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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Feeling kinda Good...Feeling kinda Invincible
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Ash Quinn

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04-09-2021, 05:09 PM

Walking into the sparse office Ash had to double-check the nameplate on the door to make sure she followed the security guard's directions.

Was it two lefts and a right or was I supposed to go straight??? Dammit don't they know I'm nuts!! GRRR....

Regardless the name on the door was right. Dr. Pamela Isly Psych and Botany. Interesting combo but who are we to judge right?? The asylum sent her here saying they only referred you to the best. Unfortunately, Dr. Hugo Strange and Jonathan Crane were all booked so here she stood. Behind the secretary, at the desk, a pair of red eyes beckoned Ash to just come a little closer. Before she could do anything she heard an echoey voice.

Miss Quinn, hello, you are all set, just have a seat over there and we will be right with you.

Oh I'm sorry...Thanks! I'm gonna go sit down now....

Ash took a seat away from everyone else on the cold cracked plastic seats and rocked just a little. Out of nowhere, she felt a hand creeping on her leg and shoulder and a soft voice whispering "Come back....home"


People casually looked her way. Duh, she was in an office dealing with nutballs so a crazy outburst was probably not uncommon. A creepy guy with a ventriloquist dummy on his lap looked scared and his doll cackled and speaking in a Brooklyn accent asked if the carpet matched the drapes....A woman across the way purring her words told him to shut up. Shit, Ash thought. This place is crazier than my nightmares. I gotta get out of here....

As she started to get up a smiling blonde bounced out into the waiting room...

I'm Dr. Quinzel, Dr. Isley had some kind of plant emergency back home...Follow me....

Owl man huh? Was Ultra Man busy?? Reverse Flash washing his tights?? How the hell did I get stuck with you? Owl Man is like if Batman and Mongo had a baby and someone tried to abort said baby and fucked it up. But kept the fuck up, raised it to maturity, and gave it one of Batman's dirty unis. His name is probably something fucked up like Wruce Bayne.

Man, I gotta stop I'm gonna pee myself I'm laughing so hard. It's either that or my meds. Well, whatever....

Seriously dude....Owl Man!! The judges would have accepted Bat Mite, The Spot or Krypto. Hell even Howard the fucking Duck but you're stuck with Owl Man. You definitely hit the bankrupt there cowboy!! Damn bud Owl Man is like the Sgt Doofy of all Batmen. And wrestling shouldn't you be patiently waiting for the Owl Signal to send you after your arch nemesis Dog Faced Boy. I don't think Owl Man even drives he has like the Owl ten speed or some crazy shit.

Maybe wrestling is for you though. I mean, hell Gilberg and Dr Isacc Yankem Had long and lustrous careers didn't they?? What?? They didn't?? I could have sworn?? OHHHH ... See I get those mixed up. You know, crazy, lithium, split personality disorder. Lucky I remember my own name much less shitty old wrestlers. Pont being Owl Dude. You will come out lose a few then go back to the Owl Cave. What? Are you fucking kidding me?? I did it again. Evidently, owls don't live in caves they live in like barns and trees and shit. Well after a few losses you will slink back to the Owl Barn...oooh so sounds like a resteraunt old people would eat at and the buy goofy hand made looking stuff. What?? The Cracker Barrel?? I thought they got cancelled lke Pee Pee LePew? Well whatever...

See Ya Next Week Slap nuts
[-] The following 5 users Like Ash Quinn's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-18-2021), Andre Dixon (04-11-2021), Marf (04-09-2021), R.L. Edgar (04-09-2021), Theo Pryce (04-18-2021)

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