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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Prayers and Investigation.
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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07-18-2013, 10:09 AM

Eli goes separate ways from Madison, , and Luca following the success of Wednesday Night Warfare. They probably are leaving to party and celebrate what took place, while Eli will go back to his secluded home in the South. Eli catches up to Mystica who is sitting in a chair backstage with a glow in his eyes staring at one of the Tag Team Titles. He looks up to see Eli walking towards him and looks grateful. Mystica is about to say something and Eli motions for him to follow.

Following behind Eli is Mary-Beth, Emma-Lee, Rachel and Sarah James, Becky, Maggie, and LACEY WITASICK. Mystica stands up from the chair and follows as well. Eli's personal helicopter is waiting to take them back home after Warfare. As they sit in the helicopter.. all the ladies have taken a like to Lacey and cutting up with her. Mystica still glaring at the Tag Team Title and Eli staring at Mystica.

Eli James IV "Mystica. David. You did well tonight, man. You got past Cheapshots.. and you were sacrificing a shot at gold and being selfless for the cause.

Mystica stops looking at the belt and his attention is on Eli. He's about to respond but is cut off..

Eli James IV "I told ya rewards will come when you obey, man. Obedience and sacrifice. You laid down yourself tonight, and I lay a reward before you. A reward you deserve. I'll find ya a partner worthy soon.

Mystica gives somewhat of a smile, and Eli smiles in return. Eli starts talking to himself..

Eli James IV "Duke. Duke. Here boy. Hehehehe. Angel of Darkness Sebastian Duke.. Angel of Darkness Salvator.. is dark really stronger than light? Hehe. THE TRUTH SETS PEOPLE FREE!

Chatter made its way around the backstage area following the appearance of Lacey Witasick and why she's with Eli. The last time Lacey was seen was when people took her away from Eric Rex in a Oldsmobile after he somehow vanished. Witasick left as Warfare GM and Eric disappeared after Eli's sacrifice.

The helicopter hovers over its landing area at The Promise Land.. everyone notices a human-like figure moving around below. He figure notices the helicopter and flees somewhere in the woods. All the girls start screaming in fear.. Eli looks down with a serious face and Mystica continues to stare at the title.

They all began asking Eli what it was that was down there, since it didn't look or move like any other animal but a human. Eli kept quiet for a while. The helicopter finally began to land and shut down. As everyone was slowly leaving the helicopter, Eli broke silence..

Eli James IV "The only thing it could be.. is the monsters coming out to play.. judgment is closing in. But don't be alarmed. You're in good hands. Sleep well.

Becky leads Mystica back to his house. Lacey goes with Eli's two sisters. Maggie stays close by to Eli's sisters because of fear of the creature. Emma-Lee goes by herself and Eli goes by himself to their homes.

Emma-Lee arrives at her door and finds two dead rabbits at her doorstep covered in blood. She screams and flees to find someone to remove the rodents.

Eli walks up his porch and dead animals are everywhere.. piled up a little.. flies landing on the dead animals. The stench of death puts a serious look on Eli's face. Eli just kicks the dead animals off his porch. He hears a noise coming from the woods and he turns.. he sees the shadow of the creature they saw earlier. Eli smiles and walks inside.

Eli lights a candle and ends the night in prayer.

Eli James IV "May your will continue to be done. Let those whose hearts remain sincere be open to your word. May the blinds of their heart be open to let the light come in. I know your judgment cometh soon. I know the monsters will be unleashed. The signs are here. I smell it. I feel it. Look upon us with mercy with darkness falls upon this Earth. Shelter us in your presence and hide us in your wings.

Who shall we fear, but you, Oh Lord? I will walk through the valley of the shadow of death and will not fear evil, for you are with me. Let those who continue to sin be punished. May they reap burning coals on their tongues as they slander your word. Do not let them die quick. Teach them.

Do not show those who oppose me mercy. May your sword of vengeance cut them into pieces. For your word will not be mocked.

Continue to use me as your instrument.. as the voice in the wilderness preparing the way of judgment. May the song of the Lord be heart. Amen.

The next morning... everyone appeared to have slept well. No strange noises coming from the woods last night once Eli arrived. As everyone goes to work as normal, Eli decides to pen a letter to send to his next opponent, NeoNero.

Eli James IV "Mr. NeoNero. We meet yet again, but this time, in a one-on-one match and for a title that you've recently one. In that regard, I believe a congratulations are in order on your victory. You were able to defeat a tough opponent.

The last time we met, however, was a different story. When I came into the XWF, I heard this person was tough to beat.. this person.. and this person.. and so on. One by one, NeoNero, I went through them. Yes, I lost to Luca, and as it was explained by King James himself, it was a test. A test I passed and now get the privilege to work side by side with the King. A honor I cherish.

But, the last time we met.. me and Eric defeated two of those names that I heard were tough to beat.. Mark Flynn and yourself. Granted, Flynn didn't do a whole lot and you left him out to get beat, you were still a part of a losing team.

This, of course, will be different as far as the match goes. I understand that, boy. Instead of having partners, it comes down to just the two of us. Now, ya may be feared by some people here, but not me. Let me explain a few things to ya so you'll understand why.

I've been listening to a lot of what you say. Heh. You make me laugh, man. It's sad really.

You are all about the Universe just existing. Taking part in the moment. Looking at the now and nothin' else. You say no light exists.. no darkness to run from.. that it's just a waste. A waste of time.. a waste of my mind.. heh. Boy, you're in for some truth tellin'.

Ya think there is no good or bad, huh? No evil really exists? It's all in someones mind. That's a pretty stupid idea, man. It's a fools idea.

If there is no god, like many say 'round here, then everything that's perceived as good 'n bad is made by another man. Maybe it depends on the majority. But it's still defined by a human. In case ya never noticed.. people change their minds a lot. One minute they're loving this and hating that, and the next it's completely different. You vote this way, and next time things happen and you change.

Like the good book says.. people are never stopping.. always runnin' back and forth.. to and fro.. through out the Earth.. never resting. People can't make up their minds. There's very few things in a persons life that's a foundation that can't fall or be broken. Once a foundation is broke, then they run to the next thing. It's that you put faith in. It's that you trust to judge right and wrong.. to bring in laws to tell us good and evil.

Now, ya say there is no such thing, huh? I'm curious, boy... what do ya call a girl gettin' raped? Good? Bad? Evil? Oh, there isn't such thing, right? Heh. How about sleeping with a married woman? It's not a bad thing, right? Why get mad? They just.. went in the moment.. so you shouldn't be upset. What if someone shot your brother because they didn't get a parking space? It's not bad. He just did what he saw right.. in the moment. Does that make it justified, NeoNero?

Ya see, I believe there is a standard. There is good and evil. I believe those were set by a Just Judge who Created this Universe and made it work like it does. I don't believe we exploded into accident and thus.. our lives have no meaning or purpose. If I did, then why would I play by any rule? Why would I care if I hurt someones feelings or did something another saw as bad? I would live for me, because there isn't really a consequence in the end.. we just go back to the dirt of the Earth and its done. If I commit a thousand crimes and never got caught.. then no biggie.. I didn't get punished here and there's no punishment later.

Rules for a meaningless living is pointless. It confines a person for no reason. It places fences 'round your life without explaining why they're there.

Me? Heh. I believe every act seen and hidden, caught and not caught, will be judged by the only just Judge. I believe every wrong that's been done will be decided by him. He placed right and wrong in us. He gave us the standard.. he built the fences.. and he told us why. The fences aren't there just to be there, but there's a reason for the rules.. commands.. good and bad.

Go on and believe it's an illusion, though. Explain to a black person the KKK isn't bad. Explain to a white person the Black Panthers are just living in the moment. Explain that every war that's ever happened was just done in the moment. No good.. no bad.. so it's all good. Right?

You think I'm delusional? Hehe. You need truth. I'm gonna give it to ya.

The truth hurts. I believe there's absolute truth, man. If there wasn't, then how would we even know something was false? Truth shows what's false.

You're not gonna be United States Champion for very long, man. You'll be like everyone else.. you'll fall. You'll get beat. And I'll move on. I'm not even sure how you're the United States champion when it was founded on holy principals that you definitely don't represent or even believe in.

Speakin of some things America was founded upon.. Nero was a ruler that tried to kill those same values. While nobody knows for sure if the man Nero burned Rome or not.. we know he did some evil things to those who followed the truth of the Almighty. You reminded me of this by your name and name of one of your moves.

Set fire to me and my village if you want, NeoNero. I set fire to the sky, man. I am the ruler of the air. Now, you tell me.. who's greater? Hehe.

My message hasn't been dirtied up, but has remained clean and pure for all to see. You, and everyone else was to pollute it.. divert everyone's attention from the truth. Unfortunately for you, man.. the souls you lead astray.. their blood will be upon your hands. I will make sure you leave at least knowin what the truth is. Do ya know how many people keep tryin to fight it.. but the result is the same? The truth is a constant denominator through-out. It's the foundation on which I stand.

Heh. Don't worry man. I'll pray for ya. See ya soon, boy.

Eli finishes his letter and places it in an envelope to be delivered to the XWF offices so NeoNero can get it. Eli decides to walk outside and enjoy the light breeze and sunny day. A man who lives on The Promise Land is leading a camera man and a lady with a microphone that says "Channel 7 News". Eli walks off his porch slowly towards them and they towards him.

Channel 7 News "Sir. Could we have a moment of your time?

Eli James IV "What do ya want?

Channel 7 News "We've had several anonymous tips being called in about several things going on here and we're here to investigate.

Eli James IV "Investigate? Somethin' we do disturbin anyone else?

Channel 7 News "Well, no sir. Just that strange practices, noises, and a few other things we've heard about that we want to ask you.

Eli James IV "I'll tell ya what's practiced here, darlin'. We practice and form hard workin habits. We take to heart .. you reap what ya sow. We plant our own vegetables, have our own livestock.. we don't bother anyone. We work, we eat, we sleep, and we have church. It's called a community. Like where you live, except we're at peace with one another.. help one another.. work with one another.

Channel 7 News "What about rumors going around about so called.. heh.. monsters?.. in the woods? Strange noises? Dead Animals?

Eli James IV "If ya'll are really interested in seeing what we do and how life is like 'round here, then I invite ya to take or two to find out for yourselves the truth.

Ya see, goin' based on other peoples perceptions doesn't result in truth.. just opinions of the terrified of the unknown or unexplained. You report an honest report to those askin', and I'll tell ya the truth. How about it?

Channel 7 News "Sounds good to us.

Eli James IV "How about we just walk around and I show ya what's goin on.. got any questions, just ask.

Eli leads the Channel 7 news team around the Promise Land as people look at what's going on but continue doing their work.

Eli James IV "This is how our country began and this is how we like it. We work hard.. the sun starts to rise.. we start workin... when it sets.. we stop. As long as we can see by the sun, then we work. There's always work needing to be done.

Gardens need attended. Animals need to be fed and kept up in top shape. The young need to be taught the good book and the ways of the Almighty. Everyone needs guidance from the good book.

I have property all over the States. I supply food corporations. Some of the food ya buy and eat from grocery stores, you can thank me and my brothers and sisters in the Lord. We work for ourselves and for the common good because it's who we are. We like helpin people out of the goodness of our heart.

Ya see all them smiles? They enjoy workin hard because of what they reap. Free home.. free power and water.. free food.. free clothes.. how? Why? Because they earn it. A lot of people in America these days like to be handed things. Ya sit at a desk with a computer.. and what do ya want? First time in... 4 weeks paid vacation... top pay with at least 40 thousand a year.. benefits.. and you haven't done a thing to even earn it yet.

People sit.. eat.. and become unhealthy. Why? SIN.. Martha.. SIN. Laziness.. gluttony.. people are overloaded on selfishness. We're not a selfish people. We live for others and Almighty.. we become second. Obedience and Sacrifice is what we teach 'round here. A foreign concept, but a true concept.

Channel 7 News "Looks beautiful, Mr. James. Everyone does seem to be happy.

Eli James IV "They are.

Channel 7 News "Now, we've been hearing people talk about .. monsters.. hehe.. oh my.. in your woods. Eating animals.. making strange noises at night.. what do--.

Becky runs up to Eli almost out of breath.

Becky "Eli. Mystica..

Becky stops talking to catch her breath.

Channel 7 News "Mystica? That's a strange name.

Eli James IV "He's new here. Different. He's being taught. A man in the process of becoming part of our world.

Channel 7 News "New? Hmm. Can we speak with him?

Eli James IV "I'm sorry. He's off limits right now to talk.

Eli looks at Becky with a serious look.

Eli James IV "Still havin trouble?

Becky nods finally slowing down her breathing.

Eli James IV "Tell him to journal his thoughts. Him and David. We'll go from there, k?

Becky leaves with the reporter looking suspicious.

Channel 7 News "Mr. James. Who is David? Is he also new?

Eli James IV "You can say that. I'm sorry for gettin' interrupted like that.

Channel 7 News "Right. Um.. so about the monsters we've heard about.. even on the way to your house we heard YOUR people talking about something in the woods.

Eli James IV "Hehehehehe.

Eli gives a good loud laugh and stops with a huge grin on his face.

Eli James IV "Foolish thinkin and talkin'. That's all. Heh. The real monsters live in the hearts of men. Don't believe me, go on.. see for yourselves.. look in the woods. Unless yer afraid? Hehe.

Eli leaves the reporter and her camera man by themselves laughing away. The reporter looks at her camera guy.. the two go the opposite direction of the woods and back to following Eli with a fearful look on their face..

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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