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XWF FanBase: Monster Heel (always booed; cheats; hurts people)
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07-20-2013, 10:44 PM
He was pi$$ed! It was bad enough that their flight out to California was delayed. They had the seats messed up and Eve was sitting up in the spacious luxury spots up front while he was stuck sitting next to some fat @$$ with a bad case of gas. Then some brat sitting behind him seemed to think that the back of his seat was a kickball. He hated flying itself bad enough. He had never been happier than the moment he got the hell off of the plane and out into some fresh air. He caught up with Eve and the two of them went to grab their luggage. Eve's was there where it was supposed to be but for some reason his was nowhere to be seen. That was when they heard his name being paged over the intercom system to report to the customer service center. After getting directions they made it to the counter and stood in line for twenty minutes before someone was able to help him.
Mr. Merchant, I regret to inform you that your luggage was accidentally loaded onto the wrong plane. Instead of this one it went on the one that was next to it. I believe it was the one headed to New York City. I can have it flown back on the next plane heading this way. Unfortunately that won't be until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.
Death Merchant
Isn't this just great! What in the hell am I supposed to use until then. It's bad enough that was a flight from hell itself. Now this $h!t happens. You guys are going to pay for this!
My manager gave me this voucher for a free round trip ticket for you to use whenever needed. He sends his apologies and hopes this helps a little bit.
Death Merchant tore up the voucher and threw it in her face. Like that was supposed to make up for all of the crap. The next time he would definitely use a different mode of transportation. This flying $h!t was for the birds. They walked out and caught the first taxi to their Hotel. Now he was going to have to go out later and buy himself some new clothes just because some dumb@$$ couldn't do his damn job right! By the time they were looking around their hotel room. He was just about fed up with everything. The traffic had been a mess and the taxi driver couldn't speak a word of English.
The hotel suite was a nice one. It consisted of two separate rooms with a Queen sized bed, Dresser, Table, And Chairs. A color television hung on the wall and each room had it's own full bathroom. He made a few phone calls while she took a shower and by the time she was out he had rented a vehicle. It would be delivered within the hour.
He decided it would be a good time for him to check out the XWF website and see if there was anything going on. He looked at the card posting and was delighted to see that he had been added to the show. He would be teaming with Adam Rollins. Someone who was a lot like him. Someone who liked to hurt people. They would be taking on the diseased one himself, Agent Orange and a nutcase named sweet cheapshots in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match-up. Suddenly he felt like he was on top of the world. This match was right up his alley! Nothing like a little TLC to get the blood flowing like a river. It would truly be one bloody evening! He couldn't wait!
Eve walked into the room and noticed the big smile upon his face. She gave him a curious look and walked over to where he was sitting at the table. She bent down and looked over his shoulder and laughed when she saw what he was looking at.
Here I thought you were looking at some porn or something like that by the look you had on your face. Now I can understand why! How much did it cost you to have a match like that? Hell, That's like spending some time at Disney World to you.
Death Merchant
Yeah, I know. And it didn't cost me a dime. I even offered to sign the contract in blood but they wouldn't allow it. Seriously though, This just made up for the way today has been going. Now I am going to take out all of my frustrations on our unlucky opponents. I am going to enjoy every second of it. Oh and the car should be here before long. I thought I would head out and pick up a few things. You should be safe here. When I get back I will get in touch with my people in Chicago and have them see what they can dig up about who has been following you. See you in about an hour. Why don't you call room service and have something sent up for dinner and a bottle of wine. We can celebrate our good fortune.
At that moment the telephone in the room began to ring. He walked over and answered it.
Hotel Clerk
Sir your vehicle has been delivered and is all set to go. Just stop at the front desk and the Attendant will bring your car around.
Death Merchant
Great. I need to head out and take care of some business. Go ahead and have the car brought around. I'm on my way down now.
He hung up the phone and walked out of the room. Hopefully the traffic will have died down a little bit and it wouldn't take him forever. He couldn't wait to take a nice long and hot shower. His body still ached from being tossed around through the turbulence. At least things were finally starting to look up for him now. Adam Rollins and Himself should be able to work quite well together. He was quick and strong just as he was. Both of them fooled people by how quick they were for their size. Not that it would really matter in this match. Another plus was that both of them would be able to withstand a lot of pain and keep going on. They didn't know the word quit. They could take whatever Agent Orange and Sweet Cheapshots could dish out!
The elevator finally made it to the ground level and he walked outside where the parking attendant was waiting with a Dark Blue almost Black 2012 Dodge Charger with the new Hemi Engine. It wasn't the Original 426 Hemi but it could fly! This was one car they wouldn't be getting back. He would buy it outright as soon as his accounts were switched here from Chicago.
Traffic was slow just as he hoped it would be. Except for the occasional dumb@$$ who seemed to be sitting there waiting for the stop sign to turn green. Or the nut who pulls in front of you and then slows down like their on a Sunday Cruise. He wished he had a damn cannon so he could blow them the hell out of his damn way!
Finally he had everything finished and was headed back to the hotel when he noticed the flashing lights behind him. He looked at his speedometer and cursed. 15 miles over the limit would cost him a ticket. As soon as he thought about it his foot floored the accelerator and he took off like a bat out of hell. The officer was taken by surprise and didn't react in time. By the time he sped up Death Merchant was just a dot in front of him.
When he pulled into the Hotel drive the officer was nowhere to be seen. Death Merchant had the Parking Attendant send his stuff upstairs to the room and headed up to take that shower. What a day it has been already. It was time to relax for a while.
He was sitting at the table after showering and checking out the website again when Eve walked into the room. She was wearing a long Satin Blue robe and a pair of blue house shoes. She smiled at him and started to giggle as she walked over and stood in front of him. He stopped and looked up at her. How beautiful she was with her long blond hair and baby blue eyes. She could melt any mans' heart. She had an evil side to her though and knew she could take care of herself. Hell, She enjoyed hurting people and seeing the blood shed almost as much as he did. He had sen her clear a bar one night and beating the crap out of anyone that came near her. Just because she was having a bad night.
Your going to be proud of me. I was able to get in touch with Richard Cranium and he is going to film your promo for the website. I know how much you like to antagonize your opponents. I'm sure Sweet Cheapshots and Agent Orange will suffer the same fate. He will meet us there at noon tomorrow. Also, Dinner is in the other room on my table. The website can wait until later.
Death Merchant closed the laptop and followed her into her room. What a sweet little @$$ she had! So firm and so shapely. You just had to reach out and smack it. Which he did. Then she reached out and smacked him. He smiled knowing that it was all part of the game. When they entered her room the lights were dim and a candle burned on the table between where they would be sitting. The Steak was steaming and the Wine was chilling. It would surely be a good night............
The cemetery was one of the oldest ones around. It's large tombstones and various mausoleums were settled in with the old trees that looked like they had been dead as long as the people buried there. An old rickety gate with a wrought iron fence that had long ago been left standing open and off of it's hinges. Not many people would venture inside as spooky as it looked. Death Merchant had found the place when he was in the area looking for a spot to have his new home built. He knew that this would be the perfect spot to have one of his promos filmed at and now was just as good a time as any. Even during the daylight a darkness seemed to hover over the area.
They were early but it wasn't long before Richard Cranium and his cameraman pulled down the depleted gravel road that led inside. In another five minutes they had everything set up and ready to go. When he was given the signal Richerd Cranium began to speak.
Richard Cranium
This is Richard Cranium on location with none other than Death Merchant. The leader of the Angels of Death. I must say, This place is really creeping me out. Death Merchant, coming up at Warfare you will be teaming with Adam Rollins to take on Agent Orange and Sweet Cheapshots in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. Something I know you are quite used to.
Death Merchant
Welcome to my world. Take a good look around. This is MY life! On Wednesday Agent Orange and Sweet Cheapshots are going to find out what it means to feel pain. They are going to find out that their tolerance level isn't as high as they think it is. You see, I have been in some of the most X-Treme matches ever right here in the WCF. I was even placed into an electric chair an electrocuted. I live for these type of matches. My very first match here I believe was a TLC match against two of the toughest opponents around at the time. I may not have won but I made a damn good show. Something the two of them know nothing about.
Richard Cranium
Word is going around that you have been working hard on the Angels of Death. Any new developments there?
Death Merchant
As a matter of fact, the AoD is getting stronger every day. How about I let you in on a little secret. The Mistress of the Dark Alexandra Callaway will be joining soon and there are others I have in mind to join John Black, JTC, Mystica, Alexandra, and myself. Soon, Very soon. Things are going to get really interesting. It all starts at this weeks Warfare when my Partner and I show Agent Orange and Sweet Cheapshots how things really get done in this business. You see. We are not out here to play games or to make friends. We are going into that match with one thought on our inflict as much pain as possible on the two of you! we like to hurt people. You might say it's in our blood!
Richard Cranium
Death Merchant. You and Adam Rollins have never teamed together. You haven't even faced each other to know what to expect from each other. Will that have any influence on the match?
Death Merchant
That's a good question, D!c# Head. The fact is that both of us are so similar that it doesn't matter. Besides, We have been working out together a little bit and I have no doubts in my mind that we will work fine together. Besides, How hard is it to bust someone over the head with a chair or smash them through a table. The Ladders, Hell, set two of them up and stack a table on top of that and then jump off of the top rope with one of them on my shoulder and smash them clean through to the concrete! Sounds like a blast!
Hey D!c# Head, Remember me? What the hell do I look like some eye candy or something? You ever disrespect me again by not speaking to me and I will kick your scrawny @$$ from one side of this town to the next! Do you got that? Now shut the hell up when I am talking. Agent Orange, Sweet Cheapshots. I was just wondering. Which hospital would you like me to send your flowers and get well cards to? I just thought it would only be fair since my protege here and Adam Rollins will be the ones putting you there. Just in case, Are you sure all of your insurance is paid up? You had better check on that $h!t. Just thought I would get that cleared up. Now, Cranium. You may continue.
Richard Cranium
Thank you, Eve and I apologize. I just didn't know you wanted to speak. You can speak up anytime you want to say something. Death Merchant, Why haven't you asked Adam Rollins to join the Angels of Death since your styles are so similar?
Death Merchant
Damn, two good ideals in one day. Your on a roll aren't you? Actually, Adam Rollins has a lot going on right now. He would be more than welcome but that just may not be his thing. I respect that.
Richard Cranium
Any final words before we wrap this all up?
Death Merchant
The clock is ticking and the days are counting down. It won't be long now. Before long you will begin to get restless. You'll begin looking over your shoulder wondering if the sound you heard was just the wind...... or maybe something more. I might just get the urge to hunt both of you down before Wednesday and hurt you now! You just never know, Do you? It's a shame the two of you have to find out the hard way. Tick tock, Tick tock.............
Richard Cranium
It sounds like Death Merchant is primed and ready folks. I for one can not wait until Wednesday Night to see what happens. This is Richard Cranium signing off.
With that, The screen goes blank.
This has been an AoDStyle Production.