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From within the Castle #RP1
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Nightmare Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

07-17-2013, 07:39 AM

[Image: gothic-cemetary-gates-castle.jpg]

The Castle of Demons stands tall in the night sky, Mist flows around us as we pass through the gates. We slowly walk up the path towards the giant wooden doors that hold all of the castles secrets inside. We walk past what look like gravestones that line the side of the path almost all of the way up towards the castle. These aren’t gravestones though. The names that are carved into these stones are the names all the night-demon’s successful missions. Successful missions are not judged by beings that faced justice but returned to their disgusting ways, So a successful mission is when the subject is faced the correct justice that fits his previous life, whether it was a life of crime, deceit, addiction, adultery or terror but then they must also be rehabilitated to the fact that they are a different person, a better person. There are many of these stones sticking out of the long grass all around the castle each one telling the story of the subject.

As we approach the giant door it opens what seems to be automatically, as we step out of the cold into the dark entrance hall it comes to our attention that two hooded figure were responsible for the opening of the doors as they are stood either side of us holding a rope pulled down tight. The slowly release their grip on their respective ropes and the ease them upwards thus slowly closing the giant wooden doors behind us.

With the doors now shut there is nowhere for the moon to enter into the hallway so it is briefly plunged into darkness, a light soon forms at the top of the symmetrical curves stair cases that start one from the left and one from the right and meet at the top. What began as one small candle light soon turn into two, then four, six, eight, ten and so on making its way down both the left and right side of the stairs lighting up the two paths to the higher section of this old castle. The candles that lit up the stairs were each being help by a hooded figure the same as the ones that opened the doors before.

We approach the bottom of the left flight of steps and the hooded figure all bow their heads making it impossible to see who is below the long hood. As we make our next movement our foot touches down onto the first step and the candle that was being held by the hooded figure on that step goes out as if a gust of wind had passed through but only in search of that one naked flame, as we continue up the steps each candle goes out as we pass it just as the first one had until finally we are at the top. We look back down to where we had previously been but only a section of the lower level is visible due to the candle light that still shines brightly down the right hand side stair case.

As we turn and continue down a long hallway a figure finally comes into view, it is another hooded figure but this time is different than before this figure as a mask covering his face, this was The Apprentice.

As we reach The Apprentice he steps in front of a door and stands blocking our entrance.

Apprentice:You are early please wait here.

The Apprentice turns and enters the door behind him slowly shutting it tight behind him. Looking around this area of the castle which we are stood waiting for our meeting with the one known as Nightmare we notice the markings on the wall. There were different types of patterns that were carved and ran all the way along the corridor wall. In the center point of the wall there was a carving of what looked like some sort of Gargoyle or Goblin, the details of the carving were exceptional down to every last tooth shown in the snarling face. The eyes seemed to glow red at certain points as we wandered down the corridor, upon closer inspection we could see that there were two red crystals in place of the eyes. We pulled out hands back quickly from touching the crystal when we heard the door begin to open. Making our way back down the hall towards the now open door we see The Apprentice step out in front of us and slowly turn his head to face us.

Apprentice:My Master will see you know.

The Apprentice steps to the side of the door and allows us to pass by him into the small dimly lit room. As we pasted in the air turned cold as a chill ran down our spines. Immediately on the wall to our left was a window, in the brief glimpse we had we could see the long pathway we had previously walked and the tall iron gates in the distance. Moving on into the room there we four candles up on the wall one in each corner this was the only source of light apart from the moon light that managed to push through the windows. Nightmare was sat in a corner looking through a large old book, we could tell it was old as the markings on the cover had been worn away from use. Nightmares eyes did not rise from the page as we approached. The door to the room had shut again behind us The Apprentice remained on the outside. We are in here with Nightmare, and we are all alone. They were the thoughts that began running through our minds. As we moved deeper into the room towards when the one they call Nightmare was sat we can see news paper clippings pin to all the walls, it was unnerving to see that the majority of these newspaper clippings had stories and images of some of the XWF superstars. “The Senator” John Samuel’s appeared a few times, Crimson Cobra was there, Shocker as well. Upon closer inspection we could see that these clipping’s had been nailed to the wall and there seemed to be some sort of red stain running underneath the nail There was a pile of clipping‘s crumpled up on the floor, as we looked down and stepped over them we could see that one of these clippings had the face of The King John Madison smiling victoriously on it. Stepping over the rubbish we finally reach the table that is being sat at by Nightmare, he looks up towards us and motions with his hand for us to take a seat.

We do as the demon has wished and sit on the chair at the table opposite him. Nightmare’s head lowers again as he seems to continue reading the book. There was no way we were going to interrupt nightmare so we just sat quietly continuing to look around the room.

It was a fascinating Gothic looking room as one would expect from a demon castle I suppose. Being in here feels like we are finally getting to see a little of who Nightmare really is, there is a full sized coat of arms displayed on one of the walls however this even has clippings of different people attached to it and all around it. Looking up at the some of the clippings our attention was drawn towards one in particular, it had a nail pinning it to the wall just next to the coat of arms. This one jumped out as we recognized the name that the report on the clipping was about was that of Jason Goldstein, the petty car thief turned murderer that Nightmare has once told the story of. These were the names of Nightmares victims. As we look back towards the demon he continues to read the book, even up close there is no chance of being able to make out any words on the spine of cover to give away details of what in entails. We do notice though just under Nightmare’s hands there are some things carved into the giant wooden desk. Struggling to focus our eyes we can just about make out what the carvings say… XWF FAILURE… REVENGE ON THE XWF…LUCA ARZEGOTTI… SID FEDER… MR SATELLITE.. REVENGE…REVENGE…REVENGE.

Our focus is taken away from these words that are carved into the desk as the book slams shut and then down onto the table covering the markings. Our eye’s raise up until we are finally looking eye to eye with the monster, Nightmare.

Nightmare:You have been invited here today so I can show you the pain and misery the XWF in its current form is causing not only the people of this world but themselves as well. The misery that myself, my apprentice and the other members of The Connection look to address and rectify in due course.

I will admit I was fool for believing the people of the XWF would be able to stand up and realize the damage that is being caused by that organization, I was a fool for trusting the power’s within the XWF to do the right thing and I was a fool for not being able to see what I can now see, the corruption and dishonesty that riddles the veins of the XWF like a disease slowly eating away at the foundations that made this company once great, honest and true.

I have been spending a lot of time since Wild Card Weekend, at lot of time thinking, reflecting and planning my next move. It was during this time of reflection that I was approached by the man you now know as Ricky Desmond. He sat with me and explained who he was and what his plans were, it was during these conversation’s that I realized that somewhere down the road our plans or missions would meet to achieve the same goal, albeit being reached a different way. So from that moment we became partners with the sole mission of taking over the XWF. Along with the only other members of the large XWF roster that could see what we could see, we will succeed.

So what is first for the Connection, well you and Crimson Cobra and Knightmask have already seen what the group is capable of but next Monday at Madness you will witness the sheer power of us all, collectively and individually. I do not want to speak out of place with regards to the other members of the connection but I will tell you that John Austin, Andrew Morrison, Andrew Aldway, Ricky Desmond and myself are ready, ready for any battles that maybe thrown our way and ready for any useless weak poor attempts to stop the inevitable change that is due in the XWF, the change that as a group The Connection will bring. The arrogance of the XWF may write us off but it is foolish to do so, we will succeed.

If proof is what is needed for you people to believe that the XWF will try all it can to stop The Connection, to stop the change then you do not have to look any further than Monday Night’s Madness where I have been put into a match and forced to be teamed with one of my opponents from the PPV, Sid Feder, not only that we will be facing Luca Arzegotti and Mr Satellite. This here singlehandedly show the fear the powers of the XWF have with regards to the Connection. For one as I have said they are teaming me with somebody that not even a week ago was my opponent, and they are putting our little makeshift team up against which in truth unfortunately is the two of the best the XWF has ever seen. Now there is the proof that the XWF will do anything to make the Connection fail, to nip it in the bud so to speak.

Well ever since my failure due to the XWF’s assistance of the tyrant king I am now more focused than I ever have been before, there will be no more failure, not by me or The Connection.

Nightmare picks the book up off the table opens it up and begins to read silently once again. The door swings open behind us and as we turn we feel a hand come down onto our shoulder, it is The Apprentice. We get to our feet and The Apprentice leads us out of the room and down the same dark hallway as before. He stops at another large closed door as we approach he points at the door signalling us you enter. There was a bright white glow coming from the cracks around the Gothic style carved door. We reach out and push the door open, a light shines strongly into our faces blinding us on the spot as we feel a hand gently push us through. The door bangs closed behind us and the burning sensation on our eye lids stops. The light has gone. Opening our eyes we blink a few times looking around expecting to be in some strange room within the castle but were not, we are stood in my office in the XWF headquarters. How did we get here?

“This has been Steve Sayors, we hope you have enjoyed our exclusive interview with The Connection member, Nightmare”

[Image: nm_zps35d07197.jpg]
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