Tommy Wish
XWF FanBase: Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos (the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)
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11-15-2020, 02:02 PM
After Charlie's Historic Victory over Knux's TV title, he was in the backstage area, he was getting some promo pics of himself as champion. After his shoot was done, he see's some fans in the back who gained his autograph, then suddenly Tommy hits Charlie with a pipe over his head, as the fans ran off.
"As the world turns, I ask you this question... why do you still need this belt? I know you much rather be single champion, than a triple champion with two belt that isn't even on the High Stakes card, since nobody treats this belt like if it's worth a damn. Why are going to degrade yourself with this title, you already are in the main event at this point, and you need to let go of this belt if you know what's good for you."
Tommy strikes Charlie with the pipe somemore. Then he lets him up on his feet, and he grabs his head and he slams him into a glass window. Then he opens the door as he crawls away from him.
"C'mon TV champ, why you scared? You know full well you are willing to give this belt to the needy. Just like Marf, who managed to pin you at the right moment, but we all know that person who calls it, is within the realm vaping and hair metal binge like if it's 1982. So now, Charlie you need to know that your three belt reign is going to end up coming short by the hands of me. I know at somepoint, you gonna just give it up like your children in your divorce settlement.
I know that shit, and I feel like your own Cane Dewey at home is ashamed of even being apart of the Nickles bloodline, which is nothing more than alcoholics and deceitful personalities that raise in your kind. I know you much rather be home, holding your fifteen minutes of relevancy of a title that you has way more of value than this belt you treat as your trinket in your barbwire Christmas tree.
So you have two options... surrender the belt to me, or i'll have to make your night miserable before you can even get back in your hotel room with your newly minted TV title."
Charlie get's on his feet in an act of defiance, and Tommy hits the pipe in his gut, and he hits his HideYaFace onto him and he covers him...
Charlie Nickles

XWF FanBase: Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos (the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)
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11-16-2020, 01:34 AM
Charlie pushes Tommy off of him before reclaiming his Federweight championship belt off of the floor and rising to his feet. He spits on Tommy's face.
"You know why I hang on to this belt so damn hard? So fuckwads like you can't pollute this division by passing this belt around to each other like it was airborne aids. Do you even understand what the Federweight division is supposed to be about? This is supposed to be the division where the baddest motherfuckers in the industry come to gab it out and throw down, going all-in on every god damned hand. Only those rare few who excel both at talking the talk and walking the walk are meant to shine in this division.
But somewhere along the way, pussies like you ruined it. You ruined this division for everyone. For the boys backstage, for the fans, and even for the late great Feder himself. This division has fallen on hard times, it's true. When job boys like Freak and Greggo are able to claim this gold, you know we've got a major fucking problem on our hands. That's why I can't let this championship belt slip through my fingers. I am all that stands between this division and the chaos that your ilk attempts to sew. I won't let it happen. Not now. Not ever.
I ESPECIALLY will not let Tommy Wish take this strap off of me so he can parade around with it for all of two days. Honestly, you should give your whole career over to Eric Pomeranian and let him run with it. What's the worst that could happen? It would literally be impossible for your stock to drop any further. Eric's reinventing that tired old gimmick you trotted around in, throwing some swagger and confidence into the mix. Let him graduate to the REAL DEAL Tommy Wish and you may actually be able to pick up two wins in a row. Crazier shit has happened, right?
Like what, you ask? Like when you rolled over into my autograph signing and thought you could walk away with my belt! If you want a match with Charlie, all you gotta do is ask! But instead you run up on me like some sissy boy, hooting and hollering gibberish no one gives a damn about.
I'm going to set the facts straight for you, son.
I've won ten matches since my debut. You haven't won ten matches this year. I've won six matches in a row. You've never won half that many in a row. I'm the greatest hardcore wrestler of a generation. You're an emo-child copy and pasted from a mid-2000s Myspace profile. Wish and Nickles? They simply don't compare. We don't compete in the same league. We can't be measured by the same statistics. Your greatest performance would be an absolute embarrassment coming from me, a total stain on my legacy.
Now fuck off!"
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
Tommy Wish
XWF FanBase: Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos (the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)
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11-16-2020, 03:31 AM
After the spit on his face, Tommy then grabs some rope and sneaks up on him and strangles him with it.
"Oh tough words from a man who practicality had to beg for his Heavymetalweight Title last time, by pinning the same man who could have retained his belt against, I mean, look at you and I, while you like to play the game of backstage politics, i'm out here getting people injured and shit. While you think you are king of smashing mouth, i'm the one that most people wouldn't even dare want to talk shit to.
I ruined this division huh?...
Well how come you aren't defending it on tv or on your High Stakes match huh? It's simple, they don't want these so called fans think you can handle your shit talk in the public eye. You couldn't even reach for the stars as a Universal Champion, to know you are tryin to be some gollum or some troll under the bridge with this belt, that at some point you gonna throw into the garbage or into the lake if you had the chance.
Also, you want to be forebear of the late Feder huh? Where's the pencil... where your gun in this moment i'm trying to help you relieve your time as a Federweight champion? Even he would manage to break out of this shit i'm doing to you. The whole thing where you want to contrast the both of us is false...
Me and you are the same, but you just gotten yourself lucky at the right place, and the right time. So what if Eric and Greggo managed to hold this belt? it's no worse than you being all high and mighty with an ego with a size of a 50 foot drop out of the cell; this whole hardcore of the generation is played out, since you couldn't even be hardcore enough to let something go.
So Charlie... while I can applaude you for being a mark of your accomplishments, it doesn't mean shit compared to the times that people like you, who's gonna have their little reality get fucked up by guys like me, the ones who is out to ruin their good times in this place.
At this point Charlie, I won't fuck off until you make that sacrifice of letting your ego get out of your way with this belt and a division that doesn't need a paper champion like yourself being a disgrace for any longer."
Tommy then lets go of the rope off his neck, and lets him walk around. Tommy then pulls out a 8x10 of Charlie and smacks him in the back, and rolls him over for the the pin...