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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Corey Work
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Andre Dixon Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-12-2021, 08:20 PM

[The scene opens up to the Jayzon Williamz estate located in Los Angeles, California. In the roundabout driveway, we see a black Ford Raptor pull up. A few seconds go by before the door swings open and Andre Dixon jumps out of the truck with a gym bag. He's wearing a pair of black Nike shorts and a black t-shirt. Andre walks into the house and then starts walking through and as he does he pulls out his phone and begins to start doing what looks like a Sodoku puzzle. All of a sudden he runs into a door and drops his phone.]

Andre: Damnit! Puzzles get me again!

[Andre picks up his phone and walks into what looks to be Jayzon's office. Jayzon is on the phone and motions Andre to come in and sit down.]

Jayzon: Yeah he's gonna be ready. I promise you that. He's here now though so let me get back to you.

[Jayzon finishes up his conversation and then hangs up the phone before heading over to Andre and hugging him before heading back to his side of the desk and taking a seat.]

Damn my n***a it's been way too long.

I know that's right. Is this place new? I see you up in here lookin' like a house ni...

You best watch your mouth nephew. I may be older than you but I will still beat your ass.

I'm just messin' wit' you unc. You know it's all love.

Always talkin' that shit. Nothing has changed. Same grimy ass n***a. You're gonna fit in perfectly in the XWF.

You know I always keep it 100. I am who I am. Would you want it any other way? built for this shit that's for sure. Luckily you can back up all that shit you talk.

N***az like us don't have a choice.

Facts my G. You ready for your first match?

Of course I am.

They've got you going up against a member of Continuum. I hear he's solid.

I ain't scared of no Cumtinurmum.


Yeah that's what I said. Cumtinurmum...

[Jayzon shakes his head.]

You better take this shit seriously.

I am...I'm just happy I'm going against the baby.

The what?

The little kid. Corey is Thad and Doc's kid isn't he?

I don't think it's like that my n***a.

You sure? Why they always holdin' his hand then? Giving him candy and titles and shit?

You dumb as hell. Let me show you somethin' nephew.

[They both get up and Jayzon walks Andre to the next room over which is his wrestling memorabilia/trophy room. The room is filled with jerseys, trophies, and even some wrestling title belts.]

Damn Unc, you played college ball?

I was all-pro my n***a. I could've made the NFL or NBA if I really wanted to. I chose wrestling cuz I like to beat some ass and get paid for it without getting arrested.

Shit me too...

[Jayzon walks Andre over to the south wall where we see the old XWF Universal Title sitting in a display case.]

Is that what I think it is?

This right here is the XWF Universal Title from my record title reign. GOAT shit...

[Jayzon opens the case, grabs the belt, and throws it over his shoulder.]

This was the most prized possession in the game. At the time it was hands down the longest reign and with the most title defenses too. I was a fighting champion. I knew that I was just flat out better than everyone so anyone who wanted a shot got put down real quick.

[Andre reaches out to try and touch the title but Jayzon slaps his hand away.]

Nah my n***a. You gotta EARN the right to hold this shit. It's going to be a minute before you get a chance to hold the Universal Title. If you ever do. Only the best of the best can hold this belt.

Oh, it's like that?

Damn right it is.

You stole that shit, didn't you? I know damn well they didn't just let you have that shit.

You can't steal what's yours my G.

I hear you unc. Don't worry though...that shit will be mine. It's more of a question of when not if.

That's what I like to hear. You're going to need that kind of confidence in the XWF or you will get eaten alive. I know it's been a while since I was there but I've been watching and the talent there is the best in the world and it's not even close.

You sure you don't want to make a comeback with me? Nobody would be able to stop us. Plus it might even make Raven so jealous that he might come back too.

You're obsessed with that dude, aren't you?

Me? Naw, I'm not...why did he say something to you?

You play too damn much. But nah I'm not ready for a comeback, and I honestly don't know if I ever will be. I've got nothing to prove, or to accomplish really. It would be pointless. You need to keep your eye on the prize though. I expect nothing but greatness from you. You best not let me down my n***a.

I got this shit on lock. The XWF is about to get mushroom slapped across the face courtesy of your boy.

Actions, my n***a. Actions speak way louder than words.

Just make sure you tune in on Saturday. I'm supposedly going up against one of the best in the XWF. Once I body this KID everyone is going to realize I'm not to be played with.

Speaking of I've got a basketball court out back. You tryna run some 1v1 like the old days?

Hell yeah, I'll whoop your old ass.

Like you did in the old days?

I'm all grown up now unc. I'm about to dunk all over your ass. Can I hit up your gym first though? Get some weight lifting in and cut a quick promo?

Yeah, I'll meet you out back when you finish up.

[Andre shakes Jayzons hand and grabs his bag and walks off as the scene fades to black.]

[The scene opens back up to Andre Dixon in a small, personal gym. In the background, you can see Corey Smith's first promo finishing up as it does the lights come back on and Andre snaps out of a nap. He must have fallen asleep watching the promo. He notices the camera crew, walks over while taking his shirt off, and looks directly into the camera.]

Andre Dixon: That's my bad I didn't see you there. I think I fell asleep during that promo. That keeps happening and I keep missing the end. That shit was just so damn boring. I mean...I'm not even tired and I still fell asleep somehow. I even had some coc...I mean I even drank a coke and that didn't help me stay up. I'll get through it one of these days...maybe...nah who am I kidding it's not like it's a Doc or Thad promo. You of the good members of that little group.

Speaking of...I know you guys call yourselves Continuum but I think I have a better idea for you. First of all, whoever came up with that name(I know it was you) should be shot. That's one of the worst names for a tag team or stable I've ever heard of in wrestling. You might as well call yourself something really stupid. Like...I dunno...the brotherhood of something. Like the brotherhood of like...bad guys or something like that. Oh wait...damn you guys have some dumb ass names going around here huh?

Anyway, I've come up with a better, and more importantly a more fitting name for your little group: The Circle Jerk. It's perfect, right? Let's ignore the fact that you guys LOVE dicks. That's not even why I think that it's a great name for you guys. That's just a little bonus. It's a great name because you guys share everything, right? The Tag Titles, Corey's mom, your dicks...and I'm sure you guys share even more than that. I can't imagine the number of STDs you guys have passed around. Especially since everyone shares your mom and she's well known on the streets. Like WELL known. I was honestly honored when I got booked in this match. Not because you were so great, but because it gave me a chance to go up against the great Dorothy(guessing here) Smith's son.

Seriously though you guys are just a nice little circle jerk of freaks running around jerking each other's dicks and beating up on rejects who quite frankly don't have the talent to compete. That's NOT me though. I DO have the talent to compete. I am nothing like anything you have ever seen and I promise you that much. I also promise you that I don't need anyone watching my back. I don't need anyone to win me any sort of title. I'll do that shit on my own. Can you say the same? And hopefully, after Saturday when I leave you in a pile of your own blood maybe this Corey Smith circle jerk can finally come to an end. Because I've heard all these good things about you but for the life of me I don't see that shit.

I just don't get this new era of wrestling. We've got 3 guys running around calling themselves the tag team champs. Since when is that just acceptable? Since when is it OK to call yourself a tag team champ and you didn't even win the belts yourself? You had to have them given to you. And I'm supposed to be intimidated by that? Nah...fuck that noise. Miss me with that weak shit. Enough is enough. Fuck the bullshit and fuck these soft-ass, double-ply toilet paper ass little bitches. I don't know these kids and I hate them already.'s like that. I'll be damned if I'm going to let these little bitches walk around like they own the place when it takes 3 of them to be the tag champs. I'm supposed to fear a fuckin' boy band?

[Andre picks up his water bottle and chugs about half of it before putting it down and looking back into the camera.]

You've got a way with words though Corey. But you're one of those guys who likes to use big words and who likes to say a lot without really saying anything. Nothing of substance though. Did you ever even really insult me? You spent most of your promo talking about my bio and jerking yourself off. Circle Jerk comes full circle, eh? I'm tellin' you that's the new name for your group. It really comes together...wait...that didn't sound right. You know what I mean though.

But hey maybe once I beat you on Saturday you can get your good buddy Thad to hold your fuckin' hand while you weep like a bitch...again. Honestly, everything I need to know about you is how much of a crutch you use Thad as. Your biggest insult to DDS in your match against them was saying how bad they were compared to the main event talent that you guys are. And your example? Your way of showing your greatness? Telling everyone how THAD was a former Universal Champion. Could you jerk him off any harder? At least try to hide it a little bit. Don't worry no matter what happens on Saturday you will still be their little bitch. They will still need you to carry their bags and do all the "Corey Work" because that's all you're really good for.

And I know you're all hung up on my weakness being puzzles. But honestly...take a look at me...

[Andre flexes.]

I'm built like a fuckin' tank bro. I make a Greek God look Don't be mad at me because you look like you're stuck in a pre-teen body. It's not my fault that you're 5 foot 9 and 160 pounds soaking wet. Like I'm supposed to be scared of a kid who looks more like he's about to shoot up his school than win any sort of wrestling match? This boy-band Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber lookin' bitch?

You really had the balls to come out and say that puzzles being my weakness is absurd? Let me quote you real quick on that:

"I mean, there’s a reason why we laugh at the stupid assholes who put absurd claims in their roster submissions."

Word? You wanna go there? Let's take a look at a bit from your bio then, shall we?

"At the age of 17, Corey overdosed on illicit drugs, putting him in a comatose state with what was, at the time, irreversible neurological damage. Corey's body was cryogenically frozen. Somehow, in the near future, it came into the possession of a rebel group opposing a nihilistic despotic regime bent on destroying the world."

[Andre just shakes his head for a moment before looking back into the camera.]

Word? Now the first part where you overdose on illicit drugs seems ok. You little teenage "goth" kids love to do that kind of stuff to get attention. The rest though? What in the ACTUAL fuck? Like seriously what the fuck kind of drugs were you on and where can I get some of that shit? Because that has to be the most insane shit I've ever read in my entire life. But me having puzzles as my weakness is absurd? Is this guy serious? The thing got worse from there. That's only the BEGINNING. There's an entire story about assassins and having some dude's in your head. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm sure PLENTY of dudes have been inside your mouth...I mean head. That part is very believable. In prison, they'd pass you around like the collection plate at church.

Seriously I look like I have any weaknesses?

[Andre once again flexes.]

You wanna know my weakness? It's your mom, Mrs. Smith. She's the ONLY one who consistently pins me. Don't worry though, I always get my payback. I have that bitch tapping out on the regular. Tell her I said hi, will you? You can wait till after I've put your ass back in the hospital. She can limp in behind you and feed your ass some pudding. I'm sure Thad won't get TOO jealous. Let's take a look at one more thing in your bio though. Let's take a look at YOUR weakness.

"Weaknesses: Power and brute strength is nil, needs to keep distance from strong opponents."

Oh once again take a look at me...

[Andre flexes one more time.]

Bitch...I AM your weakness. You might as well have put my fuckin' picture up next to your weaknesses. You're a fake ass tag team champion that's stuck in the body of a high schoolboy. You look like you should be more worried about losing your virginity than winning matches in the XWF. You've gotta be a virgin right? I mean besides what Thad and Doc do to you behind closed doors. We won't count that. Seriously though has anyone let you put your dick in them? Have you ever gotten your dick wet? And not the same type of wet as when Thad is going down on you. I mean inside of a pussy wet. I can't imagine the type of dump truck hoes that have let you hit it over the years. They have got to be some fucked up individuals if anyone has let you stick your little boy dick in them.

And I'm sorry that I don't look like an underwear model like you do. Even though I'm not sure why you're bragging about looking like a kid's underwear model. That's kinda weird bro. You're definitely not the sexy Calvin Klein underwear model that you think you are either. You just don't have the body for it. Instead, you're that fucking dungaree little boy's underwear model.

Me on the other hand? If I was in my underwear your girl, your mom, your sister, your grandma, your Thad, and probably even your panties would drop instantly if they saw me. Unfortunately, I was told that I can't be an underwear model. dick is too big. It's a problem I've had to live with my whole life. Eventually, you get used to it. That's not a problem for you though, huh? In a way, I'm almost jealous of you and your probably incredibly small penis. Now that I think about it I kind of feel bad. It'll be ok Corey. There are way more important things in life.

Enough talk though. Now it's time for action. I've always been a huge fan of The Wire and a quote that stuck with me is "If you come at the King, you best not miss." And that promo of yours was a big-time miss. That shit was weak as fuck for a guy who is supposed to be one of the big dick players in the XWF. On Saturday I'm going to show you what a REAL big dick player looks like, and not in the way you're gonna like...

[Andre picks up his phone and starts to play a beat.]

You should've never fucked with me now, Corey
Put you down like you have a disease now, Corey
Smoke you like these trees now, Corey
Bout to find out what the King bout, Corey
You nothin' but a bitch when your team out, Corey
Lookin' like a little boy go eat somethin', Corey
Beat you down like it's nothin', Corey

[Andre mean mugs into the camera before picking up his phone, turning the music off, and walking away as the scene fades.]

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[-] The following 13 users Like Andre Dixon's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-13-2021), ALIAS (03-15-2021), Charlie Nickles (03-12-2021), Chris Page (03-13-2021), Corey Smith (03-12-2021), Jefferson Jackson (03-13-2021), Lycana (03-12-2021), Miss Fury (03-13-2021), R.L. Edgar (03-12-2021), Shawn Warstein (03-12-2021), Sil (03-22-2021), Theo Pryce (03-13-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (03-12-2021)

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