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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Setting the trap......
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DeathMerchant Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

07-30-2013, 10:13 AM

He walked a little further down the street and was almost at his hotel when he heard a noise behind him. He turned around to see what it was and saw a long black Cadillac following him. He stepped over to the side so it could pass.
Instead it came to a stop and the back door opened. The next thing he knew he was being dragged into the vehicle by two men who looked more like gorillas. A rag was placed over his mouth and all he saw was darkness as everything went blank.

The next thing he knew he was staring into the brightest light he had ever seen. In fact, The light was all he could see. A voice boomed out like a big bass drum and echoed around his head like a shot through a cannon.

Arcotti Lugiano
I want to know what she has told you and I want to know NOW!

Death Merchant tried to speak but his mouth just would not cooperate. BOOM, Arcotti Lugiano hit him with a left that had a little extra punch with the Brass Knuckles that adorned it. He felt the blood begin pouring from above his left eye and saw stars for a moment.

Arcotti Lugiano
I want to know what Eve has told you? If you don't answer me there's more where that came from. Where in the hell are you hiding her?

Death Merchant kept his mouth shut as he focused on untying the ropes that bound his hands. He blocked out the pain as he was repeatedly struck with lefts and rights. After his eyes adjusted to the light he could see that he was in a room with only one person. A huge man who looked like a bank executive dressed in a fancy suit stood in front of him. He was sitting on a wooden chair with his hands tied behind him. Finally after working his hands free he waited until the perfect moment and sprung into action. Catching the guy by surprise, He blocked the next attempted left and countered with a quick right that first shocked and then scared the hell out of him as he hit the ground. Arcotti Lugiano reached inside his jacket for a gun and Death Merchant quickly stomped his hand and picked the guy up. Death Merchant took the gun and threw it to the floor as he bodyslammed Arcotti Lugiano on top of it. Death Merchant stomped on him again before picking him up and BZZZZZZzz.... The bullet screamed by his ear as he grabbed Arcotti Lugianos wrist and broke it in one swift motion. The gun fell to the floor as the guy screamed out in pain. Death Merchant dropped him over his knee and felt his back breaking as the life flew out of him in one quick breath.

Death Merchant dropped him and made his way over to the gun and picked it up. He stuffed it in his pocket in case he needed it. He tried the door and it was unlocked. He twisted the knob and slowly opened the door just enough to see out. There was a small reception area and a door that led to the outside. He could see that it was dark out but had no idea as to what time it was. He still felt groggy from the drugs that had put him out. He was moving on instinct alone. Survival was the name of the game. From what he could see the place was empty. He walked over to the glass door and it was locked. He grabbed a computer chair sitting at the desk and threw it out the door. Glass shattered all around him. He waited a second until it was clear and ran out into the darkness.

He sat up in the bed, Not knowing where he even was. Everything was like a blur. That was when he saw her standing there in front of him with a washcloth in her hands.

Well your finally coming to. What in the world happened to you?

Death Merchant
Oh man, My head feels like an Atom Bomb went off inside it. Lets just say I ran into an old friend of yours and he was very persuasive about getting some information out of me. Someone named Arcotti Lugiano?

Oh $h!t! That's who has been following me. He was supposed to be dead. I saw Diablo shoot him myself down in Miami.

Death Merchant
Well there's no denying it now, He's dead. I broke his F'N back when I slammed him across my knee. What information was he trying to get anyway?

Evidently he's trying to find out who Diablo is and get the papers he has. Let's say they are very incriminating documents with him and some other very powerful people. The Mafia calls him 'The Suit'. He likes using Brass Knuckles because he isn't very strong.

Death Merchant
He won't be using anything anymore. Anyway, I'm glad that's over with. Has there been much action on the web sight today?

Not really a whole lot. Some of your competitors have posted a few things but not all of them. You know how some of them wait a little bit while they recuperate from the previous match before getting into things for a match of this caliber.

Death Merchant
I know what you mean there. This sure is going to be a tough match to prepare for because you just don't know who you will be facing. It makes it a good challenge and I really like that! All you can do is get in as good a shape as possible and be ready for a war.

What are you going to do if you end up facing one of the co members of the AoD? I know it's going to be tough going against someone who is like family to you.

Death Merchant
I will go after them just like I would go at anyone else. In this business you have to leave all emotional connections outside that ring. If you don't then your not going to get very far. I may not agree with some people in the XWF but I have a lot of respect for each and every one of them because they go out there every week and give it everything they have as they chase their dream. Everyone wants to be that number one guy, The one everyone else is gunning for. If you have a belt around your waist it's like having a target on your back. I couldn't think of anything that would be more fun than that!

By the way, Guess who called me earlier?

Death Merchant
Who was that? The President himself?

No silly, Richard Cranium. He wanted to know why your ducking him and not answering his calls.

Death Merchant
I don't have time for that D!c% Head. Every time I look at him I just want to punch him so badly I can't stand it. The guy doesn't know a damn thing about Wrestling and wants to be an interviewer? He needs to go back to announcing chess matches. It's more his speed. Besides, I already told Liz Weinberg I would let her interview me for this week.

Oh $h!t, He's not going to be very happy when no one shows up to the cemetery at midnight.

They both laugh hysterically as thoughts of Richard Cranium alone in a graveyard flashed through their minds. What a coward he was. He wouldn't last ten seconds before running for his car and getting the hell out of there.

Death Merchant
I set up the interview for One O'Clock this afternoon. That way I would have some time to hit the gym afterwards and get a good workout in.

I had something else in mind instead of your regular workout. Something that will be more suitable for the type of match you will be involved in.

Death Merchant
I can only imagine what that will be.

You will find out soon enough. Trust me, I know you will enjoy it. Now we need to get going because you slept through most of the morning. It's after Twelve now.

Death Merchant stood up and headed for the bathroom to take a quick shower. Afterwards the two of them made their way to the War Room where Liz Weinberg was just finishing up interviewing another competitor. When she was ready she motioned for them to come over.

Liz Weinberg
Thank you Death Merchant for giving me this opportunity to interview you today. I know that you have a very important match coming up and need to get ready for it. What are your thoughts on the Gauntlet Match now that it is just a little over Twenty Four hours away?

Death Merchant
I don't feel any different than I did the day I found out I would be involved in the match. This is going to be a true test of will, A gut check for every one of the participants. No amount of training can prepare you for a match like this. I will go out there and give it everything I have like I do every week. If I am fortunate enough to come out of this match with the victory then I will have the opportunity to face Eli James IV for the United States Championship.

Liz Weinberg
Don't forget that if Stevie Tyler is able to defeat Eli James IV in their match he will be added to the United States Title match.

Death Merchant
I haven't forgotten that and if I am able to be in that match I will address it at that time. Am I worried about it at all, Not one bit! I will be ready for whatever happens.

Liz Weinberg
The word around the locker room is that Peter Gilmour is the odds on favorite to win the Gauntlet because he will be at full strength against whoever he faces. He has even as much as stated that himself on the website. How do you feel about that?

Death Merchant
I was checking out the website earlier and saw the comments he posted. I have to give him some credit. The guy sure knows how to talk some trash. It's too bad that's all it is, Just trash talk. Guys like him get off on that sort of thing. He thinks he can intimidate everyone by putting on the tough guy routine. Now come on, Do I look like someone who would be intimidated by mere words? He just doesn't know me at all. Gilmour is the type of guy who likes trying to throw his weight around and act like a real bad @$$ when deep inside he is nothing but a big teddy bear compared to what I will bring into our match. If he thinks his Death Strike is something he will be in for a real treat when I have him in my power and hit him with the Drop of Death. When all of his weight comes crashing down on his neck with the force of a Jackhammer striking the concrete he will know what real pain feels like.

Liz Weinberg
Gilmour also stated that he is the most X-Treme wrestler around and no one is as hardcore as he is.

Death Merchant
Nothing more than words. He also said something about being a nine time X-Treme Champion. All that means to me is that he also lost the Championship nine times. If he was truly as X-Treme as he said then he wouldn't have lost the title at all. Hell, If he was the Bad @$$ he says he is it seems to me that he would hold every championship out there.

Liz Weinberg
Very well put if I must say so myself. Any final comments for the XWF fans out there?

Death Merchant
I just hope that whoever I face in my first match is prepared for the hell I am going to put them through. Then after I dispose of them I hope Gilmour can focus long enough to keep his head in the match. He seems so preoccupied with the Black Circle that he can't think straight. That will be what leads to his downfall. He will be so busy looking over his shoulder and worrying about them that he won't even realize what happened until it is too late and he is left staring up into the lights with another loss on his record. Tomorrow night the Angels of Death will begin to make their mark on the XWF after that nothing will ever be the same.

Liz Weinberg
That is all the time we have left for this week. Thank you once again for your time Death Merchant and the best of luck to you and the AoD. This is Liz Weinberg saying so long from the War Room.

Eve and Death Merchant leave the War Room and head to an undisclosed location for the special training she spoke about earlier as the scene goes blank.

[Image: HLane.jpg]
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