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The lottery. It’s lethal. Viva Las Vegas.
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BoxOffice_Brian_OHaire Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-08-2019, 01:09 PM

We open to see the interior of a casino. People milling around various tables and slot machines. The incessant dinging and ringing of the machines overpowers much of the hubbub. It is bright, almost like a sensory overload. We then see "Box Office" Brian O'Haire sitting at a slot machine. It whirrs through it's motions. "NO WIN". flashes up repeatedly, as Brian visibly gets more and more frustrated. He inserts another $100 bill into the machine and continues to play.

A waiter walks up to him

Waiter : Can I get you something to drink sir?

Brian: Your BEST Vodka with Ice please.

Waiter: No problem Sir.

[The waiter wanders off and Brian continues to play the slot machine. It is evident he isn't winning. Though neither is anyone. Brian turns to see the camera which has been filming him and his losing effort at the slot machine.]

Brian : God, You camera weasels get everywhere. I came here early to get in the Vegas spirit ahead of Savage on the 16th of November. A night where round two of the lethal lottery will take place. You might think that it's a bit unusual for me to come here so early, especially given how long it is until the actual show, but, there's a few good reasons for me to get here early. Firstly, I goddamn love this place. The debauchery, the filth, the scandal. The sheer exuberance of this place. For a man like me it's a dream come true. I've had many many many great nights here, from wrap parties to the best club nights. I've seen and done it all here, and for me, there's nothing finer than jumping straight in and soaking yourself knee deep in the utter insanity that is Vegas. Hell, I've done people and things that would put Peter Gilmour to shame, and that's really saying something. Come to think of it, his penis is a thing of legend in certain avenues in this place. So, I guess in a way, he's got that to be proud of, and I've got something to aspire to. The fine wines. The free flowing alcohol. The free flowing women. The potential to win big, or lose bigger. To hit incredible highs and even lower lows. Vegas is what it's all about.

[The waiter reemerges with a bottle of vodka, and a pre poured serving in a glass, he hands it over to Brian]

Waiter : Sir.

Brian : Thank you.

[Brian swigs the drink that was in the glass and places the bottle on a plinth beside him]

Brian : Holy fuck. Poooffffttttt. That's .... woooaft.

[The drink has clearly hit Brian quickly]

Brian : In some kind of way. Vegas in itself is a visual metaphor for everything that the lethal littery...err. loothal.. lo.... hahah... LETHAL LOTTERY stands for. Vegas is a city of great mystery and intrigue. Something which Lethal Lottery really is. It's a competition where you never know what your next alliance is going to be. Should you watch your back or should you let your guard down for the greater good. It's a city where big wins and crushing losses could occur at every corner, and to an extent, your destiny is not your own. It's red or black. It's sink or swim. It's the very embodiment of the ultimate gamble with a big prize at the end. And already, I've doubled down and made it through to the next stage. Donovan Blackwater, I have to thank you for being a great partner but in true vegas style, the dice has dropped on a new ally, and an even more intriguing foe.

Brian : Masterchef or whatever the hell your name is. Listen to me. CLEARLY you've accomplished a lot in your career here. A long title reign as the Hart champion, which is no mean feat. So kudos to you. But, what baffles me is your erratic win loss record. You've lost as many matches as you've won. I get that you have had a long career, but, for every win, you've been beaten just as many times. Doesn't say a lot about you does it? I personally think your achievements, while applaud-able, have flattered you a little Master chief... isn't that a halo thing? ummm.... Mastermind.. Whatever... There's a new breed of XWF superstar around here. I'm one of them. I'm not going to claim to be the best of them, but what I will say is that some of the newer guys around here, myself included are hungry. We have a desire, and dare I say it, we'll aspire to more than you old guard ever did. It's quite sad really that you guys feel the need to stomp around here as "legends" trying to mark your territory like a scruffy old dog in a back alley to try and show "you've still got it". Now, as I said, I'm not bitter. I actually gave you SOME credit. But, what I will say again is that your time is over. You have these delusions of going through to the semi finals of the lethal lottery, but my friend, that is not going to happen.

[Brian pours more vodka into the glass, he gets up swirls some vodka around the glass then starts to walk away from the slot machines. He heads towards the roulette table and places some chips down]

Brian : Red 24....

[The casino croupier spins the roulette wheel and proclaims “no more bets please”. The wheel spins fast, eager gamblers looking on along with Brian.... it falls on black 4]

Croupier : Black 4! Black 4!

Brian : Ahhhh fuck!!!

[Brian slams his hands down in frustration and walks away from the table and addresses the camera again]

Brian : Look. I might have taken a chance this time and lost. I might have took a leap into the unknown and lost. But, at Savage. For the lethal lottery. This leap into the unknown will not be a loss. It’ll pay dividends and the box office smash that is Brian O’Haire will continue this jackpot run. Now, Ruby. Oh god, Ruby. You delusional moron. Fuck me, I thought a Ruby was a bright striking incredibly vibrant thing, instead you’ve shown your no more valuable, brighter or vibrant than some goddamn granite. You call me out on being a Box Office Failure? You use the cliche thing that each and every one of my opponents so far has brought up and mentioned how some things at the Box Office fail. You’ve mentioned how some things in the box office aren’t worth investment. How original. How fucking original. Listen to me. Everyone. Every single one of my opponents has went there. You’ve not picked up on anything new. Your promo went to grounds that have been visited more than a Las VEGAS strip club, and it stunk just as much. I am not a gimmick. I am not a “character”. Box office is more than just a moniker, it’s my life. It’s my being. I have won goddamn emmys. I have Oscar nominations and I’ve got more royalty cheques that come my way than you could ever dream of. I came to the XWF to prove a point. I’ve made it. I have nothing I actually need to prove to anyone, but I just want to show that I can do ANYTHING. I am not going to say I’m the best, I’m not. But I have the potential to be. I’ve done it in everything else I have done. Hell, if it wasn’t for that fucking incident, I could still be smashing it away from here. So, Ruby. Don’t you dare underestimate my worth. Don’t you dare underestimate my being. It might just be the biggest mistake you’ll ever have made.

Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to get drunker than Boris on a weekday.

[Brian takes a couple of massive Gulps from the bottle of vodka, winces a little and slams some more chips on the table as the scene ends.]


[Image: xD2CdbJ.png]
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