The Dark Vixen of Violence
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Joined: Mon Nov 09 2020
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Hates Given: 17
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05-18-2021, 06:52 AM
They matched each other stride for stride, feet slamming into the earth, breath ripped harshly from their lungs as they pushed their bodies to work even harder. His lengthens, slowly pulling ahead of her, she increases her tempo, her much shorter legs working harder to close the distance. He throws her a quick glance over his shoulder, a playful smirk in place as he continues on, faster now, breaking into a full out sprint.
She scowls for a moment, over his blatant cheating, but her lips soon flick upwards. Well, two could play at that game. She keeps her pace, letting him draw further and further ahead. At just the right moment, she calls forth the beast. A pain rips through her body as she transforms, soon dispelling into nothing, paws hitting the ground and eating away at Marf’s lead.
He glances behind him and nearly stumbles, seeing the wolf bearing down on him. She streaks by, making it to the tree they used as a marker before him. Her tail waves gracefully as he jogs to a halt, shaking his head ruefully. “Now that, that was cheating.” She turns and transforms back, her cerulean hair tumbling down the graceful curve of her back. “Hey, you cheated first. Would you be willing...?” She glances over her shoulder with a sheepish smile.
Marf removes his shirt and offers it to her. “Forget your clothes turn to confetti when you do that?” She takes it, slipping it over her head. She freezes, a grimace coming over her face at its sweaty condition. She spins around, the hem of the shirt flirting mid-thigh. “It's still new!”
The pair turn and start the stroll back, Lycana pausing to lean down and scoop her sneakers up. “You ready to go to the moon?” she asks, giving him a gentle bump with her hip. “Ready as I’ll ever be. Not something I thought we’d be doing.” he bumps her right back.
“Finally getting our hands on the Bastards. Glass tables match, I’m not sure it can get much better than that.” Lycana muses, a feral smile sliding across her face. “I can’t wait... but first, you’ve got to get through Anarchy. I don’t know why you went over there to begin with.” Marf glances at her, raising a brow. “I know, I’m not particularly thrilled about it but... to get my hands on Demos, one on one? Plus, the whole flaming tables thing really added to the deal. And we have to be at the airport to get to Arizona tonight.” she replies, picking her way carefully down the dirt path with her bare feet. “We should probably get back and get ready.” Marf muses, as he tosses her a cocky smile. “Race ya!” He gives her a shove and takes off, leaving her behind.
“Dammit Marf!”
His laughter trails back as she chases after him.
“I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time Demos. Months have gone by since I chased your fat ass down, making you agree to a match on Warfare. Now look here, I had to come on down to Anarchy just to get my hands on you. I probably wouldn’t have, but unluckily for you, Vinnie Lane sweetened that deal with not only the promised table, but adding some fire to the mix.
The thought of bringing you down into the flames was just far too tempting for me to resist.
Oh sure, we’ve had our little moments in the ring, but I had to share you. That never appeases me quite the way a good one on one situation does.
How are you feeling Demos? Can you sense the noose constricting around your neck? You have started to falter in the past few months. You tripped up at March Madness and never seemed to recover. Loss after loss, each following one right after the other. How did it feel watching me reverse your partners ‘flukey’ inside cradle to pick up my own ‘flukey’ win over him? Knowing that now, both Dissentients had stopped your momentum dead in its tracks? How did it feel knowing that Mr. Battle Royal went out earlier than the Dark Vixen of Violence?
TV title stripped away from you. The chance at the Universal yanked from your grasp. The Tag gold door slammed right in your damn face.
For someone like you, who puts such stock in win loss records, and title straps, this must really suck.
But what did you do recently Demos? You laid down for Rel Dixon, allowing her to get the win over you without putting forth much effort at all. Is this what you’ve become? Have you finally realized that you are so damn worthless that you are willing to just lay on your back and allow anyone to get the three count on you, just to escape the humiliation of the loss in a real match?
Or is it that you so desperately need the affection and attention of someone, anyone who thinks you’re more important than you actually are, that you are willing to do what it takes to bind them to you? Did R.L. finally see where you were dragging him and balk? Digging in his heels and saying not again after the tag team fiasco? So here comes little Rel, with her... I'd say sweet words, but damn if I didn’t feel the bile rise in my throat listening to what she had to say about you... and you just couldn't resist it, could you? You saw the stars in her eyes and latched onto it, needing the ego boost.
How pitiful.
But that’s par for the course with you Demos. You are nothing but a pitiful, cowardly sack of shit who skulks about hiding in the shadows. But you cannot avoid me any longer. You will come to the ring and pay. Your time of running is over, come Anarchy. All I can really say is...
I can’t fucking wait.”