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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2 RP Board 2020
Soft Deadline The Scam Artist Pt. 1
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Ruby Offline
The Super Dear'o

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09-18-2020, 06:38 PM

From the RuMoByle’s dashboard cam…

Ruby was driving along the highway. She had her banana-lime costume on, except for her trademark mask. French chansons were softly playing on the radio (Edith Piaf was dishing out an absolute banger, in all truth) and the Banana-Lime Blur tapped her fingers on the steering wheel along the rhythm of the song.

She looked over to the passenger’s seat where her father sat. He too was tapping along to the rhythm of the song, but on his knees. There was a rather awkward silence between them, which was completely atypical for two of the most jolly, cheerful and optimistic people imaginable.

Quote:Flashback time! We see the Debuchy family sitting on the couch in Ruby’s parental home. Ruby is sat in the middle, with herr mother to her left and her father to her right. The former Anarchy champ is leaning forward, elbows resting on her knees while her mother is sitting straight with her arms crossed and her father leaning back with his hands on his thigs, like a punished schoolboy who’s been told not to move a muscle.

Ruby: “Whassup my flippies! It’s been a bad, bad week for ya girl, hasn’t it? But as my mother always says, you need the bad stuff to recognize the good stuff!”

Olivia: “I believe my exact words are that the rain makes you appreciate the rainbow.”

Ruby: “Exactly! And we’ve all had some bad stuff happen to us. It’s been… Rainy. As of late. Nobody likes rain. Sure, it makes for a dramatic entrance when you come crashing down a rooftop window and thunder and lightning strike at the same, but coughing syrup is expensive, and these days they’ll call you a super spreader if you don’t cough into your elbow. Which is fair. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that our family has gone through a bit of a rough patch. There’s me losing my beloved Anarchy Championship…”

Olivia: “And then there’s that DOOFUS…”

…she looked over at her husband, who was pretending there was something very interesting going on on the ceiling near the chandelier…

Olivia: “…of a husband of mine who gave away several thousands of our hard earned Canadian dollars to a scammer!”

Ruby shushed her, and patted her on the knee.

Ruby: “Oui oui maman, pas nécessaire d’insulter papa.”

Olivia Debuchy wasn’t entirely convinced, and Ruby sighed.

Ruby: “So yeah, it looks like dear old daddy-o fell into the trap of a certain Nigerian prince. Anyone who saw my recorded promo, love that term by the way, for last Anarchy, should know what I’m talking about.”

At that point, Nicholas Debuchy broke his silence, as his self-defense mechanisms kicked in.

Nicholas: “His Royal Highness Jones Dimka sounded like an honorable person! The man’s fortune is being held by the government who killed his royal father. It was a coup d’état! I just wanted to help!”

Ruby: “And I love you for that! But face it, pops, what you did was silly. Some people are just villains, and they’ll take advantage of you and your culpability. I want to believe everybody is kind and righteous, but that’s not the world we live in. And the good guys need to put the bad guys behind bars. This guy scammed you out of money, and we’re going to get it back.”

Olivia: “Or a certain someone is going to be washing dishes at TJ’s Diner around the corner.”

Nicholas: “…I bet I’d break less than you…”

Olivia: “Pardonnez-moi?”

Ruby clapped her hands, to regain the attention of her parents.

Ruby: “So yeah, pops and I are going to go on a quest to retrieve their hard earned cash. Relentless is coming up, and I’m already going to be stressed out enough about having to prove to Centy that he wasn’t wrong to put his trust in me. I can’t be worrying about my folks having to try and make ends meet also. So this mister Dimka…”

Nicholas: “His Royal highness PRINCE Dimka!”

Ruby: “…yeah, him… will be wishing he never tried to scam the father of the Super Dear’o!”

We go back to the RuMoByle, as the rather awkward silence continues. It’s not until they hit a small pothole that it’s broken. Ruby winces from the bump in the road, grabbing the back of her neck instinctively. Her father looks over at her with a worried look.

Nicholas: “Sweetheart… Are you doing okay?”

Ruby tried to shrug it off, as she usually did when she was hurting.

Ruby: “I’m fine, dad.”

Nicholas: “You certainly don’t look like it.”

Ruby: “Thanks?”

Nicholas: “Don’t go and give me lip, young lady. You know what I mean. I’m worried about you.”

Ruby forced a smirk.

Ruby: “Aww, come on pops! I suffered like, what, three beatdowns in one night? I’m used to that…”

Ruby was referring to last Anarchy. Not only had the Brotherhood of Baddies taken her Anarchy Championship through sheer force of numbers, Cataclysm had also made it crystal clear that they were not going to let her team-up with Centurion be a merry joining of like-minded heroes. Still, she wasn’t going to let that affect her. It was taking every fiber of her being not to break down both physically and mentally, but she was a hero. Not in her own eyes, but in those of others… And she knew that the symbol she had represented for so long would shatter if she showed any weakness. The only way to stand tall was to not just rise up, but push back all the forces that were coming at her. Not an easy task. But ‘easy’ had never been part of her job description.

Still, the concerned look on her father’s face didn’t fade away even remotely in spite of her bluff, and Ruby sighed again.

Ruby: “Look, just trust me, okay? I know my limits.”

But Nicholas shook his head, and gently put his hand on his daughter’s shoulder.

Nicholas: “No can do, Superstar. I do trust you, but we both know you don’t know your limits. Remember that time you went skating on a half-pipe without a helmet and went straight for that Stalefish even if you’d never set foot on a skateboard before? Or that time we went scuba diving and you asked me where the Mariana trench was because you wanted to see what was at the bottom?”

Ruby: “Heh… Yeah… Or that time I kicked some bully’s bottom and decided I wanted to become a pro wrestler?”

Nicholas: “I was never more proud.”

Ruby: “Sometimes it pays to try and overachieve and set unrealistic goals, pops.”

Nicholas: “Like that time I tried to unfreeze a Nigerian Prince’s inheritance so he could regain what was his?”

Ruby’s eyes turned to slits, then opened up again.

Ruby: “… point taken. But still, come on. I knew I should’ve installed that anti-spam program on your computer.”

Nicholas: “So my e-mails about my foster elephants get blocked? No, thank you!”

Ruby: “You have a foster ELEPHANT??”

Nicholas: “Yeah, in Kenya! I send it $30 every month for food and water, and to keep it safe from poachers! In return, I get pictures. It looks really happy.”

Ruby wanted to facepalm herself so badly it took all of her composure to realize she’d probably crash her RuMoByle if she did.

Ruby: “Dad! Come on!!!”

Nicholas: “I named it Tantor, like in the Tarzan movie!”

Ruby bit her lip, then her tongue, and then decided not to say anything. She loved her father, but he had obviously been sheltered from the bad things life had to offer. She was happy for him, actually. Naiveté required carefree living after all. If she had never taken up wrestling or vigilantism, she would probably be exactly like him. Alas, she had been confronted with the bad things in life more than once. And while she was able to forgive, forgetting was a lot harder.

As time passed, and they got closer to their destination, her father seemed to become more and more anxious.

Nicholas: “Look, are we certain this is really necessary?”

Ruby: “Positive, daddy-o. These guys stole from you. We deserve our money back. So we’re taking it back. Force is the only thing those guys respond to. Because you can’t kill ‘em with kindness. This isn’t Twitter.”

Nicholas: “Okay, so… Run me through the plans again?”

Ruby: “Okay, so… When I was at home before last Anarchy, I plugged in a tracking device in your computer, eh? Thanks to some nifty software I got from a bunch of good ol’ buddies down at the Central of Bureau Intelligence Agency I met at Boulder Uni, I was able to pinpoint exactly where the mail you received was sent from. Quebec, Montreal. Surprisingly, not too far from downtown. It’s probably some 21-year old nerdy kid who thought he could make a quick buck by scamming gullible foo… Err, ffffaaaa…thers, by conjuring up some lame-bum sappy story about a guy who lost all of his wealth, and promising a share of it to those who don’t know any better. So, bit of a drive from Ottawa to Montreal, but I got it all figured out, pops. We’re gonna go in there, lean on their conscience, and we’re gonna get our money back. …or they’ll put up some resistance, but I’ll deal with that. And then you and mom can stop worrying about how you’re going to pay for that down payment.”

Nicholas: “That’s what I was hoping to achieve by agreeing to this deal in the first place.”

Ruby: “Look, dad. You were scammed. You’re pre-boomer, so I don’t blame you. But honestly, we’re going to track down these guys, we’re going to TALK to them, convince them they were doing unacceptable shady stuff, and they’ll give us our money back and rethink their lives! It’s a win-win!”

This time, it was father Debuchy who was thinking his closest relative was being naïve and gullible, but he knew that if anyone could pull that scenario off, it was the daughter he admired so much. Now was not the time to start doubting her. He hadn’t done it when she’d tried stilt walking 2 days after she’d completed her first yard of regular walking, and hadn’t done it when she’d tried doing backflips on the same evening she had managed to crawl through the catflap and did a handstand on the neighbor’s barbecue set. And for good reason.

As they got nearer and nearer their destination, Ruby felt her sense of focus return to her. It was nice to have something to fight FOR again… It was such a different vibe from having to DEFEND something. For months, she’d been used to staving off attackers, from having to worry about having her Anarchy Championship being taken away from her. But any illusion about the hunt being easier had been taken away by the brutal attacks she had suffered during Anarchy. She didn’t even blame Centurion for not intervening sooner than he did. For all she knew, he was just lounging backstage, grabbing some popcorn while his future partner was being blindsided by a gang of ne’er do-wells, none the wiser! She didn’t want to live in a world where everybody was constantly flippin’ ready to commence total warfare upon everyone, so she didn’t expect her taggie to do that. He was there when it had mattered most: when he had an opportunity to help her. And she appreciated that one hundred percent.

But still, she had a purpose again… And right now, that was getting her family’s money back.

More time passed, and the Global Positioning System, boycotted by both Sarah Lacklan and Roxy Cotton for wanting nothing to do with the word ‘global’, indicated they were only a stone’s throw removed from their target. Ruby gave her father a quick tap on the shoulder, waking him from his nap. He woke with a start.

Nicholas: “SQUIRREL!”

Ruby: “Dad, hush, you fell asleep! We’re nearly there.”

Nicholas Debuchy tried regaining his composure after having been so rudely awakened from the dream where he was a Border Collie. He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look at their surroundings. They were, surprisingly, surrounded by rows of posh villas, rather than the suspect backyard alleys his daughter had feared.

Ruby: “Weird place for a scam artist.”

Nicholas: “Or an appropriate place for a very good scam artist…”

Ruby: “.. good point…”

Nicholas: “… or royalty…”

Ruby: “Don’t start.”

Ruby started to slow down. They were nearing their destination, and it turned out to be a house that was nothing short of a mansion. The property was encircled by walls of barbed wire, thick enough to stop a horde of charging wildebeest. Yet through the forest of metal thorns that even Cinderella’s castle could dream of, Ruby could spot several guards armed with machine guns.

She quickly sunk down in her driver’s seat, panicked by her first observations. Her father did the same. He looked over at her and whispered.

Nicholas: “I think now is a good time to turn this car around and head back home!”

But Ruby shook her head. She needed a win and she was very close.

Ruby: “Look, obviously this scam operation runs deep, pops. You were just one victim. Who knows how many more have suffered from their deception? A Debuchy does not stray from the path of righteousness because there’s a tight corner ahead! You taught me that.”

Ruby’s father nodded, remembering the life lesson he had instilled in his child when she was four years old, not sure whether he was surprised she had remembered that as well. Still, Ruby noticed the look of discomfort in his eyes.

Ruby: “Look, pops. You just stay here. I’m gonna go ahead and get things done. This is clearly not a talking matter. We can’t underestimate this operation. I’m switching to infiltration protocol.”

Apparently, that just meant putting her mask on, which she did. And activating the GoPro on her Supervest.

From Ruby’s GoPro

She parked the RuMoByle in as inconspicuous a place as any yellow-green car could be parked, tall grass and everything, opened the door and rolled out, grabbing a set of tonfa’s on the way out, and strapped them to her thighs.

She was also armed with her utility belt, so she foresaw no big trouble in getting inside of the domain… The hardest part would be getting the money back once she had reached her target.

She snuck closer. There were security cameras guarding the perimeter, but they pivoted , and Ruby had played enough video games to know when to advance and when to take cover. It was child’s play, really. There were no guards outside of the domain as it was public property, but she knew someone on the inside would be watching those cameras closely.

She took her time, going step by step, until she finally reached the barbed wire fences that surrounded her enemy’s hideout. She circled alongside the perimeter to get into a blind spot the camera’s didn’t fully cover. She didn’t have to reach deep into her utility belt to get to the wire cutters, and a few snaps later, she had created an opening large enough to fit herself through, and small enough to not be noticed by any of the revolving camera’s. She crawled through until she was on the inside, ignoring the pain in her shoulder and the back of her neck. It was easy to ignore physical pain. She had suffered through much worse. Psychopaths had wrung at her tendons to try and tear them apart, many a madman had tried to break her bones right down the middle, plenty of crazies had tried to crack her skull with household appliances. Right now, only her mission counted.

Ruby: “One two, Ruby’s coming for you, Prince Dimka!”

Confident she was on the right path, she took cover behind a large crate as a patrolling guard walked past. She stopped breathing to conceal her sound, but jumped nearly a foot into the air as she heard a voice right beside her.

Nicholas: “This is so exciting!”

Ruby wanted to scream and shout, but all she could do was pull the two bangs that fell over her forehad?

Ruby: “Dad??”

Nicholas put both his thumbs up and smiled brightly, having followed his daughter into cover.

Ruby: “Wha-… How did you get here?”

Nicholas: “I followed you! Just followed your footsteps, steering clear of those camera’s and timing my movements. We Debuchys really do have cat-like agility, eh?”

Ruby: “Whatever! Just get back to the car, I told you I got this!”

Nicholas: “And pass up a chance to meet Prince Dimka!? Mesa no think so, daughter dearie!”

Ruby wanted to grab her father by the collar and shake him. Instead, she just hissed through her teeth.

Ruby: “Dad! How many times…! There is no Prince! There is no fortune, other than what these crooks have stolen from gullible people with a heart of gold… Like you! You were scammed! Cheated!”

Nicholas: “And I’ll be certain to tell that to Prince Dimka when I see him!”

Ruby couldn’t deal with it anymore. She just rolled her eyes, and decided they needed to get a move on.

Ruby: “Whatever. I’m gonna Sam Fisher this ish real quick. You just STAY! HERE!”

She whispered as loudly as she could for those last two words and waited for the nearest guard to have his back turned to them. She quickly snuck up behind him and planted an elbow in his neck to knock him out… It was an illegal move, even in wrestling. Very effective, but non-lethal if you knew what you were doing. Ruby grabbed the semi-auto machine gun from his unconscious grasp and snuck over to the nearest guard, hitting the back of his head with the butt of the rifle. The following two guards went down even easier. One suffered from a lack on concentration as he tried to light a cigarette, and got a swipe to the throat for his troubles. The other one, disturbed by the sound, went to check on his colleague only for Ruby to jump on his back and lock in a sleeper hold.

He clearly wasn’t a pro wrestler, as it actually put him to sleep. Pro wrestlers never ever, in the history of ever, were actually put to sleep by a sleeper hold, to the extent where they should just change the name, really. ‘Slow-down hold’? ‘Minor inconvenience hold’? Something like that.

In any case, the courtyard had been cleared, and Ruby snuck up to the entrance, which didn’t have a keyhole, only a card swiper. She retrieved a hacking shunt from her utility belt, placed it on the card holder and waited. Her dad crept up behind her. Clearly he wasn’t going to listen to Ruby’s suggestions of staying put. Not that she blamed him. It was in the family. She hadn’t listened to him either when he had said he was going to do a triathlon blindfolded all by himself. She was nine years old at the time, almost died, but she was very proud when the rescue helicopter saved her from the swimming portion of the competition.

Nicholas: “Holy whack, that’s coconuts! Where did you get those things?”

Ruby: “Pops, you and mom nearly went broke to get me in Boulder. Which is why you need to be careful with your money, which is why I’m doing this. But you also forget that in a place like Boulder, a chick like me is one of the cool kids, and the others are the nerds. I have a whole network of literal rocket scientists who send me this stuff. It’s pretty handy. That guy I once went to the Marvel-Dance with? He now works at NASA. We never even made out, but he’s still sending me updates on some kind of jetpack he’s building for me.”

Nicholas: “You have your own Lucius Fox? You really ARE like Batman!”

Ruby: “Ehh, I dunno. Batman is Batman. I hardly live up to his record.”

Nicholas: “What are you talking about? Batman had his back broken by Bane. You had your Anarchy title taken by Miss Fury. Batman lost his protégé Jason to the Joker. You lost Vita to the B.O.B. You both wear masks. You both aren’t nearly appreciated enough, whether it’s Gotham or the XWF.”

Ruby: “But Batman lost his parents when he was a kid. And look at me now, almost thirty years old and my awesome dad is literally on a mission with me to retrieve the money he was scammed out of.”

Nicholas smiled.

Nicholas: “Maybe I’m just your Alfred in this story. No powers, but keeping you on the straight and narrow.”

Ruby: “So who’s Centurion, then? Superman?”

Nicholas: “No, you never really had a rivalry between you. Sarah Lacklan is your Thanos, even if that’s an inter-universal comic book comparison. Centurion reminds me of the Green Arrow.”

Ruby: “Handsome, popular, very good at what he does, and basically a perfect Batman ally because they’re so alike in so many ways?”

Nicholas: “Exactly.”

They both grinned, and the bypass shunt beeped, opening the door for them. Ruby took her father by the shoulders.

Ruby: “Look, it’s clear you need to see with your own eyes that you were, in fact, scammed and betrayed by the Nigerian Prince. That’s fine, I can understand that. But promise me you’ll stay safe, hang back, and let me take care of beeswax, ay-okay?”

Nicholas: “Not a problem sweetheart. I know I’m your father, and toxic male rhetoric therefore claims that I should be the protector in this scenario, but to heck with that, eh?”

Ruby smiled and kicked open the door, as if to the tune of Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song. She grabbed the tonfas from her thighs and put a beatdown on the patrolling guards in sight, first aiming for their legs, then knocking them out with a blow to the temple. Some put up resistance, but she easily ducked their attempts in spite of her injuries and weariness. She kept on going, making her way to the center of the mansion. The whole place was designed like a labyrinth you couldn’t get lost in, following one route that led to the center. They crossed hallways and corridors, taking out guards left and right, until she finally arrived at a big set of doors. Panting, she put the tonfas back on her thigh straps and looked over at her father.

Ruby: “Well, this is it pops. Behind these doors is the man who stole our money from you. A criminal mastermind, who has undoubtedly ripped off thousands of people, judging by the size of this place. Are you ready to meet your Prince?”

Nicholas Debuchy wasn’t sure he was, but he hesitantly nodded.

Ruby: “Good. I always kinda wanted to do this…”

Ruby kicked open the doors, and was met by a huge room. There were loads of monitors attached to the walls, some with live feeds of the outside cameras, others from places Ruby didn’t recognize. There was a single operator standing next to a massive director’s panel, and Ruby pointed at him.

Ruby: “Busted, my dude! I’d say you are royally flipped!”

The man held up his arms, but Ruby didn’t back down so quickly from giving the scammer the punishment he deserved. She dashed forward and planted an elbow in his gut, causing him to bend over.


As he was bent over, she took a double axe handle to the back of his head, enough to bring him crashing down but not enough to seriously hurt or injure him.


She looked over at her dad and grinned.

Ruby: “I always wanted to say that.”

The man coughed and held up his hand. Ruby wanted to go in for another strike.


But before she could land it, Nicholas grabbed her wrist, urging her not to hit him again.

Nicholas: “I think he got the message… I also don’t think this is the guy we’re looking for. Are you? You’re not the Prince?”

The man on the floor winced.

Lackey: “Look, I’m not the Prince, okay? You got the wrong guy! The Prince left right before you guys got here.”

Ruby bent over and grabbed him by the collar.

Ruby: “WHERE IS HE??”

The man kept his mouth shut, and Ruby didn’t like that response.

Ruby: “Tell me or I will tie you up in front of a TV set that plays endless repetitions of Family Matters!”

Lackey: “No, not that! Anything but that! Just… He left a map! It’s over there!”

Ruby let go of his collar, sending him crashing back to the ground again, and went over to the table where a big old school map was spread out. There were circles over Ottawa, Vancouver, Quebec, and then a dotted line that crossed all the way over to…

Nicholas: “Laos?”

Ruby: “For a fake Nigerian Prince scamming people out of their hard earned cash, he is certainly taking his role seriously.”

She looked back over at the wincing lackey on the ground and shut him up with a quick twirl of a tonfa.

Nicholas: “Careful!”

Ruby: “Don’t worry! Momma said knock them out! I don’t do anything more than that. In any case, it looks like we’ll need to be travelling if we’re going to get your money back…”

Nicholas sighed.

Nicholas: “Ruby sweetheart, honestly… I don’t easily turn down propositions like that, but can’t we just cut our losses?”

Ruby: “And let the bad guys win? Nuh-uh, pops. Over my dead flippin’ body! I’m doing this. And you’re going home.”

Ruby knew she was going to need capable backup. She would love to call upon the Pink Mist, but she was honestly worried that Vita wasn’t even allowed to leave the country yet. Besides, her former-foe-turned-sidekick-became-friend had other stuff to worry about, like winning the Anarchy Championship at Relentless.

No, there was only one guy fit for the job. Her taggie for the Tag Team Championships. Her good friend and trustworthy ally. She dialed his number. He took up the phone surprisingly quickly.

Centurion: “Ruby. Rubes! What can I do you for?”

Ruby grinned. It was always good to hear his voice.

Ruby: “If it ain’t my mainest man, Da Cent! Look, my guy, I don’t like doing this, but right now I need someone I can trust.”

Centurion: “Well, sh-… I mean, Snickers, is everything okay?”

Ruby: “Not really. I’m on the hunt for some mastermind grifter but I’m afraid he’s going to escape from my grasp unless I’m careful. I… I could really use some backup on this, my dude. I only got a whiff of his trail and I was already facing plenty of armed resistance. These guys aren’t flippin’ around. I know you ain’t all about that crime fighting life, but…”

Centurion: “Rubes. You don’t need to say another word. If you need me, I’ll be there. We’re going to be facing Cataclysm together. Whatever your deal is, I’m sure we can tackle it.”

Ruby felt a surge of relief throughout her body.

Ruby: “Thanks, my guy. I won’t forget this.”

Centurion: “Don’t mention it. Just text me the details.”

[Image: rEuB2NG.gif]

Ruby sat on the plane that was taking them to Laos. Next to her, Centurion was sleeping. He had seemed troubled, and upon seeing him Ruby had immediately felt guilty about calling on him, because it was clear he had his own stuff to deal with. She felt kind of selfish about it, but no matter how much she had insisted that he didn’t have to prioritize her needs over his own, he was dead set on helping her. When it came to her needs, he seemed utterly selfless.

Then again, her guilt was offset by the knowledge that she would do the same for him in a heartbeat. That’s what made them such a potentially great tag team. No selfishness. Valuing the other person as much as yourself. No ego to get in the way. Somehow she didn’t think Cataclysm shared that train of thought. Whilst Robert Main and Chris Page were extremely talented individuals, they also seemed like guys who’d let their earlier singles success affect their instincts in tag team competition. But it’d be naïve to think they were going to easily be taking advantage of that. They were clearly a closer knit unit than they were letting on.

Ruby sighed, and grabbed her GoPro. They were several hours away from Laos still, Cent was napping and she needed something to do as she couldn’t get any sleep. The assaults by Chris Page and the B.O.B. from last Anarchy were still replaying themselves over and over every time she closed her eyes. So she turned on her little handheld cam and pointed it at her face.

Ruby: “Yo yo, my flipsoes! Ish ya girl Rubes here with a short message before I go dark. As you all know, Relentless is coming up, and my boy Cent and I will b looking to dethrone Cataclysm! On paper, honestly one of the best tag teams you could ever dream up. Robert Main alone is a game changer, and I know very well how much trouble CCP gave me at Leap of Faith.

Here’s the thing, though. You guys have been tag champs for a while, it seems. You just haven’t done anything with the titles? See, that annoys me because all of this time I was over on Anarchy, and I had to hear silly stuff like ‘C-Show’, and whatnot. But what have you guys done to truly make the tag team championships shine? Have you been champs for so long because you’re really that good? Or because there was simply no tag team who even bothered challenging you?

Well, playtime’s over, my dudes. The Sisterhood of Besties, working title, is gunning for those straps, and both of us have something to prove. My man Centurion has been struggling with a few things, but we all know he’s one slight push removed from being a totally unstoppable machine again. And as for me, I want to do what I did for the Anarchy Championship: establish order and relevance. Because the two of you certainly haven’t done that. For all of the grief I was given regarding the Anarchy title, there’s one thing nobody can ever deny: people talked about it. Challengers were always readily available. Some of the XWF’s very best dabbled in its scene and came up short. So the mission my guy Cent and I are on is simple. Establish order. Win those tag titles. And totally flippin’ beat evil! See you guys on Day Two!”

And with a wink, Ruby cut the feed.

[Image: lV6fuzx.gif]

[Image: dY7KZz4.png]
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