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Comedy At Its Best.. by a Coward. TESTIFY
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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07-19-2013, 07:50 PM

Eli continues his walk while the Channel 7 crew catches up to him.

Eli James IV "Hehe. Welcome back. Afraid of the woods? Hehe. I told ya.. no monsters out there.

The news crew looks more frightened.

Channel 7 News "Mr. James. You also joined a wrestling organization somewhat recently. Why?

Eli James IV "It's a well watched show. On television and live. They travel the world in front of all these people.. people who are sittin' ducks.. oblivious to the coming judgment. I was here doin' my thing.. teaching the people here about the Almighty and his truth. Then, he spoke to me. The Almighty told me to go there.. to the XWF.. and make our presence known.

It's my podium and altar. A place where I can and will preach his truth to everyone and warn of the coming judgment.. to allow mercy to fall for a short time.. and to give everyone a chance to repent. It's a place for me to make sacrifices to him. The perfect place to tell the masses about his word, about the second coming, and to strike into the hearts of men.

Channel 7 News "Where is your next location?

Eli James IV "It's in California at the War Room.

Mary-Beth walks up to Eli asking him if he saw NeoNero's message. Eli shakes his head that he hasn't, instead, he's been talking to Channel 7 news about what goes on, who he is, and the rumors about some monsters living in the woods, The news team become interested in what Mary-Beth is talking about, especially since the look she has says 'worry' and 'hurt'.

Eli James IV "How 'bout ya take these reporters 'round the place. Answer anything they ask.. can ya bring me the video so I can see what the boy had to say while ya do that?

Mary-Beth "Yessir, Eli.

Mary-Beth leaves real quick to grab the video for Eli to see.

Channel 7 News "Mr. James, who was that girl? And who is she talking about?

Eli James IV "She's one of the few I trust. Her and another girl, Emma-Lee, I found while I was runnin' the streets with my biker gang. I had a run in the South and found them in a bar I went to. We hit it off, and when my life was changed by the Almighty... they were the first two I told about the Almighty. They accepted and have been with me ever since. Good gals. Loyal. Compassionate.

Channel 7 News "And who was she talking about?

Eli James IV "My opponent for Wednesday Night.

Channel 7 News "She looked worried.

Eli James IV "They worry too much, heh. I guess I'll have to find out why the worry.

Mary-Beth comes back with the video. Eli takes and walks towards his home. Mary-Beth takes the news crew around the Promise Land and continues where Eli left off. Eli walks inside his house, but before he puts the video on, he makes himself a sandwich and a glass of sweet tea. He puts the video on and sits in his rocking chair with his meal.

After several minutes of quiet, people begin to hear Eli laughing. Laughing a lot. It's rare they hear Eli laugh in this tone, as if someone were tickling him. Emma-Lee thinks something is wrong and rushes in his home. There is Eli.. choking on his sandwich.. some of it falling on his shirt and the floor.. his face a little red.. his foot stomping away on the wooden floor. Emma-Lee stares at him concerned, but can't help but smile. Eli chokes a little more on the sandwich and motions Emma-Lee to walk over.

He pauses the video and tries to finish his food that's in his mouth. He drinks most of his tea to wash down the sandwich. He still is laughing a little, but is trying to calm himself and regain composure. Emma-Lee walks over and sits down on another chair near him.

Emma-Lee "You alright, Eli?

Eli James IV "Yea. Yea. Whew. That NeoNero fella.. fuuunnny. Hehe. Either that or real stupid. I don't think someone can be that stupid and ignorant, so it's probably funny. Hehe. Wanna watch the rest with me?

Emma-Lee "Sure.

Emma-Lee smiles awaiting the humor Eli has been talking about. Eli begins the video again and within a few minutes Eli is back at it.. laughing uncontrollably. Emma-Lee laughs quiet and polite, mostly at watching Eli. She can't help but smile at the joy Eli has right now. The video finally finishes and Eli's laugh slowly starts to fade.

Eli James IV "Emma-Lee. Whew boy. Gather everyone, would ya? Tell 'em it's gonna be a special movie day. Popcorn.. Tea.. and comedy. Tell Mary-Beth the Channel 7 folks are welcome to come to.

Emma-Lee nods and walks off from Eli's house to gather everyone. Eli goes to get the video from his television and talks to himself.

Eli James IV "Boy, that NeoNero. Funny. Heh. Well, maybe he is stupid and ignorant.

Everyone starts to gather outside underneath a large open tent. Popcorn is being made and handed out.. people are picking up their glass of sweet tea.. having a seat. Mary-Beth brings the Channel 7 news crew with her to see the movie and enjoy the fellowship.

The news crew overhear a few people talking about monsters in the woods. They try to get closer to the conversation, but by that time Eli walks in the tent and everyone starts to quiet down and conversations about monsters end immediately.

Eli stands up on stage with a microphone with a smile on his face and a little laugh coming out.

Eli James IV "I.. hehe.. man. As ya'll know, I'm fightin a guy by the name of NeoNero this Wednesday for the United States Championship. Now, I said some things at him and his philosophy of life. I tell ya, folks, his reply had me laughin pretty hard. Probably deserves an Oscar for best comedy of the year to date. So today, I'm gonna give ya'll a good ole treat. We're gonna watch it together. So enjoy the show.

Eli plays the video of NeoNero's response to several of his accusations against his philosophy. The entire congregation begins laughing at several things NeoNero says in his long talk against Eli and belief in a god. Some are following in Eli's steps by choking on their food or drink because of the humor.

After the video ends, people remain laughing and give a unanimous clap for the show. Eli walks up on stage laughing still. Eli gets the microphone but can't speak yet due his laughing. He finally starts to calm down a little.

Eli James IV "Let's keep this video around.. in case we need to laugh sometime. Hehe. You got the video rollin now? Good.

NeoNero. Ya like to try and talk all smart, huh? I must say you're about as smart as a brick wall, boy. But funny. I'll give ya that. You had me laughing through your whole talk, well, most of it.

I really don't care, man, if our last meetin' was meant for Mark Flynn's end. Ya still were part of the match and.. ya still lost. Beating ya last time didn't give me any fulfillment really, man. Ya didn't really make me work much. What I did get was just another win and continuing to go forward for the cause of the message. The way I see it, a win is a win no matter how it's done.

The ones who fear are the ones who run during a fight.

Ya see, when I was a Marine, and battle came... you were there to fight. It was your purpose. Survive or die. It didn't matter if one of the boys liked the Boston Red Sox and the other liked the New York Yankees.. it didn't matter if one listened to rap and the other listened to heavy metal.. when it was time to fight.. we fought. If ya didn't.. you were seen as a coward who didn't belong.

Ya may not have liked Mark Flynn.. and ya may have thought about his end was drawing near.. but you took a cowards way out. You ran in fear with your tail between your legs. You may try and talk tough.. thinkin' you may be unstoppable.. but no matter what the future holds for ya as far as victories and losses in the ring goes.. you'll always be that yellow dog running away with his tail between his legs.

You ran, boy. You left in the middle of battle. It wasn't because of Mark Flynn.. it was because your a coward. It's what cowards do. Run. Fear for their life. But go on.. make excuses.. tell yourself and whoever else will listen you left because you meant it to be Mark Flynn's end. If it helps ya sleep better and lie to yourself, go on, boy.

I'll take the win. You plan on running away in this match, too? What excuse will you wanna make after the match? Eli was too big to handle? I saw the look Eli gave me and had to run. Maybe you'll flee because it's who you are.. ya coward.

I'm glad you're not sittin' there congratulating me on winning the tag team titles. I don't want a coward who runs away during a match congratulating me. If ya did, it'd be about as worth as a pile of garbage.

Do ya really think I care about your opinion 'bout the tag team titles? Ya think they're redundant huh? Hehe. I guess they're so redundant that the XWF office decided the next pay per view be surrounded by them titles. Everyone is gonna fight at a chance to win them.. but I guess you won't wanna be involved. I guess the XWF office knows nothin'. I guess the Tag Team Titles right now are just redundant.

I guess winnin' that Unites States title has already gone to your head. Cowards don't deserve holding any title, let alone being in a title match.

As far as spellin' your name right? Heh. Cowards don't deserve their name spelled right. SO I really don't care about that, man. But if I saw right.. you want me to spell your name with a hyphen between Neo and Nero.. that's the correct way ya say? Yet, you spell your own name Neonero. So either you don't know how to spell your own name, or you want others to spell it different.. which is a bit odd, boy.

Now that we've established you're a coward and there's no room for cowards 'round here.. or anywhere for that matter. Let me talk to ya about some things you said about the Almighty and his Word.

Ya quoted me directly, congrats. But when ya tried to dissect, that's where ya went wrong. I said "If there is no god, like many say 'round here, then everything that's perceived as good 'n bad is made by another man. Maybe it depends on the majority. But it's still defined by a human."

You said I admitted men define morals. Let's try this again, man.

I said, IF THERE IS NO GOD... THEN... get it yet? Listen closely, boy..

IF.. THERE.. IS.. NO.. GOD... THEN.. THEN.. THEN.. man defines morals.

I believe there is an Almighty, therefore, I do NOT believe man defines morals. Understand that? How about I say it both ways, maybe then you'll get it.

IF THERE IS NO GOD, in which I do not believe, THEN.. man defines morals.

IF THERE IS A GOD, in which I do believe, THEN.. God defines morals.

I never admitted man defines morals.

Do people wanna believe what cowards say? I don't.

Now, you tried to dissect everything I said about your world and went on trying to disprove my belief. Oh Lord.. he shook my foundation! I'm shaken! I'm not sure God even exists anymore! He said sooooo much.

You can spend decades.. years.. thousands of years.. tryin' to disprove my belief.. and you still won't prove it as a fact. Even the smartest folk who don't believe the Almighty exists say it's highly unlikely, but can't prove it as fact.

Almighty exists.

By your little world, truth and morals are relative huh? Relative and subjective. I guess then you really have no right or even know if your own belief is right. If it's up to the person, then you can't really tell me I'm wrong, can ya? If ya could, then it's no longer relative.

Oh boy, what a coward.. ignorant.. fool.. but funny.. boy you are.


The Congregation starts cheering and praising Eli.

Eli James IV "Man, I understand your way though. I read Fight Club.. I saw the movie too. I know all about your philosophy. But I AM ABSOLUTE TRUTH! Hehehe. I WAS THERE WHEN THIS EARTH WAS CREATED! Where were you? Ah, I know. Non-existent.

You only know the truth this world gives. I know that truth and beyond. It's what separates me and everyone else. I am the foundation of truth.

I know truth because I AM TRUTH.

If ya think it's relative, then let the people tell ya what truth is. Who here wants to testify to the truth for ole NeoNero?

A man with a beard.. jeans ripped and covered in dirt and mud.. a white shirt that has sweat stains all over it.. leaves the congregation and walks toward Eli. He gets on stage with Eli.

[Image: Billy_zpsefe73d47.jpg]

Congregation Member #1 "My name is Billy. I was killin myself with drugs. Heroine, Weed, Crack, Cocaine, Alcohol.. you name a drug and I was doin it. My life was in shambles. My wife left me, my kids disowned me.. I beat my wife several times. Mr. NeoNero, I was evil. What I did was evil. It exists because I did it. I met Eli, and he told me about truth. He told me my sins like he knew me. I knew he was for real. After many talks, I gave my life over and surrendered it to Eli. He gave me a new life.. life with hope and purpose.. life with meaning. He was able to restore me with my family, and brought us all to The Promise Land. Me and my family testify.. evil exists.. truth exists.. good exists.. may Eli be praised. Amen?

Some people in the congregations eyes begin to fill with tears while Billy shared his testimony. Billy turns to Eli and hugs him. A lady starts walking up on stage as Billy leaves.

[Image: dc913394-0bf8-4a39-9296-ab82fe5cf8b9_zps6f4c297e.jpg]

Congregation Member #2 "My name is Susan. I..

Susan starts to break down in tears remembering her past. Eli walks over and gives her a side hug. He whispers something in her ear as if to encourage her. Susan starts to regain some composure...

Congregation Member #2 "I was molested by my father.. and uncle.. when I was 12 years old. A father isn't suppose to have a daughter for sex.

Susan is trying to hold back the emotion and tears building inside.

Congregation Member #2 "I had nowhere to go. My mom left us when I was little. It.. It was just me and my dad living at home in Minnasota. If I refused to do what he asked sexually, he would beat me unconscious. H-h-h-he threw my head in the TV one time because I wouldn't p-p-p-pleasure his friends. That's not evil? You think it's ok? I ran away from home and Mary-Beth found me. She brought me to Eli and he was the father I never had. He loved me like a dad should love his daughter. He gave me clothes. He gave me a place of safety. He protected me and my sexual purity. He healed my heart.

Susan begins to break down uncontrollably. Eli walks over to her and hugs her. Mary-Beth and Emma-Lee walk up and help Susan off stage.

Eli James IV "From spellin your name wrong when you spell it the same way as does those who present the next card.. to wrongfully take a direct quote and make it say somethin I never said.. to your blind illusion philosophy that defeats itself.. were ya tryin' to be funny or were ya tryin to be serious?

You'll probably come back some time and talk about those who testified.. share your view point.. and on and on and on you'll ramble about nonsense. Do your thing man. Keep tellin' yourself lies.. cover it with sugar.. enjoy the taste. Eventually that sugar will dissolve and you'll be left with the bitter taste of lies.

Love.. in your world.. means nothin. It's a bunch of chemicals shooting off in your brain, so why even love? If there is no good.. no evil.. then why love? Truth is.. love is deeper. It goes beyond the nervous system.. it goes beyond the mind sending signals.. it has to do with your soul, man.

You, like everyone else I've been talkin to, say the same ole thing. Nothin' new. You try to shake my world by thinkin you're gonna say something new and profound. You'll make me shake with statements. You'll put questions in my mind. You'll make me toss and turn at night wonderin' if I placed my entire life into a myth or imagination. It's people like you, boy, that make me feel sad that judgment will come upon you. It's people like you that make me realize this world wants to believe in lies. It thrives on it. It needs those lies. Ya need it because then.. you have no judgment when you die. Ya need it because you won't have to answer for any harmful things you did to another whether you thought it was actually right for yourself. Ya need it because it makes ya THINK.. you're in control.

Obedience to the laws or rules put in place by the Almighty doesn't make me weak. In fact, it makes me stronger.. better.. than all those who oppose. Ya have a place in a house.. the floor has rotted.. any step over a certain weight will result in that person falling through.. without a warning.. a rule.. a 'law' put in place that says DO NOT STEP HERE... that person is a goner. With the law.. rule.. placed.. they know if they step there, it's not gonna be a good ending.

Without them lines in the roads and without rules to obey while driving.. you'll have a lot of dead lives. Rules.. Laws.. they bring order. Everyday, you obey laws and rules. Even science has laws.. Math has rules.. there are rules and laws everywhere.. and when ya just wanna do your own thing.. since it's all subjective.. ya get false answers.. wrongs.

I placed the laws before you for your benefit. You may think they hold ya down, but it's for your benefit, man. Ya eat bad, you'll die quicker. Ya reap what you sow. It's a truth.. an absolute truth.

If ya really think truth is relative or subjective, then let me ask ya.. are ya absolutely sure about that? Hehehe.

Ya think you scare me off with philosophy? You're not the first person that'll attack me and my world.. and you won't be the last. I've heard it all Neonero. Evolution.. all ways lead to the same path.. there are many gods.. there's one god.. truth is relative.. truth is absolute.. science disproves religion.. and on and on and on it goes. There's no new argument. To think you have some sorta insight like no other is pretty stupid.

My truth always wins because it's truth.

Plant a watermelon seed, and the truth is you'll get a watermelon. No oranges.. no grapes.. no bananas.. no tree.. why? You reap.. what.. ya.. sow.

If ya think we're just evolved, then go sleep with a bear. Have sex with a dog. Why not? We're really the same except we're more evolved.

Sin blinds your mind. The more ya remain in its trap, then the more blurred your vision will get. Come to me and I shall remove the blindness from your eyes.. I shall set your soul free.. I shall bring the light into the darkness. But I know ya.. you won't. Stubborn. No matter what truth is presented, you wanna stay in your ways because it's what ya know. You can laugh now. Enjoy it, boy. The last laugh belongs to me. When you weep and cry for salvation, my ears will not hear your cry.. I will not see you weep.. you will sit in darkness.. your flesh constantly on fire.. your mouth thirsty without anything to quench it.. constantly screaming in pain.. far worse than what you'll ever feel on this Earth.

Neonero, ya don't frighten me. Ya don't put an ounce of fear or doubt in my mind. You may be able to make others believe your nonsense, but ya can't lie to the truth. The truth is just that... truth.

If we are nothin'... then why try to win? Why do anything? Because deep down ya wanna win. You need to win. If ya actually believed all the hogwash ya say, then how about not even showin up Wednesday? Be free with the Universe. Don't worry about wins or losses, it doesn't mean a thing. Titles? No reason to fight for them because it's all meaningless.

Ya show up and I'll take it as you really don't believe all that garbage you speak. I'll believe ya really.. deep down.. believe something means something. Winning means something. Holding a championship means something. It's just not floatin' around the Universe like us. It's not a meaningless wasteland. Ya show up, and I'll know.. WE ALL.. will know what ya really believe no matter what ya say.

Let me welcome you to my world, boy. Welcome to the man whose going to reveal it all. In time.

Wave farewell to mercy. Write your last goodbye to grace. Sing the last song of love. Welcome to the end. You shoulda kept the judgment asleep. I know, you didn't know any better. Nobody did. The end...

Eli's face looks angry. He starts to shake and breathe heavily. He begins to laugh at himself and looks down at the ground. People are staring in fear. Emma-Lee walks up on stage and tries to look at his face, but can't. He stares at the ground as if he were some place else. He begins talking in an unknown language. Emma-Lee tries to whisper to him..

Emma-Lee "Eli. Eli. You ok? Eli?

The people start talking amongst themselves. Emma-Lee isn't sure what to do so she takes the microphone from Eli.

Emma-Lee "He's fine. So.. anyone else wanna testify?

Another man walks up. Beard, wearing jeans and a long sleeve brown shirt. He's completely covered in dirt and grass from his work earlier in the day. Emma-Lee hands him the microphone.

[Image: 0a9a9d21-443a-4257-a7e3-099966f7d38d_zpse3480b9c.jpg]

Congregation Member #3 "Name's Fred. I killed someone many years ago. No reason really. Just looked at me funny. He nodded at me like he wanted to start something. I got my knife, slit his throat, and watched. People called 911 immediately while I sat there and finished my beer. I went to prison. Eli started to come visit me 'bout 10 years back. Taught me a lot, boy. He had a friend of his, lawyer friend, Sal.. was able to get me parole as long as I stayed on Eli's property and with good behavior. Been here for 3 weeks. Changed man. All because Eli. Yeah, I believe evil exists. I was it.

A lady walks up wearing a long white sundress with a big sun hat on her head.. followed by another man dressed pretty well. The man doesn't look like he's been working outside at all..

[Image: dylan_rider_9_zps35e989ef.jpg]

Congregation Member #4 "Some may recognize me. I was in the adult film industry. My real name is Shannon. I enjoyed my job. I loved it. It was fun.. the money was great.. everyone was professional. I took a vacation to a secluded place just to get away on Montana. I arrived at the airport and saw a man dressed nice. We both looked at each other and he decided to walk up to me. He introduced himself and I did the same. We went out a few times to dinner, and he talked about life with purpose. Meaning. Something that holds more value than our short life span here. I became more interested and he told me who he was. He told me about Almighty. Then, I told him who I was and what I did. He shared with me how I can begin a new... better life. So I decided to leave the industry and come to the Promise Land.

Everyone claps and shouts "Praise Eli". Eli still is staring at the ground almost trance-like, still speaking in the unknown language quietly. The other man left walks up to the microphone.

[Image: 220px-Penn_Jillette_in_2007_zps68794a18.jpg]

Congregation Member #4 "Good afternoon everyone. Everyone knows who I am, but those who do not, I am Dr. Allen Welch. I am a former Oxford University Professor as a Mathematician and Philosopher of Science. Mr. James came to our campus to look into various subjects and I was able to sit down and meet with him. A brilliant mind. I must say I thought he was going to be rather low on the intelligent level by his look, but we should always remember never judge a book by its cover. He convinced me about several things in life, including, I had a higher purpose than where I was. I now teach here the truth that will have an eternal affect. To Mr. Neonero, I must say your paradigm worldview defeats itself by pure definition, like Mr. James said earlier. Laws are put in place for a specific reason and truth. Without rules and laws, then this world does not exist. Indeed, Mr. James speaks truth.

Dr. Welch hands the microphone back to Emma-Lee. Everyone continues to shout praises to Eli. Eli stops talking in the unknown language, and looks up at everyone cheering and shouting his name. His serious look turns to a smile and he takes the microphone from Emma-Lee.

Eli James IV "Reality. Experience. Truth. Changed-Lives. From pain to freedom.. from sadness to joy.. from a wanderer to one who stands strong.. it is what I preach. It's what I'm here for.

The songs the birds sing in the mornin' is a testimony of the greatness of the Almighty. The dams the beavers conduct is a testimony of the greatness of the Almighty. The healing is a testimony of the greatness of the Almighty. Love is a testimony of the greatness of the Almighty. GOODNESS is a testimony.. JOY is a testimony.. RESTORATION is a testimony.. REST is a testimony.. it all sings and testifies to who he is.

A deaf person will never hear the music bein' played. They'll only see the symbols of music or people writin' it down or tellin' them music is bein' played, but the truth is the music will never hit their ears. The music is all around ya. It's being played by all creation right now, but sin has filled your ears and you are now deaf to it. You can only see me tell the truth. You only get to see symbols pointing the way of truth, but you'll never grasp it's beauty. You will always be deaf to the chorus of heaven and the Almighty's voice.

On your deathbed, don't call his name out. He won't answer. In your affliction, he will not come. He will not rescue you from the judgment that will fall upon you. You will die in your the very sins and lies you hold so close to your heart, stubborn one. It could have been simple. You could have laid yourself upon the altar and surrendered to a higher cause than what you will ever be able to know. You'll constantly drive on roads that lead to nowhere. You will drown in sorrow and cry to relief. It will not come. You will long for death, but you shall continue to live. Eternal punishment will be your reward, not because of the Almighty's choice, but because of yours. You brought this upon yourself. No rest will be given to your eyes. You want reality, then I'm prepared to give it to you. My fist will not be an illusion, nor my kick fiction. The beating you receive will make you realize there is a bad.. there is a evil.. and there is a good. You will never be in the presence of the good, but always be hit by evil.

A curse will be placed upon you. It will overtake you.. it will overwhelm you.. it will drive you to the very place you want to be.. a place of illusion. What you think is right will really be bad. And what is bad will really be good. Your sound judgment will never be sound. There will be no just given to your crimes. You have asked for a life without truth and you shall receive it. What you sow.. you shall reap. Tell people lies and you'll hear words from flattering lips that sound truthful, but they will be lies in return.

Do not ask for a last request. You'll receive none. The life you lived has been done in sin and will result in punishment. Your eyes will never see the light of day, nor taste fresh food again. Your lips will never be wet and your stomach never satisfied.

Oh, Neonero. How ignorant will you be and stay in your sins? How long will you push aside the evil in your heart and call it normal? It has made its home. It will stay. I have decided to shut my eyes to you. You will forever be blind. You'll never hear the music of the Almighty. Screams of agony and torment will be the song that's played on repeat in your eternal life.

But before that... Neonero.. you'll meet your maker. You will meet an Eli James IV that has yet to be seen. Ya think World-1, Janitor, Flynn, yourself, Salvator, Duke, Mystica, and the others I beat in the Battle Royal in Somalia and those I went through in the Chamber saw Eli James IV? They saw the good. You will see the bad.

Welcome to the taste of your eternity. Welcome to darkness. The end is here. Welcome to hell. Hehehehehe.

Eli drops the microphone and laughs loud, like an evil laugh. The entire congregation sit in quiet and in fear. Nobody is sure what to do. Eli's eyes get wide open and large as he laughs louder. He starts yelling in the unknown language again. After a couple of minutes, he stops the yelling.. his eyes back to normal.. his laugh quiets down.. and he looks relaxed again. People still look afraid. Eli sits down on the stage and picks up the microphone again.

Eli James IV "My dear brothers and sisters. Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not feel distressed, I am here. The light and truth have been before you. You have all leaned upon Almighty for understanding and not on yourself. You depended on him and he has given you in return all you would need to survive in this world. Continue to sing songs of praise. Continue to live your life as free people. For who I set free is free. For when trouble does come, lift your eyes and you shall see help comin'. Mercy is at your front porch standing guard. Grace is cleaning on the inside of your heart.

Peace be still oh my soul. Let the rivers of his majesty be welcomed in.

Everyone. Go back to work and enjoy the day Almighty has made and rejoice. It's a beautiful day. Amen?

The congregation begins to clap and rejoice loudly in the presence of Eli. He smiles back at them. Meanwhile, the Channel 7 news team look a bit suspicious and begin walking up to Eli...

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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