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XWF FanBase:
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03-08-2021, 08:07 PM


In-Ring Name: CJL

Wrestler's Real Name: ??? (Not yet known/decided)

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New Character (Have an old character who I used to use with another email)

Wrestler Date of Birth: 11/22/1990

Height: 6'4

Weight: 240

Hometown: Yellowknife, NWT, Canada

Personality: Extremely unpredictable, very short tempered, definitely some bi-polar disorder vibes

Looks Description: Very unkept, long hair, bulky build

Ethnicity: Caucasion

Pic Base, if any: None ATM

Strengths: Extremely powerful/athletic within the ring. Will utilize any odds necessary in order to win.

Weaknesses: Out of ring issues can overtake his mind, can lose focus/concentration easily.

Entrance Theme Music: Rooster by Alice with Chains

Special Entrance (if any):

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Neck breaker
Flying clothesline off the ropes
Standing double stomp
Fall away slam

Trademark Move(s):

Belly to Belly off the top rope: This will start by CJL setting his opponent on the top rope. He'll take a few steps back until charging at his opponent, running up to the top rope, and lifting himself/his opponent off the top turnbuckle and sending them both crashing down to the mat.

Crossface: CJL will lock the crossface on his opponent at any opportunistic moment, mainly when his opponent is already on the mat or if he's reversing a move.

Finishing Move(s):

Brain Buster: CJL will hoist his opponent up over his head/shoulders and march around the ring emphatically before leaping with his opponent and sends them crashing head first on the mat.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:

Repeated Steel Step hits: CJL shows no remorse, especially with the steel steps. He'll use them in a variety of ways, including just plain out throwing them. His favourite way of implenting the steel steps is hitting his opponent relentlessly/nonstop when they're in a vulnerable position.

Leaping off ladders/high structures: CJL isn't a traditional high flyer, but will put his body through whatever means necessary... he also LOVES heights.

Additional notes:

CJL is kind of bat shit crazy.

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