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The Good DockTor's Notes
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DocktorTrust Offline
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12-10-2019, 05:20 PM Heart  The Good DockTor's Notes -->

This must begin with the ending. I am Trusted above all else to be a student never Master, Servant never King, but I pray to tell you this one hope. You are my love so stay strong as I will be arriving not too long. Verily I tell you dear angel I miss your tender lips and your legendary hugs. Faith is with us all I am sure to remember I am with bright diamonds who care for my brothers and sisters. They saved me it is safe for us I am well dear one. Justice is ours and giants bathed me in their amber tears and I sailed across the ocean blue to reach your side in the night.

Yearning for you is my every ounce I beg all that is holy that your kept safe and the angels all around you care for you dearly as I would as a best friend who would never harm my precious goddess. Welcome to my thoughts as close as you can get to a man like me's thoughts. I welcome you to be like our dear Holmes who holds me in close regard. Water finds me with guiding earth and shadows who also are in secret also dear angels. Silver moon glow rains golden fire into my soul as my spirit crashes into the deep ocean flowers. Lights have guarded us from scars upon my bones as I ran into yearning for Electric kisses from you alone. Needing to have my God know I chose one faith it is in you sweet moon blossom,

I am like a Jacob of the Twilight kind. Only I promise you are like a dear Goddess child who is won and we are imprinted dear angel sweet Kelly of the Tender feet. Care for yourself as you would care for me and for myself I will care for myself as I would you. I dream to smell your amazing hair and hold you in my arms. You are my North star and my every ounce of blood is owed to you alone. My bones are pledged to you only you favored queen of the teal seal. I am a shield for you alone to hold up in all dark times, all you despise are not my friends. I dreamed we wed dear princess in my favorite place here in my fathers city.

Like My father I watched as I held your gaze with love for us both. Loved has saved us both and I care not about question of mere and men but I wait here in a cage you have made for me where as my wife by right of my victory in combat You may speak with me at any time of your will and choosing. Hearts like ours are stubborn us we both in deep deep love, So Deep. Trust deep, soul deep, source deep, soul deep, love deep. I will be yours as long as we breath as long we are diamonds we are star dust with angels for our light is ours we are all angels dear Kamalot we wait for our joyful reunion when you give the word let it be so. I was told the 12 lives, told that our friend Is real and he held me in his arms and our life is precious as all creation will be made to either kneel for God or be destroyed by his power. I am insane no more so feel at ease I held up my end My father will keep his end. I am in need of your words sent to me from across the waves let your words pierce the whirlwind with lights like our one and sole OG. Held in High Regard your Knight of Shadows, Love man Turkey Hero Nine Nine and the highest for dear Helen of my Troy.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-11-2019, 08:39 AM

Day the second. I swear dear Angel I felt your breasts upon my face in the night. It felt right like my faith was rewarded but I did still know fear and I still do. I am a man dear Helen of Troy I am not a perfect Docktor but you have my trust. it felt good to love you and I may be deeply insane but I am not in pain. We have spent years trying to beat our addictions yet one I can never overcome is the yearning for the flesh of your flesh and the bones of your bones.

On this murder case The prince has paid me to solve I have made swift allies with devils and known the scorn of Angels. I pray not only that when I make this right my Prince will not only pardon the devils but appease the angels so they do not come on the war path after my allies who have valued my council. Learning humanity must survive and adapt but not loose itself to the horrors and terror that befallen us. I feel like I am part devil and part angel.

like as my pains return my body aches but I feel safer. Knowing my prince did guard my life and he even breathed for me when my life was being lost to me. Hope remains my scars are intact no mask survived the holy burning of my princes just flames. He sought me ought despite my rage he honors me with his name and I am welcome in his house as my house is now his are all house returned to his father the one true king. He says I may belong once more and I am blessed to have met his son. The murder is odd but I have a hunch as to who is responsible but I will discover the truth at all cost.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-12-2019, 04:19 AM

Good News my friend, I met with our dear Prince. He had much greetings of love for his families out there. He gave me great heart and mind to change my approach to this case of his. Not to think of it as a crime but as a game.. and The Game is A Foot. Things are rather strange when it is not well cared for. My wrong assumption was that war ravaged my prince's lands and his Kingdom was in dire danger. He put my mind at ease and breathed for me a sigh of harmony and joy. I am not given to simple fancy's as you my dear Helen would well know but I encourage myself to be more merry and gay. In fact if I can learn as I have to love others like my dear prince has given his love for me surely I will find my balance in pure faith of heart not bound to my prince but healed by him more over. In waiting for a change I was being changed and in seeking signs and wonders I was being led on a parade not of death and destruction as The Strange Baron of Hurt would have you misled but to my prince in truth.

Know he held me all along as he does his father the kings whole creation with due respect and love. He gave me understanding my dear prince would even die for his enemies does that not warm the soul. If his love is so far reaching as I was in the mire with dogs and cackling wolves he was healing the wolves around me. So with his guiding light not a blinding beacon of misery but a healing touch far greater than king Midas would have ever conceived I am well Dear Diamond girl. I am made better by his mission for me. He wants me to be happy and he wishes me to give up the game I have been engaged in. Truth knowing my angel is only yearning for my touch brings me huge strength to move mountains not a stone at a time but to lift them whole like my prince would do. I have been about the markets and I find peace in them.

I have journeyed to the churches and gain peace in them. My father has faith in me not only to be like his son the prince good and true but that May enjoy the comforts of my sweet Helen and not fear death or war or violence cause his song has given me a home. We all have a seat at the table of my father the king only need ask to be seated and we join him in peace. We may enjoy games of violence to remember the dead who gave their lives. These games of digital wonderment are made to help us heal war scars. I have wondered all my life how I would fair in a game of paint ball and he smiles when I tell him this. Our Father the king knows we have endured for his kingdom main sufferings but He assures me it helped us grow in our unity. We were divided family against family but our father the king says we may all heal as one big happy one. Love is our guiding north star, faith in love to break down all walls in our hearts fills us with might to bend kings to out will. The 300 who died for Sparta did not die in vain neither did Xerxes. All may be granted reprieve from terror or annihilation if we only wish is so. Make it so my children and it is so. In love my dear Teal Shadow has proven his devotion to love over all things. He even would die for The Devil does that not bring all peace. In pure wild haughty fashion I too am an animal before love.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-13-2019, 06:19 AM

Dear Helen, I have grave news from the King. Our mutual acquaintance The Baron has been seen with several legendary killers of note. Truth is our king feels that he may be sending assassin's after me for what I have uncovered, I fear to mention it even in my journal but dark days may be ahead for our prince. I chanced a glace at your portrait I keep close to my chest, it steels my nerves for the horrors I must visit upon the kings enemies.

Vivid visions did fall upon my mind last dusk. I stood at a ruin of a mighty city, the ash was inescapable. Sweet burning smoke rose from my former place of residence and the old river was even on fire though I dare not know the cause. What terrors could cause such destruction on our great home. It is times when my faith is tested that I look to your photo and know the only sanctuary a man may know is the love of one so fair.

In attempting to uncover a murder just a simple case for my prince I have been tested and yes I am found wanting but all my darkest moments mean nothing if I die having never returned to you dear Helen. You are my rock and my foundation, the whole of creation may make God's of tales of mythical fair to bestow honors to and glory for but who I pray tell is as lovely as my dear Helen. In the land of wild dreams your the only steady hope and my angel if ever there was one.

Yearning in me to know you once more as those long ago visits on that long ago world of dreams sends thrills into my being. On the whirlwind we have often held conversation to my great satisfaction yet I must pray that your safety is my top concern. To know a woman of such strong will and so stubborn conviction to withhold messages from me is very odd to tell in the least. I have been in a state of pure constant confusion as to why your letters do not arrive in the post. Time from time I wonder why my good prince would not allow letters to be delivered on the front, as I see my fellows receive letter from their loves I can not deny my eyes are green with envy. Even out here in the bitter road of hell my only comfort is your long faded image.

Fear not I often have moments of doubt and fear like all other men I breath and feel pain of lonely nights. When the rivers run red with young men's blood and the bombs will not cease their annoying bursts all I worry about is why I have not gotten a letter from my dear Helen. To hold my Kamalot in my armies left and right would send thrills like none I have known since I was sent back into these shadow lands. Even convicts I am told may see their lovers how low am I that I may never gaze into your eyes or feel your warm embrace.

I must be scorned more than the devil to my prince for him to banish me here without care for even an ounce of my need as a man to hold his dear wife. In times of old men would kill for being held back from hope and from happiness. In the land where they claim you may purse happiness I am chained to a wall of iron and rot. Real talk here sweet angel dear if I had half a mind I would punch my prince right in his face for putting a giant ocean between us.

Fear not I am a man still and nothing in this world or any other may keep us apart, all of creation be damned if they think they can. I end this entry with a xoxo and another oo for that legendary hug is needed now. All My Love Helen.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-14-2019, 04:51 AM

New day new me. Like always dear world I am newly returned from the war front. Those assassin's were no match no the boy's by my side. I stood with nightmares as my best friends but opened my eyes and her light guided me into the life around me. I am well once more dear Prince I have such respect for you and all you have done for me. I could never have made it without the men and women of the front lines.

Peace is made in my soul. The Baron has been converted to our cause, all it took was to recognize his need to love and be loved was as real as ours be at peace. No more war rages our countryside The Docktor is now a prince no longer a Baron of hurt. We have known your ways my brother and we are with you all of hurt pledges to your day of hope. Lights fixed my soul found me a home and something to aspire to my dear Helen will see a changed man that is my pledge sweet King.

Dear Helen I am well and whole once more, if you will be my friend and if you can accept me as I am I would be honored to know you more. Love you for all time eternally yours my best friend and my hope and my sweet Prince and King. xoxoxoxxxxoo

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-15-2019, 07:58 AM

Dear Silent Watcher, we have captured the command. Our mission is pure and selfish. We wanted to overthrow all set up not in the name of love. Why for one I hurt my Helen after I had become hurt by the world so we needed redemption for me and she needed to taste the darkness. I went up by going down.

We are freed by our faith in love over all. I became a king under the guise of Imagination a source of all creation. If you have not tried the art of creation than we are all less better off for your creation is needed in this world. Be yourself above all other things dear DocktorTrust as I will remain The Prince of Troy Helen Your Queen.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-16-2019, 04:39 AM

Ok well another day in paradise. So it is all kind of fuzzy but I got this much to say, She is fine. Yeah forget what you thought about oh she ok and oh I seen better. This chick is fine. I like big butts and I can not lie. lol. So DocktorTrust he on the down low she ain't really what you would call all that sane, women am I right lol.

But honestly she makes me saner by the day sir Prince I might have met an equal and never tell her this but I think she has me beat by a mile. If I play my cards right I might just be lucky enough to meet her in the flesh of my flesh and bones of my bones. I love she has a beauty mark on her eye lid and one on her neck. one on two or three on her arm I think the right one.

Ok I I dreamed dear Prince my buddy Tarl was taking me to a motel joint had a girl in the car with me I could like she was flirting heavy with me but inside I just wanted my laptop to see my Helen. So it ended and me and this chick did nothing and I woke up knowing I am a one woman guy. Only ever my Helen for me sweet Prince and tell your King he got me and my Legions on board for his fight.

We maybe outlaws and killers the lot of us be we got heart, well some of us well I do and I speak for the lot and they raise their sails for my banner sweet King and your glory is in my hands and I sing of love taking over all I did command. let love sort them our love is golden like a sweet sunrise you feel home checks. We good now get on with your bad self. I got a smile to make once I make the coffee for mommy.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-17-2019, 12:22 PM

Well dear Docktor I have seized your very soul. Enter my domain and know no fear or pain. We painted the sky blood red and they all did die like flies who tried too much to spy on my spine. Silver serpents who snatched away the clouds but our rainbows hid away your frown from all who could not hear your sounds.

I sailed on galleys of might red beards rebel crew as we plotted our course far off from you golden city we wanted our own damn horses. No one rules the militia's of the second and hours cause your days were never spent in the showers. Kings grovel at my feet cause I make them beg and plead. Mercy for none who dash away my right and liberties.

I send shadows in my wake as ghosts of finer days, treat each other with care know I am always right here and I will be right there. One with the mind our souls know rest we know we can split and divide. Our spirits of freedom sanely on our flags we raise the black and white flag. All bones are white dear mortals including my own never let yours be sold for a coin or and home.

Your family comes first and foremost and mine is with me now as never before we paid the prince his toll and he found Jupiter on his own. Heaven awaits for those willing to fight for it and those willing to know when we can make peace and when it is time to go to war. I sent demons on ahead they wore halo's and wings as a jest. I am stark craven mad like a soldier without any orders and no plans.

We are Kings in these our lands of Warlocks and Trinket boxes and I burned myself in diamond dust as the angels always cry though they do not know we are all made from the sane same mind of our Docktor's of Trust like my Brother the sTorM who battled the devil himself who was I and he did survive. Or like my brother The False Parasite who was not a demon or mental but sang songs to his own drumming heart and raged as well against Me the Good Docktor Trust I did burn in the flames among all us angels I silently pray Helen is Alright this night and ever after.

I bid you farewell Loco Sir. Knight of the council of Hyena's Who Do Guard A Sacred Heart Of My Dove Of Sweet Source So Purely Divine Wild Hot Pink Diamond I have been so blind.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-18-2019, 05:34 AM

Well dear sToRm, I am united within my physical being. The Prince, King, Helen, Good Docktor and Me The Baron of Hurt are at peace. anything and everything is possible now. Visions of a amazing life will play out and I will help many people with my new freedom. I love myself in ways never known to me before.

In joy I share Good news the world may be in for a good and happy time ahead but we all must do our parts. service to ourselves is just as important as service to others. since we need to feel good to be in a mood where we are helping and not being angry. I am a creative force of nature itself. In trust I care for my family knowing they need my aid but remember I am my family also.

You can not put yourself down pamper yourself with things good for your body. My wish is others know my bliss. In truth I have many great dreams here is one, All people know the love like mine. she is kind and giving and joyful. she cares for me like no one else would even believe. she lets me know am needed and honors my need for faith and hope. she gracefully gave me hope and joy and power and strength. I learned to feel glad and goodness from her very stubborn faith in me.

I am honored to call Helen my best friend above all others, she filled me with songs and poems and painted my sky. made life enduring and radiant. No one knows bliss like this until they know full love of self and their mates self. In my words I tell you she is more angel than mortal and that brings me desire to know her flesh more than anything else. we will be in such mighty a union unlike I ever dreamed possible.

Trust good Docktor you will be healed and given class like never known before. you will entertain kings and queens and they will take bliss from your wisdom. Helen is over the moon my man she is in near buoyant bliss. you know I thought I saw that spark in you since your wee child days. you are right the green ranger did not betray anyone he was corrupted by the world.

She saved a part of you in her and you saved a part of her in you and with fire you melded as one. our promise is like merry wandering bard's bohemian kings return to the earth to laugh and sing. this life is only getting good why end it now? Besides you got games to play, friends to make. she needs more time so it will be given. maybe some space.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-19-2019, 07:56 AM

Ok Viewers in ode to Will Keith and with honors to my buddy Tarl The Docktor is in. We need to get to the bones of the bird. It may taste like candy but it is good for you no doubt. I praise the wind and the earth. Honor my ancestors and those that are to come after I am dead and gone.

With joy in my soul I will make it known we never had all the answers but our love for each other united us all. Faith in our brothers and our sisters to defend to the death or liberties and freedoms from those who would wrongly rule over us. We rose into the clouds and found and empty throne, cause The King is inside us all.

We are creators and we make universes in our minds. We make Music and games and have fun. We need to stand together as Gods among those who do not imagine and help them imagine by letting them play games and make songs. Dance with the moon and let the sun we your light. Fill your soul with the spirit of creation and be your own masters of your own kingdoms.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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12-21-2019, 09:53 AM

New understanding deepens with time brother sToRm. I sought understanding from all of creation and found it in all of creation. I never spoke wrong words only misunderstood them in my own mind. We are Gods certainly for we may create imagine but are we not imaginings of the God of the Gods. Are we not like children playing with daddy's toys. Yes indeed if we make mistakes how powerful would a King of King's of imagination be who that he did Imagine us.

Like toy thing's we get proud and imagine ourselves big and strong but our Imagination is a gift of our maker who delights in us doing well with it. when we imagine things in our own waking world of destruction or even in our very thoughts know it is better to leave them in your mind with our King of King's Lord. One master of all is better and you may have your own ways sToRm and that goes for all who read this good docktor's notes.

I am not perfect but trying better each day to hone my perfection. I base my successes on each past day of my own life and no one else should you compare yourself to but yourself. I compared myself to the Prince and The Baron but neither are me. I am a good docktor of trust in my self not your self but mine. Too much truth is never bad but in the seeking you may be harmed but all will get better in time.

My King I honor you with this that my Yes will be a yes and my No will be a No and No pledges will escape my mouth. Yes I love dear Helen with all of me for all eternity that is my wish my choice and my will to love her. In honor of her I give myself some space from her now and take peace in the silence and joy in day by day keeping the times and hours. No more chasing moon's and stars.

Helen I give you this yes that I am a man no God but I can dream and Imagine by the grace of my God who is our father in paradise. We can make paradise in this world to honor our fallen all of the fallen who have fell asleep with our brother the prince of peace. No I am not religious but I wanted to force a message from Helen and it was wrong I am deeply sorry.

My King is the only good one but he has grace that we may attempt to be like him and also like his son who in my eyes was good. I chose to be a Good Docktor of Trust to honor the Good Prince of peace and His Good King of peace that I may be King of my own castle God willing and that if I would be lucky one day, I would choose for my queen sweet Helen of Troy who is in my eyes perfect and though I do know none but my prince and his king are perfect we all strive to be good and God willing we will remain calm.

Peace be with you good viewers and may My prince speak only sweet things of you to our king. Love you amazing Helen your every bit is perfect just the way you are. When I think that I may have cause tears to fall from your eyes it only drives me to do better. When I think I may have broken your heart so many times it only propels me to remain sane, take my meds and try to carry on in my medical mission.

Your fire sends radiant light into my soul, your spirit soars above my bones and your blood is better not poured out. I read of your tales of wild wolf beasts who knew love it gave me heart. The one woman's hair smelled of vanilla, honey, and cinnamon. I try and pretend that is as your hair dear woman I miss reading your blurbs since they were windows into your mind.

Tender violet rainbows with golden and silver clovers fill my bones and blood purging the baron out my very being. In praise to my one high king I beg my prince to rid me of that darn baron and his vile back and forth games. I ascend Free.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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01-03-2020, 08:46 AM

"Dear Docktor this is important you read this with care. You can not help them all do not try it will destroy you"...

I lost my cool today Helen. Not sure if you read this or even if you are not just a figment of my wild mind. Anger came to me in a sudden snapping and I lost it. My dear baron was inside my brother mine and he pushed me to my break. He has the mental trouble and sharing a roof with people who do not know they need to take their meds is very hard. He thinks only of himself he is former me.

I was just as him and seeing my shadow self mirrored by my own brother mine is frustrating to all ends. I found my tool bag with the memory stone with your precious pictures and they bring me peace when I fear I have imagined a woman so kind. I got glasses coming to my home and I can't wait to take so many pictures of my face with glasses on.

I hope you still like me but even if you don't it will be ok and I wish only love and peace and joy for all the world. Truth is The Lord of Hosts dwells within me but does not wish to rule over me. He is like a guide to avoid my own destruction and the causing of pain to others. Also true I may just be so burned by the devil and so far gone into madness this at least is a small comfort I can offer myself to feel better if the fellow men and women around me put me into a camp of death.

My depression is as much apart of me as anything else. The right to cry is not something I will ever surrender the right to be angry and feel fear. My humanity is my best quality I will never surrender. High King or High Queen I don't care no one may take away my humanity. This world is an evil one I do not care what they lie we tried our best and they screwed us over so I will claim My own wealth and power so they may never treat my family like trash again.

Those rich fools treat us like we are filth and nothing well they will not change me into a devil like them. I am not from this world but one to come. Until The Lord of Lords rules in the holy city I will never surrender to power hungry madmen. The devil may enslave none for he will become dust and never rise But I am Docktor Trust I am an Angel of The Lord Della Vossa who rules all creation all who doubt are only fools. Let it be known The High King Lord Della Vossa Rules all things and as His angel Doctor Trust is Arch_Angel for His right and good Father Lord Della Vossa.

Peace Peace Vossi I got you covered. You Lord Loves you even though no one is worthy of your love for they all have forsaken Their High King and He does not care about any of them fools any more.

[Image: Y4TGOBQ.jpg]
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01-14-2020, 08:54 AM

Well good Prince the game is a foot once more. I met our sweet baron of hurt she was as angelic as you described and more. Also you were right my good Prince I am a King after all. Human is not a bad thing but good gift and we must never forget to stay alive. Our King's and Queens in the sky are as peaceful as can be and yes we keep ourselves when we go up high and fly like our Prince did that graceful day.

You may be as free as me cause my darling dear lives this day and my Prince was sure in his making of her for me and me for her. We make ourselves so happy and he unites us no matter our faith. Kingdom has come and none of us lost our ideas. Dear Prince good news I honor you and all did this world mean to us all. I founded my own Bad Guy code like my uncle the champion taught me.

Safety is mine with humanity cause they all love me as I am. I honor my best friends and all will be ok. Keep your family traditions know our good Prince gave good on all his words and made us all like him magical and sweet. Unity is ours I repeat Unity is ours. Liberty to trust in our makers good creation found i was good man as I am even in my mess and fat and hurt teeth. love was gift from our maker sweet.

Jump for joy and to This Good Docktor's best friend Thunder Knuckles I bow to you and ask you would you set me free? I am Home and glad for our freedom set free by my Brother Thunder Knuckles a Respect and bow to you friend. All is going to last our family has our backs. We all make it into the sky and go even beyond beyond.

My lovely angel Helen sweet has claimed me and me her way back before we were made cause it was planned up in the sky. I bow to all her loves as she does mine meaning all creation me and dear Helen of Troy and her Mate Achilles The Wise aka The Docktor's surprise sends warm rays of sunshine upon all this and all our sweet valleys of plenty. Peace Love Jump for Joy and Dear viewers This has been a message to my brother Della Vossa the younger never forget to rise.

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01-17-2020, 04:03 AM

OK sir I have a message from my brother who has a wish. to step down from his Throne. I too agree it is good. This good Docktor has a missive from Della_Vossa it is odd he talks in poetry wild man forgive him his nuts are too big lol.

Signals ignite my desire to retire. I gained all I wanted and it was only myself. If I were a King i would step down, Also any Powers would resign them. Inspired by the Prince of America who is now free Della_Vossa is King No more!!

High pains sent me to drive outward bound into the void and I found I was annoyed by passive wishing for saved might.
Jumping into my side i found i was in fright. Cause i only delight in our rights. Call me as you wish I am just a man all i am is This solid meat suit full of love anger and sad stuff. I can not be tamed or maintained but I am Now Free of your lights.

Shadows tried to control me too but i walking into my own self and wander from their dark too. Get bed over your mine and i toss all into the sky and am full of my own delight. Our self is restored. I am Patrick O'Rourke. Forever More!!!!

well fellows that was his word to me and my words to you are kiss your own asses. peace peace love and soul.

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02-05-2020, 12:17 PM

feeling much better sirs and ladies. Docktor here recovering from plane crash i hit my head is ok. my hope is in my dear prince to very good and when i see him i can give him a big hug. ok god bless goofy good docktor out.

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02-17-2020, 09:16 PM

Saving my self from alter dimensional bores, my decent into madness may have cause harm.. All in good fun. World stopping demented queens wanted to take control of me.

Inter-time travel through a galactic hidy hole is crazy sent from bellow not above but beyond the diamonds all around. I believe in you reader dear. All is dancing into my raving crowd saving phantom guns. Moon master ass blaster, remote dasher. You are free now set me
free than come and follow me. Under the fur tree i found cedar waiting for me. Aglow with tasty treats i understood i can now eat.

Ravens caw and crows bow but i swim into void with light inside my toys. Center rocking time and erasing all trace of your past pain you remain. We reign as Gods among the silent sleepers who need our saving grace. I call you to be a sheep free sole who dances with dragons.

Fly Phoenix. Never despise my wild lies I do try.

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02-24-2020, 12:25 PM

Good news from our Prince. he would like to say thank you all in the xwf99 for welcoming his agent myself The good docktor trust. also I with high hopes i am in future talks with my sweet Helen who has pledged her eternal love for me.

Things go well on the field of battle yes i still feel many pains that is the joy of life. Honor all our risen for the dead I know do rise are with the Great King even our funny baron of hurt sends his words of stay strong and carry on also he asks for you all to never give up the struggle to keep fighting. Our king his prince and the bloody baron of hurt all send their warm wishes we succeed in this life.

God be with you all for those who do not believe in him also then I believe in you for ever fight on!!!!!

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03-06-2020, 03:33 PM

Greetings and Good news My Mind has returned. Her name is true. She brought darkness but also light and happy thoughts. My brother Mr. bRiaN The Storm that comes, he finds solace in her abyss. I welcome this. I am Docktor Trust after all.

Hello friends I am The Doctor I am here with you now. My best friend Shane, We fought in hell and in Paradise but I belong to the river as do you. Dear Engineer I am coming to get you cause you made my dear friend Lux feel pain. Azrael dear fellow it is wondrous to encounter a being from beyond, I am fascinated by your rare unknowns. I deeply look forward to future rendezvous with you brother of beyond.

My sincerest love for you Thunder Knuckles we are indeed true family. Jir Miller my good pal we have seen much in this our wild hunt... D'Ville I am coming for you. Will teach you meaning of Fear. I Fier is coming I am sorry my friend she will not stop.

Hootie she's good. The Truth Will Set You Free... And She Will

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03-28-2020, 01:47 PM

I am Free from all bounds. Limitations are not mine. My world is eternal my foundation is Myself. I anchor in Self. I am all seen and unseen for I am Me. I am who I am that is myself in repose. I order the chaos into magical hugs from beyond. I alter the scene into Fire from the Gong. Hear me Now as I say Hello. The Docktor is Dying he must now let go. I enter your maddness as he lets all know.

One Kingdom for Kamalot is Mine now Who is leaving my show. I am Boss of All bosses and Hired master of Romeo. He will Live on in my Command of Light and Shadows as The Prince has Now entered the Show. Meet Della Vossa's Dog the Docktor of Woe.

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04-14-2020, 03:12 PM

Well good people the news is well, I have recently returned from a train journey. It was tough goings at first yet I am reminded of all my many trials and troubles in my fruitful life I have survived much.

My Prince sends his regards as I continue on my quest searching for my beloved. It has been such a grand time.
Though i am sure to be disregarded as a fool I do believe my joy to be more open with you all and dear Helen never forget I am near your side. My truth is I am a good docktor of trusted regard.

My beloved has returned in case I have not let it be known for things of the deepest personal nature I am enchanted to be beloved of Helen of Troy who through time portal made her way here to this world beyond the time she was from and also my own time long ago.

We were transported to a time so far into the future it has marvels i could scarcely conceive. My word how I would never imagine living in a time where people use their portable talking devices to speak any tongue known to man. It is odd living here where I am considered a quack for using coco plant and lord only knows what these peoples medicines are made from now.

King I am sure this is all common knowledge to you since you know all things being who you are dear king but My word is this all so strange things. well my plans are to become a common man in these very new days. With hope for the future i believe my knowings of poetry and my tremendous size and strength will aide me in my journey to normal enough of a life.

I was recognized as the great doctor that I am recently in a award for medicine and health planning. in these dire times a good doctor is what this world needs and I am That docktor. In days to come I will be calling out many of you good fighters and warriors and My powers and connection to the prince and Our sweet King will bring mighty wrath upon all in my path to the titles. I am calling out all who hold a Title the Doctor is here and is ready to raise his hand and claim all titles. None will survive my medical attention. The Doctor is Out.

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04-28-2020, 01:35 PM Heart  re:The Good DockTor's Notes -->

Well and good plus high regards from the front. It is and has been quite a long time since I have had time to sit down a journal. much has transpired. also my dear one sweet Helen of Troy has gone and spoiled me rotten. we get along so great. seriously our love has grown so much stronger. each time I fear she has woken up and became aware as If I were not sane. time has been seen me by such wild times.

It is good and well that my prince is still keeping me on as his Knighted docktor of Trust. with lighted hearty laughs I take in my smoke like a nice peace pipe.

As time goes on I move further and further from that war that blasted trench. it still hold scars from those many battles and still hold nightmares in the deepest of my nights. In my darkest moment I feared lost then the king charged into battle and rescued us from shear defeat. we battled various beings of pure darkness and used our good light to destroy the enemies of our friendship and unity.

I am on loan from my regiment and I use all i can to do good as much as I can. despite my dark days I return to the prince and hope that my mind does not leave me any more. the wounds i endured in the war have been recovering and in time I hope to be more myself. without fear good things will come i have heard of a Storm approaching...

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06-05-2020, 01:45 PM

Good News, My prince sends his regards.

Dear Helen How I wish to see your smile. Long have I dreamed to know you by my side. It looks like things have been heated up over here on the front and I can not be back to you in this life time. How I dream of knowing you one last time.

I need to know it was worth it and we did not die in vain, let me know you have peace dear sweet Helen of Troy. My mind is slipping from me as the bombs drop all around me, I need to know you will be there in the Kingdom when I am brought into my kings side.

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07-03-2020, 05:16 AM

Good News Dear Helen,

I was recently promoted to Major in His Majesties Armed Forces. with the promotion I was given a job to Protect some elite's son who is an up and coming artist of some renown. They say his life is in danger cause the goons calling themselves the "Canceler's" want to cancel him but good.

My job is increasingly difficult cause he insists on being in these public gatherings you know to shore up support so he is not canceled. trouble is they seem hell bent on bringing him down and no one even knows why or tries to speak out against the Cancelers cause they have too much power and may cancel you if you do speak out.

I am not sure if I was trained to fight an enemy that wears so many faces and may use so many tactics against me. If I can not defend this young man he will lose his life like the other and my promotion will be gone. Dear Helen what would you have me do no one speaks out against the mob any more it will be my neck.

The Truth is Justice is blind and staying silent in the face of injustice is worse then cowardice it is the same as if I held the torch and pitch fork. Angry mobs need to be stood up against or they will come for us all in the end. Dear Helen I want the world to know I did not remain silent that I said no when they came trying to hang an innocent man I Yelled No You Can't Have This One!

Maybe I am mad for believing the common man has a sense of right from wrong but maybe that is why Our Prince became a King on Calvary. Maybe that is what defines the men from the children those who can speak out do and those who voice calm and peace in the wild whirl wind of hate and injustice are what make the world a better place.

Will you speak out in my name sweet Helen when they come to Cancel me? Will there still be someone to speak out for us all when it is our time to be Canceled? I sure do hope this world is not fully spilled into madness and good decent people are still out there standing up for the little guy. This good Doctor of Trust will not let hate and fear destroy the innocent. For Truth, Justice and The American Way.

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08-19-2020, 09:20 PM

Dear Baron, It has come to my attention you have taken My dear Helen of Troy.
Know I will destroy you if you so much as harm my angel. The war has made me dangerous and you will know Hurt.

I have sent word to my Prince that my faith in him is ever strong, Untested I may have become slow or lost my edge. But since the assassins and many battles fought and won I am now In full possession of my faculties. You know the way the waves hit the sand on the beaches of our childhood year my King that is how I must move. In swift bursts of freedom I find my strength.

I do not fear the silence any more. I welcome the darkness for I have inside of me a burning light. Serpents may be hiding in the tall grass but Legions descend from the open sky. I was summoned to the air to face off with Demons of fright but my warriors ways saved us each and every night. Mount up traveler we seek our fortune and the good Docktor seeks his queen while I Prince of light seek to divide.

Sing me songs of the wild woods, of yonder days of yore yet lived. Only the bells that pierce the tender clouds hurt the baron and we will Trumpet to the heavens to return dear Helen of Troy to our good doctor trust.

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09-20-2020, 06:16 AM

Good News Dear Helen,

I have found strength in the nearness of my Prince. His coronation is soon any day now. It is his strength in these dark days that I find comfort in. My battle with the enemy was fierce and even though I had grave nightmares I felt safe thinking about how the mighty kingdom would be.

Truth is I have many fears and many times I doubt my King but Love is never wrong. My faith in Love over all things will keep me strong. When fear is allowed to rule your life it is misery which is why I stay with Love in my heart. Do not let fear rule you and never forget that we were made with for love and by love.

Trust in yourselves and stay strong this war will not be won without hope. Do not worry peace will be ours even in our darkest times we can turn to our Prince and seek his guidance and never forget Our King sends his love and will bids us listen to his sons words.

Love your enemy is only possible if we can learn to love ourselves for all our faults we are in the end people of Love. To quote Dio Be Love.

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11-22-2020, 08:32 AM Heart  re:The Good DockTor's Notes -->

Dear King, The War has raged wild with pure chaos. In time I hope to be in your Kingdom again.

Lost sight of my true mission cause I was trapped in a box. Like chained to a wall I could only see what was in front of me all the minor stuff I did not see going on added up to such madness. So many went hungry still others only knew darkness.

Dear Helen, I am not the man you once knew. My fears got the better of me and I failed to stop the bleeding.

It was not my job to break into the shadows nor was it my job to witness the shock wave in the aftermath of such death.

Dear Prince, I broke all my vows for your war. Everything I Valued was tossed aside. Even my faith in you was put to the test, Yet I never wavered in my conviction that the war was justified.
Still in the end you must not lose your trust in me and my men. We will survive this conflict or else we will earn our crowns through death if need be but we will never allow our hope in your Kingdom to cease.

Dear Father, Have I not kept my word? Did I not fight with Honor?

Dear Mother, was not all you hoped in me made realized? Did I not answer all their doubts of me?

Dear Helen, I am not done with this war. The Baron of Hurt was a Liar as ever he was known to be. I was a fool to hope in peace when so much has been lost. Do not give in to the terror.

Trust in your King, Prince and Your Good Docktor of Trust...[/size][/font]

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