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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-17-2020, 12:25 PM

“What was that?”

I walked up to the brush and began searching for what created the noise. As I brushed aside the foliage a few birds flew off into the air, and a few ground squirrels ran up a few nearby trees.

“All that noise for nothing. Not a single relevant point. Yes, that was a weird transition to get back into it, but you know what it doesn’t bother me one bit. You’ve still continued to run your mouth and I must be the bad guy in all of this. Fine. You want to think that you are the change that the XWF needs? Fine. You want to shock the system? Try it. I already did that. All you do is HOPE and DREAM about being where I am. You think that because you were gifted this opportunity that you are deemed on the same level as I am.” Holding up a single finger I begin to wave it back and forth. “Yet even with all your bravado, you know deep down inside that you aren’t. That’s why you continually have to scream from the top of your lungs that you are going to…”

“Make Me Tap.”

“Right just pinning me in the ring is too good for me right? It’s that type of brazen attitude that will inevitably be your downfall. You want to be the best in the business, then you need to think ahead. You need to be two, maybe three steps ahead of the competition. You can’t see farther than Tomorrow night. I on the other hand see everything. You want to walk out the champion? Maybe you shouldn’t go right after me. Maybe you take that golden ticket of yours and look towards Grif. I know that it’s not the ‘Honorable’ way to go about things, but let's be honest…”

“A back door victory is the only way that you’ll be able to get one over on me. You can’t stand toe to toe with me. You can disagree all you want, but these are nothing more than the pure facts. Everything you can claim, so can I and then some. Anything you can say against me, trust me it’s something that I’ve heard a million times before.”
I turn back towards the cave and begin walking while rolling my hand. “ I’m a snake. I’m a bad guy. I don’t play by the rules. I’ve heard it all, and I’ve beaten it all. Hell I’ve even been called a coward before, and you know what? Still here. Still better than you.”

“You said that title shots aren’t just handed out…”
A puzzled expression comes across my face. “Are you dense? They hand them out like candy on Halloween. Why else would Robbie Bourbon get a shot at the title? Why else would you be here? Why else would Chris Page get shot after shot? It’s because there is no rhyme or reason for anything that happens here. It’s all based on luck and happenstance. I lost a contenders match only to be put in a different title match the next week.No the GODS sent you here to make yourself feel good before I eventually end your ‘climb’ to the top. The plan is to not even allow you to step foot at the base of the mountain, take your legs out from you before you even get to the first step. I know that you are going to fight, and you will do so valiantly, I’m not sure I know why, but you will. Oh no I get it now….”

“You liken yourself to some kind of HERO. As if you’re going to be the one to take down the big bad. You see the problem with HERO’s is that they need a VILLAIN, and that’s where our opinions differ. Do you know who the most interesting villains are? They are the ones where the story can be told from their perspective and you begin to root for them. It’s the villains that think they are the HERO, but their motivations are shitty and redundant are the ones that no one likes and people just want to watch them get squashed. I’ll give you one guess where you fall into.”
A quick eyebrow raise as I continue. “But let's just take another look at what you think makes you a viable contender to take the throne.”

“You have the ‘look’. Well you have A LOOK, but that’s more of an asshole used car salesmen. The greasy hair slicked back just reeks of someone slapping the hood of an old Toyta Trucell. You said that our suit is more than my life insurance policy? Dude do you have any idea how much money I’m worth? Like seriously. You said you KNEW me, but you didn’t bother to do any background research. It’s getting tiring telling everyone, but I literally BOUGHT the company you are working for, and sold it. So while your suit may make you look fancy, and I’m sure you spent a lot on it to make yourself feel better…”

“Some people would rather spend their money on things that gain value, not depreciate the second they take it out of the Baby Gap. I would rather use money to make money, that thought just goes right over your head doesn’t it? I wonder what goes through your head before you speak out of your ass. I can sit here and look at you dead in the face and tell you to fuck off, and what would you do?”
I begin to flail my arms above my head much like the way an excited teenage girl would react to seeing one of the Jonas Brothers.. “Oh Senpai noticed me, he must be scared. I’ve got him now.”

“You stupid fuck.”

“Hey everyone out there, did you know that Hanari Carnes is the best wrestler in the XWF? I mean except for….”


“The Grey-Lachlan’s”

“Madison Dyson”

“Donovan Blackwater”

“You know all the people that have beaten you, or soon will. The big name that sticks out there is the Blackwater. I mean if you’re so great how did you lose to him? Of all people, I didn’t do a deep dive into your full history, I stopped looking there. That’s enough to know that you can not only barely hold your own in the ring, that you’re probably not strong enough to carry my fucking bag.”

“So You’re out here calling me ARROGANT? When you have nothing to show for anything. You are right on one point. There is a difference between arrogance and confidence, maybe you should look in the mirror there buddy. You are nothing but arrogant. ‘But Chico how so?’ Well simply put you think that you are better than you are. You desparige everyone around you. You think you are the best thing walking in this company, when you’re not. I’m arrogant. I know I’m better than everyone here, the difference?”

“I have the belt to prove it. I have all the accolades to back up everything I say. You are yelling into thin air. The only person who thinks anything you say is true, is yourself. I can look into the history books for my accomplishments.”
I walk up to a larger rock next to the cave entrance and sit down on it. “It’s a real labor breaking down this moron and everything he says. I mean sure it’s the same shit over and over again. It’s honestly becoming a little like tinnitus in my ears. I almost need an ice pick to jam in my ears to stop hearing what he says. It’s honestly hard work listening to everything…”

“Well not hard, tiring. It’s hard being on my heels as you say. Yet even that isn’t right. Like remember you fired off promo’s first. You stepped up, and I just had to knock you back down to reality. In what mythological world am I backing away from anything? You feel as if I’m faltering, and I’m not. I’m just allowing you the opportunity to dig your own grave. And I must say you’ve done an excellent job at that.”

“For as long as I remember, I’ve been burying fools around these parts. You go ahead make sure you show up in your best suit, Hanari. Get that mani-pedi that you have been craving. Wear all the jewels and bling you have. I’ll dress in all black, because it’s your funeral. I’ll make sure to bring my shovel.”

“When it’s all over, I know what’s going to come out of your mouth. ‘I was screwed and I want another shot’ and I’ll tell you no. There are plenty of other people that deserve that opportunity more than you. You’ll call me a coward, but I won’t be able to hear you from the grave you dug for yourself. Rather than be thankful for the opportunity, you spat in my face. Well Chico I don’t believe in and eye for an eye. That’s not enough for everything you’ve said. I’m not going to say I’m going to kill you, instead I’ll humble you in front of the entire world, and send you back across the border for some more training.”

“Because if for even one moment you thought that you had a shot at beating me, know this….”

“You don’t.”

“I know it. The fans know it. And deep down inside…”

“You know it.”

Out of nowhere the ground begins to rumble underneath my feet. The trees begin to sway back and forth, as I am knocked to the ground. The ground begins to crack as I sidle across the ground as the crack follows me. Splintering off in several directions as I slide into a tree when the crack stops. The entrance of the cave begins to fall to the ground, as a larger cloud billows from the falling rocks.

I slowly get to my feet as I feel a hand fall onto my shoulder. Peering over I see both figures once again standing there. The crimson figure points towards the cave, and no sooner than it points a white light shines down upon the wreckage of the cave. A lone figure stands in the middle of rubble. Without hesitation I run towards the figure. Leaping over gaps in the ground caused by the implosion. The figure falls to its knees when I reach it. It’s clearly a man, but it’s hard to tell with the hood covering his face.

Reaching out my hand the figure grabs it, as I yank it to its feet. Suddenly I feel a hand wrapped around my throat causing me not to breathe. This man lifts me high into the air.

“Fools Rush In.” Muttered the man as my feet dangle in the air. I grab the arm with both of my hands and try to release myself, but it was all in vain. “Weakling. This could’ve been avoided…”

I was slammed into the ground, and before I could blink I was being hammered over and over again. My head bouncing like a basketball against the ground. As I slowly opened up my eyes the man looked at me and laughed in a shrill laugh.

“Pathetic.” The man stood over me and called out to the crimson and blue figures. “This is the White Knight? This is the weapon of the Gods? You released me for him?” The man removes the hood shrouding his face. That’s when I saw it. A pure white skull, some surface damage and eyes that could burn your soul. The man sneers at me, and once again lifts me up by my throat. Struggling to breath as my vision goes blurry.

“You didn’t think that all of this was over now did you? What just because you dispatched one serpent? Those two fools led you to this point. When the soul of a good man spills innocent blood The Darkness shall rise from the depths to bring with him bloodshed and hatred. You know what the old saying is? If you want something done you have to do it yourself….”

I was thrust higher into the air, I can see the look upon his face ready for what would surely be a killing blow. As I hover in the air for what seems like a small eternity, I feel a hand upon my shoulder.

In the blink of an eye, and a huge flashing light I was no longer hovering in the air, but I was laying back in the grove. I feel a hand fall onto my cheek.

“... Shawn…”

“I did something bad I think, but what else is new.” A quick sigh as I turn my head and smile at her sitting there caressing my head with a look of worry on her face. As the camera pans around, and I’m not in the grove at all, but back in the room laying on a bed. Once again I cannot move, or speak. The shaman walks up and places his hand on my forehead.

“He hasn’t fully disconnected yet…” He curls his bottom lip and takes a deep breath. Atara leans over and whispers into my ear.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got you.”

As Atara kisses the top of my head the camera fades to black.
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