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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Weak opinions backed up by even weaker facts.
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Ricky Desmond Offline
Business as Usual

XWF FanBase:
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-25-2013, 08:37 AM

Weak opinions, backed up by even weaker facts.

The camera begins to record, and we see Ricky Desmond handed a Martini by his butler. It becomes obvious that Ricky is on his private jet as we see seats behind him that are empty as well as all of his surroundings. There is no one on board other than Ricky, two pilots and his butler. Ricky takes a sip of the Martini and stares down the camera lens. He has a soft smile on his face, and the whispers that come drifting from his mouth are both tantalizing and blood curdling. As the rant goes on his voice gains anger and loudness. He is in a black suit, with a purple striped shirt and a black tie. The camera is on a tripod opposite him, as he has his shoes; black, slick and leather, up on the table casually.

“Oh Griffin MacAllister, how you've let me down. Your words of fury anger are truly something to behold. Settle down Mr. MacAllister, there's nothing to get so worked up about. (Ricky laughs softly.) Your constant need to refer to me as 'Dick' really does show that it is not me who is full of weakness but you. Your repetition is not fooling anyone Griffin, just like you return isn't. I have to admit though, what you said at the start of you rant was right, I am excited that you've finally come out from under your rock to confront me verbally. Although I have seen much better attempts at undermining me, I will give you a fair 6 out of 10. That's just the problem though Griff. Your fair 6 is nothing compared to my perfect 10.

Why would I need to go back in history to search for some dirt on you? I simply do not care. You see, I may be an intelligent man but the only way I would go back and find dirt on someone who is returning is if they were actually worth while searching dirt on. You see, I did not lie when I said I had not heard of you before I was booked against you, and you even said that you had not heard of me. Of course, my impact at Leap of Faith has no reason to be ignored. As I said though, if I saw you as a challenge I would have found some dirt on you, but why find dirt on someone who has such an irrelevant history that I have never heard of him. Your name is a distant mummer whilst mine is currently an echoing shout.

I don't need to find ammunition against you poor Griff, you see these rants of yours are enough ammunition for me to kill you five times over. It has always been my duty to point out the faults in society, and the XWF is a society that I have just recently joined. I understand the successful people here and I respect them. The people who do not deserve my respect will be slaughtered at will, is that clear young Griff?

Also, you seem desperate to make it seem as though I am the deluded one around here... Did you not see when 'The List' was published? How naïve of you to think that it had been published recently you see it clearly states that the XWF uploaded it over the weekend before my match with Shawn Steele. You see that's just another one of your weak facts with your even weaker opinion. You seem set on repeating the fact that Steele 'won' the match on Monday. However, if you really paid any attention you would see that it was the Connection and I who truly won. Who was left standing? Me. Who needed to go for a concussion test after the match? Shawn. Who actually managed to pin the other person for 3 seconds? Me.

You're making this very easy for me you know Griff. These words come out with ease because you have given me every bit of ammunition with all of these failed criticisms. Mr. Natural is under a rock you're right, and he is avoiding coming to the forefront. I am not Mr. Natural though. I am a natural fighter and I am not here to make friends with people on this roster, if I think they're terrible I will be sure to damn well tell them.

You refer to my words of Mr. Satellite as a promo? And that he could watch those words? If you paid a bit closer attention, it was not me speaking, it was the written opinions of me and you cannot watch words you poor poor fool. You see, I do have the nerve to patronise Mr. Satellite because I know that I will be fighting that freak in the near future. If you want to find some ass kissing though you better go searching for Luca Arzegotti the resident ass sucker. Just ask Madison, he will tell you all about how good Luca is at sucking shit out of a crusty anus. He wasn't included on the list because the guy was holding two belts just two weeks ago, is that so hard to understand Griff. I am anything but a suck up, but I am a man of respect. Believe it or not. You claiming I am under the fat bastard Peter Gilmour or that lump of cunt Swift Ion is making your argument even more laughable. Although that seems where you would like to be, under Peter Gilmour right? Getting your ass ruined by his chode cock. You dirty dirty bastard. You're also clearly missing something if you think that I would not put myself through hell in that ring. I haven't needed to yet but I sure as hell would. It will only be a matter of time until I am bruised and bloody in that ring but have a win to show for it. I understand what it takes to be a success in this company because I am an intelligent man whether you like it or not.

You are moaning and whining about me leading people? You really haven't done any of your research that you claim to have done have you? I have lead and ran a successful business that has made me a billionaire yet you prefer to ignore that so that you can try and undermine and insult my leadership. It's such a shame Griff that the only person you're making look ridiculous is yourself. I really thought you would be better at verbal insulting than you are. You always seem to be giving it Mr. Big Balls when in actual fact you're nothing but a wretched weasel with a vagina where his bollocks should be. Maybe I should start making some kitchen jokes about you after all?

You also go onto insult the people in my group. Isn't it strange that one of those men pinned Mr. Satellite in a tag team match and defeated the team of Mr. Satellite and Luca Arzegotti to become the number one contender for the Television championship. Sure Griff, they were all homeless. Even the other three who also WON on Madness. Your stupidity is well and truly laughable, and I must say I'm not angry but merely disappointed at how damn easy it has been verbally smashing the shit out of you.

You 'called it' did you Griff? I'm going to be a heap of shit in the middle of that ring lying down whilst you get a three count. I'm afraid that's simply not going to happen. You can call it what you want Griff, but that's just an insult. If you want my come back though, you'll just have to scrape it off of your Mum's teeth because I'm not going to bring myself to that level.

I was right from the start when I called you deluded wasn't I? Let's just hope that not all of your memory has gone and that you still know how to fight because I really want one right now and it seems as though I am definitely going to get one.

By the way, it was nice to see you and Duke getting together, I'm sure you had a great time after hours and all that although I'm not quite sure what Sebastian Duke's fetishes, perhaps coffins? He seems to have a habit of being in coffins after all so I can only assume you know. It's such a shame that Madison and never got around to actually murdering Duke instead we have to have his zombie like face roaming these corridors aimlessly searching for chocolate flavoured cereal again.

You know Griff, if you had any sense at all you would beg me to give you a place amongst the Connection. It makes sense, half the roster seem to be doing it so it only makes sense that the returning hero grovels as well. Of course you would just tell me about how different you are, unique and indie. Well it's a shame that all you are is another returning wash up who no one has ever heard of. Your return will be as short lived as Swift Ion's ever so brief career and you'll be forgotten before we know it, without even a loss to a table to remember you by.

I don't need a reality check by the way, you see the fact of the matter is I'm going to make this return something that you'll always remember but you'll always want to forget. See you tonight Griff, I'm looking forward to it.”

Ricky laughs briefly after winking at the camera. The last we see of Ricky is his palm engulfing the shot.

[Image: oNSyU33.jpg]
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