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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Legacy International Entertainment
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-07-2021, 11:15 PM

Legacy International Entertainment, or L.I.E. for those who use acronyms, is a company derived from the brain of Shawn Warstein. He along with his fellow Legacy Stable Mates have decided to branch out. Yet when it’s said “they” what it means is, that it came to Shawn in a fever dream state and he’s running with it and the rest of them are just going along with it for the ride, mostly likely until he gets bored. We are talking like Ned Kaye levels of boredom.

The group all sit around a large table in a very poorly decorated conference room. A few glasses of what we assume is water in front of a few of them. Noah is sitting at the head of the table, flanked on either side by Atara and Raven. Betsy takes up the spot next to Raven, while Jackson Hart is next to Atara.

Oi cunts!”
Noah bellows from the head of the table. “I need updates on everything everyone is doing! I need times and places cunts! We are running a multi-billion dollar company now and we need to start acting like it!” Noah slams his hand down on the tabletop causing the glasses to rattle. Everyone in unison rolls their eyes, while Atara just chuckles.

Listen Noah, I know you’re his son, but don’t start trying to be him.”
Atara drapes a hand onto his shoulder. Noah quickly brushes her hand aside.

Silence woman…”
Quickly Atara’s friendly disposition changes to that of a caged animal.

How about you check yourself… son.”
The words hang in the air for a moment before Noah sheepishly turns to Raven, who quickly looks away.

Atara continues to stare right through Noah, who is now visibly uncomfortable begins to rock his leg in a nervous fashion. When suddenly Noah is saved by the door bursting open and Shawn walking into the room. Phone to his ear and a half drank Starbucks coffee cup in his hand. The audible sigh from the group was enormous, with the exception of Noah who is happy that the ire of Atara is off of him and placed firmly onto Shawn. Shawn gives the group a quick nod as he walks to the head of the table. Shawn looks at Noah and raises his eyebrows.

Shawn waves his hand. “You’re in my spot.”

What? Oh come on…”
Noah points to the rest of the table. “There’s nowhere for me to sit.”

I don’t care. Get up and move. We don’t have much time.”
Shawn grabs Noah by the collar and lifts him to his feet.

Noah points to Raven to get up. Raven just shakes his head ‘No’. Noah then turns his attention to Atara.

Seriously? You think I’m going to move, you’re going to want to think again, dove.”
She gives Noah a wide smile and points him to the end of the table. He grabs a glass off of the table top and walks to the end. He plops down and kicks his feet up.

Well now that that is taken care of.”
Shawn sits down in the throne like chair and looks around the table. “I like what we have going here. It’s a good group. Strong from the top to bottom. Very few people can stand in the ring with any of us and beat us straight up.”

Atara clears her throat and nods her head towards Noah. He has pulled out his phone and stopped paying attention. Shawn pulls out his phone and holds up a hand to the rest of the group, who all stare at Noah.

**Sup…. we boring you?**

The text message notification dings as Noah looks up from his phone.

Hey don’t blame me because you’ve made this the lamest fuckin meeting of all time.”
Noah tosses his phone into his lap. “Four of us have to worry about March Madness not just you. I’ve got to worry about the overweight dingo Keirnan Overton, Atty’s got to worry about Americana making a comeback, Betsy has to worry about a Nosferatu cos-player. All you’ve got to worry about is Ned Cuck. A guy you’ve beaten before.”

Even so Noah. I need you to pay attention.”
Shawn gives Noah a nod, and in turn he rolls his eyes. Resting his elbows on the table and begins to overly pay attention.Right. Now I’m excited to introduce you to The L.I.E Bot.”

Everyone looks around the room as Shawn stands there for a moment pointing at the door. After a few seconds Shawn grows frustrated and stomps over to the door. Opening it and peeking his head into the hallway. A low grumble is heard from Shawn before he returns to the head of the table.

As I was saying.”
Shawn raises his voice. “Introducing The L.I.E Bot.” A few people walk into the room. One of them holding a computer in their hands and the rest kind of just standing there not really sure as to why they are there. Shawn walks up to the one holding the computer and places a hand on his shoulder.

Derek here is the lead technician on L.I.E. Bot, and what he’s built here is…. well passable.”
Shawn shakes his head in a disappointing fashion. “What he has set up is an AI that can automatically respond to tweets that the account has put out. However it cannot respond to any tweet. Why is that Derek?”

Oh…. ummm…”
Derek stutters for a second, clearly nervous because all eyes were on him. “Well it’s difficult to create a program that will respond to key words. When you do that you end up hitting the wrong demographic, and we are trying to stay in the bubble that you have set forth.” Derek becomes more comfortable talking to the group. Ultimately over time L.I.E. Bot will be able differentiate between the right and wrong posts to auto respond on, however it’s going to take some time for the algorithm to take hold. So we have to keep tweeting from the account to see who is interacting and who isn’t, then we can add different parameters and before you know it it will be fully automated. Bring that it’s barely out of alpha, it’s going to have a few bumps in the road.”

That’s why you’re fired Derek.”
Shawn snatches the computer from him and shoves him out the door. “You see when I brought on this team of interns.”

Noah chimes in with a half smile.

“No not slaves. Interns.”
Shawn quickly corrects Noah.

“Well do they get paid?”
Noah asks, and Shawn shakes his head no. “Are they free to leave at any time?” Shawn half shrugs. “Do you feed and house them so that they can work at your beckon and call?”

“That one I do in fact do!”
Shawn snaps at Noah.

“Sorry Dad, sounds like slavery to me.”
Noah nods and looks to the rest of the room.

“Well now hold up…”
Shawn sets the computer down and looks over the rest of Legacy at the same time Noah does. “I don’t like the term slaves. James… what’s a better….”

“Slogan for slaves? You seriously want me to PC the word slavery for you?”
A look of confusion comes over James’ face.

Shawn states bluntly.

“I dunno bro. It’s highly illegal, but off the top of my head.”
James looks around and contemplates for a minute. “I guess I’d go with Unpaid Indentured Interns. I mean at least this sounds less illegal.”

“Perfect. And when they are done with their jobs we can kill them.”
Noah smiles as he looks over towards the remaining interns left.

All of Legacy turn their attention towards Noah with a look of shock and awe in their faces, except for Shawn who is clearly thinking about how to make that happen legally.

“You know like the Meseeks? Once their job is done, they die… come on you guys have to have watched Rick and Morty?”
Noah nods enthusiastically much to the chagrin of the rest of the group, especially the UII’s.

“We will circle back to that. These three are the best and brightest money couldn’t buy. They will be running the new Twitter account and overseeing the progress of the AI Responses.”
Shawn points to them. “This is Emery, Joshua, and Colin. If you need anything from them day or night just give them a quick call and they will get it for you.”

“Uhh those aren’t our names. Actually my name is..”
One of the UII’s says as Shawn turns towards him.

“I don’t care. These are your names now. I’m not giving you room and board, food and internet access for you to talk back. Now get out of here!”
Shawn opens the door and ushers them out. The rest of Legacy state at Shawn with a look of confusion mixed with sickness.

Shawn claps his hands together. “Who’s ready for lunch?”

“Hell yeah cunt! That’s the only reason I’m here, the free grub.”
Noah hops up, as the rest of them slowly stand to their feet.

“Hold up Noah…”
James holds up a hand. “Did you pay rent when you were living with Shawn?”

“Uhh no. That’s weird, my dad wouldn’t charge me rent. That’s dumb, and you’re stupid.”
Noah flippantly responds.

“Did he pay you for all the work you did before we hired a graphics guy?”
Atara asks, seeing where James was going with the questions. “Were you free to leave at any time?”

“I mean no, but he’s my dad. I wouldn’t change him anyways, and yes I was free to go whenever I wanted. I just didn’t need to...”
Noah is slowly putting the pieces together. “Oh fuck you cunts! I’m not an Unpaid Indentured Intern!”

Noah storms out of the conference room in a childish huff. The rest of Legacy all laugh for a moment before Noah storms back in the room and sits down in the closest chair, arms crossed in front of him.

“Something wrong buddy?”
Shawn asks with a smile.

“You’re my ride.”

“Okay buddy. Y’all go ahead and I’ll meet you guys there.”
Shawn nods towards where a camera would be. “I’ve got some things I’ve got to take care of.” Atara stands up and gives Shawn a kiss on the cheek and walks past Noah, patting him on the shoulder. He follows behind her. Jax and Betsy are quick to do the same. James hangs back.

“Not hungry?”
Shawn asks.

“I am, but I’ve been tasked with giving you this.”
James pulls a small blue box out of his pocket and hands it to Shawn. With a gentle nod Shawn grabs it and the two of them bump knuckles. James nods and then leaves the room, and Shawn walks towards the window overseeing the skyline.

“Well here we are again.”
Shawn chuckles to himself. “Was there a shred of doubt in anyone’s mind that I wouldn’t be standing here right now? Clearly the victor in a match against a helplessly overmatched human?”

“I mean that metaphor could go for either BWP…”
Shawn turns around and smiles at the camera. “Or you Ned. I’m fairly certain we’ve played this game before. Noah sent a SWAT team to your house, while you were playing with your loser friends on Twitch. I mean your fan base was leaning more towards me in your general chat then they were for you.” Shawn pulls out the chair at the head of the table and sits down. “And that’s just it isn’t it Ned? How could anyone like you? How could the root for someone as… blah…. as you.”

“It does make more sense now that I have the power of hindsight. They only liked you then because you were the upstart. The plucky underdog. Going toe to toe against the big bad wolf. At the Wolf’s own show. For the Wolf’s title. You were in every sense of the word, little red riding hood.”

“Except the part where eventually she was saved, and the wolf slain. You were left with your own defeat. In a standard one on one match. No tricks. No gimmicks. I did that on purpose. You have no one to blame but yourself for that loss.”
Shawn smiles and begins to run his hands over the table. “You see I have always had a plan. For everything. Every possible outcome. If you somehow, by the grace of your god beat me on Saturday. I’ve got a plan. If I inevitably win, I’ve got a plan for that. You, I can sense it already…”

“Have nothing. You blew your load with that fancy little promo you cut last time. And boy was it a big hit with the boys in the back. However, such is your calling card, you climaxed too early. Stamina has never been an issue with me, I’ve got references.”
Shawn smiles and continues. “That’s one of the many, and I mean, many differences between the two of us. While you struggled to find your place here in the XWF, I always knew where I stood. There was never any question of that, yet you seem to be destined to always be a small fish in a big pond.”

“And while you’ve tried to step out and make a name for yourself, I watched you step out into UGWC’s Wrestle Stock, only to do what Ned Kaye does best… lose. You tried your damndest to grow your brand. Meanwhile I went…”
Shawn stops himself and takes a deep breath. “I’m not going to go over it all again, but just know I’m not a big fish in a small pond. I’m not a fish at all Ned. I’m the fisherman. Clearing out all the bottom feeding fish. Sure I’m bad for the environment, but I don’t give a fuck! Bitch I’m getting paid!”

“And I’m sure you’re going to say.. ‘Shawn you left while I was still here.’... and good for you is what I’ll say. What exactly did you do while I was gone Ned? Did you ascend to the top of the mountain? Did you stake your claim to every and all titles? No? You held the Hart title? Cool.”
Shawn rolls his eyes. “While I was gone I had a lot of time to think about what my next move was going to be. Do you know what that is?”

“I’ll villain monologue it for you real quick. What happened at last year’s March Madness?”
Shawn raises his eyebrows and then winks at the camera. “Last year I went on to cash in my briefcase to win the Universal title, how...umm… did your cash-in go? That’s right you decided to go the route of legitimately cashing in. Well I hope to god you’ve learned your lesson from that. Good guys never win.”

“That’s just the truth in all of this. I know somewhere deep down you’ve got it in you, but you’re scared to let it all out. You don't want to let anyone down, but all your doing in that process is letting yourself down. You could be far greater than you are, yet you’re not.”

“You’ve resigned yourself to mediocrity.”

“Beating me on Saturday is your last chance to make a name for yourself. It’s the last time people’s ears are going to perk up when they hear your name. It’ll be the last time anyone with any power will be looking at you. I can carry you to the finish line. I can get you to the promised land. You have to want it. You have to salivate, and starve yourself to the point where it’s the only thing you can think about anymore. You have to want this more than I do.”

“It just sucks knowing that you don’t.”
Shawn shakes his head in dissatisfaction. “I have and will always want this more than anyone that stands across from me. I could cut your tongue out and replace it with mine and you still wouldn’t be able to taste what the fuck I’m saying.”

“And what is that? Ned we all know that you’re scared. You’re shaking. You don’t know what you’re going to do. And it’s okay to feel those feelings. It’s okay to go through life never living up to your own expectations. It’s okay living life with a singular brain cell and an excellent head of hair. It just means that you’ll forever be destined to be you, while I’ll always be me. I’ll always be better than you. I’ll always be held in higher regards. I’ll forever live on, and you’ll just fade away.”
Shawn mimics a poof with his hands. “And that’s okay Ned. Not everyone is as great as I am, no matter how much they think differently. The result will always be the same.”

Shawn stands up from the desk and pats the table before walking out and slowly shutting the door. Leaving the computer on the edge of the table. The camera zooms in on the monitor.

**L.I.E. System Rebooting**
**Please Be Patient**
**Thank You -Derek**

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
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