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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
A Holo Experience
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-12-2021, 09:27 AM

The long day had just ended. The L.I.E. Bot is fully operational and the UII’s are hard at work monitoring its complete implementation. The rest of Legacy have gone on about their day. Betsy, still confused and angry over not getting chosen for something. Raven, still wandering aimlessly without drip. Jax and Noah probably went on to cause some shenanigans. Yet inside his Dallas area home, Shawn and Atara lay in the comfort of their bed. Heads held aloft by the pillows under them. Shawn slowly closed his eyes and smiled slightly.

“What are you smiling about?”Atara rolls lazily her side as Shawn turns his head to meet her gaze and inquiry.

“Oh nothing in particular really.” Shawn rolls onto his side to mirror Atara. He props his head up with his hand. “It’s not just one thing, it’s several. All the good luck we’ve had lately. Finally being able to leave fucking Dallas. Amongst a plethora of other things.”

“Am I one of those things?” The Grecian Goddess runs a finger down the middle of Shawn’s chest with a coy smile that could diffuse Shawn at a moment’s notice.

“Well…..” Shawn let’s the word linger in the air as she stops and raises a quick eyebrow. “You’re several of them, actually if I’m being honest, you’re most of them.”

“Oh really?”
She smiles and snakes a leg over the top of Shawn’s hips and pulls him close. “Why don’t you tell me more?”

“I don’t think that’s necessary.” Shawn caresses and tilts Atara’s head to the side. Gently kissing her neck. He pulls away slightly, nibbling his way upward and whispers into her ear. “But for you, I’ll always make the exception.”

The smell of ivory and rose fills the air, as Shawn grabs Atara by the small of the back and pulls her close. Their bodies becoming almost one as Shawn rolls onto the Grecian. Shawn brushes aside her mocha hair and tucks it behind her ear.

“Well then…”Atara bites her bottom lip. “Go on…” A lustful look on her oceanic eyes, as she rolls her hips deeply pressed against Shawn. “Make the exception…”

Shawn leans down, a bites the bottom of her earlobe. Stretching it slightly before releasing it and whispering into her ear yet again.

“You’re my everything.”

He begins to kiss her neck once again.

“You’ve always been.”

Slowly Shawn begins to kiss her clavicle. Goosebumps form along her skin, as he runs his finger gently down the middle of her chest.

“I’ve never needed someone...”

He slides down, and kisses her writhing body just above the navel.

“...More than you.”

Shawn slides down a bit further as he looks up from his bounty, a devious look upon his eye as Atara looks down at her Ares. Shawn disappears under the sheets, as a slight pleasurable moan emits from Aphrodite….


Mandatory Fourth Wall Break!!!

Suddenly the room freezes as both Atara and Shawn stop moving. The room begins to get hazy and you are met by a voice.

“Hold up!”The voice calls. “This is a Shawn Fucking Warstein promo!!”

**L.I.E Bot Fully Operational**
**Initiate Promo Protocol**
**Number 63241-23A**

Suddenly a hologram of Shawn Warstein appears and walks up and attempts to tap the camera lens.

“Get your pud out of your hand, set the lotion aside, and zip up your pants…. Daddy’s home.”
The hologram looks back towards Shawn and Atara. “Okay enough of that. Follow me. Let’s give them the privacy they deserve. They don’t need everyone seeing that.”

The Hologram of Shawn snaps his fingers as the two bodies behind him once again continue their session, as Holo-Shawn points towards the camera waves for it to follow. The camera, and seemingly the camera person (What it could be anyone for all we know), follow the hologram into the hallway. Holo-Shawn reaches to shut the door, but his hand phases through. Holo-Shawn lowers his head and sighs.

“Little help?”
A hand from behind the camera reaches out and grabs the door handle, but not before getting one last peek into the boudoir. Atara has seemingly taken control of the situation as there is a loud sigh. “Just shut the door you perv.” The camera nods and the hand shuts the door.

“Thanks. It’s hard to shut doors when you don’t have a physical form. Check up there.” The hologram points to several sensors on the ceiling. “Shawn, the real one, had those installed throughout the house, so that’s why I’m free to move about the home. Let’s keep moving…. they are about to wake the neighbors.” Holo-Shawn begins to walk down the hallway, as the camera follows.

“You see the thing with Shawn is, he’s all about the Narrative right? That’s what Ned said. Shawn likes to control how people perceive him. He’s absolutely correct. It doesn’t take a highly sophisticated AI to see that. But the problem with his statement is…” Holo-Shawn looks over his shoulder and then turns around to face the camera. “Why aren’t you? This whole industry is based on immediate perception. It’s the living embodiment of Judging a Book by its cover.”

“You see a tiny woman and assume she can’t be a monster. You see a hulking man and think he can move mountains. You see Shawn Warstein and you know what you’re going to get. A man who thinks himself the martyr, and is highly successful wherever he goes. He’s not stupid enough to think anyone cares here, in the XWF, about what he’s done other places. He allows your bosses to do that. It wasn’t Shawn pumping up old XWF roster members, who were competing in GCWA.”
Holo-Shawn begins to wag a finger. “No, no, no… that was Vin. It wasn’t Shawn building that narrative. It was Vin. Yet you need to ask yourself one question Ned….” Holo-Shawn begins to drum his finger on his chin.

“Why was there suddenly a mass of people leaving and trying to find new outlets? To build their own brand? It was because they were stuck here having to deal with inferior competition. When the man who kept eyes on the XWF left, so did the eyes. And they were left with the likes of You. A person so devoid of personality, that Centurion is about two steps away from filing a cease and desist. While you were still floundering in mediocrity Ned, Shawn was busy building a better brand. He was busy making the XWF greater by not being here. Going out to other companies, taking on all challengers, and winning.”
Holo-Shawn raises his eyebrows, and holds out his hands. “And why is that good? It established not only himself as one of the best. It established himself as one of the best EVERYWHERE, it established the XWF as the premier company simply because he is associated with it.”

“And what have you done to better this place? Nothing. Not a goddamn thing.”
There is a loud squeal heard from the door at the end of the hall. Holo-Shawn rolls his eyes. “Come on let’s head downstairs. It’s going to get much louder. Honestly I’m glad I’m a hologram and can just turn off when they start. Noah must’ve had the best noise canceling headphones…. maybe that’s why he moved out.”Down the stairs adorned with pictures of Atara and Grecian landscapes, the hologram and camera person make it to the living room.

“Now if there’s one thing everyone knows about Shawn Warstein… it’s that he doesn’t really care what people think about him, ya know? For example, when he says he doesn’t like you, he means it. If you say you don’t like him, he obviously doesn’t care. It’s why he’s so open with everything. It’s why his social media is filled with his arguments and eventual make ups with Atara. It’s why he promotes himself, he just doesn’t care.”Holo-Shawn begins to nod slightly and curl his bottom lip. “It’s why weak minded people like you, Ned, perceive that as only giving enough effort as needed. It is because you don’t see the full effort. You don’t want to look beyond your preconceived notions. You immediately retort to the past, and fail to see the now. To see the future.”

“You’re just like everyone else. You claim Shawn writes the narrative, but he is just himself and allows others to form it for him. That’s why when it was asked ‘Who are two for your dream matchup for the finals of March Madness?’ on Twitter by Genie, Shawn stayed silent. Because for all of you in this tournament it is a dream, while Shawn is more concerned with making it a reality. And yes I’m aware that you had to bring up your past failures, and yes we are aware that you’ve done some miniscule things while Shawn was away….”

“But saying everyone reaches the peak at different times is a coward's way out. Shawn has spent the better part of a year lifting others. Helping them achieve the peaks they covet… it’s not his fault that yet again… you can’t see that.”
Holo-Shawn begins to nod his head and lets out a deep sigh. “I would be remiss if I didn’t say that there isn’t some worry about this tournament… not with you Ned, no….. but about the random drawings. The dream final four would be Betsy, Noah, Atara and Shawn, but even Shawn knows he can’t control the outcomes elsewhere. Oh well. That’s in them to do their part.”

“Now let’s get to the crux of the situation… does Shawn in fact think of Ned as a threat? I mean he provoked the name of Fuzz to get a rise out of him. I mean that’s what Centurion did, and it didn’t work out for him. It’s what everyone does when they need a fallback, [i ‘I’m out of options because I can’t come up with anything worth a damn so I’ll spout off from the lips and call it a day’[/i].”

“Ned, you of all people don’t need to be that callous. Shawn thinks the world of you…. well actually Atara does and he just nods in agreement, it’s a weird dynamic they have. However, comparing him to the Wizard of Oz? Pulling back the curtain…. THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN PULLED BACK!”
Holo-Shawn runs his hands through his hair and stops. “You can’t pull back the curtain when everything is on front street. Shawn isn’t some mastermind. All Shawn is, is someone who is very good at what he does, he tells everyone what he is very good at and has no qualms about it. He doesn’t want your respect Ned. He doesn’t need your friendship. He doesn’t have a care in the world about you…”

“Why else would he send a Hologram and not address you directly? He knows what you're going to do and say, and it bores him. Hell I’m a fucking computer program and I’m about to pour water on my hard drive. So he’d rather spend the evening with Atara and let the chips fall where they may. And as for the second chance battle Royal?”

“If I were you.”

“I’d just be glad it’s an option… I’m just sayin.”

“But that’s not everything is it? You see, Shawn gets it. He knows that the only reason you’re so salty right now is because Shawn popped back in after being gone for eight months, and he’s already gotten more praise than you. All he did was beat BWP and they are already saying the finals are going to be him and Doc. Or Him and Betsy. Hell people already thought you were out of this tournament.”
Holo-Shawn holds out his hands to his sides. “Now it’s nothing more than a foregone conclusion. Again Ned. He doesn’t hate you. He doesn’t hate anyone. What he doesn’t like is the ignorance of others, who blatantly misrepresent the facts that are out there.”

“Shawn is who Shawn is. He’s an arrogant prick, with an ego larger than some continents. He is extremely driven and doesn’t take losing well. Yet we all know this, no curtain needed. He doesn’t try to jump out of the box to change things up. That’s how you go from one promo to the next without any real…. umph. You’re left limp and swinging with no power. You’re once again out of your weight class. Only this time you already know the outcome.”

Holo-Shawn looks at the clock. “It would be a good time to call it a night yeah? They are going to be up there a while. Just kill the camera, go home, spend some time with the family and start again tomorrow.”

“Good Bye.”

**L.I.E Bot Going Offline**
**Initiate Shutdown Protocol**
**Number 8372**

The camera abruptly cuts and the screen goes black for a moment, and then footsteps are heard. As the camera opens a shot of the kitchen. No longer evening, as the morning sun shines into the kitchen. Shawn walks into frame and flings open a cabinet. He digs around for a moment and pulls out two Keurig cups and sets them on the counter.

“Such a waste.” He mumbles to himself. Pulling out the Keurig machine and setting it up, Atara walks into the room. Hair slightly disheveled, wearing only an oversized tee shirt, and a tired expression on her face.

“Why do you hate me?”
Atara questions as she places her chin on Shawn’s shoulder and wraps her arms around his waist. “No one who claims to love me would ever wake up this early.”

Shawn tilts his head and gives Atara a kiss on the cheek and smiles. “Or it could be you’re just not used to someone telling you, no.”

“That’s not what you said last night?”
Atara retorts with a smile and a wink.

“Well there wasn’t much talking going on.”
Shawn spins around and grabs Atara by the waist. “L.I.E Bot…. Play dancing music.”

**L.I.E. Bot Activated**
**Playing Music**
**Now Playing “Ms. New Booty” By Bubba Sparxx**

“Dammit L.I.E Bot.” Shawn barks at the AI. “Shut down.” The music never fully started but that didn’t stop Shawn from twirling the Grecian Goddess, as her hair flows in the air and then pulling her right back in. Dipping her, they both lose their balance but only briefly. Atara smacks Shawn on the shoulder.

“Lift me up..” Shawn smiles and does as demanded. “You’re in a mood this morning.” She grabs the cup from Keurig, leaving Shawn slightly dumbfounded, as he opens the machine and places a new pod inside.

“It’s all about perspective. I’m seeing things a little bit differently.”
Shawn presses the button and turns back towards Atara. Bracing himself on the counter with his hands. “Like, for as long as I’ve been working...this,”Shawn points to Atara and then to himself. “This is more, I dunno… important.” Shawn shrugs. “Like I don’t know where you stand, but I’d marry you this second. And I said I’d never do that again.”

“Oh shush.”

“I’m serious.”
A look not often found on Shawn’s face, one of seriousness. No sly smile, no half hearted shrug and not a hint of indifference. “When I say, I love you, I mean it.”

Atara places her hands over her heart and begins to open her mouth to speak, when the front door of the home bursts open. Both Shawn and Atara jump and turn towards the noise. In comes Noah, on his heelies and crashed into the island counter in the middle of the kitchen.

“G’mornin’ cunt.”
Noah nods at Shawn. “Cuntette. Oh coffee.” Noah wheels around and snatches the coffee from Shawn and slurps it down in one go.

“What are you doing here Noah?”
A clearly annoyed and exasperated Shawn asks.

“Well when I moved out you said ‘Boy, leave the PlayStation.’ Because ‘Dallas is boring as fuck’.So now that you’re moving, again, I’m here to collect it and take it back home with me.” Noah looks into the living room and spots the gaming console. He rushes over towards it and tilts his head.

“Yeah about that Dove.”

“It may or may not be working…”
Shawn says while holding back laughter.

“What did you cunts do to my baby!?!”
Noah grabs the system and holds it close. “Did you two fight again? I told you no one wins when you do that, everyone loses! Especially ME!”

“No Noah. Accidents happen.”
Atara calmy tries to calm Noah down.“Your dad will buy you a new one.”

“Don’t placate me…..”
A single tear rolls down Noah’s cheek. “How did this happen!?”

Noah looks to Shawn, who just shrugs, and then towards Atara who whistles as she turns her back to Noah and walks towards Shawn.

“Hold up…Seriously?!?”
Noah holds his PlayStation controller with two fingers. It dangles out in front of him as he looks over towards Shawn and Atara. “Just tell me the truth! What happened to my games? You guys didn’t use it in some weird freaky sex thing did ya?”

“No of course not!” Shawn bellows in their defense.“Not this time.”

“Shawn, don’t put that thought in his head.”
Atara playfully smacks Shawn on the shoulder. “You know how his imagination runs wild, Brother.”Shawn smiles and laughs while shaking his head.

“Guys! Come on! Don’t mess with me!”

Shawn grabs Atara’s hand and the two of them walk out of the room smiling and laughing slightly. Noah looks at the PlayStation and then back at them with a worried expression on his face.


As the camera fades to black.

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
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ALIAS (03-12-2021), Andre Dixon (03-12-2021), Atara Raven (03-12-2021), Chris Page (03-12-2021), HeavensToBetsy (03-12-2021), R.L. Edgar (03-12-2021), Theo Pryce (03-13-2021)

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