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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy - 7/09/20
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-10-2020, 06:29 AM





Big D
- vs -
Internet Rules!

Zane Norrison
w/ One of the aliens he befriended after the Area 51 show
- vs -
Tommy Wish
w/ John Black
- vs -
Tula Keali'i
w/ Boris

Triple Threat!

- vs -
Broken Oswald

Great Pacific Garbage Patch Match!

We've rented the actual Mobro 4000, and the match will take place on the infamous trash barge as it circles the Pacific Garbage Patch. The winner will be determined by tossing his opponent into the swirling plastic underwater death trap!

Miss Fury
- vs -
Atara Themis


- vs -
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
Scaffold Match with special guest referee...


Sarah will also post a RP letting us know how she will behave in the match, whether it be neutral or biased toward one side or the other.

Thursday Night Anarchy is about to begin, and the fans are ready and are just settling in when:

'You think you know me' is heard on the stadium's sound system, and the crowd goes wild.

From the back steps Mastermind, he walks to the center of the stage, and waits. From the back steps the Misfits Kris the Hammer Von Bonn, and Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs with their manager Antony The Jerk.

All four make their way to the ring. Once inside they join together and fist bump one another, before Antony asks for a microphone, is given it, and he hands it on to Mastermind.

The stadium goes quiet in participation for what Mastermind has to say.

"As you all know I have a busy period coming up over the next few weeks. I'd rather not be here, participating on Thursday Night Anarchy. I'd rather be preparing for Fuzz for the Universal Title Match and then for The Wizard at Leap of Faith."

The crowd cheers enjoying Mastermind's upcoming matches.

"But I'm here to fill an obligation. My obligation is to Vinnie Lane. He runs Thursday Night Anarchy as we all know, and I gave him my word that I will compete on Thursday Nights until I can compete no longer."

Once again the crowd cheers.

"But that time has come. I'm here to tell you all that this is my last night on Thursday Night Anarchy. I will fulfill my obligation by taking on Broken Oswald, and then that's me done."

The crowd boos.

"But I did make Vinnie Lane a promise. If I couldn't perform myself, I would find someone who will perform on my behalf. So that day has come. I rather focus on mainly Wednesday Night Warfare or the occasional appearance on Saturday Night Savage. I have enjoyed being on Thursday Nights, even with Vinnie Lane's crazy match situations. We all know Kris The Hammer Von Bonn focuses on Wednesday Nights, and Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs focuses on Saturday Nights. No, that does not mean one or both of them will come across to Thursday. We have someone else for that. But I will let Antony introduce the newest member of the Misfits."

The crowd cheers as Mastermind hands the microphone back to Antony.

"Thank you Mastermind. Tonight a new member will join the Misfits. That person will predominately take on Thursday Night Anarchy, to replace Mastermind, so he can focus on other things. So now I will like to introduce to you all the newest member of the Misfits..... Scarlet 'The Hunteress' Donaldson."

'The Eye of The Tiger' hits the Sound System, and from the back steps out Scarlet 'The Hunteress' Donaldson.

[Image: 300?cb=20180325230457]

Scarlet makes her way to the ring, as the crowd cheers. She slides into the ring, and makes her way over to where Melanie and Kris are, giving them both a fist bump. She then shakes hands with Mastermind, before shaking hands with Antony. She takes the microphone and looks out into the crowd.

"It is my honor to become the newest member of the Misfits stable. I have been training for this for the last few months ever since I was told to prepare for this special occasion. I am here to take on Mastermind's spot here on Thursday Nights and I am here to make a name for myself. Not just make a name for myself but to hunt my opponents and make sure I get what I want. Top Prize. Titles and to be known as the best hunter on Thursday Nights."

"Here's a final word for my upcoming opponents. You are my victims, you will be hunted down because I am the new Hunter here on Thursday Nights. If you don't want to be hunted then get out of my way."

Scarlet drops the microphone and turns to face the rest of the stable. Mastermind walks to the center of the ring, followed by Kris, Melanie, and Antony. They all hold out their fists, Scarlet joins them and holds out hers. They all fist bump, and then the lights go out. Seconds later when the lights come back on they are no longer in the ring. The crowd goes wild yet again.
[Image: gR8affl.png]

Vinnie Lane: “Well I guess I get to talk on my own show now! Thanks for opening things up, MM, no one wanted to see the pyro or anything anyway, I’m sure. ANYWAY! Earlier this week, Geri Vayden made a statement at the Trinity Wrestling show… take a look!”

[Image: lH7Va7p.png]

[Image: gXFBzfW.png]

Vinnie Lane: “Hahaha, good times! Now, no one has ever actually HEARD of Trinity Wrestling, but since we sniffed them out through the grapevine, we decided to give them a little recognition, make them famous for a night, you know how it goes. It was fun! Basically charity! Felt a little bad since they’re basically helpless but… hey wait a second, what’s going on in the ring…”

Kylie Moore, Trinity Wrestling owner stands in the ring. She seems a bit of a mess as she raises the microphone to her lips.

Kylie: What is crazy is a company as big as XWF saw MY small company as a jump off point. You sent Geri Vayden after us. You made it so we had no leg to stand on.

The fans boo and chant “XWF. XWF. XWF.” Kylie shakes her head.

Kylie: I have asked a hero to come and save Trinity.

“Koni Priveredlivye” begins to an enormous pop from all the truest of Trinity “sinners.”

Vinnie Lane: “Uh oh! This could be trouble… look at the SIZE of him!”

Pasha, flanked closely by his loyal bard, Bohdan, on his accordion, makes a powerful statement en route to the ring. Bohdan plays his theme along with the pa blasting it throughout the arena. Fans reach out to touch his brilliant, silvery cape the entire way to the ring. He and Bohdan enter together and face the greatest challenge Trinity has ever seen—that against a foreign power! He takes a mic to one last pop.

[Image: Raw-04-09-17-029.gif]

Pasha: You, who are so wise in judgment, cannot look on that locker room and not say his name. “Pasha!”

Pasha holds up the mic for a show of appreciation. Bohdan gives it a powerful chord for emphasis as the fans boo.

Pasha: Trinity takes care of its own. People who bleed the purple and black. People like Pasha who never turn their back on this young but great company. They believe in Pasha then. So he must believe in them now. Not tomorrow. Not when it is convenient, but now—today! In the face of its enemies!

He holds the mic to where only a man of his stature can to roaring boos. Pasha was not used to this.

Pasha: You ask if someone is willing to put his life and career on the line for Trinity. Pasha say to you then—is there anyone out there worth more to the name of Trinity than him? He thinks not. Not because someone like his best friend Thomas Snow…

He holds for another big albeit mixed reaction from the Anarchy crowd.

Pasha: Or should it be the purest champion of the soul! Not of the moment. Not of the gold. But someone whose name is purple and black. Someone whose entire existence in this ring is Trinity for now and only this moment. Your loving hero who will do anything to protect its name from harm. Pasha will never turn his back on you! You can count of that!

Fans overwhelm his response and any that might try to answer him in edgewise.

Pasha: There decisions to make. But you know now that only Pasha can carry that banner. Let him do it. Let him be your champion of the name, Trinity. Death or life, he will be your hero.

Kylie smirks as she hugs Pasha.

Kylie: Allow me to introduce you to our seven foot eight inch FIVE HUNDRED pound PASHA. Pasha will represent Trinity against ANY champion you find fit here in XWF. You started this and WE will make sure you rue the day.

Pasha eyeballs Vinnie Lane down at his desk and then the pair leave the ring, making sure to walk right past him.

Vinnie Lane: “What was that crap? Where’s my security? How did these nobodies just walk into MY show and stand in MY ring? Someone better have some answers for me, because I sure as heck am gonna have an answer for them and their little ‘challenge’ later tonight!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]


Big D
- vs -
Internet Rules!

Vinnie Lane: "Ladies and gentlemen, there's a reason us promoters say 'Card Subject to Change;' and it's usually NOT because we LIKE to make last minute changes. Unfortunately, MeFisto will NOT be making his debut tonight, despite all that game he was talking last week. Why? Have a look for yourself..........."

The screen goes black for a second, before cutting to the inside of Vinnie's office, where we see him and MeFisto arguing.

Vinnie Lane: "What do you mean you're not going out there?! You get a Title shot in your first match, and you're telling me that's not good enough???"


MeFisto flexes and stares at Vinnie, who looks like he's about to have an aneurysm.

Vinnie Lane: "I'm sorry, but there's no way in hell I'm gonna give an unproven wrestler a MILLION DOLLARS for just ONE match! Ruby doesn't even make that much. and she's the Champion of the brand!"


MeFisto dramatically pauses, before flexing and finishing his statement.


Vinnie looks at MeFisto for a moment, before turning his attention to the paperwork on his desk.

Vinnie Lane: "I guess we won't be getting the man, then."

MeFisto huffs and puffs, before pointing a finger at Vinnie(who doesn't even bother to look up).


MeFisto turns and storms out, slamming the door shut behind him. Vinnie continues with his paperwork, muttering one last thing to himself as he does so.

Vinnie Lane: "You're gonna be waitin' a long"

The scene fades out and back to Vinnie Lane on commentary, who's shaking his head in disbelief.

Vinnie Lane: "Can you believe that guy? Well, one person's lost opportunity is another's gain, and that man is none other than Jamaican Jimmy!"

"Fuck Everything" by Jon Lajoie begins to play as Jamaican Jimmy struts out from the back all pimp-like. The fans don't seem too thrilled with the replacement, but he pays them no mind as he makes his way down the aisle and into the ring.

Vinnie Lane: "We promised the fans an Internet Title match and we're gonna give them one!..................... even if it's NOT the one that was advertised!l

Jamaican Jimmy does his own little rasta dance around the ring, before turning his attention towards the entrance ramp.

"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system as the majority of fans cheer. Big D walks out onto the ramp with the Internet Championship over his shoulder and an angry look on his face. He doesn't take the time to pose, or even show off his belt, as he immediately heads towards the ring.

Vinnie Lane: "I don't know who's more disappointed: Big D, or the fans?"

D slides into the ring and gets right up in Jimmy's face, letting his opponent know exactly what he thinks of him. He then shoves his Championship into the ref's arms, anxious to get the bout underway. Right before the ref can call for the bell, however, "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake begins to fill the arena.

Vinnie Lane: "Oh for crying out loud, I thought we were done with this guy!"

Big D and Jamaican Jimmy look toward the entryway as the music draws on without any sign of MeFisto. Jimmy and D turn towards each other and casually conversate(likely about how dumb this is), until, finally, the hard part is reached and MeFisto stomps out from the back.

Vinnie Lane: "Is he ACTUALLY gonna wrestle?!?!"

MeFisto shows off his physique in a variety of poses as the fans cheer his presence, hoping to get the originally advertised match. He makes his way down the aisle, taking his time to make sure damn near EVERY fan in the front row gets a chance to marvel at him. As he gets closer to the ring, Big D sits on the second rope and motions for MeFisto to get in. He wags his finger and instead pulls a blue Powerade seemingly out of nowhere and gently tosses it to D, who barely catches it. MeFisto smiles condescendingly at him, causing Big D to chuck it back at him, missing horribly.

Vinnie Lane: "Big D is losing his patience and I can't say I blame him."

MeFisto makes his way around the ring and over to the announce table, where he grabs a headset and greets Vinnie.


MeFisto pulls yet another ice cold Powerade out of thin air, this one a hot pink color, and plops it down in front of Vinnie, sending perspiration flying everywhere.

Vinnie Lane: "Where do you keep getting these? And how are they so cold?!"

Vinnie looks offended at first, before realizing what color it was, causing him to open it and take a drink.

Vinnie Lane: "Hot pink is my favorite!"


Vinnie Lane: "Then why aren't you in the ring proving it?"


Vinnie Lane: "............................."

Big D continues to focus on MeFisto as he sits down and makes himself comfortable. This allows Jamaican Jimmy to attack D from behind, causing the ref to call for the bell.


Jamaican Jimmy hammers away at the Internet Champion with multiple punches, before switching to some aggressive mudhole stomps. He then attempts to Irish Whip Big D to the opposite corner, but D reverses it. Jimmy bounces hard off the turnbuckles and into the Champion's arms, allowing him to deliver a picture perfect Belly to Belly Suplex.

Vinnie Lane: "You're not gonna find many people who deliver a Suplex better than Big D."


The camera shows MeFisto pull out an orange Powerade and plop it in front of himself.

Big D drags Jamaican Jimmy to his feet and puts his head into DDT position, before hoisting him up in a Suplex-like position and slamming him to the mat. Rather than cover his blatantly already beaten foe, the Internet Champion lifts his opponent up and gets into German Suplex position. D thrusts his hips and absolutely decimates Jimmy, keeping his hands locked and popping back up.

Vinnie Lane: "This seems a little unnecessary; Jamaican Jimmy was beat two Suplexes ago!"


Vinnie Lane: "I'm sure you work really hard endorsing Powerade and skipping out on matches."


MeFisto begins flexing with a Powerade in each hand as Big D delivers 3 more German Suplexes to his outmatched opponent, leaving him laid out on the mat. D then gets back up and points to MeFisto, whose mouth drops open in absolute shock that he would threaten him like that. Big D then flips him the bird before heading back over to Jimmy and hoisting him up in Dan Slam position. The Champion then brings the "challenger" down HARD, leaving an arm draped over for a cover.




Winner by Pinfall - Big D(STILL Internet Champion)

As "X-Men Theme begins to play, Big D immediately rolls out of the ring and grabs his belt from the time keeper, before heading over to the announce table and yelling at MeFisto.

Vinnie Lane: "Hey, come on, guys, this isn't the place for this! That's why I booked a match!"

D: "And this pussy backed out of it!


Out of nowhere, a grape Powerade appears in MeFisto's hand, which he chucks at Big D's face. The drink smacks him right in the nose, causing him to grab it and cry out like he was Marsha Brady. MeFisto takes a moment to do a few final poses, before taking off into the crowd, handing out Powerades to each fan he passes. Big D removes his hands from his face, revealing a crooked, bloody nose.

D: "That son of a bitch!"

Big D takes his Title and hops the barricade, embarking on a search for MeFisto. As he does so, the fans who were given Powerades all chuck them at him, causing him to cover up as he exits the arena.

Vinnie Lane: "The shows just gettin' started folks, there's still plenty of Anarchy to come!"

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Zane Norrison
w/ One of the aliens he befriended after the Area 51 show
- vs -
Tommy Wish
w/ John Black
- vs -
Tula Keali'i
w/ Boris

Triple Threat!

The arena lights go dark, and a green light strobes up at the X-Tron, then the camera pans back down to see make shift punk looking UFO descending onto the entrance way. Then green smoke blast in their view, as the door opens with a feminine looking Alien escorting him to the ring. Zane slides into the ring, as his alien valet pulls out a remote to remove the UFO from the entrance way. She then claps for Zane as he poses to the crowd as his theme cuts off.

Then we hear Tula’s theme on the X-Tron, and we see Boris doing his Russian dance, as Tula also dances as they walk down to the ring. Then Tula and Boris give the fans some high fives as they walk down the ramp. Then Boris gets on top of the apron, and pulls the ropes for her to get in. She high fives him as Boris gets to his corner outside as her theme cuts off.

Then the trippy beat plays on the X-Tron, and the camera is waving through the area to find Tommy. About ten minutes later, the camera manages to find Tommy and JB walking through the crowd, who either cheered them or tossed whatever garbage they had at them. Tommy almost gets physical with a fan, but JB stops him. Then both men hop over the barricades, and Tommy climbs into the ring, as JB gets to his corner as his theme cuts off.

Vinnie Lane: “This match is going to one hell of a ride in the Cow Palace Arena tonight!”

As the bell rings, all three of them circle around one another, Zane and Tula gang up on Tommy. Zane grabs Tommy by the back of his arms, as Tula nailed him with punches to the gut. Tula takes Zane’s place, and Zane nails him with punches to the gut. Tommy is kneeling on the floor, and Zane knee’s him in the face. Tula then rubs her forearm on Tommy’s forehead, and Tula and Zane plan something out. As Tommy slowly got to his feet, they both double Irish Whip him to the ropes and connect with a double Clothesline.

While Wish is still down, Zane gets called by Boris, and he gives him something to drink. Zane spits it out, and looks kinda upset over it, as Tula refuses his offer - a shot of vodka. Tommy then rolls out of the ring, and JB tries to give him something to drink also.

Vinnie Lane: “Man, Tommy is getting his ass handed to him by Tula and Zane… must be his affiliation with BOB that’s causing them to gang up on him.”

Tommy manages to get back into the ring, and puts his fist up at them. Zane and Tula gang up on him once again, and Zane locks his arms behind his back. Tula then goes to the corner, and charges at Tommy to hit a Back Elbow Strike, but Tommy ducks and it connects to Zane’s face. Tommy then punches Tula and Zane back and forth, and hits a chest Chop on Zane and Tula. Zane is placed into the corner, and Tommy goes towards him, but his Alien friend comes on the Apron and distracts Tommy.

She manages to blow him a kiss, and he looked at her, but then Tula managed to roll him up for the pin..



Zane breaks the count!

Vinnie Lane: “Man, that was a close call by Zane, I wonder who’s that lady by Zane’s side. I’d like to get her number… just kidding, she’s not as hot as Roxy!

Then Tula and Zane then argue over who should have got the count, but that gave Tommy some time as he manages to chop them up some more. Then he Irish Whips Tula to the ropes and connects with a Forearm Smash, and he gets put into a Headlock by Zane but he reverses it into a German Suplex. Tommy then stomps on Zane’s downed body, and tries to lift him up, but Tula clubs Tommy in the back with kicks. Tommy then turns around and eats an armdrag from her.

Zane gets on his feet, and grabs Tula by her hair, and he Headbutts her. As he kept on doing it, Boris then tries to get on the apron, but was already too drunk to get into it. Zane takes notice, and starts to laugh, and Boris managed to barf out on Zane. Zane then starts to scream, as Tommy and Tula looked on with laughter.

Vinnie Lane: “Oh man, Boris is such a man to be puking out like this. I hope Zane’s dead antibody cells will keep from getting extra covid-19. We don’t want to see Zane in a hospital spreading it, dudes!”

Tula then collar and elbow’s Tommy, and she drags him to the corner. She then hits a Fury of strikes that laid him out on the corner. Then she taunts to the crowd, and shit hits her Volcanic Eruption on Tommy. She then drags him off the corner, and she goes to the top rope. She then tries to hit a Diving Double Stomp, but Tommy rolled out the way. Zane then grabs Tula, and hits an Enzuigiri on her.

He then starts to beat his chest like a madman, and prey’s on Tula to get on her feet. As she gets on her feet and kicks her in the gut….


Vinnie Lane: “Oh shoot ZANE is in overdrive, that puke must have made him shift into second gear in this match. If i were him, i’d would have immediately left the ring to wash up.”

Zane then doesn’t even pin her, he sets to the middle of the ring, and charges to the ropes to hit…


Zane covers her…




Vinnie Lane: “Holy Smackaroonies! Tommy just broke Zane’s count… i know that Tommy isn’t wanting this match to end so prematurely.”

Tommy then kicks Zane in the head a few time, and he drags Zane to JB’s corner. JB then pulls his head on the lower rope, and JB climbs on it and hits a Leg Drop on Zane’s head. The ref then confronts JB for it, but that gave Zane’s valet time to come into the ring and jump on Tommy’s back. As she was strangling him, Tula got on her feet kicks Tommy in the balls.

Then the alien gets off of him, and Tula and the Alien lift him up and they hit a Backbreaker/Leg Drop combo on Tommy. As Zane’s Valet goes back outside, Tula then decides to mound on Tommy, and starts to elbow him in the face. She then tries to turn him over, and locked in a modified…


Vinnie Lane: "Oh man, this match is getting so chaotic with everyone’s manager trying to get involved, first it was Zane’s Alien that almost cost Tommy the match, Boris puking all over the place, and JB hitting a Leg Drop on the Apron. Will this match turn into a complete crapshow?"

As the ref sees the hold, Tommy manages to reach to the ropes. Tula refuses to break the hold, but JB then smashes Boris’s vodka bottle over her head. Boris and JB goes at it, Tommy ended up covering Tula..




Vinnie Lane: “OH MY GOD ZANE BROKE THE COUNT! This match is going to be something on the XWF files once this match is finished.”

Tula attacks Zane, sending him crashing into a corner hard. She then rears back and sends knee after knee after knee into him in a VOLCANIC ERUPTION!

John Black pulls Tommy from the ring and rolls himself in in his place while the referee isn’t looking, going for a bit of the ol’ TWIN MAGIC.

Vinnie Lane: “Uhhh… John, I don’t think that’s gonna work, dude…”

Zane slumps in the corner from the hard knees, and Tula looks to finish this match off, lining up and looking to focus on Tommy, but when she turns she sees John Black standing there! Tula shrugs and goes charging at him, popping into the air for a leaping luau that cleans John Black’s clock!

Vinnie Lane: “The official just letting this go like normal, so I retract my statement on JB’s idea. It totally worked! Except that John is out cold right now.”

Tula takes a deep breath and moves to go for a lateral press, but Zane Norrison charges her with a burst of energy out of nowhere and shoulder tackles her right out of the ring! Zane flops on top of John Black for a cover!

Vinnie Lane: “That’s not even the legal participant!”




Tula can’t get back in the ring fast enough to break things up, and this one is over!

Winner by Pinfall - Zane Norrison

Vinnie Lane: “Tula needs to file a complaint, this whole thing is messed up!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
Broken Oswald

Great Pacific Garbage Patch Match!

We've rented the actual Mobro 4000, and the match will take place on the infamous trash barge as it circles the Pacific Garbage Patch. The winner will be determined by tossing his opponent into the swirling plastic underwater death trap!

Vinnie Lane: “Let’s take things LIVE via satellite to the Mobro 4000 out in the Pacific!”

The scene shifts to show a gigantic garbage barge floating on the tranquil waters of the Pacific Ocean. We see debris in the blue waters, or in nautical terms, flotsam and jetsam. The battle has already begun between Ghost Tank Oswald and Mastermind, with both men trading punches in the center of the barge.

Mastermind takes over early, using his deliberate pace and basic wrestling acumen to befuddle the wild Money Oswald who was expecting a brawl. Mastermind stays the course with headlock after headlock after headlock, then lights the crowd on fire with a hammerlock.

Oswald finds his opening in the form of a Sbarro cup near his feet, and he tosses it into Mastermind’s eyes! Mastermind is clawing at his face and screaming, with steam rising from his flesh. What was in that cup???

With a wild war cry, Oswald runs at Mastermind, lifts him in a bear hug, and carries him toward the side of the barge… OSWALD TOSSES HIM OFF!

Winner by Boat Removal - Money Oswald

Mastermind falls from the deck of the garbage barge and lands with a splash in the floating bits of waste in the ocean below, and the camera switches back to Vinnie who seems surprised to be back on TV so quickly.

Vinnie Lane: “Wait, that was it? THAT BOAT COST FIFTY GRAND!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]
The camera suddenly starts to buzz and static fills the screen. Crackles and pops fill the ears of the listeners in the arena and at home. A voice overtakes the static in a distorted loop making the voice sound almost demonic.

Voice: Pain. Pleasure. Touch me. Fill me. End me.

The uncomfortable language continues on loop until the screen quickly shows the distorted image of this man.

[Image: 171e0253275b774dd58a6cf9c70f5e021fe7842c.gifv]
The video feed continues to loop with the image and the voice continuing to repeat. Eventually the screen shatters to darkness in a deafening silence. The voice speaks once again, this time more eloquently and calm.

Voice: The Wraith invades your homes with Savage intent. Saturday, the world ends.

The image from earlier appears once more in jump scare fashion with a high pitched ringing accompanying it. The feed cuts to black.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Miss Fury
- vs -
Atara Themis

Vinnie Lane: “I think this is gonna be a barn burner, folks… two fierce females ready to lock horns in an Anarchy ring! Let’s get to it!”

Hello Doves appears briefly on the X-tron in pink accompanied by Atara's voice saying the same over the arena PA right before her theme hits the speakers. The crowd goes pops like crazy. Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage as Atara appears from backstage in a full grunge walk to centerstage right before the ramp. Posing for the camera, she blows a kiss before throwing off a silk robe to reveal her attire for the night.

She full on grungewalks to the ring steps and stops at the top to posture once more for the fans before going to the middle of the apron where she blows yet another kiss to the camera before entering the ring very Stacy Kiebler-ish and awaits the start of the match.

As the room goes blood read, we see red smoke blowing out from the stage. Then suddenly, Miss Fury comes through the smoke, and laughs evilly in front of the booing crowd. She walks down to the ring, giving the crowd a mean glare that would make a teenage boy lose his “paper planes” at the arena. Then she walks up the steel steps, and enters the ring. Then she stands at the corner, awaiting the bell to ring.

As soon the belt had rung, we see Atara and Fury just standing there. Fury is taunting her to hit, and when Atara tried to strike her with a punch, she ducks it. As she kept evading her punches, she manages to grab her left arm, and applies a Wrist Lock. As she kept wrenching the arm, Atara was kneeling in pain. Atara slowly gets on her feet, and she grabs Fury by the hair, and slams her on the mat. Then she gets on top of her, and it processed into a catfight as the fans shouted “ECW!” in unison.

Vinnie Lane: “These two ladies are really going at it, these two ladies would have been perfect for the Bombshell Division at this moment.”

As they rolled around the ring, Fury manages to her her foot on the bottom rope. Atara gets off her, and she stomps on her midsection. She then lifts up Fury, and she gives her a couple of Uppercuts; then she Irish Whips her to the ropes and she connects with a Spinning Back Fist. Atara then locks her in a chin lock, and squeezed it tightly, but Fury managed to get up on her feet and gives her a Jawbreaker. As Atara is holding her jaw, Fury eye rakes her in front of the ref, who reprimanded her.

She then bites Atara’s forehead, and she gives a headbutt that lays out Atara. She then gets on her knees and starts to eye gouge, until the ref tries to count her out. She lets go of the hold before the four count, and she starts to strangle her. She lets go by the count of four, and gets on her feet. She then turns her on her back, and gives repeated elbows to the lower back. She then lifts up Atara by her long hair, and kicks her in the gut a few times. She then forces her on the corner rope, and she gives a Foot Choke in the corner until the count of four by the ref.

Vinnie Lane: "Man, Fury is trying to get herself DQ’ed so badly, that even Graves would stop doing that, even though he’s a kind of guy to disregard human life."

Atara is holding her throat, and gasping for air as Fury starts to laugh and follow her. Atara then gets Dropkicked on the mat. She then goes to the top rope, and goes for a Elbow Drop, but Atara moved out the way. Atara quickly on her feet, then waits for Fury to get on her feet and as Fury does, Atara goes for multiple chops to her chest. Each chop Fury took from her, it made her a bit weaker. Atara then lifts her up for a Suplex which connects.

Atara then runs to the ropes, and hits Fury with a Diving Knee onto her chest and goes for the cover…




Vinnie Lane: “Man, Atara is pulling at the stops to take down main baddie in BOB here tonight.”

Fury kicked out, and Atara started stomping her feet to crowd. With each stomp, the whole arena got into it, and once Atara came close to Fury, she ended up getting a female Low Blow. Fury then gets on her feet, and she kicks her in the face. She then preys around her, and she waits in the corner. As Atara slowly got on her feet, Fury charges and connects with a Superman Punch and covers her for the pin…



Atara kicked out with all her might, as Fury looked pissed. She then drags her to the corner, and starts to stomp on her head, as she looked at the fans as she mouths “IS THIS YOU’RE HERO?”, who then started to boo at her. She then stops stomping her, and she backs away from the corner. As she started to fix her mask, she then charges to the corner to hit a Face Wash, but Atara moved out the way as Fury took a face of the top turn buckle.

Atara then grabs Fury on the Back, and hits a Triple German Suplex on her. Fury then tries to get on her feet, but Atara then Axe Kick her head back on the mat. She then tries to lock in her Lament Of Adonis, but Fury managed to wiggle herself out to from the ring. As Fury was looking at her arm, Atara then taunts her to come back into the ring.

Vinnie Lane: “Fury is smart, but not smart enough to out maneuver Atara’s holds.”

Fury then gets towards the Apron, but she tried to Suplex Atara to the outside, but with Atara’s sheer strength she pulls her back into the ring with her own Stalling Suplex. As Atara held Fury up in the air for ten minutes, she turned into a Brainbuster. Atara then locks Fury in a modified Sleeper Hold on the mat, and Fury almost passed out from it.

By the fourth arm count from ref on Fury’s arm, Fury woke herself up and got herself on her feet and started to Elbow her head to break the hold. Fury then goes to Atara’s back to lock it in, and Atara tries to break out of it. Fury then hits a Belly To Back Suplex on Atara, then she seated Atara up and hit a Soccer Kick on her back. She then goes to the top, and hits…


Fury then pins her with both of her knees up on her shoulder….



Vinnie Lane: “Oh snap, Atara is making herself known to the world that she isn’t going to back down from anyone. Even if she has Fury’s Mad Max thighs in-between her head. Let’s see how these two will go further right now!”

Themis is wobbly but after kicking out she sees her chance with Fury near the ropes, and she charges her with a clothesline that sends both women up and over.

The official starts a ten count as Atara and Fury brawl at ringside, right up against the fans in the front row. They trade blows with no one clearly getting an advantage over the other, but soon enough they find themselves at a nine count with six feet between themselves and the ring.

With a look between them, both Atara and Fury sprint toward the ring and slide under the bottom rope, but it’s too late! The referee has gotten to ten and called for the bell!

Double Count Out

Vinnie Lane: “Wow, what a disappointing turn of events for this match, and the fans here in the Cow are letting the girls know it! Wait, are they booing or mooing? Are they saying Boo-urns?”

[Image: gR8affl.png]
Big D is shown backstage with Steve Sayors, his Internet Title around his waist and a frozen Powerade held to his nose.

SAYORS: "I'm standing here with Big D, who earlier in the night defended his Internet Championship with ease against Jamai.............."

An irritated Big D slams the Powerade down and yanks the mic out of Steve's hand.

D: "Cut the crap, Steve, we all know what you're REALLY here to ask me about!............. what do I think about MeFisto backing out of our match? How's my nose feeling?!......................BROKEN, Steve!! My nose feels broken!!!!!"

Big D takes a deep breath, shaking his head in disbelief over everything that's transpired in just a single night.

D: "I'm disappointed I couldn't give the fans the match they expected tonight, but I can assure them that, had it been MeFisto, the outcome would've been the same!.............. the truth is, I didn't even WANT to fight MeFisto, not at first, anyway. But when you play games with Big D, you're GONNA lose! I'm no stranger to mind games, MeFisto, I've faced the master of them on multiple occasions! If you wanna prance around like a roided up mental patient, I don't give shit, but the minute you drag MY ass into it, that's when we have a problem!"

Big D points to his crooked nose.

D: "You've written a check you can't cash, MeFisto, and I'm comin' to get what's owed! I don't believe in second chances, but for your sorry ass, I can make an exception!!! Next Anarchy, you and me! I'm willing to put my Title on the line, if you're willing to back up all that shit you've talked and actually step into the ring with me! The choice is yours, but know this: you can't avoid me forever! I WILL get my reckoning and expose you to the world as the fraud you are! And that ain't no story, it's the Cold Big D Truth!!!!!"

Big D shoves the microphone into Steve's chest, before stomping off.
[Image: gR8affl.png]

The camera focuses on Vinnie Lane at his ringside announce booth.

Vinnie Lane: “Ladies and gents, I’ve been in contact with MY team during the previous few minutes, and I made a decision. Kylie and her giant mutant from Trinity Wrestling think they can just waltz into the XWF and demand a match against a REAL champion? Well, be careful what you wish for dudes, because I don’t think these not-ready-for-primetime players can handle the bright lights of a REAL show… like LEAP OF FAITH!”

[Image: XkjYMhn.png]

Vinnie Lane: “That’s right! If Trinity wants to send this ‘Pasha’ over to Japan with the other pandas his size, let him come face to face with… the reigning XWF Hart Champion Nathaniel Idenhaus! We’ll show Trinity what REAL talent is, with REAL champions in a REAL promotion.AND… I’ll put that championship on the line too! That’s right! Vinnie Lane puts his money where his mouth is, and if Pasha has the cojones to actually get into MY ring again… he can have the chance of a lifetime. Let’s find out if these part-time low-rent Trinity chumps can actually make a statement when they’re given the chance, huh?”

[Image: gR8affl.png]


- vs -
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
Scaffold Match with special guest referee...


Vinnie Lane: “And here we are, folks, it’s MAIN EVENT time!”

The camera swoops over the higher ceilings of the arena, showing the large scaffolding put in place.

Vinnie Lane: “Okay, so, as it turns out, the contract Sarah Lacklan signed with the XWF this time around demanded a certain amount of ‘importance’ in every appearance she’s booked for, and just watching while someone gets tossed off a scaffold apparently violated that clause… so this match WILL also end via pinfall or submission, while still on the scaffold, but will ALSO be won by scaffold toss if need be. Also, she said she needs an entrance. I told her no, but…”

The lights in the Cow Palace then go out.


Vinnie Lane: “Oh, here she comes. Great job keeping the production truck locked, Todd.”


Vinnie Lane: “Hurry UP dude, god dang…”




A red spotlight shines down on the entrance ramp as a metal version of the Moonlight Sonata plays. Sarah calmly walks out onto the ramp in an impressively tailored referee outfit and stops, taking the time to look at the crowd. As the guitars play, she slowly walks down the ramp, careful to avoid the touch of any fans, with an arrogant sneer on her face. As she approaches the ring steps, she carefully climbs them before entering the ring.

Sarah then looks up at the scaffold high above her and begins to ascend the ladder hanging from it.

Vinnie Lane: “Most expensive referee in the business, folks! I luckily was able to negotiate out the full symphony orchestra.”

Vinnie Lane: “And here comes the Brotherhood of Baddies, with their apparent newest member, Jenny Myst! Now, again, I’m not exactly a contract lawyer, so I never noticed that Micheal Graves specifically had a built-in swap bullet-pointed into his match contracts. Here I was trying to give the dude some recognition for the hard work he’s done here on Anarchy recently, and instead I got Jenny Myst. Whatever. Myst with an Anarchy Title shot with Graves and Oswald in her corner isn’t something I ever expected to see, but this is a strange year, dude.”

Myst enters the ring and starts to climb the ladder to the scaffold while Graves and Oswald, who apparently caught a chopper back to landslide, both make a general hooligan ruckus in the ring below. Myst gets to the scaffold and side eyes Sarah Lacklan, who immediately begins loudly explaining her authoritative power as the official arbiter of the contest. Myst seems both bored and horrified at the same time.

Vinnie Lane: “How does Sarah’s voice carry so well, dude? It’s like she’s right next to you!”

The crowd loses their minds as Anarchy Champion RUBY makes her way from the back with perfect posture. The gleaming Anarchy Title on her shoulder is clearly recently polished, and her cape is dry cleaned with a crisp seam. She poses with the title in the ring before leaping onto the ladder and climbing it heroically.

At the top, she extends a hand to Jenny Myst but is rebuffed. Sarah Lacklan just shrugs and moves to the center of the platform, waiting for the two competitors to stand at the ready on either side.

Vinnie Lane: “Now, Ruby might actually be at a bit of a disadvantage here tonight, folks. Remember, she was preparing for Micheal Graves for two weeks and suddenly got this switcheroo played on her just this past Monday. Luckily, she’s a real sport and would never think of backing down from any sort of challenge.”

The bell rings, and both athletes look to tentatively approach one another, trying to steer clear of the scaffold’s edges as it sways slightly in the air. They look to lock up, but Sarah Lacklan puts her hands out and pulls an XWF rule book from her back pocket and starts loudly reading from page one, gesturing at the XWF logo on her official’s shirt every few moments. Ruby seems attentive and even appears to be taking notes, but Jenny Myst is visibly frustrated.

After listening through extremely detailed statutes regarding the nature of clotheslines versus lariats and the various illegalities that could possibly rise from such a distinction, Myst shoves Lacklan out of the way and clubs Ruby in the face with a big forearm!

Vinnie Lane: “Ruby just ate that forearm and went down hard onto the scaffold! Jenny Myst is not letting up, either, just raining down fists onto the back of Ruby’s head!”

Myst pulls Ruby up and delivers a snap suplex onto the metal scaffold hard enough to make them both bounce. Even Lacklan gives a little hop as the scaffold reverberates from the impact.

Myst then does a handstand and hand-walks to the downed Ruby, dropping across her with a high-impact leg drop from the upside-down position. Lacklan immediately drops and gives a one count, confusing Myst who clearly was not looking for a pin.

Vinnie Lane: “Doesn’t look like that would have been enough to put Ruby away anyway, but the moment of confusion has given the Anarchy Champ a second to breathe.”

Jenny Myst walks into a Herocanrana, and then finds herself with her leg hooked fisherman style as Ruby lifts her up and over in a Hero-Plex! Myst’s spine rattles the scaffold as Ruby bridges and points her toes, and Sarah Lacklan slides in, flashes the Billion $$$ smile we are contractually obligated to mention, and slaps her expensively manicured hand down onto the metal!



Myst powers out!

Vinnie Lane: “Almost got caught there, Jenny! Ruby knows how to execute perfect leverage on those bridges!”

Jenny attempts to charge at Ruby but gets monkey flipped for her trouble. Sarah sidesteps just in time before getting caught by a flying Jenny, and Myst nearly slides all the way to one of the edges of the scaffold.

Vinnie Lane: “You can see Sar’s a novice at the referee business, she nearly had herself in harm’s way!”

Ruby meets Jeny Myst with a deep arm drag, and then nails a hip toss that leaves Myst stunned. Ruby then settles down and sinks a chinlock in. The crowd murmurs a bit, looking for a move a bit more daring from a death defying scaffold match starring a superhero, but Ruby cranks it in deeper anyway.

Sarah does her due diligence, repeatedly slipping her hand between Ruby’s arm and Jenny’s neck, making sure the hold is a legal submission maneuver and not a choke. Even though this style of match technically has no holds barred, it looks like Mrs. Grey-Lacklan has taken her position seriously. She notifies Ruby the instant her elbow crosses over Myst’s windpipe and Ruby quickly releases the hold and actually apologizes to Myst for the accidental choke.

Vinnie Lane: “Never seen that happen before, dude.”

Myst explodes upward from her seated position and blasts Ruby in the nose with the crown of her head. Ruby is laid out and Myst grabs her by the ankles, looking for a giant swing! Ruby is helpless while Myst rotates, getting dizzier and dizzier and also closer and closer to that precarious edge of the scaffold!

Ruby is sent flying and she skitters off the edge of the scaffold, but she manages to catch a grip right at the last moment and save herself by doing a neat-o flip back onto the scaffold before collapsing with dizziness. Myst looks like she knows she missed an opportunity, and she heads over to Ruby and starts laying the boots to her, stomping her good all over the back of her head, neck, and shoulders before taking a victory lap and raising her arms to preen for the California crowd.

Ruby struggles to her feet behind Myst and leaps up onto Jenny’s shoulders from behind, pushing forward into a victory roll that leads to a pinning predicament! Lacklan is there IMMEDIATELY.



Myst again with a kickout!

Ruby nods, appreciating the perfect cadence of the newb referee, and turns around only to eat a big boot from the challenger.

Vinnie Lane: “Ruby got hit pretty hard there, I heard the back of her head hit that scaffold all the way down here!”

Myst grabs Ruby by the hair and flips her down with a hair mare, drawing a lecture from Sarah who once again reaches for her rule book. Myst ignores her, grabbing Ruby by the waistband and looking to send her off the side of the scaffold! Ruby puts on the brakes in the nick of time, though, and shoves Jenny forward, almost sending her crashing into the referee!

Vinnie Lane: “There goes Sarah out of position again, she’s going to get hurt!”

Jenny jaws at Sarah and you can see the anger in Lacklan’s eyes, but she manages to keep her composure and just smiles back as Jenny berates her… and then Ruby grabs Myst from behind and folds her over in a roll-up! Sarah jumps down to make the count!



Myst with yet another kickout, and this time she is up and in Lacklan’s face, accusing her of making a quick count!

Vinnie Lane: “Count looked fair to me, dude, I think Jenny’s barking up the wrong tree here!”

Ruby waits patiently behind a screaming Jenny Myst, then taps her on the shoulder to get her attention. When Myst turns around, she gets snagged into a RUBY CUTTER!!!


Jenny was able to twist through the maneuver and rotates Ruby all the way through into PINK PERFECTION!!! Ruby is down, and Jenny rolls her over into a lateral press, but taking an extra second to shout some sort of obscenity toward Lacklan! Sarah raises her eyebrows and drops to make the count, but makes EXTRA sure that Ruby’s shoulders are down first.



Ruby kicks out! Jenny can’t believe it!

Vinnie Lane: “Jenny shouldn’t have wasted any time going for that pin, she might have cost herself a championship here tonight!”

Jenny is still livid and is right up in the face of Sarah Lacklan, screeching and mewling about a faster count. Sarah pretty much ignores her right up until Jenny sends an open hand slap across the face of Sarah Lacklan.

Vinnie Lane: “Uh oh.”

Sarah turns her head away from Jenny, but when she looks back at her she also sprays a red mist from out of her mouth, blinding Jenny! Jenny grabs at her eyes and then Sarah cocks her arm and blasts Myst with her Supergirl Punch, sending the challenger staggering back towards Ruby, who’s just gotten back to her feet…


Ruby hits the move this time and falls on top of Jenny Myst for a cover just as Oswald and Graves start climbing the scaffold’s ladder from below!




Sarah calls for the bell, Ruby retains!

Winner by Pinfall in a Scaffold Match - Ruby

Sarah holds Ruby’s hand up but here comes the rest of B.O.B! Graves gets to the top first and tackles Ruby from behind, and Oswald is right there to help in the double team.

Vinnie Lane: “It looked to me like Sarah was going to help Ruby out there, but Myst is back up and in her face again! This is about to get real ugly up there!”

Graves and Oswald go to town stomping and punching on the helpless Anarchy Champion, and Jenny Myst takes a big swing at Sarah Lacklan but comes up short, finding herself facing away from her adversary after her momentum takes her for a full 180. Lacklan grabs her by the head… ABYSS ONTO THE SCAFFOLD!!!

Myst is out cold, and Sarah has a few choice words for her before turning and seeing Ruby still being double teamed by the two remaining B.O.B members. Ruby manages to up-kick Oswald, sending him sprawling, but Graves is still fully incontrol right up until Sarah grabs him…


A hush falls over the crowd as Micheal Graves flails and spins all the way to the ringside floor below, as Sarah tossed him from the opposite side of the scaffold from what was intended. Ruby stares up at Sarah in disbelief, and even Oswald can’t seem to comp[rehend what just happened.

Vinnie Lane: “JESUS CHRIST SARAH! You could have killed him! Holy heck, Graves is shattered into pieces! He isn’t moving, ladies and gentlemen, he landed right in the front row, luckily our fans scattered in time, but he crashed into their chairs as well as the security railing… oh my god… oh my god…”

Up on the scaffold, Sarah stands staring down at the wreckage, her eyes full of rage. Ruby approaches her, trying to point out what she’s done, but Sarah seems to be in some sort of fugue animalistic trance. Oswald starts climbing down the ladder, screaming for Graves to move if he can, but Graves is motionless as a pool of blood begins to form around his head.

Vinnie Lane: “Take the goddamn camera off of him, what the hell? Get some help out here! Get us off the air, end the damn show! END IT!”

Anarchy fades to black on a shot of a still-staring Sarah Lacklan with both Jenny Myst and
Ruby glaring at her in disbelief.


Big D
Scott Charlotte
John Black

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 11 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Atara Raven (07-10-2020), B.O.B. D (07-10-2020), Mastermind (07-10-2020), Mr. Oz (07-10-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-10-2020), Ruby (07-11-2020), Scott Charlotte (07-10-2020), The Brothers Blackwater (07-10-2020), Theo Pryce (07-10-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-10-2020), Tommy Wish (07-10-2020)
LiamRoberts Offline
Procrastinating King

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

07-10-2020, 08:10 AM

How does one get booked for Anarchy?

[Image: zVNrMXw.jpg]


1x Heavymetalweight Champion

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-10-2020, 08:22 AM

They tell me they want to be on the roster for Anarchy. I autobook it rather than doing opt-ins, though, so you'll have to let me know if you ever want to NOT be booked.

(07-10-2020, 08:10 AM)LiamRoberts Said: How does one get booked for Anarchy?

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-11-2020, 10:16 AM

"Mastermind, for once I have won, and have turned you into nothing more than an OBSOLETE mule!

Oswald slams his cane into the ground, growling

"What I mean to say is, have fun with the free shirt."
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The Brothers Blackwater Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-11-2020, 11:11 AM

Quote:I’d like to get her number…


[Image: vp1uvfb.jpg]

[Image: iNVRm0X.jpg]

Donovan Blackwater
Former 1x...

[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

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