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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-16-2020, 08:30 AM

Days after his amazing win against Addyson's Eluminia, Tommy is now inside a bar sitting at a table drinking some kinda whiskey. About four shots in, his eyes gotten hazy but he still able to function. Then he see's Lycana, whom he remembered from her chicken hunt, and his remembrance from her faithful encounter with Corey Smith.

Tommy takes one more shot, and he goes up to her, and was standing around somewhere observing people.

"We meet uh once again... when I told you had it... i meant that shit. Maybe as mere chain of memory from your thoughts. Now, don't mind me... I am just living my best life, knowing that I beat a person in a ring at MGM Grand arena not that long ago, but fuck all that... Lycana, I don't want to scare you away or anything but, from that moment I had my eyes on you, I was bounded by... uh.."

Tommy backs up a bit, trying his hardest to calm his "tent" and urges. Once he regained his composer, comes ups to her again.

"Fuck it... Lycana, what do you wish to gain from working in land of X-Treme?... You still on the prowl for Corey and the son of The Duke... if so, then i'll back off and those two guys who are worth more money and positive exposure, can get at you. I'll be a mere ghost.. as I don't fit in with those qualities in these parts."

TBC: Lycana or An Outsida?
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Lycana Offline
The Dark Vixen of Violence

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-16-2020, 09:30 AM

What was she doing in here anyway? There was nothing of interest to be noted, just a bunch of drunks drinking away all their worries. None of them knew what true worry was, simple life's problems? No... there were much scarier monsters that lurked in the dark waiting to swallow them whole whilst they were focused elsewhere. She was fairly disgusted with herself that she had ever participated in such base actions, the night of High Stakes. Oh, the occasional shot was pleasant, feeling the gentle fingers of fire curling down into your guts, coaxing the ravenous beasts inside to awake. She had thought to find, perchance someone of worth, or at the very least a victim. Plenty of those... but all too pathetic for her particular tastes. She is about to take her leave when she senses the approach of someone to her side. Her head turns and her eyes alight upon Tommy Wish. She shifts her body to face him as he speaks.

"Why Tommy... I'm hardly the sort of person you can scare away. I would have thought that by now, youd have noticed I want those who think they are big and bad to come and play my games. I do love a good game you know."

She merely waits as he steps away to compose himself, then as he comes closer she steps towards him as well, closing the gap between them to a mere hairsbreadth, She lifts a hand and idly runs her finger from his throat down his neck, stopping in the middle of his abdominal area. Her pale eyes skip up to meet his, a self assured smile creeping over her face.

"Corey and Thad... mere diversions. Passing interests until they become more insistent blips on my radar. For now, in the grand scheme of things, they matter not right now. They scattered like startled rabbits smelling a predator once they realized what I was, disappointing for sure. Although, Corey does owe me a..... 'date'".

She removes her finger from his stomach and steps away, settling her back against the wall, calmly crossing her legs and looking Tommy Wish over. She meets his gaze once more.

"As for what I wish to gain... Nothing. It is more, what I wish to impart on others. I am here on behalf of the dark, to systematically hurt anyone who might have the misfortune of getting in my path. Win or lose, my aim is to injure. Now, I benefit from the deal because I... shall we say.. enjoy these violent encounters more than most? Tell me Tommy... you truly think that you can handle all I have to offer?"

[Image: 4086c1e276501693b8a7b9fdfa8189402a2e8ba7.gif]

lycana2 (1)
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-16-2020, 11:11 AM

After she spoke to T, he then smiles like he got confidence in the world, but deep down he's more or less scared like a MF'er with how deceitfully attractive she is, and knowing she's into some...dark shit... he then speaks to her.

"I guess Video Games aren't worth playing huh? I mean for a long i've encountered females within this place, they all seemed to be scared of an outsider weirdo like myself. But you on the other hand, that what made me gravitate towards you, almost to a fault of some sort. But you mentioning about me playing YOUR games.... made me want to risk it all with you."

"Also, last time i've observed... you asked Santa Doc for Thad's kinks, and not mines, but by the time you came along i already gotten my present. But hey, baggers can't be choosers right? I know straight away, if Corey came in those doors... and cut himself the pentagram on his chest... you'd JUMP into his arms, like nobodies business!"

As T laughs, she just look at him with a blank expression, then T just heads to the bartender area and gets two glasses of whiskey. He then places the two glasses on the edge of the pool table. Then he takes one sip of his, and offers the other one to her. Still noticing her serious demeanor, he leaves the second glass behind as he speaks to her.

"..On that note, i noticed your finger running down to my neck towards my gut.. that gesture makes me want to say, create some unholy alliance with you and I, but that's just me thinking out loud. But that question about me handling what you can offer.... to that I say, if you think I can't then you can tell me to fuck off. But I know for sure i'm willing to handle you and whatever you put in front of me."
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Lycana Offline
The Dark Vixen of Violence

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-16-2020, 11:40 AM

"Because you dont scare me Tommy. Perhaps you are used to the delicate, fragile creatures that preen themselves, unable to open their minds to anything beyond their own pretty little cages, but that is not me. To risk it all with me is just that... you will either survive, or I will chew you up and spit you out. We both take a chance on this... I give you the opportunity to prove yourself and you do... or we both end up... disappointed."

She reaches for the glass of whiskey, accepting the offering as she mulls over his words. She sips slowly, but upon hearing his accusations, lowers the glass from her lips. Her finger clinks on the glass as her eyes turn cold.

"You know? Never presume to know what I would do Tommy Wish. You could not be farther off in your accusations. Do I look like the sort to fall into the arms of anyone, nevermind ones such as those? If you believe so, I have sadly OVERestimated you."

She sets her glass down rather roughly, with a loud thunk. Sucking in a deep breath, she shoves her anger back down inside, leveling her voice back down to its regular cool timbre.

"Knowledge is power Tommy. Knowing ones hopes and dreams, fears and nightmares, and yes... even kinks and desires gives you power. You might not see that now, but perhaps in time, I can teach you."

Lycana throws her hair over her shoulder.

"Any alliance with me would be unholy dear when I say, that I will test you in many ways. Your strengths, your loyalty, your deviousness. I want to know them all. Consider this, an opportunity, an acceptance of sorts. Should you be able to please me in these... I most certainly, can please you."

[Image: 4086c1e276501693b8a7b9fdfa8189402a2e8ba7.gif]

lycana2 (1)
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-16-2020, 12:50 PM

T, just stands there, looking into her eyes. Then rubs his forehead, as his eyes wonder around.

"The words of a female like you, can make a man drive himself into a line of fire. Blink once, you see a whole red moon in the sky at night, and that's how I see you here tonight. You're like Team Taz without the orange tan, with the whole mantra of "survive if I let you" kinda steelo; now that is what I like out of person. You are my person who I see myself getting involved with, come hell or high water."

"Also, I was just joking bout the whole jumping on arms things, wanted to tease you with my inane banter. It's all just jokes and stuff... but more on important things... this whole testing plot is what i'm leering on... what tests are you thinking of putting me in?... I'm willing know, even if it's written bloody pig latin on piece of a bar napkin with your number on it!"

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Lycana Offline
The Dark Vixen of Violence

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-17-2020, 08:00 AM

"Tread lightly, lest your thorns prick too much. I am granting you this opportunity, but I will never be one to fall at your feet. It would be as equals, both bringing something to the table. I know my worth Tommy, we shall see about yours. That I am entertaining this should speak volumes to you. Dont blow your chance."

She glances around the bar, too many ears about that might overhear. She turns her attention to Wish, starting to make her way towards the exit. She extends her hand in offering, flashing a quick smile.

"As for the tests... lets just say I have quite a few in mind. Prove to me that you are willing to do what it takes, and I will make it worth your efforts. But come, let us discuss privately. Id hate for the surprises to be spoiled."

[Image: 4086c1e276501693b8a7b9fdfa8189402a2e8ba7.gif]

lycana2 (1)
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