?” he inquires, deep voice filled with an undercurrent of excitement. “We are.” she replies, earning a quick flash of a smile. “Ugh... I’ll wait outside.” Atara departs, floating out of the room with her head held high, muttering something under her breath.

“She seems pleased.” Lycana remarks. Betsy shakes her head slowly. “But she came. It’s a start. We are all in this together. I know it seems crazy, but trust me...”

“I do.”
Lycana cuts her off with the simple pair of words.

“So do I.” Reggie now, approaching from the other side, to flank Betsy on her right.

Betsy slowly nods her head.
“I think everyone is going to underestimate us.” A small snort escapes the sapphire haired lycan. “I think that’s an understatement.” The trio walk from the room, Lycana slightly leading the way as they tread down the stairs. “Let them. Wouldn’t be the first time.” Reggie says on a chuckle as they step out under the bright caress of the sun's rays. “Or the last.” Betsy drily adds. Atara perches on a large rock, tossing her gleaming mane of rich chocolate over her shoulder as she watches the others grow nearer, she slides to her feet, brushing a hand against her shorts.

“About time.” the words had an acerbic twist, but Betsy was right. Atara was here... and falling right in with the team. They all might have their histories, but they were coming together in all the right ways to take on their opponents. A lot was at stake, and not a single one of them were the type to back down from a challenge, regardless of if it came from a friend... her eyes light on Atara... foe –Betsy- or unknown feelings –Reggie-… But for now, they were all in this together.

“Ready to go fuck with some werewolves?”

Varying reactions met her words.... but they all started forward. Together.

The icy North winds blew through the windows, making the curtains dance sensually within its freezing caress. It extends its tendrils, seeking to creep its way up the spine of the woman seated at the foot of a large, four poster bed. She doesn’t notice. Her legs tucked neatly up under her, covered by voluminous skirts as she stares off into the distance. She could sense something. She slowly unfolds and moves towards the window, continuing to ignore the cold. Queen Lycana looks out into the darkness. Nothing. A chill that has nothing to do with temperature races across her nerves. Something was coming.

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[-] The following 11 users Like Lycana's post:
ALIAS (07-25-2021), Andre Dixon (07-25-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (08-01-2021), Dolly Waters (07-24-2021), HeavensToBetsy (07-25-2021), JimCaedus (07-24-2021), Marf (07-24-2021), Miss Fury (07-24-2021), Reggie Estrada (07-25-2021), Theo Pryce (08-01-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-24-2021)

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