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Wednesday Warfare 07/25/2013
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-26-2013, 12:57 AM

[Image: w-ps1_zpsa1cfb188.png]

The cameras start off filming the outside of an old, broken down, warehouse. The warehouse is pretty much vacant , except for all the exposed wiring, trash and full thriving population of rodents; who are not afraid to charge at the camera men and seem quite territorial. A thick cloud of smoke is always present and with it carries the distinct odor of burning tar and raw sewage. Navigating through; the smoke, rats and large, sporadic puddles of water next to exposed wiring is tricky, but the camera crew manages to do it and soon makes it to a row of - several, large, industrial elevators, that are set up to only travel down. Where they lead...surely must be, the pits of hell....

or some might just call it, "The War Room!" Yes, the official home of XWF Wednesday Warfare. Where else would you go to fulfill your thirst for blood and filth?

Upon safely exiting the elevators; some two hundred feet - below the surface, the cameras pick up a large underground arena. The area is jam packed with over three thousand fans and it begs the question - how did they all get down here safely and unscathed?

The arena itself radiates with a flux of energy; last week it was described as a cross between a fight club and a drug cartel. However, this week, the Warfare team have added a pinch of class to the setup. The ring is still a bit larger than your standard wrestling ring, but at least it now has an apron to hide all the litter under the ring. The lighting inside the building has improved somewhat as well. Last week, the talent complained that there wasn't enough lighting, and that they couldn't see where they were going! This week, Giovanni Ferrari and John Madison have pulled out all the stops and changed out some of the light bulbs.

To one side of the ring sits; a massive, steel door that appears to open up to some sort of chute, leading even further down. Whatever waits even lower than this dark underbelly of a fighting arena, must surely be the foul pits of Hades. Yet strangely enough, a huge neon set of lights brandish this chute as "The Winners' Ride" - clever name for a trap, or an actual ride of delight for winners? Only time will reveal that answer!

To the opposite side of this curious, yet horrific chute, stands the main entrance ramp that all the entertainers emerge from. Just a plain steal ramp that leads out a large set of balck drapes, surrounded by a mass of florescent light tubes and search lights. Thick patches of duct tape and loose cables, hang about in a clear display of a master electrician's handy work. High above the entrance is a huge screen that now brandishes the Warfare logo, but also serves a purpose of showcasing important video footage, as well as performer's musical interludes that announce their arrival.

But wait-- Giovanni Ferrari and John Madison have added yet another special feature to the War Room!

Above the entry way is now a special box, constructed out of random scraps of metal, where John Madison and Giovanni Ferrari sit inside of. This gives the two General Managers a wide view of the War Room. We go to them now as they have their microphones turned on.

Announcement Regarding Next Week

Giovanni Ferrari: "Welcome, welcome! Tonight we have an exciting show for you, ladies and gentlemen. Two title matches which are sure to blow you away."

John Madison pushes Gio's microphone down as he goes to interrupt his speech.

John Madison: "Alright, Gio, you've said enough! We all know what's going down tonight. We've been looking forward to it all week. And I'm glad that I'll be able to view Eli James IV's title win from the best seat in the house."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Yes, that could happen, John, but let's not underestimate Neonero. I think this match-up is closer than what you're suggesting."

John Madison: "Trust me, Gio. I talked to Eli James IV earlier and that man has never been more ready in his life. He almost reminds me of myself. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of this boy."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Indeed, John. You seem to have a knack of identifying talent. I'll give you that."

John Madison: "I've got the eye for it, Gio. I took Luca under my wing and look how far he's come. Now, I'm gonna do the same with Eli! I am the best fucking wrestling mentor out there today, and you'll find out why tonight."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Well, John, I do want to touch on another topic-- if you don't mind... Tonight is championship night, meaning that the United States Championship and X-Treme Championship are defended. Of course, that means that next week we will need to determine a new number one contender for those belts."

John Madison: "Hold on, Gio. I've got it. How about we hold an ass-kissing contest. HAHA! Yes, let's see which of these shitheads can kiss my ass the best."

Giovanni Ferrari: "I'm sorry, John. I'm having trouble hearing you over these screaming fans. Did you say, 'ass-kicking contest?'"

John Madison: "No, I said--"

Giovanni Ferrari: "I thought you did! That's great because that is exactly what's going down next week. Next week, in order to determine new number one contenders at both the X-Treme and United States Championships, we're gonna have two ten-man/woman gauntlets!"

John Madison: "..."

The audience cheers for Giovanni's idea as John Madison rolls his eyes in disappointment.

Giovanni Ferrari: "We haven't had a gauntlet match since Gauntlet City, have we John? In fact, you won that match and as a result become the sole king of the XWF."

John Madison: "Yeah... listen, don't get any ideas, Gio. Those gauntlet matches are for contender's spots for the US and X-Treme Titles and nothing more! I won't have you demanding unjustifiable king matches from me like Wallace and Heyman."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Of course not, John. Wednesday Warfare is my number one priority. In fact, seeing as how you are the king, why don't you decide who will enter the United States Title gauntlet as the number one entry?"

John Madison: "Fuck yeah!

Giovanni Ferrari: "Alright, well enough blabbering from us. Mr. ring announcer, take it away!"

Jason E Smith
- vs -
The ChessMaster
- vs -
Guy Toadie
Standard Singles Match

From Shreveport, Louisiana, Guy Toadie!

From London, England, Jason E. Smith!

Smith immediately goes for the take down just seconds after the bell. The London brawler has caught Toadie completely off guard with his aggressive style. He begins to ram his forearm into the face of Toadie who lays there helplessly. Finally, the referee steps in to regain control of the match.

Smith backs off but not for long as he goes right after Toadie with a running double knee. He catches Toadie in the chest with his knees, causing him to stumble back into the corner. With Toadie in the corner, Smith lays into him with some chops. After delivering five chops to the chest, he hits a Stinger Splash on Toadie! Smith then pulls Toadie out of the corner with a full nelson slam. Smith pins Toadie.



Kick out!!

Smith sends Toadie into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline on Toadie but nobody home. Toadie knocks back Smith with some punches now. Those punches turn into forearms as Toadie's strikes pick up in speed. Toadie then bounces himself off the ropes and goes for a running body press, but Smith reverses that into a spine buster. Smith goes for another pin attempt.



Kick out!

Smith pulls Toadie up to his feet with a headlock. He then throws Toadie into the ropes. Smith tries to throw Toadie up into a death valley driver, but Toadie breaks out of it with some elbow strikes to the head of Smith. Toadie drops back down to his feet as Smith looks dazed. Toadie goes back to delivering the same, fluid, forearm strikes that he used earlier. He hits the ropes and this time successfully lands the body press on Smith! Toadie stays on top of Smith for the pin.


Smith throws Toadie off!

Toadie cannot believe the strength on display by Smith.

He waits for Smith to recover to his hands and knees, and runs off the ropes for a scissor kick-- but Smith pops up and counters with a clothesline!

Smith doesn't go for the pin this time. Instead he prepares to finish Toadie off with the Smithy Super Kick. Smith goes in for the kill, but Toadie ducks out of the way! Toadie nails Smith in the face with a running forearm. Toadie then runs off the ropes and hits Smith with a dropkick! Smith shoots right back up to his feet after that dropkick, but Toadie hits him with another. Toadie then prevents Smith from recovering to his feet by catching him with a chop block.

Toadie gives Smith a leg sweep, and then lands onto him with a reverse Rolling Thunder. Toadie runs off the ropes as Smith goes to recover. Before Smith has a chance to shake off the cobwebs, Toadie runs through him with a shining wizard!

Toadie then launches himself onto the top turnbuckle.

Toadie soars through the air and slams down onto Smith with the Grenouille Volante (frog splash). Toadie hooks the leg of Smith.




Winner(s): Guy Toadie

Ricky Desmond w/ John Austin
- vs -
Griffin "The Mechanic" MacAlister
X-treme Rules

From London, England it's Ricky Desmond!

From Madison, Wisconsin it's Griffin MacAlister!

Ricky Desmond saunters around the ring, looking towards the fans and pointing to John Austin, who stands at ring side. Griffin watches this spectacle, shaking his head as he smirks. While Ricky Desmond is engrossed with John Austin outside of the ring, Griffin walks over to the ring bell, removes it and strolls up behind Ricky. As this is happening, John Austin is pointing frantically behind Ricky, trying to get Ricky to look behind him. Ricky raises an eyebrow in confusion and spins around, just in time to get smashed in the face by the bell!


Griffin MacAlister: Match is in the ring dipshit!

Ricky's hand fly to his face as a slight bit of blood pours from his nose and this X-treme Rules match....begins!

Desmond shakes his head to regain his bearings, after getting slammed in the face with the ring bell. Griffin wastes no time in delivering a left hook, followed by two stiff right jabs to Ricky's face. Blood spurts from Ricky's mouth and nose, as he's rocked by those brutal blows!

With determination in Ricky's eyes, he retaliates with a couple knees to Griffin's ribs. From there Ricky steps back and actually charges Griffin, taking him down to the canvas! Ricky then begins to deliver an onslaught of punches to Griffin face, as Griffin tries to toss his arms up in an attempt to shield himself, from Ricky's fury! Ricky grabs MacAlister by both sides of his head and serves a wicked HeadButt, that sends The Mechanic's head back to the canvas.

The crowd gasps as Ricky rises to his feet and walks over to the edge of the ring. He points to John Austin, who immediately begins searching under the ring for a suitable weapon for Desmond. As Desmond taps his foot impatiently, Griffin begins to stir on the canvas. MacAlister raises his hand up to his forehead, as a string of inaudible curse words fly out of his mouth.

Just then Austin pulls out a crowbar from under the ring and tosses it to Ricky!

Griffin rises from the canvas right as Ricky turns and is hit, head on with the crowbar!


Griffin falls back, but manages to reach back and steady himself by holding onto the ropes. MacAlister looks a bit dazed as Ricky rears up and dives forward. Catching Griffin, with several blows from the crowbar. The audience shrieks in excitement and horror, as Ricky delivers blow after blow from the crowbar! It's like a man possessed! Griffin drops back and slumps into the ring as Desmond tosses the crowbar from the ring.


The crowbar manages to collide right into a fan, located in the front row's head! Screams are heard and that's about it. Blood flies up and a very loud "My eye! My eye! Oh eye!" could be heard, radiating from the front row. Obviously from the poor soul who got hit with the crowbar!

There's mass confusion and turmoil!

Finally XWF staff members rush out and address the situation. Clearly, response time to these sorts of things, aren't what they used to be!

Meanwhile, Ricky Desmond has pulled Griffin MacAlister to a standing position and proceeds to hit him with a Tilt-A-Whirl-Side-Slam! Ricky follows this by covering Griffin for the pin!



Kickout by MacAlister!

Griffin shoves Desmond off and slowly climbs to his feet. Ricky does not waste on second though, as he flies off the canvas and gets Griffin with a Spear, that sends Griffin from the ring!

Griffin topples from the ring and lands at the feet of an awaiting John Austin, who looks down and waves at Griffin. Griffin looks up at Austin and gives the finger, which almost causes Austin to start stomping the shit out of Griffin, but Desmond yells for Austin to 'stop' and ceases this from occurring. Desmond that struts over to the ropes, gazes out at Griffin and gradually climbs the ropes. Once to the top of the ropes, Ricky smiles and performs a Flying Double Axe Handle!

The move does not connect!

Griffin MacAlister rolls under the ring, before Desmond lands The Flying Double Axe Handle!

Desmond hit nothing but the floor! Ricky rolls around on the floor as John Austin reaches out to attend to him, but Desmond pushes John away. As this goes on the fans murmur in anticipation of what will happen next and squeal with joy as Griffin emerges, from the opposite side of the ring. It's no joke that Griffin looks like he's gone through hell, as he pulls a spring loaded baton along with him from under the ring. From there Griffin climbs into the ring, flies across it and goes into a baseball slide towards the other side of the ring. Griffin's feet connect with Ricky's face, just as Ricky was getting to his feet. Ricky goes down and MacAlister begins to go to work on Ricky with the spring loaded baton. John Austin tries to interfere, but MacAlister spins around and whacks Austin, in the face.

Then Griffin rips Desmond from the floor and rolls him into the ring, turning only once more to toss the baton at Austin. The baton hits Austin's head, with pin point accuracy and Griffin slips into the ring. MacAlister looks down at Desmond and delivers a few stomps to Desmond's chest. From there Griffin hits Desmond with a Leg Drop and Desmond surges in the middle of the ring. MacAlister, back to his feet yanks; Desmond, up by his hair as the fans scream in excitement.

Griffin hits Ricky with a.......Reality Check(Twist Of Fate)!

Desmond goes down and Griffin covers for the pin




Winner(s): Griffin MacAlister

John Madison Tries to Recruit Griffin MacAlister

We turn our attention to the spectator box at the top of the entry tunnel which houses General Managers Giovanni Ferrari and his assistant John Madison. The cause for this disruption is from John Madison clapping his hands and cheering for Griffin MacAlister's victory.

John Madison: "Bravo, Griffin, bravo! Welcome back, buddy!"

Griffin shakes his head, not sure what to make of seeing John Madison sporting the XWF crown still after his six month hiatus.

John Madison: "Griffin, Griffin... Yo, do you remember last year when we teamed up with Donathan De Sade and won that six-man tag team match? That was a great night, wasn't it?"

Griffin shrugs his shoulders. Perhaps he cannot remember this event even though it did take place.

John Madison: "Oh come on! If I recall correctly, you actually pulled me aside after the match and told me it was the greatest moment of your career. You were like a crazy fan, even. You actually asked ME for an autograph! Do you remember?"

Griffin shakes his head. He cannot fathom the idea of having that exchange with Madison.

John Madison: "Mr. MacAlister, what I'm basically saying is that it's time for the gang to get back together. I don't know where De Sade is, but maybe if he sees that you and I are back together, then just MAYBE he'll come back. Think about it; you guys could reform the John Madison fan club."

The fans boo John Madison's remark, urging Griffin not to listen to his drivel.

John Madison: "I'll tell you what, old friend. I'll throw in a perk to sweeten the deal. I'll give you the number ten spot in the United States Title contender's gauntlet! You could have the ultimate advantage over everyone in that match."

Giovanni tries to interrupt John.

Giovanni Ferrari: "John-- no, I said that you could pick the number one entran--"

John Madison: "DON'T INTERRUPT ME, GIO!"

The crowd boos Madison for bursting out at Giovanni.

John Madison: "Griffin... all I ask in return is that you kneel down before your king."

The crowd really boos Madison now as he adjusts the XWF crown on his head. Normally this crowd would be pro-Madison, but they really seem to be behind Griffin MacAlister tonight.

John Madison: "Go on, Griffin. Bow to me. Bow to me like you bowed to my father, Shane , when you begged him for your job back."

Griffin MacAlister takes a moment to think over his decision as John Madison cocks his head to the side, shuts his eyes, and breathes in the fresh odor of the War Room.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Well, what's it going to be, Griffin? Are you going to kneel to John Madison and claim the number ten spot in the United States Title?"

Griffin MacAlister drops down to one knee. This causes the crowd to erupt even more as they throw trash at John Madison. All that's left is for Griffin to bow his head and submit to the tyrannical XWF King.



John Madison is horrified by the sight of Griffin MacAlister flipping him off, and falls on his ass! By Gawd, did Griffin just cause pain to the King of the XWF by simply flipping him off?

John Madison recovers to his feet with the crown resting crookedly on his head.

John Madison: "How dare you! No one besmirches the king in his castle like that. Eli, Tyrone, and Luca; seize him at once!"

On command, Eli, Tyrone, and Luca rush down to the ring in order to detain Griffin MacAlister. John Madison steps down from his sky box as well to get involved in the onslaught.

Griffin fights off Tyrone and Luca, but Eli catches Griffin with a big boot to the face. That damn Eli; he's particularly deadly whenever he has the numbers on his side. Tyrone, Luca, Eli, and now John Madison are all ganging up on Griffin, kicking him into the ground. John Madison talks trash the entire time while doing it.

John Madison: "This will teach you! Take that! And that! Hey Luca! Break this asshole's fucking finger. In fact, BITE IT OFF! Bite it off, chew it, and then feed it into my mouth! No wait-- just let me bite it!"

Eli and Tyrone hold Griffin down as Luca holds Griffin's finger out for John Madison.

John Madison licks his lips and then bites down into the middle finger of Griffin MacAlister! Holy shit, John Madison is trying to bite off Griffin's middle finger! There's blood between Madison's teeth as he chomps down on the appendage. Jim Ross is going nuts on commentary.


The lights go out.

JIM ROSS: "By God! The lights are out!"

WAYNE WITASICK: "Could it be!?"

When the lights come on, its...

Peter Fuckin' Gilmour!

JIM ROSS: "He's got one of those canes!"

Gilmour swings the cane wildly and anything and everything and the Black Circle scatters without suffering a shot. Gilmour holds the Black Circle at bay for the moment as they try to regroup on the outside.

Meanwhile, in the ring, Gilmour helps Griffin MacAlister to his feet.

JIM ROSS: "These two have quite a history!"

WAYNE WITASICK: "Yeah, they haven't exactly been kind to each other!"

MacAlister and Gilmour stand nose to nose in the center of the ring when Griffin extends his hand in thanks toward Gilmour. Gilmour looks ready to shake hands when slowly, and quietly, the Black Circle re-enters the ring.

Eli James nails Griffin from behind and at the same time, Arzegotti nails Gilmour from behind. Madison enters the ring and joins in on the attack.

WAYNE WITASICK: "There's strength in numbers, JR!"

JIM ROSS: "This Black Circle is nothing more than a pack of wild dogs! They're on them boys like dogs on a steak smothered in my famous BBQ sauce!"

The beat down continues with both MacAlister and Gilmour receiving blow after blow until finally...

Fire explodes from the ring posts...

John Madison screams like a fucking woman as he runs behind Tyrone.

"Dark Ages" by Two Steps From Hell begins to play as Sebastian Duke emerges from backstage. He starts out walking slowly toward the ring until he tears off his cape and runs full speed and slides into the ring.

JIM ROSS: "I think the sides just got evened out!"

James is there to meet him, leaving Luca and Madison to continue beating on Gilmour and MacAlister. Duke discards Eli over the top rope with a clothesline. Duke turns his attention to Madison. Duke grabs him by the throat, and Madison screams some more while slapping at Duke's arm.

Luca tries to make the save by charging after Duke. Duke catches him in the head with a big boot and he hits the mat and rolls toward the outside. Duke lifts, then plants Madison with a choke slam. James pulls Madison out of the ring and the Black Circle is in full on retreat mode.

Duke helps up Gilmour and MacAlister.

The Black Circle makes it to the top of the ramp as Duke is handed a mic.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Jooohhhnnn. I told you, I told you, John. I told you the Brotherhood was coming."

John Madison is slapping Tyrone repeatedly as all of this is going on.

"See... The lines have been drawn in the sand. The lines have been drawn in the sand, John. And the war is under way. At High Stakes, you fired the first shot! I promise, I'll fire the last. I'll fire the last shot, John.

"What you see in this ring. What you see in this ring, is a Brotherhood of unlikely allies with a common goal. That goal, that purpose, John...

"That purpose, John... Is to destroy you and your Black Circle...

"What you see in this ring, John Madison... is just the beginning..."

John Madison orders Giovanni to throw down his microphone from the sky box. Gio does and John goes to respond to Duke.

John Madison: "You think you're clever? You think I didn't see this coming? Peter was running his mouth all week about this crap-- of course I knew Peter would get involved! So screw you guys... ...You know what? I don't need to argue with you, Duke, and I sure as fuck don't need to waste another second acknowledging this stupid group that you've thrown together. Instead, listen closely to this next decision that I'm making. Next week... you-- Sebastian Duke-- will be the first man to enter the ten-man gauntlet! How does that sound to you, Duke? Hmm? Oh wait-- it doesn't matter since I'm the king. Fuck you!"

John Madison slams the microphone down before having Tyrone and Luca carry him away. But wait, it appears as though Giovanni Ferrari has something to add.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Well, Duke, unfortunately John has every right to enter you into the match as number one. However, since John gets to name number one, then it only makes sense that I name number ten, right? So how about this for the number ten entry into the gauntlet...

Peter Gilmour!"

Peter nods his head with a wicked smile on his face as John Madison walks back out on stage and begins yelling up at Giovanni Ferrari.

John Madison: "What the fuck was that, Gio?!"

Giovanni Ferrari: "Tyrone and Luca, please escort our king to the back so that he can cool off. Thank you! Ring announcer, take us to our next match, please."

Death Merchant & Adam Rollins
- vs -
Agent Orange & Sweet Cheapshots

The match begins with Agent Orange and Sweet Cheapshots arguing over something and... CRACK!!! Steel chair to the back of Cheapshots' head from Death Merchant! Adam Rollins throws a ladder and it catches Agent Orange in the face, taking him down with a hard bounce on the canvas. Rollins and Merchant begin stomping and bashing their opponents relentlessly, throwing chairs and tables down on top of them and stomping through the tables and chairs!

Fans: We want blood! We want blood!

These fans sense the wicked aggression within these two stars and they want to see BLOOD! Agent Orange gets up and ducks under a clothesline attempt from Death Merchant but then Adam Rollins grabs him and DDTs him into an open chair! Rollins sets up a table... he pulls Agent Orange on top of the table... OH MY GOD! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER THROUGH THE TABLE! Agent Orange's head is busted open now as blood can be seen, much to the delight of the fans.

Death Merchant blocks a wild shot from Sweet Cheapshots and hooks him with a single arm DDT right down into a folded ladder. OUCH! Cheapshots is holding his face as Merchant grabs him by the hair and pulls him up... OBLIVION! Death Merchant nailed it! He drove Sweet Cheapshots right into that ladder with that fireman's carry into a DDT!

Adam Rollins sets up two tables several feet apart from each other but then lays the folded ladder across them so it becomes like a makeshift bridge. Rollins and Merchant pull Cheapshots up and roll him up onto that elevated ladder. Rollins gets up on the ladder with Cheapshots... DEATH VALLEY DRIVER RIGHT THROUGH THE LADDER! It breaks in half as both men come crashing down and the two tables that were on each side get knocked over.

Death Merchant: That's not enough!

What else could he have in store? He's grabbing Agent Orange and taking him to the corner... oh no... there's a table set up right there too... It can't be! No! THE FORECLOSURE! A top rope piledriver THROUGH THE TABLE!!!

Death Merchant climbs on top of Agent Orange and covers just as Adam Rollins pins Sweet Cheapshots.




Winner(s): Adam Rollins & Death Merchant

Announcement featuring the Angels of Death

The lights in the War Room dim as 'Orion' by Metallica begins playing on the X-Tron. Death Merchant steps out from the curtains and begins making his way down the ramp to the ring as pyrotechnics explode along the way in front of him. As he enters the ring more explosions erupt from the cornerposts. A large banner is lowered above the ring. It has a black background with three red letters that look like they are dripping blood. AoD. Death Merchant grabs a microphone from ringside and begins to speak

Death Merchant:
For weeks you have heard the rumors. You were warned about dark days ahead for the XWF. Now those days are at hand. It is now time to introduce the Angels of Death. First off I want to welcome a returning member. Someone who has been in the trenches and a former champion, John Black.

'Shimmy Shimmy Ya' by Ol' Dirty Bastard begins playing as John Black makes his way down to the ring. He enters and stands beside Death Merchant.

Death Merchant:
Next, Let me bring out the first couple of the XWF. None other than Mr. Anarchy himself, Jonathon Thomas Cross along with the lovely Michelle Cross.

"Raise Hell" by Hed PE hits the pa system as the lights goes out with a red spotlight shinning in the middle of the stage as JTC and Michelle Cross comes walking out holding hands as they kiss on top of the stage as they walk down the ramp together and tease the fans. JTC slides in the ring and holds the ropes for Michelle to get in. Then they go to the center of the ring as they have a long kiss.

"From the day I signed up with XWF I was the person you all just laughed at and never take my talent seriously so its an honor to be with the AoD where at least I know who I can trust and who will have my back. Together we going to take over XWF. There will be anarchy.

JTC hands the microphone back to Death Merchant who continues speaking.

Death Merchant:
It is now my pleasure to introduce the next member. The woman you love to hate, The Queen of Hardcore, Alexandra Calloway.

The crowd cheers wildly as "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle begins playing. Alexandra Calloway makes her way to the ring and stands along with the others. Death Merchant hands her the microphone and she begins to speak.

Alexandra Calloway:
Like I said to Andrew.. We all have choices to make.. we all have paths to walk. It seems our little conversation has lead me to a new path. Where will yours lead you? It seems that I am to walk a new path... to show a new crew my abilities.

After handing the microphone back to Death Merchant She stands in the ring next to the others.

Death Merchant:
Now it is time to bring out the next member. He is The Prophet of the Myst, None other than, Mystica.

"Sick Sick Sick" by Queens of the Stone Age begins playing. The first eight chords ring out as a pale blue mist leaks from the floor. Mystica walks in slowly, draped in a flowing white robe, which he discards after he passes through the mist. He glares down at the ring, gives a slight smirk, and presses his hands together in prayer. After bowing his head for a moment, he walks calmly down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.

Death Merchant:
Now, Allow me to bring out The Wild Card himself, Personification of Ragnarök, Adam Rollins!

The beginning of "This means war" by Nickelback bursts through the loud speakers and the lights begin to flash on the entrance ramp, and suddenly familiar images of Adam Rollins begin flashing on the screen. The man himself walks out from the back and he takes a few steps out into the light. Adam Rollins looks around for a bit before he brings his arms close to his head and then spreads them out in his signature “Release the doves” taunt. There are massive cheers resounding from the crowd, although there are a few boos mixed in there, and Adam takes a few steps forward before he drops to his knees and spreads his arms wide again, setting off a set of fireworks as he heads down to the ring. He slips into the ring, and then jumps up on the 2nd rope and does his signature “Release the doves” taunt again to a massive cheers from the fans, along with some boos. He takes the microphone and begins to speak.

Adam Rollins:
“Now all of you are most likely wondering….why am I joining The Angels of Death when I am already a member of the Incredible people. But I don’t see any rule that said I can’t be a member of 2 factions. I’m just making sure that nothing stands in the way of my rise to the top. As you all know, me and Death Merchant have a TLC match together against Agent Orange & Sweet Cheapshots. A match that won’t be too much of a problem. They asked me to join, and why would they not? When you look into my eyes, you see darkness within. Look to us for we are the future of the XWF. We will show you the true meaning of darkness. We will show you that when we give into the darkness within us….we become unstoppable.”

A dark smile appears on Adam’s face as he tosses the mic in his hand. He then said

“You don’t understand the angels of death. None of you understand…..but you will. We shall teach you. We shall teach you the true meaning of darkness….we shall teach you the truth. We’re coming for you….I hope your ready.”

Death Merchant:
What you see here before you is the future of the XWF. The dark days that lay ahead will haunt your very soul. John Black, JTC, Alexandra Calloway, Mystica, Adam Rollins and Myself are the Angels of Death. Soon all those who dare to stand against us will feel our wrath. Like the saying goes. If your not with us, Your against us.

- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Last Man Standing

From Los Angeles, California, Peter Gilmour!

From Liverpool, Merseyside, England, Mystica!

The match begins in a brawl as Mystica and Peter trade punches in the center of the ring. After going back and forth, Peter decks Mystica with a lariat. Peter then uses his weight to his advantage by hitting Mystica with a series of continuous leg drops. Mystica holds his throat as Peter throws him into the corner. Peter attempts a running clothesline on Mystica in the corner, but Mystica side rolls, causing Peter to taste the turnbuckle.

Mystica runs into Peter with a knee strike to the back. Mystica then smashes Peter's head into the turnbuckle five times before laying him down. Mystica looks like he's going for a Boston crab on Peter, but instead he catapults him into that same turnbuckle!

Mystica stands over Peter and goes to work on him with some mounted punches.

After Mystica is done punching Peter, he walks out of the ring to retrieve a weapon. He picks out a steel chair!

Upon climbing up to the apron, Peter recovers and knocks Mystica off by running into him! Peter then hurls his 280 pound body over the top rope with a plancha onto Mystica!

Peter goes for the chair that Mystica initially brought into the match.

Peter shoves the edge of the chair down into the sternum of Mystica. He does it two more times before throwing Mystica back into the ring.

With the chair in hand, Peter runs off the ropes and jumps down onto Mystica, slamming the steel chair over his upper body.

Peter stands in the corner with the steel chair still in his possession as he tells the referee to count Mystica down.








Mystica is up! But Peter smacks him in the back with the steel chair.

Peter then places the steel chair flat on the floor, and gives Mystica a Samoan drop on top of it. Peter stands up and tells the referee to count again.







Mystica recovers.

Peter runs through Mystica with a Yakuza kick. Peter climbs to the second rope with the steel chair in hand. He waits for Mystica to get up, and jumps off the turnbuckle, and smashes the steel chair over the head of Mystica!

Peter takes the chair again and leg drops it down over the chest of Mystica.

Peter tries to take Mystica down for a brainbuster, but Mystica shifts his weight around and lands behind Gilmour on his feet. Mystica doesn't pass this opportunity up; he delivers a kick right between the legs of Peter Gilmour! Mystica holds his balls as he drops down to both knees.

Mystica runs Peter into the center of the ring with a bulldog.

Mystica tries to climb to the top rope, but he's too slow in doing so. Peter Gilmour catches him across the jaw with a punch. Peter then shoves Mystica off the top turnbuckle, and sends him crashing to the outside mat.

Peter makes his way onto the apron and hits Mystica with a Polish hammer to the skull. Peter then throws Mystica onto the announce table, pushing papers and electronic devices everywhere. Jim Ross and Wayne Witasick evacuate the table as Peter walks on top of it with Mystica. Peter kicks Mystica in the belly, and pulls him in for the Death Strike (underhook piledriver). He picks Mystica up and smashes through the table with the Death Strike on Mystica!

Peter recovers to his feet and orders the referee to count Mystica down.








There's some commotion taking place out of the camera's view, but we can't see what it is.





Wait a damn minute!

John Madison just showed up and is blocking the referee from making the count! Madison is holding the referee's arms down to his side to prevent him from moving! Peter sees this and attacks John Madison!

Peter throws that slime ball to the side with a hip toss onto the thin outside padding. Madison holds his back in pain as he tries to get away from Peter. Peter begins to chase after John Madison who's on his hands and knees crawling away from Peter.

Peter rounds the corner of the ring, still chasing Madison, when he's taken out by a clothesline! It's Eli James IV!

Jim Ross: "Damn him! Damn him to hell!"

Wayne Witasick: "WHAT? JR, you can't say that about Eli! He's a holy man."

John Madison recovers to his feet. He points down at Peter and laughs as Eli James hammers into him with some punches.

John Madison: "Poppa Feder and Uncle Soldier aren't here to save you tonight, Peter!"

Peter tries to fight back, but every time he manages to get a move in on Eli, Madison comes up behind him on the attack.

While all of this is going on, Mystica recovers as the referee has long forgotten about the count by this point. Mystica stands in the ring, talking to himself or something, as Eli continues to beat down Peter Gilmour.

John Madison takes a microphone as Eli continues to stomp down into the chest of Peter Gilmour.

John Madison: "Peter, it's time for my friend Eli here to give you what you really want. It's time for you to be cleansed! You need to be cleansed after all those hurtful remarks you've made about me. Only then will I forgive you and allow you to kneel and beg me for mercy!"

Eli James IV puts Peter Gilmour into a headlock and starts singing Amazing Grace. Peter tries to punch out of it, but John Madison is there to kick Peter in the ribs.

Eli gives Peter Gilmour a noogie, and then shoves Peter down face-first over his knee.

Eli and Madison work together in shoving Peter Gilmour back into the ring. At this point, Peter has been kicked around and had his face rammed into the knee of Eli James. The referee starts the count.










Peter is up! By Gawd, Peter is up! He won't back down tonight.

Mystica runs after Peter and delivers the MystiKick (running enzuigiri). The referee makes the count.










1-- Peter is up again! What the hell, this many won't stay down!

Mystica has had it. He grabs the steel chair that was used earlier, and smashes Peter over the head with it! Once Peter falls down, Mystica continues to bash Peter in the chest with the chair. We lose count of how many times Mystica hits Peter with it, but it has to be at least ten times! Mystica finally backs away from Peter as the referee makes his count.











It's over!

Winner(s): Mystica

X-Treme Championship
Tony Santos ©
- vs -
Stevie Tyler
X-treme Rules

From Boston Massachusetts it's Tony Santos!

From Greenville, South Carolina it's Stevie Tyler!

As the bell rings and this match begins, Tony Santos is smiling from the start. Stevie Tyler on the other not. Santos strides over to Tyler and leans over to him. Santos with a smile still plastered on his face reaches out and smacks Tyler, on the face. When Tyler winces, Santos laughs and shakes his head. From there Santos points to himself and indicates he's going to allow Tyler, to get one free swing in on him. Tyler stares in mortified disbelief as Santos, places his hands behind his back and nods his head as if coaxing Tyler, to hit him. As Santos does this, he yells words of encouragement. Stevie looks down at his hand and then back to a smiling Santos. Then in one frantic motion, Stevie reaches out and punches Santos.

It was actually a real wallop too!

Santos' head flies off to the side and Santos turns back looking very angry. This causes Stevie to begin to back up as a sheepish grin, crosses his face. Santos storms straight for Stevie and immediately backhands Stevie across the face. Stevie's head flies to the side and Santos delivers another backhand. Then Santos grabs Stevie by the back of the head, and brings his knee up, cracking Tyler's head right into his knee!

Tyler goes to drop to the canvas, but Santos catches him and proceeds to deliver several knees to Tyler's ribs and gut. Tyler doubles over and Tony knees Tyler, in the head and then hits Tyler with Dropkick that send Tyler, to the canvas! Santos climbs to his feet and grabs Tyler by his head and wrenches him off the canvas. Tony then tosses Tyler towards the ropes, which causes Tyler to hit them and come soaring back towards Santos, only to be hit with a Frankensteiner!

The crowd screams and Tony flies from the ring in search of a weapon. Meanwhile Stevie Tyler rolls around in the ring, looking completely awful. Loud sobbing noises can even be heard, coming from Stevie as Santos rummages under the ring and pulls out a baseball bat, covered in barb wire. Tony smiles with sadistic glee, as he looks over the bat and crawls back into the ring. Tyler still lays sprawled out on the canvas and when he sees Tony standing above him with the barb wire covered bat....Tyler shrieks in horror. The fans scream too as Tony smashes the barb wire covered bat into Stevie's chest! Tyler bellows in agony and Tony strikes again! And again! And Again! Over and over, as the canvas begins to pool with Stevie's blood and the fans shout in pure horror!

Then the arena goes pitch black!

Panic ensues and people cry out nervously as the arena remains bathed in darkness. However as soon as it happened, the lights shoot back on and a very embarrassed looking Giovanni Ferrari, smiles from the X-Tron.

Gio: "Hello there. Sorry about that folks! Apparently I bumped into this switch backstage."

Gio points to a single plain looking lightswitch.

Gio: "Yes, the thing appears all the lights are connected to this one switch. Now while that sounds dangerous, I assure you it is not. However, this is a switch that's definitely getting marked, so that'll never happen!"

Gio sticks a piece of tape above the switch, that has the words; Lights - Don't Touch, written on it. Gio then smiles and gives an enthusiastic thumbs up to the camera.

Gio: "So don't worry folks, no reason to be alarmed. It was my fault for the black out!"

There's a few confused murmurs in the crowd as a deep voice shouting in Russian can be heard off camera.

Gio: "No, no that's fine you go ahead and snort the rest. There's definitely....."

Gio looks back at the camera, like he forgot it was on and grins.

Gio: Right then...the camera is still on. Well you fine people shouldn't be looking at me, when there's a monster in the ring. Everyone look in the ring!

The X-Tron immediately shuts off and cameras pan to the ring just in time to see, Stevie Tyler is no more. All that remains is Gary and he bench presses Santos high above his head, before dropping him on his knee! Gary grins, looks at the barb wire covered bat and picks it up off the canvas. Gary then begins to pound Santos, over and over with the bat, stopping only to scratch his ass with it and then it's back to pounding Santos. After a while it seems Gary had grown tired of the weapon and turns towards the ropes. Gary runs full speed towards the rope and climbs them, instantly launching off them in a Body Slam!

The ring shakes from that epic Body Slam and Gary, rises to his feet. Gary then pulls Tony up to his feet and the crowd cringes, at the blood pouring from Tony's wounds. Strangely enough, even though Santos worked over Stevie pretty bad with the barbed wire cover bat first, Gary doesn't seem to have any wounds whatsoever! Gary then hits Santos with DDT followed by a Arm drag!

Gary covers for the pin!



Kickout by Santos!

Santos coughs up some blood as he rolls away on the canvas. Gary climbs to his feet as Tony, desperately reaches for the ropes and uses them to climb to his feet. Swaying back and forth Santos stares at Gary and blinks. Gary charges at Tony, but at the last second, Tony stumbles to the side and Gary crashes through the ropes! Gary smashes into the floor and Tony slowly turns around. Santos wipes his eyes and sees Gary down on the floor. With a look of determination, Tony climbs the ropes and gradually steadies himself atop them. Then looking around with an expression like a man about to give it his all, Santos leaps.


Gary and Tony are down and Tony looks to be unconscious. His last attempt knocked everything out of him! Tony gave it his all and now he's motionless and unconscious! Gary, however was not down for the count and shakes his whole body around on the ground, like a turtle stuck on his back, before finally rising to his feet. Gary then looks at the mangled body of Tony Santos and laughs a fierce and hearty laugh, as he reaches down and rips Tony from the floor. From there Gary tosses Santos back into the ring and climbs in after.

Santos is motionless in the ring and Gary nudges Santos with his foot before pulling Tony off the canvas and delivering a Chokeslam!

Gary then keeps his hand around Santos' neck and uses the choking position, he has still in place on Tony as a pin as the ref begins to count.


Gary begins to shrink and revert back to his normal size.


Gary is now Stevie Tyler once again!

Winner(s): And new X-Treme Champion, Stevie Tyler

United States Championship
Neonero ©
- vs -
Eli James
Standard Match

From parts unknown, this is the number one contender, Eli James!

As Eli steps into the ring, the X-Tron switches from his entrance video to a disturbing scene. The camera is moving around as if some inexperienced person is holding it. At first, all that can be seen are trees. Whoever is filming is deep in the woods. The camera pans the ground and sobbing can now be heard. Heavy, erratic breathing sounds like it's coming from the person with the camera. The view scans the ground and a man is lying to the left. His face cannot be seen behind a mask of blood. His shirt reads Channel 7. The camera jerks to the right and the reporter that had visited Eli's house is sitting there, sobbing, and tied to a tree. Half-eaten animals are scattered around, and camera moves closer to her. A dirty hand reaches out to touch her. It appears to be a caucasian male. Just as the hand touches the woman's head, someone yelps. The camera lifts so that you see directly in front of the man holding it. It's Lacey Witasick and she's terrified. The camera falls to the ground at an odd angle. Lacey's feet can still be seen, and the man walks toward her, wearing muddy boots. She's lifted off of the ground.

"Put her...down...," the reporter gasps through sobs.

The man walks back toward the camera and can be heard whispering, "nohurtnohurtnohurtnohurtnohurt." He bumps the camera with his foot as he walks by, turning it about 45%. At the bottom of the screen, a rat scurries across...a championship belt?

From Busan, Korea, he is the United States Champion, Neonero!

Neonero and Eli James circle the ring. Eli James runs after the champion, but Neonero disposes him to the mat with a hip toss. Nero keeps this up as Eli continues to pop up to his feet. After a third, Nero throws a chop into the chest of Eli. Eli walks into a snapmare from Nero who follows up with a series of stiff kicks to the middle of Eli’s back. Nero then kicks Eli in the face, knocking him flat out.

Nero locks on an arm scissor, but Eli reaches out to grab the bottom rope.

Nero throws some sidekicks into the abdominal region of Eli who tries to cover up. Nero shoots and takes down Eli, using a knee bar to keep him on the ground. Again, Eli pushes for the rope break.

Nero goes for a back suplex on Eli, but Eli simply shifts his weight and falls on top of Nero. Eli stays down on Nero for the pin.



Nero kicks out.

Eli takes up for a stalling vertical suplex. After ten seconds, he drops Nero on the mat and goes for the pin.



Nero kicks out.

Eli carries Nero to the center of the ring for a power slam, but Nero shifts out of the hold and shoves Eli shoulder-first into the corner ring post. Nero pulls Eli out of the corner and this time he hits a successful German suplex. He bridges for the pin.



Eli kicks out.

Eli rests on his knees as Nero goes to work with some more kicks. After several kicks to the chest, Nero nails Eli in the side of the head for a knock down shot. Nero goes up and balances himself on the top rope. He jumps off for a move of some kind, but Eli catches him and drops him with a sit out power bomb! Eli pins Nero.



Nero kicks out!

Eli throws Nero into the ropes and takes Nero down with a side slam. He runs off the ropes and lands a knee drop into the face of Nero. Eli then buries his forearm into the side of Nero’s face, straining his neck and smothering him into the mat. Eli picks up Nero and drops him with a back breaker. He then stretches out Nero over his knee. Nero is in a bad way now as Eli bends Nero’s back over his knee.

Nero fights out of the hold by kicking Eli. Nero runs off the ropes and leaps after Eli for a cross body, but Eli counters with a spear! Eli makes the pin.



Kick out!

Eli picks up Nero with a headlock. He uses his knuckles to rough up Nero’s head which is usually the lead in to his finisher. Eli’s theatrics cost him though as Nero reverses into a reverse suplex.

Nero throws Eli into the ropes and taps him on the chin with a heel kick. Nero follows up with a running senton splash, and then hooks Eli’s leg.



Kick out!

Nero goes for a tornado DDT on Eli, but Eli pushes him away. Nero lands on his feet and nails Eli with a pele kick! Nero drapes his arm over Eli for the pin.



Kick out!

Nero throws some chops into the chest of Eli. He then spins Eli around for a falling neckbreaker, but not before doing a silly dance beforehand.

Nero pulls Eli up into a reverse DDT position. He lifts him up for the Torching of Rome (reverse DDT into a back breaker), but Eli rolls behind Nero's shoulder and lands on his feet. Nero turns around and gets hit by a running forearm from Eli.

Eli kicks Nero and goes for a DDT, but Nero counters with a drop toe hold. He tries to lock in a Rings of Saturn shortly after, but Eli powers his way out before Nero can fully apply it. Eli hurls Nero into the air with a belly-to-back suplex, but Nero lands on his feet behind Eli. Eli turns around. Nero delivers a kick, but Eli catches Nero's foot and takes him down into a Texas cloverleaf!

Nero reaches but isn't close enough for a rope break. It takes a lot of strength with Eli's 300 pound frame sitting down on his back, but he pushes his chest off the mat. Nero then crawls forward and catches the rope break.

Upon regaining his footing, Eli pounces on Nero with a headbutt. One simply isn't enough though and he rams his head into Nero's three more times in rapid succession. Nero responds out of a burst of desperation with a kick to the side of Eli's head. Eli falls down to one knee...

Nero runs off the ropes and hits Eli with the Thumbs Down in the Pit (Shining wizard into a triangle choke). Eli is in a bad way with his back facing the ropes. Nero keeps the choke locked in though and pulls down on the head of Eli. Eli realizes that he needs to work quickly before he's choked out. Eli pulls out everything he's got, lifts Neonero, and powerbombs him into the corner turnbuckle, breaking the triangle. Eli holds onto Nero following the powerbomb. He lifts Nero up, runs him to the center of the ring, and drops him with a sit-out powerbomb! Eli pins Nero.




Eli throws Neonero into the ropes and catches him with the Baptism Unto Death! (Bossman Slam into a arm-triangle choke) Eli gets the hold locked on half way before Nero throws some punches to the side of his head. Eli cannot get the arm-triangle locked in because of Nero's struggle, so he pulls Nero up into a headlock! Just like we've seen Eli do before, he starts to sing Amazing Grace at the top of his lungs with the headlock applied. He gives Nero a noogie and then drops Nero neck-first over his knee! Eli pins Nero.



Nero KICKS OUT! Holy crap... How did he kick out after that vicious noogie/facebuster combination?

Frustration sweeps over the face of Eli. He knows what he has to do though...

Eli picks up Nero into a headlock again. He skips the noogie and Amazing Grace sequence, and instead slams Nero neck-first into his knee again. However, he doesn't let go of Nero. He immediately pulls Nero up with another headlock, and slams him neck-first over his knee for a second time! Eli isn't done-- he picks up Nero again and gives him a side slam, and locks on the arm-triangle choke!

The referee checks on Nero. He raises his arm to get a response but Nero isn't responsive. The referee calls for the bell!

Winner(s): New XWF United States Champion, Eli James IV

Eli James' Victory Speech

Following the match as Eli celebrates defeating Neonero and becoming the new United States Champion. Neonero is slowly getting up to his feet while Eli stares and watches him struggle to his feet. Eli gives a smirk on his face and starts to laugh. Neonero looks up to see Eli's face and isn't too thrilled about his loss.

Mystica comes out, slides in the ring, and begins to attack an already beaten Neonero. Eli James gets a microphone..

Eli James IV: I told ya all it was coming. Neonero has fought many boys 'round here and has gone through several of 'em. I'm the one to end him. Tonight, Neonero ends along with his illusions... his lies.. the fiction he preached to you all. Truth prevails once again and you all are witnesses. The XWF website was just a sign this week of the coming judgment, and Neonero just happened to be where its fallen.

Eli walks to the corner backwards and watches Mystica continue to attack Neonero. Neonero is trying to fight back but is worn out from his match with Eli.

All of a sudden...

A little girl is on the X-Tron skipping at a playground in black and white. She's singing with a echo effect on her voice so it's hard to make out what she's singing. The girl gets near a swing set, then turns.. the camera does a quick zoom on her face to reveal its Lacey Witasick. She smiles. "The end.. is here. Right, Eli? Hehehe." Her laugh echoes through the building. Mystica stops beating on Neonero.

Lacey comes out from the entrance skipping with a smile on her face. Eli watches with a little smirk. She walks in the ring and points at Eli.

Eric Rex's music hits.

Jim Ross: IT"S ERIC REX!! HE'S BACK! Is he coming for revenge on Eli James?!?

A loud scratching noise stops Eric's music.

Push It by Static X plays. Out comes a man from the crowd wearing a red and black hood, covering his entire head, and pants. He gets in the ring. He is facing Eli's direction. The hooded man starts walking towards Eli as if he's about to attack him. Mystica gets in front of Eli and the man stops. The hooded man raises his arm like he's going to hit Mystica, but stops.

Lacey's arm drops by her side and she turns to Neonero and points it at him. The hooded man's head is twitching. Eli walks towards him slowly with a smirk on his face.

The man slightly lifts open the bottom of the hood and out drops a dead animal. Eli looks slightly puzzled. The hooded man turns towards Neonero and starts attacking him. Eli smiles. Mystica looks confused, looking at Eli..

An old wooden cross is being carried out by several members of Eli's congregation. They slide it in the ring, and Mystica is trying to get to Neonero to place him on it but the hooded man won't stop his attack. Finally, he pauses and looks over at Eli and points at him. Eli starts walking over to the hooded man clapping with a smile.

Eli James IV: Welcome home... Elisha!

Jim Ross says in a whisper voice..

Jim Ross: Is that Eric Rex under the hood? Eli always called Eric Elisha?

Elisha and Mystica place Neonero on the cross. Eli watches with a delightful look. Eli walks over to a helpless Neonero. Eli grabs Neonero's face and turns it towards him and starts talking in an unknown language. Neonero stares blankly at Eli.

The lights go out and cross bursts with flames. The lights come on, and the cross is turned upside down, and an upside down Nero grins at Eli. The lights cut again, and this time as they raise, Nero is gone. Eli smiles and turns to the audience.

Eli James IV: Welcome..

Eli brings the microphone down to Lacey as she finishes his sentence.

Lacey Witasick: To.. the end.

Eli James IV is standing in front of the cross with his arms raised to the sky with all the members of the Congregation, all the girls who are with him, and Mystica are on their knees before Eli. Elisha sits down and begins to rock back and forth with his head twitching.

The show ends with the final shot of the Congregation.
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[-] The following 9 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
(07-26-2013), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (07-26-2013), DeathMerchant (07-26-2013), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (07-26-2013), Mystica (07-26-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-26-2013), Rebel (07-26-2013), Stevie Tyler (07-26-2013), Tony Santos (07-26-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-26-2013, 04:11 AM

eli and the black circle fairies are going to wish they never got involved in my match.. mark my words next week, someone in the black circle is going to die!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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07-26-2013, 10:13 AM

Too bad ya can't kill what is eternal. I'm forever.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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[-] The following 2 users Like Great Buzzard Eli James IV's post:
#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (07-26-2013), Mystica (07-26-2013)
Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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(.Awaiting user update)

07-26-2013, 01:49 PM

He said someone in the Black Circle, which includes me. I didn't hear any paranoia in anything I said, man. Just wanted to inform him that tryin' to kill someone eternal, like myself, will accomplish 'bout as much as tryin' to stop a tornado with your hands. Not sure where ya got paranoia from, man.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-26-2013, 02:52 PM

Just because somethin' is doesn't mean it's known by everyone. It must be told or discovered, so I thought I'd tell. I never denied him the opportunity to kill me, I just warned him what would be the result if he did, man. Luca and King James can take care of themselves. But I am happy to defend 'em if ya wanna try.

Why do ya call if braggin? Just because I said the truth? You best go back to the dictionary, boy.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-26-2013, 05:46 PM

u say you r eternal but I am IMMORTAL! Eli, you may be in the black circle but you're going to get your ass kicked by the BROTHERHOOD!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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07-26-2013, 11:36 PM

I do believe that those individuals who commit to The Black Circle do become eternal.


How do you explain me being able to defeat 30 of the best wrestlers in the world at Gauntlet City after being attacked by a branding iron, a staple gun, and a satanic fire ball?

How else would you explain the fact that this crown doesn't seem to leave my head?

How else would you explain me being able to lead Luca Arzegotti to the main event of Leap of Faith?

And finally, just take a look at what I accomplished with Eli James IV in such a short amount of time. In less than 30 days, he was able to capture two pieces of gold while under the influence of The Black Circle.

Even Sebastian Duke was able to claim gold thanks to The Black Circle's leadership (that's me, by the way).

Now, what evidence do you have to support the notion that The Black Circle isn't eternal?

You've been here a long time, Griffin, and what have you accomplished? You should have taken my offer to become eternal along with Luca and Eli!

WE won that six man tag team match together against Joseph Page in 2012.

WE won the War Games match in 2012 after I selected you to fight for me.

What has Duke ever done for you?
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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07-27-2013, 12:21 AM

(07-26-2013, 11:53 PM)Griffin MacAlister Said: So then Lexi Sheckler and Cyren must still be alive by that logic. They were both members of The Circle and they both died but membership to the Circle makes you eternal, so they must be still alive and kickin' by that logic. Those were a couple class acts too. Where you keepin' them hidden Johnnie boy? You got Nazi locked in the same cage with them or did you just have him deported to cover up for his failures? It seems there's a lot of failure that's present with that Circle. It enriches The Circle's past like manure enriches plant life I guess. Just like manure no matter how much you try and cover it up the stench is still there. Man and I can still smell the stench of Cyren just pourin' off that Circle.

Well, obviously I have the ability to take away their eternal powers. After all, I am the king. Sheckler and Cyren learned that first-hand, and Luca and Eli will learn the same thing if they ever fuck with me.

Just ask your buddy Sebastian Duke. While he was working for The Black Circle, that boy was unstoppable. He was a champion, just like Eli James IV is today. But then I took his eternal powers away and now look at him. When Duke came back, he believed that he still possessed those eternal powers that I gave to him. However, he's beginning to learn very quickly that those powers don't exist anymore-- I took them away with the swing of a shovel. Why else would Duke resort to recruiting Peter Gilmour as his stable mate?

Why would ANYONE recruit Peter Gilmour? That's just not normal, Griffin. So why is Duke doing it?

I'll tell you why--

Because Duke has lost it; he's become so desperate ever since he realized that he's powerless without me. He's so obsessed with me because I took away his eternal powers and gave them to Eli James. He's stooping down to levels I never thought I would see him drop to. For instance, tell me how recruiting Peter Gilmour is beneficial to him? The only thing Peter adds to your group is an excessive amount of weight and gay bashing. Oh boy, now your group is at a combined eight of 1000 pounds instead of 500.

How are you guys supposed to train properly when all Peter wants to do is devote his time to eating chicken Parmesan and making women cum in their panties?

Peter is also obsessed with this idea that Luca somehow gains his powers by having oral sex with me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not denying that something like this isn't possible. It could very well be that my penis is capable of transmitting these eternal powers to its recipients. I wouldn't know since I always end up cutting the head off of every woman I sleep with. I'm sure Pete is just dying to test it out since he just goes on and on about how Luca is only able to beat him because I slip my penis into Luca's mouth.

Basically, Griffin-- your group stinks. You should have just knelt on Wednesday.
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07-27-2013, 07:41 AM

Yes but John, the addition of Gilmour means that essentially Duke has added the equivalent of three people rather than just one. Think about it.

[Image: oNSyU33.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

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07-27-2013, 06:51 PM

its just a shame that the Black Circle does not see the end of their existence.. but they will soon enough.

and I think Duke recruiting me was a great idea. We all know my distaste for you freaks of nature and John, u know full well that I can beat you. thats why every match I'm in you stick your filthy self in and try to distract me. it might have worked last week but thats all the Black Circle is.. they can't do anything by themselves. always has to have the numbers game in their favor. well it won't be long until the Black Circle gets what's coming to them. soon their powers will be exposed and they will fall to the hands of guys like me, Griffin and Duke..

and keep calling me fat guys.. when I am your KING, you all will wish you hadn't said those things about me.. trust me!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


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07-28-2013, 06:15 AM

Henry the VIII became a fat king. And he's not remembered too fondly in most circles. Just creating the concept of divorce and executing his wives.

But that's pointless, as you'll never wear a crown there, William Howard Taft.

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

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(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-28-2013, 07:49 PM

keep doubting me guys.. remember the lethal lottery tournament? everybody doubted me and i went to the finals.. and I DID NOT NEED TO RIDE ANYBODIES COATTAILS! I did it all by myself!! so fuck u all when I win the #1 contender to the US title, then I break Eli James neck then fuck his inbred sisters!

the brotherhood is taking all the gold and real soon I will wear the crown!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
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07-29-2013, 05:56 AM

Name callin' by the glutton himself. You can say all ya want, but everyone 'round here knows the truth.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

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07-29-2013, 06:10 AM

That's right Peter, if you sat on anyone's coattails they'd rip clean off! A piece of fabric couldn't withstand your weight, coupled with the force of tugging at it too. If anything, you were laid out on a flatbed and then carried off with the aid of a fork lift, or something equally powerful that was built to handle something with a hefty amount of girth and weight.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Giovanni Ferrari's post:
Rebel (07-29-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
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Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-29-2013, 09:32 AM

how childish from a lame ass GM.. Id rather have WALLACE WITASICK back then two egomaniacs

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
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