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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Soft Deadline Who is Deontay Jackson?
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Deontay Jackson

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04-28-2020, 10:50 PM

Deontay never wanted to be a thug, a gangster, a knucklehead, but that's how life played out for him. Growing up wasn't easy but he learned to survive, to get to the next day and not end up six feet under. The man had come close to death a few times. It was the nature of the life. Deontay wanted out and he was working towards of that. His dream was to start his own record studio and make that green but to do so, he was going to have to earn that money first. You gotta spend money to earn money as they say. What it took, if he had to deal weed or jack drug dealers or become a professional wrestler. He was going to do it. That didn't bother him one bit, doing dirty work, as long as he could protect his family, then so be it. No roadblocks were going to stop him. That's what the people he was facing with his brother were, roadblocks, trying to keep him from what was his, but they didn't understand the fact there wasn't a thing they could do. He wasn't going to let them. They were going to face Da Jacksons brother. Low Mo and True Forever were already defeated, any smart person could see that, Hell even a blind person could see it. That's how obvious it was. The truth stings but you can't out run time and the clock was winding down to D-Day. The future was not going to be kind, a dark and stormy night was about to rain onto Low Mo and True Forever. Da Jacksons were the storm and they were going to take over the XWF, first stop was the path of destruction was this Warfare and it was the first match on the card.

Deontay sat in his kitchen in his small apartment. He was in the middle of rolling up a backwoods blunt. The flower he was using was top of the line, the best of the best. In life, it's not what you know, it's who you know and Deontay knew where to get the best weed in Detroit and that was a fact. His dealer's name was Mr.Green and he was know as the man you wanted to get the good stuff, no one fucked with him, that would be the death for anyone trying to come up on him. Once Deontay finished grinding down the flower and and pulling in the blunt wrap, he started to roll the beautiful creation and soon it was complete. Happy with is work of art, Deontay placed it between his lips, lit up the sucker and pulled a fat rip from it. The weed was strong and caused the older Jackson brother to cough hard. He couldn't help but to laugh before looking into the camera .

"I've been sitting here, rolling this blunt and trying to figure out who Low Mo and True Forever are. Frankly I don't think it matters. I don't see any reason why I should give them two fucks. My brother and I are gonna to wreck them and they'll be old news. You see, my brother and I have a goal, anything that stands in our way must be dealt with. I'm sure you can guess what we want, I would hope so. What does every tag team want when they step in that ring? Clearly them tag belts, duh. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that but you two seem a little slow in the head and I'm sorry you were born that way, I'm not going to feel good about beating down two , but I'll get over it and so will my brother. So please just take your beating, you might as well. Everything you try will fail. That's just how it has to be."

"I want the both of you to think on that for the next week, til the day of the match and as soon as the bell rings. I want you to know you will be helpless to stop Da Jackons. We are gonna bomb on ya two like the mark as bitches you are. Not everyone wants that job, but someone gonna do it. Da Jackson have no problem raining down Hellfire. We are pretty damn good at it. You'll see and you'll wish you listened to my warnings but if you don't, that's on you two. You'll have to deal with it no matter what. So by all means, don't pay mind, I don't care but ya two are gonna learn what's up and you'll see we mean business. Get it? Got it? Good. Be seein' ya bustas soon."
[-] The following 5 users Like Deontay Jackson's post:
(04-29-2020), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-02-2020), Felix Jones (04-29-2020), red-x (05-08-2020), Theo Pryce (04-29-2020)

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