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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Snow Job 2021 RP Board
Reggie's Mixtape: No Sellin Out To The Opps (RP2)
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Reggie Estrada Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-24-2021, 06:47 PM

[The scene opens up with Reggie in his sweatpants and jacket combo with pair of adidas, sitting at a waiting room. It was about heading to 2pm, and he got there to the place before then, then he looks into his phone and see’s he gotten missed called from Doloria he ignores it and places it back in his pocket. Then he sees the receptionist lady calling him to get into the meeting. He heads into meeting, and see’s the people in the meeting watching some Alias’s promos and his matches on a flat screen tv. After they finished watching his current promo, they turn off the tv and they see Reggie in the room. Reggie pulls out a chair to sit around them, and all of them look at him with distain, then one of leaders in his Gucci suit start to speak to him.]

“Reggie, there’s a reason why I called you out in our office, we need to discuss what is going to happen to you and your X-Treme championship you have in your possession.”

“Okay, so what’s going to happen to me?”

“You got either two choices, become like Alias and be all edgy and out there, and always keep on mentioning to “EAT THE LEFT HAND” and start referencing most if not all your previous exploits in the company. We feel like you can emulate that, and get yourself over in XWF…”

“What if I said hell no?”

[Then everyone in the meeting gasped in shock over that question. Then the leader fixes his tie and speaks.]

“If you say no, then your stock in the XWF is going to plummet… whatever your gimmick is, isn’t working far as I can tell. Plus, you aren’t valued member of the roster like he is… nobody is selling off your want to be fuck the system stuff, and he’s more over than you are.”

[Reggie gets a bit mad at that statement, but then nods at his assessment.]

“That’s true, I anit shit in XWF or anywhere I walk in. Maybe, I should start bringing up old shit… start doing poems like if I’m Shakesphere about cosmos… maybe get myself branded like a cow, and tell everyone to eat a Left Hand… that will get me over. You’re right, big wig guy… let me become him, and see my career stock high!"

[Then all of the people start to clap at Reggie’s proclamation, but then Reggie gets up from his chair and tosses it at the flat screen TV. Then everyone got scared as Reggie slams his hand on the table.]

“I am my own man, I am nobody’s property within this company. Unlike him, I’m not haunted by members who keeps torturing me every week… in fact, I am unscathed by those who don’t harm me. So what if he has views, and so what If he has the support of his fans… do they truly understand him?... don’t even bother give an answer. So I’ll have to decline that offer, and find someone else to pester with about being a clone of him.”

[Reggie then tries to leave the room, but the doorknob shocks him couple of time on his hand. Then he turns around where the office turned into a hellish pit where he is surrounded by lava, and the members turn into decaying version of Alias, and the leader turns into a goblin version of Alias, then the leader comes up to him with his left hand up that turned into a knife.]

“Look…I’m not afraid of you, or this hellish pit. I stand what said, you can threaten me with a good time.. but fuck off!”


[Then the decaying Alias all come up to Reggie, who stands near the ledge of the lava floor as they all gang up on him, until a Keyblade named Oblivion flashed in his hands and he hears someone say “GO!” and he starts to swing and hit critical blows onto the Alias minions that all faded away, then the leader grows into Andre the Giant size and tries to slam his left hand on Reggie, but he rolls to the side and jumps in the air and hits him in the head. The whole place flashes white and was in slow mo, but before he could know what’s going on, he ended up waking up once his alarm went off from his phone. As he gets off the bed, he sees Whitney in her gym gear ready to hit a jog outside the hotel.]

“Hey Reggie, you finally woken up from your slumber!”

“What time is it?..”

“It’s almost noon, your alarm went off like six times this morning… why did you set up at 8 in the morning, when you knew you weren’t going to wake up with it?”

“Look, we had a long night prior… and thought I could make it for the breakfast special downstairs, but alas I couldn’t. You look like you about to go out, so let me not hold you up.”

[Whitney then grabs him arm and drags him to the bathroom, she kisses him. Then he has smile on his face, as she tosses him his sweats and shirt in the bathroom.]

“Get ready to go out with me, Reggie… the more you sleep in the day is wasted, we going to a nearby park shortly… so get dressed and put on your sneakers… I’ll be waiting downstairs for ya!”

[Then she leaves him be in the bathroom freshen himself up, then about half an hour later they are jogging in the national park in Wisconsin. We see them jogging until Reggie stops midway to catch his breath, she then kept jogging but noticed he fell behind. As Reggie sits on the nearby bench, she jogged up back to him.]

“Why aren’t you jogging, Reggie?”

“I got tired that’s all, I almost got winded out there. Felt like I was about to have a asthma attack for a second.”

“That’s no excuse Reggie, don’t you want to be tip top shape against Alias this coming Sunday from now? So you need to get your but up and keep moving.. time is wasted.”

[Reggie gets agitated with her tone.]

“Whoa there, you know you can continue without me, right? I am not going to be forced into something I won’t do… for hell or high water, I am my own man.”

“NO REGGIE GET ON YOUR FEET NOW!... there’s a reason why Alias is in tip top shape he’s in, he’s active, healthy, and focused on his goals. Unlike you, where you seem to think that the world hates you and you don’t want to focus.”

[Reggie gets up on his feet, and he balls his fist at her, but due to group of joggers passing by, he unclenched his fist. Then he goes the opposite way heading back to the lot, as she shouted at him.]


[Reggie simply ignores her, and goes back to the parking lot of the trail, with anger on his face and mind. Then about three hours later, we see him checking into a rundown motel six with his stuff in his hand. Then he gets the keys from the front desk and heads to the rooms on the first floor, which he opens with the key and plops his bag on the floor. He then looks into the mirror, and sees his reflection and he sits on the bed, then his phone rings again and again, then he sees Whitney’s name which he doesn’t answer. Then he scrolls on his contact list to JB, and gives him a call.]

“Yo, Reggie, what’s good?”

“Shit anit good man, I’m pissed off!”

“What’s on your mind?”

“You see I met this girl I knew from way back, we we’re coolin until she started talking out of her ass about me not being goal focused or sumthin like that. We were joggin, I got tired, she basically started giving me shit… the last straw was brining up Alias’s name in front of me.”

“Whoa shit man, that’s rough… look, fuck her, fuck Alias.. and fuck those who don’t fuck with you. As I will say this, you are your own’s keeper y’ah feel me. Me and T got your back always.”

“Thank’s man, I needed that..”

“No problem man, since we are in town for the PPV.. how about you come over to our hotel and party with some booze and honeys tonight?”

“Eh, I’m not down for that… got to take care of things on my side for the PPV.”

“Alright man, peace…”


[Then Reggie hangs up the phone, and lays on the bed and the scene simply shifts off into a black void…. It comes back on to see Reggie holding a picture of Alias over a open fire in a alleyway.]

“This is a image of a man who everyone loves, who everyone admires, and everyone who wants to be down for the cause of civilization. The man, who those hold a highest regard within XWF and beyond in my own dreams of nightmares, the man who once made impact in a previous lifetime that I won’t mention, since I don’t want to stir up any controversy in my time here in XWF. This man, who even managed to dethrone Tula for the belt he currently holds to this blessed day, that JB nor Tommy could take away from her. The man, who has this vendetta against Left Hand who decidedly imprison him with being branded like a cow, ready for the slaughterhouse.

The same poor soul, who always feel the need to remind everyone his issues with The Left Hand…we all get it, eat the left hand, and all that good stuff. I know I don’t like The Left Hand and what they stand for, but for the life of me, I couldn’t bother with trying to convince the fed that you want to take em out. It’s like you having a knife in a gunfight, where if you aren’t quick enough, you might as well write your own death certificate for how slow you are.

But, I can’t really blame those demons for wanting me to become you, all sad and miserable with this never ending saga of wanting to eat people’s left hands, and want to remind myself of all the what they have done to me, be all scared and bruised within the soul. Looking at myself and thinkin.. “why aren’t I free from my own mental warfare?”… “when will I stop eating left hand and turn the other cheek”… “what will become of my destiny?”…”

[Then he drops the image of Alias into the fire, and as the flame raises, the more Reggie felt the coldness within himself, as he looked into the ca.]

“Maybe you’re right kid, I don’t have the drive to be a champion, I don’t have the drive to be on everyone’s good side in my lifetime. I see why everyone wants to follow you and your words, since you are pretty much that emo kid who hadn’t moved on from his woe is me and deep introspective clout; everyone seems to latch on to every word you say, like a lap dog waiting for it’s master to feed and walk him, before it comes back for more. They live for everything you do or say, which I can’t be mad about at all.

They see a broken hero, who needs to come home with the victory… with the pomp and circumstances, as they fight for justice and what is right. There’s a reason why they see you in that light, because they understand that they don’t like me, and want to see you be taken onto the top of mediocrity. They want someone to bring the X-Treme championship to the forefront, and that someone is you. They see a man like yourself who wants milk that opportunity to get a briefcase and cash it in, well I have to say something on that…

That isn’t going to happen at all under my watch.

I mean when you kept saying that I am wasting my opportunity with this belt, that kind of makes me laugh...because while you were focusing other things, I had to make the conscious effort to take out the competition and get what’s mines. I don’t feel too sorry for what I’ve done to Dick Powers, and don’t feel ashamed that I’ve pinned Hanari or Main unsuspectedly in the past. Maybe from the world, it’s a punishment that I have to defend it against you… which is fair, and I am fair person at the end of it all.

If you want to take my X-Treme title and make the your fans and the world happy, you are going to have to put in some sacrifices for yourself against me. I will test you, I will break you, I will leave my imprint of my left hand on your bloody face in that ring. You will not be the same man, you will come home in a bodybag and I’ll be sent to jail which I won’t lose sleep over. I’ll keep up my guard when it comes to it, and this belt is just your meal ticket you’d cash in to supply yourself with drugs of god knows what substances you take, and I know it isn’t the Lux variety neither.

Alias… you don’t know who you are messing with, consider this is a warning my friend.”

[Then the scene itself shut itself of into an unknown void.]

A Flithy Animal
[Image: socialist-fist_design.png]
3x X-Treme Champion
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