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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 RP Board 2020
A (Last) Day In The Life?
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Andrew Logan Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

09-24-2020, 09:03 PM

[Image: andrewloganroster.jpg]

11:20 PM

~We slowly open on an image we've seen multiple times before: Andrew Logan's old kitchen. Andrew is seated at the table, looking around, always amazed at how vivid it looks. It almost feels like he's actually there. A woman walks in: Grace, Andrew's lost wife. She stands next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder, and he smiles faintly up at her.~

Andrew Logan - I'm sorry for what happened to you, Grace. I still can't quite remember yet, but I've come to terms with the fact that I deserve blame for everything that went down.

Grace Logan - You shouldn't try to lift the whole world on your shoulders, Andrew. I made my own decisions.

~Andrew slowly reaches up, taking Grace's hand in his own.~

Andrew Logan - If there was a way to go back and change all of this, Grace... I would do it, no hesitation.

Grace Logan - I know, my love. But for right now, don't worry about the past. Worry about the future. Now get up, Andrew.

~Andrew starts to stand, beginning to cough. He looks around the kitchen again, seeing flashes of light. Shadows are dancing along the walls.~

Grace Logan - Get up, Andrew..... GET UP!

11:23 PM

~Logan snaps his eyes fully open, seeing the flames that are gathered all around him. He turns, rushing forward towards a closed door, slamming all his weight against it. The door cracks under the pressure. One more good shot shatters it for good, allowing Logan to stumble out into an inferno. The office building has been lit up, with cubicles forming a burning maze in front of Logan. A maze that doesn't look survivable.~

Andrew Logan - Fuck!

~Logan starts to run around the wreckage, ignoring the blood he can feel still oozing from a wound on the back of his head. He works down one path, but a fallen piece of the roof blocks his path, forcing him backwards due to the intense heat.~

Andrew Logan - There's got to *cough*... be a way...*cough* out of here... *cough*

~Logan looks up suddenly, noticing another piece of the ceiling about to come down... right on top of him...~

9:33 AM

~The image shifts to much earlier in the day, where we see Andrew Logan seated in what looks to be a breakfast dining establishment with a younger woman. This woman has been seen before as well: Michelle Cuthers, a long-time friend of a man that Logan is desperately seeking. The two have plates of bacon & eggs in front of them, with Logan having also gotten the pancakes. The eating has been sporadic, though, as the two have spent the time talking about Michelle's findings.~

Michelle Cuthers - I still can't believe Malcolm did this much work for you. There have been so many documents to go through.

Andrew Logan - Malcolm was always nothing but thorough.

Michelle Cuthers - "Is", Andrew, not "was". We don't know that he's...

~Michelle doesn't finish the sentence. She doesn't have to. Malcolm has been missing for weeks now, with no sign of anything changing. Logan last saw him when he was asking Malcolm for a 'favor': to look into his past and discover the truth of what really happened to Andrew Logan's wife. Malcolm vanished, but his flash drive has been giving up information to Michelle once she's able to decode them... including a fake obituary for Grace and other false documents online. Michelle pulls out one of the latest items she's accessed.~

Michelle Cuthers - As you can see here, Malcolm found this documentation for you. It's from a psychiatric institution.

~Logan takes the file less than enthusiastically. This, at least, is something that's familiar to him.~

Andrew Logan - I don't know why he was looking at this one, Michelle. I... did spend some time at this facility. I had to work through some... personality issues I was having.

~From the look on Logan's face, "personality issues" is an understatement. But Michelle is already shaking her head.~

Michelle Cuthers - But that's the thing, Andrew. Malcolm apparently found two sets of documents. In that one, it talks about you fighting multiple personality disorder... but in this one, the diagnosis is different, simply dealing with depression.

~Logan looks back and forth between the two printouts, even more confused.~

Andrew Logan - Wait, I wasn't there for... but then... I don't understand this at all. Why would everything be changed?

Michelle Cuthers - I really don't know, Andrew. But you do see who committed you on the second sheet, right?

Andrew Logan - My uncle... son of a bitch...

~The two continue to go over the details, as the waitress comes by and looks disapprovingly at the lack of food being consumed.~

The last time I made my way onto XWF Television, I was set to fight a Wizard. That one didn't go the way I expected it to, because in my mind, I saw the Wizard being unconscious because of my own hand, instead of someone else's. It proved to be a waste of my time, one that slowed down my path towards the top.

But now I've found out that I have another chance at Relentless. Amazingly, I only have to defeat three other men in one contest, to earn a future title shot against the Television Champion, whoever that turns out to be after this weekend is over. Child's play, when you think of how many I defeated to win the Leap of Faith Battle Royal. Three should be a breeze, assuming I make it there in one piece. Each of these opponents I have a different level of knowledge about. Each is debatable as a threat.

You have Johnny Legend. I guess I have to take back my "Legend Killer" status, as the man decided not to die after all. Props to him for that, as although I wasn't completely trying to end his career, I was hoping I'd at least put him down for a while. I defeated Legend quite handily, which most would take as a sign that I'll be able to destroy him once again. But in my mind, I consider Legend the most dangerous foe in this competition. Am I suddenly respecting the man's talent inside the squared circle? No, he's still a buffoon who should have probably stopped while he still had a few brain cells left to allow him to remember his competition. But Legend might still instinctively know what it's like being in the ring with me. He, more than the other two, might actually have picked up a trick or two to use against me. So I guarantee that when I get to that ring, Legend will be my primary target, at least until he's laid out, drooling, on the canvas.

The Incredible One is an interesting opponent. I know TIO's history from some of the other organizations he's gone through, including my former stomping grounds, OCW. We've both been OCW World Heavyweight Champion, and while I'm sure he doesn't want to acknowledge my run at the top, I'll give him full credit for being a dominant force then. The problem is that since then, The Incredible One has spent his time as The Unpredictable One. Sometimes you get the world-class athlete who can match you move for move, a truly threatening foe. Sometimes you get a wrestler chasing after past glory who lost his edge and can't find a way to replace it. I was hoping maybe we'd be getting the former, but at this point, TIO is looking on the way OUT. Maybe he'll surprise me. Maybe the man who's done what I crave and gotten into Hall of Fames can reemerge for this contest. A fighter can dream.

And then there's Felix Jones... who sounds like an animated character, not a wrestler. He's clearly the man I know the least about. He appears to be the smallest wrestler in this one, which is probably going to be a major drawback when you consider the beef involved. But he's also a former X-Treme Champion. He's been to the, well, not to the top, but he's at least been a man who wore some gold. But get got his ass handed to him by Hanari Carnes. Actually, it was more his own arm being ripped out of its socket. On the plus side, Felix could probably scratch that itch on the lower back for a while. Is he fully healed? Because this looks like the first time he's returned to the ring since the incident that might have earned him the nickname Lefty in the future. From what I've seen, Felix was put in this match out of his past accomplishments, not for anything he's done since he tasted defeat.

And that seems to be the crux of the matter for this one. Legend, TIO, Felix, they all seem to have one thing in common: they're all on a downhill trajectory in their careers, trying to find some last gasps of hope amidst their crumbling job prospects. You can't tell me that any of these guys deserve a title shot from what they've done lately. I, on the other hand, have all the accomplishments laid out in front of me. You may get tired of hearing them listed, but I never will. Manifest Destiny winner. Leap of Faith Battle Royal winner. Legend Killer, or at least Legend Eraser, the way Johnny's memory has become. And now Spellbreaker, as The Wizard was left out cold at my feet, unable to weave any magic to save himself.

Who is the only wrestler on their way up the ladder? Me. Who is the only wrestler not facing obscurity? Me. And who is the only wrestler who can flip off someone from impossible directions? Well, that's probably Felix again. I hope his arm holds together this week. It'd be a shame if it came off permanently this time.

Legend, if you can just remember one thing, remember this: you agreed to fight me again, so this is all on your addled little head. TIO, show me something, anything, to make you anything more than a forgotten threat. And Felix? Give me a wave to show that you still can. It's hard to believe, after what I've done in this fed, these are the opponents I have. Page must be praying that I slip on some vomit and be unable to stop a pinfall, because that's the only way I'm not coming for the Television Championship. To all my weakened foes, all I can say is: Treasure Every Moment as if it were your last.

3:56 PM

~We return to real life, this time joining Andrew Logan as he waits in a police station for Detective Ramirez to finish his phone call. Logan impatiently kicks at the chair, even as the phone clicks back down.~

Detective Ramirez - Please don't break that, Mr. Logan, I'd be forced to arrest your, and that leads to paperwork.

Andrew Logan - Sorry, but I've got better things to do than just hang out here.

Detective Ramirez - I'll make it short and sweet then. Have you received any communication from Mr. Malcolm Price?

Andrew Logan - You couldn't have asked me that on the phone? Damn. No, I haven't heard from him. I was hoping you called me in because YOU found out something!

~In response, Ramirez shifts his monitor around to show to Logan. There appears to be a spreadsheet of data there, which has Logan almost immediately cross-eyed.~

Andrew Logan - What the hell is that?

Detective Ramirez - That, Mr. Logan, is the evidence that Mr. Price was an embezzler. We think he made off with roughly $2.3 million dollars.

Andrew Logan - Malcolm? You're barking up the wrong tree. Don't get me wrong, he's smart enough to pull something like that off, but only if he was donating it to some charities.

Detective Ramirez - No, we're almost certain that he kept all of it and is currently on the run. If you are in contact with him and we find out, it could go very, very badly for you.

Andrew Logan - That almost sounded like a threat, officer...

~Logan's arm tightens on the chair he kicked earlier. A noticeable crack is heard. Ramirez appears to start to sweat, as he wipes a hand across his brow.~

Detective Ramirez - I'm just letting you know the facts, Mr. Logan. Stay in touch, and don't...

Andrew Logan - If you're going to suggest to not leave town, you might want to remember I'm a wrestler. So I'll be going wherever I want, no matter what you say. As an example...

~Logan suddenly turns and leaves the room, with Ramirez seemingly grateful to see him go, even if it means he has nothing on him. Some meetings just aren't worth your time. The shot jumps to outside the police station, as Logan stops to consult his phone. He thinks it over out loud.~

Andrew Logan - I know you didn't do this, Malcolm. But I wish you'd find a way to contact me, buddy. I wish there was something more I could do... but then... maybe there is...

~After a few more seconds of though, Logan presses an auto-dial.~

Andrew Logan - Michelle? It's Andrew. Look, if I can get you some financial documentation, you could find a way to sort through them looking for discrepancies? I know it's not like writing code or anything... you think you can? Alright, then hopefully after tonight, I'll have something for you. Yeah, just gotta pay another visit to my uncle's office...

~Logan hangs up, nodding to himself. It's time to go back where a lot of this began.~

10:32 PM

~We cut to a shot from inside the office complex of Uncle Arthur Logan, a well-known criminal who always found a way to avoid any prosecution. On this night, though, he appears to be the victim, as we see the front door finally give way after some work from Andrew Logan. He steps through the doorway, listening for any alarm going off, but thankfully hearing nothing. He knew his uncle was probably too big a cheapskate to secure things fully. He walks past the cubicles, heading for his uncle's office, the one most likely to have the documentation he needs.~

Andrew Logan - Alright, Uncle. Let's see what you've been hiding.

~Logan's luck seems to continue, as his uncle's office door is standing wide open. This makes Andrew pause for a few seconds, as Uncle Arthur at least seemed to be the type to lock up his own stuff more securely. Andrew stepped inside, looking around, and he looks even happier to see the blinking lights on the computer, as everything seems to be unlocked. Logan steps towards it, prepared to see what he can find, when he hears the slightest noise coming from behind him.~

Andrew Logan - Damn it. Didn't clear the...

~As Logan starts to spin around, a blast of electricity can be seen from a taser rifle, hitting Logan squarely in the chest. After what seems like an eternity to the wrestler, the lights finally go out, even as Logan feels his head smack down on the side of the desk....

11:25 PM

~We return to the imagery of Logan standing in the midst of Hell, as everything appears to be on fire. He just barely dodged oncoming debris from the ceiling, saving himself a scorching burn across the back, but it's starting to look more and more inevitable that things are going to end here on the Andrew Logan Comeback Tour.~

Andrew Logan - Think, man, think! There's got to be another... oh, fuck, that's right! The bolt hole!

~Logan turns and runs back the way he came, seemingly deeper into the inferno. He has a plan, though, if he can only survive long enough to implement it. Soon, Logan is back in Uncle Arthur's office, reaching out and grabbing the computer on the way back. He rips the top off, quickly yanking the hard drive out in a method that would make any computer professional scream in agony, but he has no time to spare. Logan then turns to a set of file cabinets in the back, ramming into them to knock them out of the way. Behind them lies a hidden doorway, put in especially for if the police were raiding the place. Logan heads through, taking the hidden ladder behind the door down to the sewers, and finds a way to safety. He emerges further down the road, conceivably outside of a police zone, as he sees the fire engines pulling up to combat the blaze. Logan turns and walks in the other direction, wanting no connection to the fire.~

11:58 PM

~Back at Logan's loft, we see the wrestler sitting back, thinking things over as he taps the hard drive in his hand.~[/i[

Andrew Logan - So who did it? I could see Uncle Arthur burning his own place down, I'm sure it's insured... but surely he knew I'd be able to get out of that room, and he's the one who told me about the bolt hole. Could it have been someone else? Someone breaking in the same time I was?

[i]~Logan stares down at the hard drive once more, thinking about the processor sitting in his hands that someone else had accessed.~

Andrew Logan - Was it you, Malcolm? Did you try and kill me?

~Logan shakes his head, knowing there's no proof of that... but it's still a possibility to consider. He looks at the clock as it turns once more.~

12:00 AM

Andrew Logan - Brand new day. Time to make the most of it.

~Logan gets up and walks off, having no intention of going to sleep, even though his body might need it. We fade out.~

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