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Loose Ends and Last Lies
Author Message
Chelsey Chaingang

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

06-23-2021, 04:39 PM

The scene opens in darkness, with only the slightly muffled sounds of a Chinese radio broadcast:

(Translated from Mandarin Chinese)
<-The profits of upstart drug company Qi Huang Pharmaceuticals have reached a new record high this week, resulting in a renewed scrutiny over the specifics of their products, as well a->

The dark is interrupted by an eruption of pink – namely, a bubble of it, exploding to reveal the city streets of Guangzhou, a bustling center of Chinese commerce. The view zooms out, revealing a night market street, a din of voices, the smell of fried foods, and a young woman. Her black combat boots punctuate each footfall with a heavy thud, a dull staccato interrupted by the occasional popping sound of the bubblegum she chews. Finishing a bubble, she pulls the spent gum back into her mouth, pulling it off of her bottom lip with her teeth thoughtfully as she looks down at her phone. The sunglasses she wears hides her expression in part, but her pursed lips betray a pensive attitude as she continues to walk while staring at the device. She begins to mumble to herself, audibly enough to be heard.

CC: “You think you’ve put something behind you. You’ve moved on to bigger, better things. Living your dream, even.”

<-rights activists have continuously protested the company’s supposed use of live animals in product tests, a charge which Qi Huang staunchly deni->

The broadcast, now revealed to be playing from a radio on a vendor’s stall counter, is once again cut off, this time by a sudden, ear-shattering explosion. A nearby alley erupts in a sudden gout of light and flame, and the screams begin in earnest as people start to panic, escaping from the market street in the most direct way possible. Citizens begin to trip over each other in their haste, and sirens are soon heard in the distance. Everyone is in a state of chaos.

Everyone, that is, except for the young woman. She wipes a hand on her artfully torn red tights before returning it to the phone, her thumb wavering as it hesitates over the top of the screen. Her pursed lips tighten into a frown, her red eyes glancing down at it over the tops of her shades.

CC: “Haven’t even spoken to her since... heh, still can’t believe they let some laowai come in with that name. Wonders of the Orient... it really has been forever.”

Her frown threatens to convert into a smirk. Another explosion sounds off, this time from the opposite side of the street. New noises begin to join the cacophony – filling the silence between the screams and sirens are the sounds of animal noises. Ducks begin to quack, dogs bark, and even more exotic cries of distress start to permeate the atmosphere.

CC: “But it does make sense. I could use the break. And I-“

Her words are interrupted by another explosion, this one causing her eyebrows to lift and her shoulders to lurch in surprise. She glances around and checks her watch nervously, but whatever she sees there seems to calm her down.

CC: “I definitely could stand to have a place to lay low for a while, too. Alright Lacey, you’re on!”

She commits her thumb to the phone, swiping across the screen. Around her, the chaos has reached equilibrium, dulling out somewhat as most of the onlookers escape the scene. The radio continues to play its news report:

<-even accusations of sweatshop labor have been confirmed by Leadership officials to be nothing more than baseless rumors by Qi Huang’s detractors...>

Disheveled-looking men and women, mostly young and elderly, begin to creep out from the alleyways, away from the sources of the explosion. They are accompanied by a variety of animals, mostly mammals of all shapes and sizes, who all manage to look just as lost, confused and hurt as the people they travel with. As these lost souls begin to gather in the streets, the young woman finally reaches her destination.

<-Qi Huang executives have been considering their public message for the better part of the day, having met on this weekend day to decide upon an official statement while the other workers are->

The news fades as the focus shifts to the woman’s phone, revealing a text message from Solace Tatum. “XWF. USA. Need some skulls cracked. You in?” Instead of responding, the woman just turns around, holding the phone out at arm’s length with one hand and making a V with her first two fingers on the other, posing with her tongue out in an impish grin as she snaps the picture. The sound of the picture being taken is superseded by one final explosion.

Smash cut to a static image of a cell phone screen once again:

“Sure thing Lace! Just wrapping up some loose ends here first! Wink -Chelsey Chaingang” The words caption an image, a selfie of the young woman in her cropped black hoodie and green tank. Behind her is the front door of a building, the sign above reading “QI HUANG PHARMA” in Chinese. Behind the door are a group of terrified men and women in business attire, pulling at the glass doors and staring in horror at the chain wrapped around the handles, forcing it closed. Behind the executives, there is the opening bloom of an explosion engulfing the building around them.


The scene opens again on the open ocean, in the middle of the night. A single cargo boat trawls across the water. The focus zooms in on a cargo container for a moment before shifting to a scene of almost pitch darkness, save for a single illumination revealing Chelsey’s face as she looks into her phone.

CC: “They’re really rolling out the heavy hitters against us from the start, huh? Job Guy and the Oddjobs are just going to have to be the examples, I guess. Hope this place has good medical.”

Fade to black.
[-] The following 7 users Like Chelsey Chaingang's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (06-24-2021), ALIAS (06-25-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (06-23-2021), JimCaedus (06-23-2021), Lycana (06-23-2021), NA (06-23-2021), R.L. Edgar (06-23-2021)

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