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Spanking Monkey Part 6
Author Message
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-29-2021, 10:13 AM

After being mauled by a bear, Graves passed out on the side of the highway. We rejoin him sometime later as he awakes in a hospital room.

[Image: Gravy.jpg]


Graves reaches for his head only to find his arm cuffed to the bed.

"What the?"

Just then, a familiar voice calls out.

"Sorry, but you're not going anywhere."

Graves lifts his head to see Vinnie Lane sitting in the chair across from his bed.

"Lane? What are you doing here?"

Graves looks around the room.

"And where is here?"

"You're in the hospital. You were apparently attacked by a wild animal or something."

"And why are YOU here?"

"I'm not."


Confused, Gravy looks around the room, but Lane has seemingly vanished into thin air. Graves drops his head back to the pillow and sighs.

"What the fuck is going on?"

Just then, his trouser pal decides to speak up.

"You're fucking crazy! That's what's going on! you see and hear shit that isn't there ALL THE TIME!"


"Like me! Am I even real, or just some fucked up part of your psyche projecting itself into your pecker!?"


"What!? Aren't you going to say something!?"

"What's to say? Your right? ... You are."

"Goddamn right I am! You're a fucking cartoon character!"


"Oh what!? You gonna be a sad now!?"

"What does that even mean? Besides, I told you to stop saying that word!"

"Why? Cause you want to pander to the SJWs? Fuck you! It's a free fucking country and I'll say whatever I fucking want! !!!"

Thankfully, a doctor walks into the room to break this scene.

"Ah, you're awake. How do you feel?"

Graves looks to the doctor, wondering if he's even real.

"Why am I handcuffed?"

"Excuse me?" He asks in genuine shock.

"My arm doc! Why's it cuffed to this..."

Graves lifts his arm only to realize that there is no cuff.

"What the?"

The doctor comes closer to the bed and begins examining Graves.

"Can you tell me what year it is?"

"Uh, 2021."

"And your full name?"

"Micheal Alexander Graves."

The doc pulls out his tiny light and shins it into one of Graves eyes.

"Can you tell me your birth date?"

"Uh, March 28th, 1972."

The doctor stands up and marks a few things on Graves chart.

"Okay mister Graves. The nurse is going to come and adjust your pain medication. Afterwards we can talk about your options."

[dwg]"My options?"

"Yes, to repair the the damage from the attack. Do you remember what happened?"

"Uh, I was arguing with Gilly, and then a bear ran out of the woods and attacked."

"And this Gilly, was he with you?"

"Oh, uh? No! I was on the phone."

"I see. Well, you're very lucky to have survived. Most people that come as close to a bear as you did don't live to tell the story. Now just rest for a minute, and the nurse will be right in."

As the doctor exits the room, Gilly decides to make himself known again.

"Oh man, you're fucked now!"

"What do you mean "I'm fucked"?"[dwg]

"It's Saturday dumbass. Weren't you planning on making a big splash at Leap of Faith?"

[dwg]"Oh shit, I forgot!"

"Yeah you did! You got so caught up with fighting Marf and getting your career back, that you forgot your entire plan to invade Leap Of Faith and steal a briefcase for yourself! Instead, you get my fucking body mauled by a bear! And now, you're here at the mercy of whoever the fuck THESE people are! Who knows!? This hospital might just be a front for a cabalistic tribe looking to add a little Gravy to their diner plans tonight! Ha! you're such a fucking idiot!"

"I'm not stupid Gilly. I know that's not true!"

"you have no fucking idea what's true or false! We've already established that moron!"

Graves contemplates for a second.

"Holy shit, you're right! But at least I know who's NOT real now!"

"What are you talking about !?"

Graves sits up on the bed.

"The real Gilly could NEVER outwit me like you just did. So you MUST be a part of me!"

"Well look who's not so stupid after all!"

Graves slides out of bed and takes cover beside the door. He leans out, checking if the cost is clear.

"What are you doing!?"

"Busting outta here! I might have missed my shot at Leap of Faith, but I can still kick Mark's ass and earn my life back!"

Graves sprints out of the room and down the hall before ducking into another room to avoid an approaching nurse.

"And with any luck, maybe I can find a way to rid myself of YOU along the way!"

Graves darts out of the room and down the hall towards the elevator. His bare ass on full display from his open gown.

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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