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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Rebirth Saga #3: Yin
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ALIAS Offline
Space Jesus

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-16-2021, 12:52 PM

3A: Feelings

“Somewhere along the way, in the heat of the moment I guess, I think I might have forgotten to take time to celebrate. There’s just so much going on.

The flames.

The return.

The rebirth, if you want to call it that.

I was so keen to just jump back into the fire - figuratively or literally, I wouldn’t really mind - that I forgot to stop and take stock of just what I had accomplished. I should probably say thank you then, Chris. You asked me how it felt to be a champion. My honest answer is that it’s a relief. It makes me feel like what I’ve gone through has some sort of meaning. For all I know, that could be the furthest thing from the truth, but you asked me how it ‘feels’. And it feels... I feel… hopeful.

As we know though, feelings aren’t always reality. You feel as though the way I won this championship somehow makes me less legitimate as a champion. Is that reality though? In truth, I’ve been a champion of one sort or another for five months now. Pretty much the entire time you’ve been gone. At points, I was a double-champion too! In a sense, you’d be right to ignore all that though. Because I was a champion then. Now, I’m the champion. The champion who played the cards he was dealt. The champion who is inviting Chris Page to come shoot his shot whenever he’d like. The champion who gets a chance to prove why against you.

Does that mean I feel worthy? No, not really. That won’t change when I put you down either. I mean, you haven’t even been a champion here in over two years, let alone The. I know the method I went about this will be frowned upon by some. I knew that going into it, even. But ask yourself this, Chris, would you really have done anything different had you been successful at Leap of Faith? It’s not like you didn’t enter that match, and any prior (Jim Caedus, much?), in order to try to have the power over your own future, just like I did. Are you really going to try and sell us on this idea that Chris Chaos, the man who prides himself on being a terrible human being, would take the ‘high road’ so-to-speak? Somehow, I don’t feel that would be the case.

In case you missed it, Chris, yes, I admit that I did not take the high road. Does that make me feel inadequate? Nope! Not one bit. I did what I felt like I needed to do for myself. Surely, of all people, you can understand and appreciate that, no?

Well… maybe not.

Because I actually succeeded.

You can call me a gimmick, Chris. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but miss me with them words, boy.

And don’t even get me started on those chains and whips, Riri!

Go ahead and call Chris Page a greater champion than I’ll ever be. I’m kind of cool with it, to be honest. Because he and I, just like you and I, are cut from completely different cloths. You, like he, take the time to plot all of your actions. You’re a big picture kind of guy, and usually that takes people pretty far. Me? I’m much more primal. It may seem like a gimmick to you, but that’s because the very philosophies that I live my life by are completely alien to you. I run on instinct. As I’ve said to others previously, I just react. I’m not the one out here lighting flames, my man, that would be a gimmick.

I’m just the guy walking through them.

And I do that far better than anyone else.

You see, from my perspective, this is the only option I have. Forward. Ever forward. No matter where it takes me. Because I don’t have a choice. I’ve had so much taken from me, a decade of my life between my stints in the public eye! I know what there is to lose, and I refuse to let it happen again. So I fight. I absorb whatever pain that I need to, but I don’t enjoy it. You’re wrong there. I sometimes might tease others that I do when I’m feeling a little combative, but you’ve got me feeling things here, bud, so I figure I should continue to just be honest with you. I don’t enjoy the pain, but I am willing to take every ounce of it that I have to in order to make sure that one day, no matter how far in the future, I never have to again. Maybe that means I have a death wish or something, I don’t know, but it only gives me one choice when presented with someone like you. To fight.

In the face of that, it’s interesting to hear some of the language you use, Chris:

A ‘gimmick’? Maybe in your world.

This ‘business’? That’s your world too.

A ‘champion’? Though I’ll co-opt it, even that, my friend, is your world.

Now… a ‘'survivor’? That’s mine.

This Universal Championship doesn’t make me feel like I’m the best wrestler in the world. You can barely even call me a ‘wrestler’ to be fair. But it does make me feel validated for everything that I’ve been through. I’m talking beyond The Baphomet, The Left Hand, and my own scarred right. Before I even returned. It makes me feel that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is just a feeling. And it’s like I said to Corey Smith on Anarchy… you know Corey, right? The guy you were so confident you would beat but didn’t? The guy who I should supposedly be so worried about ruining my ‘victory lap’? I told him that I would give this title away tomorrow if it meant everything I was fighting for was resolved. Chris… I’d even give it to you. But that’s just another thing that isn’t reality. My fight isn’t over. So I’ll keep swinging.

Corey knows where to find me. He told me he wants me to have the longest reign in recent history, and only then will he cash in. In different words, I told him the same sentiment I’m telling you, Chris. That’s not my world. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. I don’t need to believe or trust him, either. If Corey woke up in the morning possessed by a mystical STD that made him evil, and he wanted to rip this away from me before my job was done, I’d A) be much less turned on - STDs are gross (but I’m sure I’m not the first person to tell you that, Chris); and B) I’d start the fight again. Que será, será. And I mean that as unironically as possible.

You’ve caught me in a great mood today, Chris! It’s amazing how much good asking someone how they feel can do. I mean, I could be so cruel right now. You’re already out here twisting yourself in knots by saying that you’re going to teach me how to outlast the biggest predator. Either that means I’m the biggest predator, or I’m the one doing the outlasting. Jeepers, if I were a tad crankier, I would probably do a little dream-crushing of my own right about now!



You get it, right?

“But hey, what do we expect from the guy who doesn’t even realise Relentless is actually the biggest Pay Per View, and not Leap of Faith? Unless I’m walking out of that event with the championship too…

Chris, you’re so full of compliments!

More than likely, you probably just don’t remember that Relentless even exists after the number Thaddeus Duke did on you last year. That’s not a joke either, I kind of know a thing or two about trauma-induced suppression of memories.

Hey! Stop stealing my gimmick!

I get it though, Chris. I get what you’re going through. Trauma’s a tough gig, but I’m here for you. Notice how I’m not even cursing this time? That’s my gift to you, buddy! I’m returning kindness with kindness. I don’t need any corny lines about someone else’s appearance - oh boy, imagine thinking that would actually have an impact on someone like me?. No, all I need is some gentle words and some cold, hard evidence. Because I have seen someone like you before, Chris. In fact, I’ve seen you. And the evidence says, I’ve seen you fail. Time and time again.

You want to compare yourself to polio?

Chris… I’m vaccinated. We all are, by now.

And that… well, that just makes me even happier! Today, I’ve taken time to stop and smell the roses, and they are B-E-A-utiful! You want to speed the process up for me, but maybe you should just slow down and really breathe the world in. Because if it’s a world where Chris Chaos still needs to hang his hat on accomplishments from five years ago, then it’s a world where science and logic are actually respected. That’s the kind of world I want to live in. That’s the kind of world I want to fight for. Not this one where I get burned alive and resurrected by the sun or something stupid like that.

It’s good to have that kind of clarity, you know? It’s calming. Kind of makes me a little less hungry, if you catch my drift? Makes me not want to Eat Chris Chaos.

I hope you find this kind of peace one day too, Chris. I can’t let it be at my expense, but if I were a religious man, I’d definitely pray for you. I’m not, but… you know…

I’m just trying to be kind.



You’re welcome.”

3B: Walking on Sunshine

On a sunbeam. I’m dancing on my tippy toes. The clouds are on my side, parting their sea and banishing the rain for me.

For me.

On the breath of spring. There’s an aisle framed with angels and all of their sparkling things. Wings that catch the gleam. Holding bouquets of hopes and dreams. Cuddly bunnies and fuzzy kittens; with whiskers that tickle the soul. That oft-hidden part of me that the light never seems to see. Today, the sun is out for me.

For me.

On the top of the hill. I can spin in one place and take in everything. Oh, what a thrill! The fog has receded; the dark is defeated; and my heart, it gets its fill. It feels like such a dream. Beneath me, the trees are a-waiting to bring me their gift. A soft breeze catches their leaves as if they are waving. In reverence, they bow their canopies. And then I see, fleeting from branch to branch, bluebirds who sing for me.

For me.

On cloud nine. There are rainbows tilted upside down. Arcing up to the sky, as if they are smiling. Pots of gold for dimples. The flood can come back another day. This is not its time. It’s mine. My toes caress the lush green grass, fertile and fresh. Underneath the buzz of the bees, the daisies are reaching for me.

For me.

On this day. Every promise came to be. I’m going to be okay. I have willed it that way. You’ll see. The universe is rooting for me.

For me.

3C: It’s a Party and You’re All Invited!

I bound down the central staircase, a jaunty skip in my step and garbed beyond my Sunday best: a tuxedo and bowtie. A big gold cumberbund serves as the outfit’s centerpiece.

“That is on fleek!” John Black whispers to Tommy Wish from where they huddle next to the most magnificent statue that their eyes have ever seen. It’s me, and it’s pure gold. The world has been as it should be, ever since I was reborn!

I hear John’s compliment. And he’s right.

“This is what a winner looks like, boooys!” I call to him with a wink and a feigned southern drawl. His dark cheeks blush. I have that effect on people, it’s almost supernatural. Case in point: The entire ballroom hushes as I emerge through the glorious marble archway. I make my way through the crimson-tinted room full of stately studs and glamorous gals all dressed-to-the-nines and some even to-the-tens! I reach a stage, and upon it I stand. I’m a one-man parade, baby; all eyes on me!

A conductor, I raise my hand to the sky, and oh how the people cheer! They erupt in a rapturous applause! Fireworks explode!

[Image: 212323546ba-colorful-fireworks-animated-gif-pic.gif]


From where? Who knows! In which sky? Who cares! This is my party and I’ll embellish if I want to!

“All hail the champion!” they cry out in joy. Overcome with adulation, the people rush forward! The seraphic Sisters Themis swoop in on either side of me and plant the biggest, juiciest, moistest (giggidy!) kisses upon my cheeks.

“Now, now, girls,” I warn them, “there’s plenty of me to go around.”

But they simply cannot wait for their turn!

“I saw him first!” Osira screams.

“No, I did!” Atara returns fire.

A pause.

Aegean eyes lock.

In a blink, an all out catfight ensues!


See!?!? (Again.) I’m not just making this shit up! Ned Kaye is SO excited by this. Boy am I glad that I convinced him to put his nefarious ways behind him. I can tell because of the text, you see?

You do all see that too, right? It’s not just me?

Whatev’s! I’m sure you can see the scuba suit though! He’s a whole new man, again: Nautical Ned Kaye. Comes complete with an oxygen tank so he can still breathe while he’s drowning in clunge!

He should probably get a better doctor…

Nautical Ned braces himself as a cloud of dust forms around the cartoonish brawl that the sisters have gotten themselves into. Periodically limbs stick out in ways that make absolutely no sense, but sure do give off some indication of the level of… err… flexibility… they’re bringing to the bedroomtable.

“Women!” I chuckle. “Amirite?”

“Hell yeah!” Andre Dixon agrees, offering me the biggest, baddest fistbump that you or I have ever seen.

“You are the motherfucking king!” Thunder Knuckles adds from a nearby table shared with Chris Page and Miss Fury. They each have a bottle of Dom in their hands, and sip straight from the bottles like the ballers they’ve become since they canned that silly little Brotherhood idea. Page raises his bottle in a salute to me, and with a glistening smile of perfect teeth, I nod back. Robert Main slides into the booth next to Page, a bottle of his own in his hands. They clink their bottles together in a sign of the unity that I’ve fostered.

“Let’s dance!” Bobby Bourbon yells as he snatches me off the ground. Holding me high in the air he bounces down off the stage and onto the floor below, leaving Ned to ogle the Themis brawl behind us as a bra comes flying out of the dust cloud.

The moment Bobby’s feet hit the ground of the stage, a neon blue brilliance flashes throughout, and a disco ball the size of Uranus (but maybe not Bobby’s, hey-ooo!) drops from the ceiling.

“I’ve got a feeling!” Bobby bellows alongside the Black Eyed Peas as they take over the room. “That tonight’s going to be a good night! That tonight’s going to be a good night! That tonight’s to be a good, good night!”

Glowsticks emerge in his hands and Bobby goes full on rave mode! The whole place starts popping and the entire gathered contingent jumps up and down, fists pumping in the sky, in perfect unison.

“Come on, where’s your sense of fun?” Over the thudding bass, I hear The Super Dear-o herself, Ruby, plead from back over near the entrance to the room. She jumps up and down in a banana-lime blur but it’s like her heart isn’t quite in it. She seems distracted. We can’t have that, no sir-ee! I have a feeling I know who she’s talking to as well, and that curmudgeonly old kook best not be trying to play spoilsport today!

With a spank to Bobby’s sweaty keister, I bounce along the dance floor to where super-Rubes flips and flops with her super-PARTAY!!!! powers.

“Hey!” she shouts to me above the music. “He’ll listen to you! Everyone does!”

“Nothing that your Friendly Neighbourhood Champion of the Universe can’t handle!” I pose so damn heroically that Ruby gets super-worried that she’s now the villain. (She’s not though. Ruby’s dope as flip!)

“ORGY!” Nautical Ned gleefully proclaims from the other side of the room as my pose fires something in the loins of several other women nearby: Rel Dixon, Solace Tatum, Drew Archyle. Their hormones urge them forward and into the Atty vs. Osira melee and Ned ‘definitely’ doesn’t have an erection. Quickly I break from the picturesque photo op, lest the entire world’s lust for this six-star man send it all into chaos again.

Nobody wants chaos! That's why he isn't here.

With the world safe for now (you’re welcome, Rubes!), I poke my head around the corner.

“Hey Andy!” I begin to shout. But… “Oh…”

“I’m sorry,” the other old man says, as Louis D’Ville shamefully looks to the ground, hands clasped behind his back and drawing circles with the point of his toe. He’s totally unscarred too! And has both his eyes! How great is that?!

“What’s the matter, bud?” I ask, with an equally unscarred right hand upon his shoulder.

“I just… I get self-conscious at parties,” he explains. “These old bones don’t move like they used to.”

“What!?” I exclam. “That’s nonsense! Even Charlie Nickles is out there, and he’s got two left feet! Literally!”

I glance back to where Charlie erratically jerks around the d-floor. Whatever move he was trying to do ends terribly. He fails, trips over his own feet, falls, and fucking dies. In his place, a brand new Charlie pushes up from the floor and dusts himself off, beginning the cycle all over again. A brand new version of himself each time. He seems happy with the whole deal though. It’s kind of cute.

“See!?!?” Again. “Tell you what, I know just what you need: a friend!”

Louis’s eyes light up at the prospect.

“But who?” he eagerly asks.

“Why your best friend EVER of course!” I reply. “Big Money Oswald!”

Ozzy bursts onto the scene, and he and Louis immediately embrace.

“I’ve missed you so much!” Oswald exclaims.

“Best friends forever!” Giggling, they jump up and down like a couple of little schoolgirls.

“Off you go, you crazy kids!” I egg them on. Finding the utmost confidence within each other, Ozzy and Louis turns their booties around and start backing those thangs up into the room. “Ah… young love.”

I lean against the main archway into the ballroom-cum-discotheque and watch the sheer ecstacy I have brought to the world unfold. The gentle swish of a dress behind me is paired with a regal voice.

“Can I have this dance?” I turn towards Betsy Granger, in an elegant, emerald gown.

“M’lady,” I bow and take her hand. We sweep into the room and in an instant, it changes. The disco ball rises and the blue lights shift to a warm white glow. DJ Caedus flicks a switch and the twinkled tones of Johann Straus take over. I lock into step with Betsy, one hand clasped in hers and the other resting upon the small of her back.

[Image: ZJZ9vHe.gif]

The entire room watches in awe - except Louis and Oswald who are still full of confidence in their booty shakes - as we gracefully glide across the room. Unison. Again. In one corner, Vinnie Lane and Theo Pryce fall into each other’s arms, sobbing at the beauty of it. With an encouraging gesture, I call upon the rest of the room to join in. They do. And with a twirl, I return Betsy to James Raven, who swoons and faints at the mere sight of me. Shawn Warstein tenderly catches him and strokes his hair.

I spin away without seeing the end result, and fall right into the arms of Corey Smith.

“What a magical night,” he sighs. “If only it didn’t have to end.”

“Who says it does?” I put down the gauntlet. Corey knows exactly what I’m talking about. Without talking, he takes me by the hand and leads me through the dancing masses, back towards the archway. We pass through and I trail him towards the grand staircase, enjoying the view.

“GOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL!!!” comes a shout from just outside the front door. Peering outside, I see Dolly Waters kick the severed head of Lycana right towards a chained-up Thaddeus Duke. “Right in yer nutsack!”

Lycana’s head falls to the ground beneath Thad, joining what remains of Marf. With a tug on my arm, Corey pulls me away. We make our way up the staircase to heaven and into a room. The door shuts behind us, as I turn on the light.

3D: The Make-Believe



Light floods the room, and I stand there…

A hero of nothing.

It was fun while it lasted. The make-believe. But that’s not why I’m here. That’s not why I was brought back. It’s not for them.

It’s for me.


OOC: I asked most people with speaking parts if they were fine with appearing, but I figured I should state here that any of the characters used above were absolutely not the actual character, just in case anyone gets annoyed at their portrayal.

Do you have a light?

[Image: 7qdASxF.jpg]
(Banner courtesy of Atara Themis)
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Atara Raven (06-16-2021), Corey Smith (06-17-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (06-16-2021), Dolly Waters (06-27-2021), HeavensToBetsy (06-17-2021), JimCaedus (06-16-2021), Lycana (06-16-2021), Marf (06-16-2021), Mr. Oz (06-16-2021), Robert "The Omega" Main (06-19-2021), Theo Pryce (06-21-2021)
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Centurion (06-17-2021), Mr. Oz (06-16-2021)

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