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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
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Centurion Offline
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(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

05-07-2021, 05:28 AM

[Image: HniJZPg.png]

(We open up inside the kitchen of Nellie Cortinovis in Wildwood, New Jersey. There, we see Centurion leaning over the kitchen island, his elbows on the counter, reading the newspaper. Standing off to the side are Walter Crowe and Nellie, both with nervous looks in their eyes. The three of them stand in silence as Centurion goes over the article a few times. Finally, without warning, Centurion takes the paper and tosses it against the wall.)

Centurion: God dammit!

(Centurion steps away from the island with his head in his hair. He paces around back and forth in the kitchen before stopping and pointing at Walter.)

Centurion: Did you know about this?

Walter: I’ve known about it for six months.

Centurion: And you didn’t bother telling me?!

Walter: Why, so you can have a freak out and do something stupid! At least over the past six months I’ve been able to set up several legal roadblocks to delay this. I assumed once George died, the entire deal would fall through. Apparently, Adelson and Latimore had a plan in place for this very thing.

Centurion: Adelson and Latimore, still screwing me over from the fucking grave!

Nellie: Gotta give them credit...they REALLY hated you.

(Centurion starts pacing back and forth again, and this time he does not stop to talk.)

Centurion: What do we do now?

Walter: ...I don’t know.

(Centurion stops dead in his tracks. He looks over at Walter, almost stunned to hear the words come out of his mouth. Centurion was hoping for more guidance from the one legal authority in the room.)

Centurion: You don’t know? But you always know! That’s your whole thing! I dive headfirst into shit, and you navigate me out of it. Navigate me out of this shit, Walter!

Walter: I wish I could, and I’ve been trying to do as much as I can, but Adelson and Latimore had some of the best corporate lawyers I’ve ever seen. I filed an injunction with the state, arguing that the sale can’t happen if ownership of the company was in dispute, but Latimore moved the casino off the company ledger and into his personal estate. He planned for this to happen. Even if we can get the Supreme Court to rule in our favor, and you take back control of the company, you still won’t have ownership of the building itself. I think...this is just going to happen.

(Centurion walks over to the kitchen sink and places his palms on the edge of the counter. He looks out the kitchen window and into the backyard. It is a rather wet, rainy day – slightly cold, and just overall devoid of color. A normal rainy spring day, but even more apropos today.

The Centurion Casino & Hotel was the symbol of Centurion’s success. It wasn’t just about owning a casino – it was to honor the people in his life and the accomplishments he had added to his resume over the years. His office likely still had the original Canadian Title in it – not the newer version that Chris Page has, but rather the original, with just a simple Maple Leaf placed over a generic belt that was introduced in the first days of the XWF. The poster for Hell On Earth 2002, the site of Centurion’s first ever Universal Title match, is still very likely handing on the wall. More importantly, old photos of Centurion and Nellie, as well as all the folks that have touched his life over the years, filled the walls of the executive hallway.)

Centurion: Honestly, I’d rather see the place burn to the fucking ground than see Sands put their name on it.

Walter: Would you rather see a large Sands sign on the building, or a large Trump sign?

(Centurion lets out a slight laugh as he turns around and leans his lower back against the edge of the counter in front of the sink.)

Centurion: It’s a toss-up. Actually, I think I’d rather it go to Trump. At least then I know it would fail in five years. These cocksuckers just have a habit of avoiding bankruptcy.

Walter: Yeah, but Adelson ran that company with an iron fist. Who knows what happens now that he’s gone? It’s only been four months. They could have a struggle for leadership and the whole thing collapses. Remember, we thought we were invincible, too.

Centurion: Yeah, but by going off of this, it seems like his kids got his business sense...and his snark. No, I’m sure the place is going to be Sands Atlantic City for the foreseeable future. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn my old office into a shrine for the old bastard, just to get to me one more time.

(Centurion just casually shakes his head as he turns away from Walter and Nellie. He goes to walk out of the kitchen, but Walter peeps up, although hesitantly, at the last second.)

Walter: Well, there thing...we could potentially do. One person we can call.

(Centurion stops and turns back towards Walter. He tilts his head to the side and responds with a voice of cautious confusion.)

Centurion: ...who?

Walter: You’re not going to like it. Who is the one person we know that can screw with casinos the most? The one person that you know will help you get even, as long as he is able to collect his fair share.

(Centurion arches his eyebrows for a second as he looks to the ground. He mouths the words Walter said as a way of repeating them in an effort to think. Suddenly, his eyes grow wide and he tilts his head as he looks at Walter with angry eyes.)

Centurion: You’ve GOT to be kidding me! I thought he was dead! Or at the very least, serving a very long prison sentence.

Walter: Never stepped foot inside a prison cell. From what I’ve heard, he’s been living large in Singapore for the past seven years.

Centurion: Yeah, mostly off our fucking money!

Walter: Yeah, exactly! You want to get back at some folks who shafted us? Look at the person who did it the best, and got away with it. I don’t know if he’s going to get you your casino back, but at the very least, he’ll help you extract some revenge. You may even make a couple dollars off the whole thing.

Centurion: Yeah, a couple dollars that will be easily tracible and will land me in a federal prison the moment I try to spend them. Besides, we have no idea where he is, or how to get a hold of him. If he’s living the high life, he’s very likely out of the game, and staying as far away from controversary as he can. At least, that’s what I would do if I was in his situation.

Nellie: Who are we talking about?

(Both Centurion and Walter fall silent as they look at each other. Neither wants to say the name, but they know, if this conversation were to continue, they’re going to have to get it over with and rip off that Band-Aid in one pull. Nellie was relatively young at the time, so she very likely won’t remember the name, but Centurion says it anyway.)

Centurion: ...Mr. Blue.

(The moment the words leave Centurion’s lips, chills go up his spine. He hasn’t spoken about that man in years. He hoped he would never have to again. All the villains Centurion has faced in his wrestling career were nothing compared to the problems he faced when it came to Mr. Blue. Just saying the words out loud brought back so many memories...)

------Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue------

Centurion: The game this poker.

(A light turns on, illuminating Centurion standing behind a poker table. At the table sits four figures. The person right next to Centurion is the dealer. Sitting clockwise from the dealer, in order, are actors dressed to look like Atara Themis, Centurion, and Marf.)

Centurion: Texas Hold-Em. Perhaps the most popular poker game in the world. Fortunes are won and lost on this game. Seven cards - that is the total of what you can use in order to win. Seven cards to make you rich, or to make you destitute. Many folks will tell you that this game is all about luck. That there is no skill involved, and you just have to hope you get the right cards. That's a sense. But there's also a lot of strategy involved. To better understand that, though...allow me to introduce tonight's players.

First, we have seductress. Calm. Patient. Calculated. She doesn't play the hands - she plays the players. What her hold cards are is irrelevant. She is going to look each player in the eyes and determine based off their body language whether or not she should stay in a hand, and whether or not she should attack. No one fears her...but they should.

(Centurion points to the stack of chips next to "Atara", which is relatively large.)

Centurion: People assume she has less than she does. They think one big mistake and she's off the table. What they haven't realized is she's been quietly building up a stack this entire time. The players have been handing her money, and they didn't even notice.

Next, we have the old legend. He could write a book on the rules of the game, but his strategies are ancient. Everything is a number to him. He does not bluff, and he bets hands in a "typical" manor. If he calls, you know you're screwed, because he has a hell of a hand. Unfortunately.

(Centurion points to the stack of chips next to "Centurion", which is the shortest stack at the table.)

Centurion: You can only play good hands for so long before younger players start picking off the blinds and knocking down your chip stack. There may have been a time when the old player was the chip leader in the tournament, but now? Now he's one big mistake away from busting out of the table.

And finally, we have the unhinged mystery. The man that will play every hand, and will raise every bet. He approaches the game with reckless abandon. His strategy? Bully everyone else off the table. If he gets beat, then he gets beat. It comes with the game. But he isn't going to change his strategy, and so far...

(Centurion points to the stack of chips next to "Marf", which is the highest stack at the table.)

Centurion:'s been working. Granted, this stack was a lot bigger not too long ago. The unhinged mystery was dominating the table, and looked to be running away with the whole thing; however, a bad beat has brought them down to earth, while the seductress just picked up a nice stack of money and get herself back in the game. One or two games, and suddenly everything can change.

(The dealer deals out two cards to each of the players, and the action begins on the actor playing Marf. He takes one peak at his cards, and immediately tosses some chips into the middle of the table)

Centurion: The mystery will never leave the hand before the flop. Ever. To him, every hand he sees is potentially a winning hand, and to fold before the flop would be giving up - and the mystery never gives up. He will fight to his last chip, his last dollar...his last breath.

(Action then goes to the actress playing Atara, who studies Marf up and down. She bats her eyelashes a bit and flashes a slight smile while lightly playing with her chips. She then very casually calls, and places the chips into the center of the pot, while glancing over at Centurion.)

Centurion: The seductress is on a roll, and she has the chips to spend in order to see how the two men will respond. This is essentially a free scouting trip for her, and the more information she received, the more prepared she is to strike down the road.

(Action shifts over to the actor playing Centurion. He glances at his cards for a second before lightly tapping on the table.)

Centurion: The veteran is already pot committed, so it costs him nothing to stick around and see some more cards. If either the mystery or the seductress would have pushed, he probably would have gotten out of the hand. Now, however, he gets to see some extra cards.

(The dealer burns a card, and flops three cards into the middle of the table. The cards are the Ace of Hearts, the Jack of Diamonds, and the 2 of Hearts. Action starts back at the actor playing Marf, who immediately reaches for a decent stack of chips and pushes them into the middle.)

Centurion: And the mystery plays aggressively again without even taking a second look at his cards. He comes in confident, as if he knows he has this hand won. He has done this almost all day long. Even in hands that he has lost, he has reacted as if he can not lose. Or course, when you have the most chips at your side, you can do that.

("Atara" taps her fingers on one of her chips as she glances back down at her cards. She sets the cards back down and taps her pinky against them before reaching for some chips. She unstacks some, and pushes them in the middle, calling the bet.)

Centurion: And the seductress knows that the mystery plays aggressively on every hand. He could have a great hand, or he could have nothing. The seductress, meanwhile, is working on a great hand, and she's not in any hurry to give it up. So, she calls. Now, to the veteran.

("Centurion" sits at the table, looking at his cards, then back up at the cards on the table. He slightly shakes his head before counting his already short stacked chips. He then counts out the amount "Marf" bet and "Atara" called, and places them in the center.)

Centurion: This is delightful news to both the mystery and the seductress. They know the veteran only plays hands that are relatively strong, but neither of them feel as if their hands could be beat with what is on the board. They are not afraid of the veteran, and they just assume he will either drop out after the next card, or he will crash out of the table.

(The dealer burns another card, and flips over the Six of Hearts. "Marf", of course, bets again, and "Atara" instantly calls, leaving "Centurion" to sit back and assess his situation. He calls, but his stack is nearly depleted, a fact that does not go unnoticed by the other two players. The dealer reveals the last card - the Two of Spaces, before placing the cards on the table. "Marf", who hasn't relooked at his hand since the very beginning, glances over at "Centurion"'s chip stack, before tossing in enough chips to put Centurion All In.)

Centurion: And here we go. The mystery is fairly certain there is only one hand that can beat him right now, and given what he knows about the veteran's betting habits, he assumes there's no way he has it. He wants to knock him off the table, and he thinks this is the hand to do it.

("Atara" smiles as she looks at the chips that were placed in the pot before glancing back at her hand again. She then pushes the chips in, calling "Marf''s" bet.)

Centurion: And the seductress knows her hand is likely the best one on the board. She knows the mystery usually bets with nothing, and the veteran has to have face cards - likely an Ace - which she has beat. She should feel extra confident in his decision.

("Centurion" takes a deep breath before he looks at his cards once more. Finally, he pushes in the rest of his stack, going All In. Immediately, "Marf" turns his cards over, revealing the Ace of Diamonds and the Jack of Spaces. Two pair. "Atara" gets a giant smile on her face as she reveals the Queen - Ten of Hearts. She has an Ace High Flush.)

Centurion: What is the moral of all of this? Simple, really. Never count a person just because they're down. Never assume someone will continue to operate the same way after a few bad beats. And never let a savvy veteran stick around, because you just never know. The seductress and the mystery could have kept the veteran at bay. Instead, they saw the opportunity to knock him out. They were out for blood, and they assumed they knew how he would approach the situation. But sometimes, when you're down, you have to go outside your comfort zone. And when you do that...the cards may just fall your way, and you'll go from being a short stack to the chip leader.

("Centurion" flips his cards over, revealing the Two of Clubs and the Six of Spaces - one of the worst starting hands in poker, but thanks to the cards on the board, he ends up with a Full House, winning the hand. He starts pulling in the massive haul of chips as the camera cuts.)

[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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[-] The following 9 users Like Centurion's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-07-2021), ALIAS (05-08-2021), Atara Raven (05-18-2021), Charlie Nickles (05-07-2021), Corey Smith (05-07-2021), Marf (05-07-2021), Oliver Main (05-07-2021), R.L. Edgar (05-07-2021), Thaddeus Duke (05-07-2021)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 2 users Hate Centurion's post!
ALIAS (05-08-2021), Chris Page (05-12-2021)

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